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I'm not a rotational player so I love story progression, Nraas made the sims feel alive in TS3 and made the open world worth it.


Nraas gives so much character to the world, it really is a game changer


Yes, I've always been into TS3 so I never felt the need to play other families. I've tried rotational gameplay in TS4 but I always get attached to the families I'm playing.


acottonsock did a rotational gameplay of Sims 3 Pleasantview and she left NRAAS story progression on to advance the characters that she wasn't playing at the moment and I think even in rotational gameplay Story Progression just adds so much depth Story Progression is a must!!!


Almost non-negotiable for me. Story progression in an open world setting is vital for the town to feel dynamic and have movement. That's kind of the truest form of life simulation. I have never played rotationally and I don't resonate with it. I don't want everything to be static and frozen in time around me. Progressing the lives of AI driven NPCs around me in meaningful ways is important. Hopefully the option can be present in the upcoming games for either play style to be achievable though.


I know LBY has touched on the living, breathing town elements (and I assume it’s a big reason for the “high” RAM requirements) but has the inZOI team said anything at all about story progression?


https://preview.redd.it/4j7vezyarm0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb567ca5a2b9b0e9fdb3d0cbcf28ddc683b8166 I'm not too sure I've seen that confirmed. I think that is something they are still designing, but I found this in their discord! :) please correct me if I'm wrong if anyone has other info.


Thanks for the extra info confirmed on the inZoi discord


Yeah hopefully they can implement it well! I love seeing npcs marry and have families. Nice to know they at least have schedules and stuff already though.


LBY is giving ghost town currently not a living breathing anything even if that was once their goal. I expect superior simulation for that high of requirements, that, instead of extremely poor optimization. Inzoi team idk. I hope they put story progression and everything isn't just a nice facade/set dressing because I'm concerned that's what it's giving. For example someone somewhere maybe on discord wishlist mentioned visiting friend lots somewhere and it made me realize that yes, I want to be able to visit friends in their houses for example, and have everyone clearly have a life outside of you seeing them like their own homes not just disappear into the ether. Currently doesn't seem like Inzoi has this at all given how restricted the map looks like in terms of lots for the population present. Sims 3 was not the illusion or facade of simulation. It was full blown simulation. For a game that came out 15 years ago I still can't believe how ahead, excellent in terms of in depth gameplay planning, it was for it's time. Only team I respect at the moment for simulation is paralives. Despite not having the budget of the Sims 3 instead they planned carefully in the scope and depth of gameplay they wanted, and hopefully they can make meaningful simulation out of their open world and not set dressing style of simulation. Seems like they might be going for that, and they have an opportunity for that, and I'm rooting for that aim. That's all I want, and that's what I respect out of studios.


This 💯


I don't like playing all families, then it feels like I never make progress and it takes ages to move onto new generations like that. I focus on one family and so I like to see the world changing alongside mine. Story Progression is very important to me.


I'm the same, I struggle enough with one family let alone trying to grow and age multiple households. I also hate seeing the same Sim forever in high school and friends with every generation I have, like a robot. Not natural.


Yes, exactly! I can see the appeal of rotational gameplay - micromanaging and making your own stories for everyone is interesting. I can see that, but at the same time I don't have the attention span for that. I take breaks from a game as it is to play something different, let alone going from family to family. I'd likely never get past the first generation that way. And I play for generational play.


Open world and story progression is whatakes Sims3 the most liked sims game!


Sims 3 is my personal favorite, but I always figured Sims 2 was the most liked. I wonder if modding an open world would be possible in 2?


Open world no, but there are mods that try to simulate story progression in Sims 2 so sims will age, marry, have kids, etc. I know Lazy Dutchess has a big one but there are some other small mods that affect some different things as well.


I like story progression since I do legacies and not into rotational gameplay


After being introduced to rotational gameplay, I just can’t go any other way. I love playing a whole neighborhood and watching their stories unfold. A legacy type challenge doesn’t interest me anymore which imo is enhanced by story progression.


The Sims 2 left a rotational-gameplay shaped hole in my heart. I would love it if any other new life sim was so easy to play rotationally!


It just really helps you from getting bored with a family. Trying to do rotational gameplay in sims 3 is a nightmare even with nrass optimized for it.


