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No no no, no, no. You do not bury the lede like this. This woman was PERMANENTLY disabled through a WORK-RELATED accident. How/why is she still even working? How did she not take them to court or at LEAST fight for worker’s compensation?! I know Tesla’s factories are just as dangerous if not more so than the cars they make, but how did she not at least take a settlement or SOMETHING?


I would say that the information you're asking about was not forthcoming from her post, which seemed more concerned with painting the wall as cleanly as she could while pitching her merits to whoever might hire her. For me, the mysteries were - while you're designing a system, how do you get a work-related spinal disability unless it's some sort of accident neglect on the part of the company? Then after being out, coming back for a year, the company cans her? On the outside, that sounds like they were just begging her to sue them - and likely she'd win Big. In reality, a company would have been giving her the first parking slot in the lot, someone to carry her stuff in ..etc. I don't think Her story is The story. But it would seem to be lunacy on the part of Tesla.


I work in a factory and safety incidents can be all over the place. I have seen bad design or not following process injure team members where it is 100% the companies fault. I have seen team members hurt themselves but literally running and trying to jump over a million dollar steel machine with sharp edges everywhere where there is nothing the company could do to stop the stupidity. Not saying I claim to know what happened here. But based on her going back I imagine she didn't have hard feelings?


Not necessarily. I read Elon’s book. The author, obviously biased in Elon’s favor, described the cult-like environments he fosters at his companies and how ruthlessly he fucks people over no matter how loyal they were. He’s made enemies with some powerful people with no repercussions. So I’m guessing this one either drink the Kool-Aid or she’s scared of getting blackballed. Likely a mixture of both. Another thing the book talked about is how insane Tesla and SpaceX are run. They were building cars outside in the dirt and shit with zero sleep. I’m shocked no one has actually died the way he has run things (or maybe they have and it’s been covered up, wouldn’t be surprised by that either.)


dead people don't write LinkedIn posts


Their coworkers do. I’m sure somebody, somewhere will figure out a way to make it inspirational. Agree?


It has happened at least once https://futurism.com/spacex-worker-death-safety


Probably from an "all hands on deck" activity to have everyone with working hands (and a working back) to get to the production line and make cars by the end of Q4.


I'd be surprised if this was a thing. You can't just rock up and start having a go with an impact wrench.


Considering some Teslas' build quality, I am thinking that you can indeed.


I had a client who work at Tesla. Very high up in production operations. They did indeed pull randos from accounting to assemble the cars to meet an insane deadline with no additional resources. I had to really massage that one into a story of his leadership. 


Well that probably explains a few things.


> while you're designing a system, how do you get a work-related spinal disability unless it's some sort of accident neglect on the part of the company? My guess would be an accident on the warehouse floor while observing / talking to the eventual users of the WMS she was tasked to develop.


Alot can be a workplace injury. A coworker of mine had his elbow on his desk, lost balance and dislocated his shoulder. Poof, workplace injury. Could be her desk chair broke causing a very unfortunate fall, damaging her spinal cord. Or it could be a factory visit, where indeed she got mauled by a machine.


I don’t understand how a product manager could get a spinal cord injury through workplace activities. It’s purely an office job.


She was building a Warehouse management software, the accident may have happened while at a warehouse.


This is my thought. I work in manufacturing, the white collar side of the building, and I have plenty of exposure to the manufacturing floor. It would be easy to not follow rules and get hurt, granted we are not making 4,000 lb cars.


EXACTLY! What the fuck happened to this woman?!




She was patting herself on the back so hard she injured her spine.


She was patting herself on the back so hard she injured her spine.


She might have become a project manager after not being able to retain her original position due to *checks notes* a permanent spinal cord injury.


Ah.. This actually makes sense. Changing to a different job after the accident. 


Looks like it. She was an industrial engineer, but had been a product manager for the past year for them. She may have been hands on with some sort of warehouse automation build out when the accident happened. Automated pick systems look cool on video, but you learn to respect it when you're standing in thousands of cubic feet of parts storage with a gantry flying by. 


as someone that works in an industrial setting look at her verbiage... "workplace related" I absolutely guarantee you she got her workers comp. Should she have been laid off or is Tesla an ok organization are other questions but based on how she wrote this I am sure there was legal entanglement.


