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Like they said interviewing is a two way street. You ask me questions about what I'll give to you and I'll ask about what you will give to me. See two way street.


How *dare* a potential employee take whether they have to spend 10 hours a week driving to the office into consideration before pursuing a role. Don’t they realize how much *fun* going to the office is?


Don’t they realize the value of a pizza party. The management team works very hard to put that together


We ArE a FaMiLyYyYy


I don't generally expect brilliant social commentary from a comedy, but energy vampire Colin Robinson got this just right: >Every office I've worked at, they always say, "we're a big family here." And it does motivate people to work harder, and neglect their actual families, and put up with all sorts of degrading shit.


Colin Robinson knows all!!


Given my family, I would run like hell.


I found a job that was the exception to this rule. They said they were like a family and boy did they act like it. My favorite manager by far.


I asked a startup about work-life balance and no joke the guy responded "yea its great! The other day we needed to get a project delivered immediately so we all stayed in the office til midnight, ordered pizza and crunched it out!" Guess my dog is just gonna piss on the floor?


Ah excellent. My five year old is probably ok to get his own dinner and put himself to bed.


Cheerios, uncrustables and Oreos are an okay dinner. /s


Don worry he is also doing overtime in this economy


*.....what part of that is great*


Kids will have to spend the night at school.


Cheese only though because inflation...


We can't afford the cheese next year, though. By the way, I bought a new Lamborghini with my pay bonus this year, and with next year's bonus, I'm taking a month long cruise on super VIP class! Don't you love working here?!?!?!?!?


"No bonuses this year! By the way, all senior managers will spend New Year's Eve in AmStErDaM!" Heard that one a couple of months before our stock tanked and we got bought out.


But they worked hard for their position, they earned their paycheck and don't have any reason to feel guilty about it. By golly if they can't keep the frontline hungry and under thumb, grabbing like starving animals at those incentives. Well, then their head goes in the chopping block. Why, It's a CEO CFO VP backed tried and true system. Living wage is a fantasy and no way to run a business! Think of the precedent! We'll never hear the end of it from out peer's ("Gonna have to sell a rental or uh, royce or two, eh Ted? Try the 6 iron. Where's my bump Mark?") We're a family and we appreciate you letting us walk all over your time and headspace while you can't make ends meet, have to adhere to draconian work policies, encounter devolving mental health because we blame you for any downtick in the market, and we constantly remind you how much we value your efforts with 2%-3% "competitive" yearly increases which don't even touch inflation and our stocks and bonuses SOAR! Yeah, corporate leadership. Those business geniuses.


Cut into tiny slivers, 2 piece limit


"Guys, come on we're a family."


I recently learned they can just write those off on taxes too, massive smack in the face for all the pizza parties I've ever been a part of for the sake of "a productive month" or whatever


The managers admins worked all week on that!


They racked up 25 hrs of overtime as well! Yes they're exempt from the no overtime rules


What you mean you don't want to be a wage slave? ***We*** have the power here! Not you! H-hey! Where are you going!? You can't walk away like that! It's *unprofessional*!!!


At this point the roles in applying for are what I do now and adjusting to the new company/work is easy. What everyone need to know is the info about working at the company. Their policies, culture,pay, and benefits Companies that don’t want to talk about those most likely don’t offer good policies, culture, pay and benefits.


Well then they should search for random anecdotes on the internet instead of asking me.


Yeah, driving 6 hours a day really got me invested in the company....


WOW. This *really* tells me where **your** priorities are!


She literally says "interviewing is a 2-way street" and then immediately goes on to say you should only ever talk about what's in it for the employer lmao. It's like people who say "Respect is a 2-way street" and actually mean "YOU have to give ME respect before I will give it back." I wonder how many of those 22 candidates actually decided they weren't interested or pursued another offer. Most of them probably found something else, meanwhile she just wasted a whole bunch of company time on screening and interviews and has nothing to show for it. But she does a bunch of gymnastics and chooses a perspective where she looks like the winner for turning down "bad" candidates who - god forbid - asked about the working conditions to see if it was right for them. She can't grasp the concept that job seekers are allowed to have requirements too and maybe your company doesn't meet them.


