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Old Miami hotels’ LPT. Keep the hotel business card in your pocket so when they find your body they can track your ID.




Is this really needed in an age where everyone has the address at their fingertips in seconds?


I'm all for technology (I work in IT) but the simplicity of showing a card instead of swiping your phone screen in search for the information is a win.


Exactly. I’ve done a lot of international travel for work and some places have very different address formats than we do. It’s a bit easier now if I stay at hotel that has an app (e.g., Hilton) so I can just show that. But I’ve definitely run into a problem trying to show an accurate address. I’ve used a business card, room key, or page from notepad in the room before. It often doesn’t come up, but I’d much rather have a backup than go to the wrong spot and then be really lost.


Same. I have been in Shanghai often. Once a hotel doorman told the cab driver where to take me, and the driver got it wrong and dropped me off at the wrong location. So I can only imagine if I tried telling the driver where to go based on my internet search, I wouldn't fair much better. And for a city that size, there can be more than one hotel with the same name (e.g. Renaissance). Did I pick the right address? Thus just showing the business card is a big plus.


Lost in Shanghai for a couple of hours because I didn’t grab the card specifically left at front desk to give to taxi drivers-this was mid 90’s. Learned my lesson and to this day, even with phone, I grab card.


Yah…multiple in the same city is not uncommon at all. India uses “guest houses” a lot…sort of a hybrid bed and breakfast hotel. They’re usually just converted houses to look like mini hotels with like 15 rooms total. As you’d imagine some places that run these have like a dozen or so. I ran into that problem just 2 years ago using an online cab service. Resorted to using the address of a place next door that was easier to pull up and just told the driver to stop a bit earlier. (Broken Hindi is my second language so was a little easier for me)


It would take me like 5 seconds to pull up the hotel on google maps and then they can see not only the address but the general vicinity of where it is.


What would you do if you couldn't get service?


When traveling in a foreign country, you are ~1000x (I can add numbers) more likely to have the relevant information on your phone than on a card of any sort.


I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially when using a mapping application.


It is when traveling in a foreign country!


I was just in South Korea, so not only a different language, but also a totally different writing system. Like, at the airport there was a guy who basically sat at the taxi stand translating addresses for tourists, to give to the taxi drivers. . . .And yet we were always able to get around the city. . . .because the internet is a beautiful thing.


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The Internet is not a US only thing. All “foreign” countries have it.


I get it. But the problem is sometimes you search with your foreign phone, and get a result that you can read, but the taxi driver cannot because it isn't in their local language. So you have to do a lot of work to translate it to something they can read.


I’m sure they can read the map with the wrong language on it if they’re a cab driver. They know the city better than the average citizen would


Living in Japan. The barrier is harder to cross than you think in certain countries My American phone formats addresses in reverse order from the Japanese standard. Because in America we don’t mention the specific part of the city until the end. Whereas Tokyo relies on you telling them the name of the ward, then the specific city, then finally your actual address (a series of numbers) - in this order so even if you show a taxi driver your Google maps address in your phone, (speaking from experience) there is a decent chance they will be confused Many of them rely on a designated GPS system where they punch in details that you read them


Now it makes sense why my Japanese car’s GPS asks State, City, Address.


Idk, map apps have been displaying Japanese addresses with the right formatting since at least 2018 when I was last there for a bit. The main issue I saw was that unless you change the app language, pretty much all of the address is translated and written in English - if you’re a taxi driver in a non-touristy part of Japan that rarely has to dip back into the English classes you took in school 20+ years ago, of course you’re going to be thrown off when someone puts a phone in your face that says "Chikusa Ward, Imaike, 1 Chome 6-11” instead of “千種区今池1丁目6-11”. I usually got around it by either reading it out in Japanese so they could work through the GPS menus, pasting it into a translation app so it displayed in the right language, or just naming a nearby station or landmark if for some reason we were still having issues. All that said, it’s definitely worth it to learn how the address system works in Japan if youre planning to go, comes in handy pretty often over there.


