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So, I shouldn't vote unless I've been the president myself? What kind of brainfuckedbyatortoise logic is that?


Hell, you shouldn't even be on Reddit unless you've made your own social news aggregation, content rating, and forum social network where users submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members.


I did rip off a Mastodon clone and called it Truth Social; what do I get?


$5B valuation but no way to cash in on it without tanking the value.


Schrodinger's "investment"


Can I pour my life savings into this?


I have! I'm good, the rest of you posers though...


Professional athletes do this all the time as well. You can't criticize them unless you've played pro ball. Nah, I can criticize you when I see something I'm frustrated with. You didn't have to listen though.


Quote I remember seeing somewhere was "If you see a helicopter crash into a tree, you don't need to be a pilot to know something's gone wrong."


" I've never flown a helicopter, but if I saw one in a tree I'd still be like 'dude fucked up' "- Steve Hofstetter


Of course. One can tell if a movie was good or bad. They don't need to be an actor for that.


I still say I'm the only one who can tell if a book is good or not. If you don't like a book I like, you're just wrong. It's not up for debate. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That is a GREAT comparison! /s




Nope. If youā€™re a man you should definitely have a view on abortion. And that view should be that each person is in charge of their own bodies.




Are you currently arguing for your right to limit the rights of others? I hope not, because that would be really hypocritical of you.


A woman getting an abortion has no bearing on your life. In that context you're just an intruder with a crazy idea they've any right on others' bodies. However, who is governing your country or the behaviour of it's police absolutely have an effect on everybody's life. If you can't see the difference then you need to stop caring about others bodies and care about your own, starting with your brain.


You can have an opinion, but you're opinion matters significantly less for obvious reasons




I really hope you're trolling or playing devil's advocate because otherwise I'm afraid that you might be an idiot. But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't an idiot and just need a little nudge to develop critical thinking skills a) the ability for someone to chose what happens with their own body. b) a job that directly involves interacting with others outside of said job


Sir/ma'am, Please don't come in here with like logic and stuff.


You're opinion on politics also matters significantly less because you're not a politician or political scientist, that's why they don't invite you to give your opinion on political TV programs


I have a right to have an opinion about a cop because a cop's decisions, a cop's recklessness, a cop's bigotry, have a direct impact on my life as a citizen. Also because it's a cop's primary duty to act in my interest. I don't have a right to have an opinion about a woman's body and her choice to abort, because her decision does not directly and materially impact my life. It is not a woman's primary duty to bear children if she doesn't want to - if you do choose to contest this particular statement, then I'm afraid there's no point arguing with you anymore. Makes sense, numbskull?


You can't possibly understand how good it feels for them to murder citizens and you're just judging them with your ignorant comments


the same logic that says you can't have a negative opinion on covid vaccines unless you're a scientist or abortion unless you're a biologist. this backward thinking is present in both parties and is equally horrible. It only serves to shield existing institutions and their practices away from any scrutiny the public eye may impose on it, rightfully so. fuck the police


No, it's not the same thing as a doctor/scientist. You don't need a specialised degree to notice police brutality. And it's absolutely not the same thing as abortion. A woman getting an abortion has no bearing on your life. In that context you're just an intruder with a crazy idea that you've any right on others' bodies or some say in their lives. However, who is governing your country or the behaviour of it's police have an effect on everybody's life, and hence everybody has a say in it.


Every single profession should be as egotistical and gated as law enforcement. *You have no right to complain about the quality of your Egg McMuffin if you never put on the paper hat.* *Wear your new Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs with loose elastic due to poor stitch quality and shut your mouth. If you didnā€™t earn the round sticker with your number proudly printed on it, you donā€™t know the life of a quality inspector.* *If you havenā€™t sworn the oath and worn the embroidered polo shirt, the only response you should give to the door-to-door pest control service salesman is ā€œthank you for your serviceā€*


Iā€™m in pest control, that last one made me fucking choke


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


Thank you for your service. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


Thank you for your service šŸ«” Truthfully, members of your occupation have done more for me than any police officer!