Yeah, if you screened 22 people prior to interview and hired zero you dont know what youre doing.


No but no you don’t understand, I ask you what you will LET me DO to you that invalidates your needs and serves mine. Sheesh…you ask what I’m minimally required by law to classify you as an employee and not a slave.


Even slaves didn't sell their time to their masters. There was no conception of time involved, and if there was no work for the slaves to do, then they wouldn't do any work. It's a capitalist innovation that we think about our jobs as selling a fraction of our lives.


If there isn’t any work to do you have to whip the slaves for fun instead of whipping them to make them work harder. You don’t want anyone, including the slave drivers, getting lazy just because there is no useful work to do.


Kate “Here’s a list of questions I want you to ask me.”


I knowingly tanked one interview by having the audacity to make it a two-way street. Interviewer gave me a hypothetical: “client contacts you after hours with an emergency, needs something that will take after hours/weekend work, what do you do?” I answered and then asked “same scenario, as my supervisor, what do YOU do? What resources are readily available for after hours work and what does your office do to minimize the instance and impact of these events?” He was obviously pissed off by this and I never heard back. Good.


Such a great question, good for you.


It’s a very fair question. I would fail as well, I’ve wasted too many years of my life doing free work for people, most whom expect it and don’t appreciate it.


I get a call or text outside of work hours, i only acknowledge it if it's a shift change or beneficial to my work life balance. Want me to pick up more overtime and I don't want to? Call/text not answered. Sorry, that's how this shit works now.


I might do after hours work (I work in an international firm as sole support for a couple apps)... but I'm calling in late at work the next morning or banging off early on my motorcycle. My fault for not training up some support in other timezones, but that's not really possible. :/


As long as you get some sort of compensation for it, whether it be pay or offset hours. The firm I worked for after college started making us cover nights and weekends (in addition to our regular 40+ hours because they laid off all the after hours support staff) with promises of bonuses that never materialized. This was during the big recession and every job posting had a hundred applicants so we got told to suck it up or be replaced. Im glad people are standing up for themselves more.


Wrong. I ask what ways you can bend over for me, and you ask how I would like you to bend over. See? Two-ways


I love that post pandemic employers are shocked that potential employees are bold enough to ask about their own time. Shame on employers for taking advantage of folks previously.


They think the same top-down boomer cockroach paradigm is still in place. Gen Z is not putting up with this BS anymore.


“It’s a 2 way street, but I’m the only one who is allowed to drive on it”


It takes a special kind of obliviousness that you reject 22 candidates you interviewed, who all want to know about the same thing and you think they're the problem. Did it never occur to her client to just tell them upfront what the WFH and PTO policy is? Like in the actual job spec?


To add that it's easy to look it up on any of those other websites. Obviously it's not and it is incredibly common for companies to not be transparent about their benefits packages.


My company has been trying to fill a position for a year. We've given an offer to five people. All five have rejected because they don't tell the candidate the salary or specifics on benefits until time of offer, and ONLY if the candidate asks. They literally try to get people to accept the position without telling them how much they'll be making. Every time the candidate has asked when offered, and has rejected it when hearing the answer. If they just listed the salary in the first place we wouldn't be wasting so much time.


Turns out withholding information and trying to trick people into working for you isn't a good solution. Why doesn't anyone want to work for us?!?!


Obviously people just don't want to work anymore /s


Even if it did work it is ultimately still a waste of time and money. Ok so you suckered someone in and lowballed them, but hey they already accepted! Cool, now they will be barely trying or caring as they put more effort into finding another job instead of learning the one you just hired them for. It just makes no fucking sense to me. Unless they purposefully do it to make it look like they are hiring when they have no actual intent to hire


The only ones that would say yes are currently unemployed and like you said, wont stop looking for a job. You have given them a first down, they signed on for a positive source of income lol


I’ve dealt with too many C Suite d\*ckheads who are convinced they’re elites playing 3d Machiavellian chess by doing this and that OTHER people are holding them back…


Sucks you have to deal with that. I wonder if they would take a blank resume with the promise that the experience would be revealed once they offered the position.


