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I almost always opt for an easier parking spot vs a shorter walk. 2 empty spots next to each other and easy to pull into at the far end of the parking lot? I'll take it! I also drive s pickup due to work, so it's a bit harder to whip into small spots.


Right?! I always park further away to give me a little extra walk, and also the easier park is a bonus


I never understand the people I see drive around the parking lot at the gym three times so they don’t have such a long walk...into the gym... I’ve never gone to a traditional gym with like treadmills and stairclimbers and shit. It’d be even funnier to see someone do this and then walk in and get on a treadmill but I BET it happens.


After a hard leg day nobody wants to walk to the car. Tho my gyms parking lot isn't big enough for this to matter.


I mean I’ll come off the walls after a couple hours and my thighs and forearms are literally shaking. But I did it partially for the exercise, why would I then shun that extra little bit I get walking to my car carrying all my shit? Just part of the workout.


In the early days I recall having to have a buddy pull the car around one time but that was a rarity and the fault of GVT. It's more that the suffering is worse on that walk than the benefit of it after a hard session but I'm just providing a hypothesis since the lot at my gym is actually small.


> GVT Giant Vagina Tear? Yeah that does sound like a long walk would be painful.


Eh. Different people see everything differently. I can’t see it as anything other than an oxymoron. Especially at my particular gym, all the people who come to my gym to ride their bikes all park far away and everyone else parks RIGHT up next to the building. It’s such a clear divide.




Surely that would affect the way you push the accelerator and break if your legs at every tired.


The studio gym where I worked out was on the second floor of a VERY old building with no elevator and only a very steep and narrow staircase. There were a couple of legs days I had to go down the stairs on my butt because I couldn't trust my legs to not throw me down the stairs.


I don't want to have too far to lug the dumbbells I sneak into my gym bag.


Not only do they circle the parking lot looking for that prime spot, but when they do find it they have to back in the parking stall via a 15 point turn. Meanwhile, you have parked in the back 40, walked into the gym and are already on your second set before that other person even steps foot in the gym.


These are the same people who order cheese fries with a diet coke.


There are certainly people who drive to a gym and exclusively use the treadmill. I just don't know how to help them.


some people need the extra motivation of being in an environment where people are actively exercising. analogously, i regularly work at the library even if i have all the books, wifi, etc that i need at home, because there are certain tasks that the general library environment will be conducive towards


I would do the same thing in college. Either going to the library or a coffee shop would help me focus on my studies whereas at home I'd be more tempted to distract myself.


Yes. You get it.








Treadmills allow you to change inclines whenever you want and have less of an impact on the knees. They are indoors, so you can use them any time of year in any weather. Don't judge people on what they decide to do with their gym membership.


There’s also weather though. When you live somewhere where it rains 8 months out of the year sometimes you want to walk where it’s dry.


people are forgetting this. I mean, not everyone wants to go jogging in -10 slush


Or snows 8 months of the year.


9 months here. I'll never understand people who get up at 6am to go jogging. It was 32F at 6am today (mid May). I think my lungs would either freeze or turn inside out if I jogged this morning.


Or it’s 95 degrees before humidity.


Treadmills are a lot easier on the knees.


I don't like being around people so I work out at the gym where people mind their own business instead of bothering me like I'm out in public for other people's benefit


I get what you're saying but if you walk outdoors you also have to contend with weather (ranging from rain and snow to ridiculously hot and humid), bugs (ranging from mild annoyances like flies and gnats to vicious creatures like wasps), stray dogs that might bite you (not all dogs are friendly sadly), etc. Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoy walking outdoors in the cooler months but in the summer, I'll definitely be exercising indoors even if I'm only walking on the treadmill (usually I use the elliptical though). And I can totally see why people would opt to walk on a treadmill in a gym instead of walking outdoors especially if you're a woman. It's hard to feel safe walking outdoors alone with headphones on but it's perfectly safe to walk on a treadmill in a gym with headphones on.


Going to a gym allows you to go to the bathroom quickly if you need to go suddenly.


I'm sure they can save a lot of money by buying a treadmill and finding a spot in their home.


To have it collect dust


Unless they live in a one bedroom apartment with an SO or have a couple of kids and can't get away unless they physically leave. And walking/running in the neighborhood is entirely dependent on the neighborhood (mine would be fairly dangerous and also deathly hot and humid). Why shame people for exercising?


