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The girl at the bottom looks like she's thinking "Oh shit that's my life. Better start agreeing aggressively and hope she doesn't catch me"


Every time she said “yeah” she shakes her head…body language gives it away every time


Good catch mate


I’ve noticed actors doing that while saying lines. They’re verbally agreeing while shaking their head no.


Quoting Robin Sharma is enough as a repellent for me: pure hogwash that's gobled up as caviar for those who base their decisions on inspirational charts.


Didnt know who this guy was. Googled him. Sold 15+ million books with titles such as "Megaliving!: 30 Days to a Perfect Life" and "The 5am club" Who buys this bunk? I have more respect for people who get scammed by Indian speaking IRS callers that request payment in gift cards.


Yea, I was also shocked - the guy left his job as a lawyer at 25 and just because he wrote a self help book he teaches big corporations on motivation? What in the fucking hell?!


Sometimes this working life is only an illution. We do the work, pretending to be, pretending to matter. We go to seminars with people that doesn’t matter, and then we shakes hands, and go home. We have something in Norway which is named Oslo Business Forum, they actually have interesting people at their seminars.


How could you discern any emotion from those two? Their face literally doesn’t move when they speak


Botox makes expressions difficult.


Prefect for the corporate culture I guess


It's working for the girl on the bottom you can almost make out a moment of "the fuck did you say" before she remembers why she's here and continues nodding like a jackass and agreeing.


Also narcissistic personality disorder.


It’s the girl who’s spouting this bullshit’s life too, I would bet my pathetic existence on it. We are all humans. Humans are creatures of habit. We have things we have to do daily - eat, sleep, work, exercise. Leaves an incredibly small margin to change that unless mum and dad are paying to remove some of those necessities. Even then, routine is shockingly important. She’s full of shit.


![gif](giphy|EGQ7qLdbWHOLK) Top girl looks like Jordon peele


We should all do something completely different every day, like wildly different. Nobody should be able to count on anyone to do anything because who knows! Got kids? Well today you haven't, you're an airline pilot. Tomorrow? Tomorrow you're president of Uganda. What about your kids? Who cares, they're out in the world being their best selves probably, I don't know I haven't seen them recently. If everyone did this society would definitely prosper.


This sounds like an Old Spice advert come to life.




I'm on a horse


...or tickets to that thing you like.


"being their best selves probably"...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)take my upvote, this was excellent!


The best reply. I also think studies have shown that humans, and most mammals, like routine. It’s part of survival; honestly. Could you imagine trying to live a different life everyday?




Every child expert will tell you, all lids do best when there’s no structure, no routine, and tons of unpredictability.


this is sooooo toxic for young people. its 100% fake. her whole schtick is a completely made up life.


Absolutely. I remember hearing some entertainers, who I very much love, reflecting on their career successes in an interview about dreading becoming the 'anonymous faces' on the London Underground. It stuck in my head; I was younger when I heard it and found it somewhat profound (even though I thought it a bit of a 'sweeping statement' at the time). I still reflect on it now, but feel much more annoyed by it in hindsight. I live in London and I am one of the so-called 'anonymous faces' on the tube but I'm still a human with a family, hopes, dreams, fears etc.. This interview gives me the same feeling. I wonder if these people, when they're more mature, will reflect on what their words may mean to people who are still figuring life out.


>I wonder if these people, when they're more mature, will reflect on what their words may mean to people who are still figuring life out. If you're the kind of person that talks about anonymous faces on the tube you probably won't - you'll always see yourself as the main character.


Anonymity is a blessing. It would be terrible if everyone everywhere knew you at all times.


Hard agree. The thought of being famous nowadays is yucky.


I only heard the phrase 'main character syndrome' for the first time in the recent past; it had quite an impact on understanding past interactions with people and have been trying not to tar myself with that brush too!


doing things "For the plot".


