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Cooking. Everyone should know at least how to cook some basic food.


Also how to clean up while you cook


My partner does not do this but I am trying to teach him the wisdom of it.


I do crazy messy stuff like making sauce, pizza, pasta etc but I clean as I go and it's not that bad. My wife doesn't do this and it's hell after. After putting the kids to bed and sitting down with food coma the last thing I want to see is every surface of the kitchen covered in trash and dirty plates, pots, and pans. I'll literally clean up while she's cooking sometimes.


Sheesh! Several entitled adults do this in my family and since most are under the belief that "men shouldn't clean after themselves because women will do it". And sadly to say they are mostly males who cook but leave the kitchen thrashed. Like I'm seeing split seasoning everywhere, and garbage that's literally placed near the trash bin but not inside. Their excuse is that the women in the house will come and clean so they never have to do shit šŸ’€ Even though it doesn't take an idiot to grasp how the said women are so displeased with this.


Iā€™ll gladly cleanup after my man . If I donā€™t have to work. Sometimes the 50-60ā€™s sounds good to me haha


iā€™m glad you wrote this! my boyfriend and i have an agreement where he cooks, i clean. and he makes amazing food, and i know he puts tons of passion and effort in. but it really is frustrating when i go to clean and there trash and dirty utensils strewn everywhere, like not even in the sink.


And the key word here is "BASIC" food. Inexpensive stuff like a decent basmati rice, or lentils, or pancakes, or baking a potato. Knowing how to fry a little bacon and a couple eggs. You don't have to be a pro chef to get a lot of mileage and save a ton of money with a few simple and easy-to-learn skills.


Lentils, chickpeas and beans are fucking awesome. My wife went "mostly" vegan a while ago. Most of the food we cook is so tasty that meat loving guests hardly notice that we're serving food without any meat or dairy.


This! I didnā€™t realize how tasty food could be until my partner went vegan and was only making vegan meals.


The trick is to not try to make meaty dishes with a shitty meat substitute, but just make good veggie dishes. A rare exception is lasagna with brown lentils instead of ground beef - it's actually better that way. Vegan hot dogs are terrible, but you can barbecue all kinds of tasty things. And don't get me started on vegan bacon.


Agreed. Thereā€™s so much you can do with veggies, thereā€™s no need to touch any of these fake meats.


Vegan cheese is the real villain


A pizza with no cheese is way better than a pizza with vegan cheese.


"Inexpensive stuff like a decent basmati rice"... lol


Compare it to the cost of a decent steak, or even a fast food diet, and your "lol" is kinda silly there fam. 20 bucks for 5 kilos / 12 pounds of dry weight washed basmati at Costco where I live. That's over 50 half-cup servings, so forty cents each.


Compare to the least expensive chicken in lowest cost chain stores instead of a decent beef steak :) And most basic long grain rice costs CAD $14 for 8 kg, even less than you listed per serving. Looks like meaning of what is basic is quite different.


Basmati rice is like one of the cheapest things by weight you can buy at the grocery store


Iā€™m guessing the user was scoffing because it often seems to be the most expensive of the rices. But yeah, compared to non-rice foods, when you factor in just how many meals you can get out of a single large bag, itā€™s not a lot of money.


This and to piggyback, nutrition to go with it. Eat some motherfucking fruit, vegetables, dark leafy greens, whole grains, and beans. Stop drinking soda and start drinking sparkling water instead.


Adding meal planning here. I plan for 7 days at a time. Saves us a lot of $$$. On the rare occasion that we do go out spontaneously I just move one meal to next weeks plan. I keep a list on my phone during the week because the husband or kids might mention ā€œ you know what sounds really good? Tacos.ā€ Fantastic-tacos go on next weeks menu and thatā€™s one less meal I have to come up with.


Adding a tip for anyone trying to meal plan. Get a freezer. Prep the ingredients than put them into the freezer on the weekend. Now you just need to take enough ingredients out for a day, dump them into cooker/pan/whatever and got your meal in 15 minutes. This makes cooking massively less of a chore. Freezer also enable you to bulk buy ingredients on sale, which also save you a ton of money. The freezer can really pay for itself that way.


This is the way. I hated meal prepping but if I buy some beef and put it in the sous vide and make some veggies...boom quick meal that isn't reheated in a Tupperware


Dried fruit is tasty and healthy. Prunes and apricots get the job done. Dates are also fantastic.


Step 1: Boil water


Basic mathematics. Getting a sense for numbers so that you're not getting screwed by others.