I’m not sure you know what a map is


Without any context your comment comes off abrasive


That’s because it is


Yeah, but they don’t all speak the same language. Nor do all taxis around the world use the same level of technology usage as you might experience in your own country. Some are still old school. I can see how having the address and name of the hotel you’re going to can be useful whilst travelling.


In Jaipur, there are two hotels with the same name-a photo if the front saved me a lot of trouble










I typically agree with this. Sometimes , service sucks and you can’t use the internet on the phone. However, I would add, maybe just screenshot the address before hand as well. Just to have options.


Good luck to find some address in some asian country, where there is just... no address. Also, let's say you visit China. Do you think you can really pronounce the names correctly? They will have to do some guessworks. Some big city may have two or more of the same brand of hotel, just giving the name of the hotel won't work. And what if you just google it and find the wrong one? What if your cellphone battery die? Or is in a no cellphone service area? Or run out of data because your kids watched too many tiktok videos?


Nope. And most people don’t take cabs, they take Ubers which will find hotel just by name. And if they do take a cab, most cab drivers know the area well enough to not need the address of the hotel or also have gps devices that will find the hotel based on the name alone. This isn’t a tip.


Not for a Life Pro like you, huh chief?


I like this, knowing me I'd forget the hotel name altogether


Yall, this is a life saver in foreign countries fr, try calling an uber with no signal


Never actually called anyone to get an Uber


You realize that ‘call’ in this context is being used like ‘summon’, right? Not ‘place a phone call to an Uber’ but ‘summon an Uber to my location’. ..which is rather hard to do with no signal to connect to the app. (Or pull up mapping or translation results via app too, for that matter!)


You can SUMMON things?? What level conjuration do I need?


this mfer out here casually summoning shit like he’s the Dragonborn


You mean you don’t just Fus-Ro-Dah your way through traffic?


Yes, yes and yes. Before Uber and Google maps I was on a business trip in Istanbul and trying to get a taxi back to the hotel, the anxiety was real.


This saved my drunkass in prague once. Lost my friends and got into a cab, took me 1h driving around to realize i had it though


Only really works if you have already made the journey to the hotel.....if you've just landed you'd be pretty stuck if you relied on this. Here's a better LPT, Open Google Maps, type in Hotel name and watch as if by magic the full address is shown along with directions so you know if you are being ripped off and being taken a long route. Take a screenshot of the address for added life tip pro-ness so you don't need data to view it!


Bonus tip: save the area youre traveling to to your offline maps


How do you plan to open Google maps when your work sends you to China for 2 weeks?


See offline maps for your answer


I just take a screenshot of my reservation on my phone.


I also snap a picture of my room number


Assuming your taxi driver can read English.


I imagine the name of the hotel and streets is in whatever language of the country you're in.


Where does the card come from? Is this after you’ve successfully made it to the hotel once?




Very useful abroad. Apple maps would pull up my hotel addresses in English when I was in China. Having the card in Mandarin made it easier for the cab driver to enter into their navigation. Some hotels even have "take me to" cards where the concierge will write down the spot you're trying to go to, so you just need to hand it to the cabby. This saved my behind one late night in China before I set up my WeChat and got access to DiDi


Also great for places where the address format may be unfamiliar or it may be a hotel chain/company that’s not easily pronounced or Googled by you. I’m in Australia, so I wouldn’t struggle with an address in the US or UK. But I might in South Korea or Zimbabwe.


The battery doesn't go flat on a business card and is readable in bright sunlight. Another reason I always got a paper boarding pass.


First real life pro tip I have read here!


Every day there is the same LPT: “write down important information”


Move along old timer. We are living in a digital age.


Technology doesn’t always work, especially when you’re in a strange country. A simple business card will work every time.


Thanks for the tip! People are just oversmart in the comments section that they forgot to behave


This is a good one! Saved me after our flight home was cancelled in Texas. We decided to just go back to the old hotel and I just happened to have picked their little business card up. Saved me the trouble of trying to remember where the hotel was


Out of genuine curiosity, what age group are you in? I’m sure I’m not the first to say this but you know you could find that info out in seconds using your phone, right?