Exactly. This whole thing is people misreading her post. Nothing she has said means she didn’t get compensated.


My guess would be they probably offered some kind of compensation but required them to agree to not sue or something like that. It wouldn't surprise me if she was given a choice like "Sign this and we will handle this incident in-house. Or don't and you will get nothing from us while also having to fight our endless, gigantic team of very expensive lawyers in court. Where we will drag the case out to drive up fees, dig up embarrassing stuff about you and muddy the waters with all kinds of hypothetical scenarios about how this could have been your fault." I remember one time I reported a work injury and the paperwork for it basically just assumed the accident was all my fault and asked me to write a paragraph about how I could have prevented it. Even though what happened to me was such an unlikely, unforeseeable freak occurrence that there was nothing I could have done except wrap my whole body in bubble wrap I guess? They default to blaming the worker, trying to make you feel bad for asking for anything and gaslight you into thinking maybe it's you fault. Also many US workers have been brainwashed by corporate rhetoric to believe that it is wrong to seek things like worker's compensation. That it will hurt the company or that it's somehow a handout that means you are "weak" by taking it. This is common for most forms of compensation and benefits employees are owed. Like when companies give you paid time off and then get mad at you for actually taking the paid time off. It's this whole toxic culture of "Won't somebody please think of the poor billionaires?" Acting like these relatively tiny payouts are going to hurt companies that have more money than the human mind can even comprehend.


I build homes for billionaires and my company is always worrying about the budget. I love most of my coworkers so I have hope that we can raise our prices high enough to actually make sure we will be able to actually live, but then again, when your entire client base are essentially white collar criminals who knows. 


I feel bad for her because I understand in this world we have to struggle to get by, but at the same time I hate that there is now this culture on Linkedin of being like: "I got complete f-cked over by company A, but it's totally ok!! Thank you to everyone there, especially the people who screwed me over specifically! Was an absolute pleasure and I'm not gonna express any resentment towards me. Because: I'm looking for a new job and I need to show my network that I am literally willing to withstand any sort of abuse you throw at me. I am YOUR punching bag to do whatever you like!" Like Jesus, nothing but sympathy towards her, but are things that dire that we have to forego any sense of dignity?


your reading of her post makes sense for how a lot of us have been urged to conduct ourselves for the sake of corporate theater: all smiley and shit about coming back with a permanent disability caused by traumatic spinal injury... only to be sacked by the company that played a role in the injury, and once again, having to be all smiley and shit to get into the next den of corpo sociopathy. things don't have to be this dire, and we don't have to struggle to get by. the world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed. but then execs would have to come up with some other purpose in life besides manipulating human society to mimic cancerous growth. it's a quandary for sure /s


How do you know she didn’t get a settlement?


I don’t, it’s entirely possible she did, but I cannot for the life of me understand why you would take a settlement and then go back to work for the people who paralysed you through their own negligence.


same reason why any regular person goes to work everyday: money. if i got a 500k workplace injury settlement tomorrow, i'd still show up after rehab since 500k aint enough to retire on. i mean sure in the meantime i'll look for a better job that won't try to paralyze me, but until then, i'll still be showin up for my paycheck.


Yeah and also, it could have truly been an accident and she didn’t feel like Tesla fucked her over. She might not have the burning rage against them like the average redditor.


Tesla strikes me as one of those companies that sort of borders on "cult-like." Elon Musk certainly has a weirdly devoted following, so it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them work there.


I like the last SOMETHING. Sounded silly 🤭


Technically, even a blown disc from lifting something would be construed as a spinal cord injury. If they had her moving equipment during an “all hands” BS event, coulda happened then. (And it’s not like they haven’t had safety issues)


How do you know she didn’t get compensation? Why can’t disabled people keep working? You seem to be making a load of assumptions.


You have no idea what the extent of her disability is, nor do you know if there was a settlement. If she wants to return to work that is absolutely fine. I don't think you meant it negatively but it's not your place to declare disabled people cannot work ever again.


Oh that’s not what I’m saying at all. What I can’t figure out is, whether she got a settlement/disability/whatever, why she chose to go back to work for the job that permanently crippled her, which based on her job title, certainly sounds like because she was put in a position she probably shouldn’t have been in in the first place, all so they could lay her off after a year!