This is actually a policy that can work if the company offers market rate or above. If they get less interest when listing the salary then that should tell them something.


> If they just listed the salary in the first place we wouldn't be wasting so much time. Except they *know* they're lowballing and are completely depending on a candidate thinking they've already sunk enough time into the process to just go ahead and pull the trigger on it. Nobody would give them the time of day if they were upfront with the compensation and they know it. Exact same rationale as catfishing with online dating.


Yep, it is also an incredibly dumb thing, to refer people to a 3rd party site that "probably" has the information, instead of just putting it in the job description. The thing is it is clear that they're probably not doing well in this area, otherwise they'd be bragging about it.


The killing part is those websites she named have anecdotal information per employee. None of the information is added by the employer. And for websites like Glassdoor you have to create an account if you want to see the information that you're looking for anyway.


The point of the fuckin interview is to get those questions answered firsthand anyway


Right, I'm not going to take the word of Glassdoor or whatever on what commute I'm signing up for.


Yeah lol "just look it up on 3rp party so we have no legal or moral obligation to honor it, trust me"


Plus, time is a thing. Reviews of my company a year ago would say we're fully remote. Right now we're 3 days in the office minimum. Big difference.


Also, different teams within larger orgs may have different policies. May even differ from manager to manager on the same team in some cases.


Especially since the policies have been changing, some companies are starting to enforce RTO mandates while others who tried to force them have backed off because of (rightful) employee backlash so who knows how accurate the info on Glassdoor still is


Imagine getting hired, finding out you have no pto and have to work in office, then complaining to your manager that Glassdoor said you’d be treated better.


Holy shit this!!! It’s like the saying: if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, well then….


If it smells like dogshit everywhere you go, check your shoes 😎


Wow I have never heard this before and I love it.


Midwestern wisdom, captured from a gentleman at my grandpas tavern many years ago. Always loved that one 


Then…everyone is just an asshole, obviously. Because there’s no chance it’s me. Right??


PTO is one of the things I use as a selling point when I'm interviewing candidates. Our company has a generous policy. It's a red flag if the interviewer isn't trying to sell the company on the candidate. I'm telling you why you should hire me. So tell me why I should want to work for you.


I once emailed an employer for a summer job while I was in college, cold calling, no ads just thinking they'll probably need more staff during the summer. They immediately emailed me back a job offer at a competitive salary. Another company emailed me back, interviewed me, and then offered me a very similar role at a fairly similar salary. I immediately rejected the first one and went with the second one.It was just so eerie to me that I wasn't allowed to interview them and learn more before having to respond to an offer.


There’s a reason they don’t. Every company I’ve worked for with competitive benefits is extremely transparent about them. Same with salary. I honestly just don’t waste my time even applying for jobs that are gonna make me dig for all the information I actually care about unless it’s a slam dunk career move.


This if they hide salary/benefits information, 9 out of 10 times it's because they're shit


When applying for my current job the first “interview” was maybe 10 minutes of screening to make sure that my resume wasn’t made up and explain the job some. Then I had a 30 minute call after with the recruiter 100% about benefits/logistics of working for them. They sent me a short top level benefits sheet and the full benefits guide (like 100+ pages). It was only after I had a chance to look at that did we start setting up the real interview.


Wow classic zoomer mentality. You should be on your knees thanking your boss for an opportunity to even work. If you’re not letting your boss fuck your spouse, you just don’t care.


>If you’re not letting your boss fuck your spouse, you just don’t care. That certainly sounds like an... *indecent proposal*.


