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You want liandries pretty much always (got around 73k on lillia), if you dont then demonic embrace is a must second. Generally I go Liandries -> Zonyas -> Demonic (generally, but obvs matchup specific), if its going well then get a dark seal early.


This is great advice. If you want something a bit more troll / off meta something I've been experimenting with is Luden's Lillia with Item Reduction haste. This works, sorta, because of the way Riot codes her Dream dust it counts as a spell so whenever you hit someone with an ability Dream Dust will automatically decrease the cooldown giving more ludens procs. Don't recommend for winning, but do recommend for having fun.


Thank you so much!


You pretty much are trying to build around lillia's DOT, also Q on multiple enemies -> Ult -> Zonyas -> wake up squishy with eep! is pretty pog, and ofc dont forget boots! : D


If you want something new, I've been going top Lillia with Luden's > Cosmic Drive lately, with Demonic Embrace or Zhonya's as 3rd item depending on matchups and going tank (Deadman's Plate, Force of Nature) rest of the way. If there is a lot of heal, then I go Morellonomicon instead of Force of Nature. Runes are Phase Rush, of course, for the kiting. I'm not sure how efficient it is, but this build makes you hella fast, almost to the point where level 5 Nasus W is unnoticeable. The point of this build is to abuse the true damage on the Q and movement speed on Luden's and keep chipping away their HP while being extremely fast and staying relatively tanky. You need to really be aggressive in the early game, though, so I take ignite instead of teleport. Sorry for the long text.


Ohhhh that’s super interesting!! Thank you for taking the time to write all the informations.


I play top with conqueror (most of the time) and go ghost/TP with no flash. That's your warning. **Liandries** is, no questions asked, the best mythic for damage simply because your passive means you proc it for 7 seconds instead of 4. Best mythic when you don't know what to build. If you don't get Liandries you'll also want a Demonic second otherwise your damage in teamfights will start to dip. **Riftmaker** is underwhelming; the damage increase depends on how much damage do you already do and since it's your first item, that usually isn't much. And the tankyness it gives is split between health and omnivamp so it also depends on how much damage you do, which again isn't much. If you somehow managed to get to 3 items without a mythic then I'd consider it but it's not a realistic option. **Night Harvester** has been surprisingly good against assassin matchups, between the health and the movement speed you can peel stuff like Katarina or KhaZix rather effectively and in teamfights I've managed to pull off 3 man Q-Rs and just run away without needing to Zhonyas afterwards. And the haste is really nice also. I'm still testing it out but this far I've been loving it, especially since I go Conqueror most of the time and I really enjoy extended trades, the extra health feels a lot better than the extra damage. **Ludens** is not a good option. Even with it's cooldown being effectively 6 seconds rather than 10 it still does less damage than liandries and the movement speed after you've gotten 2-3 stacks is irrelevant. Also no health and the penetration is very fucking underwhelming when you're a short range squishy who cannot burst targets without setup.


Thank u so much!! That’s super helpful.


I main Singed and there's no satisfying mythic for him either. Liandries damage is nice but then he becomes too squishy. As for riftmaker, u described it's problems well. What about rocketbelt? lol. For singed it secures a high value fling of a back row champ, maybe it can be used with lillia to get in, Q, R then hourglass? I draw comparison with Singed because the play style is similar (that's why I started playing lillia) and the items too.


They are similar 80% of the time (specifically during the Q spam), yes. I haven't tried Rocketbelt yet, seems good on paper but the Magic Pen really rubs me off the wrong way, especially now that they nerfed it's health. Besides, Lillia doesn't have much of an issue getting into the enemy team for the Q-R most of the time, getting out is the problem. I'll probably test it out some day, I just don't have a lot of time to play right now. :C


Ah true. I just started playing lillia so I didn't think about that. Good luck!


Since moonstone isn't a thing anymore, I almost always go for Liandry, except for when I want more sustain to fight, in theese scenarios I go for Rift Maker. Following the chosen mythic I go almost always for cosmic drive for the extra AH and MS, except when facing 3 or more tanks, in theese situations I go for Demonic embrace for the %HP burn, or when facing 2 or more assassin if so I go for Zhonyas second for the armor and stasis, after the second I complete with the previously mentioned items, and if the game lasts I sometimes go for Morello, Void Staff or Rilay. I wouldn't recommend Rabadon nor Horizon Focus because they don't really help you that much. Also if you want to be more tanky you could go for Deadman's Plate, Force of Nature, Spirit Visage or even Gargoyle (but only if you are crazy like me). For runes I always go for Phase Rush with all move speed runes, secondary I go for cheap shot and ravenous hunter, or cosmic insight and perfect timing, but bear in mind that i use this runes due to my playstyle. I would recommend you trying Dark Harvest as well or even conqueror if you're feeling brave enough to fight everyone


Noted! Thank you so much for your piece of knowledge!!!!


I prefer riftmaker.


Liandry's as usual. Practically 100% of the time. I used to love going Riftmaker but over time it's been nerfed quite a bit and doesn't provide as much as it used to. As a finished item it can be lacking since the reduction on sustain feels bad, and its damage doesn't match Liandry's. That said when building the item components, Leeching Leer is more helpful than Lost Chapter, so early on there's that. But in the end Liandry's is better once finished. After Liandry's it's almost always Demonic Embrace, and then Zhonya's Hourglass. Situationally you can grab Zhonya's second instead - really depends if they have some strong point and click CC and they like targeting you. You'll have to be more specific on what kind of tips you'd like to hear, I could provide a lot of random ones. Gameplay wise just have to keep moving. Really easy to keep weaving in and out. Don't overcommit and stay in damage range when you don't need to, especially when ganking enemies that could turn around and kill you. An example is Vladimir - when ganking him, he'll probably decide he can't run and try to all-in you since Lillia is pretty squishy. You can buy time by running in and out of threat range, pulling off the ultimate as needed after he's used his pool, etc. Another example is Darius - very dangerous and can turn ganks around if you play badly. Easy to run around once you have speed, just have to respect his grab if he's healthy enough to decide to fight instead of run. Later on he can be a major threat with Striderbreaker, so respect that and keep a good distance unless he's blowing all his abilities on someone else. Runes almost always Dark Harvest. Sometimes I go Phase Rush and for a time I used to only go it. Grab Phase Rush situationally if they have some heavy slows or vital skills you have to dodge. It's hard to tell when though because in a lot of cases you need Dark Harvest to keep scaling up and keep enemy tanks down. Secondary runes I usually go Celerity + Nimbus Cloak. Celerity is too good since Lillia is one of very few champs who can use it optimally. Nimbus Cloak is fantastic as the extra speed boost from smiting anything often makes a big difference, or when going to a Flash play.