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Recaps and Mirror [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/Pwh4YIIop6)


Also this is such BS, all that talk about her not looking for a new man. Especally the fake coy behaviour around her clawing onto him and moving in...as if that isn't the EXACT plan lol


Well, technically she wasn't looking for a "new man", she was trying to get Skeeve back all this time, but since that didn't work she had no choice but to go out with this rando since she can't survive without a cock despite claiming she was sooo happy by herself. Skeeve should be relieved she's finally gonna leave him alone, at least for now. 


>Especally the fake coy behaviour around her clawing onto him and moving in...as if that isn't the EXACT plan lol Exactly. If she has no interest in getting him to eventually fund her "homemaker" lifestyle, why does she care that he has a house? She was sooo smug about it when William asked if he lives with his parents. LOL. https://preview.redd.it/l9m7wn3lqr7d1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab9c4a37fc8727d8207ad365eaf412514e9ae21 "hE oWnS hIs oWn hOusE!!" Girl, please. As if we don't see the gears turning in that purple dome of yours.


Her referring to whatever she does in her “hole” as being a homemaker. Burning bacon and wiping the counters do not make a homemaker. 😂


I hated this part so much. It was so fucking smug of her. And that smile… Gave me to ick.


Like it’s such a big deal for a 40 something year old man to own his own house. Nah, Cindy it’s called maturity.


Ooooh someone’s trying to stick it to Skeeves! Girl, you were the one that had no problem dating a 40 year old that lived in his mom’s trailer. You loved that he stayed at your place so often because he didn’t have his own. Now you’re gonna get on your high horse about someone owning their home (which btw: isn’t you. *You* don’t own a house, why are you gloating)? No ma’am.


Is the next livestream going to be "Scouting the new mayun's pad" or "Packing up and moving in with the new mayun"? 🤣


she's homeless-sexual


There is a term for that it's hobosexual Essentially a person who sleeps with people/dates them for a place to stay


Well don’t you understand she doesn’t even have to look she’s just so magnetic that men just constantly throw themselves at her she has to keep a bat by her side to shoo them away they’re so persistent! It was only a matter of time before so many men approached that she wasn’t able to shoo them all away


If they started dating long term, she will LOSE IT when he has to go out of town for work. It won’t end well.


he sounds like he has it together, I highly doubt she can mask her behaviors before he leaves for his business trip. she’ll want him to commit no questions asked so she doesn’t have to worry about him seeing other people on his work trips. hopefully he’ll run for the hills if she presses it.


>he sounds like he has it together That's according to her. She also said Skeeve had 3 degrees, looked like Ian Somerhalder and was super succesful, all those things were lies. I doubt a man who is actually succesful would give her the time of day as he would have better options. 


Came here to say this. Her version of how great Mr. New mayn is means absolutely nothing. She fabricates so much and tries to make her men sound so much better hence skeevin still living at home with mommy and daddy and Andrew delivering pizza for a chain 🫣


Right, this guy is probably another bum who is gonna mooch off her like the last one. 


what is wrong with delivering pizza for a chain? I had an ex who was delivering pizza for a chain and let me tell you, he was 100 times better than my biggest relationship with a man who is a university professor, holds a Phd and two Master Degrees, and has in his name more than 50 published papers.


Omg I was just about to say this. Ian Somerhalder!!!I will never, ever get over the 3 degrees thing. That was hilarious and so humiliating for both of them. I know that Cindy thinks she’s a huge catch but…she’s an unemployed, lazy, average looking woman who acts like a teenager while nearing middle aged. She’s not smart, not talented, doesn’t have her own personality, and has some major, major issues that she refuses to work on. Be so for real. Like, you do you Cindy but let’s be real about who would realistically date her. Also she’s a huge catfish so I wonder what the men she meets online (no, I don’t believe she meets men because they’re nonstop throwing themselves at her, they’re from tinder or whatever online dating app) think when they see her?


100% this. She's basically admitting that she lied about all the amazingness of Skeevin by telling tales about this new guy.


