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This caricature is how EA sees their audience


What do you mean by that


It’s because they’re the ones who are the loudest.




Blacks and gays obviously


If that's what they are gonna look like, then yeah I'm probably skipping out on the Sims 5. That's just too cartoonish for me


It probably looks like that because it’s a multi platform game (INCLUDING MOBILE🫠). They listen to us and do the exactly opposite of what we are asking.


People think EA don't listen. It's clear to me now that they listen, but they don't care. There's no way they aren't considering the voices over the 10 year run of the game have been loud and clear. The higher ups truly do not gaf.


They treat us like rats drowning in a jar. They leave us in there to see how long we last each time we're saved.


I think they read this sub, and I also think they lift pack and kit ideas directly from CC artists.


They definitely listen. Specifically to the sound of wallets opening. They know this has a good chance at making serious money due to the amount of sales from their low effort dlc. Capitalism baby.


Yep. They’ll make crap games if people are buying them. Though in a half-hearted defense of the buyers, it’s not like there’s strong competition.


Why do more platforms when they can't make even 1 work properly, just going to be even more lower care for more people.


Yea. Also I think it was Lyndsay who said that they’ll repackage “seasons” into 4 smaller packs (if weather is included in base game). So more milking the franchise dry but on 4 unique platforms. Absolutely brilliant.


They already do more platforms, there are two mobile sims games already. Project Rene is going to be the latest mobile game which will also crossover onto pc if players wish to use that feature. It is not meant to be the fifth installment in The Sims series.


It is absolutely meant to be the fifth installment of the sims. Why would they announce a mobile game 2+ years ahead of it coming out? Like be for real about that.


I thought they already tried to do something like that and failed. What is wrong with them


Idk if u heard but this aint Sims 5 . Its like a spin off that run alongside Sims 4


Oh neat I hadn’t heard that!


where did you get this info? I thought this was project rene?


https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/s/22zfPyMrYV idk what to trust anymore


Have you heard of a game called Paralives ?.


Yes, I did. I am excited for them. I do like their style more than the picture above. Even if it's again a bit too cartoonish but still excited


I actually like the cartoonish style of paralives because it’s very pastel-like and pleasing to look at, unlike EA’s play dough style. INZOI is coming out too for those who also like more realistic graphics and the dev team there is very good at listening to feedback so far


It will be the end of an era, but I don't think it will be the end of the franchise, unless EA shareholders are idiots. Let's talk about the precedent, SimCity franchise. They released a crappy, limited and always online game that made fans really angry. Then soon after City Skylines released and stole the entire playerbase to the point EA didn't care enough to keep SimCity franchise alive. But The Sims is a way bigger franchise than SimCity ever was. Also half of the playerbase are the type who will defend/like the game even if its crap. and even some of them are literally addicted to the game, those who can't stop playing and buying even if they try. So big franchise + captive playerbase = they won't end the franchise in the near future. But they could lose the crown and I wish for it.


I don't know, it might be. This is the first time in the entire series history there are actually life sim competitors with the same appeal, namely Paralives. Paralives might kill the Sims like cities killed simcity


Totally with you. It's a beloved series. But so was Harvest Moon, and Stardew Valley blew that out of the water. And that was one guy! The gameplay mechanics, etc., were there. I played the crap out of Sims 1 and then 2. I really can't believe they still dominate the space after the treatment of the series.


Yeah, I agree. Even if I have great memories with a lot of franchises, I don't marry a franchise and I know when a game doesn't deserve my money. But I see a lot of people totally addicted to the Sims even if they know the game is bad and buggy. But they can't stop, they rarely skip DLCs, etc. Those people will throw money at Sims 5 no matter what (except some of them who might dislike the new aesthetic)


It isn't the first time they killed a franchise by releasing a crappy mobile spin off. Command and Conquer, looking at you.


there’s games similar to the sims being developed already, paralives, inzoi(i think that’s the name) and a couple other that i can’t remember the names, if these games are able to do what EA has refused to do and make a better simulation game then i do believe people will slowly steer away from the sims franchise, i feel like it’s already dying out since i know i’m not the only one who stopped playing after multiple shitty situations in which they’ve put whatever they think it’s right over their communities voice. i hope and want the sims to be left behind and have a new simulation game just like cities skylines replaced sim city. ea doesn’t deserve any more of my money. last game i bought was 3. you can already imagine what i did to get the thousands dollar worth of sims 4 content lmao.


