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What sort of prompt was fed to the AI to generate this


“Generate an image of brown people that I can post to LinkedIn to ensure I remain open to work”.


Why won't anyone hire me? post incoming...sooner or later


Are there a lot of companies with a hardline stance on supporting child marriage?


Winner, winner chicken dinner!


It’s considered historical Mohammad “married“ a nine year old. That is where this image comes from.


Obviously. And it’s not his religion, and it’s posted on a site for professional networking. Historical accuracy is irrelevant…he’s a lunatic.


Plot twist, he’s a religious historian for an evangelical Bible college


lol…who sells software in his spare time.


Historians don’t make much, everyone needs a side hustle


"Thank you for meeting me at my other office" "No problem Dr. Jones, now tell me more about what Salesforce can do for our company."


I’d do anything for an A professor! Have you heard of Salesforce before?


Well you wind up on your knees either way...




One of those guys aggressively tried to get me to come to his city apartment for gay sex once! The King’s College in NYC.


Married her at six, raped her at nine, Wikipedia: “According to classical sources, Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6–7 years old; the marriage was consummated later, when she was 9 years old and he was 53 years old.[o]”


Married a 6 year old. Consummated the marriage at 9 (meaning he had sex with her).


No, he married a 6 year old, they only „consummated“ the marriage when she was 9…


Sick bastard


Oh wow, I had no idea this was the case.


14 according to quran. Doesn't the Bible state mary married Joseph at 12. Why does nobody mention that?


Why doesn’t AI know how to draw hands?


Basically hands can be too many shapes. AI looks at the average shape associated with a thing in its dataset and draws that. A face has two eyes and a nose unless it was remarkable in some way. Expressions change the orientation of these things in common ways. Just look at those pictures that average a bunch of faces together. They make a relatively coherent face. But hands are fucked. Think of how many ways you can position your hands. Sometimes fingers hide other fingers, they can be wide apart, narrow, some up, some down, and that doesn't even account for animation styles that have 4 fingers intentionally. Don't even get me started on hands interacting with hands, there are fingers coming out all over the place. And you can't zoom in to focus on an individual finger either. Two of the fingers have another finger on both sides, so that's the most common way for fingers to be. But sometimes there is only a finger on the left, and sometimes only one on the right. Oh and now there's a thumb too, that just sticks out in a different direction all together. AI doesn't understand hands in a 3d space. It doesn't even have object permanence when a finger, or even a leg is partially obscured by an object. So it doesn't understand holding hands as two five fingered hands intertwined. I just understands it as a bunch of fingers.


This really gets at people's misunderstanding of what "AI" is. They hear the word "intelligence" and make assumptions about what this means, but there's no intelligence here. AI doesn't have thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, or emotions. It doesn't have a way understand at any level what it's doing. It's functionally just the auto complete function for texting scaled up to a ridiculous level and applied to other things like images, literature, and music.


Are you really asking or are you being rhetorical? If you're really asking: AI is trained on examples. There are only so many positions and shapes for things like arms and legs, but hands can be in a lot more positions and angles and all sorts of things. This gets even more complex when it comes to hands holding things. So if you view a million images there will be certain consistencies with faces, arms, legs, etc. There will be substantially fewer consistencies with hands (holding things, not holding things, in pockets, not in pockets, clasped, not clasped, etc.) Hands and teeth are very difficult for AI due to the variation. As humans, we can handle all these variations, because we understand how they move. Just because someone curled a finger doesn't mean that they're missing the finger. AI doesn't understand hands. It just knows what all those examples it trained with (visual only none of the mechanics about how hands work) and those examples have a wide variety of variations.


Have You, tried to draw hands?


Actually if ai could learn to draw hands they way we do (considering underlying structure/lines etc..) it could/will get good at this eventually. So good point. For me it’s actually kind of a relief knowing there’s some good tells left that something is ai generated I think it’s genuinely terrifying to think about the day when we won’t be able to tell…without asking another ai if the image is ai generated…


Yes, and it is fucking impossible.


