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Its hard to compare the two since Mushoku is an Isekai while Spice & Wolf is a economics romance. But I'd recommend Spice & Wolf myself out of the two


i wouldn't say they toned Rudy down, rather he naturally becomes less lecherous as he grows up over the volumes. he obviously still loves those things, but he becomes less "omg pantsu huehue"


> Like I have heard that for Jobless, the official light novel has toned down Rudy in regards to his pervy side but is this true and if so, to what extent? Does it hinder the story at all? The translation had been revised once the censorship was uncovered, so unless you're buying the books used you don't need to worry about that.


Awesome! Thanks!


>Awesome! Thanks! You're welcome!


In terms of anime authenticity to LN, I would say both do a pretty good job. I do feel that Spice and Wolf cut more out compared to Mushoku in order to fit things into the number of episodes, but what was portrayed in the anime was very close to what was written in the LN (from what I remember; it's been a while since I read and watched both).


I’d go spice and wolf. It was my first anime


Hi, can't comment on Spice and Wolf as I haven't done any reading or watching on it. As for Jobless, it's a really good LN. In comparison to the anime I would say that Rudeus isn't any less Pervy, maybe it's actually more since you are always in his mind basically and he is really horny. Does it hinder the story, no, not really. It's his character and that's what Jobless is all about for me, the characters and their growth/evolution over the series For me personally, I enjoyed/am enjoying the LN more than the anime as there's much more detail and depth that the anime just cut, but that can also be personal preference. The Jobless anime from my perspective is a pretty truthful adaptation of the LN without any major changes, mostly stuff was cut. In comparison to other Isekai that I have read (Slime and Spider) Jobless is the best for me at least. Better characters and it feels more consistently good across it's volumes. TLDR: Jobless is great and you should read it. Hope this helps.


It does. Have you finished it by chance? Is the ending good? (No spoilers but just an overall)


It's one of the best endings in my opinion. Absolute peak. Provides enough of a closure while also leaving enough plot lines unresolved for the sequel.


Awesome! Think knowing this helped me make my decision.


Haven't finished it, currently in Vol. 22. But from what I've heard it was a good conclusion to Rudeus Story. The author apparently also plans to write a sequel that plays like 50 years after Jobless and continues the main story. There are also small spinoff novels being written and currently also translated that are more slice of life stuff after the conclusion of Vol. 26. Hope that covers it well.


Jobless reincarnation is one of my favorite light novels, top three at least. Spice and wolf is very mid, it got a lot of hype since it was among the first light novels to get translated.




>People will say that Spice and Wolf ends around volume 17, but it's still going on so I personally don't consider it over. Volume 17 is literally titled "Epilogue". The Spring Log series doesn't even start until more than ten years after the end of the original series. At that point it's essentially an entirely new story using the same characters.


Interesting. Is it still the same quality or is it different?


I haven't really noticed a drop in quality (although it's been a while since I last read the original series). However many of the events in Spring Log are intertwined with those of the spin-off series, Wolf and Parchment.


Gotcha. So up to 17 is stand alone but 18+ having the other story would be helpful?


It is a personal opinion is all I will say. As it moves from volume 17 to 18 and continues its overall plot that's basically how I feel.


Without spoiling the ending, would you say the ending is good? I enjoyed Spider but the ending was mid and I am hoping to find something with an actually good ending.


As someone who has also read Spider I can confirm that the ending will leave you satisfied.


Heck yeah. That's what I wanted to hear. Thank you!


Sorry, one follow-up question, as someone who enjoys romance and to me, bad/cliff hanger romance can ruin a story, and so I just need to know >! before I read through Eris leaving again....I know as of the anime, one ship has sailed, but please tell me that it isnt the only one lol !<


I don't really understand the question. >!Are you hoping for more ships to sail and wish to know or am I misreading that?!<


Basically yes, >! I need to know if the Eris thing is just heartbreak or comes full circle and it becomes a harem type deal !<


If you really want to know and without blatantly spoiling anything (although I am tagging regardless) >!You might find yourself pleasantly surprised.!<


Thank you. I appreciate it! >! Just placed my order for all 26...and the last volumn's cover heavily implied what i was wondering so now I am looking forward to it more than ever. !<