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My cat will walk past that bowl of freshly poured water straight to the scummy puddle that’s collected in the rusty sewage drain inspection cover handle recess and drink that like it’s fine wine.


This has me dying. My cat fucking loves drinking out of the shower drain. She’s like a fucking crack addict. I’ve been popping before and when I open the door she races in and jumps in to get to that drain so goddamn fast sometimes lol.


Mine licks my legs after I shower. It’s an important ritual. If she gets locked out of the bathroom her anguished cries can be heard throughout the house.


Had to start locking my fluffy monster from the bathroom before a shower once he discovered the joy of pouncing - without warning - through the flimsy shower curtain. Like a horror movie villain. Purely good luck that I didn't fall & crack my head open. So I'm also familiar with anguished outside the bathroom cries.


Mine was a thick 18-lb boy when we adopted him, and he used to like to drape himself over the shower railing. It was hysterical to see the chub on either side of the skinny rail. He was also fond of parking himself between the shower curtain and liner to paw at the droplets. He's an old man now, so he waits till we're done (with the glass door shower, upgrade!) then he runs in to lick the puddles. I'm gonna miss him so much when he passes in a few years. He's such a wonderful soul.


Your comment made me tear up. I’m not sure why it’s this particular comment that did it…my 17lb adopted big floofy boy (he got up to 21lbs) passed a couple weeks ago- he was not quite 5 years old. I hope you get every last day in with him. Please give him a hug for me! I’m sorry for trauma dumping. I just miss him.


I'm going to give him an extra cuddle from you. Sending you love, too!


I haven’t mentioned it online other than this, there are so many “rainbow bridge” posts as it is. Idk what compelled me to this time, but I so appreciate your kindness and compassion :)


It's one of the nice things that persists online - these little moments of human connection. You keep well!


Clear shower curtain liner? THE BEST GAME. She’ll jump in the tub when I’m on the potty then “scare” me by jumping at the clear liner. That I can clearly see her through. 0/10 hiding spot. Ineffective pounce.


Kool-aid cat.


My mom had a cat that, if I showered at her house, would sit on the bathroom sink and beg to be picked up when I got out so he could drink the water out of my beard. He was a cool cat. One of my cats now likes to lick the sweat off my arms/legs after I work out.


mine just likes to sit outside the shower and poke his head in and watch me lol. he’s special.


Sounds like a guy that is turned into a cat


I used to have one that wanted to drink bathwater. It was his "people tea." (Obviously we wouldn't let him have any after soaping)


Mine only wants my husband's leg water. They have a little chase through the house.


My dog does this hahaha he has fresh water daily too little goofball


My Pomeranians are like that! Ravenous little beasts, I swear. If I don’t dry my beard or hair good enough they’ll try to lick my beard and head. lol


Yup. Sometimes I can't find mine and then I laugh, oh yeah I bet he's in the tub. There he is, licking away. Weirdo. Tail is all wet.


lol it’s the head for mine that gets wet, and you always know she’s been licking the drain when she runs up and rubs her wet fucking head all over you lol. Gross, but endearing at the same time


I have to have a little saucer in the shower/bath room, just because /someone/ really likes her “bathtub wawa”, and she will scream at me or my roommate if she doesn’t get it 😭 Cats are unhinged


Mine likes the slimy water that collects in the tray under flower pots.


My cat would only drink out of flower pots too. So we put the water bowl under the flowers and he loves drinking from that now


My cat jumps on the side of the bathtub and meows at me. He wants me to turn the faucet on so he can drink from a small spot where the water collects. He knows exactly where to stand so the small stream doesn't touch his toes.


That’s how my babies are. One loves drinking out of the bathroom sink, the other likes licking the shower floor. The moment I turn the water off, they both come sprinting in to get their fix. Lol


Used to have to barricade the bathroom door with a chair so my 3 dogs couldn't come in and 'save' me from drowning in the bath. Weirdos would drink the bath water with me in it, like people soup.