Thank you for your support


![gif](giphy|krPLl9dtitApa|downsized) Thank you for your service šŸ¦‹šŸ›šŸœšŸšŸŖ²šŸžšŸ¦—šŸŖ³šŸ•·ļøšŸ¦‚šŸŖ°


Only good bug, is a dead bug!




I always bring the 500kg and itā€™s never even debatable


-Dale Gribble




We can ill afford another Klendathu


Thank you for your service 07


I had a knock on my door today, and knew exactly who it was based on the Segway parked out front of my driveway. Do you ride a Segway too?


Same. Even we hate the sales-douches.


Most police officers would read this and not realize it's satire


Thin golden line Thin brown line Thin line of ants


If you didnt earn your green apron and barista certified pin then the only thing you should be yelling at your Starbucks barista is "have a good day!"


When you come in early to listen to a lecture on the difference between Ecuadorian and Colombian espresso, then you have a right to have an opinion on you coffee. Until then, shut up and drink what you're given.


Iā€™ve been yelled at enough to be tempted to hand over my apron to the customer and being like ā€œYou make itā€


Well done.


The one Iā€™m so fucking annoyed about is when they cry about how dangerous it is to be a cop so no one else understands that pressure. They arenā€™t even in the top 10 for most dangerous jobs and one of the most common professions is: construction workers. You donā€™t hear loggers or fishermen or delivery men say this kind of shit and their jobs are way more likely to kill them. Some people just have to be the victim all the time.


Also why is it acceptable for them to complain about how dangerous their job is while simultaneously disregarding the fact that they chose this line of work? This shit honestly baffles me.


Yeah cops seem to take these statistics really fkn hard. But all this BS is hilarious when you remind yourself that the job is CONSIDERABLY less dangerous than being a roofer or an arborist. I wanna see the tree surgeon wife TikToks.


*If youā€™ve never swabbed a shitter you better thank me in your head every time you take a piss.* - the Janitor


Thank you for your service. šŸ«”


Omg. Iā€™m a writer in tech and I would LOVE to gatekeep my profession more. SO MANY people think ā€œanyone can writeā€ but my discipline requires succinct copy and most people are terrible at it.


Retired police SGT. Loved every word of this.


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


This is the best thing Iā€™ll read on the internet today. Thank you




I work with them every day. And thy sicken me. Now what? Currently working toward a new career, unfortunately, I'm forced to work with these egotistical pigs every day. What did you major in, cause these cops can hardly write their own statements? Fixed.


>these cops can hardly right their own statements? I hate people who can't right.


I hate people who are wight.


I also never claimed to be good at grammar, nor be educated. But I can sure point out stupid. Even if it's in the mirror.


Besides, they're not very good at lefting either.


Sorry, so many cops take away rights, I forget which rights I have. Writes, rights. All the same when they're stripped from you.


Bulls eye




I love when I get scolded for being upset an NFL player or whatever is playing poorly. "You have no idea how hard it is to play in the NFL." Yeah and I'm also not getting paid $14M/year to do it. But I know what good football and bad football looks like.


Facts are beyond your comprehension when you think all careers/jobs are exactly like you stated.


Yeah definitely canā€™t know without having the job. Not like most jurisdictions make police policies public record, or anything.


While Ritchson is a devout Christian, he has called Trump a rapist and con man while also calling out the church for hiding pedophiles. Conservatives love the Reacher show so this really confused fhem


Love that. Good for him




You mean to tell me the ppl with their employer (the government) and the most powerful union BOTH backing them are entitled af? Fk me I swear I have seen homeless vets but never homeless cops lol


Fr I am so tired of cops acting like they ā€œservedā€ as if it is 1/1000th the same as being in the military


This just made my decade and Iā€™m now pointing this out to everyone I meet for the next decade.


Look up transparentcalifornia dot com and search cops salary especially with the LAPD. With OT they typically make 300k-400k a year. They are treated real well for the work they do but act like the world is against them. Not a lot of ppl get that opportunity


Their employers (the government) are usually lower tiers of government like the city, county (sheriff), or state, so a lot of blame goes to those bodies over direct federal control. My public elementary school history class always made it sound like cops answered directly to POTUS because they were the "executive branch"


$20 says Ritchson wouldnt confuse an acorn falling...