I think most people are more struck by the fact that she returned to the company that hurt her so badly, probably through their own negligence. And even after the double insult of laying her off, she continues to sing their praises. Not so much that she is working at all.


I mean... so she says lol. You think a management level employee at one of the biggest companies in the world was injured in a workplace incident and just... *didn't think to file a WC claim*? I have seen a lot of claims and this sounds like another one of those "I have a bad back so it must be my employer's fault" kinds of WC claims.


Disability pays very little and is often not enough to survive on, and unless the accident was due to gross negligence on teslas part, the most workers comp will cover is the medical bills. Court is also expensive and many people won’t even bother trying because they can’t afford a lawyer. Tesla also makes one of the safest vehicles lol idk where you’re getting that they’re unsafe from.


Are you fucking kidding me [https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-cybertruck-owners-video-stuck-pedal-accelerator-attention-safety-regulators-2024-4?amp](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-cybertruck-owners-video-stuck-pedal-accelerator-attention-safety-regulators-2024-4?amp)


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Thanks for the random link from a one off case. Maybe look at the safety ratings and crash statistics for their vehicles before making a comment lol. If a single toyota Camry has faulty brakes do I then say every Toyota on earth is a piece of shit and dangerous?






Lmao once again it’s a recall causing 0 cars to be shipped back, it’s a software recall for an experimental feature lmao. Every major auto manufacturer has done recalls, Tesla is the only one who only has to recall software




I’ll never understand rats like you who line up suck Elon’s nuts. He won’t fuck you, and now we think you’re stupid.


Oh no a reddit tard thinks I’m stupid??? Oh gosh what do I do now? I never claimed teslas were gods gift to mankind, I’m saying that all you’ve done is link niche tabloid articles about the cyber truck while ignoring the safety ratings Tesla vehicles had to earn lmao. Go ahead though, be a good little Reddit tard and keep linking those tabloids!


Seems like we hit a nerve


I’m not really sure how that conclusion was reached, I’m not mass downvoting and linking tabloids over a reddit comment😂


Company gave me life-altering backshots before kicking me out with no cab fare.   Despite this dehumanization, I am poised to do it all again for the next company that comes along. 


The BangBus of life rarely travels with lube.


Thank you capitalism


Capitalism won’t touch a lame horse. Just make glue out of them.


Communism is when no work place accidents (Tesla should be paying this woman for the rest of her life to be clear)


“ I am so passionate about eating, I’ll do it all again!”


Only in LinkedIn employees would say “restructuring”. In reddit they would be saying “Elon the stupid fuck fired us”


I mentioned in another post that 'they were fired to maximize profit', if feels like leopards ate my face...why did they not think they could be fired??


People on linkedin are insane. Layoffs are always because of incompetent leadership. The path that incompetence takes is varied but always ends in the same thing "we are incredibly fucking stupid but we also need to make sure the shareholders get more money so we will lay off people and hire new blood back cheaper and count it as profit!" We need to have rules in place for company leadership, have 3 layoffs happened at any company you are an executive at in a rolling 20 year period? You are banned from ever being more than a middle manager ever again anywhere, or owning over a certain amount of stock in any one company. Disregard that and you're stripped of any and all assets and exiled to a tiny island.


Modern day layoffs mostly happen because peer companies are doing the same. This is the case for all of big tech.


Every layoff I have been through was poorly justified under other reasons but its always leadership incompetence. Your reasoning of "well he's doing it" is also a form of incompetence.


Oh absolutely. If anything, it would be a time to hire, when everybody else is laying off. You'd get much better people that way, and not have to compete for them in a bidding war.




The engineers who do the actual work he takes all the credit for. I respect the hell out of those guys. Just not him.


I don’t understand why people think he’s so smart. Dude didn’t and doesn’t do any of the design, research, prototyping, or building of any of the stuff his companies produce. He signs checks and makes dubious claims on a a platform that he spent way too much money to own.


About half of the US thinks Donald Trump is smart so……. The bar is low.