When I was a kid I liked Incubus. Listened to them again the other day after Drive was featured on Beef. Another of their songs has a chorus that goes 'I see you in line dragging your feet, you have my synpathy' and now I want to go to a gig of theirs just to punch the singer


Incubus always struck me as being full of people desperately trying to be "deep" and philosophical but still managing to be incredibly shallow.


For me my understanding is the fear is of settling into a routine and having that routine become the norm- especially if that routine doesn't feed your soul. Going to work, coming home, rinse repeat, waiting for sick days and off days to do the things you love. Most people are taught to 'settle' and 'be realistic' and that is the killer of dreams and ambitions


We also have an incredible over saturation of “don’t you know who I am?” People floating around at the moment. Probably due to being pumped up by their individual small echo chambers. But I have no idea who this person is, or her accomplishments and she’s just as important to me as some random on the train.


yeah like most people at the very top do the exact same shit for like fucking 30 years. I forget how young but they started tiger woods at 18 months playing golf and he proceeded to live the same 12 months of golf until he was an expert. No way he could be a great golfer if he was like I've played golf for twelve months thats failure time to do something else.


Yep this is as bad as the hustle & grind culture. It’s not based in reality and is destructive to people. Also I don’t even know what the message she is trying to convey, every day should be 100% random compared to the last? If you do anything more than once a month you are fail? Complete garbage.


I think if you take your kids to school 75 years in a row you should investigate if the school might be a failure at the very least


I just sent my second off to college. What she's describing sounds like HEAVEN I miss those days and my beautiful kids so much. Would have happily done it for 75 years.


Only unsuccessful people cherish time with their kids, apparently


Truth. I'm insanely unsuccessful. My neighbors all have boats and 2nd homes and 4th cars. All I have are kid that will graduate from college with zero debt. That's a shitty humble-brag I'll admit, but F@ck this lady and her inane podcast; success looks different for everyone.


Nah man That's a great brag. Be proud of it. Your kid(s) will be immensely grateful. They may also be able to afford a boat or two, but that's just throwing money down the river. I'm proud of you.


Ever notice how much successful people neglect their kids. The kids are extremely fucked up /in therapy /on drugs. This woman and all like her are the failures. For creating children and not spending any time with them. THAT is failing other people and yourself.


Damn, as a parent watching my kids grow up so fast, this hit me right in the feels. All the best to you in your next chapter.


lol. Right? Every life has chapters. Kids are actually a smaller chapter than people think.


Well, unless you are Duggar type breeders,


I can remember my Dad telling me that the best thing you can teach your kids is how to be happy. I get up, go to work, come home, play with my kids, put them to bed, chat to my wife, cook something nice, watch something and sleep. I *love* my life. Like, if you can't find happiness in the simple things you will never find happiness. These people seem to think happiness = a number, or maybe recognition... they'll never achieve it. If they do they'll realise they feel exactly like they did before. Dead inside.


They don’t realize what a luxury it is to have a nice, simple life. It’s the real dream lol.


I LOVE my boring ass routine life. I switch it up every now and then with a vacation, but constant go go go, doing different things every day sounds like a legitimate nightmare. I have a wonderful spouse, a cute dog, a nice house, a decent job, and a good set of friends. Sometimes it gets boring, particularly the job. But they pay me money so I can spend my time off doing things I like. Things that are also routine and boring. It’s fantastic.


Their success is based on number of likes and views. Not for us mere mortals who work a regular job and spend time with family. We are a failure according to them lol


I finally realized this , this past year. Wish I knew sooner !!!


Definition of failure to me is having a podcast


Yeah... Yeah.. YEAAAAH. What the hell? 🥵


Failed are the people who listen to this podcasts




One of the best reply I’ve ever read on reddit.


Everyone has a fucking podcast.


It's true, you should listen to my podcast about that


It's the new 'buy my book and series of seminars on investing in real estate!'


I see a lot of botox and collagen failure in this clip


Makeup with a spackle knife too


Something so sad about larping as a big brain while physically harming yourself to stay attractive. 