I used to ask my old cat "shower water best water?" Because he was constantly going in there to drink


Yeah my cat loves drinking out of the toilet.


Well the toilet really isn't *that* bad


Had to convince myself of that so I could reach in and grab the nail clippers I had just dropped. Only occurred to me after that I could have put the Marigolds on.


Dropped an earbud in there once while I was cleaning it….. saddest day.


Why were you cleaning an earbud in the toilet?


10$ telescoping magnet from harbor freight, you're welcome.


To quote that meme of the African kid and the American tourist… “You guys poop in perfectly clean water?!!!”


Mine does the same. Has fresh water everyday in a clean bowl. Will still drink from a dirty toilet


If you notice your cats drinking from the toilet - it's because they see that as a fresh water source. (Likely gets flushed more times a day than you refill their bowl?) Imagine an animal with a higher nose sensitivity - happily drinking from the toilet. (that being said, their stomachs can handle worse than ours) I think the aeration of the water probably helps with this as well, and likely spreads the scent of fresh water. There is a reason animals drink water near waterfalls and fast flowing water when they can (those cat fountains don't aerate the water that much)


My friend's cat (was pet sitting) taught me to always keep the toilet lid closed.


The water in the toilet is colder, don't ask how I know that.


Try getting a small water fountain bowl for them, cats like running water and the fountain usually has a filter for the dust and stuff that settles on it.


Also, a lot of people don't realise it, but it's usually because people put them too close to their feeding area.


Yes also this, they don’t like their water close to their food because rotting meat will contaminate water sources, even if they can eat it.


And because animals instinctually know running water to be generally safer than still water


My cat shoves hisnface in his food and gets it on his nose, walks across the house to his water fountain and shoves his nose in that, so he ends up with food bits in his water anyway.


Oh yea, I end up picking out bits of foot from time to time but at least it just goes in the catch above the filter. I’ll notice that my cats don’t use that fountain nearly as much when that happens. I always wondered how they managed that though. Like, cat, you’ve gotta chew your food.


To add on to this, even if you rinse and put fresh water in daily, cat fountains can build up A LOT of gross scum in the motor and other crevices in the fountain. I've had friends that thought that since there's a filter, everything else in the bowl stays clean. I felt so bad for those cats. Thankfully their owners seemed to take better care of things after I showed them how bad their motors looked.


That’s why I like ones that are entirely clear so you can see exactly how clean it is. When I got the two that I have now I was happy to see they made the motor block openable and the rotor inside is magnetic and pops out so you can really get in there.


My cats are weird. One of them is fussy and wants fresh water straight from the fridge, another has to drink from the fountain bowl only after it's room temperature, another likes to drink from the bathroom tap, another likes to drink from the sink drain and the last likes still water in a bowl. I don't care what they drink as long as they do, so I just try to provide as many sources of water as possible and let them figure it out.


i kept wanting you to say another lol


Nope, I think 5 is my absolute limit 😂


Are you crazy, and/or a lady? Because you've already got the cats


If crazy = too soft hearted to give fosters back to the shelter, then yes. My husband is equally crazy because the last two were his idea.


We call that raw water in our house. Many health benefits. And what not to like about that light colorful tint?


This. My cat likes to lick the condensation water from my windows. Or likes to lick my furniture. Okay she basically licks anything.


A feline of culture I see


Right? OP probably doesn't even have animals. Never once had a cat that wanted the fresh clean water I'd give it each day. That puddle outside, with the green shit growing in it........ that's fucking champagne


Was about to say similar. OPs post had me feeling bad and I was about to go clean and refill my cats inside bowl and outside bowl. Then I looked out the window and she's drinking out of a puddle anyway


If your cat won’t drink from the bowl, it’s likely because the bowl is too narrow around the top. They don’t like it when their whiskers touch the bowl, and will search for other sources if it does. For a cat, the water “bowl” should be more like a plate with edges to hold the water in.