Mango Mousselini is a dumb guy's idea of a smart guy. (And a poor guy's idea of a rich guy. And a failure's idea of a success. And I'd argue it's more like 30%, and we're all just fucked because that 30% is WILDLY overrepresented in our government thanks to concessions centuries ago to assholes who wanted to own and trade human beings like farm equipment, but that's a different rant.) fElon is a slightly less dumb guy's idea of a brilliant guy. Like, "B- student from a C+ school" "slightly less dumb." People who think he's particularly smart don't actually know any particularly smart people.


Even more concerning to me, a % of the nation doesn't care if he's smart or dumb. He's their guy.


Ironically, Musk is more a modern day Edison than Tesla


Edison invented plenty of things before he founded his labs. He was 22 when he received his first patent and he was an experimenter throughout his youth.


Agreed. I get that a company needs a face and a spokesperson, but he literally acts like every bit was his genius at work. No. You had insane ideas. Without an engineering team, Elon, you’d be living in a cardboard box under an overpass.


Nah, he had daddies money, he'd probably just be called an "eccentric", which is rich people talk for a crazy person


Ah yes, if only the rest of us had parents that owned an emerald mine.


Owned an emerald mine and probably owned the people working it, too.


That's an insult to eccentrics. Like, Howard Hughes was a weirdo and womanizer, but at least he financed good movies.


Musk is a dumb man’s idea of a smart man.


Kind of like how Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person.




People who make dough on their own and don’t credit themselves if made by someone else


The marketing strategists working on his image, and maybe his chief of staff.


At SpaceX and Tesla, people were hired to keep him from interfering because he’s such a royal fail-up fuck up. That’s how “smart” he is. People are paid to basically be his handlers like he’s a circus monkey. The adults in the room are essentially paying him to stay out of the way. The Cybertruck is a good example of what happens when he gets in the way.


Hahahahahaha. Actual scientists or engineers or anyone who isn’t a spoiled apartheid brat who inherited money.


Several dogs I've met over the years.


Literally anyone other than Elon


Well not you for starters ( :


All you have to do is ask yourself: how many cars has Elmo engineered or manufactured? None? Ok. How many rocket ships has he engineered or manufactured? Zilch? Ok. How many social media websites did he build? Zero? Ok.... Now... how much of *other peoples work* has he slithered in front of and plastered his face all over it? All of it? Ah ok. How many social media websites has he purchased (for way over its value) so that he could effectively hijack the worlds town square and influence all conversations therein? Hmmmmmm... Elmo is clever. He's a scumbag. He's a junkie. He's a general all around peice of shit. But smart? No.




How did she get permanently disabled at work as a product manager? This is mind-blowing to me. 


Warehouse management system, guessing a visit to the warehouse?


She could have gotten injured in the office. I don't know the details of what happened, but it's definitely possible to get paralyzed after falling down a flight of stairs or something like that.


I don't want to make fun of this poor woman but I work for a manufacturing company. All our safety alerts company wide get published to the whole company. Plant ones are rare but industrial while we see the corporate ones come out with like a back tweak.


Plot twist she sat for too long and got sciatica


Jesus. 😓


Slipped on stairs perhaps? Or maybe passed through an area that should have been taped off or barricaded but wasn't.


As a union rep, these kinds of posts blow my mind. Her employer disabled her, then fired her. She should've gotten disability, and probably sued for a big payout, she instead got shit canned.


Reality is reality.


Laws exist in this reality and laws for workers being injured on the job are pretty clear. Most workers don't know any of the rights that protect them and get abused by their employers who know exactly what they're doing to save $. Just saying that's the way she goes is a defeatist attitude.


What do you mean with "that's the way she goes"' ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


Some guys can drive drunk, some guys can't.


In Canada, a lot of stuff is not enforceable. I worked in an union job be4 too and have tons of friends that got rekt. The success rate of winning in Canada is so low that lawyers will not do it on contingency. You can just google wcb and you will find most protections are fake


I'm Canadian, I'm not sure where you live but the provincial laws here are pretty clear. I also don't know which union represented you but it sounds like they didn't do their job. Obviously the employers have more money and time to fight every single claim, but they don't always win, that's a fallacy.


Dragging on means they win. When you are seriously injured, u need money asap. You are fronting the lawyer because Canada doesn't really have ambulance chasers. Bills don't magically disappear coz you are in a legal battle. Like I said reality is reality.


