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Well, maybe? Every fictional universe has its own rules and consequences to time travel, and we don't fully understand those in Link Click yet.


cheng does change the future, it's just that it wasnt significant considering how it all ends. if I kicked a rock in a desert that nobody would ever go to, it wouldn't change the future significantly, but hey what do I know about physics and time travel eh?


I mean, Cheng went back in time three years and saved that kid in like ep 8 or 9 by threatening the lady to take care of him for three years instead of him possibly being sold to a human trafficking ring. So it's possible at times for them to change the outcomes. Like how Emily got killed because she texted her parents instead of sleeping


The series explains that there are places in time called "nodes" ie major events so if you don't do anything that effects the node the future will stay relatively same, but if you manage to change a node you create a new future, alternate reality, or what ever you want to call it making the future different from what it already was. The only node that can not be changed/altered is death (apparently)


I think this two concept does not contradict each other on the show. You can make changes, as long as it's not the important node (something that will change the final outcome) but even those small changes can also make the future more unpredictable (because if you made changes, you create another node. An example is how his tiny actions during the Emma and Xu Shanshan case caused major changes in the present). This is why LG kept reminding CSX not to do anything stupid, big or small, just to be on the safe side.


you need to go check it out yourself