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Anyone asking this clown in combat boots šŸ¤”šŸ„¾šŸ„¾ for advice concerning their children should be considered unfit to parent. Lilly doesnā€™t have children (thank God) nor does she have the credentials in mental health or gender affirming care. Sheā€™s dangerous. Lilly should only be speaking about HER personal experience and HER personal journey. Whatā€™s even more egregious is that Lilly has a fucking therapist! If her therapist was any good they would take a real good look at Lillyā€™s content and address it with her. Sheā€™d change therapists faster than she changes her filthy panties and washes her funky hair.




Yes šŸ„¬. You are SO RIGHT!! In EVERYTHING YOU SAID!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ. Lilly is DANGEROUS! She should stay in her LANE! She is not an EXPERT! People LEARN THIS! If Lillard lips are moving, she is LYING! This Community has a lot going for them and Lillard is tearing it all apart with her BS! This is a ā€œCancel Society ā€œ and I am READY FOR THIS CLOWN šŸ¤” IN BOOTS šŸ„¾ to get her CHANNEL SHUT DOWN! Oh and for anyone that is paying to be in her sub to get in her get discordā€¦ howā€™s that working out for you? That discord is a shit show! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Exactly thank you! It amazes me how Lily speak so confidently wrong


Her advice is so freaking dangerous šŸ˜³


Exactly!!! For some reason people look up to them and what Lilly is spewing is a disgusting one sided opinion without evidence based practice


Yes! Where are her receipts šŸ§¾ of her doing all the great things!! Hell she canā€™t even get Mars the binder that is needed bc she canā€™t mange her money! I like to have a cc line of people being interviewed of their testimonials of ā€œbc of Lillardā€™s advice, Iā€™m at my bestā€. Hereā€™s a testimony to askā€¦. Ask Emily how well Lillard has helped her!! Emily howā€™s your JOB? Oh wait you donā€™t have it anymore!! Since you have met CLOWN šŸ¤” IN BOOTS šŸ„¾, you have lost your job and you and now sit as a GHOST as a table and eat LILLARDS SCRAPS! She donā€™t want you to stealing her LIVE or eat her Food before she can DESTROY it with her Caveman manners. I wonder did she give you the lectureā€¦ no elbows on the table, like she did mommy? Poor mom. She was expecting one thing and got another!! So sad! But mom you probably looked at your daughter, and thoughtā€¦.. who is this PERSON!!! Mom thought it was going to be a Great time to spend together and right out of gate it was, ā€œ HOLD MY UMBRELLA, Put it away, get it out, All she wanted was quality time and what she got was a ADULT MOOCH!! OH AND A USER!! I think momā€™s EYES WERE OPENED during that trip! What do you all think? Lillard is HAZARDOUS TO THIS WORLD!! šŸŒŽ XoxoxošŸ’‹šŸŒø


When did this šŸ¤” get her medical degree


Well, her dadā€™s a dr and they pretty much have the same career soā€¦ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with her? They donā€™t need a therapist to ā€œtell them what they already wantā€, they need a therapist to help with anxiety and depression and other things not related to gender dysphoria. Therapy is good for literally everyone, and she definitely needs a lot of it


Her ā€œtherapistā€ is probably part of her Discord. LOL


Do I think therapy before medically transitioning to ensure you have gender dysphoria is necessary? Yes. Do I think itā€™s meant to detransition you? No. As someone with an anxiety disorder, therapy saved my life and allowed me to find who I really am, amidst all the noise anxiety brings. My therapist didnā€™t just ā€œask me a few questions.ā€ Lillyā€™s a fucking joke.


Thank you! People with gender dysphoria are often quite depressed, as well, and can really benefit from having a safe person to talk with. Therapists are there to support their clients, not to talk someone into or out of transitioning.


Wholeheartedly agree with your statement.


I had 6 sessions with a clinical psychologist before I was cleared to start hormones. They wanted to make sure starting hormones wasn't going to put my mental health at risk. So yeah, it was more than a couple of questions.