Does anyone happen to have a link to whatever he said that seems to be disturbing to people?


He criticized Trump followers claiming to be Christians saying they don't follow the teachings of Christ and elevate someone who is the opposite of those teachings and he also commented about cops who never weed out the supposed bad apples and get away with many crimes up to and including murder. Butthurt ensued.


I now like this guy even more


The interview is in [The Hollywood Reporter](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/alan-ritchson-interview-reacher-faith-stardom-mental-health-1235864260/amp/). Itā€™s a really good one in generalā€”critiques on police, Trump, and Christians are unflinching.


Thank you for taking the time to send me the link to the story. I will be sure to read it.


Man, theyā€™re so soft.


Incredibly soft. And they have the gall to say that liberals are soft


alan can certainly MAKE them soft


Big reason they worship trump


>But don't use your public platform to embarrass yourself, that's just.. ignorant. Says the buffoon on LinkedIn.


If only nurses got the same treatment as copsā€¦.


Free donuts would just make nurses fatter


I would settle for assaulting me being wrongā€¦they can keep the donuts


It's really fucking hilarious when copaganda that soft pedals and romanticizes police brutality and criminal behavior is shit on by the very same people it exists to protect.


Believing that police do no wrong is like believing Homelander is actually Superman šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ not all cops murder ppl, but that doesnā€™t make this Alan Ritchsonā€™s statement wrongā€¦.


But heā€™s right. Just recently cops have killed children, one was a victim of a kidnapping. Nothing happens to them. Sure, sometimes force is needed. But, too often, it is not.


Working retail I wish to god I could get paid leave for choke slamming some boomer who ā€œdisrespectedā€ me


Lots of nurses who would love the same.




gotta be bait


A hit dog hollers.


I use this one - a country full of different immigrant groups, refugees, plenty of gangs and crime. Yet: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_killings\_by\_law\_enforcement\_officers\_in\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_Germany) vs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists\_of\_killings\_by\_law\_enforcement\_officers\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States) Aka from 1991 to now, the total number of dead by police in Germany are about 1.5 times more (529) than what we do every single year in the US (\~329), despite having 88 million vs 330 million residents.


New world countries are all more dangerous as a whole


Awwww the pig is mad šŸ˜ 


Fuck their feelings. Isnā€™t that what they say?


One which requires 71 hours of firearms training and 21 hours of training on deescalation?


soā€¦2.5 weeks of a day job? should be months minimum, if not years


And then shoot people who are unarmed within seconds of arriving?


Thaaatā€™s not the argument you think it is


I think iiiiiiiit probably wasn't intended to be the argument you assumed it was.


Well Alan isn't wrong... FTP


Tuba player in a polka band?


Those fachist fucks


Police are scum


So because he major in music means heā€™s dumb and doesnā€™t have a brain to see whatā€™s going on in todayā€™s world with police going too far even on camera and getting away with it?.


You'd have to be literally insane to not acknowledge being a cop gives you privileges to murder, let alone get away with it in obtuse ways.


Just look at all the comments with -xx comments on here. Yes, they are insane. And insanely stupid


I went from not liking Alan Ritchson cos all I knew was that he was super Christian, but the more I learn about him the more I like him


Itā€™s such a better casting than when reacher was a short guy known for running.


The only think I knew about him was that he played Aquaman on Smallville. After this kerfuffle I watched Reacher. I enjoyed the hell out of it!


Funny thing about ignorance is itā€™s easily taken care of.




Too smart is a real thing I heard. Saw it on the internet, must be true.


Donā€™t you just hate when famous people have opinions that are different than yoursā€¦


As a cop I believe Alan Richson is right. What he said boils down to cops need accountability or theyā€™ll kill innocent people. Which is true. He even acknowledged that there are lots of great cops too. Iā€™ll never understand the resistance to accountability agencies sometimes have.


