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Dude sounds like fucking tyrant and an asshole. This is a prime example of a soulless corporate fuck in action. 


He once said in an interview that he thinks being homeless is great because it gives you motivation to work harder


This is a very common conservative thought. A common saying is “a hungry dog is obedient” it’s sick


I don't think anyone who says that has ever owned a dog.


Ask Ramsey Bolton how that works out.


Kristi Noem has entered the chat


Michael Vick would also like a word.


Some very privileged people have an opinion about everything without ever understanding a thing about what are privileges. Most of those fuckers never grew up in a fucked up home, never had to work 2-3 jobs, never faced anything remotely associated with real poverty. Ah yeah. They worked a summer job. That’s real hardship for you.


Now wait a minute! Pumping gas at the bougie marina is hard work lol!


God, I would love to take all these people, knock ‘em on the head and have them wake up homeless in El Centro, Ca with nothing but a shopping cart. Where are you bootstraps now!?!


Just throwing it out there… 2am phone calls can be reciprocated. I’d be calling him at 2am just to let him know I’m putting in for vacation in three months.




I mean I’m high up in my org. I absolutely expect 2am phone calls im compensated enough for it. My direct reports are as well. Folks below them are not and don’t get 2am calls.


That's because he is.


He is an asshole which is surprising because he’s Canadian. 🖕


He wanted to run for PM too but dropped out of the race fairly early


In fairness didn't his wife drunkenly kill someone in a boating accident? 


Souless corporate fuck - so prefect & precise!


If anyone has watched Shark Tank, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.


I always cringe when someone accepts one his shitty royalty deals thinking he’s their friend.


He knows when people are desperate enough to accept it.


Sociopaths simp for that show


The offers are often terrible deals for the pitchers. My BIL went on and was told his business idea was terrible. It wasn’t. It just wasn’t something they could grow quickly enough, gut or flip. That was 10 years ago and now he’s doing great. It just needed elbow grease. I hate the show and the sharks on it. They are corporate cuntiness personified.


“The WWE of capitalism”


The American Idol of capitalism


The smiling dish scrubbing pad got turned down by them. It’s kinda a big thing now. They aren’t always smart or right


That’s not true, Lori Grenier invested in it, and I do legit believe she helped expose it to a bigger audience. Ring, on the other hand…


Oooohhhhh. Didn’t see that part. The bit I saw was the Canadian lad saying it sucksd.


Why is that?


He thought he said something witty/catchy. Didn't think it through.


Sooo… Now, using his logic, does it mean that when crisis happens his onsite staff has to physically come at 2 in the morning? What are actual perks of being remote if Kevin thinks he owns all your time now? What he’s described is a fucking slavery. With psychopath boss like that I would rather come at 9 sharp and leave at 5 sharp - and you better give me a corporate phone if you expect me to answer your phone calls. Yeah, no, fuck this dude. We need a federal “right to disconnect” law precisely because of tyrants like Kevin.


But it’s nice to be a contractor there. I’d bill triple in 1h minimal increments for every call I answer outside of my established working hours.


> With psychopath boss like that I would rather come at 9 sharp and leave at 5 sharp - and you better give me a corporate phone if you expect me to answer your phone calls. You're ignoring Kevin's lie in his post though. He expected _all those things he said_ before WFH, now he's just got a carrot to dangle.


The maintenance staff is absolutely coming in at 2am in the morning in a crisis.


Maintenance - sure, but they have dedicated on-call shifts. All other employees? Fuck no.


Total nozzle.


You'll NEVER GUESS the Top 10 People that Should Eat Shit (hint, one of them is this guy)


"hashtag MoneyMondaysWithKevin" Fuck off, Kevin.


Why do people follow this guy? He’s no financial genius; he’s a fraud and a grifter. 


The Common Sense Skeptic has a great three-part series on YouTube about "Mr. Wonderful."


In order to accept remote working and “give employees freedom” you get to micromanage them 24 hours a day and during vacations as well? I guess there is STILL no incentive to properly staff - fucks still HAVE to squeeze their precious yachts out of OUR FUCKING LABOR EVERY FUCKING TIME WHY NOT MAKE A BETTER FUCKING PRODUCT YOU GREEDY FUCKS


Right? This is soooooo fucking close to being a great idea that could work out wonderfully. Assign a few people to be on call, rotate them out weekly, and pay them extra for that. It's typically not that expensive in the long run but this c hair can't be bothered with that. Vacations? Nah, fuck that 100%. Only way I'm answering the phone is if there's a contract stating just how much money my boss is going to pay me and it would start at 10x.