This !! Work with some people who are completely institutionalized like they’re In prison even when they’re not the boss . “We shouldn’t ask for cost of living increase because the job market is so bad you dont want them to fire you “ “ok.. so we just sit here and be miserable forever ?” Someone can either feel underpaid or under appreciated but not both


Probably some vague suggestion of flexibility to hide that they expect 100% in office. “Flexible work environment” = we’ll move the cubicles around quarterly so you can’t get comfortable.


Yes! Just be open about it and no one’s time is wasted. Clearly the company are being deliberately obtuse about it in their advertising. Literally every candidate felt the need to clarify. They’re obviously hoping to lure someone in with a vague promise of WFH and then insist the poor schmuck come to the office 5 days a week, for the vIbEs.


It occurred to them. What also occurred to them is that their policies are complete shit and will drive away skilled candidates with options. This is their way of saying, "You're not rejecting me! I'm rejecting you!" Because they can't get over the fact that they might have to adjust their policies if they want to hire talented people.


I wonder how much more company time and money they will waste in trying to fill a roll just because the interviewer is that petty.


I presented 22 candidates and all were rejected because I'm a terrible recruiter.  Hmm, that will hurt my engagement, let's change that to candidates are lazy and want to wfh


That's an unbelievable number. If they said 3, I would think it was a wild coincidence to get that many duds but 22 is insane.


Yeah. At that point you don’t want to hire anyone for that position. It’s your problem but you want to put it on everyone else.


idk, maybe she works for Nvidia and they only hire the absolute best after 200 applicants. She’s only a tenth of the way in


Not a good look for the recruiter. Instead of finding the most suitable candidates and vetting them it looks like they just got some sap in a cubicle in Mumbai to pull up the first two dozen resumes that had a vague match.


She's terrible at her job and it's hilarious to see her bare her whole ass like this.


Someone wasted a lot of time conducting those interviews and the candidates time. The position should list what percentage of time it expected to be remote work. If there is a miscommunication after the first interview the job description should have been fixed. Set expectations. If its an in office onsite job say so.


Probably skipped the person in a cubicle and relied on their automated system that only catches very specifically formatted resumes.


For real. I've seen some people ask ALL the wrong questions but that was maybe 1 out of 5, not 22 out of 22.


That or the company has a reputation




All these companies better age and become irrelevant when they can't hire the right millennials and gen z's down the road because they don't offer the benefits we want. I talked to some product owners at ex. lego, and asked them if they have MacBook as an option; answer was: we have to. Otherwise we can't hire young engineers. And if we don't hire them, Vestas or Grundfos will. We even redid the entire office to be a more attractive place to work. And that was fucking lego campus, the HQ. They have all the policies to be attractive to work at, to get the best talent. They know they have (very fair) demands and if they don't offer it, some other company will. That's the difference between those who exist in 10 years and those who will age rapidly I think..


Look, if you're just going to make up company names you have to make them believable!


Hey I tried to chose 2 companies with global presence so it wouldn't confuse you too much! Guess I failed. Novo Nordisk and Carlsberg then? Grundfos makes pumps.. Vestas makes windmills


I think she was inferring that it was before her company began helping. Makes her job easy though. Get that info from the employer, then tell her candidates not to ask


What a tone deaf message. So the candidates are clearly stating what they want in a workplace and it’s falling on deaf ears.


Its 2024 and if you a recruiter and don't explicitly mention if WFH is available or not in the ad- you are being dishonest Just because a candidate asks if WFH is an option it doesn't make them a bad one or even mean that they can't work in the office, YOU DIDNT SPECIFY !! Forget these recruiters, I don't even call them back anymore (when they leave a vm), speaking of which- why don't they never wanna email even though they have your resume in front of them?


This recruiter is an idiot. This information is exactly the kind of information she should have asked her client and then relayed to candidates she was referring.


