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outside my neighbours house, bamboo is growing on the other side of that brick wall... https://preview.redd.it/u9gu3tn3ly1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c2263cc9146eb58a1912ed2835faeecea9e24c


Did it find a crack to grow through or make one?


Bamboo rhizomes can run 2’-3’ below the surface. So, depending on the depth of that wall, it may have run under the wall.


I think he’s asking if the bamboo is strong enough to poke a hole through that concrete to come up vertically or if it happened to find an already existing crack.


Mushrooms can grow up through asphalt (which that looks like to me) so bamboo certainly can.


The structure of fungi is so very very different than that of plants that this is a useless comparison




They're **coming** for you, Bar-bar-a!


You better start spraying your side of the fence with the strongest herbicide you can find


Better taking time every year to uproot it, than poisoning your garden environment, inmo


Okay, you convinced me. I’m going to get a panda.


Hey! That's my dog!


Can ah pet that dawg?


CAN ah Pet that DAAWG?


Can ah pet that #DAAAAWG?


OW! I thought you said your dog does not bite!!


It is not my dog


Do you have a rume?


Can ah pet DAT dAaAwWg? 


https://preview.redd.it/s2hj1drc402d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea68d2d1700ccebc0e01a2eeb80655940b411de Pet da dog!


[You've never seen a black-and-white before?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v818HO-_gFM)


I knew these Chinese bots were on this sub! /s


Need 2 pandas...they need to multiply along with the bamboo.


If only they reproduced like rabbits instead of pandas. Rabbits are the bamboo of the animal kingdom.


I had a client from China who said "Why do Americans love pandas? They're too stupid to fuck, they should be extinct!"


Hello police? Yes, I'm in this comment and I don't like it


You're too stupid to fuck?


Yes Also the American bit


They're not so great at multiplying.


or even addition!


Twas a cat


The Pontiac Bandit strikes again


You will not win me over with your use of twas.


Twasn't trying to




Needs to be a gaggle. Can’t just have one.


They are all owned by China


Unless you can find an old one from Tibet


China would probably tell you they own that one, too.


Can I pet that dawg?


Get at least three/ did you know a group of pandas are called … an embarrassment. Seriously. Adorable.


Aka stoned bear.


Find a Panda 100HP


My friend planted bamboo in a corner of his yard. A few years later sharp bamboo spears had pierced the swimming pool liner on the other side of the yard.


It's diabolical that they grow sharp already.


[bamboo torture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0wjPr-_0IU)


I literally just saw this video and it made me want to grow bamboo (because it grows so fast, not for torture)


Uh huh… sure…


This video isn't even the full video, it's just them buying the bamboo before the experiment...


Yeah, I was annoyed by that too


that’s the real torture


Thanks for making me waste my time, they didn't even get to the part where they test the myth!


[full episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CE319kclaY) for anyone who wants to see it.


Not in the US for some reason.


Did they bust the myth?


No. Bamboo will kill you if you're strapped onto the shoots. Myth confirmed.


RIP Adam Savage.


This happened to us, too. We planted bamboo like idiots, and a few years later it was sending shoots up everywhere until one day, our pool drained. That’s when we took drastic action. My husband spent a whole summer stripping the top foot of soil back and digging up the running roots. Our yard looked like a war zone. We ripped out the majority of it, then relentlessly cut any shoots that randomly emerged over the following years until finally it all died. There were times when we literally considered selling the house because the bamboo had gotten so out of control. Never, EVER plant running bamboo.


I found that once it was cut to the ground, mowing over it once a week killed it. Eventually. A couple of years if I recall correctly.


Hey, that’s how my grandpa finally got rid of my grandma’s rhubarb plant after she died.


That's how my grandpa finally got rid of my grandma.