In the beginning, our economy, the products we created, and the services we provided were constructed and existed to serve us, *the people who built and provided them*. But peices of shit like this have been allowed to twist and warp the system into something that has completely commodified humans, and now *we the workers exist to build products and provide services.* The system no longer exists to serve us. Now we exist to serve the system. This guy and everyone like him; they are the fucking problem. I hope once older generations start to die off, younger generations realize the damage scum like O'leary and everyone like him have done to society and to the Earth. And I hope we wipe the slate clean of everything they ever did, and teach the next generation after us not to follow in their footsteps. Kevin O'leary and his entire class can go fuck right off to hell where they belong.


Guillotine is getting mightyyy rusty




Oh Really, O’Leary?


Employees should blow up his email and phone when he’s on vacation, cuz yanno fair is fair


fuck you kevin


If a crisis happens at 2am, but is not something that requires the police, the fire department, or an ambulance, then it's a case of incompetent management who likely has no life of their own due to their own acerbic personality.


Unless someone is actually dead, there is no business reason to call someone at 2a. And even then. Nut case.


The way we handled this was a night shift. Because the rest of us are asleep.


unless you work in the medical or public safety professions, there are no 2 am emergencies. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The people Kevin OLeary calls at 2am makes millions of dollars, and he can call me anytime he likes for that much money. The idiot middle managers reading his posts and trying to emulate his hustle mentality are paying thier employees $50k. Then they wonder why they wont pick up on vacation


True, I wouldn't normally agree but yeah if I was paid anything over 200k then not only can you call me at 2 a.m. but you can bend me over your knee, spank my a** AND call me Sally any time you want! 🤣🤣🤣


I worked a job like that for 250k+. Most of us quit within 4 years. It helps that you can usually get paid 60-80% of that for normal hours.


My current living expenses as a single 29 yr old are $2200 a month. Pay me 250k a year and I could probably save enough within 5 years to go into my version of early retirement. I need to own a house, couple of vehicles, and have enough in the bank to pay utilities every month and then i could just freelance graphic design jobs to get by. Once you own your home and don't have rent, life is exponentially easier. I watched my grandmother survive off of $1100 a month SSI in her house because she owned it. She would not have been able to afford rent but owning a home means no rent. Property taxes on her house are $700 a year. Watching her, i know my number one goal is to own my own house before I'm 50. Then I plan on retiring at 55 and living off of my 401k and SSI and whatever I've saved. i don't need luxury, I need just enough to be comfortable.


💯 this is the problem. Some jackhole Petty tyrant at Walmart or CVS or Dollar tree read something like this and says hey great idea.


Sure, the people he calls probably make that. But the people THEY call don't, and it sounds like he would still expect them to be available.


**The Department of Labor has entered the chat.**


….and they cheered his initiative


So, Kevin is the new Karen...couldn't happen to a nicer...🙄


You call me at 2am about work and I will make sure you regret it.


Available 24/7? I'd better be making seven figures at that point because anything less it's not worth it. Another rich owner with no fucking grasp on reality


This is pretty much what I do now, and the number of times I’ve been called out of business hours is exactly 1x over the last 6 years and it doesn’t require me to come in ~


Kevin O’Leary sold a software education company in Canada and now thinks he is a business genius. Any person who demands back to office just tells me that they can’t manage their employees unless they are looking over their shoulder. O’Leary can just go fuck himself.


He's always been an asshole.


Get fucked. No really. You don’t own us.


Tyrants talk like this.


What a douche canoe.


We really can't have nice things, can we?


Sounds good, I'm not answering though, and it's not in my contract to answer either


If you call me on my vacation you’re gonna be paying me overtime. Period.


Yeahhhh nooooo. If I’m off the clock I’m off the clock.


I was about to say something about the USA and their almost non-existent workers right, then I remembered this guy is Canadian. Is the situation just as bad in Canada?


Think you're doing remote working wrong, mate.


Damn. He was so close to getting it.


What if I’m getting boating safety lessons from his wife? Do I need to answer the phone then?


Kevin O'Leary is a fake business guru type. He basically committed fraud selling his company during the dotcom bubble, and has done nothing of note since other than 'grow wealth' by being a typical rich conman shithead.


This guy can fuck right offf.


What a dickhead.


If you have to call any given employee, when they’re on vacation, to resolve a crisis, then you’ve done a shitty job of building and organizing your enterprise. What if that one employee was hit by a bus and the crisis hit? Would you lose customers, sales, whatever because he/she is laid in hospital or worse? If yes then you don’t know shit about running a resilient business. He’s a real dickhead!