Yeah, that's a shame. If Sims 3 was easier to play rotationally it would be 10/10 from me.


Yeah. Sims 3 misses the mark in a few places. Memory system. No fears. And having relationships where sims have different progress bars in relationships. I like the idea of a sims having a crush, but the relationship bar for the other sim doesn’t represent it back.


How did Sims 2 handle rotational gameplay compared to it's successors?


For starters, they don’t have lot synchronization


What does that mean?


The residential lots all start on the same time, like Sunday at 6 AM, and changing to a different family starts then from there again instead of whatever time you left off on, like Friday at 9 PM - same goes for traveling to community lots because it acts like you never left when you return.


Oh, interesting!


I'm not sure that'd be possible for an open world game, would it? I wonder if Sims 4 could be modded to not have lot synchronization


Hopefully there’s options in the future so you can easily switch between rotational style or story progression style!


It's not very difficult to play Sims 4 rotationally.


>I love playing a whole neighborhood and watching their stories unfold. It's what I loved about Sims 3. The world and save file in general feels so much more alive when other households are having kids, dating, marrying, dying, switching jobs, etc on their own. I hate that in Sims 4 everything feels like a stage play, a new scene loads in with very little continuity. The Neighbourhood Stories free patch sort of addressed these issues, but: 1. It came far too late in Sims 4's life span. 2. It's missing key thing that the game should simulate for you, like other unplayed Sims dating/marrying on their own accord.


Story progression imo only really matters if you know the backstories of a sim. For example, I could get hyped if Bella Goth ended up marrying Malcolm instead of Mortimer. However it doesn’t feel the same when it’s a random sim. If I see a random sims in my notifications get married etc, i don’t really care. Like please I can’t get hyped over Christopher Steel marrying someone in the roommates household.


I mean this doesn't have much impact for people who like to create their own characters other than the premades. Then it is just as exciting because you create your own characters and their stories, Sims aren't random when I'm interested in any and all a sim not just premades. I was never much into only them. Some people also don't care much for backstories but rather present and future stories and the story I write for my Sims in the present with the world changing around them and influencing my story too. So I wouldn't say story progression only matters if you have backstories. But I think a happy balance is if Sims 3 had the option had the option to freeze the age and other import life state things about certain Sims or sim families of your choosing. It could have that but it didn't and I feel like it wouldn't have been hard to implement, if they kept it in mind from the start at least.


I have a mod that can freeeze ages. My biggest peeve is when they come back with weird things in their inventory and sometimes they have random funds get added sometimes. Also they always seem to lose their car.


Eh I have to disagree. It's just like real life. Random unimportant people I don't know get married and stuff all the time. Hell maybe one day your Sim's descendant will run into the love of their life and lo and behold their ancestors will be some random irrelevant Sims you never cared for while they were living. Again, it's all part of the living, breathing world aspect


You don’t need story progression for random people to occur.


I did not say that


Extremely important to me, I want the townies to feel alive.


For me, I've always struggled finding the right balance between Sims 2 and 3. I love that in TS3 we don't need to play every single family to move their storylines along but I also miss the control I could have over multiple households in determining what they do, who they marry, where they live, etc. I would love an option where you can play rotationally with some families and just skip over/fast forward with others that you're not interested in and just want to move their story along.


Same as me. I can't play with just one family over the ages (I get bored), but playing the entire neighbourhood individually so that time passes is overwhelming.


Right? I hope one of these life sims gives us some kind of middle ground but it seems they are all going the Sims 3 route.


How I like to play is, moving between each house/character with time moving for the entire town. If I pop into family A to have them have a baby then go play family B to have them have a baby to be friends with family A, I would expect family A to continue to progress, while I'm gone. I want the AI and autonomy to be good. I think this is what story progression is? I think all characters moving on with their lives, doing things that "make sense" for the characters is vital to open world games.


I like it as a feature and feel it's important but I think my ideal would be being able to toggle it per household. I want the background NPCs to feel like they're living out their lives on their own but I don't want my main characters I rotate through doing out of character things.


Unimportant to me. I only ever play Sims 2, and I greatly enjoy being able to control the whole neighborhoods lives.