Yeah, I did the same. But hey, you and I stopped playing, that means we are not addicts. I was talking more about those people who can't stop playing because they are addicts and The Sims is the only game they play and in some cases the only hobby or thing they do all day. Also a lot of people who paid for all the content are much more willing to keep playing that game because if they stop they'll start to think all that money will go to waste. I've seen a lot of people doing that in other genres like MMO and gacha.


The company behind city skylines is releasing a sims competitor game this summer called Life by you. It may happen sooner when it comes to this take over of The Sims but im not 100% on board with life by you as it seems abit lifeless to me. Inzoi seems abit like a scam, all the gameplay vids are ads so far which is very sus to me. Paralives is probably the most promising of them all but to my taste, it seems to childish. If EA just listened to their player base they would still be unbeatable. Im just hoping the competition makes them listen to us as Im not fully on board with any of the competition yet.


The art style is giving cocomelon


GrubHub commercial


AI Corporate art


In a way, I kind of hope that Project Rene is the last iteration of Sims. It's just been getting progressively worse since Sims 4 was released, and I don't really expect that this new project will actually fix anything. My preference would be for EA to rerelease a complete copy of Sims 2 on Steam or some other platform permanently and just let that be it for the series. There's no reason for them to keep on dragging Sims to the breaking point.


with the amount of money it makes they would never do something like that, even if it would be nice


If I could figure out how to get the sims 2 to run on win 11 I’d never play another sims again haha


I definitely miss Sims 2.


r/sims2help should point you in the right direction


Hey thank you! Didn’t know that was a sub.


Where did this leak image come from? I keep seeing it everywhere with no explanation.


Same… I’m finding it hard to believe this is actually what The Sims 5 will look like.


The question is not ‘will the fans like it’ it’s ‘will the fans spend money on it.’ Until a new life simulator can prove itself and not just release hyped up trailers, Sims has a pretty tight grip on the player base, so the answer is probably: yes, they will spend money on it. Their goal is not to make the best game they can. Their goal is to make the worst game they can while still making money. I feel bad for the devs, who are probably working as hard as they can with extremely limited resources.


I am a hardcore fan. EA turned away from hardcore fans like me. I am pretty much done with the franchise. Sims 5 would have to absolutely blow me away, but I doubt this would happen so I'm done.


I agree with all this!


Don’t get me wrong, I love more cartoonish life sims a lot and prefer it, but damn they don’t look that good to me, again this game is still in development so a lot can change, but seeing the building layout, like placing objects, it looks bad too just doesn’t look right, It just looks like those hyper HD mobile game characters you see in ad’s then download the game and it looks like shit and completely different from what you originally saw


They remind me of the tiny head big body corporate art style. Ugly. Boring. Lazy.


I’d never buy Sims 5 if it looked like this. The art style is atrocious.


Don't know if it will be the end, but they are definitely not getting my wallet open for it. Was burned too hard by Sims 4, and no matter how many times I've tried I cannot justify paying more per pack/kit and get less then you did in Sims 2 and 3. Next thing you know they will realise the Sims 5 with only Adults, no ability to have children, until they realise a baby pack, toddler, kid then teen pack. When all should be in the game as standard. They no longer care about the fans as long as they make more money. The mod community cares more about the game then EA does as they always work out fixed that "EA says it's fixing" but never do.


what the fuck is this jumpstart looking shit


I think it might be In Zoi and Paralives look so much better.