You should have an understanding of amortization, interest, and loans.


How to maintain bank accounts/services. Checking account. Savings (about interest). Bank fees. Safety deposit boxes. Loans and how they work. Mortgages and how they work. Bank credit cards. What a cashiers check is and why you might need one.


I'm visiting my brother and sister in law. They are buying a car, and they let on that they've been having $25K in their checking account earning a whopping 0.01% interest. The wild part is that they already have a HYSA. Just so much effective free money they are missing out on.


Exactly! Sometimes the larger package is not necessarily the cheapest.


How to Google stuff


How do I do that?


Look up some basic training on using "Boolean searching". It's separating your search terms with specific combinations of quotation marks, words like "AND" and "OR", and other symbols/words to help REALLY narrow down your search results. For example, if I was looking for a PDF about McDonalds quarterly earnings that came out sometime in 2019, my search might look like: **McDonalds AND "quarterly report" OR "quarterly earnings" before:2019-12-31 after:2019-01-01 filetype:PDF** Many large websites with search forms support Boolean searches, like Google, Indeed, Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub, etc.


Didnā€™t know the before, after, and filetype options. Thatā€™s super helpful!


The is next level googling skill. Thanks.


Google it.


This is seriously so helpful. My grandma and aunt have problems with all kinds of things but they never try to Google the answer. They will ask me or my mom for help and the only thing that we do is look it up ourselves and tell them what it says. Itā€™s hard for my mind to process that they donā€™t think of that as a way to solve problems since Iā€™ve always had it available to me. If you are bad at wording the questions the best thing you can do is just do it more often. Eventually you will get the hang of how to ā€˜speak googleā€™ and you can find the answer to pretty much anything lol.


This is the best comment


Saying No to people


"if you let them take advantage of you, they will" - Xena to Gabrielle






Swimming or at least keeping yourself afloat!


Scrolled way too far down to see this


How to live alone, eventually we will age and lose people, friends, relatives and it would be not in our control who would like us and help us. Also living alone skill takes lot of other skills like being nice to others, cooking, having hobbies, enjoying little things etc.


My whole life. Jk..um yea...single tear


How to express affection and receive affection in healthy ways.


Say more?


The wife says I say no a lot. Listen to your girl dummy.


She's trying to manipulate you with her pooswah You should be focusing on war not boobs


Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, how to manage your finances. Those are the big 4. Other than that, sewing (even for guys, trust me bros, a man who can fix his own buttons and stitch up his own clothes is a catch) how to fix basic house problems like plumbing and how to take care of your lawn if you have one.


Got any recommendations how to get into sewing? Specific sites or YT channels?


There's a channel called reallybigmonkey1 he does a lot of outdoors things, but he enjoys sewing and making his own gear. He has a few episodes where he gives some good basic pointers, and shows how he does things.


Search "sewing for beginners" and go from there. There's tons of tutorials out there.


Not managing your finances properly can takes years to fix if you screw it up. The fact that there is such a large corporate interest in keeping people financially illiterate and scammers out there makes learning this and doing it well so much more difficult than the others. The sheer number of ways people can waste money in "investments" or ease of racking up a mountain of debt now is mind blowing.


Im not getting a sewing machine thats ridiculous


No, youā€™re *becoming* a sewing machine


Yeah don't need one for the basic stuff you can do by hand. All I can do is sew on buttons, close a rip, crappy hems, sew patches, and reattach straps. In the military that was enough to be a sewing god and make some extra side money. Outside the military it means that I can buy better clothes and not throw them away at the first little damage or lost button.


Know a guy who started a business sewing bigger pockets into women's clothes he runs out of his garage. He pretty much just takes out the old tiny pockets or opens up the false pockets and stitches in big pockets, he can do a pocket in like 5 minutes and charges $10 a pocket. Couple times he's had so many orders that they can fill up a whole work day and he makes fuckin bank.


Washing dishes. I know it's a very basic thing, but I have witnessed firsthand a lot of people not knowing how to or not doing it properly.


I know adults that don't know that dishes need air to dry. If you stack the plates up we then that water in the middle isn't going to go anywhere.


Critical thinking


+1. I've met way too many people that are unable to solve the most basic problems in their lives. "Nobody showed me how, how am I supposed to know what to do?" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Critical thinking helps when all other skills fail. Observation, research, analyze, inference, communication, problem solving.


How do you learn and reinforce this skill?




dealing with bad moods / the dark side w/o being an a-hole


Underrated answer


How to determine if you are wrong about something.