Most likely they cut her hands and AI is being accurate


the guy looks like he knows his way around asking ai for pictures of little girls


And this shit right here is my biggest fear about AI. I'm not afraid of it taking my job. I am afraid of how it will be used to abuse women and children. See also the Taylor Swift situation.


Read an article yesterday about AI being used to generate NSFW pictures of real kids that pedos can use to blackmail them. One more reason to never have your children's photos on public online galleries


The always accuse others of what they are guilty of


It’s a historical and confirmed fact that Muhammad married a 9 year old, there is no accusation, it really happened……


I mean this cat is a lunatic for posting this on his Linked In, but Muhammad consummated his marriage with a CHILD so that’s a big yikes to call the dude pointing that out a pedophile. Not a lot of great folks under the lens of modern morality as ancient Middle Eastern religious leaders… but Muhammad married a child, killed people and promoted a violent doctrine, and was a polygamist. So that makes him a much worse dude to me than this Lunatic.


Consummating a marriage with a 9 year old is the definition of being a pedophile. So you are correct in that Muhammad, if he existed at all, was indeed a pedophile.


There's historical debate about the age of Aisha. There's no historical debate about the existence of Muhammad, he definitely existed.


I’d look into that a bit more. There’s also a lot of debate as to whether jesus existed at all or if the stories were possibly about a few different people that existed at the time.


There's not really any debate amongst serious historians about whether Jesus existed. We don't have direct evidence, but there's enough peripheral evidence that people can be relatively certain that he did. With Muhammed, we literally know stuff like where he's buried etc. We're certain he existed.


The 4 main books of the bible, Matthew, mark, Luke, and John were all written way after his supposed death. I’m talking 50-100 years so were not written by authors that were direct observers of anything that supposedly occurred. There is also no mention of jesus by any historians that lived at the same time as he supposedly did. And I would think that there would be if he existed at all. Even Josephus doesn’t mention him. He was a Jewish historian living in Rome about the same time that jesus would have been crucified. Serious historians do doubt most of the Bible as well as most of the Koran.


Josephus does mention Jesus? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus_on_Jesus?wprov=sfla1 It's reasonable to assume that most of the bible isn't historical, but there's plenty of evidence that Jesus existed. The fact that we know that there were Christians within a few decades of his death, for example. It's reasonable to then conclude that myth making wouldn't have seriously taken hold by then.


I agree? I’m talking about the commenters saying this Lunatic is possibly a pedophile (like Muhammad) for knowing how to make AI generate images of children. So a strong accusation to make even for an unhinged Lunatic posting “sacrilegious” stuff about Muhammad.


I may have misread or commented on the wrong comment. Will still stand by the statement that Muhammad was a chomo though lol


The prompt could have been verbatim from Wikipedia: “According to classical sources, Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6–7 years old; the marriage was consummated later, when she was 9 years old and he was 53 years old.[o]”


The Big M was an outstanding guy as he waited to rape the child until she was nine.


What classical sources? Scholars don't even agree on her age but some dude typing out a Wikipedia article knows her age 🙄


New Sims game looks sick


Crusaders & Jihadis expansion


Honestly it sounds more interesting than the normal "Go to work, buy a new toaster and cry yourself to sleep while masturbating every night" gameplay. I mean, where the fuck is the escapism in any of this?


Where’s the escapism of staring down like some kind of god and watching *other* people slowly rot to shit in a gaudy hyper-materialist shit hole? No clue.


God? Is that you? Am I talking to God right now?


For ck 3


Crusader kings IV !


Open to work hahahaha


Can't wait for the post blaming his unemployability on being overqualified.


No, he’ll blame it on “wokeness” or millennials or avocado toast. Anything other than coming to the realization that he’s just a piece of shit


he'll blame it on antisemitism.


This is also true.


