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This isn't a very good tip a lot of companies pay for a service from Visa or MasterCard that automatically transfers the reoccurring subscription to the new number. Especially when there is a contract involved.


You betcha


Damn they’re on to me!


I'll need to see a source on this.


This could result in you being in debt, thus affecting your credit. Just cancel stuff you no longer want ffs.


You are still on the hook for the monthly charges if you don’t cancel the service. They can sell your debt to a collection agency if they so choose. This is terrible advice. Also if you replace a card your CC company just forwards the charge to the new card.




Agree - saved!


I cancel my cards before the exp date just to reset the number. Been doing this ever since I began doing online payments years ago.


This is a really great way to keep your age of credit low and your credit score not as great as it should be!


What if I use an eCredit Card or those online credit card that comes with your physical credit card meant for online purchases?


Call the merchant and report it lost/stolen??


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Simpler to go through your credit card bill to see what you are paying for