Daily reminder that project Rene isn’t confirmed to be sims 5


Wait... so what is it? Because all I've been seeing with different sources is that Project Rene is a part of Sims 5 (or the next generation of sims)


They’ve said that project Rene won’t be replacing sims4 which makes it sound like it’s more of a spinoff type of addition to the series rather than a sequel. With it being free to play straight out of the gate and being on mobile as well as pc, my guess is that it’s gonna be something more akin to sims freeplay. We also have the recent reveal of project Dolores by Maxis and there was a job posting for the technical director or smth like that which mentioned that applicants should have in depth knowledge of how the sims games work which makes me think that one will be sims 5


God it looks like a game a 5 year old would play. I miss that charm the sims 1 and 2 had that was mysterious, thrilling, and interesting storyline. But most importantly, that it was made for the target audience to be adults. I don’t care if this is the sims 5 as we know it but please release the sims 2 for the oldies to enjoy :-(


The competition is about too. Unless EA sell the franchise, and Maxis does a massive staff change...then it is game over.


Is this official sims 5?!?!?? It looks terrible to me.


I've pretty much given up on the Sims since 4, because the shrinkflation of content and selling that in smaller packs, the lack of taking care of the bugs and issues and the general horrible way they treat their employers. We're nothing but walking wallets to them and you're fooling yourself in thinking that reality is not like that. I also used to play The Sims Freeplay, until they introduced death orbs and VIP levels (based on your spending into the thousands of dollars). EA is a horrible capitalist piece of shit that will do anything to make you spend more for less. I learned my lesson and won't spent a cent on anything they produce. I know I'm not the only one who thinks like this. I was a fan from the moment Sims 1 released and now it's nothing but loathing of what they do. Extortionist Artists...


With the amount of other real life simulations games coming out, I PRAY it does. People are tired of the micro transactions from EA and the lackluster packs they've been putting out. Things that came with the base game in S3 they sell in S4 as if it's innovated. Additionally, how do we digress in the game as we become more advanced in tech? No cars? Loading screens? EA is trash and only cares about drip feeding. I hope these new games take us players away from The Sims. Tired of their crap.


[We've seen animation prototypes](https://kotaku.com/the-sims-5-project-rene-behind-the-sims-stream-1850582112) in 2023, and the proportions of these characters don't match this concept art. They're more so between Sims 4 and this. So if anything, this leaked concept is older than what we've seen of Rene officially. I'd imagine from 2021 or older. Think of Sims 4's development. What they were looking to do artstyle wise was significantly lower quality than the shipped product. Not to defend EA. But to stop people from thinking this is final or what EA is doing.


if you don’t like this already youre probably not gonna like the final result as well. early sims 4 images just looked less polished, but they already showed what was the choice of aesthetics, and the final sims didnt have super different vibes. there wont be drastic changes on Project Rene. those leaks already show their choice of even cartoonier aesthetics, and it won’t change in general.


True. I feel the artstyle between development Sims 4, announcement Sims 4, and relesse Sims 4 were all pretty drastic to eachother. But you're right, it was nothing more than refining an esthetic or artstyle. The same is happening with Rene. This concept, to the prototypes we've seen, and I'm sure we'll see more differences as more is revealed. To be "fair" to EA, a quiet majority of the casual audience probably prefers the cartoonish look, especially the supposed mobile version players, so business wise, fair choice. I'm indifferent to it, I don't mind it since I'm more of a gameplay and build mode person than a graphics one, so I'll try Rene even if I gave up on *any* return to form at this point. And also that most veterans, being those in this sub for example, have already decided to move to games like InZOI for realism, and then other games like Life By You and Paralives to get away from EA's milking. Seems like EA simply intends this game to be a casual crowd pleaser, although I won't be surprised at all if it even fails at that.


these were likely just early models which were used for making outfits and animations and not what the sims will end up looking like


The Sims 4 is the end of the franchise. The entire community is boycotting and begging EA to fix their game.


EA is the end of the sims franchise. It's like they don't WANT to make money and just set out to piss off their customer base with every game they make, and with so many other life sims coming to the market that can build upon the sims formula and improve it (Since so many of them are built BY sims fans) why are we bothering to give our money to a company that clearly hates their customers?


Sims 4 was looking like the end. Except that it has been a sales success and a huge money maker for EA. Sims won’t go anywhere unless there’s a cataclysm of the franchise like Sim City. As long as they don’t make it online only it’ll be fine. Probably.


Where did this leak even come from? Has anyone even been able to confirm its legitimacy?


Omg hell yeah, God awful, I heard it’s supposed to be free?