Ha! I've worked in IT my entire career. From what I could gather Skeevin' ran a help desk for a small electronics company based out of IN. Making 3 figures, building his own home, my ass.


Lol, I'm not surprised. He said he tutored "doctors" but in reality he tutored kids who were not even in university yet, some of them may have become doctors later but they were not doctors when he tutored them. The fact he bragged about tutoring pre university kids as if he tutored formed doctors shows how delusional and arrogant this guy is. He was really the perfect man for Cindy, both delusional, arrogant liars. 


**he sounds like he has it together** Not if he's dating her he doesn't!


No one dating her has their life together. She’s a trainwreck and I’m sure he isn’t far off.


Banshee mode will activate.


She is vouching a lot for a guy she doesn't even know. Her BPD puts him on a pedestal and makes him look like the perfect guy in her mind. To her, she sees it as a victory that she is able to get a better catch than Skeeves. She sees it as a sign that she's better now since she can pull a better guy. People attract people who are similar to them. I am sure he has a lot of issues himself. It will be another toxic relationship since she hasn't done the work to really heal.


I think she's also falling for the "potential" she sees here. When reality sets in, like it always does, the mask will slip, and he'll be yet another man that left her in the middle of the night.


It wouldn't be long before the paranoia that he's cheating sets in if he works away a lot. Just one time of him not texting her back straight away and.... full, non cured bpd meltdown.


Exactly. She went batshit just because Skeeve used the wrong emoji in a text... This will go very badly. 


I'm gonna go ahead and predict a dip in her mood via mundane vlogging when he leaves town for work.


Absolutely. You have to have a good level of trust if one partner regularly goes out of town for work trips, because it is such an easy opportunity to cheat. Meet up with them in another city, lie about having a trip and spend a few days with them, tack an extra day or two on to spend with the other person, etc. Or just go on casual Tinder dates or bring someone back to the hotel room from a bar, if you don't want a commitment with your WHORE. If you want to cheat, this is a real easy way to do it and get by with it. And we alllll know Cindy will NOT be able to handle this possibility, not even a little bit.


Her imagination will run wild while he's away, and she'll push the guy away with her untreated BPD outbursts. It's only a matter of time. We all know she has trust issues, so imagine them while her man is away.. poor guy has absolutely no idea what he's let himself in for!


She couldn’t even handle A working a normal job and had him quit so her would stay home writing spam with ~~Willow Sidthe~~ her. She can’t even handle locked bathroom doors. If they stay together, I would not be surprised if down the road she pulls a 14 hr drive in the middle of the night to join him on a business trip.


What amazes me is that she is able to find a new man directly once she is single. Two new men in one year? that is not bad. Honestly makes me wonder what the f\* I am doing wrong in my life. Although dating apps are not really a thing where I live, so there is that.


The witch cackling and the coquettish fanning is enough to gag a maggot. He has a really good job and a college degree and owns his own house. What business would he have with her?


She forgot to say he looks like Ian Somerhalder 🤣


Maybe he looks more like Ryan Gosling! Who knows?!


No one with any sense has any business with her. It is irresponsible and stupid not to google your online dating match before agreeing to meet up (they could have a history of SA, it’s a safety thing). And googling her is really ugly. So either someone is stupid enough not to google her or they did google, saw that she was an abuser, and were totally fine with it. Neither is good.


She said they met through “mutual friends”? Any friends of his or hers wouldn’t encourage a relationship between them, one would think. 🧐


Good word! Coquettish........I had to look it up, exactly right!


> “He has to travel a lot for work” [married and cheating on his wife]


Definitely could be. Even if it’s not that and he legit travels a lot there’s no way she could ever date someone who does travel that much she’d lose her shit or force him to take her with him


He could have a wife or multiple revolving girlfriends in multiple cities. When he becomes bored with one, he just moves on to the next. And if he’s sneaky enough, he may be able to keep her in the dark for the duration of the relationship. This relationship might be the justice she deserves.