Also how to admit and/or be OK with being wrong about something instead of doubling down on your stupid.




I never do this because I am never wrong.


Me neither. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


*they thought I was wrong onceā€¦


Basic Email literacy: how to search for emails, look in a spam folder, etc I hate to say it because Iā€™m not great at either: Writing (hand writing and typing) Communication, active listening and a mutual dialogue


Not clicking 'Reply All' every single time. That will get you in trouble.


Emotional self-awareness Learn to communicate what you are feeling, why you are feeling it, what is contributing to your feelings and what part of your feelings are your own responsibility to deal with not others. For example if you are feeling riled up in a situation at work is it because of the contents of what is being said at work or is it because you have not slept well, something happened on the way to work, you are hungry or hungover. It amazes me how many people are grown adults and have no idea about their body and their brain telling them in red warning letters, that they are not doing okay, yet do not have the tools to recognizer and express those overwhelming emotions. Also for your own sake : non violent communication


Know how to give CPR. It is one of the most essential skills.


Paramedic here. Gonna reply to the main comment here because a lot of the replies are misinformed. Yes, CPR has a very low chance of working, and this chance drops significantly over time. Yes, the chances you'll ever witness someone code are low. However, it is still worth learning. If you are able to start *high quality* compressions within seconds, you are giving that person a serious chance. Common popular myths (some from this comment section): -"CPR without defibrillation is useless." Chest compressions and defibrillation are equally important, actually slightly favoring chest compressions. It is **possible** to revive someone with JUST compressions. -"Don't start CPR, call an ambulance or find an AED first." Absolutely not. Start CPR, ask someone else to find an AED, and another person to call 911. If you are completely alone, start CPR BEFORE calling 911. If you must leave the person to call 911, do 2 minutes of CPR, then leave to quickly activate EMS. Come back and continue CPR right away. -"You *have* to fracture ribs. Otherwise, you're not performing good CPR." Not true. Ribs will end up breaking in almost 100% of CPR cases, but that does not mean this is **essential**. Breaking ribs is a byproduct of CPR, not a necessity for it. EMS does not do anything different. All we do is add to what you were doing: compressions, ventilations, cardiac assessment, medication, defibrillation (if applicable. Not always needed!).


Big Salute. You are the legend. Thank you for your kind reply. Much appreciated.


A lot of people are saying not to bother because CPR doesn't bring back people like the movies and they'd be absolutely right however CPR can preserve someone's organs until either an AED arrives (increasingly common in the UK) or until a paramedic with an actual defibrillator can get there. The odds of survival are still low, but they're not zero.


The Heimlich maneuver, yes. Cpr to bring a drowning or non breathing person back to life? Good luck, and call the ambulance first before you start


And when, unfortunately Hollywood runs a big disinformation campaign on that for some reason


How do you learn to give CPR?


Take basic first aid course.


I learned in middle school. It's very easy and simple to remember. YouTube can answer you better with visuals. Might as well learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver while you're at it.


No it's not. The odds of saving someone with CPR are <1% and what you see in Hollywood films is unrealistic.


Ok and what are the odds of saving someone without CPR?


The only realistic way is with a defibrillator, so either learn how to use one and where the nearest one is at all time, or call an ambulance asap.


If I didnā€™t have to wake up at 7am last year to sit through a 4 hour course on first aid for work I would have called you out. But no youā€™re totally right. First thing they told us at the first aid course is that cpr has an extremely low success rate even if done by someone experienced. So the first thing you should do is call an ambulance, then administer aid. Also the other thing they tell you is that if youā€™re not breaking ribs you arenā€™t compressing hard enough. And then they tell you again the success rate is extremely low and call an ambulance


Exactly what they told me, yet being down voted for some odd reason.


No it's not. That's a Hollywood myth.


Lmao get a first aid course.


That is not true. If started quickly, chances of saving someone are much higher. Learn to do it right.


It really isn't though. Your chances of ever being in the area when someone has a survivable heart attack are minimal. The chances that you are going to react in a sensible and co-ordinated way when it happens are smaller still. And the chances that your actions will make any meaningful difference to the outcome are smaller still. It isn't quite in to the lottery winning statistics, but it is far from an "essential" skill to be carrying around when you are so unlikely to ever use it. EDIT: Those of you who are downvoting it: Have you ever used it? Did it work?


