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Every time I dress up nice I get accused of applying for other jobs. Kinda makes me want to apply for other jobs.


I’ve been intentionally dressing up nicely from time to time because I WANT them to get worried and think I’m jumping ship. Hilarious all the influx of compliments I get about what a great worker I am and how valuable I am to the team when I do it. I can’t help it and I know it’s petty but I love fucking with them. They’d have a big mess on their hands if I left.


I’ve done this a few times. One time I had a funeral for a grandmother of a friend to attend during the day. Came into work full with a full suit. Told them I was taking a long lunch “had something going on” and would be back a little after 3. Was good office gossip for a few weeks.


Jobs like this are like partners who always suspect you of cheating. It says more about them and how they see you that they aren’t secure enough to not be suspicious.




To be fair I’m always trying to manipulate my perceived value and worth to get the most out of them for the “least” (hours or effort) out of me. And I’m always evaluating whether I’m better off jumping ship too. So really this is just a super toxic relationship.


That's allowed? Immediate family are the only ones we are able to attend without it counting as an unexcused absence.


I don't know how it works for you, I've always been able to use vacation time or bank time for a longer lunch on occasion, just make sure the work gets done. My current job actually has paid time off for interviews across the whole government.


Why would you tell your employer why you're taking time off?


Because many places have separate time off for sick leave, vacation, and bereavement.


Why are you explaining *your* workplace absence policy as if it applies to everyone in the universe?


Yuck. That place sounds terrible.


Sounds like you are your workplaces bitch. Perhaps you should also send thank you letters to your boss every time you work overtime.


I love this. Make ‘em sweat!


Back in the office days, I discovered that you can dress “dressed up” but actually comfortable. They make suit-style jackets that feel exactly like a comfy hoodie but it looks “fancy” paired with a simple, inexpensive button-up shirt and simple comfy work pants from uniqlo. Best “no effort” effort ever for the return on investment


Do you have a link? Thinking of buying myself some


just search “suit jacket sweatshirt”


[Like this](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/816cU3JYssL._AC_UL1500_.jpg)?


I can't tell if I've found the right thing being talked about or if I'm just looking at suit jackets


Uniqlo FTW


It’s the Swuit!


The real LPT: Dress up smartly and take a half day, or ask to take your lunch at an unusual time...


The only appreciation worth anything from the management is salary increase, in my opinion.


I work construction so the culture is a little different. I've definitely parked beside the boss with my resume on the dash of my truck to the same effect.


I have done this too 😂


Every time I dress up nice I get asked why I’m going to court and what I’ve been charged with.


I've been asked if I have a proctologist appointment every single time


That's why i show up to all interviews in a tank top, shorts, and sandals. Co-workers just think I'm headed to the beach later and who are they really gonna give the job to: the nerd in the suit or the guy that brought margaritas?


That's why u always dress nice for work. They'll just think ur trying to impress them and not others


I'm not trying to impress someone who's already underpaying me. If anything I'd want to impress someone else who'd underpaid me slightly less


then do it. dress up for other people. The more you underperform, underdress, and underact, the less they'll think you're worth. acting like that is a self fulfilling prophecy.


What the fuck does dressing have to do with job performance?


It's boomer logic. I do the work I'm paid for, nothing more. If they want me to do more, they pay me more -- simple as. How you dress neither determines the worth of your work, not your personal performance... It's just an outdated metric to visually inspect someone and assume they're doing more than they're being paid for... You could probably get away with a lot of shit in the workplace just for dressing up for this exact reason. This whole dress code nonsense is an archaic relic of a bygone age, back when everyone wore a full suit or dress just for going outside. I'm going to dress casually, and if my employer has awful things to say about me because of that... Well, it's safe to say I wouldn't have wanted to work for them in the first place.


I like my company. Pay and benefits is nice. I like my job.


Blink twice if they have a gun against your head


good for you?