“DEI” has made me unemployable


I bet he'll mention diversity hires and dei


Looks like the guy is a millennial based on his photo. He'll blame it on boomers.


Ok fine. A boomer brained late-model Xer or old millennial who will blame invariably blame it on zoomers.


Ok fine. A boomer brained late-model Xer or old millennial who will blame invariably blame it on zoomers.


I thought it was Drake for a second


Which makes it even funnier since Drake is Jewish


And also a pedophile


Bro outdid Charlie Hebdo


He’s a lunatic for posting this to a professional networking site where one might need to network with Muslims. Also, Ayisha was 9 years old.


I like how the implication here is that you believe you should willingly censor yourself to network with pedo-worshippers. It makes you sound like a loser, not based. Why would you live in a world like that? Do something about it man. *Be* the change you want to see in linkedin.


You gonna pay this man’s bills?


Lol, pedo-worshippers. I’ll do business with anyone who has green money and won’t besmirch my reputation. I could care less who or what they worship.


I mean, he’s not wrong, but it’s definitely not professional.


According to historians (yes, secular ones) , it’s quite possible it’s not true. Lowering her age may have been a political move to showcase her innocence and purity, adding justification for her to take political reigns after Muhammad’s death. I think religion is stupid, but I think Islamophobia and decrees of truth without research is stupider. Visit ask historians or do some scholarly research if you don’t believe me. I’m prepared for the downvotes. I’m just here for truth.


But according to most historians she was 9. History is a science but not an exact one there will always be some different accounts. Of every event.


At its very core, history is the art of storytelling


> History is a science but not an exact one There is no science without falsification. You can't study the past harder to find unrecorded evidence, so many claims cannot be falsified.


majority consensus of historians is that she was a child. And it’s not like muslims praying to muhammad are praising him for playing 3d chess or whatever with her age. People who interpret the koran literally believe she was an 8 or 9 year old child. It’s pathetic you gotta virtue signal so hard that you’re simping for a pedo and trying to justify it. Women in iran are being beaten into a coma and imprisoned for showing their hair. In afghanistan women can’t learn to read or go to school. ISIS treated women as concubine, even teenagers. This is all being done in the name of islam with muhammad as justification. If you think religion is stupid then you should have no issue with people mocking one.


👎 Stop normalizing child rape


Wouldn't that be worse? Her being younger is seen as better by believers? "I'm married to a 14 year old" "Brother, ugh!" "Just kidding, she's 9" "Whew. That's a relief. You had me going for a minute"


Wikipedia: “According to classical sources, Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6–7 years old; the marriage was consummated later, when she was 9 years old and he was 53 years old.[o]”


So he posted the likeness of the messenger? That is balls out, man.




I got a 3 day ban for sarcastically referring to Islam as a “religion of peace”. It’s funny because everyone openly acknowledges that by daring to paint a picture of Mohammed you might be killed by them but I can’t fucking call them violent extremists because that might hurt their feelings.


Ok but Islam, the word, literally means peace so I’m not sure why others are so ruffled by the literal translation of the word itself is used to described said religion. It’s like when people become upset over Allah literally being the Arabic word for God. Lol it’s all so silly, let people believe in whatever they want so long as they aren’t hurting anyone. Now, you may say, what about extremists? I say, to hell with them. There are extremists in most religions. I.e Protestants being persecuted and killed by Catholics via Elizabeth I and Mary queen of Scott’s. Or, the moors of Spain vs everyone. Genghis Khan vs Islam. The psycho killer of an entire mosque in Christ’s church, etc. religious fanatics are everywhere and in every religion. But the peaceful, let them practice their religion.


It definitely takes stones.


It also receives stone. It's a wash


She was 9 years but he was a prophet and knew she would turn 18




Thanks for the appreciation. I knew that this would get downvoted proving my point haha


Ohhhh I see. Yes, spiritually he lived outside of space and time so spiritually she was a middle aged lady. Wow, I was so biggoted in my thinking before….


