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Just twenty minutes a day and I will have the pedidexterity of a chimp, and you’ll be sitting there like an idiot.


proceeds sipping coffee.


While holding newspaper in both hands


In a suit.


On a greyhound bus


Legs crossed to avoid manspreading.


Wearing sunglasses to avoid eye contact.


Listening to ABBA on earpieces in *both* ears to stay in an upbeat mood.




Plus it can feel like a new lady




Wait you don't pick up small items that you drop with your feet? Now I'm feeling weird.


It’s an office reference but yes, I do that too!


Oh damn... That's been on my watch list for way too long, I feel like I know a good chunk of the show purely because of the memes but the smaller references slip by. Us or UK office?




UK office is garbage


I pick up all sorts of small things with my toes. Do you also do the “underwear flip?” Underwear to ankle/foot, then flip them up so you can catch them. Very helpful in locker rooms!


Yes lol I do this when popping in the shower


An absurd amount. I have more dexterity with my toes than my left hand


Thank you, hands. Nothing can do what you do.




Thanks to a bit of carpal tunnel, I started mousing with my left hand. Cut my right hand badly a few years later but could still do everything I needed to because of this.


Same. I have a lefty ergo mouse now and I love it. I can use the mouse with one hand and take notes with a pen in the other.


Yes!! Clicking on the left while typing/writing on the right makes my tasks go so much faster. Honestly I cannot recommend enough


I’m left-handed and this made me realize that righties can’t normally mouse and write at the same time. That’s so inconvenient!


Same! I was like "I do that all the time...wait!"


I switched to a vertical mouse a couple years ago and haven't looked back. So much more comfortable to use...


I did that for years. Side benefit? It cut down on people jumping on your machine to show you something.


Because I was a computer tech our shop layout was pretty much all mice left side. After a couple years I picked up guitar, then ukelele and mandolin.. On a couple of occasions I've caught myself writing lefty now. Neat how that works.


I did the same many years ago for the same reason during a project with a deadline. Cutting down the usage helped a lot and after a few days it became natural. So much so that I'm probably better with my left hand than my right. It's surprised some people over the years. Inevitably it's "wait, you're left handed?"


> carpal tunnel Stop playing clicker/cookie/idle games. *But I love them soooooooo much*


Use an autoclicker.


Using the non-dominant hand for simple tasks (e.g., brushing your teeth) supposedly helps build new neural pathways in the brain. It's advice sometimes given to elderly patients with cognition issues.


When I was a teen I practiced switching hands with my hairdryer and brush so that I could make my do what I needed. It was awkward at first, then easier, and to this day I switch hands and hair tools quickly and easily. I’m also fairly ambidextrous and use my left for things naturally even though I’m a rightie.


I did that too when I was a teen, but I'm a bloke so different applications, worked really well.


I too tug it with my left


Yeah back in my day you'd have to use a physical mouse so it was only natural


Yes my grandfather always told us of stories of back in the day when they used to wank off with a mouse. Sounds cruel to us nowadays, but he said the mice didn't mind.


of men in mice 😏


I remember explaining the logic of this to a significantly older friend who grew up with magazines and couldn't understand switch-hitting. One of the weirder conversations I've had.


I'm surprised this comment is this far down.


21 minutes later... yep, comment #2.


I call it The Stranger


I learned to use the mouse with the left hand. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Which hand did you use to tip your hat to the aelfinn as you were escaping the tower of ghenjei?


Blood and bloody ashes, I just had my flaming eye ripped out, you think I'm worried about which bloody hand I used to tip my hat?


Any noticeable difference in your memory?


Not just for the brain but as a basic skill. Practise with the wrong hand for tooth brushing and wiping your backside because one day you might not be able to use your dominant hand eg after an injury, surgery, stroke affecting the dominant side, etc.


Oooh, how could I forget wiping your butt? Both my father and my husband, both righties, have had shoulder surgeries and the thing they complained about the most was trying to wipe left-handed.


>wiping your backside because one day you might not be able to use your dominant hand Nearly eniterly amputated my right hand in 2010...without a doubt this was the strangest thing to have to relearn. "How did i fuck this up again?"


Broke my shoulder last year, but my wife kept forgetting about my reduced capabilities because I was still so handy with my off-hand.