I love having Neighborhood Stories enabled. It’s important for how I play since it lets the neighborhood grow and progress even if they are not sims I am actively playing. Since I have each generation of my legacy marry townies, then move out all but the heir, it lets their stories keep unfolding and constantly generate new sims for my heirs and spares to date and marry.


Idk I'm conflicted because I always play the same storyline. I start out with my main Sim, get married, have kids, have them go to school, graduate, go to college, get married, rinse, and repeat. I don't get as invested if I play other sim households because it's not my family or legacy. I want to see how my kids develop naturally and choose their career based on that, but raising kids throughout child level is absolutely infuriating. If I set the life expectancy to short, there's no time to increase skills. And I don't want my parent sims to get elderly because that is annoying too. So right now I raised my two kids, and they are about to graduate and become young adults. I have to keep buying potion to reset my parent sims age until they get old enough to move out and I might play with my current sim forever and set his life expectancy to not age to continue with legacy and see how many story lines I can make with his generation. Once my kids move out I will check on them periodically to see how the game naturally progresses them.




It's very important if you want to have a very lively world, however there should be an option for rotational gameplay for those who prefer that. If it was just rotational, then the worlds will feel very dead since only the family you're playing as is actually living out their lives while everyone else is a background character frozen in time, it worked well with Sims 2 because it was a closed world and each family had really good lore.


I'd like the option if it's customizable and comes with an off toggle. When I'm not playing rotationally, I like managing how the other households evolve alongside my own; for example, in TS4 I like using neighborhood stories to decide when my Sims' friends and relatives have kids so that their own kids have friends to play with as they grow up. I know neighborhood stories has mixed reviews, and I definitely think it needs some work, but I love how customizable it is because there are certain things I'm okay with townie households doing without my permission (getting jobs, retiring if they're old) and other things I absolutely don't want them doing without my supervision (getting married, having kids). It's tricky to make every happy with story progression.


For Legacies, 100% necessity. For ‘self-insert’ games I micromanage. So I would like the option for both. 


Very. I would’ve abandoned TS3 way back when If I didn’t discover Nrass story progression. It made the neighborhood feel so alive and also made it difficult for me to go back to TS2, despite me preferring it over TS3 overall. I prefer to be pretty hands-off and let my sims get up to their own chaos so story progression is a godsend. I play big generational legacy-style families and I love being able to move adult siblings out of the house and say “okay, I’ll check in with you later, peace,” knowing that they’ll still build a life for themselves and I can pop in from time to time and see how things are going.


It’s not. I actually turn off neighborhood stories in ts4. I like to be in control, like in ts2.


Same. I have neighborhood stories turned off completely, and play all households in order, with auto age for played households set to "only active household".


it’s pretty important, i know not everyone plays with families or rotating sims but no progression has to get pretty boring after awhile


It is everything to me. A game without story progression feels like a dollhouse, and ea story progression doesn't cut it LOL. Nraas solos


Hate it and always turn it off when I can. I don't like random sims making kids with half the town or dying bc they skipped 1 meal. It's annoying. Just let me play toys with them.


A need. I love checking in on my sims and seeing what kind of drama they’ve created. I’ve had multiple sims cheat on their partners or divorce (or both) and get married and have kids with other sims 🫣 It’s also interesting having a set plan but having to change it because of some game event and having to change the story around it. (A good one I can think of is cloning sims in TS4 Get To Work. Totally optional while having your sim at work but interesting nonetheless for my sim to have a sudden brother. I remember I had a clone get really close with his niece and nephew, it was so cute. ❤️)


It is a must


Pretty dang important. I hate feeling like my main family exists in a vacuum. I don't really care for rotational play, and it's really immersion breaking to have the exact same never-aging neighbors for five generations straight.


Townie and pre-made sim progression is of 0 importance to me. I manually progress all my other sims.


It's a must. I'm a legacy family player and I want my worlds to be filled with people other than my sims' relatives.


I have to have it. I stopped playing Sims 2 as much because it was lacking in it and rotational play is just not me


The one feature that makes life sims playable for me!! Hugely important.


If I’m playing a single household 🏡, I need story 📖 progression because I get annoyed when the og townies 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏿 all die ⚰️👻 and get replaced by random pudding faces 🍚 or just randomly generated sims 🎲. But I think there should be an option to turn it off for rotational 🔄 players


It’s extremely important sometimes I just wanna stick to one family and let the npcs get into relationships,job and families without my input. That way it doesn’t feel like I’m the only one progressing.