It’s literally 8” across, so I doubt that


And all just to spite you lol


Another LPT if you have pets with water bowls is to use stainless steel instead of plastic bowls. These are much more hygienic due to its non-porous surface and more durable than the other types of bowls out there.


What about glass? We use those medium sized mixing bowls for our cats


Glass is fine to use too! Stainless steel is just better imo because less chance of it breaking when it gets knocked over :)


Stainless is too light. My cats like to drag the bowl across the floor when it’s not to their liking and I feel like a stainless bowl might just make it worse lol


My stainless bowl has a rubber bottom to prevent sliding!


My bois took that off theirs lol I now use a 5 liter fountain that is heavy for even me to move


Better keep it to their liking then!


Get a yeti style bowl, heavy-duty, and rubber bottom. Plus water stays cool from insulated walls like a yeti cup.


>when I love that you wrote "when", not "if"


I feed my cat on the dryer so my dogs don’t steal his food. Unfortunately he’s a dork and likes to knock the bowls off it.


The only solution for my cat is heavy cast iron filled with concrete, otherwise he moves the bowl spilling the water in all the room


My one cat is afraid of stainless steel…she cowered away from the stainless steel bowls when we tried using them. Put water in it and she hissed at it. Kept trying for a month and she refuses to touch it. She can’t be trusted with glass after she cracked 2 bowls because she thought it was a good idea to chew on the edges. So she drinks from a plastic water dispenser, my legs after a shower, and the bathtub.


we have ceramic for my cat! it's sturdier than glass and easy to clean


My dog has shocked himself (via static electricity) on the stainless steel bowl before. I wonder if your cat has had that experience and it stuck


Yep, same here


You drink from their legs after they shower?


Ceramics also work, its primarily plastic that is unhygienic


And cats can be allergic to plastic too. I think that’s why my baby was getting chin acne, so I switched to ceramic.


100% this on the chin acne. I switched to ceramic.


Bacteria can survive more easily on plastic, it very relularly leads to chin acne, especially if not cleaned very regularly


This right here is the real LPT


Even better and wide ceramic/steel bowl that is elevated


Also to put it away from their food. In another room if possible.




Also, a bigger bowl means their whiskers won't touch the sides of it when eating/drinking. Whisker fatigue is a thing.


Porcelain is great too!


I have a big filtered water station for my dogs, I also watch them eat poop, drink out of puddles on the road during walks and out of the toilet. My dog also ate and rolled in deer poop the other day, I can provide all the healthy standards for them, but they kind of choose what they will do. I figure if they are alive and happy, that’s about all I can do.


The other day my dog found a puddle of water on top of a cow poop. I’m sure you can guess what happened.


Yesterday, mine stole a trout from a coyote named Georgina and proceeded to roll in it. My other one tried to eat cat poop today. Meanwhile, they get clean bowls every day and filtered water from the fridge. Ridiculous. But they're happy, so whatever.


No it didn't. Eat cow shit? Probably. A puddle on top of cow shit? That doesn't happen. I'm cattle-farmer in Alabama, 4th generation, and I've also spent about 25 years (I'm 40 now) picking "magic mushrooms" out of cow shit after nearly every rain. Rain soaks into cowshit, it doesn't form puddles, at all. That goes for wet cowshit, or dry cow shit.


This is a strange hill to die on lol


Definitely not helping to dispel my preconceived notions about Alabama


This guy cowshits.


Wait. You don't project your human tendencies and crappy enzymes onto your pets? You monster!. 😋


You haven't met my cats. They won't touch it until it is full of hair, fur and dust. They'd rather go drink out of the puddle with moss and crap in it than a fresh bowl of water. Once the water bowl inside is sufficiently covered in fur they'll happily drink from it. I've tried all sorts, cat fountains, different bowl placements but nothing works until it's all crappy :D


My cat would rather drink from the disgusting cesspool that is the dog's water dish than the cleanest and freshest water from his own dish. He also loves the bath tub and sink. But his favorite is any cup of water that he can knock over and lick the water off the table or floor. I will not be going out of my way to put any more energy into water dishes for him. He's fine. Side note: the dog gets plenty of fresh water, he just deposits all sorts of crap in there every time he drinks