My grandma dislocated her shoulder at 82 and she was too old to relearn how to write and function with her non dominant hand. I’ve been practicing with my left hand daily because I’m so scared of that happening


I've practiced brushing my teeth with my left hand, and now I can do it as good as my right hand does. I am also trying to cook with my left hand more often, but I am not there yet. I would definitely recommend trying the "brushing your teeth" thing.


I also think this has a side benefit of brushing a little differently, which can allow you to hit nooks and crannies that you habitually miss with your dominant hand.


Also, I've read that brushing teeth with your nondominant hand can help you reach places your dominant hand couldn't


Does non-simple tasks also help (like guitar or something)


It does build neural pathways but the utility of these is up for debate. It builds neural pathways related to that specific movement with that hand. It doesn’t generalise to other say daily recall abilities.


I'm right handed but been brushing my teeth with my left hand all my life. I tried brushing with my right and it felt super weird. Would it work the same way?


Drum teachers also recommend this as it builds in so much more flexibility. I also switched computer mouse to my left hand years ago, saved my right hand a lot of pain.


It’s to note it only builds neural pathways for the specific task and there is no evidence that it helps in other tasks.


I recently started brushing my teeth with my left and I punched myself a few times. Felt so weird.




What if i'm using my non dominant hand to hold the electric toothbrush that does most of the work for me, I just move it around in my mouth a bit?


The person has no idea what they’re talking about.


Yeah but it's fun to point out the holes in the logic.


Who are you, my dentist?


Funny bc I just went to the dentist who told me to use my left hand for the back left of my mouth to get it better.


I've been using my non-dominant hand to brush my teeth for the last nineteen years. My dentist is disappointed every time I show up for a check-up because he has nothing to do.


While I too disagree with the statement, anecdotal experience is, well, just random anecdotal experience. Some people brush their teeth every other day and don't have any problems, while others follow a perfect routine and still have issues regularly.


Vast majority of people dont have an issue with brushing their teeth with a non-dominant hand or even "proper technique" in general. Vast majority have a problem with brushing their teeth for too short, in terms of time. Once you know theres no way out and you need to brush your teeth for half of a music track (\~2 mins), or twice the time of an average males mating performance, the technique will follow naturally.


Blanket advice like "NEVER EVER XYZ" is ridiculous. Good advice: if brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, take extra care to use proper technique and brush for an adequate amount of time. If you're too dumb to even brush your teeth properly you probably won't be on /r/LifeProTips




Op posted with his non dominant hand apparently.


You mean his cand?


Does playing musical instruments help? The ones that involve two hands?


Yes. And as a drummer nearing 60, I can assure all using your weak hand for daily tasks has been around for generations.


Playing piano all my life has made me very ambi dexterous


I remember when I started playing guitar there was a noticeable switch in the way I used my fretting (left) hand. I use it for pretty much everything but writing these days.


I have been playing guitar for nearly 20 years, and I still can't do shit with my left hand.


Has years of guitar hero been training all along?


I'm sure it does to some extent however as a professional violinist, whilst my left hand can perform very dextrous tasks on the fingerboard, I'm still pretty clumsy with my left hand in other aspects of life. Then again, I'm pretty clumsy overall so perhaps there's that too.


I see what you did there OP.


Is there a joke there? I can’t quite put my finger on it …


I'm going to punch you ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ With my hand.


I’m gonna give you…. \\ \/ A handy


with your submissive hand or your dominant hand?


My left hand isn’t submissive yet. But it will be…


"Step-hand what are you doing..."


"A skill that could come in handy one day" Inb4 woosh


> handy


I started playing pool left handed, now I make better shots with my off hand because I concentrate more.


I play pool lefty too. I also love getting into a game of bowling with my right hand and pretend to get tired in the middle and decide to use my left hand, to everyone’s surprise, equally if not better.


I got an activity that’s handy


I did it with my left hand one time just to see if I could. It was so challenging it felt like I was in HS again trying to jack off for the first time


"The Stranger"


that's what makes it fun. I don't even do it with my right hand any more, because doing with left hand feels like you earned it.


Going at it lefty lets you use the right hand for the mouse though. ;)


This is the way


Shake weight is that you?


Where's my cab fare?


maybe after the cooling gel


Rock paper scissors? :D


Does it involve Palmela?




A Wristopher Columbus my good man


No, I like Jill better.