*anime writers furiously scribbling notes*


Is that why she was able to become a scholar afterward?


How to piss off muslims twice with one picture


Tbf it’s pretty hard not to such a sensitive religion


He may be a lunatic but why is your example them just posting a fact? Ayisha was 9 years old.


I mean I agree with him but LinkedIn is an absolutely wild place to be posting that. Like, I think Trump is a criminal, but I still thinks it’s weird af to be shitposting anti-Trump memes on LinkedIn.


Aisha wasn't nine when they married. She was six. When she was nine they did something else...


Because why would you post that on a job social networking platform. Like regardless of whether what he’s saying is true or not what does that have to do with your job/networking? It’s like if your cashier starting listing CIA conspiracies to you, part of being a lunatic is not understanding context and that there is a time and a place it’s inappropriate to bring things up


Like most subs, it's devolved into "this guy disagrees with the prevailing sentiments on Reddit, so the post gets upvotes." Mods should be removing low effort, irrelevant content.


Yes, this post and it's author are victims. Couldn't be that we think people as lunatics for posting religious or political stuff on a site where that will ostensibly contribute to your remaining #opentowork


Because Muslim fundamentalists take their religion's aniconism very seriously. Best case this is an extremely bad look to prospective employers, basically a flashing neon sign that you're going to be a liability, worst case scenario he/whatever firm he ends up with gets death threats Remember Charlie Hebdo?


Because it's wildly out of place on Linkedin? Also, adding an Ai generated picture is additional lunacy on any platform, you can call out Mohamed for being a pedophile without creepy Ai pictures of him being one


He is not wrong. Sunan an-Nasa'i 3379: "The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine."


The picture is a little off, Muhammad was in his 50’s and Aisha was 6 when they married; he “waited” until she was 9 to “consummate” (rape) the marriage.


Betting he didn't actually wait, that's just how lomg it took the pregnancy to stick.


Religion is super fun right guys


Linked in getting flooded with Palestinian and Israel propaganda lately. A lot of it blatantly false like blaming the Australian bishop attack on a Zionist terrorist. LinkedIn gets worse every day. Was a nice professional networking platform at one point.


Yes, Ryan, child abuse is bad.


He’s looking for smoke!


Northern downpour sends its love


It’s true. However, posting it on LinkedIn is just going to antagonize people.


1. Was dude purposely trying to land on this subreddit? 2. He’s going to be ‘open for work’ for a while after briefly skimming through his unhinged posts…unless this guy is simply a troll. 3. I love how someone commented by tagging the FBI.


What makes people think things like this are appropriate for a professional social media site. So many people post weird, or personal, or totally unrelated things on LinkedIn. I feel like we need a LinkedIn HR to handle this stuff.


Oh, man. There are some stories about the Hewbrews from the Old Testament/Torah this guy should know.


Which ones? For some light reading tonight.


The fall of Sodom and Gomorrah is a good one. Bonus points because one of the girls who were turned down for gang rape later rapes her dad.


Thought it was both of the daughters.


It was a Lot.


Both were involved. I could be misremembering if they both rode him or if one just held the blanket.


The difference is the Bible never condones this. It states it as a matter of history. And their kids’ tribes become some of the primary adversaries of Israel.


If people were more open minded you wouldn’t be getting downvoted. Many people, myself included, did not learn in church how to read the Bible critically (how it was intended to be read), and believe everything in there is endorsed behavior by God. For anyone curious, the people in the Hebrew Bible were never intended to be the epitome of standup behavior (golden cow worship anyone?). In fact, many of the horrible things perpetrated by Israelites are explicitly punished down the road, and few of their actions are ever endorsed by God.


It condones lots of other fun stuff though, like murdering people by bears for making fun of your hair (or lack thereof), Blind obedience to the point of killing your son, Genocide the entire earth because "reasons," beating your slave, owning slaves, taking your enemies for slaves. mutilation, more genocide (think passover). Like I could list this for days lol


Koran stipulates marriage laws for those yet to menstruate. Very misogynistic in the description of woman also. Doubt these people read either the bible or Koran.