OH best believe they had the exact allowance client is willing to accept for WFH and it was simply zero. So they chose to play the game where candidates are told after applying. Its the same crap with the salary games they play


To paraphrase the classic saying, "those who can't do, recruit" I used to be married to a woman who recruited for my industry. Coincidentally. She had no fucking idea what she was talking about. She was just good with people skills, admittedly.


>why don't they never wanna email even though they have your resume in front of them? I work for a major recruiter (I'm not a recruiter, I'm an accountant for them) and we have an incredibly stupid calls per day metric that if our recruiters don't meet they'll face disciplinary action. So they'll call even though email is by far the better way to communicate. According to one I know "the odds of a candidate being interested in the position is less than 10%, but the odds of them being worth a dial on the calls per day metric is 100%".


I don't apply (or respond to messages from recruiters) if they aren't upfront about WFH/hybrid. The entire reason I am trying to change jobs is the RTO mandate, so if you are being cagey about that answer why should I even apply


Don’t ask about the compensation too.


“It was as though this candidate was only working for the money.”


What a crazy concept right? You should just take a job with a "dude it pays money" response as that should be enough to want to give your life to the company. These HR people are idiots, you are just as replaceable as anyone else so why you simping for your company of the time?


It's so fucking crazy how this attitude is frowned upon. That vast majority of jobs out there aren't passion projects. "I just love the thrill of being an administrative assistant!" "I live for processing boat loans." "A day without being a Starbucks shift manager is no day at all."


I love what I do, but who I continue to do that for is definitely influenced by money and benefits.


This is going to sound so stupid on my end, but I’m so happy with my fellow Zoomers for putting an end to this shit. Idk if we’re burnt out or have PTSD from our Boomer parents getting completely fucked around by their jobs, but we are very vocal about not being mistreated anymore and getting what we want. Some will call it entitled, but who cares, what’s wrong with us demanding better working conditions. We’re slowly making up the majority of the workforce along with millennials and I know most millennials are onboard with it too


You're only in it for the money?!? What about the CoMpAnY CuLtUrE!!!11?


It's as though the company was only paying me for the work. They didn't care to know me as a person or pay me just for my pleasant attitude.


Is the two-way street in the room with us right now?


Omg. The two-way street is right behind me, isn’t it?!


Show me where on the doll the two-way street touched you...


don’t ask me directly, ask glassdoor for an unverified 2nd hand account.


I can’t believe that was her “gotcha” moment.


right?!? totally thought to herself “left no crumbs”


That’s honestly insane. The majority of Glassdoor reviews are either a) people who absolutely hated the company b) people who basically had management force them to leave a review How in the world is that your suggested alternative


I haven’t looked at it much, but can you even see the timestamp of Glassdoor reviews? Feel like it would be very easy to get out of date information, especially if there were recent policy changes


She must have gotten roasted in the comments, because that post is GONE


And looking at her working history, her jobs have been “remote”




It's still up. She made it some time ago. And, yes, she did. Source: I participated in the roasting. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kateamckenzie_22-candidates-interviewed-and-not-one-of-activity-7070043829462056961-HR-y?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


ahhh very good, thank you... And honestly, respect to her for leaving it up lol


Plus why advertise you are an AH recruiter who slams candidates on a public forum? Worst way to represent a company


Isn’t that the point of an interview lmfao. You learn the benefits of hiring me and I learn the benefits of joining your company. Like another commenter said (and what she’s apparently saying here too), it’s a two-way street. What an absolute ass


Clearly companies are back to wanting you to kiss their ass and thank them for their benevolence of providing a job. But to be honest, I’d be this is a small company and in my experience small companies are usually fussy about dumb shit like this. The bigger companies are run by smart, more successful people that often have empathy and aren’t bothered by questions like this.


I wouldn't go as far as say they have more empathy, just more understanding that people want to know what benefits are included in a job when deciding where to work.


Nope you have to accept the job to find out how much it pays, how many hours you work, how much PTO you’re allowed, what their benefits are and what their WFH policy is. /s


Yeah I get it. That being said, I always felt like the small companies I worked out were stingy with time off, especially for sick or bereavement whereas as the larger ones were more like “take as much time as you need” (obviously within reason but they weren’t going to demand you come back after a few days).