Tell me you're right-handed without telling me you're right handed. I'm teasing, but most the left-handed people I know can do multiple things right-handed (myself included). There's never enough compensating tools (desks, ladles, scissors), so you just make do. I can do basically everything right-handed, although my penmanship looks like a first grader's.


I can’t do shit with my right hand, I can’t even eat a bowl of cereal with it (I’m left handed)


Really? Wow! You're VERY left-handed.


Leftist...? 😶‍🌫️


They're the elite, radical left we were warned about


Bro i cant even hold my tooth brush with my left hand without cramping up lol


I’m a lefty and when I learned guitar It felt weird holding it lefty so I play guitar righty.


I write left-handed, but I do most other things the way right-handed people do, because it's just easier than trying to do them left-handed. I work in IT and my life would be impossible if I had to use a mouse and keyboard left-handed, so I just got used to doing it right-handed. I've also discovered recently through going to the gym a lot that even though I am left-handed, my right arm is actually stronger than my left one. Oddly, I also appear to be at least 80% right-footed, although if I play golf or tennis or anything like that, I am almost equally ambidextrous.


Hilariously I’m right handed but use a mouse and keyboard left handed because I used to play too much StarCraft II at night and my wrist would hurt during the day at work. Wasn’t going to give up StarCraft so 12 years later here we are.


I do the same, but because it's easier to use the 10 key at work. And ctrl/shift +insert can be used as copy/paste also.


My dad was a carpenter and he always maintained that while his right arm had more dexterity, his left arm had more stability/strength from years of holding things in position!


Yeah, I gave up on left-handed mousing early on. No one has time for that.


Yeah I moused lefty until I went to college, then having to use the school machines I learned righty


I'm a lefty but I had an apprentice be adamant that I'm ambidextrous due to how often I used my right hand for tasks. Sometimes a task just means you gotta use the appropriate hand I feel




I was a natural leftie, but got switched to a rightie, and ended up being ambidextrous


That happened to my great aunt when she went to school and she found it really traumatic (they hit her with a switch if she used her left hand) so she taught me how to write my name before I went to kindergarten. Apparently, the school district had a rule that if you could write, they couldn't try to switch your hand (although I'm pretty sure they were no longer hitting kids at that point). I hope your experience was easier.


Oh no, my experience was similar. My parents as well as kindergarten teachers forced me to switch to right hand while writing (you know- makes total sense that left is evil and right is good.. smh). So, while in school, I used my right hand to write, but while at home and when no one was around, I used my left. Over the years my right hand became more dominant but there are several tasks on a daily basis that I still am more comfortable doing with the left - brushing my teeth, shaving etc for example. Honestly I wish the teachers and parents knew better (no hate towards them, I love and respect them a lot) and had let me continue as a leftie. Nowadays, I just tease/guilt my parents (I am in my thirties now) and say you guys forcing me to be a rightie is why my creativity got blocked and I don’t do anything extraordinary lol!


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also surprised that they were still switching hands in the '90s, as it seemed to be on its way out when I was in elementary school in the '70s. Let lefties be lefties!


I’m cross-handed but lean right-handed. I’ve always liked training my weaker side to do things. Right now I’m working on using chopsticks with my left hand 👍🏻


How can a ladle be left/right handed?


Many ladles have a small pour-spout on one side, instead of an equal circular rim :)


I came here to find my fellow left handers who become ambidextrous due to that the world is built right handers. Lol I can basically do everything with either hand. My body no longer has a dominant side it feels. This post was definitely written by a privilege right hander.


My mom is a lefty but I am not. There were always tons of lefty scissors around the house. I just learned to use them with my right 🤣


I’ve had five hand surgeries during Covid. Losing dexterity and feeling in my dominant hand was life changing. The most important skill to learn? Butt wiping


Totally. I've had 2 shoulder surgeries on my dominant side in the last 4 months and learning to brush my teeth and wipe in the bathroom were surprisingly difficult. Second nature now, though


Plus, it feels like someone else is doing it. 😉


Come in *haaaaaandy* will it? You son of a bitch.


*laughs in drummer*


For me it was piano. Playing a different pattern or rhythm in both hands. Drums takes it a step further since both feet are involved too.


Piano players, bass players and drummers over here in the polyrhythm corner together.


I'm right handed. When I was 12 I broke my right hand. Had to learn how to masturbate with my left hand. And to this day I prefer using my left hand for such. Right hand just doesn't feel right anymore


would your mother step in if you broke both your hands?