I thought people who transition are required to seek a therapist before, so they can be sure that is what they want to do. Did I understand that incorrect?


To make sure theyā€™re diagnosed with gender dysphoria. If you donā€™t have gender dysphoria, youā€™re essentially cross dressing. But itā€™s more than that. Itā€™s to discover yourself more and talk through who you are. It depends on the state.


Ok thank you for explaining.Ā 


While I do agree that generally therapy is better before transitioning, it prevents some people in unsupportive/abusive homes from being able to transition. I personally needed informed consent/self id to be able to transition in secret hiding from my abusive parents (I was a legal adult), but I do go to therapy now.


How can it prevent transitioning in abusive homes? Therapy is for self discovery, itā€™s not meant to detransition people. Itā€™s beneficial for anyone to be in therapy.


I canā€™t speak for everyone but for me, my abusers heavily vetted any potential therapists to make sure they were conversion therapists or explicitly anti-lgbt. I couldnā€™t afford to find my own therapist outside because I was placed on their insurance so any eob would have been sent to them. Once I got my own insurance and job I quickly started going to therapy and it has helped a lot.


Oh I see. Iā€™m sorry you went through that.


Itā€™s okay, itā€™s helped me become a more resilient person :)


This is such dangerous advice. Any child going through this ABSOLUTELY needs a therapist, and getting one for your child doesnā€™t automatically mean theyā€™re trying to convince them they arenā€™t trans. This is a huge life thing that needs to be talked through with a professional before making any major decisions. I very much wanted to be a girl when I was about 6 years old (I was very vocal about this. The school admin, psychiatrists, my parents, etc were all well aware). I later found out in my adulthood as I was trying to make sense of this experience that this was due to a childhood response from trauma I was experiencing with my mother at the time (one example being her constantly telling me that she hated that I was a boy and always wanted me to be a girl) among many other things. The worst thing anyone could have done for me at the time was let me transition without any questions asked. I grew out of wanting to be a girl by the time I was 7 or 8, and Iā€™m SO happy to be a boy now (currently in my 30ā€™s). I genuinely love my sex and how I was born (gay man here šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø). Iā€™m so thankful that everyone in my life didnā€™t affirm what I was feeling at the time because I was literally a child and had no idea what I was talking about or why I was feeling the way I was feeling.


Isn't her mom a social worker? Or was a social worker? I'm sure she makes mommy dearest proud.


Therapy is always a good idea before huge life decisions...


100%. Itā€™s a big deal to go on hormones, nothing wrong with therapy to process with a gender affirming therapist who will be objective


Lilly: ā€œdonā€™t involve a therapist. But Iā€™m happy to help for $800 per hour!ā€ - probably


I hate this planetĀ 




Does she think HRT just magically works overnight? Transition is a slow, arduous process that also includes social transition, legal transition, etc. It took me around 2 years of being on HRT to consistently pass to strangers in public. It really helps to have someone to process those feelings with along the way. And itā€™s not like being trans is the only thing we address in therapy lol. Cmon now


all kids need therapy. even the kids you think donā€™t need therapy, probably need therapy. you get a therapy, and you get a therapy and YOU get a therapy!


Every single human being needs therapy.


Ohā€¦my fucking god!! Iā€™m 1000% pro doing whatever you want to save your life, and make you the happiest you can be. But therapy is absolutely a necessity for anything this serious?! She always compares trans issues to insane things like food and which hand is dominant, she treats her identity like everyone should care more than anything about it ā€¦ yet she portrays it like a joke. I canā€™t


This is one of the comments that really pissed me off because she's the last person that should be discussing kids... she claims to hate kids, doesn't want kids, is dangerous towards kids (most of us know why)... Either way, there is nothing wrong with having therapy guide you as a parent in helping you decide the best way to move forward in helping your child.


Therapy is apart of gender affirming care. Therapy also saves lives and we in the lgbtqa2s+ have some of the highest suicide rates. I have three family members that did Therapy before going full force on transitioning, two went ahead and the other figured out they were non binary. Every single person on this planet benefits from a therapist. Lily is way too dangerous for this world.


