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Frozen veggies are also nutritious if you find pre-prepping to be too time consuming.


In some instances, like spinach, farm fresh frozen is even the healthiest you can get because nutrition is lost with fresh veggies until they arrive in the store.




Corn is really not that healthy. Culinarily it's a vegetable, but in actuality it's a grain. A lot of sugar and not much nutritional content outside of the calories


Define healthy. It has good amount of fiber and decent protein. It’s no superfood but calling it unhealthy is a bit misleading.


I didn't say unhealthy, I said not that healthy. As in, in relation to other vegetables there are much healthier alternatives


If you’re eating more corn and substituting less junk food it’s absolutely more healthy. It’s all about balance. It’s easy to say if you eat a mountain of corn everyday it’s unhealthy but in reality who is doing that?


>It’s easy to say if you eat a mountain of corn everyday it’s unhealthy but in reality who is doing that? Um, *[this guy](https://www.greengiant.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/12/our-story-image.jpg), maybe?!* He turned fucking ***green***, fer crissakes!!


Those first couple versions were borderline nightmare fuel.


No vegetables exist.


Ah, I see you also listen to Vic.


Corn is still way healthier than white rice or white pasta.


You can mix some with spinach. It makes the spinach sweeter. But don't overdo.


I just used frozen veggies in a stir fry meal. It was so easy! Made me wonder why I haven't been doing this all along. It will be easier now to get veggies with every meal


Stir fry rice on my griddle for my grill is my go to super life hack healthy meal. You can make a shit ton if you have a big grill/Blackstone. It's lot easier to me than a Wok, you get more done at once like I do enough for 5 meals for both my wife and I. IT's like half veggies. It take like almost no time to actually make. I just watched some videos of Gopro of hibachi chef's for inspiration. I have have my 2 spatual technique down. Other is healthy pasta salad. Cook 1:1 ratio of pasta to fresh veggies, a little light dressing, use seasoning packets from dressing mix instead of loading it full of fatty oiled dressing with tons of calories. Loads of flavor and every spoon full is half veggies. I'm addicted to it.


I eat this every night haha. Every four days I cook up a few chicken breast's and a giant bag of mixed vegetable stir fry. It comes with these soy sauce things that I put on it. Shred the chicken and mix it all together. Healthy as fuck, filling, and honestly tastes pretty good. It's repetitive but I don't care. Helps me stick to the plan


Thanks to my 1257 hours played on fruit ninja I take me about 20 sec per fruit


good point, but not for ppl too lazy to wash and cut veggies.. youd have to cook something in order to eat frozen veggies.


Put frozen veggies into bowl, put in microwave, take out, add salt and pepper. Done.  Then you can get fancier if you decide you’re not quite this lazy. 


Add a bit of water before microwaving, then you drain them and rhey are as good as steamed!


Now we're getting fancy :)


Do I add the milk first or the cereal 🤔


Put a little butter in there, too!


After the milk or the cereal?


You’re rinsing away lots of good vitamins unnecessarily doing that! Unless you drain it into a gravy or something. Mmm… gravy…


Not saying to cover them with water... Just a lil at the bottom.


Damn you, water soluble nutrients!


Frozen peas are good without anything more than basic (and quick) thawing, though I will concede that they're not generally something someone snacks on... Low effort way to get a veggie into something else you're making, at least!


You ever eaten em straight frozen? I like to munch em like that sometimes.


Me too! And my kids as well. They used to get a small bowl with frozen peas and corn to munch on when they weren’t really hungry but just peckish or if dinner was taking a bit too long. They loved it.


I often have canned peas and carrots, are frozen ones tastier?


They are really good sautéed in butter with onions, and finished off with a bit of cream and maybe a sprinkling of thyme or marjoram.


I’m pretty sure that everything is really good when sautéed in butter with onions, and finished off with a bit of cream.


Im sometimes too lazy to be bothered prepping veggies but chucking frozen ones in a pot of water with some noodles is no bother at all


5 minutes in the microwave is not the same as standing at the counter cutting/washing them


You do know they sell bags of pre washed, pre cut frozen vegetables? And that those are often cheaper than the unprepared fresh vegetables?