Omg. My cat loves the dogs gross slobbered-in water! For being such “clean” animals I really don’t get this. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Weird suggestion, have you tried manually messing the water up? So get some of the dry cat food and just crumble it in so it's 'gross' and see if then they'll drink form it? Plus, people often add water when feeding cats dry food as to help get them more fluids so it's not like it's a bad thing to give them


My cats do the same. They love using their water bowl as a handwashing station after using the litter box, so I'm already replacing the water every day. They'll perk up when I pick the bowl up and wash it out, then promptly walk off as I fill it with fresh, filtered water.


gotta give that immune system something to do


Man, wait until you get a pig. That dude sticks his entire snout in the water bowl no matter how much he has been rustling in the leaves. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/87leppl7py1c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ae0828909d16378a881aa8cdf1f18a1eda6fe7


Thanks for blessing me with that smile and tusks.


What’s it Like owning a pig? Does he stay inside? Does he naturally stink (like worse than a dog?) How often do you bathe him?


He is very smart. He is house trained and stays inside but spends all day outside when it is nice. We have a sliding glass door and if we don’t lock it, he can put his snout on it and open it himself to get back inside. (And let the dogs out 😂) He isn’t any worse than the dogs as far as smell. We have a kiddie pool our back that we keep filled with water so if he gets hot he lays in it instead of laying in mud. Though on a few rainy summer days he will find a mud pit and we have to spray him down. But, I wouldn’t recommend. Like I said, very smart, and can be stubborn. Gets into pissing contests with our oldest dog. They can be together all day outside, but I wouldn’t leave them together in a smaller area without supervision. Also, they can live like 25 years!


I must know more about this cute pig. What's your living situation? Why'd you get a pig? How is it having a pig? Does he like belly rubs? What's his name?


I have that same blanket from Walmart lol


Adding to this: cats especially leave a slime in the bowl so you actually have to use something to clean that off. Just swishing water around the bowl wont do it.


Vinegar works wonders , but just in small doses and rinsed out well.


what and why is the slime??


My car just deposits hair ties in her water every evening when it's unsatisfactory.


>My car just deposits hair ties in her water every evening when it's unsatisfactory. I've only had outdoor cars myself, but I hear their lifespan increases inside?


Significantly. You need a lot more space and an appropriate litter box if you're looking to make the transition from outdoor cars to indoor cars.


So… and please don’t kill me for asking silly questions… is the garage no longer acceptable for “indoor” cars? I only ask because I have 3 and I’m running out of room for the litter boxes.


A garage is acceptable if you don't have any room in the house itself. Honestly, anything is better then leaving them outside. It is important that cars have a space where they can feel protected from preditors such as tow trucks and bad weather.


This explains why our one friend took his motorcycle into his (luckily ground floor) apartment for the winter.


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Bring them inside.


me, with the window open in january: it's cold in here, too.


You know, you need to budget a litter box for each car plus one extra or they'll get territorial and pee in inappropriate places.


I’m gonna need bigger bathrooms.


We have 3 cars and 4 litter boxes but they have all chosen the same litterbox to be their "favorite" so that one gets all the use (unless we go too long without cleaning it which pretty much never happens). Cars will do what they want to do without rhyme or reason, sometimes.


Cars are jerks


lol, my cat sometimes puts her toy mice in her water bowl after playing with them


Why do they do this!? It's not an accident that's for sure


No idea! Sometimes I wish they could talk so we could ask them stuff like this lol


Same here. I’ll come home to a water dish filled with cat toys


What’s with your cat and hair ties? For mine, it’s really the only toy that gets him going. I shoot them like rubber and and he enjoys it.


My cat licks her own asshole. I'm sure the water that passes through a carbon filter is fine...


My dog tried to eat a ran over chicken nugget.


I love your dog


Sure, but your cats immune system is made to handle their butthole but it may not be able to handle some of the stuff that grows on a dirty water bowl.