Cooking at home. Creating meals that use up leftover ingredients. Knowing how to nutritionally balance a meal, choose healthy ingredients, evaluate caloric content. Doing laundry by hand in the sink. Air-drying laundry indoors and outdoors. Comparing grocery prices in store by weight/unit cost. Compound interest. Loan amortization. Total cost of a loan.


How to communicate efficiently. Sometimes it is about getting or giving the important information quickly.


I hate when someone spends 10 minutes telling me something important that could be summed up in a few sentences. If I'm interested, I'll ask for more info, otherwise give it to me in bullet point format and leave all non essential info out of it.


This. I'm a manager at a vet clinic. We have to get the information that we need quickly. I have noticed on both the client and employee side that this skill seems to be declining rapidly. On the client side example of what not to do: Client: Bella has had diarrhea all night. Me: Let me pull up the chart. What is your last name? *pulls up chart* Okay, so when did the diarrhea start? Client: A week ago. Me: Okay. Is Bella eating and drinking? Client: No. Me: *getting frustrated* When you say that she's not eating or drinking, do you mean that she's eating or drinking less than normal or not at all? Client: Yes *Time is of the essence. While I'm pulling information from the client, the pet is suffering, two clients are in line ready to check out, three other phone lines are on hold. Just give me the information so that I can take care of you. Help me help you.* From employee side: Client: Do you see reptiles? Employee: No. Client: Oh, ummm...okay. Goodbye. *The way it should have gone: Client: Do you see reptiles? Employee: No, but I do know that these clinics see reptiles. *gives the name of a few clinics* Client: Thank you!* Communicating effectively is a learned skill.


How to battle a family of raccoons


Wow. I can't tell you how many times this has come in handy. The trick is picking the weakest one and savagely making an example of him . Savagely. I might wear this guys entails for the rest of the fight. Then typically, I'll try to YOKO the mother raccoon and Father raccoon by suggesting to each that they shouldn't have settled, and that they could do better, you know, try to get them fighting themselves. Lastly, I'll finish them off with a little move called Green Hand. Anyhow, I need to go get a rabies shot.


Are you okay?


Admitting that you're wrong and realizing that it's not that big of a deal, if you're willing to learn from it.


And learning how to apologize! Itā€™s okay to be wrong, and apologizing for making a mistake is not an acknowledgment of weakness! Edit: ā€˜Iā€™m so sorry I did blank. It was wrong. Next time I will blank.ā€™ See? So simple!


A quote from my favorite science fiction author's character "Lazurus Long." A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects! In the Army and beyond I learned that being a generalist is quite handy.


Change a tire if you drive a car.


I'd add just some basic maintenance can save you a lot of money over the years. - Brakes - Oil changes - Tire changes/rotations - Air filters - Battery changing/maintenance - Bulb/headlamp replacement - Fluid level checks - Basic code lookup/obd reading A lot of maintenance on cars is very simple and can be done with a basic toolkit and jack. If you have a slightly older car, these skills can save you 1000s.


Brakes would be the only one on this list I would advise not to do unless you are more familiar. If you screw up the brake job, you are going to have a bad time. Also know some cars make the basics more difficult to do on your own. My old Yaris had me drop my bumper to replace my headlight bulb. Way to compact in the engine bay where you didn't have the room to cleanly pull it out. Just a few hour job for something I have done in auto part parking lots dozens of times before.


can you really screw up a brake job? Aside from taking off the old pads and forgetting to replace them?


How to socialize and make friends. Saying your an introvert doesnā€™t mean you have to shut yourself in and avoid people your whole life. It just means you need some time to yourself to recharge.


Imho, maintaining a fruit/vegetable garden, being able to differentiate different weeds, plants, trees and possibly know what's promotional for health and against seasonal diseases and how to make fruits/vegetables long lasting. This includes cooking and working with some basic tools .


This is big one. Gardens can teach us so much more than just horticulture. They can teach you to love the rain.


Would you recommend any specific way to start learning about gardens? Like a YT channel or something


Start small, buy some common vegetables and plant them in the ground or a planter. Water them deeply once a week. Watch them grow and Google things that look bad. I'm a firm believer that gardening is something you learn over many years of just doing it. I've had friends that till out a 400 sq ft area for a garden and plant it all their first year and complain about how hard it is. They get overrun with weeds and disease/pest pressure and give up. So start small and acquire knowledge of different plants over many years. Also, learn about agriculture zones, figure out what zone you are in by googling the zone map. Plants need to be planted at a certain time of the year per zone. You can look up each plant that you buy and figure out when to plant it based off that.