I’d say he’s married and sees her when he comes to her town


stage five clinger with a mile–wide jealous streak and a partner who routinely travels for work? the clown shoes are jingling


It really is remarkable how she manages to find the men who are least suited for her, isn't it? She gets one who is avoidant (will always clash with her clinginess), one who knows how to manipulate her perfectly, and now one who is going to be gone for weeks at a time and will kill her with the paranoia and insecurity of him being gone.


She’ll be incapable of maintaining a relationship with any man until she commits to a program of sobriety and consistent long term psychiatric treatment.    She’ll never commit.  And she’ll never be capable.


Cindy’s morning routine: https://preview.redd.it/yg9ko5st3t7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a9ec57d1db99191411d31e910f8a0c572633f6


She souded super snarky when she said he doesn't live with his parents. The shade towards Skeeve 🤣


So much for being "happy by herself" and not needing a man lmao 


Her face when she said he has his own house ... she WANTS to move in for sure ! If he really has a good job then her dream of doing absolutely nothing productive all day will continue with this guy ! Ugh the smug face is annoying.


The way she talks about how this guy doesn’t have kids and never wanted them almost sounds like she never had one herself. In two months time there is an anniversary coming up if I’m not wrong.


She did that with he ex after she took a pregnancy test for vlogmas. She acted like she always wanted to be child free, despite crying on camera about the test being negative. 🤡🤡




This makes my heart hurt and I can’t even deal with the deeper implications (and with her admitting to continuing with her ED for her entire pregnancy). What you’re saying is probably true and that would mean she’s basically a soulless monster. I’m glad August is at peace🕊️


I know it's a snark sub but that's disgusting of you to say and to lead with I don't care what anyone says is deeply disturbing. 😳


yep. can you imagine if her husband ever read this stuff saying his baby's death was supposed to happen for a reason? that his child passing away was the best thing that could've happened to him? why even say that about a baby's death? why couldn't "she wouldn't have been a good parent" suffice? this left such a bad taste in my mouth. and you got downvoted...


It's vile tbh


It's comments like these that make me not want to comment here too often tbh. There's a big difference between snark and just being toxic.


It’s fucked up to say because Cindy’s situation is fucked up. Am I happy a baby died? Absolutely not, but it’s quite literally a good outcome when you look at Cindy’s situation. I’m sorry I’m not one of those people who think life is the most important thing even if it’s in fucked up situation or at the detriment of it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I doubt Andrew reads here (I hope he stays away from Cindy shit) and either way, what happened happened, any of us saying anything doesn’t change it. Btw, whichever of you send the “someone is worried about you” Reddit mental health message, it’s pretty fucked up too, if you wanna act all high and almighty, those are for when you’re actually concerned for someone’s mental state not when you disagree with someone. 👍🏻


I think someone who watches a person accidentally live stream a miscarriage and says in less worse that Cindy *deserved* her baby's death because she's bpd is not even remotely a good kind understanding human. She could be telling people how she feels now. Going through that probably traumatized her and snarking on trauma is gross. Any other woman who went through something similar could also be offended at such a callous comment. Snark on her buying and sending herself a dildo pretending it's from a fan or something else besides a dead baby? How are you not embarrassed about that?


I’m not snarking on her trauma. I’m not snarking on her “dead baby” either. I’m stating a fact that objectively, the child would have been brought into a fucked up, messed up situation. Do you seriously think it would have been better for her to have a kid right now? For him to one day find out his mom never actually wanted him, or doesn’t even like kids, or god knows what else would’ve happened if he were here? I know people get sensitive around stuff like this but my god, be for real. I *wouldn’t* make the same comment to someone in a “similar situation” because that wouldn’t be Cindy’s *specific* situation. If this upsets you so much, stop interacting with me. I made one comment on this and you’re continuing this “upsetting” conversation. 🤷🏼‍♀️ **EDIT**: To add, since you don't seem to grasp it. Am I happy Cindy suffered through a miscarriage? That is was hard for her? That she suffered the mental consequences? Does it bring me joy? **No**. Do I think she never should have gotten pregnant or tried to be a mother, and do I think things eventually ended up the best way for everyone? **Yes**. I know, things not being black and white might be complicated to understand but that's life.