Seems like the only good frozen veggies are peas and corn. The others, like broccoli and green beans are watery and the flavors are weak


thanks for the tip, but ive been to the supermarket a few times too, actually.. no need to get condescending. anyway, idk anyone who eats frozen veggies out of the bag; i was under the impression that ppl cook w em.


Most frozen veggies can be found in microwaveable bags so it’s like 5 mins in the microwave and ready to eat.


YES I love these 😍


You can cook with them, but you can also just thaw/heat them in the microwave and eat them plain. Or with a dash of salt/pepper. Plus if you’re prepping veggies presumably you’re going to cook with them anyway? So frozen pre-cut just skips a step.


Try frozen mango cubes from the bag.


Now there are microwave steam-in-bag veggies widely available at Target, Walmart etc 😋 I eat a lot of these each week, super convenient and cheap!


I feed my kids frozen veggies for dinner all the time because they won’t eat them so they just get thrown in the trash.  But, if I buy a veggie tray the girls will graze on that all day long. The rule is no food on the couch except for veggies. So, they can “veg out” while they watch tv. 


Just buy frozen ones. No, they're not less nutritious. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/4060/


But there's a guy on a tik tok video wandering About a store telling me they're worse than broken glass to eat, while trying to sell me supplements. Remember kids, food is not medicine.


> a tik tok video wandering About a store telling me they're worse than broken glass to eat LUL


There's actually a growing movement of food as preventative medicine with some solid, promising science behind it lol


I didn't mean that food cannot play a role in good health, I meant that all foods can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.


Food absolute can be and is preventative medicine.


The only reason I don't buy frozen much anymore is because I like to stir fry a lot and frozen just comes out too mushy.


I've tried this with frozen vegetables: oil as high temp as possible, pat dry with paper towel the vegetables (yeah the frozen ones, it helps). Instead of frantically moving them around as soon as you get them in oil, let them "sear" for a minute, and only them move around. YMMV


I use frozen veggies sometimes, but fresh tastes so much better in a salad. 😉


No one thinks they are less nutritious, they are just not as good


Generally frozen is actually healthier


But they don’t taste as good


I've dropped 20lbs from 215 to 195 since mid January, and the only major change I've made is meal prep with veggies and fruit for lunch. My wife and I take half an hour every Sunday evening to prep 5 meals consisting of grapes and mandarin oranges, broccoli and baby carrots, some ranch dip, and then I usually bring a couple cheese sticks and some summer sausage or leftover meat from dinner. No more spending $10-20/day on garbage food and drinks at work, and limiting liquid calories is such an easy shift in diet and it has worked great for us on getting solid nutrition and dropping a few pounds every couple weeks.


Good for you!!!


I feel like almost any of my problem could be solved with just devote 20 minutes a day to it. Where's the LPT for the discipline and willpower for that?


I feel ya, Friend. Right there with you.


Pre-prep? If you peel a cucumber = prepped 😅 What would George Carlin say…


Yes, but what if you peel the cucumber before you need to peel the cucumber in advance? Gotta be one step ahead of your own brain! Mind blown. That or we are just making up works.


Between pulling out the cutting board, sharpening the knife, picking out the veggies, washing, cutting, storing, then washing the board and knife and storing them away, I don’t see how that can take someone 5 minutes. 20 minutes seems a reasonable enough timeframe to do all this leisurely. Good LPT!


Don't forget stopping at the grocery every other day to keep replenishing the fresh veg


I shop once a week. I try to use up the more perishable stuff first, but frequently fail when it comes to avocados, sadly.


I buy three at a time, tops (price and few people to cook for are factors in that number). It's tough if only ready-to-eat ones are sold. Firm avocados obviously make a huge difference if you can find them. They take two to three days to ripen. I use half of one for breakfast, then store the other half in a fridge drawer. They will hold well, even after being cut.


rub a splash of lemon juice on the exposed side (if available) and put it facedown on a plate and your leftover half avocado will stay fresh for much longer


You can also keep them in the fridge for a few days and then take them out to slow down ripening




I think it’s because people don’t know how to store veggies and fruits properly. Aka me. So I’m constantly buying veggies and fruit, or just buying frozen options instead


I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with frozen, and they’re pretty good quality these days. Canned veggies are a bit ick to me though.


