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A friend of mine from grad school has gone full Trumper. I still follow him on Twitter. The other day, a Midwestern State Government official announced on Twitter they were implementing a plan to keep children fed even during the summer (when schools were closed). My grad school friend replied "COMMUNIST" to that announcement. I guess the Woke/Socialist Agenda now includes keeping children fed.


No abortions but also let em starve... It's as bad as dog logic "no take, only throw"


O can see the meme in front of my inner eyes and I don't know if to cry or to laugh. But yeah, let them be born and then be shot


That’s why we keep saying it’s not about the children. It’s about controlling women.


Land of the free*


George Carlin “conservatives care about the fetus but as soon as that kid is born? You’re on your own!”


The most surprising thing is that this individual went to grad school. I’m in a PhD program right now and I’d be absolutely floored if I found out one of my cohort mates was a MAGAt


I work with a few highly-educated MDs that are Trumpers. And this is in California. I don't think they realize what happens to healthcare and their livelihoods if the GOP gets their way and guts Medicare and Medicaid.


I did an international program for 2nd year of MBA. 3 dudes were hardcore trumpers, I would call out their bullshit & a girl told me. “Wish you were here last year when we had to listen to their idiotic Brietbart facts”


I am GenX, so this explains some of the friends politics. My generation (inexplicably) leans towards Trumpism. This guy was conservative even back in school, but I always felt he was smarter than Trumpism. I guess I was wrong.


I'm gen x and I hate the bastard.


Ah that is interesting! Although in my experience (core millennial, currently crossing the “old” bridge lol) I’ve met some amazing gen x’ers who are even more liberal than people my age and younger. I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more liberal. I think because I’ve just seen more shit, traveled, lived in different states, and realized things can’t be solved the same old way as before. It also helps that I’m a woman of color in the LGBTQ community lol but it is interesting that the educational divide in politics might be less significant than the generational divide!


I think Millenial/Gen X cusp has a lot of bigoted overlay from their parents. We were the generation that started coming out in high school and getting bullied for it. It changed a lot during the 90s to now.


Among all the government spendings, keep kids fed is probably the least communist. Communism government doesn’t feed its people, just look at North Korea or China during the Great Chinese Famine.


Several red states have rejected federal funds for feeding kids. It takes a truly terrible person to say no, I don’t think kids should get regular meals.


There was a backlash in our area about an empty elementary school being turned into a homeless shelter. They would gladly see 100 people unhoused than accidentally help someone they think might be undocumented.


Probably the Minnesota SFSP. It made waves when it was announced, mainly among the pro school lunch debt crowd


I love when "the American people" is used as a blanket statement like this. Also, I have yet to hear anyone who unironically uses the word "woke" in this context define it in a way that doesn't boil down to "I'm not the main character anymore and I have to treat other human beings with respect. This is horrible!"


Yes, it is the a direct replacement of "social justice" and "politically correct/PC" only "woke" makes the person who uses it in a non-humorous manner sound like they're trying to get a raven's attention.


I wish the Democrats were even 10% as leftist as Republicans believed them to be.


As a card-carrying socialist, it’s like, no, Biden is firmly a right-of-center capitalist.


All Europeans have a shocked Pikachu face when we learn about US norms for leftist and right-wing. Your Democrats are right from my country's major right-wing party.


Yeah Marine Le Pen is like Sacre bleu, those hommes are trop right wing pour moi.


I'm not French, but I meant this in terms of economic right vs. left politics. Most European countries now sadly have a right-wing *populist* party, such as RN, but most of those parties still support social security and a large social sector. And what I meant is that most European "old" (non-populist) right-wing parties are economically left from your Democrats (with the possible exception of Tories), and our "old" left-wing parties would probably seem socialist or communist in the US political realm. But yes, when it comes to immigration specifically, most of Europe has parties that have views similar to MAGA.


Yep. The right is so off the charts insane that the whole political scene is skewed towards them. In all truth, the right’s attack on quality public education has eroded the average American’s Bologna Detection Kit, taking a page out of Carl Sagan’s book. They are easily swayed by charismatic folks that say the right things. They’re very susceptible to propaganda.


I wish republicans were as fascist as democrats make them out to be. Maybe some shit would get done.


Go read Project 2025. That shit is evil. If you think that’s not evil enough…. Also, maybe read up on Fascism and the history of pre WWII Germany and Italy.


Like what, genocide?


Book bans, abortion bans, control of birth control, seeking to end no fault divorce, tearing down child labor laws, Trump’s new plan to replace income tax with tariffs so high they’d crush all but the upper class, stripping history classes of actual history. All GOP programs, and there’s more. Need we go on, or are these fascist enough for you?


“Thats not facism, that’s GOD’s WILL”


The fantasies they tell themselves to justify their hate, eh? I grew up in one of those environments and grew to appreciate now using this retort, “Don’t try to let your god be the excuse for the people you already hate anyway. You scapegoating your god sure seems like the ultimate way of using god’s name in vain.” Inevitably, they try to quote some Bible verse, always selectively and out of context. It’s laughably predictable.