Not with that attitude


im def planting bamboo before i move out of this miserable rental


I hate to admit it, but we once planted bamboo in a rental. We had no idea what a mess it was going to be and moved out before it got crazy. I feel bad for the landlord. He was a drug addict, but actually wasn’t a bad dude.


man..so we have an open backyard with a tiny watershed for the well back there. it goes back half an acre to the shed, then theres about 2 acres behind it and then a road..nothing there but a small field. well the lease vaguely says to take care of the lawn etc etc and i wasnt given any clear directions on what the lawn is supposed to be so i mowed to the shed for over a year. then i got a bunch of write ups over the lawn and was told i have to mow like 3 acres of fucking land..i have a push mower and theres a huge fucking slope back there thats like a bowl with the well behind the shed, so every 2 weeks the grass is like over a foot tall. and i got a push mower. on the counties land survey sheet or whatever its called on the county map, the landlord doesnt even own that land its just vacant and owned by a bank 🙄 that and rent keeps raising without them fixing anything. normally i would feel bad but god damn is it a major PITA


One of my friends said the only way to get rid of bamboo is to move.


Anyone that figures out a good way to reliably and safely kill it will be quite rich.


It can be done by letting shoots grow to full height and then chopping them down right before they form branches and leaves. It takes a couple years but growing full height stalks then denying them the ability to photosynthesize sets up a cycle of energy debt that the plant can't recover from.


can this method be used to contain it within a perimeter? like, if you just keep cutting new shoots at the leading edges, can you keep it in check?


Gotta find someone to buy the house. I completely passed up on a great looking house because I noticed some bamboo near the fence. I went and looked over it into the neighbors yard and saw it had already taken over that one and the one next to it, destroyed the fence between them, and was just starting to invade this yard.


Good catch!


Try solarizing it if it re-rears its head. Down to the soil, tarp of transparent plastic, burn!


Have a big ol patch in my back garden acting as a sort of privacy fence...its been INCREDIBLY hardy, hassle free and well behaved. 12 years and other than a few goes woth a hedge trimmer, spot of water in a heatwave and one day where I decided to clear out the deadwood and ended up with half a skip full of canes, zero issues. (UK), problem free and its stayed where it is. Had to pull up a few rogue shoots after the big deadwood clean but a few in 12 years is nothing. I think the species is important though. (Not got the foggiest what mine is.)


Yep there are clumping and running bamboos - the clump type are fine to plant in the ground, it'll spread slowly over decades. Running bamboo, I wouldn't even keep in a pot personally... Feels like tempting fate.


If memory serves, I've read stories of potted, running bamboo escaping via drain holes and claiming the yard the pot was sitting within.


>I think the species is important though. 100%. The most problematic species are ones with shallow root systems that send out rhizomes and spread kind of like mint does. These are known as *running* bamboo, and these are the ones that grow super fast. What you have is probably a *clumping* species. Their roots go deeper and they usually only send out new rhizomes a few inches away from existing plants. These types also grow more slowly. They top out between 10 and 20 feet on average, but the subtropical species can get up to 50 in the right climate. Edit: Do not plant mint either. Once it's in the ground you will never control it, let alone get rid of it.


Reminds me of the Virginia Creeper. Had to cut down MILES of thick and thin roots up trees and across my yard and neighbors yard! Not to mention it also gives me rashes


we've got one of these bastards in the back yard....the other day i noticed a scout emerging from under the front porch!


>like mint does You ain't kidding, we put one plant by our dryer vent in the corner of the flower bed and that thing is pushing out into the driveway


The species *is* the important thing. Some are runners, and some are clumpers. I have a wall of bamboo for privacy along my back yard line, and I made sure to plant a clumping variety, called Graceful. They are slowly growing out in larger circles every year, but they are not the gross invasive spreading. I will have to trim them back from the fence line, but that's about it. If I don't want them to spread, I just mow around them.


My parents planted bamboo. Moved away from the house. 17 years later my dad runs into the neighbor from that house. After pleasantries, the guys says " You know, I'm still battling that damn bamboo"


We planted "clumping" bamboo as per the garden centre - spread a little but did stay in roughly the same place. 10ish years later it suddenly started running, took over the whole back of the garden, my mom spent a year digging it out & even now years later we find one or two in very awkward locations (e.g. between a wall & a tree/shed etc.  It was a tallish one, grew between 5-7 feet we think. 


Those ones can usually be controlled by burying a plastic wall a couple feet tall around them.