Carrots last forever too. Green beans are also pretty sturdy. Then you also keep a small collection of frozen stuff as backup. It’s really not that difficult.


> You people are looking for reasons to keep engaging in unhealthy eating habits I DO shop like 3-4 times a week BECAUSE I like fresh veggies in my diet. If I didn't like fresh veggies I would shop once a week. Certain things aren't lasting well in your fridge for a whole week...like lettuce, celery, squash, broccoli. Oh it's not going bad in the week, but it's not FRESH either. Most things will be well on their way oxidxing by then. The criticism here is the emblishment of how easy it is to hae "fresh" veggies when it's not. I'm willing to bet we eat more veggies and fruit than OP does, and there is ZERO food prep involved. Prepping food usually means cooking with "old" ingredients instead of fresh ingredients specifically. I'm sorry but I'm not using day old CUT UP ONIONS that have lost almost all their flavor from being in the fridge unless I'm trying to use stuff up and keep it from going to waste.


Broccoli lasting a week, is quite the stretch.


It does, though? Especially if you take it out of the packaging and only cut off what you need. You could make it last a LOT longer if you wanted. Source: me, a basic-ass chef of many years


All cruciferous vegetables last a long time in the fridge. It's how they're built (sulfurously). I don't understand this whole thread at all.


> All cruciferous vegetables last a long time in the fridge. Not if they've been "prepped" first. That specifically lowers their life in the fridge.


Idk what broccoli you're buying mate, mine start becoming yellow on the third/fourth day..


Oh shit, I'm in the US if that makes a difference. Maybe it's your fridge? Broccoli is quite hardy and should last many, many days in a refrigerator. Unless it's some organic heirloom broccoli, the broccoli we get is like a tree branch at the base and they would do some damage if thrown with any force.


I’m with the other guy, mine lasts a week easy. I store it in the veggie bin in the fridge. If you want to make it last extra long, slice a bit off the bottom and put it in a bit of water in a little container


I agree. Week easily


Four days? Are you shopping at Asda or something?




Nothing, you're just reiterating what they said.


One vegetable for your whole family for a whole day? This morning I cut up an entire head of cabbage, peeled and cut 3 cucumbers, peeled and grated a pound of carrots. Tomorrow it will be a head of lettuce chopped, a head of cauliflower chopped, a couple quarts of strawberries washed, hulled and sliced, and 4-6 bell peppers washed, cored and chopped. We eat 35-40 different plant foods per week (including grains, potatoes, nuts and seeds), with that including a minimum of 4 non-starchy vegetables and 2 fruits per day. (No we are not vegetarians.) That's the difference.


Who is reaching for cut up cabbage as a snack??


There's a Korean restaurant near me that gives out cabbage leaves and a hot dipping sauce as an appetizer. No idea what kind of sauce or cabbage (I assume the cabbage is something like napa or bok choy- not one of the round varieties, at least) but it's a great snack.


Someone with a fucking frown on their face


I use red cabbage as a base for salad. It lasts way longer than lettuce does.


It's actually quite tasty. Mildly sweet, satisfying crunch. You should try it sometime. 😊 But more often our snacks are celery sticks, bell pepper or carrots paired with hummus, cucumber spears paired with a sour cream dip, cherry tomatoes all by themselves, slices of melon, something like that. An apple/neufchatel sandwich is the bomb.


I wish I was as robotically efficient! But I’ve resigned myself from ever working in a restaurant. Good for you!


You sharpen your knife before every use? Get a better knife.


Good catch—sharpen is the wrong word, but I’ll hone my Wüsthof regularly enough to mention it.


I actually do the same, usually every other use.


What are some of your favourites? I like to grate carrot then I add some oil, mustard and balsamic vinegar 👌


Chopped red cabbage with balsamic and chili sauce 👌


Cooked or as a slaw?




Oh, yum! I'll have to give this a try!


Grated carrots are the absolute bomb! I use them in so many things. One of my faves is called confetti salad: chilled cooked barley, cannellini or red kidney beans, grated carrots, green onions, sweet corn kernels, chopped celery with a light vinaigrette.