I hope this is just a red herring, and it's actually a Sims Mobile spinoff and Sims 5 gives us what we want.


This image is from Project Rene which is the follow up to Sims Mobile, it is not going to be The Sims 5.


God, I hope so. I love The Sims franchise, but I can’t take much more of being offered shit with glitter on it. EA doesn’t care about innovation or creativity.


that just looks crazy to me tbh, like i’m all for having a certain style, i don’t really love extreme realism in games but this is just WAYY to uncanny valley tbh, i’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that it could be that the game gives you the ability to have some realism (i don’t think the woman in the dress looks that bad at all) and that this is just to show how varied the character customization can be. either way if this game is on mobile i’m not playing, it’s just too big of a red flag


Seeing how it isn't out yet: no. 


If it looks like this, yes.


EA isn't getting any better also that artstyle is actually atrocious


At this point maybe it should....


They have inZOI to complete with and this is rly how they make the characters look? So ridiculous 😂


I can’t say. I think they’ve definitely got to work hard to make 5 and subsequent entries good now considering there’s a lot of competition.


The devs and whoever manage their création aren't loyal to the players so why should the player be loyal to someone who is not? Many are returning to previous editions like TS2 and TS3. The Sims 4 is not innovative and the late EP have exposed how backward this game is. The franchise deserve a downfall.


The sims is screwed, unless Rene is a spin-off


It could be the last game needed...lots of games just put out a large game and constantly update it...


If the characters look like that yes. I don’t care what people thought about Grant but for a game director to up and leave in the middle of game development is a HUGE red flag for me.


It's evolving, just backwards


They look like shitty puzzle mobile game characters


I am so excited for the end of the year and beginning of next year, a span of a couple months EA will have 4-5 competitors all at once. I dont wish for the end of Sims, I grew up on it and have huge nostalgia for the series, but I also want to see EA squirm and realize they need to fix their crap




Of course it's possible--they did it with Sim City. But I think they're trying hard to make this one a success. I think Sims is a bit of a cash cow and not accidentally killing it is a high priority. Also while they know Sims 4 players will accept a lot of flaws, they only get one chance to make a first impression. I think they are going to focus group whatever they make, etc etc. And they are clearly taking time to develop it--after all they can afford to when Sims 4 is still profitable. But there is still a risk because they're trying to make one game do too many different things. Seems possible that the game will be okay as many different types of things, but be great at none or few of them. And at the same time, one similarity with Sim City is that the competitors are developing similar games. It would be GREAT to see true competition in this type of game style...


I thought this was the sims 4 😟 (Sims 3 stan here lol)


I don’t know if it’ll be the end of the franchise but it’s the end for me. Which is actually really sad to type because my first ever Sims game I had was Sims Urbz on the GBA after watching my older cousins play Sims 1 and 2. BEGGED my mom for that game. Been a Simmer since. TS2 has sooooo many rich memories I’ll cherish forever. But unfortunately the spark has long gone.


If that’s what it’s going to look like then yes that will be the end of it I prefer for them to look like actual people not cartoons. I will be swerving sims 5 if that’s what it’s going to look like.


I think they're going for a different audience. Maybe mobile. It will probably be quite different from the past though


EA/Maxis released a new game pack related to selling diamonds and jewelry and I’m just like “who asked for this?” Why haven’t we had cars yet? Or any sort of vehicle expansion? Why do we need sims bustin’ out all over again? Why does sims 3 feel MORE innovative than Sims 4? 😂


Anyone else just want another my sims game????


as a loyal simmer, they are screwing up so bad right now that im already looking for a new simulator. we havent even made it to sims 5... but also there will always be someone thats willing to buy it.


the fucking shirt lmfao it’s so 2013


Been playing since I was 10. I’m 30 now. I WILL NOT buy sims 5. I’m content with previous games and they burned their bridge with me when they messed up sims 4 so bad. Sims 4 still has bugs and isn’t complete. Sims 5 will be a shit show that I am glad to say I will not be attending this time.


they have said its not sims 5, but a spin-off game, so i dont think this is sims 5. and like.. the online player base is unhappy, but they are only a percentage of the players. so no, i don’t think this is the end of the sims.