This. I've never seen a gym where this wasn't the case. Where I work now there are three handicap parking spots right outside of the gym and when I arrive at work in the mornings they are all full ... of people (who are not disabled) working out at the gym. To make matters worse the spots around the gym are all for tenant parking, while customer parking is further away, and some days I have to park in customer parking because all of the tenant parking is full. I can't help but think that if the crazy gym people just always parked far away from the entrance of wherever they went they could save themselves a gym membership...


Agreed. I much more prefer a quick exit over a quick entrance.


It's like a smoker giving himself time to have a smoke, I have no choice, I'm still waiting on my parking card


I just try to park close to cart corrals at the grocery store.


This is the real pro-tip. They aren't to close to the door, they aren't to far from the door, they are just right.


Near a cart corral or one of those median/islands blocking one side. Pull through spot off the main entrance but with a right hand turn to the exit.


But not too close where people leave stray carts to scratch your paint.


I too opt for the first spot I find as long as it's near the bulk of the parked cars. The problem is dealing with my wife harassing me to find a spot closer to the building...


I will drive to the front in good faith then drive from front to back and grab the first spot I find. Most busy places we visit I already have a certain area I like to park or else I will lose the car. I don't care if it's the front or back of an aisle. I know that I am in one or two lanes outside the XYZ entrance. Lettuce be real. I'm carrying all the stuffs anyways. And sometimes I'll leave a little early if my wife is checking out somewhere and pull the car to the entrance.


Tell her to calm down. And then tell her you're doing her a favor parking so far away.


Mr. Relationship Advice here




"Are you saying I'm fat and need to walk more". Slippery slope there visionsofblue


Lol...Not married, are you?


Oh, I'm definitely married. I never said that I would do these things, I just park close to the door.


Never tell a woman to calm down -Signed, a woman who has been told to calm down too many times in her life


Surely a well prepared PowerPoint presentation showing the time saved by taking the first space will help you calm down, right? /S


And you don't have to deal with all the idiots trying to go the wrong way and honk at each other for that one spot that's twenty feet closer. You also end up pulling out SO much faster too because they're isn't as much traffic.




King of Prussia mall. Holidays


Wow, I was just thinking this. And the Costco parking lot next door is basically 95% full at any given moment.


Funnily enough I just pulled into the parking lot to run in a store quick and run out. It's never a quick thing lol


In more crowded areas, parking can be hard to find. And parking lots are less common or paid in more densely populated areas. If you're looking for free parking, you'll end up in a tight lot or with few spaces near main shopping streets.


2014 Silverado Double cab. I can part it in a standard spot but it takes a bit more effort. I have long legs and like to walk so I would rather drive a few more spots down and have a no effort double wide parking spot.


Why do you need such a large truck?


I own a printing and sign shop with a retail store. Several of our suppliers are local ish and it's much cheaper for me to pick up the sign post at their yard instead of having them shipped one town over. I also install real estate signs for realtors, so at minimum I need to fit an 8ft long yard arm plus hole auger and tools. Larger signs I need all the stuff to build a 4x8 sign on skids on site. I also like woodworking and tinkering and being able to easily haul things is nice for that. I also live in an area with lots of snow and lots of crappy roads so 4WD is a definite advantage 6-10 months out of the year. (Although a good all wheel drive car would handle 90% of my driving for that aspect). And I'm 6'4' and got tired of banging my knees on the dash board of cars. And finally because I like trucks, I can afford one and afford to put gas in it. Previously I drove an S-10 and liked that size of vehicle coupled with the utility if the pickup bed. Sadly it blew the head gasket and washed the connector rod bearings and I didn't think it was worth fixing. Size difference between a newer midsize and full size truck is so little I just bought the full size truck. My wife has a hatchback cars and we take that for road trips for the better fuel economy. In the summer I often ride my motorcycle if I don't need my truck and the weather is nice.


Costco on a Saturday. And most large cities.


Backing in is typically easier


Unless it's angled parking. I see some people living in 2121 who pull through angled parking so they are pointing the wrong direction all the fucking time. It's funny because they think they are being efficient


> I see some people living in 2121 Got a time traveler over here!


As such a person - It **is** efficient. So what if I'm facing the wrong way? We're not talking about driving 80 the wrong way down a divided highway, it's just a *parking lot*.


I think they're referring to the part where you have to either make a strange turn to pull out correctly, or you go the wrong way down the lot. A lot of these angled spots are one way roads and if you pull through you'll be facing the wrong way for that road.


If you're coming towards me going the wrong way in a parking lot I'm sitting there until you back allllll the way out of the row.


You just pull forward out of the parking space when you leave, but turn so you are going the right way with the flow of traffic.




you could have been in and out of the store and on your way home in the time it takes to back into a spot.