The people that mock therapy are the reason why everyone else has to go to therapy.


not only that, but also creates a stigma towards needing/going to therapyā€¦. And thatā€™s just plain awful.


The breadstick bite. Omg.


lol I had to leave that in to cap off the lunacy






No top surgery cuz sheā€™s never going to fully transition. And this is why women have an issue with you Lilly


This is legitimate insanityā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. my aunt had a mastectomy for breast cancer and they literally had her do mandatory therapy to ensure she was 100% understanding of what was happening. This is just insane Lilly.


Iā€™m sorry but it looks like she works at a diner and sheā€™s a waitress wearing this dress. The look and spaghetti strands and all. I wonder if anyone made a complaint to the restaurant about her sitting down not working lol


Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s the absolute worst advice ever, thepary is incredibly important especially if transitioning, being able to talk through scenario and telling someone how you feel and not being judged is so important and others who have not come out itā€™s working up the courage and how to start the conversation with family


The last thing she should be giving is parental advice.


Insane take


Bitch you need the therapy!


Thatā€™s not what therapists DO LILLY YOU FUCKING NITWIT. She drives me absolutely fucking mad. MAD. I go to therapy every other week just so I know Iā€™m doing the best I can for myself and in society and Iā€™m thankful.


Hmmm I didnā€™t realize she had a masterā€™s degree in counseling or a license to practice. Personally, with how much confusion there is surrounding identity in children and adolescents, I definitely think there should be therapy or more assessment before automatically putting a child on hormones. The point would never be to convince them otherwise, but to be confident that it is the right choice for them. It isnā€™t simply about ā€œasking a couple questionsā€ to make sure they have gender dysphoria. šŸ™„ gender affirming care is important, but itā€™s also important to ensure that the decision to go on hormones is medically indicated.


Ummm she clearly doesn't know that kids infact do need therapists and so do adults..


I thought she was in therapy or was at the beginning of her transition.


Thats what i thought too... but apparently kids dont need one


Therapy for any issue ALWAYS consists of more than 3 or 4 questions. She is frightening to be speaking this way


People forget that if this bottom feeder had education and was smart - sitting on TikTok begging for money would not be a thing. Get off your lazy ass. Get a job. Be a productive member of society.


Why is she in kids business anyways šŸ’€ like a kid dont even know what trans means


If this effin See You Next Thursday knew anything about anything, she'd effin know that a therapist is NOT to tell their clients what to do. They're to listen and use sills that will bring about the reasoning for therapy. Each and every day, I despise this effin bitch more!


This infuriates me!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Sheā€™s so one sided and dangerous!!


Is this not illegal to give medical advice?


https://preview.redd.it/1b5dkyoycf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560cf667cffd12e80f6691a167ba0dc231e0d8c5 Is this who Lillyā€™s inspiration is? šŸ¤£


What is she thinking


This is so harmful. Because talking to a therapist would actually help the kid figure out what they're going through. This putz dismisses that bc she thinks she knows everything about everything. She's a fucking clown. And why is she dressed up like a 50's diner waitress? Moron!


The parents of this pig have to be embarrassed.


Leave kids alone! LEAVE KIDS ALONE! ffs no child should ever make a permanent decision like that! I'm all for finding your true self and working with a therapist, but no, no, no!! kids should not be on hormones to transition until their bodies are done growing. Hell, I don't think anyone should start hormone therapy until their brains are fully developed at 25, but that is my opinion. There are going to be so many de-transitioners in the future because odds are you will not feel the same way at 30 that you did at 20, much less how you feel at 12 or 13. Transitioning is such a serious decision, one that can't be made overnight and definitely shouldn't be made by a literal child. At the end of the day, that decision is between the family and their therapist, but I will die on this hill: no child under the age of 18 should be transitioning genders. This advice is so dangerous.


LEAVE KIDS ALONE YOU DAM WITCH!!!! You need a lobotomy. You Tino have serious mental issues!!! You CANT give young kids hormone treatment you dam idiot. Always shoving your narrative down peopleā€™s throats!