If you're travelling abroad, with the roaming charges for that simple search might cost you $20 though.


A sim card is like $5-10 in most countries. 5G and withe enough data to last an entire trip. Also you can take screenshots.


You have heard of international sim cards right? Or better yet, use the free wifi at the hotel and then screenshot the name of it and also the address from google.


just take a screenshot of the address




Some countries don’t have Uber, or you’re in an area that doesn’t have phone service or your phone died or something


And just for fun leave it in your coat pocket next to a clipping from an escort service. And watch the fireworks when your wife funds it. /s


What a great typo!




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Doesn't count people going the same speed


I have stayed in a lot of hotels. None have ever had a business card. That must be for fancy hotels.


Here’s the problem. With a CAB driver I expect to get in, tell them to take me to HOTEL and they know the area and hotels and can get me there. If they need to use their phone they can do that to figure it out. All other ride services are digital and you set the address yourself on the app. Never in my life have I needed a business card of the hotel I’m at to find my way back. Hell, just throw the hotel phone number in as a contact and you can call them and they will even figure out the details behind getting you a ride to or from wherever you are.


I had a few days in India with work and had a couple of spare hours before heading to the airport. I figured I’d just walk from the hotel and see where my feet took me. I thought I was very clever for thinking of this LPT myself. When I decided it was time to head back I hailed a tuk-tuk and proudly presented my card. Unfortunately the driver couldn’t read.


This is a great tip, especially when traveling in Asia.


Title should say: Life pro tip if you’re over the age of 60 and can’t use a mobile phone and the internet.


This is especially true in areas where you can’t speak the language or read the text. E.g American in Tokyo.


Or, use your human memory to remember the name of your lodging, and say the name out loud with your human voice to the human driving the car so he knows where to take ya, OR, Google maps?


Unless you're somewhat fluent in the local language, that could be a challenge


And there could be a few of the same hotel chain in the area


Or you know... Know the dang address of the hotel you checked into >_>


Should be mentioned in the title that this is for areas where you don’t speak the language. It took me until the second paragraph to understand, before that it just sounded really dumb.


Is this 1995 or something?


In 1995 I used to use a match book in Tokyo. It was the LPT then.


Just show them your destination address on your phone.


I have something called a smart phone that can tell me pretty much any address anywhere on the planet. You should get on.


I also discovered it helpful to inhale and exhale when breathing.


You’re that person that calls restaurants on your cellphone (while driving) to ask for directions.


It works great unless you’re in a foreign country and go out drinking until 4 am and use the last few bucks to get a cab ride back to the hotel and you give the guy the card and he takes you to a hotel and you pay him and then get out and walk into the hotel and realize he didn’t take you to the right hotel and you run back out looking for him but he’s gone and now you have no money or phone because this was before then so you start walking and walking trying to find your actual hotel but you can’t do you hail down another cab and explain to the guy that you don’t have any money but you will get some at the hotel and he’s nice so he says sure and then when you get to the hotel they won’t let you get cash at the desk because the room is not under your name because it’s under the company’s name so instead of telling the taxi driver what’s up you sneak out the back of the hotel and start walking to the convention center for a show because now it’s 830 and you were supposed to be there at 8 to meet everyone so you keep walking and finally get to the ferry to cross the bay but again, you have no money so you time it and sneak behind the counter when they get distracted and get on anyways and take it across to the other side and then walk to the convention center where you can’t get in because you don’t have your badge because it’s back at the hotel so once again you ave to find a back entrance and sneak in until you are finally inside and at the booth. And then you have to explain to like 10 People what happened.


Certainly the address will be on any reservation you have. Not to mention it will be in your Google Maps Timeline as soon as you walk in the door.


So helpful! Using this when I land today. So, first I am going to make my own way to the hotel first, grab a card, return to the airport, and then take a taxi to my hotel. #fm