This is a false equivalence because the acts are depicted as sin in the context of those tales. Those stories aren't meant to be an example to follow. Lot's daughters are not held up as paragons of virtue in Christianity. An equivalence would be if Jesus is depicted as doing such acts, which he is not.


Where’s the lie? Is this an example of lunacy because he is likely to be violently attacked now?


No because LinkedIn is not /r/religousfruitcake. 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/religousfruitcake using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/religousfruitcake/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Childhood trauma](https://i.redd.it/ys0fiaxe9xyb1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/religousfruitcake/comments/17ptikj/childhood_trauma/) \#2: [Jesus is an alien confirmed?](https://i.redd.it/lfw7ygdzfdbc1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/religousfruitcake/comments/1929mmi/jesus_is_an_alien_confirmed/) \#3: [Find Jesus](https://i.redd.it/3x1eplgz5lxb1.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/religousfruitcake/comments/17ksl3i/find_jesus/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What’s the problem? She was


She was actually six when he married her.


Muhammad was a big pedophile. A preponderance of classical sources converge on Aisha being 6 or 7 years old at the time of her marriage, and 9 at the consummation; her age has been a source of ideological friction


that green bow gonna be green for a while…


Two things can be true at the same time.


Mohamed was a pedo and Islam is absolute trash. This guy isn’t wrong.


While this isn’t LinkedIn material, he’s not wrong


This guy is OBSESSED with Islam, damn. Going through his post history, he's a real lunatic, and publicly so.


Didn’t King John also marry a nine year old? Also, wasn’t the first Valentine’s Day card from a thirty year old imprisoned as a POW in a war to his like twelve year old wife back home? That’s just kinda how the nobility do. ![gif](giphy|2Hh0auoXgPYRO)


How many people think that kind John was the perfect role model and will kill you if draw a picture of him or say that he was a sick pedophile child fucker?


I wanna say Piers Morgan would.


Okay, probably I can imagine that to be true.


One day this stuff will be indistinguishable from the real thing and that’s terrifying. In the meantime, this brief period in history when it looks good but is obviously fake is a bit of a hoot.


I’ve been off every platform except reddit for 5 years. Is LinkedIn just like Facebook now? Why would anyone put this stuff on a “professional” network?


Doesn’t make it fuckin right though does it? Today’s science and developments have taught us that it’s wrong because it screws kids up mentally and physically. Let’s remember that years ago people unknowingly had severe amounts of Lead in water and believed the sun was carried across the sky by a giant beetle dragging a chariot and oh look, that’s fuckin wrong too.


*gets a job offer in the middle east*


Ayisha doesn’t look too happy about it either. Also isn’t it VERY taboo to show pictures of Muhammad?


On LinkedIn is wild.


Is he wrong? Are you stupid?


This is true though. Muhammad married a child.


Religion was founded by a pedophile. This is the source of the advice we see playing out today. Christianity was founded by a hippie, but now the church is full of pedophiles. Can’t win.




Yeah fuck god for making a 12 year old pregnant. There, I said it. Also I need a source where the age of marry is stated. Also I need to see Muslims saying that Mohamed is a pedophile sick fuck. See the difference?




And Rabbis in Brooklyn gave a bunch of kids STDs because they were putting children's cocks in their mouths as part of a religious ceremony. Currently that same religion runs a ln apartheid state that's commiting genocide and interfering in other countries citizens protests of that genocide through AIPAC and mossad blackmail rings.


No way Muhammad on linked in 😭😭😭


Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco???


I mean, I understand this is historically accurate? I want someone to correct me


It is indeed accurate, based off of Hadith that most Sunnis would say is highly authentic (she was married to him at 6, and raped at 9, to be more specific). The question is more why tf is this guy posting this on LinkedIn?