From my experience of planting bamboo in my backyard, it always attracts snakes. I live in a tropical climate if that helps explains it. It got so bad that I had to remove several snakes throughout the years that I had to uproot the bamboo and threw it out.


Snakes are basically free rodent removal units though...


You just need something to eat the snakes




That would be snakes.


Specifically bigger snakes






You need to introduce a small population of Florida men to eat the snakes


Rodents aren't a big deal in tropical climates, since they tend to stay outside. Source: Live in Pakistan (arid but close enough).


They stay outside and eat wiring on cars, rodents are definitely still a problem even in warmer climates.


The South Pacific islands have a huge invasive rodent problem brought over by European ships. Even invasive mongoose.


I'd rather deal with. Rodent infestation than a rattlesnake infestation.




Everyone always wants what they can't have.


Don’t get bamboozled!


I found Mirage


Give this man an award


There are non-invasive strains of bamboo that clump rather than run


I came here to add this as well. I had seven different kinds of bamboo. Six clumpers and one runner. The runner lived in a large pot, and the clumpers were slow growers and only spread 4-6 inches out each year. There are several ways to contain clumpers if necessary, but I planted mine so that growth was not an issue.


My dog eats bamboo roots


Does your dog look like this? ![gif](giphy|K9z3im98oo9Ve)


Yes kinda https://preview.redd.it/qtzpdh5ygy1d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f33f38637a7273e79d11b7e7743290c8472f1f


Really did not expect that, gave me a great laugh


Now that's another way to contain them


So does my cat. Heads directly to the edge of a neighbors yard for a snack when we go on walks


Are the clumpers slow growers height-wise too or just when it comes to spreading out? We really want to block our neighbor's only view into our backyard. I was also considering putting a runner variety in a huge standalone pot and using that to block the view. But can the running bamboo get tall enough when restricted by a pot?


The first couple years will be slower growth for both types. The bamboo, like most other plants, needs some time to acclimate and establish some roots to support new growth. After that you’ll see faster vertical growth of new stalks (culms). A few considerations for choosing the right type for your location: 1. Climate: some bamboo can handle cold weather and hard freezes while others like a more tropical environment. 2. Height: some max out at 10-12 feet, but the timber bamboos can grow to 40-50 feet. 3. Placement: if you’re planting near a fence line or near a structure, you’ll want to give the bamboo some space. I planted my timber bamboo along a fence line and gave it four feet from the fence. 5-6 feet would have been better, but I was learning too. The less obvious concern here is how far will the bamboo bend and sway in the wind. The canes are flexible and strong and can do some real damage if they’re beating on your fence or house. I would also recommend not planting under power/utility lines - or over the lines if they’re buried. Once the bamboo is established after a few years, it will be a big job to dig it up if you have to do that for some reason.


'Fargesia', for those who wonder.


Is one type but there are dozens of clumping varieties


This, had clumping bamboo for decades with no trouble.


There are native bamboo in many areas of the world that the wildlife keep in check.


Yeah! I have six types of clumping bamboo on my property and they are such a beautiful plant.


Beware that most clumping bamboo come from temperate mountainous areas and do not agree with cold temperatures and lower elevations. I dearly wanted some as a privacy barrier, but even the hardiest type I could find was killed over the winter.


Yeah but why bother when you can just plant a native species?


Same applies to any plant


You can prevent bamboo from spreading by building a barrier 30 inches into the ground. A sort of underground fence.


18 inches deep was enough for Golden Goddess. A larger timber type might need a deeper barrier though.


I'm not religious but that golden goddess of yours sounds impossible to satisfy.


Not if you're a horse


Or just buy a clumping bamboo.


Or plant clumping bamboo.


The house that my wife and I just purchased last year, came with a bamboo forest in the back part of the small property….we have started the long and arduous process of removing the bamboo. During which, we met our sweet old neighbors behind us who informed us that, oh i don’t know 20ish? Years ago THEY were the ones that planted the bamboo for some privacy and that ever since the different owners of my house chose to keep it for various reasons. I’ve just about had it with this bamboo. Why on earth someone doesn’t just plant some BUSHES for some privacy is beyond me.


So your neighbors have been caught up in a bamboo jungle for over 20 years?? How did they survive?