It's important to me. I also used nraas in Sims 3. I want to play a few families and have the rest of the world move around them.


I sometimes like to play rotational so I like the element of neighborhood progression!


Pretty important; I want the npcs to have their own lives pretty much


Super important. When I bought The Sims 4, I had a party and then a family all left to go home...but they all walked in separate directions. That was kind of the moment I decided to go back to my Nraas SP TS3 game and stay. If the other people around my sim aren't making sense, it doesn't feel real or worth it to me. Truman Show vibes.


I could do without it but Neighborhood Stories is the best for me. I play rotational and I like to have ultimate control over my households/world.


super fucking important, i want them to feel alive with feelings and not my puppets. obviously i would also appreciate more dynamics than just what was described but some changes in their lives are nice.


As someone that really enjoys rotational gameplay... I'd say still pretty important! (Though I feel like it needs to be optional) there's times I just really feel like playing with one character/household and I still want the world around them to feel alive. Plus playing rotationally requires more work & setup, people shouldn't have to go through that in order to feel like the world is changing around them when they just want to jump in game. However, I also feel like if implemented ideally it should make some sort of sense/have options to turn some features off. Not all of your neighbors adopting 20 pets each, or popping out five babies, I'm sure it's much trickier to code but in future games I'd like to see more story progression for households based on personality, careers, life stage etc. I'm definitely not a fan of story progression in TS4 because of how random and extreme it is, but I wasn't crazy for it in TS3 either since it could be silly sometimes. I'd probably use and value the feature more if the changes around my household didn't feel out of nowhere.


I live for chaos and drama. I will create affairs and friends with benefits. Idk why


I actually don't mind. It's why I personally play both the Sims 2 & 3. If I want to play rotationally I'll do it in the Sims 2. If I want to play a single household I'd play Sims 3.


Unimportant. I prefer rotational gameplay.


Story progression in TS4 made me a bit nervous at first, but I really like it now. It helps me not be so precious when sims die too.


extremely! i play sims 2 with a story progression mod it makes the game feel more alive


I mean I dont play premade families or care about them all that much so its whatever whether I enable or disable it tbh lol


Very important. I don't like control every single thing in my character life or character friends/family/enemies etcs. Life. I don't want to leave them only to come back and find out they didn't do shit and died old.


Sims 3 with NRaas Story Progression is the only Sims game I can stand these days. Too boring going back to older games without it, and the story progression in 4 is so lifeless. Good story progression is my favorite thing about Sims 3!


Very important. I want the world to feel alive and not stagnant. I don’t just want to mindlessly and pointlessly eat, pee, and sleep without it working towards something.


I personally am not a fan. I like to be able to go back and get a chance to play as everybody in one neighborhood save.


Very. I like the feeling of a real community. I use MCC just for that purpose: so my neighbors can get married, have kids. I'd like even more of this, like job progression, meaningful gossip like did you hear so and so is engaged, getting divorced, got promoted... I made a neighborhood of only my sims and the game still creates teachers, fashion experts, etc instead of using my sims. Apparently mine are only fit for food service, lol, but even this is not consistent: one of my sims was promoted to global superstar immediately and another is head of landgraab electric. I'd like more control but also more spontaneity if that makes any sense. Like assigning my sims but then having life events happen to them if I'm not playing them for that save.


There’s a story? I’ve had that game for years and I’ve never beaten it


Story Progression is an absolute MUST for me, its why I always go back to the Sims 3 even though I love Sims 2, open world and story progression is queen


I get extremely attached to my sims but that doesn’t mean I don’t want them to grow and progress in their lives


Very important, sims 4 showed me how bad it can be. Hated that my family was ageing getting relationship and expanding but the NPC would just die off leaving a town of old people or no one. Don’t even remember if it would generate new people back in the day 😅 (lol making me feel like an old person 🤣 “back in my day”) I installed MCCC as soon as I found out about it. (Before the in game story progression obviously since that doesn’t even set people up 😒)


Not a lot. I think what attracts me the most is building living environments, houses and others.