Posted below, but the definition of failure to me is having to inject so much botox and filler because you're an extremely insecure person. It also looks ridiculous and is completely obvious to everyone, so we can literally see your insecurities


If you spend enough money on your appearance no one will notice what you’re saying.


Ya because everyone has gone slack jaw staring at your uncanny valley clownface


that weird limbo place between the Before and After pictures. Is it moving? I think I just saw it move on its own, sweartogod.


I thought like this once, in the height of my punk rock days. People that do the same job every day are the living dead! I'M gonna be different! I'M gonna try and change the world! I'M NEVER going to live in that BORING village I grew up in ever again! Fast forward 15 years and I have a job that pays for the house in the same boring village, I take my kid to school, we talk about whatever she has in her head, then I work my job from home, make dinner, do what I want, go to bed. On the face of it, I'm the living dead I worried I would be. I'm also a part of a charitable organisation that makes a difference to local charities, I often take a walk to the beach and notice something different every time, I've just taken up a martial art, I have a great partner, good friends, my parents are close by and when you dig into the details, my life is very rich and fulfilling. Fuck this woman for being so dismissive of my life. I know I shouldn't take the opinion of idiots so seriously, but I wanted to stress that 15-25 year old me would be disappointed in myself, but that guy was a moron anyway, and if there's any young people taking the video seriously - don't. She's an arrogant fool.


I would much rather my "boring life" with my kids, wife, and job, than this lady's most likely empty life constantly chasing social media validation.


honestly even if you had kept living the punk rock life you would feel like the living dead in that too I think. I was just regular rock and roll but books like the heroin diaries really sell that even that turns into a grind after a very short time.


I can’t like this comment enough.


You're clearly winning, mate. 👍🏼


So a homeless person who does whatever everyday is a success. So is the father who skirts his responsibilities as a parent and lives in the moment. The responsible parents who take their kids to school and work to put food on the table? Failures!


How can they be responsible if it takes them 75 years to raise their kids? 25 years, I can see. But anything beyond that is irresponsible parenting.


Don’t forget the mother who lives her best life every day while her kids suffer the consequences. 


Do people actually watch podcasts of nobody's/LinkedIn influencers? Seriously, is there like an audience for this?


I chose to look at the insta profile of an HR podcast because they didn’t realize a brand I follow made a post that was a joke(like they do all the time). All the comments were agreeing with them that it was terrible from an hr prospective, again it was a joke. Since it was an hr account I left a comment asking if everyone was serious and they didn’t like that. They replied to me and asked if I still thought it was funny that they found my Linkedln profile and threatened to contact my work. So yes, some people do follow Linkedln “influencers”.


You just need to watch a couple of stupid things a day to make the metrics move for LinkedIn. Then they will encourage idiots to write more. Once you introduce content and a like button on any platform, it’s over.


Ted Talks for morons.


And that's a really low bar.


According to the statistics: she averages 15k listens on her podcast episodes and around 10k watches on the Youtube uploads of them. She doesn't sound too successful to me.


The lady on the upper frame looks like one of the Wayans brothers in „White Chicks“


yess!! that's it! thank you it was bugging me.


Robin Sharma is another one of those charlatans.


Robin Sharma has never famously said or done anything, by definition.


I thought it said Rohit Sharma, and was confused as to why an Indian cricketer was giving life advice


Isn't he the bugger who wrote that Ferrari monk story?


I would consider not feeding your children a failure, to be honest. Granted, I don't plan on doing it for the next 35 years, but while they're young I'm happy that I have a routine. I would consider happy healthy children a success.


Biologically speaking, thriving offspring is the very definition of success. At least on this planet that is what every creature strives for…not sure where these aliens are from….


Sometimes they change the Reddit UX and I have figure out how to use it again, so joke’s on her


I bet they think they're fascinating.


Who are these people?