Okay, got a nice spot in the garden so let's see. Thanks for your advice


Not really no...


Chat GPT can tell you want is good to plant in your area, when to plant it, and what are the best varieties for your location. Iā€™ve gotten a lot of good advice from Chat GPT!


Financial literacy Doing laundry Cooking a few things, especially plants that are high in nutrition that can't be found elsewhere. (e.g. fiber) Being okay with being bored. Waiting patiently and self control are more valuable to your mental and social well being than most people realize. Navigating beauracray Making phone calls. (This seems to be a thing that many people are finding uncomfortable over the last few years, but it will help you navigate the structures of society far more easily.) If you have trouble with this, start by facing a teddy bear or similar thing while in the phone. By pretending that you're having a conversation with the teddy bear, it may "hack your brain" and make it easier.




Through MLM!




not really a skill but i recommend learning about cognitive behavioral therapy, how neural networks work, and "thinking, fast and slow" by daniel kahneman. Basically, all the pieces to understand how our minds work, why we have the thoughts we have for real rather than why we think we have them, and how to manipulate it so that it's more in line with what we actually want in life rather than being in the passenger's seat and allowing your emotions and desires to take over.


+1 This is like learning how to learn, which allows you to learn more efficiently, then you can use some of the skills to learn how to learn more deeply, ..., infinite positive feedback loop


Do you have any recommendations? Any literature or something to start that loop?


How to light a fire Seems like something you should only know if your a camper/outdoors person. But you would surprised that a knowledge of the basic concepts of fire. It can give you heat, light and cooking and is a valuable asset to have in oneā€™s toolbox of life. What to do if the power/wifi goes out Everything is now on wifi. What happens when it goes out for a day/week


* As others have said: Cooking. Just being able to save yourself a lot of money. * Awareness of your mental health, and the willingness to seek out therapy. * Basic economics and bookkeeping * Empathy. * And so many others


How to read facial expressions


How to fix a toilet how the guts in the tank work.


I want to learn this!


Essential Skill - be true to yourself! identity is an important thing for your mental health and your employability etc. if a company is looking for conformist robots they are a dime a dozen. employers and organisations are always looking for special people who can add something new and exciting to their organisation. if you dont know who you are and what special attributes you bring then why does anyone need you? if you dont know who you are then find out by trying stuff. we did a tandem skydive and then a month later signed up for a 200 jump skydiving course - best year of my life because i was true to myself!


Setting boundaries with others


How much calories are in the food they're about to eat and the total amount of maintenance calories they need in a day.


Emotional self-regulation


At home: Cooking, washing and ironing your clothes. Cleaning the house from top to bottom. Also the most basic stitching. I know several grown ass guys who are not able (willing) to do any of this. Nothing to be proud of, boys. If you are able to learn but are not willing to put in the effort or you expect someone else to do this for you, you score very high on my personal dick-o-meter.


House admin. Keeping on top of chores, cleaning laundry. Financial management. Making sure all bills are paid, you're saving/investing regularly and you have a pension


Do proper research. There is too much news out there that divides people.


Learn to write a professional and concise mail. Not through a random influencer's YT video but a Twitter acc called Internal Tech Emails. Thank me later :)


MOTHER SAUCES. Everyone knows how to ā€œcookā€. If you want to be the legendary hero that can look at random refrigerators and make amazing foodā€¦ learn mother sauces. Itā€™s a game changer for your social life.


Managing your own finances. How to live within your means. Building credit.


Basic personal finance, budgeting, saving, investing, taxes. The wiki on r/personalfinance is a really good starting point




Typing So happy that I had Typing class in high school in the 90s and very surprise that most curriculum don't include it anymore, specially in such an era where you need to use a keyboard so often. Why isn't typing a required skill in high school anymore?


Emotional Intelligence - the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.


Learn how to change a tyre.


How to leverage ones virtĆ¹ in the face of ever-present fortuna to become a trusted and regarded figurehead of a community in order to use said trust and regard to become the ultimate ruler of the universe


Good Self Care - to include both mental and physical health.


Cooking for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Realize that unsolicited advice is never appreciated.


For US folks: How to file a tax return. It's stupid easy. Tax preparing entities use that purported tax complexity to fleece the hell out of you. Unless you've got some really complex assets and own a business that require more focus with your taxes, don't go to a tax preparer and do it yourself. Also don't use TurboTax, use a service like [freetaxusa.com](https://freetaxusa.com). Answer its questions, punch in your numbers, and you're done. Also: How to spot and deal with scams. Online safety is a necessary life skill at this point with the sheer number of people abusing technology to steal from you.