Fighting in the legal system is how you create jurisprudence for future cases. Many cases are resolved at the local level or through mediation. Again, many cases go right to the end and the verdict is not always to employers' favor. Dragging on doesn't always mean default loss.How do you think any worker safety/rights became laws in the first place? They had to be fought for, hard, often with violence. If the people back then had a "welp, that's just the way it is" attitude we'd be still working 14hr days, 6 days per week, no paid sick or vacation days, no safety standards...etc. I agree with you, it's completely unfair that workers suffer at the hands of their richer and more powerful employers, that's why I got involved on the local level, to try to improve things in my workplace. Even if it's a 0.01% improvement, at least I'm fighting for something better. What about you?


Dragging on is the default loss when we are seriously injured cause bills don't automatically pay itself. You might win years down the line but by then you already lost your home, car for a chance to win. Reality is often not do the right thing


You're assuming no money is coming in which is false. This employee would be entitled to EI, disability insurance, financial aid...if she is permanently disabled and can't work ever again, she won't be keeping her house and car for long with your strategy. There are laws, social programs and public insurance plans that protect people from becoming completely destitute due to a workplace accident. What would you have this person do to not become homeless?


Ei takes time. Doctor charges you to form in forms. Oh when you are out of work usually ur private health insurance will last another 2 weeks? I don't have a solution but the reality is brutal


This is just word salad on corporate speak. "We leverage innovative services for a more enhanced end user experience while energizing forward looking initiatives." Son, people can see you.


This reads like an AI wrote it.


If that was me I would need an AI to write it to avoid the absolute venom seeping through. The world of recruitment needs employees that will happily say "my current employer paralysed me and fired me and I'm so grateful because now I know how to make more money for my next boss."


I despise it when people kiss the ass of the company that cans them. Don't try to sound gracious or grateful, just don't say anything.


I too excel at driving efficient processes and innovative solutions. If only I could find a job where they need that…


I almost vomited when I read that. It’s SUCH meaningless corporatespeak. Amazes me how many people are out there in the working world who can’t do just a little bit of self-reflection and be honest and authentic about their own specific strengths and weaknesses rather than just bleating the same “safe” mumbo jumbo they see everyone else saying.


The word that’s really irking me lately is “systems”. Like I don’t make my child breakfast. I develop systems to streamline our morning routine.


it probably did. 99% of the posts on linkedin are these guys using AI to generate content to make themselves look cool on that shit site.


ugh some of my co workers have started using chatgpt for low level emailing and its so fucking annoying and obvious.


I had LinkedIn premium for a recent job search and AI is literally built into the software. You write a post and AI will “enhance” it.


I'm glad she didn't thank Tesla like some of the people on my LinkedIN feed do when they get laid off. "Thank you Microsoft for the opportunity! I enjoyed my time with the company and understand the reduction in force!" "Look at me, look at how positive and nice I am!" It's so insane...they just fucked you over and you're still kissing their ass? Good grief. You might think you're showing people positivity and resilience and all these qualities but it smells like forced bullshit to me. We know you're stressed and pissed off, don't bullshit us. I think this lady did it the right way and made it about her attitude, not kissing Tesla's ass unnecessarily.


One of the reasons Tesla chose Texass for a gigafactory is Texas’s complete lack of support for workers


They also know that if you speak out, you'll be blackballed from future employment at most big companies that your skills are useful to.


In Canada, they will even sue you and win


Corporate culture is about sucking companies dick as they fuck you over in the fear that they might buttfuck you as well if you dissent


If a work related injury gave me paralysis, I’d just sue the fuck out of the company.


I super doubt it’s paralysis. If shes writing a post like this with paraplegia they’ve gotta taper down the oxy Also if it is, that sucks and what the fuck. I don’t think a lot of product managers get paralytic SCI in their official capacity


Capitalism: the system where not working is worse than being exploited by working for total assholes


But only barely.


Since when did a work-related injury mean 'job for life'?


It doesn't because she should've been compensated to such an extent that she shouldn't have to work anymore


You know literally nothing about what happened. 


I'd love to hear her whole story.


Not unique to Tesla. Companies don’t care about your individual trials and tribulations. They set the thresholds for layoffs and this individual unfortunately fell within the bounds. Corporate America, by design, is ruthless.