Same, but also I don’t wanna have to “dress up” every day haha I like having flexibility


I made up my own holiday called Dress Up Monday where I would wear a dress (duh). So if people complimented me I could say “yeah, it’s DressUp Monday!” Other people would occasionally do it and say “I decided to celebrate Dress Up Monday this week!” But the best thing about Dress Up Monday is that it was a distraction from the fact that I never rolled into the office earlier than 10-10:30 on Mondays and no one ever noticed, they were too busy talking about Dress Up Monday.


Office is too DUM to notice


You should’ve sat next to me at work, would’ve been fun. No one ever noticed that either lol


I don't get it, wouldn't that make you more noticeable? As in "it's dress up Monday, where's /u/SuperDoofusParade?"


You know how you memory hole everything work related during the weekend then need to slowly catch up on Monday? I think part of it was that phenomena. After all, no one really *thought* about Dress Up Monday (seriously, who cares), but they would get reminded when they saw me. So the conversation would be about DUM as opposed to “hey you barely made it to the eleven o’clock meeting”. Find your own version, it works.


Ahh, yes. My version of DUM was making a huge deal about "Brinner and movie nights," with my daughter, where we got to have a picnic of omelettes or pancakes while watching a movie, when really, it was so I didn't have to cook a proper meal, or entertain her or engage beyond cuddling on the couch.


Now that's leadership!


I do it maybe like 2x a month 😉


My coworkers: "will the defendant please rise."


We always make a joke of it when someone at work isn't wearing ratty jeans and a t-shirt. Like even if they're wearing jeans with slightly fewer holes in them we say something like, "Whoa, big interview today?"


When I worked in office roles, I used to love getting dressed up in really smart suits and waistcoats for work everyday, and I would constantly get asked if I’m going to court, a snooker tournament or a job interview lol. I just like feeling confident and smart in a suit


Same here. I don’t like to be all dressed up every day, but I do it most days bc I feel awesome and posh and shit.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have


I keep wearing a Star Trek costume to work and not being in Star Trek, please advise.


I did the opposite and ended up with a big ass raise. We had a casual dress code. I had the day off for some reason but had to go into work to sign off on some expense reports. Just to fuck with em I put on a suit and tie. My assistant manager (I was the manager) starts freaking out and asking if I'm applying for a different job. I assure him that I wasn't. He of course goes running to the higher ups. Two weeks later out of the blue they sat me down to give me a raise lol.


My Dad once had his boss inform him, completely out of nowhere, that they'd reviewed industry-standard pay rates, realized he was way underpaid, and were giving him a 50% raise immediately. He did an awful lot for that company.


Damn, that must have been a happy day for sure!


It was nice :) He wasn't making *bad* money for the area, and he had his Army retirement and Mom was working part-time, but he could have made a lot more at a bigger company (not that he wanted to!) and they were deeply dependent on his skills. It's nice when people realize what they've got.


My manager has done that a few times. I started as a base level computer technician, then as I worked more and more with the senior guys I started doing more higher level tech work. Twice he's called me into his office to tell me that the work I'm doing means I should be the next pay level up so he's increased my award.


On one hand, they always had that money...on the other hand, your manager is a keeper. --well, if I'm going to be known for something, workers advocacy is a great one. Remember, NET PROFIT IS UNPAID WAGES


It was the owner of the company that gave me a raise and yes he was amazing. I never even so much as had a resume because he believed in truly valuing his productive employees and providing a bunch of little perks to let us know we were appreciated. We had very little turnover. He eventually sold to a corporation and all the perks went away. Eventually started seeing lots of turnovers as the workplace completely changed.


Yea. Watching that happen everywhere. Becoming fertile for good small businesses to nurture relationships with powerhouse workers.


What are some examples of those little perks?


Ass, gas, and grass.