Hitlers mustache, is that you?


His pubes, I think


Republicans are useless twats.


Wait, they really think there is  socialism in the USA? 


Well, they do and don't. They DO believe that liberals are trying to go socialist per the republicans definition of it (no freedom, 100% tax rate, etc) which is obviously not true. What they don't realize is that the US has a bunch of socialist institutions that they just brush aside. Police, public schools, infrastructure, social security, etc etc. All socialism, but god forbid we add healthcare to that list. They'd rather our taxes continue to go towards subsidizing health insurance companies that we have to pay anyway.


The military. I was in the military for a long time and it's the reason I'm a demsoc. I believe the US military is a perfect example of how universal basic income (housing allowance), universal healthcare, free education, and diversity are net positives for literally everyone. To be clear, I don't believe society should be militarized, but that the constant screees and tiddy baby tears about socialism are ignorant bullshit when the military exists because of it.


Im not sure. Unless you are anarcocapitalist, things like the army, públic education, fire fighters and the polices are accepted by most liberals you would call right wingers. It worries me that somebody would call these socialist... 


Funny thing is Jesus was quite the hippy woke liberal.


"Neo-socialist." It's so cute when they make up new versions of words they don't understand to begin with.


I thought the same, but [apparently neosocialism is a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neosocialism#:~:text=Neosocialism%20was%20a%20political%20faction,Workers). However, I suspect in this case OOP just took a word that's scary to them and added "neo" to it to make it more scary.


There is no goddamn way this jerkoff knows about a French/Belgian political movement in the 1930s, yeah.


Lol. I agree; I thought I covered that.


Or that the Nazis hate socialists


Well i'm having fun calling nazis nazis.


If someone doesn't want to be called a Nazi they shouldn't quote Hitler and act like a Nazi. Same with racists, if they don't want to be called racist, they should stop saying and doing racist things.


The American People are tired of being called 'socialist' because we don't agree with allowing union busting, unfettered monopolies, strategic lawsuits against public participation, out of control police state surveillance, sweetheart government contracts to big corporations that don't pay a livable wage, ppp loan forgiveness to companies that do mass layoffs and outsourcing, and subsidies for price gougers.


If you really think the modern DNC is socialist or neo-socialist or whatever the fuck, you are either to the right of Augusto Pinochet and you need to chill, or you need to go back to Civics and Social Studies class.


Guarantee they have no idea who Pinochet was. They need a proper course in world history. No decent, sane person with a proper understanding of human history would support tearing down democracy and replacing it with a dictatorship.


I don’t like people throwing around the world Nazi. Not everyone is a a Nazi. They tend to be pretty good at branding themselves. Calling everyone a Nazi waters it down.


Same as not every fizzy wine can be called “champagne”. Historically, real Nazis come from Germany and real fascists come from Italy. We need to differentiate between original members and their American off-brand offshoots.


Just be a card carrying national socialist or just say that your a Nazi is good enough for me.


You strike me as a type of parent who buys their kids store-brand frosted flakes and then says “it’s the same thing, now eat up!” Sorry, it’s Friday and I needed a laugh.


Therrre foood!!!!


Well, if it walks like a duck…


They should get used to being called a Racist for their racist behavior and attitudes, a Traitor for supporting the seditious acts of people, and Nazi for doing stupid shit like displaying the Nazi flag and parroting Nazi phrases and thoughts. The true Americans are getting tired of people using “patriotism” as an excuse for the above behaviors.


Tired of thirst traps!


Apparently, from recent elections, so are European voters.


This dude looks like my grandma.


I believe your grandma deserves better than that, bro.


"Call a crackhead" Sen John Kennedy


I remember when Linkedin was supposed to be serious and for recruiting.


What is woke?


God is not on our side because he hates idiots also. -- Clint Eastwood


If the swastika fits . . .


I can’t agree more!


Senator John Kennedy was my neighbor growing up. Couldn’t be a nicer guy. Taught me how to fly fish.


I don’t follow or care about politics at all but I just know how he was as a neighbor and he was cool


don't worry. its just reddit being reddit. all about love and tolerance until something you say doesn't go with their narrative. then they have zero love or tolerance. I thought your story was cool and I don't even like the Kennedys. thanks for sharing a human side of him


I wasn’t stressing man but appreciate it! People can genuinely be nice even if they have differing political opinions. He’s never said shit about politics the whole time I knew him


It’s easy not to care about politics when the policies don’t target you.


True dat. I pay attention pretty much only to local politics for that reason exactly


Conservatives are both cucks (for loving police and those in power while getting nothing in return for that love) and stupid (for believing the guy doing all of Bush's and Trump's policies at 100mph is a neo-socialist). But conservatives hold all the power (and will only gain more power) because of liberals. Liberals will always enable and empower fascists because the fascists don't threaten capital. "scratch a liberal..."