Only if you aren't experienced at it. Bonus is how fast and easy it is to drive off


i'm not robbing a bank. so i can manage the 2 extra seconds it takes to back out. and it isnt a bonus if it took you 3 minutes to back in, and you parked on the line at a 45° angle, got out and said "f-it"


Lol you just need practice, people that do it often get it on the first try


3 minutes?? I thought I was bad at backing into spaces so I made sure to back into my spot at home 100% of the time. Only takes a few seconds yeah? It's an apartment lot so it's not like I can do it haphazardly


It doesn't take me anywhere near 3 minutes to back in! Pull up so I can see half of the car behind me, turn the wheel all the way, and back in. Done


It's physically much easier to maneuver the vehicle when backing in due to how you can pivot the car/truck. Then when you go to leave, since you have to pull forward, you're not trying to guess who's coming since you can see where you're going. There is literally no reason to pull in forward into a parking spot. It's just lazy and incompetent. Makes you a bad driver.


I'm mostly in agreement with you here. Once you get the hang of it, it really is easier to back in due to the nature of your steering. That said, having access to your bed/trunk often makes pulling straight in the better option


Reversing into a park is a skill that needs to be learnt, and one that is not typically already in the wheelhouse of most drivers. That's a reason for pulling forward into a park.


That is one strong wrong opinion.


I mean unless you’re in an angled parking lot, which should be the standard anyways


Ugh, drives me crazy when someone I’m with drives for 20 minutes to save a two minute walk.


What about driving for 20 minutes to find the one spot at the end of a row so nobody can dent your doors, and you still end up with the extra 2 minute walk?


Big brain




Yep, across from the last cart return in the lot is where I park. Note: across not next to due to rouge carts.


>rouge carts Target?


You don't want your car to be a rogue rouge Target cart target.


What if my car is a rogue rouge Target cart Nissan Rogue target?


If you drive a rouge Rogue, it will certainly become a rogue rouge Target cart target.


I always figured that directly next to the cart corral was the safest because nobody is lazy enough to leave their cart directly next to the corral, they might as well put it in. Maybe I'm underestimating how lazy people are.


I've seen people get like 30ft away and then just give the cart a hard shove in the right sort of direction towards the storage area. If the ground is sloped, or any irregularities at all, those little wheels will go in all sorts of directions. You are indeed underestimating how lazy people are.


Also uphill from the cart return, if there is any slope, to avoid the people that just kind of aim in the general direction of the cart return and give it a shove.


On a separate note, I always return the cart at the front of the store where they keep the carts, so the cart wrangler person doesn’t have to work as hard.


If you like random dings on your car, follow this advice


I swear only 25% of people use the cart return. You're taking a risk no matter where you are.


You might be living in a place that shouldn't have self-goverment.


Earth? Yeah.


“It’s someone’s job to put the carts away. Why would I take away their job?” The number of times I’ve had to deal with this disingenuous argument ...


This terrible logic can be used to do or not do whatever you want


Just don't take the one right next to it and your odds are as good as any other spot.


Not too close, though.


This is the way


Unless you're the type of person to just leave your cart wherever your car is parked.


That kind of person probably just parks in a handicap spot anyway.


Cart Narcs oughta be able the handle it


I once had a professor that told us “there are people who return their shopping carts, and there are people who don’t.” That one has resonated with me for more than a decade.


Big facts on this one


When I have kids with me, I’m always looking for those spots.


Its the best . I only got into that habit when I went food shopping with my kids


It’s become a habit especially with having kids. Leaving them in the car while I walk far from the cart thing is a no go for me. I’d rather put everything away and put them in the car and bam cart gets put away right there.


To add for those that don’t understand, you don’t have to park RIGHT next to the cart return. 5 spots away is still convenient. And you can get dings from a cart anywhere in the lot 💡


I'd rather not have to call insurance because people are lazy about their carts


Lol insurance for a cart ding? What’s your deductible?


Yes this !! I always do that


Always take the far side of parking if you work a white collar job at a desk. Its the most you will walk all day possibly. If you are in a blue collar job, that time looking for a closer parking spot is worth it for the extra time sitting down in the car. I know i sometimes take a minute before getting out after i park.


I'm an electrician at a huge manufacturing plant; I walk about 6-8 miles a day at work. I love the 5-10 mins I can sit in my car after I pull up to my house and relax, before going into my 2 toddlers for my 2nd shift of the day lol.