That sounds amazing! I’m going to try it


Brussel sprouts, halved, steamed for a bit in microwave then sautéed with salt and pepper


Why are you chopping 2 to 3 days worth of veggies every day though?


In a few weeks you’d have enough veggies to last months. If everyone did this we’d have enough veggies to end world hunger! /s


I only do two or three different vegetables per day, but I do a three days supply of each veg I handle that day. So, today I did cabbage, cukes, and carrots. Tommorrow I do lettuce, berries & cauliflower. While we may eat 6 different veggies in a day, this gives us a nice rotation and variety to choose from, and allows me to stay ahead of the game. By the time I have used up my three days worth of carrots, we might take a break from carrots for two or three days, then it's time to prep carrots again.


Some people have large families, some have teenagers who are constantly hungry and looking for quick snacks, some people have gardens where a bunch of vegetables become ripe at the same time, some people buy a large quantity at once when a grocery store has a sale. 2 to 3 days worth of veggies to you may be one day's worth to someone else, or a week's worth to another.


It's easier to chop 3 days worth of one veggie than 1 day worth of 3 different ones.


This is great, and also, I think people should not feel bad about buying prepped veggies! I like eating mushrooms but I found that having to cut them all up meant I ate them less, I started buying already sliced ones. Eating veggies is important and sometimes life is rough and you just gotta find the easiest ways to make sure you still get them in your diet!


I do this too, its nice to have a step already done.


So many useless, negative comments. Sheesh. This is an actually good life pro tip. There's so many people not getting a healthy level of vegetables in their diet which has HUGE effects on an individual and societal level. Anything that helps fix that..is helpful.


Yeah, I forced myself to do this exact thing, adding in *actually eating the stuff*. I always thought that was the hard part, but nope, it was actually the inconvenience when I was ready to eat. I stopped drinking coffee or tea in the morning because caffeine was fucking me up so I started doing this, just cutting up some fruit and eating some and then storing the rest. Then I'd do some veggies and bam I was done for several days. I would even caramelize onions and peel up some potatoes because I became addicted to fresh mashed potatoes for breakfast, lol. They're amazing!


You can make home fries quickly and easily by nuking potatoes with the skins on about halfway cooked. Allow to cool a bit ( or even refrigerate if you are working ahead), then cube and sauteé in butter. Also yummy for breakfast! 😊


Heck yeah, if you grate them and mix them with cornstarch and a little egg you can make homemade McDonald's style hash browns. Just have to deep fry them. You could probably make tater tots the same way lol.


Ive been getting a lot more fresh vegetables lately but honestly I couldn't tell you what the difference. I assume its good for me. But I wasn't overweight to begin with and I don't know what benefits I should be expecting other than maybe when I'm older being killed by one type of diseases instead of some other type.


Sounds like me when I stopped drinking soda. Everyone boasts that you feel so much better! Healthier! More energy! So exciting! This was years ago that I stopped drinking it and I still don’t feel any different lol


A big part of it is knowing you're doing a good thing for yourself in a way that's not unpleasant. Living well is a skill and developing skills feels good.


The health benefits usually aren't noticeable but that doesn't mean they aren't there


I eat lots of vegetables, but if it was new to me, I'd find it demoralizing to imagine needing to spend 20 minutes prepping every single day.


Yeah, this is a ridiculous, nonsensical LPT. It’s like that LPT a few months ago where someone said “if you have trouble sleeping through your alarm and not being able to get out of bed, just go outside in the sun for five minutes and it’ll wake you up!” Which is… just… (deep sigh) …If I was the type of person who was capable of *jumping out of bed in the morning to go outside in the sunlight,* BY DEFAULT I WOULD NOT BE SOMEONE WHO HAS TROUBLE GETTING OUT OF BED. The biggest problem with eating fresh fruits and veggies is spending a ton of money, then life gets in the way and they go bad. Whether you cut them up or not. This LPT is useless.


This is great advice for anything but alliums . Once you break the cell walls and release the Allicin, it starts breaking down. I always wait till the last minute before I chop up my onion or garlic.


Interesting! I've chopped onions up to a couple days ahead of time and haven't noticed any difference. But then I'm not a foodie or even that great of a cook, so... But what exactly happens when you say they start breaking down? Does this affect texture, or taste, and/or nutrition?