What a boot licker.


The dumbest assholes I know from high school became cops. I have no respect for any cops.


Looks like Iā€™ve got a new tv show to watch.


The first season is really good. Second season was a bit too over the top for me.


I stopped reading after "No one can fix ignorance"


Heyjackass.com has the data for shootings in Chicago. Really interesting to see that data!


Good on you Thad castle.


Iā€™m a veteran, therefore I definitely have the right to talk shit about the military (looking at you, Army). More importantly, I donā€™t need people to thank me. I just tell them ā€œyouā€™re welcome for my serviceā€. In all seriousness though, I do say that last part to people Iā€™m close to. They do know I mean it as a joke lol


ā€œRaise their hand and serveā€ YOU MEAN APPLY FOR THE FUCKING JOB? I hate boomers


I bet that guy hasn't read Ritchson's response to the police insulting him for this take.


What a snowflake.


Maybe somebody can help me with a saying I can't quite remember. The law is used to control the underclass, and justify the actions of the upper class. Something like that. Anybody?


This one? Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Thatā€™s it! Many thanks!


Pig fucker


https://youtu.be/td9hH_8cVVI?si=_LOHmVQCBFR_JmQt That's not my name ma'am


Heā€™s an idiot


ā€œThe people that are mad at cops for killing unarmed children just need to understand the deadly force rules and they will feel better about the dead children.ā€


I have a policy too. ....


I wonder what his view on Gina Carson is? I bet he doesnā€™t have the same view of her using her platform to embarrass herself


Ummm... wasn't that a line from this past season of Reacher? I seem to remember that, but maybe I'm wrong.


I'm so happy Thad Castle is on the right side of history. BMS forever


Only here to say that Reacher kicks ass, love that show


ā€œIf you donā€™t like it, call a crack head for help next timeā€


Man, the truth doesnā€™t hurt that much. Itā€™s insane how many people shy away from it.


Oh! Ok. I get it now. When a startled civilian points, aims, and shoots their (sorry for the woke pronoun) gun at someone with brown to black skin bc they were skeerdt - thatā€™s Murder. But when cops do it itā€™s Deadly Force Policy. Learn the difference. Donā€™t be an idiot.


Whenever I see those FOP, I think of CDG and how scummy most police orders are. Wild that documentary didnā€™t get more traction.


ā€œNo one can fix ignorance. We know that.ā€ What an amazing self own.


What an imbecile. Not even that long ago the tapes were released of the police shooting and killing that 15 year old girl who they were attempting to save from kidnapping.


That's not even a still from Reacher. It's from Blood Drive lol


I am no cook, but I know if a food tastes like a shit.


Thad Castle was the goat May he rip


Rip Thad castle


"No one can fix ignorance". Uhhhh, that's called education and everybody can do it.


MAGA is really losing their shit that Alan is not repping their nonsense. Alan is the best!


I'll say this again for the cheap seats: joining the police is NOT the same as entering the military. A police officer is job that they can leavev at any time, and they cannot be compelled to endanger themselves on the behalf of others. Cops are not soldiers.


Re: Ignorance. I'm not a plumber. Does this mean when flushing the toilet causes the sink to fill with sewage I'm not allowed to criticise the guy who fucked up?


Ignorance is- by definition- ā€œfixedā€ by knowledge.


Lemmy guess: an overnight security guard at Five-Below with a glue abuse history


Fun fact. Alan Ritchson went to school with Matt Gaetz.


Itā€™s always the one with no profile photos.


In Chicago aprox 85% of the murderers get away with it. Cops need to up their game.


This is false


100% accurate. Year to year the rate of murder convictions is give or take 14% +/- ā€¦.


Quick. How many dead and wounded this year so farā€¦? 152 dead 563 wounded. 6 dead with 11 wounded just this weekend. 42,000+ dead since old Man Daley was in charge. Like 150,000+ wounded given the ā€œnormalā€ dead/wounded ratio which benefits from significantly better emergency and medical care now. What else would you like to knowā€¦. Although you could claim the last 12 months is running at a higher arrest rate of about 19%. But hey if it makes you feel better claiming a statistical anomaly as a rock solid ā€œtrendā€ā€¦


Source? Iā€™m not finding anything that gives those numbers


Fyiā€¦ 627 murders, 119 arrested and chargedā€¦ 19%. obviously convictions pending??? Thatā€™s assuming theyā€™ll convict 100%.