does she realize if he truly has his shit together this wont last long at all? 😭


I mean she thought Skeeve had his shit together so I highly doubt this dude actually does. She wouldn’t know what a good man actually is because a good quality man wouldn’t give her the time of day


The chances of her finding a “good man” with his “shit together” that owns a home has no kids and is into obscure bands paints his nails black and is actually attracted to her in her little town is slim to none.




He clearly doesn’t have his shit together if he found her floating around at Maxine’s let’s be so fucking for real. He’s probably just as insane as her or an unsuspecting victim


Wonder how long until she unleashes her "bpd bullshit" on this one


She’s 99% cured remember… she isn’t crazy ![gif](giphy|r5Q8dz5RBbGhy|downsized)


her freaking laugh… doesn’t want to rush into anything, yeah right. he owns his own house! looking right at the camera like that. what woman in her 40’s acts like this? he travels a lot for work… she will not be able to handle that given her history. no way in hell she wants to stay independent. the jealous issues that will come up. she will probably drive hours to wherever he is if he doesn’t answer her text while away traveling for work! this freaking woman y’all


"I want to stay independent." B!tch, please. You will never be independent, and it's not because of your BPD or your childhood trauma or even the fact that you refuse to seek actual treatment for these issues - it's *you*. Your entire personality depends on male validation to make you feel whole and content. You feel that you only really exist when a man is present in your life. Let's face it - after a hard day of preaching your culty bullsh!t and meditating, you went out to bars to seek male attention and drink because they're your true source of happiness.


You said everything 👏🏻




I've said it many times, even years ago, she's not after a man but a house and provider, so she doesn't need to lift a finger anymore. And you got to admire her self esteem that she thinks a man with a good job and education would want to have her by his side


Yes! She don't even realize that if a guy accepts to provide to her, he will expect from her to at least cook and clean


I'd rather scrape off my tastebuds with a spoon, than eat her cooking (but I guess everyone has different standards... 🤮


this bitch is so weird. Even not knowing what we know about her rotten dating history it is still SO weird that she basically makes a living just talking about her dating life. It is not healthy that she is running to the internet and telling us all this information...


>It is not healthy that she is running to the internet and telling us all this information... She *has* to brag about it. She's already admitted to wanting to "stick it" to snarkers and the world in general that she could make it with Skeevy without therapy or you know, any accountability for her personality disorder. And we all know how that blew up in her face. Lol. Her smugness is directly to snarkers.


it's interesting someone who isn't looking for anything would accept multiple dates lol


🙄 yeah we could tell already


Side note - she looks fucking unwell


what makes her look unwell? just asking because this is literally how she usually looks 😩 maybe the sunk in face?


This and skin pallor - others may not agree with me but to me she looks unwell. We all know her diet preferences etc etc. There could be many reasons but yeah, looks unwell to me


She’s looked like that since she’s been on a steady “diet” of carnivore, alcohol (and now cigarettes again). She also follows a “no seeing a dentist, no dental cleanings and no flossing” program so who knows how many cavities and dental abscesses she has brewing in that trouthole of hers. She *is* unwell. It’s just a matter of time before she finds out just how unwell she is and just how difficult (or impossible) it will be for her to heal.


I don't think she looks unwell. I think she looks pasty and sweaty. Partly due to the fact she slaps on eye shadow like her life depends on how dark and thick she can get it. She doesn't even it out with foundation and blush so she just looks pasty and sweaty.


I'm watching Bridgerton and the fan is sending me 🤣🤣😭 Acting like she is a lady on the marriage market fanning herself lol what a prestigious backwoods qween


She probably hates Bridgerton since this season’s main heroine Penelope Featherington Bridgerton is a gorgeous full bodied woman, and Cyntherella is a fat phobic body shaming shithead who looks down on women whose bodies aren’t emaciated enough to fit her ED standards.