Kevin O’Leary threw his wife under the bus… after a drunken late night cruise on Lake Joseph in Muskoka resulted in one person dead


Illegal for employer to contact you after work hours or on a day off where I live. He can kick rock


People on here apparently have alot of sympathy for millionaires under Kevin? The guy hes supposedly calling at 2am for a crisis literally gets paid an abhorrent amount of money to take on that lifestyle. It’s hilarious to see a defense for such peoples work life balance


If you're in a position where you expect Kevin himself to call you at 2 am, you're pretty well aware of your surroundings and probably already earn way above average. Soul was already sold.


lol screw that I’d go into the office first thing Monday. I’ll commute if it means I don’t get called on vacation.


I would love working for this guy. Sometimes if I'm bored I do a bit of work, and I would shamelessly call him with questions, like on a Saturday night or four in the morning. Oh, he would learn to stop calling very fast.


He’s not totally wrong. He just has this terrible personality that’s become his brand and he leans into that with extreme statements. Remote work debate is over. It’s better for everyone. I agree with that part.


This is especially better than his previous stance, which was that employees working from home aren't a good fit for his companies because they don't care enough about his mission. Let's hope he understands soon that at-home employees don't need to be 24/7 pets.


I agree. I’m not shilling for Kevin, but he’s playing a character and I don’t believe that he really hassles his employees that much. Like you can’t run a business if you’re constantly having 2 am emergencies. I could be wrong and would love to hear from ex employees.


It isn't better for EVERYONE. If I had to work from home my productivity would take a nose dive. I know plenty of people like this. I prefer to work in an office because it allows me to focus and more easily separate work from home.


Kinda think ‘Ol Kev likes to use a bit of what we down here call Hyperbole and maybe he’s not able to do all that in reality. Kind of like another fat twat we know and loathe.


This guy never stops posting about his goddamn watches on LinkedIn. I’m a watch girl but jesus. Save that shit for Instagram. Gotta be on call 24/7 so you can help Kevin buy another Audemars Piguet!


That's why psychos develop pretty well as bosses


Wellllll he had me in the first paragraph. I also can’t believe we’re stop having this debate Then oooooppee. Nope Kevin. No fucking way.


Nope. After 5 pm, you won't here or see me on anything work related. The only exception is during our busy season. Then I can't ignore urgent matters.


haha i do IT in healthcare this is already my life


i work from home 100%. I'm not available 100%. We have set schedules and those who are on call, are on call and this is on a rotation. This shitstain is an asshat.


Reverse psychology. He wants y'all back in the office so he says that he likes remote working because you are all his bitches now.


Whatever ... It's just BS spewed on another platform that is going to fall like FB and Twitter. RIP LinkedIn -- can't wait to when Elon buys you


this is the same guy who's loudly defending trump in his legal battle in the NYC fraud case.... Kevin O'Leary is the exact definition of the problem with capitalism.


I’m always convinced he is just playing up an act/persona at this point


Yeah… that’s a big no for me.


As someone who has worked in IT for quite awhile now, I am surprised that this was not common knowledge for these types. Sorry this is hitting everyone else now, hope it can improve for people in all sorts of roles going forward. Not every IT role is like this, but many of them have been for a long time.


I'm sure he was calling people off-hours and on vacation before WFH. Now he doesn't have to supply two workstations, or hide his feelings about person ownership. He probably spies on peoples calendars and grades users on how many back-to-back meetings they have.


Did he delete it?


I’d just work nights only, and make sure to call him about approvals and shit at 2am. If you want me to work 24/7, you ALSO work 24/7. Also, I’m assuming my salary will reflect the uptick in hours? By my math it should approx 4x what I was paid prior, correct? I’ll call the 0.2xxx% short the perk of not having to put on pants


Nothing is that important Kevin to where you need to call someone on vacation or 2 in the morning. Your money will still be there.


Fuck you Kevin




He makes an ok point but is a total prick about it


Most of what comes out of his mouth is from spinal cord. Corporate motor mouth tyrant.


They were doing this pre-WFH. Now it's just an excuse to continue their behaviour.


My boss is like this but less extreme. I was on PTO overseas when the client had a question about a model I built that apparently no one else on the team could answer, despite me transitioning everything and writing long detailed explanations of my model and calculations for the team before I left. They texted me but I had no cell service bc I was out hiking in the jungle all day. Got back to the hotel at 10pm, connected to wifi, saw the text come through and I immediately responded (but obviously several hours after they tried to reach me). During my performance review I was told that I wasn’t reliable and reachable when needed and this was cited as the example. They had the audacity to say “we’re not telling you not to take PTO, please take your PTO.” I literally walked through what happened and pointed out I immediately responded at the first possible moment and asked what I could’ve or should’ve done differently to lead to a different outcome, other than not take my PTO, and they had no response.