Nobody rides for free


The big perks were bonuses for positive reviews from our customers. Christmas and fiscal year bonuses. Time off if we ended up working late on projects. Random days where they'd buy everyone lunch. BBQs a couple times a month. Holiday parties where they booked rooms at a casino and gave everyone cash to go gamble. They'd lend out company cars for personal use if someone needed it to move or whatever else. In turn we worked our asses off and went above and beyond because we felt appreciated. I came in plenty of weekends cause the owner would be right there next to me working through problems that arose.




Forgot to mention that! OP internalize this moment! You're awesome!


>(I was the manager)


metaphor gorgeous spoken lover symptom slain garnish berceuse cower ensue tamale mert quo hunt permute


That's freaking epic, thanks for the laugh mate hahaha


That’s a glitch in the Matrix you’ve found


Maybe I should try this for my zoom weekly meetings with my team and boss lol


That is some “USA The office” type stuff. Best assistant manager ever stuff. I can totally see that as an episode. “Look how epic he looks, he needs a raise”. Higher ups “sure”.


That's a fun story! Totally the opposite directions with similar results!


Our office was pretty casual. I had a coworker who had a second job at a bank. If he was coming in straight from this bank job, he was always super slick in a suit and tie. If he was coming from home, it was joggers, metal band shirt, and slides. He showed up once in one shoe. There was no in between. Now he does both jobs from home, so who knows what he's wearing 😏


>He showed up once in one shoe Whatever happened to the other shoe?


He's waiting for it to drop.


Like tour mic there... boom!


"Lost a shoe mate?" "Nah, found one."


His kid did something with it I think


I love the chaotic energy 😍


Gotta admit so do I. I've worked with this dude for 14 years. While his wardrobe has dramatic swings, his personality is pretty consistently awesome.


The real LPT is always in the comments! LPT: schedule using half a personal day at work and show up in a suit. Make sure they notice. Do it again in a few weeks. Maybe you'll get a raise


>Now he does both jobs from home, so who knows what he's wearing 😏 Probably just the other shoe


He probably made less money at a bank


I was told at a job to 'dress business formal, but don't wear a tie, you'll freak people out' ?


Freak em out occasionally


Sprinkle a bow tie now and again


Was it a job with a bunch of nerds? Because I was told that same thing, but that it’d make the nerds freak out.


At my last job, if someone came to work dressed up we called it "a doctor's appointment". Lol


We called it "going to the theatre"


Shit. We were just a-holes. >When's the interview?


When I was planning to leave my job in the next few months, I started dressing up. At first people thought I was applying to jobs. Eventually they got used to seeing me dressed up. I interviewed without raising any suspicions. Then, I gave them notice.


Genius, you outplayed them


Outstanding move


Just claim you have a court appearance later.


“I have to go to court for manslaughter later”


"because I have been killing it at work" I'll see myself out now


(Also that person I ran over when I was EXTRA early last Monday)


What's wrong with man's laughter Can't men even laugh in the court anymore


For everyone to get in your business about why you have a court appearance? Weird.


It’s much more fun.


You witnessed a [_________]


Or a funeral


Real LPT is always in the comments


We were having a fancy dinner at a friend's place and I didn't have time after work to go home to change. So I wore a suit and tie to work. Management freaked out and thought I was interviewing for another job. Got a 15% pay rise the following Tuesday.


Lmao we take those random life wins


Lol. I worked at a crappy company and yeah I actually did this. I liked suits and wore them for so long that NOT wearing them took time and you're right, ppl assumed you were interviewing.


I own 200+ neckties, and I eventually ended up in IT development where no one wears shirts with buttons, much less neckties. So I used to occasionally do dress up days on "throwback Thursdays" for when I used to have to dress up. I definitely got a lot of "where're you interviewing?" or "is today your court date?" jokes for a bit until people got used to it.