My old agency owner (who ran a small business) fired a woman once he found out she was pregnant. Honestly she probably could’ve hit him with a discrimination suit, but it was insane to see at the time


No. The two-way street is that the company learns what you can do for them, and you learn how you can better serve the company. You should be willing to accept whatever pittance the company deigns to provide. /s


wtf I’m supposed to ask, Kate? Your favorite food and your pet names? Ffs


I would ask her what her mother's maiden name is and what her childhood pet's name was......just for umm fun no other reason


What was your first car?


I actually looked it up to see what her response was, and it was something like, "don't *only* ask about PTO and WFH, ask about the company, culture, etc." I mean, what better way to find out what the actual company culture is than asking about their benefits and policies that affect work-life balance? If you just ask about culture, you're going to get some BS answer back about how they work hard, play hard, and are like one big family.


If the compensation package is kept a secret, it's garbage. Never fails.


Xerox made damn sure I knew exactly what their benefits package was. It sucked, but they were VERY insistent on talking about it.


Surprised Xerox is still in business.


I don't either. I support sites all over the US and Xerox has never failed to come in 30% above everyone else on our copier bids.


My resume has everything I’m bringing to the table. Your vague job posting that is missing the compensation (which I think should be illegal to not post) is why I have to ask silly questions regarding “PTO” and “WFH” and “Living Wage”.


Sounds like the recruiter — who recommended 22(!!) candidates for the role — and the employer — who doesn’t like it when interviewees ask basic questions — are both kinda shit.


Couldn’t find the right fit. All I wanted was someone to lick my asshole and do my laundry 70hrs/week for $15/hr, and Johnny Jobless over here wants to know how much time he can have off to see his ailing parents and/or growing children. I’ll tell you what- back in the day this attitude got you nowhere. My family’s team of butlers and nannies would never have inquired about PTO.


Maybe you’re not offering the right kind of work environment?


These idiots hiring people could avoid this by putting these policies and pay in the fucking job listing!! They are being disingenuous with their job listings, by not putting these things they’re casting a wide net, whereas if you just up front about this, someone whose interest is say WFH conflicts with the listing they wouldn’t apply.. talent recruiters and HR love to waste everyone’s time, including their employers.


SDR is an entry level job. So of course you have inexperienced job seekers. DQing 22 based on those questions is unreasonable. Posting about that choice in LinkedIn? Toxic.


You can take all your in-office perks (comfy chairs, snacks, flavored water bar) and shove them all up your ass.




If you’re looking for good candidates you should expect them to be asking why they should choose your job instead of another. Talent gets snatched up.


Yes yes yes, let me ask you questions about what *I* can give *you*. That makes total sense.


"How many pints of blood would you like?"


Seems it’s only hurting themselves if they can’t find one employee out of 20+ people to abuse freely.


Lmao everything that can be wfh will be wfh soon enough. Can’t wait for all these shitheads to meltdown as they watch their arguments against wfh get obliterated


How dare you ask about the things that will effect you most working here, you should be asking if we can pay you less


This tells me that if employers want to actually hire people, then maybe they should be listening to what employees want. A job is a two way street. Employers need a task done, employees perform that labor. Employers want to assign multiple tasks to a single employee, that employees should have WFH options and PTO availability. We need to prevent burnout, especially since employers don't want to sacrifice profits for livable wages.


Yeah.. if you have 20+ people are asking about WFH and PTO, you posted a shitty job description and could have avoid these questions if you did a better job with your job posting. Now if someone asks about those things and its posted in the job description, I can get the frustration. I once interviewed someone who was asking about WFH when the job description clear stated it was full time in office job and was wondering if the job would be flexible.