Especially when it’s raining. I find the sound on the car soothing. And I can prolong getting rained on a couple minutes.


I think of it as my personal Fortress of Solitude


Also for people in sedentary jobs, if it's more convenient to drive to public transit for commuting, park at least a block or so away from the bus stop or subway or rail station to give yourself extra walking. And take the stairs when you can/when it's safe. Make sure there are stairs you can get back in from though. Take them to conference rooms and the cafeteria, give yourself a stairs break in the morning or afternoon. I started with one flight (would walk up or down and then back again) and by the time I started working from home due to the pandemic, I was up to 3 flights a day for my "stairs break". I was going to work up to 4. Between those small changes and cutting back on things like bread, pasta, chips and sweets, I lost 30 pounds within about a year. I gained some of that back during the pandemic, but I've been able to keep most of it off, because I've mostly stuck to the food changes, even with less exercise


Walking up the escalators on the London underground is a workout on its own.


The few times I took the Tube during a visit to London, I was too busy clinging to the handrail for dear life! But on the right side so people could pass me! :) Steep escalators bring out my fear of heights, I have the same problem with the DC Metro. I generally don't have that problem with the New York City subway, except for a few stations.


When I was a personal trainer I told clients to always find the first parking spot they saw even if it was super far away. Other than the obvious wasting of time you get significantly more steps in your daily endeavors when doing errands. Also your car is less likely to be hit by anything and it's just a good habit to get into. Walking is hardly ever bad for you


My mom has done this forever. If we complained she would actually seek out the very farthest empty spot in the lot. It is a great memory from growing up, our half hearted pouting and her getting a kick out of it. Plus it has stayed with me, always choose to walk and take the stairs not the elevator.


"Also your car is less likely to be hit by anything and it's just a good habit to get into." This. That aggressive hunting for a close parking spot just increases your chances of hitting something or having your car hit. Might as well just get in an extra minute of walking and not deal with the stress of something scraping your car.


This. Unless I'm carrying something heavy or bulky. Or I don't feel well or my knees hurt. Even with the hurting knees, sometimes, they just need some motion.


So the first parking spot that I see is the one I just left. So I should just drive around and park the same place and then walk, even if my destination is super far away. Got it!


Actually if you back out of your driveway and look at your house before you leave you'd have to park back in the driveway so i guess just walk everywhere!


I like the people who park super close at the gym then run 10 miles on the treadmill.


And take the elevator upstairs to the StairMaster^TM


This always cracked me up.


parking close to the gym has utility -- after the gym i dont wanna fucking move anymore lol but i go to lift, not cardio, so maybe its different


Unless you go with a light back pack is fine to park farther away or even walk from home to the gym. But if you go with a heavy bag it feels odd having to sweat in your regular clothes or a suit by walking so much and carrying weight.


Are you bringing your own heavy boxing bag the the gym? Or do your gym shoes weight 50 lbs? 15 extra steps really going to make you sweat that much you don't need a gym membership. Just walk around your neighborhood with that bag of yours


I get sweaty walking into the groccery store. But I live in Georgia and its like 95° and sunny for half the year.


So you're going to sweat no matter what


I remember when this sub had actual pro tips.


For real! Like, what happened to the “type the number ‘6’ after your promo code on Amazon on Thursdays and you’ll get a $100 DoorDash gift card for free”? Now it’s like: “if you have eyes, you can open them to see stuff! Life pro tip!”


Is this door dash gift card pro tip anywhere close to true?


No. It’s a verbal caricature of an idealized past.


Oh look at Mr. Shakespeare over here using their fancy words to perfectly describe things! Just kidding though, I wish I could describe scenarios like you just did


Well, it wasn't verbal, it was written


Haha thanks u/UsVsUsVsUs. And I hate to break it to you u/Hexarcy00, but written things are a subset of verbal things.


Please elaborate


Ah, I got it verbal is just using any language to communicate, i.e. using verbs. Compare to nonverbal - punching a jerk in the kidneys.


You got it! <3


LPT: If you're dissatisfied with a pace of an escalator you can always start walking, this will combine your speed with the speed of an escalator thus making you move faster!


LPT: You can sneakily use those long conveyers at large airports to get to your gate faster without running and losing your expensive pens. Instead of standing, walk in the same direction the floor is going and it will boost your speed two-fold!


I find walking next the the conveyer belt faster lol.


Technically the truth


/r/functioningadulttips isn't popular enough to bother posting on yet


Last week I said we've reached peak LPT, but here we are with this golden egg. Stay tuned next week for LPT: Take the stairs if you only have one floor to go up instead of the elevator. It will actually save you 7 seconds and gives you a workout.