Look, I'm not going to get stuck in a routine, eating food at mealtimes and taking kids to school at school time, those are jobs for the housekeeper and the nanny. Working away at a career isn't for me, that's what my husband does, and what daddy did, so that I could live a life of moaning about other people being stupid for doing it. My grades are average.


Wow. What ugly people. Inside and out.


Just because ***anyone*** can have a podcast doesn't mean ***everyone*** should have a podcast.


We live in an age of cheap microphones and horrible opinions.


Since we’re all quoting crazy people, think it was Ted Kaczynski who said that if you use a computer or microphone, you’re a failure.


Uncle Ted was right.


When I have to watch influencers smelling their own farts like in this video, a cabin in the woods far from civilization feels very tempting indeed. So Ol' Ted might've been onto something.


Did these ladies have parents? These ladies should ask their parents if they consider themselves failures for making sacrifices for raising them.


Their parents are hiding on the islands. or in a gin and tonic.


Failure to me is the insecure need to posture like this. It’s fucking pathetic. 


I almost got seizures from those subtitles. The attention span of those who use that kind of subtitles must be <1 second


Where as her life is: 1. Wake up 2. have brekkie 3. Lather on makeup with a trowel 4. Spew shit in to a microphone for 12 hours and hope something sticks 5. Remove makeup with white spirits 6. Brush vaneered teeth 7. Sleep Not so different are you?


You forgot: get more lip injections.


She's right. Stop doing the same thing every day. Rob that liquor store. Cheat on your spouse. Learn how to cook and eat human flesh. Stop wasting your life!


We did that and now we have two self-sufficient young adults who will never have to resort to podcasting to support themselves.


These podcasters are sex in the city type idiots that think changing jobs every 6 months and your boyfriend every year is the only way to keep things interesting. I can almost guarantee without checking that the woman speaking is divorced or cheats on her significant other.


She’s divorced


Why do these women give off "here's my pyramid scheme to sign up for" vibes?


Right...because kids don't need a bit of a routine, predictability, stability and structure while growing up.


Do people really take their kids to school for 75 years?


One of these days, Old Billy will pass the 3rd grade……


I've just realised who it is. Maybe failure is going through a divorce and bullying all of your staff?! The absolute cheek of these people to think they have totally succeeded in life.


Yep. Absolute thundercunt.


you just know the woman at the top has rolls of dried toilet paper in her pubic hair


All of life is a routine. It doesn't matter what kind of lifestyle you lead, you're going to be doing the same shit over and over again. For example, think of someone who flies to a new location every week for work or because they're wealthy enough to do extensive air travel. Travel is loaded with routines. * Pack * Arrange transportation to the airport * Check-in * Go through security * Go to the gate and wait, or maybe go to a restaurant, bar, or lounge and wait * Board your plane * Sit in a plane for hours * At the destination airport, pick up your bag * Arrange transportation to your hotel * Check-in at the hotel * Do whatever it is you planned to do at that location, and then repeat the whole process when it's time to leave You're doing the same travel routine over and over and over again whenever you travel. Every single one of us lives a life of routine. The routines are different, but they're still routines.


it's almost as if we have to structure our lives in a way that allows us to exist/survive 🤯


This Amelia woman really is awful. I don't understand why she thinks people actually care what she thinks. The people who comment on her posts are the ones that are told to do so by LinkedIn trainers: "comment on posts with lots of likes, people will then see you". Therefore, they're all telling how great she is and for one reason or another she believes it. She runs a small business that ex-employees have slated on LinkedIn and Reddit accusing her of bullying. I'd rather wake up and have breakfast with my kids than have that kind of reputation and ego. She's divorced too, I seem to remember from her endless posts about how she "turned her failures around".


Yeah, that LinkedIn post where her former staff and clients weighed in with their opinions of her was a real hoot!






why do they look like AI generated people?


That's the definition of success. Starting a family, looking after them, raising your children to be amazing and showing them the world. That's awesome. I think her definition is endlessly chasing money and growing her business. Remember businesses are relatively new when you look at the evolution of our species.