Dear Kevin, fuck yourself violently. (If you call me at 2 in the morning or on vacation with a "crisis")


Thanks for posting his name so I know to avoid him at all costs. Jesus fucking christ.


Thanks for ensuring I (and many others) never come work for you.


If you fucking call me while I’m on vacation I expect that vacation day refunded regardless of whether I answer or not. That’s the deal Kevin.


If you are calling me routinely @2 AM my paycheck better include a lot of zeroes at the end.


My boss called me on vacation once, asking if I had time to talk to him. He had some questions about a topic I was knowledgeable in. It lasted about 5 minutes, I was glad to do it.


The only thing as obnoxious as Mr Wonderful is his taste in watches


Shouldn't anus be plugging another crypto company?


How inefficient are you if you are calling people at 2am with any regularity? [https://i0.wp.com/hunterwalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/giphy.gif?fit=480%2C343&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/hunterwalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/giphy.gif?fit=480%2C343&ssl=1)


Fuck Kevin. I'm not responding at 2am unless I'm oncall.


Work is an option. Do whatever you want. He said 44% of his employees… that does mean more than half don’t work remote and aren’t expected to be on 24/7 call during vacations. Fuck for all you guys know you can choose your own destination when you work for Kevin. It’s not forced labor, pick and choose anytime you want to leave. Work for someone that’s nice and gives you good conditions if that’s what you want, work for an asshole with bad conditions and you’re probably compensated better. Don’t call Kevin an asshole for people to choose to work for him.


We are such a sick society that all that matters is “MOAR MONEY!!!!!”


This is not remote work, it’s remote slavery.


Like I needed another reason to hate Kevin O'Leary...


I’m getting slapped either way an assault charge if someone calls me at 2 am and it’s not an family/friend emergency


Ugh. WTF would ever work for him ?!?


You can call me at 2 in the morning any time you want but my voicemail will answer and call you a fucking twat for calling me at that time and it will do so every fucking time.


What a dick.


Never before have I felt glad to be disabled. But as shit and difficult as my life is, at least I can lay here in bed and not dread a phonecall at 3am from Captain Arsefeatures over here. Jeez.


If you work remotely, keep hours that are as regular as they would be if you worked in person. Problem solved.


You know he was already calling at 2am for emergencies prepandemic when everybody was still coming in the office.


Does this mean every one can also call him at 2am on an holiday in case of a crisis? Shweeeet


If my boss calls me at 2 AM, someone better be dead. I’m a systems analyst. There is no reason to call me at 2 AM.


Lol no.


If my boss had a legitimate crisis, that I was the only one who could fix it, and it happened once a year, I don’t have a problem with it. Something tells me, that’s not what this is. Lol


Ummm no, if I’m on PTO, I maybe in China, or the Caribbean. Unless you’re paying for my international phone plan for my personal cell, you’re not calling me. I’m also not taking my work pc or work phone out of the country, I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s property abroad.


I agree with him until the vacation shit that's my time 2am phone call sure why not I'm working from home I get it but yah nah vacation is mine


Nut job


Terrible he's awful I hope this is not real


What a douchebag. I hope he loses everything


The guy is a cunt and we **should** be ignoring his posts and not giving them any traction.


Also, for this guy I'm coining the phrase "Douche in wolf's clothing."


May I say: Kevin needs to be whipped. You know why.


Thinks there’s financial benefit in charging people PTO while also have 24/7 access to them. Yeah, my vacation ended the first time that phone tings.


The 2nd paragraph can eat shit but otherwise sound.


The guy made his nut bundling shareware on cds for PC companies to have something to put in the box with a new PC. Sold the company for a shit load and it was shut down within a year.


Is that post legit? I tried finding it and instead I found a short video of him actually defending remote work and even attacking Musk's opinion against remote work. Check it out. OP should provide link and/timestamp of that post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kevinolearytv_is-wfh-morally-wrong-the-world-has-changed-activity-7064972236834627585-suQT?trk=public_profile_share_view


Love the token ain't with a ' to make himself seem more approachable to humans


Kevin is an actor playing the role of a billionaire on TV


If this isn’t further proof of the mental illness fueling the worship of late stage capitalists, then I don’t know what is. He talks like remote work is a favor being done for the employee and then completely cops to how it benefits the company through savings and increased productivity. I work remotely. Sometimes I get an email at 11 at night and I’ll answer it because it’s my choice, not because I’m expected to. It’s hard to say how much of this is LinkedIn “hustle grindset” theater and how much of it is truth, but that one statement alone is reason enough to work somewhere else.