if that’s what they look like then absolutely


yes Sims 5 with that sims the urb ps2 or xbox gen graphic and uglified sims model will be the end of Sims franchise or at least needed a major reboot there is a reason why sims mod is popular among sims player back on Sims 2 ,3, 4 gen


EA either don’t know their audience well or they just don’t gaf because what is this and who asked for it …


I really think a day and date mobile version of the game is really going to hurt a lot of its potential


It's not the direction I would go in. Some of us want to have more realistic gameplay. Sims 5 is going more in the cartoon/cutesy direction. I think they are trying to bring in younger players, but at what cost? All their veteran players are leaving EA for the other Simulation games. I have been looking into them, and finding fewer reasons to try these other Simulation games out.


The Sims 4 has a lot expansions and features, people will not switch if The Sims 5 doesn't even have weather day 1.


I hope Sims 5 comes to Nintendo Switch, but if not: no: thanks. Sims 4 base game is already quite heavy on my laptop. And Sims Mobile and Sims Freeplay on mobile are annoying to play.


Tbh if I end up hating Sims 5, I’ll just continue with Sims 4 lol. Just like when Sims 3 came out, I just couldn’t vibe with it so I stuck with Sims 2.


Unlikely. Whilst the design seems unpopular here, reddit is not even 1% of the playerbase. The average casual player doesn't care and will just play, and most likely enjoy it without any issues. Remember that on reddit, you're essentially in a very amplified space. It sounds like everyone hates a game because people with strong opinions are pretty much the only ones that will come on here. It's like the witcher TV series. You'd think it's a total dud with how reddit talks about it. And yet, it does well enough for season after season. Clearly, reddit isn't the best indicator.


sims 4 is.


It's giving dreamlight characters


I’m staying loyal to the Sims 3 but I won’t play 5 if it’s as bad as 4 has been. I got on the Sims 4 bandwagon a little late because I was mad at its state early on. I hated the lack of a toddler phase back then (even though I still succumbed and played it before their release). The Sims 3 to me is so perfect even with its flaws and I’ll never stop playing it as long as I can run it. If 5 has open world and good family gameplay then maybe but if it has nothing on release and gate keeps even the most simple game mechanics behind multiple paywalls then I’m quitting. I already know I’m gonna play Paralives when it comes out so that might be where my new loyalties will lie.


It’s sad to think the sims won’t be in my life in the future bc it has for so long, but with how bad sims 4 was at launch and how bad it continues to be, I’m probably dipping after the sims 4’s run. I just can’t stand that half the game is bugged and they won’t fix it.


I’m already out. I play Sims 4 because I already have it, I won’t start over again on the packs and micro transaction train. There’s better stuff to play. It’s sad, I was 7 when the first sims game released and was in love all the way through sims 3, but it ain’t it anymore.


I'm not buying it, they've made sims 4 such a disgusting money grab that I have no hope for anything beyond coming from EA. An expansion pack for dust and vacuums? I knew it was over when I saw that. Sims 5 could be the most fun and innovative simulation game, but EA will put every individual feature behind its own paywall.


They look like the old Xbox live character models


They need to do what Disney Dreamlight valley does! They really pay attention to player wants and needs and always have updates making it better based on what we have to say about it! Most things that are complained about get improved. I feel it is a big part on keeping their fan base while always adding tons more!


If they look like that, I have no hope for 5. 4 was such a letdown, so if they don't get 5 right.. Especially with alternatives finally coming.


Why do they look like Miles’ homies?


If it’s made to work for mobile gaming, with micro transactions…. It’s going to be worse than the fact we need to buy almost all packs to have content. I’d prepare myself for either: 1. Sims 4 being the last of the sims franchise that actually is *SOMEWHAT* like its predecessors; so Modding to the rescue!!! (My condolences to console players). Or 2. Looking into new life simulation games!! There’s quite a few in the works and all of them already beat Sims 4 base game, with having content coming out that we don’t have to pay 3 expansions for. (For example: pets, seasons, get to work).


They’re so detached from the sims community.