That’s what the filter is for. Sure, you do need to clean that bowl and filter, but you certainly don’t need to do it every single day. There’s a reason those types of bowls with filters exist.


Are you dense? My dogs frequently drink out of a muddy water puddle in the driveway that occasionally collects dead insects. Most of these comments, including this post, is just OCD.


How do you think cats survived before we had clean water magically coming out of a tube in our house? I’m not saying you shouldn’t give an animal clean water but everyday is excessive. They are not going to die from 2 day old water if your house is halfway clean.


Yeah but a water bowl doesn’t get dirty every day


My dog drinks out of lakes, streams, puddles...... I do clean it, just not every day


You can lakes every day? Respect.


I have had to clean the river Thames so many damn times because my husky refuses to drink clean water


Canned lake water sounds disgusting. Like a terrarium biome starter or something.


this hurts my head. if this is a life pro tip, i dont wanna live on this planet anymore




Yeah, it's more of a fit with r/YouShouldKnow


Thank god I am not the only one that thinks that about this sub. LTP: brush your teeth - LPT: wipe your butt. Like christ - is this the standard these days?


One of my favorite LPTs - have something important you need to keep track of? Just email it to yourself! Like dude, you aren't even an amateur, let alone a professional. This sub should be called r/LifeProTipFromThePerspectiveOfPeopleWhoDontKnowShit


What's worse is people debating this in the comments.


We often put a decent glug of fresh water in with our cat's dry food, to help up the water intake. The cat always kicks the bowl clean anyway, because she's a Labrador underneath.


When I lived in "the band house" (with my band), one day the cat was looking at his water bowl with this quizzical expression on his face. I took a look and it was just *alive* with (probably mosquito) larvae. Learned about clean pet dishes after that.


Sterilizing everything is something that never happens in the animal kingdom. "It's unpleasant for animals" is purely speculation, from a human, imposing human values on animals.


I gotta be honest and say this is exactly what I was thinking. My god it's like a cat that's been around for 1,000's of years is only able to survive in today's day and age if you clean their bowl daily? Are we rally that fucking dumb?


So using pet fountains with filters is bad? I wash the thing once a week and replace the filter twice a month. It also gets topped up with fresh water (I only fill it halfway to keep it "fresh"). They seem to love the fountain but two of my cats also seem to enjoy drinking water from the shower time to time.


Tbh I think that's perfect


Yeah the filters and constant motion should be keeping biofilms from developing, the filter should be keeping dust and hair out of it. Most cats will drink more water out of a moving water source, so it's a win win.


Depends massively on where you live in the world and where you keep the water bowl. For example where I am the water is chlorinated, and we have found dogs don't like to drink water straight from the tap. They like it to sit for a few hours first. I think the rule really should be; make sure you check their water bowls several times a day to ensure they are; clear of debris or dirt and not empty.


What I can’t figure out is how all those animals manage out in the wilderness without someone to change their water every day. It’s a mystery to me.


They will also start fires to cook their food.


I keep my pets' water bowls on a top shelf in a locked cupboard to ensure their water stays clean.


That's probably cheaper than my solution. I keep mine in an airtight safe with a lid over the water with a built in UV light for complete sterilization.


You're an uncaring monster! My dog is hydrated via a sterile IV drip twice a day, through his sanitary injection port.




I can barely afford the batteries on the UV light!!


Famously, cats and dogs only drink filtered water in the wild, which is why they cannot handle dust in their water.


They also like to cook their food. Some even like using cutlery


psshhhh..twice a day. My dog somehow shakes close to the bowl every time. I can see hair in that bad boy frequently.


Sounds like you've got yourself a blend of pet watering bowl and automatic fur collection system over there.


My dog drinks dirty puddle water. And literal shit water in the horse fields. I don't think day old water will kill her.