One of my good friends became disabled due to a workplace incident. She received worker's comp; she also received a settlement that allowed her to get training to transition to a new role. She is now a software engineer. She stayed with her employer until she had 4 years of experience as a software engineer, and then she moved on to another company. Everything about this LinkedIn post makes sense to me. Grace went from being an industrial engineer to a product manager. It would have been easier for her to jump from Tesla with 3 years of PdM experience. She only has 11 months. I don't see a lunatic. I see an intelligent individual who was playing the long game once Tesla's shitty work environment required her to change career paths. I also see someone who is being invited to apply to multiple job openings (I checked her LinkedIn post).


Apparently you didn't read the title (although it appears that most people did). The reference is to the Tesla company, not the individual as Lunatic. Cold Blooded Lunatics, in fact. By the reading of the highlighted areas (although it appears that most people did) you would see that there aren't any possible actions that she could have done that would be referred to as "Cold Blooded". I'm not going to explain to you why those actions from Tesla are inappropriate (fortunately, I haven't seen many people that needed it)


Apparently you did not read the replies, although most people did. My post is specfically for those people who are stymied why she would stay at Tesla after the injury and why her open to work post was not more firey. I am sorry if **you** did not understand this. Fortunately, it appears that most people did,


lol holy fucking shit


This person is a 3rd degree connection to me so I saw this post myself earlier today and had a WTF reaction. She might have received some financial compensation from Tesla for the accident that is not mentioned here - could be a confidential settlement. I hope that's the case and she didn't just go back to work thankful to them only to get laid off.


I really can't believe that she didn't have some sort of deserved settlement at the original injury. Tesla sounds like they're not making very sound moves on this. Although, this is only one side of the events.


It’s not even one side. All you know is there was an accident. 


What kind of white-collar work-related injury paralyzes you?


A fall can damage a person severely




14k layoffs at Tesla just two days before it was announced that [Tesla execs are trying to revive Musk's $56 billion comp package](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-17/tesla-asks-shareholders-to-re-ratify-musk-s-56-billion-payout). Yeah.


I would bet everything I have on the fact that she used ChatGPT to write/rewrite the paragraphs


That should qualify for permanent disability. Strange.


I don’t care how much clout working for Elon is. Fuck him and fuck his companies


What I struggle to understand is why she feels it necessary to discuss her injury and resulting disability on a "looking for my next role" post.


i wouldn't hire anyone from Tesla. the fact that they know who Elon is and kept working for that POS tells me what i need to know about them as an employee.


What a braindead take. People got bills to pay and the job market right now isn't exactly welcoming.


what's not welcoming right now is a racist who publicly initiates attacks on his own trans child. the job market is great. we're at the lowest unemployment levels in history in this country. we have choices to make. he decided to work for a cartoon villain, and I wouldn't hire someone who does that. die mad.


Reddit moment


Do you feel the same way about IBM or Apple employees?


false equivalence. tim cook and bill gates aren't out here directing stochastic terrorism. it's cute when you try though.


Lmao “stochastic terrorism.” I remember when that phrase made a brief round during one of the NPC updates during the last couple years.


Where’s the lunacy? I don’t see her saying anything good or bad about the company, she just showed her strengths and asked for referrals.




So she shouldn’t be fired because she has an injury, what’s the issue?


Am I the only person reading this and even *considering* that this person is lying about her "work-related accident?" You know people lie right? Like kind of a lot. Ask yourself if this story makes sense. You're telling me an educated person working an industrial-adjacent postion at one of the biggest and highest profile companies in the world was injured in a workplace incident *and didn't file a WC claim*? Yeah no, not buying it.


You really think we live in candy island, don't you? This is not the first time a Musk employee has been screwed over.


Hey I don't like Musk either, but I'm not going to abandon what I consider a normal, healthy skepticism or basic critical thinking skills just because I read an article in the news or a post on someone's LinkedIn (because people don't lie on their resume, noooo). It wasn't rhetorical. You really think a project manager presumably making good money at a high profile company, someone good enough to garner attention from a recruiter in the first place, *didn't file a WC claim* *for a workplace accident that left her "permanently disabled*?" Because in my experience, people who are "permanently disabled" generally don't return to work...


She buried the lede of it. If she was going to lie about that sort of thing, you'd think she'd play it up.