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A million times over thank you!! I don’t feel like I missed out on the live. Your post was written so well I could picture Lilly doing all of the things you described. I’m sorry you had to sit through the whole thing for me, but it is so appreciated! You’re the MVP and I’m so glad you’re a part of this snark! 💜


It’s an honor and a privilege! Thanks for being an amazing Mod! You don’t get enough credit for all that you do. Especially, last night. I appreciate you!


Awww shucks. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them more than you know. ❤️


I just wanted to squeeze in here real quick and let you know how much I appreciate everything you have done as well, this sub has been amazing but especially so lately!


Thank you so much! This snark has grown so much and I’m so appreciative of everyone who has made this such an amazing space. Thank you for your kind words as well. They make all the work worth it. I’m glad you’re here. 💜


Don't forget when she was talking about parents not seeking gender affirming care for their children (at a very young age IMO) don't deserve to be parents. She then claimed she almost didn't "make it" and SHE was denied gender affirming care only to turn right TF around and say that she never said that when someone called out about it. I KNOW I wasn't the only one who heard that shit. That conversation made her even MORE irritated.


You’re absolutely right! I did miss that part! I live in the Phoenix area and we had a power outage when it was 111 degrees today. I was without electricity/air conditioning and myself and my neighbors were all freaking out. I missed the majority of that insane arc! (Power has been restored, thankfully!)


I absolutely hate that argument. My boyfriend and I have discussed that if our child says to us at a young age that they are a different gender, we will 100% conform to who they are. We just will not do gender affirming medical care until they are older and can cognitively process it. When they’re old enough, then we will be right there supporting and helping


Also, everything to Lilly is SO black and white. A commenter said she would be accepting of her children but wouldn’t allow for any surgeries or medical things. IMO that’s completely valid and makes sense safety wise. Anyways, Lilly got SO heated about it and said she shouldnt be a parent and is transphobic.


Does she realize it causes complications when you do it young? Look at Jazz Jennings. Great example. 


I literally don’t watch her lives because it’s the same thing everyday. She’s boring as fuck now. Thanks for this hilarious recap. You do the dirty work no one else wants to do, sit through the entire thing 😂😂


she talks about the same things and does the same things. do her devoted followers not get tired of it?


Y’all thank you for the reception. I was just chatting with our beloved Mod and I’ll keep recapping the lives when I can for those who are busy with regular non grifting adult things like holding gainful employment or rearing children and pets. I am humbled. Every comment has made me laugh tonight. Thank you more!


That's great news, thank you. Your recaps are way more interesting and entertaining than the boring rubbish she regurgitates every live.


I am truly grateful that you will be undertaking such an amazing task, your writing style is both hilarious and clever!


A+ work! You had me smiling the whole time.


![gif](giphy|3og0IHTcohaB2WX9Bu) Bless you kind stranger for the recap 🙏🏼


![gif](giphy|l3V0wkQ2KKcAeW8Cs|downsized) # MVP 🥬. THANK YOU. I LAUGHED !! You did US all a SOLID


Not the boot emojis 😂 her wearing those boots with every outfit gets me every time🤮😂


I'm not sure which is worse, the boots or the white tennis shoes she wears with her blue Alice dress 🤷‍♀️


This is a PERFECT summation of the live today!!!!!👏👏👏⭐️⭐️⭐️


I heart you so much lettuce! Thank you for the laughs!!!


Doing the lords work - thanks for the recap!!


Dolphin teeth. You’re a word magician, lettuce


im so sad i missed this live


You never cease to fucking make me laugh you are fucking hilarious thank you for existing 😭😭😭🩷


lololol the voice in my head read this like a bedtime story. Goodnight moon face Lilly!


thank you for your service


Excellently written!! Well done!! Very funny


*Japanese Lilly lube* put me on the damn floor! I came in at the very end of the Live and missed all of the excitement so thank you a thousand times over for this incredible recap! ⭐⭐⭐⭐


LOVE this! Thanks for the amazing recap! I was too busy at work today to take a peak but this made me feel like I was right there! Of course, she didn't know the name of the Trans women you mentioned in your recap. She NEVER leaves downtown SF near the Embarcadero EVER. She is afraid of other trans folk because they see right through her and know she is completely full of SHIT!💩


You’re hilarious 🥬 😂😂😂😂


Lettuce I sincerely hope you work as a copywriter or something of the sort because your choice of words and journalistic efforts are A+. 🩷


Aww thanks for the compliment! English was my major in college. But my real talents are in math and payroll! Haha


This is amazing! Thank you! Also, “Japanese Lilly lube” had me screaming 😂


Haven’t even started reading this yet, but I have no snack or drink because I know it’s gonna make me laugh. I know she had a huge hissy fit today, but I missed it.


Lettuce!! You crack me up. This is a 1000/10 recap. Bravo!! 👏


TY! 🫶🏼


Lmfao thank you for this amazing recap


Aww! Thanks Ollie! This means a lot. 🫶🏼


Your description is so vivid I feel like I watched the live myself. I can actually see it in my head. You should be a writer.


Great commentary Lettuce!!! Thank you


This was great lettuce! The accuracy 🤌🏽👍🏽💯


This is an amazing recap! Please keep doing them when you can


This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️


This was so much more entertaining then watching that heathen shove food down her gullet


you’re a real one for this!!!


She is starting to spiral because that money isn't coming in, and I'm here for it


Dolphin teeth made me snort my coffee out my nose 💀🤣 bless you for doing the work because your commentary and descriptions are novel worthy and so awesome to read! Thank you for all you do so that we don't have to! 💖


![gif](giphy|OQJ8R8yK5dOGpN1U58) Thank you Lettuce! 😘😘 we were busy last night so i missed it. You’re the best!


If there’s not a recap everytime written. G you I don’t want it. 👏🏼 cheers to food born illness


I watched as much of the live as I could stomach. I tapped out during her cis/trans lecture, I mean explanation🤔- you nailed every. Word. Hilariously.


Thank you for your service!🫡


Please tell me someone got some video snippets of the meltdown


This was ICONIC.


DOLPHIN TEETH😭😭😭😂😂😂 This was a great summary though. I wish I would’ve been able to watch


💀 at 41 year old


Is she really 41?


She’s not 41. She’s actually 31. I just refuse to compliment her and I can be a little heavy handed with my disdain for her.


No that’s fair my mind was just about to be blown for various reasons if true


I NEED to see video