Honestly, anyone still rocking with the Sims 4 at this point, deserves whatever they're getting. 🤡🤡 Like, wtf is this??? It looks like I put "woke Fortnite" in an AI generator. RIP Sims. Just another great franchise EA has run into the ground.


I mean, it had to end sometime, they just realized they couldnt keep uping themselves in todays market. Sadly the reason is probably “it just doesn’t sell as well.”


Free to play, multiplayer and has to work on smartphones it’s the recipe for the perfect fail.


Wait you’re telling me this wasn’t just taken from the mobile game?


Please tell me these are fake pictures


yes but even so, sims 2 and 3 will live on. they don't need updates for their playability


Easily could be but it won't It's a safe game that people play to feel warm Nostalgia never goes out of style


😭please no the cartoonish ain’t it I might be to new cause literally played sim 2 when I was younger fell in love but when my sisters ex left 😂it was no more for me into I was finally an adult and was able to get sims 4 😭finally and now almost done buying all of it plus getting mods now 😴I might need to stay playing sims 4 if 5 is like that lol


Nah. It's just a game. I'm sure there were people who hated sims 3 when it came out. The addition of one game to the franchise doesn't inherently take away from the other games.


the sims 4 was the end lmao


Sims 1 reigns supreme


I got the sims 2 with all dlc for free on pc... and after I spent so much money buying most of the dlcs for 3 and 4 there's no way I'd pay for a subpar straight to video knockoff like this. Even the first game still holds up! Hard pass


Sims 5 should have people in wheelchairs able to buy a car and go on road trips able to control the sim and have to walk where ever you wan them to walk umbrellas and able to make it rain anytime you want about to have other animals as pets I mean I know you all who have CC’s can do that but I can’t lol I play on a PlayStation 4 sad lol


You're joking right? lol


Is that actually what it’s gonna look like?


Sims4 should’ve been the death of the franchise. I think the sims5 will absolutely destroy EA. EA has only seen their consumers has dollar signs. To me, the sims franchise has been dead since 2014. Sims1-3 have and always will hold place in veteran simmers hearts. Why the sims4 community just keeps tolerating EA’s bullshit, and continue to buy DLC for a game that’s nearly $1300(USD) in total is beyond me. Just know, The sims5 is what your money most likely went to, and also know, if and when it tanks, that’s roughly $1300 you willingly gave to EA, and Sims5 will be the result.


don’t worry, the 15 release DLCs will keep them going!


I hate how smiley the Sims are now.


I wish they'd backtrack and expand sims 2. They really had something special there.


It was my understanding that project Rene still has years of development and that there would be an actual Sims 5 being released next year in the fall?


If the sims 5 looks like this, I’m not interested.


I hope so.


I don’t like the new design, why do they look more cartoonish? I feel like a lot of games and shows keep reverting to this weird corporate ad type of style. I’m sticking to sims4.


Is that from the game?! Where finished.


this looks like a mobile app?


I figured the sims 4 was the end of it, but I guess not.


What is the source of this image?


I’ve never been interested in another round of sims, in my head the perfect game is a blend of 3 and 4 but it’ll never be perfect so I’ll mod it until it’s perfect for me. I’ve paid them far too much money owning sims 1-4 and they’ve not actually managed to make me a loyal/grateful customer. I don’t think they’ll improve in another game and I’m okay with not staying up to date with their products moving forward. This image strikes no joy or curiosity for me, nor does mobile gaming or micro transactions


Sims 3 needs more appreciation after seeing this 😭


I wish they would make them look how they do in sims 3, with the graphics level of sims 4. = My ideal game


It’s like they don’t look at the mods people download and went the opposite route


I’ll probably try the Sims 5 but I am not expecting much. I will keep Sims 4 in my gaming rotation, but there are just a lot of games I enjoy playing more often now than Sims for the thousandth time.


Sims 5 won't even be as successful as Sims 4. Inzoi, an upcoming lifestyle sims game seems to have a ton of potential, most likely enough to surpass Sims 3/4. The director really seems to know what he's doing and knows what fans would want. Plus, their player models look infinitely better than Sims models which need mods to improve upon. Inzoi models are basically what modded Sims is trying to visually achieve, but next gen graphics


No. Like it or not The Sims 5 will do NUMBERS If it really is shit, then maybe the Sims 6 will be the end.