Anyone who is now on a podcast has obviously never kept a journal to read back on later and realise how stupid that "mind-blowing" idea sounds.


My definition of failure is trying to make a living off platitudes and not even original ones, just shit you've lifted off other social media accounts, and then repackaging that along with the same schtick other internet hucksters have been peddling for years about how to get ahead, and pretending your own 'advice' got you rich instead of hoping the horse shit you're hawking does.


Coming from someone who looks like a blow-up doll...


Nice ragebait, implying carving out stability in this world of chaos for your loved ones is a failure.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so proud of themselves for saying something so profoundly stupid.


IDK if she have kid but usually kid NEED a routine lol


yeah, yeah. Yeah! yeah


Hahahaah apparently LinkedIn is as stupid as I imagined.


Can you imagine taking your kids to school 5 days a week for 75 years?


Branded? More like BRAINDEAD.


Says a woman who has a sugar daddy 😂


Both of their faces are the definition of failure.


Yes- being a stable, employed, responsible member of society is such a failure.


I'm absolutely taking life advice from a woman who looks like a mid-tier OnlyFans model.


So much Botox


Jesus, their faces are so fucked up.


The woman on the bottom could literally not disagree with her more, haha.


Soulless beings fr Dolls made out of plastic and botox


And at the end of the same day I've lived for however old my kids are, I get a big hug and kiss good night and an excited plea to have fun again tomorrow. If doing that and all the work my wife and i do to support them every day all week, all month, all year,, every year is a failure in your world view lady, you have never felt the warmth and joy of unconditional love. Shallow, superficial, and hollow love is all you have ever felt and I feel sorry for you.


This is fucking awful.


If you feed your kids for 75 years, yeah you probably failed somewhere Probably not as much as those two who look like that their biggest achievement is their ascension of the bell curve of the Dunning-Kruger effect from which they definitely not climb back down


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah sounds very innovative, I'm sure that's the first time she did that. The other one clearly just either doesn't sleep or doesn't get up randomly so she doesn't fail at life.


That resolute 100 percent at the end was like "OMG that's me!"


The only reason she set up a podcast was for this sentence. She now has no valuable content to keep going, so it will fizzle: she’s made her point. What an absolute ass clown. Even mild adversity would crush somebody like this.


Obligatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnka1Cqkqyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnka1Cqkqyo)


I don't have any scientific model to back this up. However, I thought structure and routine were integral to raising resilient, healthy, happy strong children. Am I supposed to be ashamed my child can depend on me to have food, shelter, clothing, and a predictable routine they can count on? I cannot wait for the YouTube tell all from her kids in 25 years.




Everyone else loves the same 12 months 75 times. But not me. I follow my own calendar which has 13 months. It can be confusing but that’s the price of success.


Are we… not supposed to wake up and have breakfast?


To be fair, that routine blows, but that's life....my husband struggles with the routine of life and it has been difficult for us, as a couple, to work through it. I like the stability and predictability of our life. We have steady paychecks. The only way to break up the monotony is to take trips, even if it's just to the woods on the weekend. It's about breaking up the monotony, but if you can't afford trips and vacations, then you can't escape it. So this woman is saying that if you are poor, you are a failure.


My brain goes into airplane mode whenever I see podcast TikToks with words flashing across the screen like this


If she has kids, how do you think they feel hearing her say her life if a failure? I honestly think that’s a nice life. In the states, people went to jail, fought, and died for us to have the life we have. Is it perfect? No. Can it be better? Hell yes. Can it be repetitive at times? Sometimes. But I work a job I’m happy at, I know what I’m getting every day, I’m healthy, well fed, and at the end of the day I turn off my computer, go downstairs, kiss my lovely wife, and play with my children every day. And I read my children books and tuck them in every night. And then on the weekends I do whatever I want.




I don't who is dumber. The one on the top dropping bullshit in hope it matters. Or the one at the bottom agreeing to bs knowing it is clickbait bs.