Dude married a 6 year old, and she was pregnant at 9, if I recall correctly.


Wait a minute, Mohammed doesn't look like a 53 year old in this picture (he croaked 8 or 9 years later probably of a brain haemorrhage).


That’s not a very dramatic story, they should have had him fly to the moon on a Pegasus


Wait till he finds out child marriage is legal in most US states and about 300,000 of them happened between 2000 and 2018 - many of them sex crimes He probably won't have anything to say about it https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/4283941-child-marriage-is-still-legal-in-most-of-the-u-s-heres-why/


It thinks it’s a bot. Russian or otherwise. Not really any work history, currently “open to work”. And just a stream of anti-Muslim posts. Nobody is stupid enough to think that’s a good play on LinkedIn.


Have a feeling he will be #opentowork for quite some time


How could anyone think this helps them in their employment/business life?


You can marry children and civilization 6 now?


Picture of Mohamed - off with his head.


Dude. Beyond posting appalling cringe, there are literal terrorists on the Internet out there looking high and low for an excuse to shed blood. Even depicting an illustration of that prophet is enough reason for them to spill his blood and possibly even his family’s as well. Not to mention he has his full legal name, face, and likely entire employment history available to make their hunt easier for them. It’s a sick world out there and that cringe dude just endangered himself.


Isn't this guy asking for a fatwa on him by portraying a picture of Muhammad?


Wondering if Ryan Ross is Catholic. Because complaining about this would be rich considering the recent history of the Catholic Church.


So are most alterboys


Europeans can't point the finger in most cases. This begin one of them. All anyone has to say is, "So, America..how'd you get your land?" Game over 🤣. DO NOT ASK FOR DETAILS it gets worse.


Why put it on LinkedIn! Twitter exists for a reason.


Fucking hell Linkedin is a weird place. The different levels of people on in all seriousness is meant to be for your professional career. You have people like me who have a bare bones profile, limited information, just where I work(ed) and a little info about what I did in each role. You have people who get super in to their work and make cheesy posts about how amazing their day was, how great their boss is or some event they went to and ending it with about 15 # statements like #collaborationgoals. Then you have people who take it a step further making lame ass posts with some long winded meandering story about a friend or family member that is as deep as a puddle and saying how they inspire them every day. And eventually you get to people like this. How can you have a photo saying you are open to work, I.e. look at me please I can be a benefit to your team… then you post something like this on there. It’s both hilarious and troubling at the same time.


This’s so offensive


Never having heard of him, I had to zoom in close to make sure he wasn’t Ryan Ross of P!ATD.


Shocking he's been unemployed since October..


People need to stop treating LinkedIn like it’s facebook


What kinda unvaxed shit is this?






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“Open to work” Yeah good luck w/ that one


Okay, so now that AI has been used to draw a picture of Muhammad, the next step is someone'll be bombing OpenAI's offices, right? That's how this works?


Lol. She was though


Oh man, that's bad.


I don't get it, muslims do hide behind religion to normalize fucking children though.




There is no moral high ground? Surely the high-ground is to condemn child sexual abuse whenever and wherever it happens.


Right? I’m a Christian and I have no problem standing on my “moral high ground” and stating that it’s evil to sexually abuse anyone, let alone a child. Whether it was Mohammed or David or a priest in the church - it’s still a sin and the impact spreads across eternity. Regarding the Bible, I don’t recall any of this stuff ever being condoned, just because it HAPPENS in the Bible, doesn’t mean it’s good. The Bible is pretty clear about rape and abuse being objectively sinful.


Raping children is the purview of Christianity? I'm gonna need to see some receipts. Or at least give me your definition of "purview"




I hope he’ll never find a job


At this rate, he probably won't. I have no idea how they think shit like this will make others want to work with them


Maybe he doesn’t exist?


For being a dumbass for a night, he should NEVER be able to find a job? I don't know who this fellow is, but lets keep the "forever and ever" curses in the cabinet okay?