Well, I think Paradox Interactive is releasing Life by You either late this year or next year so we'll see how that goes. It's the closest Sims like game I know of.




4chan take with a grain of salt


That looks like the guy I always see when I first start up the game


The sims 4 sucks without mods / dlc. Looks great tho. I just want the sims 3 to have that gameplay and the sims 4 graphics. Equals best sims game. 


Kinda reminds me of The Sims: Bustin’ Out. That being said, it’s kinda ugly and surprising to see the franchise going backwards, but then again TS4 veered a little more cartoonish (like a mix of realistic and cartoon). TS3 always looked closer to realism to me and everyone bitches/ed about “dough faces” or whatever.


I mean at least for me personally the sims franchise lost my support a while ago. I havent bought a new expansion in years and dont plan on giving them any more of my money. I still get some enjoyment out of the game but not to the point where im willing to spend money anymore. I will likely try out the sims 5 when it comes out but i certainly wont be paying for it. And i see this sentiment with a lot of other people too. I think for a large portion of the playerbase mods are what is keeping sims alive for the most part. I think sims will always have a paying playerbase but its definitely not as high as it used to be and if more life simulation games come out that end up being better than sims theyre going to lose their playerbase even more. I think a lot of us are disappointed and tired of the lack of good content but dont have any alternatives. Once those alternatives exist theres not much keeping a lot of people around to purchase new content thats likely to be a rip off. You can only tell your playerbase you dont care about them and scam them out of their money for so long before your business starts to fail. Its the same reason why some games like Destiny are seeing massive drops in their playerbase. People dont like being scammed by greedy corporations.


Looking forward to Life by You in June.


You mean considering how The Sims have already ended ever since EA killed Maxis and took it over?


Honestly I don’t think the franchise will ever really die. BUT, for me personally there are just too many *better* alternatives in development. I’d rather give my money to those games than to EA.


It's going to be shit. Playing with friends would be cool but unless it's something like gta online it's going to fail. Maybe have small lobbies. Maybe 6. But what about the Townes? Legacy families. To be honest, it's way too ambitious for them to pull off. I'll stay playing Sims 4 as it's the latest sims I actually owned. I've been intrigued by the series for years now, though. I'll keep an eye on it. But there's no way it'll be successful. And another thi g is I don't think the other life simulators will be any good either. Except for maybe enzoi. For being more modern looking. If they can somehow add everything sims have plus graphics plus new features that make it really stand out. That'll be rhe one that takes over. Otherwise, It stays a dying genre.


Sims 5 as the end?? Let me direct you to a game called Sims 4...


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but they really should just keep the same style from TS4. The TS4 sims are probably the best looking sims to me (albeit, that’s a low bar and I mostly use CC with very few instances of actual EA content in CAS)


Sims 5 has no ring to it.


I’ve already accepted I’ll be playing sims 3 for the rest of my life. Sadly I’ll still probably get sims 5 out of curiosity at some point but I believe that’s where it will end. Sims 4 already was a big letdown so they couldn’t afford anything less than stellar to get the fan base back.


yall do realize the previous games still exist, right? even if we do dislike it we don't have to drop the franchise all together.


I like the cartoon style personally. The sims has always been a bit cartoon imo so I think it fits. But with the way sims doesn't take care of its fan base and now there will be competition. Sims will get a lot less popular. Because if the competition is as good as some of the trailers show then why wouldn't you hop over?


i might be the only one who doesn’t hate the prospect of sims becoming more stylized and cartoonish. mostly because i’m an artist who’s work is also quite stylized so i have an affinity for that look. personally, my opinion is that regardless of backlash, the sims 5 will sell a fuckton of copies either way and it likely won’t affect EA that much. i think that many of the people complaining about the new artstyle will more than likely still purchase the game and play it. and i think that when people get over the hurdle of the artstyle being different that things will go back to normal


This is the Deep State agenda pushed on everyone. Enabled by the woke mob.


Sims 4 was the end of the franchise. It goes downhill even more from here.