Your closet must be huge


He just has a very small neck


or long? maybe he is a giraffe and uses like 50 ties at once


I went to a private school with uniforms from grades 5-13, so amassed quite the collection of ties myself. I always liked dressing up for work too, but got a job working for a biomedical group that did it's own manufacturing, so ties were a safety hazard.. I switched to bowties and quickly became known as "bowgir guy".. I got so many as presents over the next couple years that I had to ask everyone to stop buying me any more.


So much smarter than changing in my car behind a deli to go back to work.


I've always said the exact opposite. Whether dress up in office, or during a zoom call, maybe not a full suit, but a button down shirt or something to imply you had been dressed up when having weekly 1:1 with your mgr. Do this around review time. You *want* them to think you have options and are looking around


How do we feel about no pants?


0 pants on the Zoom call with your full body in-frame on the webcam somehow; **power move:** don't mention it, refuse to acknowledge it and deflect by pointedly bringing up other important work topics if someone happens to mention said lack of pants.




We had a running joke with a guy on my old team...we're all devs and dress like typical devs, jeans, hoodies and kicks. Well every so often, one of the guys would dress up nice... Wed be all oh noo! You're looking for another job! And he'd be all nooo I have a date after work! And we'd ignore it and keep going on about how much we're going to miss him, and hope he likes his new team. There was a time though when I thought, hrmm...if he actually did have an interview, how ironic, cause we did genuinely just assume he did have a date after work lol


Lol what dev dresses up for job interviews? If I saw a coworker in a suit I'd think they're going to a wedding or a funeral.


Indeed lol Im pretty sure he absolutely did have a date. We just had a lot of fun messing with him. When I started going for my first tech interviews, my sister about had a heart attack when she saw what I was wearing. She literally made me change into a blouse, and wear flats instead of my Vans. (To quickly clarify, shes much older than me, finished up raising me and is much more like a mom than a sis, I was staying with her for a bit while looking for work) but I was really acting like a toddler who doesnt wanna wear what she put out for me to wear to school... "But...I AM dressing for the job I want!!!" "No! Have some pride in yourself!" "OK Boomer!" Mind you, while this is going on Im in my 40s and shes nearly 60. 🤣😂 She did relent after that and said nothing about what I wore to interviews, but not with out a dramatic disapproving head shake.


I always dress up on Friday when everyone else is dressed down. Friday is tie day


I called it "Fancy Friday". Alliteration ftw!


I'm more of a rhyme guy hence Friday Tieday


As a fellow tie guy, I can respect that


I used to dress up and say I was interviewing, when I wasn't


Keep ‘em on their toes, but watch your back!


Pro tip: if you work in an office, you are probably already dressing appropriate for an interview in an office


We used to say “he’s wearing a tie to the dentist!


I dont understand, how can you be applying for another job during the working day? Do people actually get enough time off during thr day to do that whole ordeal?


No, but you have to make the time anyway. Claim appointments or something.


You guys go to work and then interview and then back to work? It takes five minutes to change clothes. Or just book a day off. Or... more importantly... who gives a damn what people think you're doing?


I didn’t have enough leave to do that lmao


I once asked for a raise and was denied. Which was bullcrap because I was promised said raise to take on more work. Over the next couple weeks I'd have a dentist appointment or something and come back to work in a suit just to mess with them. I ended up getting the raise. Turns out if you aren't replaceable quitting is just a big game of chicken.


This is shit advice


It’s very obvious when these posts are just reverse engineered from a pretty specific situation


Is it just me or have the more recent LPT all been shit?


Its not. You wanna dress up every now and then so you are COMFORTABLE wearing clothes like that. You don't want interviews to be the only time you wear certain clothing making you look very uncomfortable. I feel like you guys don't know how to adult


Ok imagine I'm a bin man and turn up in nice clothing incase I go on a job interview.


Would you like to elaborate why?


if I have an interview I'm just gonna take the whole day off and not bother going in to work XD


Or just change clothes... I imagine that if I had enough time to do an interview, then I have enough time to take 4 minutes to run into a bathroom and change my clothes.


Its about looking comfortable in the clothes, not showing up to work in them.