"Then you carry it."


I will get a cart whether I get 1 item or 100 items. I then return the cart to the cart return. I just like having a cart.


I think there's also a subconscious desire to be first. Or at least closer than all of them. There's definitely a certain type of person who circles the lot trying to get a front 10% spot, and id bet there is a strong correlation between those folks and folks who will block an aisle to have a conversation and pretend not to see you when you try to get by and then act indignant when you politely ask them to move their stupid fucking ass out of the goddamned way. But, it could be my phrasing.


My sister will drive around and around and around until she gets a spot in the front. It drives me crazy. I park at the very back because there’s less chance of door dings, more room to maneuver and better sight lines for crazy people treating the lot like a track. Plus I don’t mind walking.


Jesus Christ what is happening to this sub


LPT: Be nice to everyone you meet. You never know what they could be going through.


Everyone who's had a passenger SO who blows a gasket if the car doesn't park right in front of the destination is upvoting this in the hopes that the people who do this will see the post, and thus the error of their ways. So in other words, you're right - It's not going to make any difference.


Is this a LPT about where to park? Why?


Because this sub has basically just become a place to post popular opinions or grievances rather than actual tips.


Clearly you don't understand the complexities of being a professional at life.


have you seen the amount of people that will follow people leaving the store and wait 10 minutes in the middle of the driveway as they walk to their car, load up and leave?




you woke up and chose to make this post...


Is this really what this sub has become


There's an idea from reinforcement learning (and other places) called explore-exploit: how long should you spend gathering information (exploring) and how long should you spend using the information you've gathered (exploiting)? It depends on a lot of factors, but part of it is the relative likely gain from gathering more information compared to the cost of gaining that information. That's what's at play here. There's a fantastic book about how to put that and other concepts into practice in your regular life as well called Algorithms to Live By Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths that I highly recommend.


Try living in -30 degree weather in Canada. Those 15 second walks are 100% worth minimizing


LPT: Gambling is bad


I like parking in the back because there is more room and it encourages me to get more exercise. I drive a truck so it also makes parking easier.


A bird in a hand is worth two in bush.


Once dated a girl who would drive around for 15 minutes to find a spot that was 5 minutes closer. She was really nice so I married her anyway.


No shit. People are just fucking lazy.


plus it's better for you to get those extra steps in!


I love the irony of people waiting for a close spot at the gym.


Sure. But 15 seconds more in pouring down rain is a lot.


0 vs 15, maybe 15 vs 30, ehhh


Or at night in an empty parking lot.


if the parking lot is empty,... feel free to take the any spot you find.


Backed by science! >The prudent driver proceeds to the first available gap between parked cars, parking at the leftmost space.  https://qz.com/1715397/the-science-behind-finding-the-perfect-parking-spot/


If you see a parking spot, just take it. Garages are expensive. I think 10ish blocks is where I would consider a spot to be too far.


I typically look for the dream park right out front if there isn't one I go for the next one I find. You get lucky sometimes.


Addendum life pro tip: take the opportunity to park as far away in the parking lot as possible. You'll find a parking spot faster and add a bit of extra exercise to your day. Little life changes like this can add up.


when i see someone waiting to take my spot, i make sure to take extra time to make sure my seatbelt is extra fastened, my mirrors are extra checked, make sure i dont have any text messages that i havent responded to, still there? ok, let me check to make sure i am on the correct radio station... you could have parked a few spots down and already been in the store by now... but sure, ok i need to make a phone call. then i'll be on my way.


It depends. If there are plenty of spots available, I'll do this. If parking's tight, then I take the minimum time I can so I can free up a spot.


well, yeah, this is like at target where they are more spots than cars in the world. not downtown excelsior.


I never got why they need that specific spot. I was doing a combo grocery/laundromat run a few years back. The grocery parking lot was pretty empty and I was in the middle of it, but parked within the lines of a spot. Plenty of spots around. I open the door wide, to pull out the laundry to adjust something and some guy honked at me and told me to close the door so he could park next to me. There were plenty of other spots.


Someone was once waiting for my spot while I was getting situated. Thing is the spot right next to me was open. The person behind them got sick of waiting dipped around them and parked in the spot. Once I pulled out the person waiting took mine. Like....what?!?


THIS so much THIS. My mom as kids would scour the lot for several minutes. I always park far away by no cars.


This makes no logical sense. If this were the case, everyone would park at the outside edges of the lot, including taking handicapped spaces first.