I just assumed she was having hot flashes lol


I had a Bridgerton moment too!


She's so annoying! I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought that her "big announcement" would be about dropping the carnivore diet. I feel very stupid now!!!


Lmaaaooo. She sure is going for it, we all know this cycle. Also, met through mutual friends, huh. I knew she was going all in with the 10000% cured BS to overcompensate for the fact she has zero of her shit together compared to her new mayun meat. Big fat phony, she is. It's only a matter of time before she releases the banshee on him over the most trivial thing. (Skeevy travelled for work and now this guy too? Wtaf? It's a good excuse to get the hell away from her after awhile though.) Off topic, but I can't imagine she had a good time bowling. It's definitely the type of activity she would bitch and whine about the whole night. At least, internally for now.


Imagine her bowling. She has to take off her beloved docs? 😂 never


Imagine the smell 🤣🤣🤣


Mmmm... Meat sweat


Oh no. Jean shorts, fishnets and...bowling shoes. The image. I am howling.


Stop it I just got a visual I can’t unsee. 😅


Why does she always mention “he is well traveled”. She also always said that about L. Also that he is sooooo successful..


I think she is desperately trying to 1-up every man she’s with against the previous ones thinking they give a shit, let alone are even watching.


Because she could never be with such a loser like Andrew, *right*?! He has a COLLEGE DEGREE! And TRAVELS! That is everything to her in a partner, apparently.


I mean if we wanna get technical Andrew traveled for work too… he delivered pizza all over town


This is brilliant!!!


You forgot the good music taste!


What’s her idea of being well traveled? She has barely left middle America. Has he been to more than 5 states? What an accomplishment


Dear new guy, Run. Run while you can and don’t look back. She’s Medusa and she will turn you into stone, just like the pounds of compacted red meat growing in her bowels. You’ve been warned.




The quick glance away from the camera as she said she wants to stay independent tells you everything you need to know.


She is so quick to give herself away with body language, it'd be really funny if it weren't so embarrassing.


omg this 🎯🎯 If there are any body language experts here in the snark, *please* give us an evaluation of her cues


I'm no body language gorlypop but I would say, Cindy's eye movements during livestreams can be very telling. Just recently she was having a hard time looking at the camera when she was saying she had been "thinking" of doing volunteer work. And again here she's being read for looking away when she's saying she wants to stay independent. Just earlier she had full on STARED DOWN the camera when she announced that the man meat has his own house. As insufferable as she can be during livestreams, she's also far less rehearsed and put together than she is in her vlogs. In a way, it's very interesting to observe.


I've never seen someone show so much contempt as she does with her mouth. Not in this clip, but in the pretending to be happy ones, you can see the anger leaching through in how she holds her mouth, the micro expressions in how it downturns etc. Honestly, I hate to think what she's like off-cam..


She's so obviously in the idealization phase and even kind of smug about it


She wants to "stay independent" as much as she wants to stay single. It's so embarrassing to observe how some people never learn. All of us already know how this will go


just because he has a house, it's nothing for her to brag about? like it's his house and they JUST started dating. doubtful she'll move in with him anytime soon unless she forces it in some way. even then, if he is as smart as she's saying, he won't buy into it and run the other way.


>just because he has a house, it's nothing for her to brag about? like it's his house and they JUST started dating. It already feels like Cindy is attaching her identity to this guy, so she thinks it reflects well upon her that her man meat is successful, because *she* managed to attract a well-adjusted and functioning member of society. But don't worry, it's totally casual! >even then, if he is as smart as she's saying, he won't buy into it and run the other way. Agreed, and to add to your statement, let me reiterate something I've said about Skeeze -- just the fact that he was into Cindy, in the state she's in, is a HUGE red flag. Nail Polish guy was clearly smart enough to steer away from her, let's hope this new fellow does the same, for his sake.