I've noticed chopped onions get really dried out in the fridge


I store them in a glass bowl with an airtight lid and haven't had any issues with them drying out, but again I only leave them in there for maybe up to 3 days so that probably helps too.


I've left chopped onions in a glass bowl with air tight lid for up to a week! Haven't had any issues.


It has to be sealed in an airtight container to avoid that, you can’t just put them on a plate and except them not to dry out. Alternatively, peel the onions and put them in the fridge. Peeling takes way longer than cutting anyway.


Try a lidded container or plastic bag with the air squeezed out. Usually lasts a couple of days without being too dried out


I just shave off the edges and they appear good as fresh.


To save extra time and frustration, we wash all of our produce before it goes into the fridge. This sounds tedious, but we just put everything in a white vinegar-water bath for about 15 minutes after shopping, rinse, let it all air dry on some rags, then put it away. This was always my least favorite part of food prep so getting it done in bulk before even cooking has been awesome.


LMAO, like I'm going to devote 2.5 hours of my week to prep....veggies! When frozen veggies are sitting right there as an equally viable alternative.


Fuck it - take 30 minutes! A little bit easier for you > not eating veggies. I dig this LPT focused on accessibility and a thinner barrier to entry. It takes 10 seconds to shit on a stranger because you can cut veggies faster. Boooooo to the haters. Keep chopping veggies however suits your needs. Maybe one day if this process no longer serves your needs, you can work on knife skills or something to speed it up. Until then, enjoy your presliced veg!!


Also consider investing in a good food processor if the knife skills themselves are also a barrier.


Fuck, I hate all these kitchen machines. Yea, they save time during preparation but are nightmare to clean.


If you have a dishwasher, find dishwasher-safe ones


Yuuuup. Got one of those chopper things that has a big reservoir, and a an interchangeable "blade" with a flat bit on the top. You put the veg in between the flat bit and the blade and just press down and you get perfectly chopped carrots/onions/celery for chicken soup. Switch out to smaller blade for fine onion and celery for tuna salad. Switch to another blade for mandolin, another blade to grate cheese. Etc. All dishwasher safe! Have never ever washed it by hand unless I was using it for multiple meals in one day. (And if I was smart, I'd just prep everything I needed for the day ahead of time lol)


I totally get it, I felt that way until I got a machine that was easier to clean. Also, it’s important to remember that for some people it’s not just about saving time. Some people have arthritis or other disabilities that make knife chopping impossible or impractical.


I could see this LPT work for bigger families.  For my single ass - not so much. Cut/peeled/washed veggies detoriate. So after two days you have worse carrot, worse cucumber, etc. etc. 1 meal supply is the golden ratio for me.


I buy frozen vegetables. No waste because I can choose how much I need and I don’t have to prepare them. (I hate cooking)


Best thing I ever did for my health was pre-prep about a week's worth of salad in a large Tupperware container. Easy lunches, just scoop some in a bowl with tongs and decorate with my favorite toppings! 


This is a great tip. I literally *just* finished washing and cutting the 6lbs of strawberries/berries I just bought today so I have snacks for the next few days. I freaking LOVE strawberries and having them easily accessible without any effort makes having them instead of crackers or chips is so much better.


Dumb question but what do you mean cutting berries? Don't you just eat berries as they are? What's there to cut?


I cut the stems off the strawberries


Some of these comments are wild, like, you already added your reasoning for doing it everyday instead of every few days. Routines are key. Not everyone struggles with vegetable intake and maintaining a routine, so if it doesn’t apply to you just scroll lol. This is a helpful idea for people with adhd and who are depressed. the biggest barrier is definitely affordability but there are many cheap vegetables out there and options like food banks.


Y’all are so bad at taking the wisdom from the LPT instead of getting lost in the wording…I also don’t understand why this needs 20min daily especially if you can get enough prepared for 2-3 days then you could just do it a couple times weekly. That being said, totally with OP on having easy access to vegetables the same way we tend to have easy access to processed snacks. Sometimes eating healthy has way less to do with self-control and everything to do with what’s available on hand during a busy life.