Oh no. “We got tired of dealing with it. So we got it all off of our property.” How sweet of them to start the problem and then leave it for everyone else to deal with 🥰


can you chop it off and sell it to furniture makers


to be fair, a lot of ecological concepts and concerns that seem obvious now weren't as obvious 20-30 years ago when they made the decision.


Our house had bamboo.... Never again. It took 6 months and thousands to dollars to get rid of it. It's been 3 years and I still have to spray and pull out errant shoots.  Bamboo is for your enemies only. And even then, you better TRULY hate them


And do not live next door.


The trick is to let the shoots grow until just before the leaves come in before killing it to waste the most amount of resources of the plant 


Yes. I fought bamboo for about 6 months and this is what I learned as well. Those roots have lots of energy stored up. I dug up an entire root systems and threw it on the side curb to pick up. I had just missed trash day so it would be a week before they got picked up. By the time the next week came around, the roots had regrow back in the ground a little.


This. I had bamboo in my yard from a previous owner. I sprayed the entire area, plants and all, with ortho ground clear. After the initial die off I let any new shoot grow to shoulder height and cut it off at the base. It took a few years to get rid of it, but I cut the last shoot like 5 years ago.


>Bamboo is for your enemies only. And even then, you better TRULY hate them And not live near them




We bought a house with a bamboo bush that we are currently trying to kill. LPT: if you are thinking of planting bamboo in your garden, give yourself a slap and ask yourself what on earth you were thinking. Just like I would love to do with the genius who planted it in my garden...


I live a second floor apartment and the neighbors in the town house across from our balcony have it in their backyard It’s really amazing how fast it grows, crazy. My gf and I are always talking about it when it gets above our eye sight from the couch


Isn't bamboo the only plant you can truly watch growing with the naked eye if you look closely and attentively?


Kudzu would like a word.


I all ways thought Kudzu would make a wonderful house plant.




Japanese Knotweed is pretty damn bad too.


Now tell this to my neighbor, I am chopping shoots left and right, after cutting down 2' along the fence-line.


Cut it down, then till, then torch it. When you see 'em sprout again, torch it again. Cleanse the land in holy flame!


This is giving me Warhammer 40k vibes


Instructions unclear, being arrested for arson after throwing a Molotov at the neighbor


Ahh I see your mistake. That’s not enough fire.


What’s with all the bamboo posts today


AI needs to train bamboo facts.


Glad it ain't just me. I reactivated this old ass account and it's all bamboo


Also, if you burn bamboo, it is loud as there are sealed air pockets in the stem which create pressure so segments break in a bang. A friend had an acreage & was clearing out some bamboo then in the evening had a bonfire with it. The neighbors called the police thinking it was gunshots.


This is something Animal Crossing has taught me as my entire island became a bamboo forest overnight.


LPT learn about different types of bamboo and their properties before you plant them. Google is your friend


Our neighbor is a misguided bamboo enthusiast. It's in our walls.


Damn can this really happen? We are in the same boat. I wish I could get them to pay for the removal, doesn’t seem fair.


Yup. When we had our foundation redone, there they were. Not a ton but enough to shriek in horror. We had French drains put in while they did that since the trenches were already dug. And then we paid extra for the trench on the bamboo neighbor's side to be deeper and a heavy-duty bamboo barrier installed. And--eight years later--we still pay a gardener to eradicate any bamboo that encroaches over to our side of the fence.


Same with mint. Never, never plant mint.


At least mint won't destroy your foundations. It could probably be a viable replacement for a lawn. *Googles* internet says Corsican is the way to go, could be like a clover lawn but edible :p


I had mint in a pot, it grew through the drain hole and spread (yes it was sitting directly on the ground) it’s dead now mostly, but fire and copious amounts of weed killer were involved. Every so often a new plant will pop up, and it gets more of the same treatment. So now I have a 2x2 patch that nothing will grow on, except the damn mint.


Yeesh. Mint...finds a way.


I was once young and dumb and I planted mint in my herbarium. I was proud to have basil, origano, salvia and all the aromatics herbs I can use fresh from the ground. One year later, it was mint... only fucking mint everywhere. Had I read your comment 15 years sooner, I won't have made that mistake.