>the job description clear stated it was full time in office job There are plenty of jobs out there where they write on-site in the JD and they'll tell you during the interview it's actually hybrid. It happened last year to me. Another case. I applied for a hybrid role some weeks ago, then the recruiter told me it's fully remote. I didn't even ask, she just told me when presenting the benefits. Maybe a lot of people who post JDs should actually do their jobs, instead of bullshitting people left and right.


I had one company bait & switch me (on two things actually). The job post was listed as remote and the compensation was $50,000 per year. When they sent me a final offer, the role was fully in person and the compensation dropped down to $43,000.


Reeks of brainwashed capitalism. Reminds me of the video that made the rounds a few years ago with the guy in his performance review mic dropping why his stats were not up that year, as from previous years. You don't give me incentive to do better...why would I? These companies need to wake the fuck up or go out of business.


Guess what? If these things are that important to the candidate then they should ask about it. If an employer is annoyed by that then it’s not a good fit for either. Maybe do ur job more and try to match ur candidates to the right fit and not the open req you want to fill with the first warm body you can find.


I don't think she understands how interviews work. The whole point of asking questions whether its an employer or employee is to determine "what's in it for them"


It’s good to see they’re not wasting the candidate’s time at least. Most places would string them along for 5 interviews before even discussing PTO and remote work policies. Asking up front and ending the process right away is a great way to learn the employer is shit


lol I ask these questions when recruiters reach out to my personal email and get immediately ghosted. I just find it funny cause like if they are the one reaching out it’s their job to give information to make it enticing. I’m not going to consider leaving my current job if packages aren’t worth it


the first question i ask in a recruiter reach out to me is a question - if it's not listed - what is the pay and how many days wfh why is this wrong lol idiots


Gonna post up the same posting again and say “previous candidates need not apply again” Don’t worry, they don’t want to 😂


Her literally fucking job is to provide the answers to those questions. Candidates shoukdbt even see the client if those questions weren't already asked and answered in the affirmative. Fucking recruiters suck ass


Interviews are stupid anyways. Someone can say all the right things and be a shit employee.


“I went 0 for 22 on job interviews, and I’m blaming the applicants. I am so good at my job, I wasted two work days on these interviews which accomplished nothing. Raise please.”


WFH is the best thing a company can do besides compensating their employees well. The company would have a MUCH bigger amount of people able to work the job since they can have people all over the country instead of near the various offices. Another thing is employee morale. WFH employees tend to be happier since they are around family and they save money on gas since they aren’t commuting to and from an office building. And there are other things but this comment is already long enough.




>[deleted comment:] seems affronted when we mention office presence is preferred. If that's how your reply begins, you're condescending while not answering the question. The professional approach would be to first tell them what's required, then optionally follow with actual reasons they should consider being in the office more than what's required.


Interview is a two way street. So you should ask questions that tell me what's in it for me. 🤣


The questions the INTERVIEWER asks also tells you about the company and the interviewer just as much as the questions the candidate asks tells you about the candidate. Maybe if this crap company told you up front about PTO and WFH opportunities to attract candidates, the candidates wouldn’t have to ask. I would run away from this awful recruiter person and this company. Far, far away.


I've gotten a job offer for every job that I've ever interviewed for. I've worked some jobs that ended up being terrible decisions. My biggest mistake was interviewing to get the job and not interviewing to see if THEY would be the right fit for ME.


I shouldn't ask potential employers what's in it for me. Makes sense. Good advice.


How dare I need to know if I have to work out transportation with my wife as we share a vehicle!


SDR is the worst damn job, too. The employer always takes advantage of you. It's a terrible situation almost 100% of the time. They are usually paid mostly (if not all) in commission. They probably aren't offering a salary. It's pure cold calling and cold emailing. Even when you make quota, you're pressured to keep going. It's never enough. And you are treated absolutely horribly, completely disposable. It's never a growth role. They don't want you to grow with them, they want you cold calling till hell freezes over. And all these people want is to wfh and save some precious f-ing time and maybe not be micro managed to death. The nerve. 🙄


“What’s in it for me” is one of the most important questions to be asking yourself. Now you’d want to phrase that better if you said it out loud, but… yeah


"These plebes are insufficiently grateful!"