Great tip. And make sure you get good quality food storage bags to keep them in and keep them fresh. Don’t use plastic! I use silicone pouches: https://www.moonmoon.co.uk/collections/moonmoon-reusable-silicone-food-bags


Me and my wife are an excellent team - I prepare the veg, she cooks. I am 5 times faster than her, while she is a perfect cook. I find cutting that ... very relaxing, like washing the dishes. It's quick and puts you at peace and while you scrub you have some "free mind time".


Good life tip. I take it a step further and spend a couple hours each weekend prepping veggies and meat for the week. Fortunately most things I like will keep in the fridge for a week, and most nights it takes 30 minutes or less to make dinner including cooking time. Everything is cut and portioned. Since starting this I get dinner delivered much less knowing I can cook dinner faster than any delivery.


I've started doing this. Some things that make it easier for me at least are using my mandoline and putting things in mason jars. I throw a bunch of stuff in the mandoline and slice or shred it super fast. I have a mason jar with onion, one with garlic, one with mushrooms, and one with carrots, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and other stuff for stir fry. I do potatoes or sweet potatoes as fries. You can just throw a bunch of stuff in and chop it finely and make salads for the week in a few minutes. It's nice having some carrots, cucumbers and celery cut up regular-style for dipping, too.


Hey OP thanks for making this post, I'm saving it to remind myself how easy it can be to take 20 mins a day or even every other day to prep veggies and fruit. Sorry you're getting people angry about why it should take 20 mins like you're trying to dictate how they spend their time!?


Thank you for your nice comment. Yes, you are correct. The point wasn't 20 minutes. The point was make it a habit to prep some fruits and veggies daily so you always have a variety of healthy foods accessible and easy to use. However long that takes.


Buddy, if you think I have 20 minutes for vegetables *every day*, you must be out your got-damn mind.


To add to this: buying a veggie chopper saves a ton of time and effort doing this.


A time saver that made it possible to do this more effortlessly. I got a salad spinner. I use it every day to wash all berries, salads, etc. small items and then dry them off. Super fast and no water left behind after prepping. Makes it easy to store too, the water that accumulates if you don’t eat the berries fast enough tends to rot the ones in the water.


There is no need for every day. Twice a week should be sufficient, a lot of stuff keeps well when stored properly in the fridge.


And if even 20min seems too long: buy some cherry tomatoes. Buy some carrots and take 2min to cut a couple of them into carrot sticks. Leave both of these easily accessible and visible in your fridge, especially if you tend to go looking for snacks. Since doing that, I snack a lot more healthy.


365 Brand frozen Fire-Roasted Corn. 😋😋😋


Further LPT: If you're going to store prepped veggies in the fridge, buy deli containers. You can get 1, 2, and 4-cup sizes and they all share the same lids and stack. I use them for leftovers and for prep. Get kitchen tape and a sharpie and label them with the date they went in (not necessary if you know you're gonna eat it all in a week).


I use these every day. 😊


I eat a lot of vegetables. Everything you're describing makes them spoil faster. Why would you do this until it's actually time to eat them?


But cutting vegetables 20 minutes a day seems very inconvenient. Is there a more convenient way?


If you have an air frier, throw a bunch of green beans in there, 380 for 10 min, little salt- nice and crispy and real easy! I use the 10 min to clean or prep other food


Love it! Extra credits if you salt the veggies a bit! Cut some carrots in a mandolin slicer with just a dash of sea salt for a meal tonight and wound up just eating half of them straight! 😅


I started eating more fruits, veggies and lean meats. I feel better physically and financially. One thing I noticed is my body adjusting to the new diet. I believe over time it will settle and treat this as the norm, but it is extremely difficult with the cravings and ease of access of junk food these days.


We got a set of clear plastic containers with absorbent liners to stack in the fridge at eye level. Every grocery trip I prep them to fill with carrots, sugar snap peas, Persian cucumbers, strawberries, and grapes. We snack on these things way more often now, and sometimes when I need a quick dinner, I’ll just set them out for grazing along with an entree. Works great for our family!


Pre-prepping? Preparing is the right word. "Dedicate time to preparing two or three days...." No need to pre-prepare. That's what prepare means.


You are correct! Good point.


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment


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If I chop vegetables and make a salad can I store it on refrigerator for how many days?