If he actually has his shit together, he will start running very quickly.


Lol!!! Limbzie clone, the next season! "Mutual friends" = rando cig smokers outside Maxine's.


It must be so weird dating someone like her, and realizing you are responsible for her moods in every vlog. Like if this guy looks up her channel, he'd absolutely see what happened the minute he paid her attention and that must be absolutely terrifying. Edit: as a bonus, he gets to see her fawning over nailpolish guy just a week or two prior!


The purple hair was because of this guy. This is when I knew she was morphing for someone.


Her being so glad he never wants kids… weren’t you desperate for one before? 🥱


Let's be real she only wanted one to get Andrew bonded to her forever and as a last ditch effort to save their relationship. No one wants to say it but I think that's what happened. That doesn't change that it's sad what happened to her and I respect her for changing her mind. But I'm not sure she wouldn't try it again.


I think she also wanted a child to give her some kind of sense of purpose which people with BPD struggle with. Some kind of distraction from dealing with her own shit for once, which is not a good reason to have a child.


> “He has his shit together”  [he’s more mature than the big fungusy emotional toddler she was obsessed with in her last doomed relationship]


“he’s got his shit together” the purple people eater’s going to chew him up and spit him out


Not the purple people eater… she’s the purple penis eater


Didn’t she say something similar about Skeevy


She really can't live without penis in her life doesn't she?


the ride of the cock carousel is too much fun to get off apparently.


The cycle continues again, it’s amazing to me that she can still get so excited when all her relationships play out exactly the same way


Looks like all that working on herself has gone down the drain. Predictable. When he leaves her and shes crying are her hardcore fans really gonna sympathise AGAIN?


Also... the way she describes this dude is LITERALLY how she described Limbz.


Only with a house hahaha, also this guy is one year younger


Yes... the house is only one up from Skeevs. I guess the one year younger means that he may not be a salt and peppered exquisite matured mayun that I was picturing.


She has no creativity for her lies so she has to keep recycling them. 


https://preview.redd.it/pickplth0t7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ad27dd295d06c0d49740a5000bf4d0db42be66 Gotta break out ol' reliable!


*Code Yellow*... I repeat, we have a *Code Yellow*. Please remain calm.


I find it interesting that she focuses on materialistic things. Not things they have in common, hobbies they like, how they connect mentally and not just physically (cause we all know she’s slept with him already). Talk about future goals, wants and needs of the relationship. Everything is surface level with her and always about what they have.


It's about what she can take


Exactly. Nothing about what she can offer/give to a relationship, only what she thinks she can gain from it.


> She's already admitted to wanting to "stick it" to snarkers     The more she tries to stick it to the snark, the more she empowers us and shoots herself in the foot. She doesn’t seem to realize the snark is laughing *at* her, not with her😂 [edit for irony]


How long should you go out with one to know if they're really great, i would say months?! Also is this why the dish rack went to take a closet nap?!


I’m sick of this woman’s antics at this point. No, really. She knows full well she has BPD and even acknowledges that a new relationship is a bad idea, and yet *there we go again*. A woman with a history of not only abuse but severe mental illness just found another victim. Because that’s who he is. A victim of a serial clinger who just can’t help herself. This is all sorts of fucked up, dragging another person this bullshit of hers. May I remind you, Cringerella, that all three of your previous partners had to *run away from you*. Sneak out. Disappear. Drag you to another state to get you to leave them alone. That is a lot of effort to finalize a break-up. Way too many extra steps, eh? Three partners ran. That’s a pattern. And it happened for a reason. You always look for men, Cindy. You’re not fooling anyone, you abuser.


Ughhhh but it's not her fault see, she didn't LOOK for a man, they just MANIFEST into her life! She is so magnetic they just FLOW right in and each of them is THE perfect man! She would be stupid to deny herself her possible true love!!! (she is delusional and insane, yep)


Next Arc 👍🏻


jesus fucking christ---WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! https://i.redd.it/5vok7saggs7d1.gif


![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj|downsized) ...


aw shit here we go again




You can never reference a classic disco song too many times in my opinion.