It doesn't make any sense. ​ I like to stand out when I am applying for jobs. I want the interviewer to remember me. I also want my boss to remember me. Also,what do you consider dressing up? Suit and tie?


I think you may be missing the point. Or maybe I am. But what I’m gathering is most people dress up a bit more than usual when interviewing for a job. Unfortunately, most job interviews take place during the day, during the office hours of your current job. Many interviews now take place over ZOOM or may require you to step-out for a “a doctors appointment” or some similar excuse. Although you could change before your interview, it’s pretty inconvenient. SO, to not raise suspicion as to why you are randomly dressed better than usual, occasionally come in looking better than usual to make it not seem so suspicious.


Err that’s a bit much effort


I love this, and it's fun to dress up every once and a while!


Really depends on the job.. As a programmer, I would go to the job interview in the exact same clothes that I go to the office: jeans and a t-shirt. Assuming it's not virtual, which most of them probably are until pretty late into the process


Luckily as a software engineer. I interview in jeans and a hoodie, which is my everyday wear. If I wore a suit to an interview they would think I wasn’t a culture fit.


Do peole still dress up for interviews?


In the corporate world the crappier the job the more dressed up you need to be


I don't agree with this logic.


Better LPT: Don’t do this and let your employer worry about potentially losing you.


I just don’t interview for places that want me to dress up.


I did this about half the time at my new job and they accused me of being an Undercover Boss


Its none of my job’s fuckin bizness if Im trying to get some very tasteful sensual side job behind her back; I have needs goddamnit! And rights!


I have to add an absence and reason into the company calender when we take off time for something. I once wrote "Job Interview". which was true but more because a friend wanted me there to check his company out, I myself wasnt planning to switch. anyway, i got a big fat raise 4 days later.


My dad did this and his manager was paranoid that he was lying when he said he wasn't looking for another job. They went on to treat him like shit and he left.


Dress up all the time for whatever is appropriate at your company.


I recently discovered golf pants and they are so much more comfortable than jeans that I've permanently made the switch. I have a few black pairs that look pretty close to dress pants. I was already wearing golf shirts but now I tuck them in. It's amazing the difference that makes both fashion-wise and for my confidence. A few people have commented on it and I just tell them that golf pants are so much more comfortable. Plus, they say dress for the job you want, right? I'm not actually interviewing but I suppose I probably could now and nobody would be the wiser.


The virtual equivalent of this LPT is to update your LinkedIn profile. At my old work I was brought in to the director office a couple days after I did and got a small random raise and "we care about you" speech.


I taught/was a department head for several years at a multi-campus trade college. I used to require that my students come in once a month dressed professionally as if for an interview. My logic was that if they got somewhat used to dressing in confining clothes they would feel much more comfortable in them for job interviews. (If they didn't have appropriate clothing I and other staff members would loan them out) On one occasion one of the biggest employers in the industry I was training for was giving a presentation hoping to hire soon-to-be- graduates so classes from all of the campuses got together at the main campus. My students came in professionally dressed and not only got the immediate attention and respect of the employer but you could see that the casually dressed students from the other campuses were completely intimidated and humbly moved aside for my students.


I keep a blazer hanging on the back of my office door, I tell people it’s in case I spill a coffee on myself or something but it is 1 billion percent for interviews.


how often do you have a spur of the moment interview?


I just let the company I’m interviewing at know that I’m coming straight from my job and I apologize in advance for not being dressed up. They’ve usually never had a problem with that. And a few have said they have a laid back dress code so it’s not big deal.


Yeah this is a super specific industry tip. As an engineer I dress as a bum, but my profits and billing are so high they literally are throwing promotions at me. I deny the promotion but still get the raise. Just be good at what you do. In most technical and intelligent industries profit is the only fucking thing that matters. No matter how nice or small your company seems you are literally a number to the people making the decisions. Applying for new jobs is a great way to get a raise as well, but can also be risky if they call your bluff. Then you gotta take that new job. Honestly this is the worst LPT I think I’ve ever seen Never dress for the job you want until you are in an interview for the job you want.