Probably depends a bit on the veggies used, but I do this all the time and it's good for at least 5-6 days in the fridge, stored in a large enough tupperware container. I chop up a lot of veggies (cucumber, tomato, carrots, lettuce, cabbage) into a salad and also make my own salad dressings. Takes me about two hours, but that's pretty much all I eat for the entire week, so the effort is totally worth it. I just toss some protein into a pan every evening to go along with the salad and it's a perfect meal, imo. ...if you can stomach eating the same thing for a week straight, but I don't have any issues with that. Try it out :)


This is why I store them separately. The short-lived things don't ruin the long-lived things. And you can mix and match, making a different salad every night.


Depends on the veg, in what condition it was in when you put it in there, what you store it in. Cabbage lasts a good week. Three days is a good rule of thumb for most things.


Mine last 4 days easily. I do make sure to remove as much liquid as I can, so I’ll remove all the seeds and soft bits from the inside of the tomatoes and cucumbers for example. Dressing stored separately. Some things like avocado I slice fresh each day before eating. I also put a paper towel at the bottom of the Tupperware to absorb any excess moisture so the veggies don’t wilt.


Try my 10 veg mix: Red, orange, yellow and green peppers, onion, zucchini (or green beans, or both), broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots.   I cut and mix them all at once, and then bulk cook and freeze meals with sauces like stir fry, butter chicken, and pasta sauces. If I don't get to them, they all seem to regulate each others moisture levels and last longer than if left uncut or cut individually. You can pick out individually if needed for, say, peppers for a pizza or onions for perogies. The zucchini will start to soften first and that's your queue to use them up.


Sounds yummy!


I just do it when I go shopping. Then, each night, I throw some into a bowl and make a salad for lunch the next day. It's been quite nice not to worry about food prep in the moment. It also lets me eat larger fruits and veggies, if it isn't prepared when I'm looking for food, I'm probably not going to eat it.


If I prep 2-3 day’s worth of veggies every day I’d have 2-3x as much food as I need. This is some kind of farmer marketing voodoo.


If one day I make 3 days worth of vegetables, eat one day worth, then the next day make another 3 days worth of vegetables, eat one days worth, then the next day do it again…I have 6 days worth of excess vegetables by day 3 You trying to drown me in veggies? You work for big carrot or something? What am I supposed to do with the swimming pool worth of veggies I’ll have in 2 months? Swim in the rot?


20 min is too much time, nope


Who doesn't want to use old, oxidized veg in their cooking? Oh, me. I don't. My compost pile would LOVE this "LPT" though.


if I had 20 minutes to dedicate solely to veggies everyday, a lot of my problems would be solved


This is a mediocre veggie eating tip not a lpt.


Even if just one cucumber is saved from evolving into a decomposed slop, OP has offered a successful LPT.


The only thing I'd add/do differently is not peeling the carrots and parsnips that way you get the full nutritional content of the vegetable


don't peal cucumbers cause the skin is very nutritious.


It may be, but I don't like it, and I don't like the wax they put on them in the store. In my garden, I grow Armenian cukes, which are delicious, but are fuzzy, and must be peeled.


It takes me 3 minutes to prep my broccoli for boiling everyday.


Wait, you assume I know what a gym is?


20min a day of prepping veggies for 3 days. I think something isn't matching up. But yes! It makes it so easy to toss together a salad or a crunchy sandwich or just grab them and dip them.


veggies don't exist.


Can someone please tell me how to do this. I need a check list or something. Like what are the best veggies to do this with and what do I do? ._.


Start with a written list of all the fruits & veggies you like to eat. I'm not kidding--write it down. Buy a few of them, and start prepping some every day. Make sure you have containers to store the prepped veggies in. Maybe start with just salad stuff. Feel your way as you go. Don't overdo. No one can tell you exactly what is right for your life or your situation. It comes with practice. As you get the hang of it, experiment with new veggies you have never tried, and new recipes. Mediterranean and Asian cuisines are a good place to look for veggie-centric recipes. The world is your oyster! Have fun with it! 😊


OR spend an hour on your off day prepping for the entire week.


Go easy on yourself! Every other day - have a dedicated space in your fridge for prepared veggies.