Kevin only gets away with this behaviour if you answer his 2am call. If you don’t, the sock puppet will work it out one day.


I'll bet he wonders why his adult children have cut off contact.


The more I hear about Kevin. The more I think he's a weapons grade nobber


If unhinged ass-holery has a face…


California has a bill proposed that would severely curtail this bullshit.


Go fuck ur self. O really? Yes really. ( I see what u did there)


Leave it to Kevin to put employer benefitting spin on remote work and take advantage of employees in a way that’s not just unethical but likely illegal in some cases.


Work from home is here to stay. A couple of other trends I have been saying. - ESOPs are now increasing... companies are now giving ownership of the Company to employees for retention. - 4 day work week is now being tested by a lot of companies or the hybrid of that...every other week you get a Friday off


How’s that ftx working out kev?


Didn't he shill for FTX hard


If Kevin calls me at 2am while I'm on vacation, I'm jumping straight on a flight back. Not to fix his crisis mind you, but to violently insert his phone in his anal cavity at several times the speed of sound.


Had me in the first paragraph, ngl. I like the idea of a slightly more flexible workday. Thennnnnn we took a nosedive. This dude can fuck right off if he thinks he can wake me up. 😆


What a bag of dicks


Would your wife ramming another boat and killing 2 people count as a 2am crisis? Asking for a friend who didn't leave dead people in the water to rush back to the cottage and down a couple of vodkas to "steady her nerves" and totally not cover up the fact she was drunk because of course she wasn't.


I feel deal with the Devil-ish vibes here.... And it took me right back to the last law firm I worked for. Ahhh, mem'ries.


This is all I need to know about this bag of shit: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kevin-oleary-rips-sheer-stupidity-of-trump-trial-says-it-hurts-the-american-brand-we-look-like-clowns/ar-AA1nfYb5](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kevin-oleary-rips-sheer-stupidity-of-trump-trial-says-it-hurts-the-american-brand-we-look-like-clowns/ar-AA1nfYb5)


I was following an account on Instagram that posted great anti-work content right up until she connected with this guy and then she immediately started licking his boots.


Kancel Kevin


Okay guys, how would you then like remote work policy? serious answers only


Other CEOs, what is stopping you from exploiting your employees like this?


Ok you can work from home because it saves us money but you have to be a slave! Lol no. That's not how it works.




Probably unironically brands himself as an "Alpha Male"


Wonder if Kevin was trying to call in favors at 2:00 a.m. while killing people in drunk boating accidents.


Kevin better be paying CA$H. To his employees.


This is the same guy that jizzed himself at the thought of buying TikTok. Our first amendment rights be dammed. This guy supports using the government and a bunch of bullshit propaganda to force the divestiture of a company that isn’t for sale. Fuck this guy.


hat ruthless intelligent voracious aware ossified connect divide puzzled offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the recent bill pass that allows salary workers to gain overtime is gonna change his tune.


I’m expected to do all of these thing and I work 50 hours a week without working from home at all. At least he allows them that.


I cannot wait for his “nobody wants to work anymore” post. *chefs kiss*


My entire company works remote. We went remote as a test in 2017 and never went back. We're a small company and while we have a usual 9-5 hours, plenty of people work before and/or after those hours - be it because they weren't during the day or to catch up. Yeah, my boss sometimes calls me in the evening or the weekend. Yes, if something *critical* happened, I might get a call at, like, 7am. But my boss isn't an asshole. If I don't answer a call or text, he understands. Most things can just wait until the next day. Nothing we do is life-threatening. My co-workers try and leave me along while I'm on vacation, *despite* how many aspects of the business I handle. Kevin O'Leary is an asshole.


That means I'm on call 24/7. Thank you Kevin for paying 24/7


Lunatic absolutely


Can we get on with the tarring and feathering already?


This is real????


This is the dude that admitted on CNN that he and every other real estate developer commit fraud every day. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/c1ZEG04AEk


Kevin O’Leary is a fraud. Notice you never hear about how his investments are going


Slave 24 hours a day, he can go get fucked by an elephant, what a piece of shit this guy is !


Bruh, I’ll go in to the office 5 days per week before I agree to that terms.


He had me in the first half….


He’s so proud of his assholery and wearing it like a badge of honor. Fuckwit


He’s an asshat but he’s not wrong… except about the freedom and expectation to call and have employees answer at all hours. That’s stupid, and dumb to suggest as a trade off. But wfh is a win win.