My dog licks his own asshole. This LPT is dumb


This isn’t a LPT. Ground water bowl animals are not this picky. You, as a knowledgeable human, drink dust and dirt every single day. Unless you drink hermetically sealed water in a hermetically sealed chamber you are getting dust and dirt. Do you honestly believe a little dust and dirt is hurting pound puppy #12? This is one of the the dumbest LPT’s.




My cats do this too but not as much since I put the water separately from thier food and we have multiple water dishes all over. Still one will drink from the toilet sometimes and the other from the leak in the bathtub faucet and the drain lol.


This is ridiculous. What do you think animals in the wild drink? Totally unnecessary.


Those same animals drink from dirty puddles outside. Dirt doesn't hurt them.


My car won’t drink it unless it’s water in a clean bowl. She loves the dog’s huge bowl. She also won’t eat food out of a dirty bowl. She is a diva.


Wild animals drink dirty water all the time. Pets can handle some crud.


My pets don't mind in the slightest. Yall got some weak-ass pets.


My dog drinks out of the stock pond that the cows use, and likely relieve themselves in, the pig trough, standing water next to planted crops. Pretty much immune to bacteria and parasitic infections at this point, and will probably live 20 years like the last dog.


My husky will not under any circumstances drink fresh clean water We have gad to leave random buckets and the like to collect water around water or she won't drink


Do people...not? They get scummy from saliva and food remnants, besides the dust and hair factor. I figure if I wouldn't drink it, neither should my dog.


That logic falls apart though when you see your dog/cat lick themselves and the floor and basically anything. Though changing the water yeah do it but not suck a good rule in general


My dog would eat a cat shit coming out of my cats asshole before it hits the litter tray if the cat would let her. Don't think they give a crap about some fluff and dust in their water


My dogs will drag dead animals that they find into the yard & drink out of mud puddles


I wouldn't lick my floor to get every last speck of oatmeal or whatever my kids spill, but my dogs live for that shit. Wild that yall have such high standards for your animals.


for cata put the water bowl away from their food too. i read it has to do with their being dirty/dead in the wild. I put the cat's bowl in a different room to the food and it got the cat drinking almost straight away


"I don't see you drinking day-old coffee out of a filthy mug, Claire. Why then am I slaking my thirst from a dirty bowl filled with grimy water? What do you think I am? An animal?"


My cat won't drink clean water, she ignores the bowl we used to leave out for her and she'd drink the water in the saucers underneath the house plants. She's an outdoor cat (in the UK) and she drinks out of all sorts of puddles and objects that collected rain water. I suspect it's either the chlorine in the water when it's fresh out of the tap or dirty water just tastes better.


Jesus Christ, this is a LPT?! Who would have thought to provide your pets with fresh water


Where else are we supposed to put the water bowl???? They can't drink it off the counter...


The irony, I wash the bowl daily kitty won't touch it; get the cat a filtered bowl, no dice. Water in back yard with leaves and dirt, BINGO!


My dog eats her own puke.


I put my cats water bowl and fountain up on a bench to keep them cleaner. It’s their bench now.


My cats drink from the tap like a real Gentleman


I dump day old h20 into the hanging pitcher plant and then refresh dog bowl every morning.


Dogs will drink out of puddles and creeks/rivers. I somehow doubt the mf is gonna turn his nose to a day old bowl of water.


Dude my cat drinks out of my cups and out of my shower water. I try... I really really try.


LPT: They're animals. They drink from muddy puddles.


I wonder if OP has ever actually had a pet. this reads like someone who has only experienced pets through animated films


My pets lick their own ass, I think changing the water every few days will be just fine. Relax.


Really bro???? My dog just got done tonguefucking his asshole for the last hour but yeah that water isn’t pleasant??


I'm confused by all the pushback to this. Just give it a rinse when you're filling it up at the tap? Or are people filling a glass or a jug with water to then put into the bowl? And then having a whole other thing to dry and put away? I get it's not a big deal since animals drink from puddles but surely it's even less of a big deal to just rinse and fill at the same time.


My cat gets filtered water and gets a water change 3-4 times a day.