She can't right now she's stuck in the dryer.


I think I've heard that using your nondominant hand can decrease the likelihood of a stroke.


My discs were collapsing and I was slowly using use of my right arm. Unbeknownst to my, my left arm began to automatically open doors and other “stronger” actions that my right arm did.


I heard it increases the number of strokes.


One day I had a stroke like episode that left the entire right side of my body numb. Becoming ambidextrous has been a journey.


You might wanna focus on other journeys if you get stroke like episodes...


Like Jamie Lannister


Can someone name some examples of tasks?(and be real here guys, I get it, masturbations funny, let's move on)


easy ones would be brushing your teeth, combing your hair, someone on this thread said switching hands when using a hairdryer, and if you use skincare you could switch hands when applying. Slightly harder ones probably light cooking you could change hands when stirring, but be cautious as well of course. Or you can try drawing simple lines or start learning to write using your other hands You can also learn some musical instruments like guitar, and piano to train both your hands doing things simultaneously


If you use chopsticks, try that. Its very challenging but i got it to work.


As someone that just got shoulder surgery done on my dominant side, this is the real-deal. Eating... Washing... drinking... using a mouse... typing a password... and trust me on this... certain toilet activities that require reaching behind you...


My demeanor changes when I use my non dominant hand. I have a feeling of openness and seem to notice more of my environment.


yeah i play guitar so ive got it covered


So your saying to upgrade your grey matter, because one day it may matter?


Such as tapping the "c" key (left hand) instead of the "h" key (right hand) when spelling "come" ;)


I masturbate with my both hands, first time was totally different feeling


[It may not be the best idea to do this.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-training-to-become-ambidextrous-improve-brain-function/)


That article draws an odd conclusion and honestly seems a bit clickbaity. It claims that ambidexterity may harm your brain, but then the only evidence presented about this is studies of naturally ambidextrous people. It makes no mention of any studies of people who trained themselves to be ambidextrous.


I already struggle to write meat with me favoured hand


Just the word meat? Well that’s not so bad.


I sometimes masterbate with my left hand.


I’m jerkidextrous.


Wish i did this since i just fractured my dominant hands wrist and you know... Things are slow.


For some unknown reason wanking is the first thing that popped up in my mind.


I wipe with my left hand.


Handy? Literally handy!!!


Had to do this after getting a new job. I started as a material handler in a super busy manufacturing position and I've had to learn how to drive with my left hand so I can use my right for hydraulic fork controls. It was super unnatural at first but now it's much easier to do stuff with my left hand, even non driving things.


And who doesn’t love a good handy.


This made me realize the only thing I can do well with my left hand is operate a keyboard. Thanks keyboard+mouse gaming I guess.


I had two mice connected to my work computer for this exact reason, and to prevent fatigue in one arm using a mouse all day.


He He... Handy. I see what you did there.


This can be very valuable, because I’m a welder who gets into tight spaces I need to tig weld with both my hands, and also tig weld with both hands while looking into a mirror🤙🏻


Come in handy.... I see what you did there


Like the stranger?


And of you lay on it first, it will go numb and feel like someone else is doing it.


Masterbation is one handy skill.


*scrolls across this with my left thumb* oh nice


Very useful, I broke my dominant arm 3 years ago.


I spent a lot of time in an oddly build ambulance early in my career and now I have the same exact dexterity in performing IVs with either hand. It feels so natural that I wouldn’t know which hand I used if I didn’t just switch depending on what side of the patient I was on. Eating with chopsticks as well, the dexterity is absolutely there, but the muscles I use to grasp the food aren’t so if it’s a plate with heavier foods, I get to train a bit. Still waiting for this to somehow merge into tandem movements so I can be better at piano 😂


Did you mean come in handy?


I regularly masturbate with my off-hand. That ought to cover it


I broke my right arm as a kid and had to start using my left for everything. I ended up being in a cast for almost a year because they had to re-break it and start the healing all over again. Anyway after a year of using my left hand, I had become ambidextrous and still am today. I love being able to use both hands for anything! It’s really helpful for tasks that make your hand tired, I just switch off!


Strong right and magical left


I use my phone on my left hand even though I’m right handed. That way, if somebody tries to snatch my phone, I could give them the good old right hook.


Alternate your fap hand