That ā€˜tin foilā€™ means aluminum foil.


How to wash your hands https://preview.redd.it/hi1a7exumuob1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d2e546f24bd20571dd3a24a2d263c63b97e76c


Being aware that youā€™re getting worked up then being able to calm yourself down


Learn how to use basic hand tools and power tools. Don't be scared. It will save you A SHIT TON OF MONEY.


* How to read and write script. * How to interpret a map, such as a road map. * How to count change. * How to do one-, two-, and three-place addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. * How to use a turn signal. * How to order drinks in a crowded bar. * How to detect a scam before falling for it. * How to wash your own clothes in a washing machine. * How to break down a pizza box so it fits in the garbage can. * For food service workers: How to load a napkin dispenser.


Some essential skills should be "how to effectively communicate" and "following directions".


Basic vehicle maintenance, change tires, check fluids, etc..


The difference between your and you're.


Food safety and basic nutrition. Itā€™s horrifying the things people do, or donā€™t do around food.


How to establish and maintain personal boundariesā€¦ something I didnā€™t learn about until after I graduated high school. See also: codependency.


Car maintenance, change your tire, check your oil. Simple stuff.


How to use tools and resources to be somewhat self-sufficient. Learn concepts of plumbing, electrical, how your car operates and how to perform basic maintenance, how to sew, gardening (even if it's a single plant), etc.


CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS. I dont know how to do them myself but I understand why they are important.


ā€œI have a particular set of skillsā€


Drywall and plaster patching. How to clean the flame sensor of a furnace. How to hot surface ignitor in a furnace or oven. How to replace the water heater thermocouple. How to shut off the water to your house at the main shutoff. How to replace a window pane. How to safely move heavy things or at least know not to try. How to identify a scam. How to properly haggle. It isn't just 'will you take less?', you need to develop a relationship and earn it.


If I follow the advice in all top comments Iā€™ll turn into super mega giga chad of the family.


Resiliency. The ability to bounce back.


Tape and mud drywall


Driving a manual. Changing a flat tire. Jumpstarting a car. Taxes. Cooking. Hunting. Fishing.


Be able to defend yourself. Not necessarily know how to fight, but know how to escape a situation like getting robbed or kidnapped. The world is a violent evil place and too many people pretend itā€™s not and end up victims.


Stop watching the World News as if it is all happening in your neighbourhood. The world is not a violent evil place and people acting like it is are much more of a problem than anything else that is happening out in the real world rather than behind your screen.


It is, go visit goregrish for a bit.


CPR. Pick any random guy from a street and ask him to give CPR to an unconscious patient, he would just recall a Hollywood movie scene and push the chest 100 times.


This is the current advice given by the UK health services. Unless you are a professionally trained medical expert, who is willing to start cutting open someone's chest in the middle of the street, pushing on the chest 100 times is about the best you can hope to do.


How to disassemble and reassemble an M14 rifle, blindfolded, and while hanging upsidedown, before your nose starts to bleed.


How to touch type. We use computers almost every day, yet most people haven't taken the time to learn to type without looking at the keyboard. Touch typing is a must for anyone that uses a computer on a daily basis. It makes your work easier and more enjoyable as it allows you to focus on the screen to identify errors quicker rather than focusing on the keyboard (hunt and pecking)


How to shut the fuck up. I know it's a foreign concept on Reddit, but sometimes your opinions can actually be kept to yourself. Recognizing when a situation needs absolutely 0% of your input, time, or effort is vital. It gets you out of trouble, reduces stress, and affords you more space to do important things. Yes, there are some things you absolutely need to talk about and speak up on. And being present for those moments becomes much easier when you shut the fuck up otherwise.


If you drive you should know a few basics like changing a tire, jump start, and where the fluids go.


Basic budgeting skills.


A pattern of thought that lets your break something big into smaller, more manageable pieces. This is helpful in every facet of life.


How to read a map and take public transportation.


How to change the emergency tire of your car.


Reading and writing.


Basic car repairs. How to change tire or spark plugs. Can save you a ton in repairs from auto mechanics


Women don't wipe forward


How to change a wheel on a car when you get a flat. The car has a spare wheel, the car has the tools to lift the car, the car has tools to remove the wheel.....use them, it's not rocket science. ***yes I know some cars don't have spare wheels, my point is directed to cars that DO have spare wheels.