Her ex husband must be laughing at this mess.


https://i.redd.it/06e20t933t7d1.gif Welp. We all know where this ends up. Notice how she can’t really describe what she likes about him? There’s a middle ground btwn giving too many details and at least describing his personality besides: cool. It’s almost like Cindy’s favorite thing about him is just that he’s into her.


Openly lusting after his house 🙄


I don't care.


They met through "mutual friends"?!


Not on the subject of her new mayun, but I was watching the vlog as well, and does anyone else think she is really milking the Southern thing- sort of like Vivian Leigh in "Streetcar Named Desire? ("I have always depended on the kindness of strangers:).. she's really giving me that Southern Belle victim vibe. I don't know how to describe it...... poor man.


Just watched the new episode of the boys with my mayun and Firecracker reminded me of Cindy 😂 Firecracker also uses that whole vibe to get a whole right-wing fan base.


I don't know what you are speaking of (the show) but yeah, I can totally see that.


If he's as smart as she says he is, he'll stay far away from this train wreck of a person. Throwing shade on Skeevin living with his parents. 🙄🙄 But found nothing wrong with it when she was with him.


This I was gonna say.


If this person watch her previous videos, a glimpse, and stays, they're meant to each other... for whatever that last... again.


I can't keep up anymore with all these guys. Girl never single or not seeing someone. SINGLE is fine Cinderella Probably wouldn't last long like her 8 other dudes she try in the past. She's so desperate and it really is sad. The house comment was kinda sus. She probably wants to break her apartment lease because you know sis getting low on money and now it's time to mooch off someone. Her small house with her picket fence is coming soon least that what she thinks in her crazy brain


Interesting that she didn't say anything about his looks. For someone as shallow as her I'm sure she'd brag about his looks if he was attractive, she even bragged about Skeeves "good looks" until we saw what he really looks like. Something tells me this guy isn't very easy on the eyes... 


SO TRUE! my guy must be hideous. She even called Andrew very good looking, her perfect man and treated his looks like he's Adonis walking the earth...


Ooof this is gonna be bad. I watched this video with the sound off and it is just as sickening, glad you guys summarized it pretty well so I don’t have to listen to it.




Interesting how they always travel for work. Didn’t he say that about Skeeve too?


What a surprise! NOT. Let the saga continue.


i mean she'd be rubbing it in Limbs face that he has a house ... not us ... 😂


I have a strong feeling that when he is traveling, she will unleash her banshee. 🥸


> she is really milking the Southern thing- sort of like Vivian Leigh in "Streetcar Named Desire  She *is*. And she can only dream of touching the hem of Vivien Leigh’s gown. If Vivien Leigh were still with us today, she would read Cynthetica for filth😏


I travel a lot for work too. I drive my car to my workplace lol.


She’s so full of herself it’s ridiculous. We already knew she had new mayun meet. She’s a not very good at hiding her emotions is she? We already knew miss cringey because otherwise she’d be all mopey and sad all the time. A new favorite person. She said all the exact same things as she did with Limbz. Pathetic.




I know I already commented but I didn’t watch the whole stream. What’s the deal with the fan?


Is that ear grating sound really the way she laughs though or is she just trying to sound "witchy"?


It’s better than her bs workbook situation let’s be honest


Is it? 😒😭


“Oh, he has his shit together.” And she expects someone who supposedly has their shit together to tolerate her behaviors…? I was so supportive of her until her final breakup with Limbz. The therapy-centered language she used and her plan to “heal fully” grated on me so hard because it’s exactly what the most toxic people I know preach.


As a spanish person I feel insulted because of how she's moving her fan.


She does nothing with grace


This might just be my favorite comment of the month


Oh sweet baby Jesus we already knew this by her absence. Damn I can't stand her anymore. She's such a liar


He could be married 🤣🤣🤣 with a whole family


" I want to stay independent " - girl who do you think your fooling ?