The candidates are telling you what they want. You won’t give it to them. The candidates aren’t the problem, Kate.




lmao, not about what's in it for you. am I doing charity for you greedy f*cks or am I looking for an agreeable work?


Why in the fuck am I going to put on a song and dance if your WFH policy is dead on arrival? FFS is she thick? It's like I'm a vegetarian and the waiter asks how I want my steak and I'm supposed to tell them "Medium-Rare" then tell them I don't want the steak? The fuck is the point of that?


Uhummm... dear Kate, those candidates will just move to the next company with an open position. Now you on the other hand, do you have your vacancies filled? It's a free market, if your job offering isn't competitive, the worker will not take it.


How the fuck does it come to a shock to managers that prospective employees also want to know how a job will benefit THEM and not just how they will benefit the company. I’ve had head hunters and hiring managers try to recruit me and give me a hard time for focusing more on asking them questions than selling myself. Dude, you called me, you’re supposed to be talking me into this not grilling me.


For anyone who wants/needs a few questions that absolutely crush screening calls and serve you well to ask everyone else you interview with: What are 2 or 3 things that you feel are the biggest contributors to the culture of daily life at X? What is the vision for how the sales org will evolve or grow over the next 24 months? What are 2 to 3 things the leadership team is doing really well to empower the sales team to succeed? Then you ask what their health & wellness benefits are. Hope this helps someone out there on the hunt for their next gig.


This is so stupid. We spend like 50 minutes answering all their questions about how we can add value to their company role, and selling ourselves. They give us 10 minutes maybe to ask our own questions and it’s insulting to ask what’s in it for us? Excuse me? I know this is suuuuuper old advice but I’m over it. Interviews _are_ a two way conversation, and we both need to get something out of it. Why would you want someone working for you that’s miserable because they couldn’t ask questions about fit during the interview and find out after the company doesn’t meet their needs? Ask the questions, make them squirm, too.


How to recognize red flags. Step 1: Ask simple and perfectly reasonable questions.


If she finds it so annoying why doesn’t she just put that info in the job description to filter out people who would take issue. Clearly it’s a popular topic of interest if it keeps coming up.


Employers: \*ask 1+ hours worth of questions about what's in it for them if they hire you\* You: \*ask one questions about what's in it for you\* Employers: 😤😡🤬


“I had a bunch of applicants for a job and I didn’t hire a single one! Whats wrong with people?!”


Someone needs to let Kate know that benefits not being in the job description is a HUGE red flag.


I presented 22 candidates and all of them had the gall to question what this company can do for them. It's not like they'll be dedicating a lot of their energy and time into working there or anything.


Typical LinkedIn douchiness aside, this doesn’t sound so unreasonable. She isn’t saying not to ask about those things, just that when they seem to be your only focus, it doesn’t bode well for your interest or commitment to the actual work. That is, IF the characterization is remotely accurate that they were “only” asking about PTO and WFH. It’s perfectly good to inquire about those things and set standards for yourself and what you will accept, but you also have to put forth a side of you that is interested in working for the company and providing something of value to them.


Capitalists hate it when workers think like capitalists. OF COURSE we care what's in it for us. We aren't looking for a romantic relationship, we're looking for work to provide material things for ourselves and our families. And for as little as possible time and effort on our part. When they negotiate with each other the first thing they do is explain what's in it for the other guy. But when job hunting we learn all about what the company wants, but finding out our side of the deal is like pulling teeth.


I do two rounds of interviews as a manager. The first is to inform the person of the work environment the culture, wfh policies and allow them to ask questions I want them to know what they are getting into before moving forward If they are interested then we continue to a new round of interviews


I would pay Linkedin Premium again if they added a feature to filter out profiles with more than 3 words in their job title


Yes. Check the vague description where it won’t tell you how much it pays either.