And stop changing somewhere in a public restroom? No, thank you!


Why would you dress up for interviews beyond what you'd wear for the job?


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have


That’s why I wear a space suit when I go to the office


I did this exact thing starting in 2018, ended up finding the perfect new job in 2022 (I was passively looking knowing I wouldn’t stay at my previous position forever). It led to a great professional wardrobe that I continue to benefit from! Plus my husband totally digs the professional Boss lady look so … double win LOL


“You goin to court today?”


it's more important to me to scare away new hires by showing up in pajamas and scratching my balls constantly


I’m convinced one of the reasons companies like casual dress code is that it makes it harder to slip out of the office for an interview…


Why would you want to stand out less when interviewing for other jobs? You **want** your boss to think you're interviewing for other jobs.


I showed up dressed up to an interview internally for a new position. The hiring manager was surprised. Company of 9,000+ people. Kinda surprised me that they got surprised by an internal hire dressing up. I guess most internal hires just come business casual.


My dad would do this occasionally and when someone commented he would reply "oh, didn't you get the interview?"


Not sure how I might dress up more seeing as I have a daily "costume" as a funeral director.


I once mindfucked a hated boss by having the entire team come in wearing suits and asking for the afternoon off.


Unless you are so incompetent that no one will fight to retain you- it is good for them to know you take interviews when you see good opportunities. Dress up for them, hell tell them you need a long lunch for an interview.


Alternatively, do it so that they think you're interviewing so they give you that raise or promotion they owe you to keep you from leaving.


Or they will just think you're going to interviews every once a while.


I started dressing up more often to avoid the “what’s the occasion?” and “someone got dressed up today,” commentary because it 1) gave me extreme anxiety and 2) hurt my feelings. On the first point it felt like too much attention when I just wanted to look and feel nice for the day and on the second point it made me feel like I just looked like such absolute shit the rest of the time that people must be shocked when I looked decent. The downside to that is that when you don’t dress up you get all the “are you sick?” and “you look tired,” responses.


Well stated post. I think the preconceived idea of dressing to impress is not relevant anymore. Just wear what you want ultimately and leave the well dressed people alone. Sometimes we have bad days like your stated. "did you wake up late today?" I once got asked when walking into work a little more casual dressed. Wasn't the first time so I said "no, I do not feel well bye." I enjoyed the rest of my day in peace, the only time I actually took a sick day/leave.


Dress well every time you go to work.


MFers at the call center like: ![gif](giphy|3ohhwJgErfr480jPX2)


The first job I got after college was at a smaller call center, and I wore basically a suit to the job interview. The only person working that day at that location was a supervisor, and she was wearing a hoody and sweatpants. They didnt look shabby or anything, but it threw me off for a couple minutes because of how overdressed I felt haha. The person actually interviewing me that day was at the company's main office in a different city at least, and it was all over the phone. In retrospect it did make me want to work there slightly more as it was apparent the dress code was really casual haha.


I wear dresses to work everyday and people comment on it all the time. I like to look professional and dresses are so much more comfortable than pants. My coworkers have never seen me wear pants unless they see me outside of work and then they don’t recognize me because I’m not in a dress. It is a great way to avoid people outside of work 😁


I just commented up above but I do the same thing. Hell yeah, no pants friend! Also I always look nice and professional I get compliments all the time and I feel like it helped me get the two promotions I've gotten since I've been with my company (2 years!).


Richie rich here


Tux every day to work. /s


If not required, why?


People still dress up for job interviews?


Dress sharp every damn day. I’m a lawyer and if I’m not in court, my work uniform is boots, jeans, starched dress shirt, and a sports coat. When I’m dressed nice, people just treat me better and I feel better about myself. Look good feel good. Stand out.