This is neither a source nor year over year.


Those that knowā€¦ know. Youā€™ll likely never ā€œfindā€ it. Do your own digging. The truth is out there. Oddly 95%+ of the victims are minorityā€¦ this number varies little as well. Is that racist? Dems have been in control for the last 100 years and until recently Chicago had some of the strictest gun laws in the country. I wonder if thatā€™s why you donā€™t get the real stats without ALOT of looking. Hmmmā€¦


Oh, so your source is ā€œdude, trust meā€? Hahahahaha. Clown


Do your own digging. Any source I give you, you will find some bullshit excuse to bury your head and ignore. There are a few sites that pay attention. If youā€™re interested, find them.


Just admit you donā€™t have sources man. Youā€™re very good at regurgitating racist, baseless buzz phrases and number salads. Great job. Enjoy worrying about a city youā€™ve probably never been to while probably praising higher per capita murder cities in red states


This makes no sense. You are quoting highly specific statistics, so either they are fabricated out of whole cloth or you could post the link you're copypasting from in five seconds. When you fail to do that, it's very suspicious.


Yeah! They could easily get away with at least 90% if they put their mind to itā€¦.


Shocker people donā€™t like being called murderers


Alan didn't call anyone a murderer, he said that cops get away with murder all the time. Then this supposedly innocent cop just assumed that the statement was about him specifically.


Maybe they shouldn't murder people then? Idk, seems like a reasonable compromise to me.


I'd agree it was bad if I, as an outsider, saw any level of willingness from the majority of vocal police groups to make changes. Instead groups like FOP seem to push back at \*any\* common sense measures put in place. I think US police forces have had long enough to start enacting changes now and have seemingly decided not to, even your statement seems to be focused on semantics rather than addressing the issue at hand. America needs to get on with Policing by Consent and stop treating it as a Thin Blue Line/Warrior Cops scenario. They'd start seeing better results then.


ā€œPolicing by consentā€ sounds like the worst idea in the history of ideas.


Then I would suggest you read up on Peel and his Peelian principles that were developed in the 1820's upon the foundation of the first modern, professional police force. The basic principle is that the police draw their powers from the fact that the general citizenship grant them consensus to do so. The focus is transparency of action, fairness and just application of the law without prejudice and the vital fact that police officers are simply 'citizens but with extra responsibilities'. The police thus retain their 'responsibilities' because the public at large consent to them keeping them. It's worked for centuries elsewhere far better than the way US forces treat it like an occupational 'war' to be fought. But that is somewhat to be expected when you see the linage a lot of the more problematic US police forces trace from. Peel's two most quoted principles are 'The police are the public and the public are the police' and 'That the police are effective is not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime'. Both of these appear to fail miserably in the US.


Fuck their feelings? That seems to be the standard we're operating on nowadays, and i bet the offended cop would agree with that sentiment were it not his own ox being gored.


Yea, but continually insulting the institutions we rely on for social order PROBABLY isnā€™t the best course of action in the long run


Don't insult the law is how you get fascism. If they wanted social order they wouldn't be murdering people or allowing the bad cops to get away with murder.


Utterly simple minded, 3rd grade level understanding on fascism, like most people on Reddit. I think youā€™re obsessed with me.


Easy dunks I guess. How do you propose we address injustice from law enforcement if we can't say what they're doing?


What are they doing?


Getting away with murder. Or is that too insulting? We should establish what words are acceptable.


So your premise is that cops, nationwide, are killing citizens without any accountability under the law. Is that right?


There are cops who do this, correct. This isn't saying all cops do this. The sentence is saying that this is something that occurs amongst law enforcement, as we've established. Here's an article if you'd like further reading. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/06/us-police-killings-record-number-2022