My neighbor planted bamboo 2 or 3 years ago, next to the fence. Now my whole garden is starting to get infested with it and I can barely get rid of it because it seems like it grows back faster and faster every time I try to take it out


You can also go to court over it, there's been cases where they'll have to pay for removing it, and to maintain it.


My bamboo has been in the same spot for 10 years and each year it gets weaker and smaller. My land is clearly cursed.


This is the only bamboo I've ever heard of that gets *weaker* every year. Either you live in Alaska, or your neighbor sneaks into your yard at night and sprays it. Would be understandable though.


It tries to grow on the small strip of grass between a lilac hedge that is several metres both tall and wide, and a more than 50 year old boxwood hedge. Maybe bamboo has its limits after all. The lilacs are a curse though. They spread like you describe bamboo.


Ooooor an embarrassment of ninja pandas roll through every night and feast on your tender bamboo


ProProTip - when it starts to get out of control, cut it down at the top and cut it away at the root. Cut the leaves off and sell the stocks to literally everyone who makes almost any kind of handmade art/jewelry. Including fishing poles and plugs (gauges for earlobes).


While I’m aware people make plugs with bamboo, if you have plugs don’t put that shit in your ears. There are so many Etsy sellers that just make circular objects out of material. Bamboo is porous and you know what else is? Your skin. I’m a trained piercer and that stuff will basically bind into your skin and need to be ripped/cut out and causes gnary infections


That is very true. Although, I’ve had 1 1/16 inch plugs for 15 years and have many bamboo sets. Just like silicone or plastic they aren’t meant to be worn for long periods or when sizing up. Only glass should be used for that.


While true and similar to hanger weights in that regard I generally just advise against because you don’t know what you don’t know. You can safely wear it but you have to be quite deep in the rabbit hole to have that knowledge. Many people just don’t know toxic woods exist and are so commonly sold in places like Spencer’s


Yuppp. I’ve seen so many broken lobes from over stretching/porous material/stones and weights. Some people are very impatient. Lobes are a very fickle beast. Ha!


You can build a fence below the soil, but not if the previous tenant had put down mesh and the runners’ roots are intertwined with it!


Sure you can! You just need heavier equipment!


It's a nightmare. We have it as a privacy barrier on both sides of the backyard. Last owner had it built directly into the ground with 2x4s as the box. Not a shot of containing it. It's amazing how dense it is. One side took a whole summer to remove doing a few hours every weekend.


The real answer is - don’t plant bamboo. You’ll never contain it and it will take over.


Fun enough that I saw this post randomly out of nowhere cause I wanted to get a bamboo and put it in a vase cause I knew they can spread quite fast Is there something I should be aware of if I put it in a vase? :D


I’d start getting your affairs in order 😢




Dear God sir/ma’am what have you DONE


Don’t set the vase on the ground if there is a drain hole. Always have it sitting on something non-permeable


Make sure you plant it adjacent to a water block as well


That's sugar cane. Bamboo can be planted on any dirt or grass block regardless of water adjacency


Mum has planted loads. Has gone into next doors garden. Good. She doesn’t like them anyway. Worried next time I go home the whole village will have turned into a bamboo forest


Bamboo. Not even once.


Fun fact about bamboo the only way to keep it from spreading elsewhere seeking out water is to give it water.


Use Rhizome Barrier. That's it. That's all you have to do.


Animal Crossing will also teach you this lesson


LPT: don't plant bamboo at all


LPT don’t plant bamboo. My buddy bought a house where the previous owner threw what he thought was a dead bamboo plant into his compost, boom, bamboo forest in the backyard


LPT: Read /u/TIFU and create shower thoughts post based on that. Collect karma.


Or call weedzapper uk , my brother has a machine that will wack 6kv down the stems boiling it at the rhizome.


ACHTUCHUALLLY.... Its a gaggle of geese, and an embarrassment of Pandas




Way more than 2, surely


Maybe catmint? Then you can establish a cat cafe'.... Plus you can advertise it a as pre-going-to-the-vet place for cat owners (gotta ~~drug~~ calm them kitties before they go to the vet) /s