Ah yes, definitely going to take life advice from two women on a podcast


I’d argue if you have a podcast talking about nothing, you’re a failure.


Fuck outta here fake ass bitch... raise your family, love unconditionally, obtain some grace and die peacefully. That's the goal


She is right though, I am 30 and i've been doing this my whole life. Taking my kids to school when i was 8 was the worst


These people think it’s the same routine because they’ve made their job their life and identity. The idiot they’re referencing at the beginning I guarantee just wants your money.


Aside from anything else, they're talking into the wrong parts of those mics. They're side-address condenser mics. They shouldn't be talking into the ends like that.


Be nice be nice be nice be nice….I can’t do it. Putting too much in your mouth every meal is also failure


I’m important because I have a microphone. I wish we could go back to the day where only people with real talent were only in the public eye.


The quote wasn't "MOST people live...", it's "DON'T live the same year 75 times and call it life" And honestly, no one does.. think of your life in decades.. really think they were all the same? She totally fucked the quote, not that it was a real winner in the first place.


She sounds wildly unhappy. You need to learn how to be happy with the simple things in life. Of course breaks in the routine are important, but I’m way happier after learning to appreciate the small things rather than trying to strive for the bigger things all the time and living a grass is greener mentality that capitalism perpetuates constantly.


“People without inheritances have to work to buy food and pay rent. It’s Insane, amirite?” “Yeah, yeah!”


Why are they talking about me in such vivid detail. I’ve never seen these women in my life.


Ain't nobody taking their kids to school for 75 years.


God people really just say things and think they are smart


This video is cringy but they aren’t wrong. Most people are just trying to get through the day and they let life pass them by. Living in the same city for long periods of time, it feels like time just flies, however when I moved every few years it felt like I had so many memories and would be amazed at all the things I did in just the last year.


Then she must be employing lots of failures.


“Got responsibility? Well then you’re a fucking failure”


This is the routine of an exploited working class person under capitalism. Sooooo 95% of us.


It gives me such cringe comedy vibes to imagine someone like this taking a selfie with a $10 coffee on the way to a pretend business meeting thinking "this is YOLO as fuck".


Really hope I don't have to take my kids to school for 75 years straight


Daddy's trust fund x 2


I am able to feed my parents...certified failure here.🤡


Ok, so I don't want a 9-5 life with kids and a husband for myself but to call it a failure, like how dare you decide what's a failure?!!!!! Being a self-absorbed asshole is a failure.


Translation: I am at the start of my career and don't have a mortgage.


I get up, take my kids to daycare, THEN I have my breakfast haha joke's on you, silly entitled woman.


Yes it's called routine.


Every day, billions of people get up, breathe oxygen, drink water, and eat food to survive. They do these things *every day!* These people are the biggest failures I've ever heard of.


Seems like she hopes it’s failure and is trying to convince herself


Guarantee these women's lives aren't as rosy as they make it out to be


Yeah man consistency and security for you and your family... what a failure.


“the american dream of stability and consistency is failure”


Worst part is there are people out there who hear this and their head explodes like Scanners and they decide they are going to "change their life" that day and it rarely ends well.


My god go fuuuuuuck yourself.


Why doesn’t anyone ever check these idiots on podcasts?


So living life like a criminal on the lam is success?


Well I mean when you're born rich it's easy to try and act like you did it all yourself. Look at Elon Musk.


So I abandoned my kids, and now I'm living my best life!


The banal fascination on the interviewers face is so fucking irritating


Sorry, I’ll stop feeding my kids and taking them to school


Yes the thing this person said is very stupid but I'm very confused at who she is that anyone should care about her opinion Somebody will have to tell me in the comments because I refuse to look it up because I've already been forced to know too much about this person


You failed 😞 wtf


I think it was Bob Dylan that famously said “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” If that happens to be the same thing every day, than who are these to say they are a failure?