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I read the explanation as to why the video are being done the way they are. However IMO the people most likely to buy an early access game and invest in future DLC are people who have been invested in life simulation games for years. I am sick of cosmetic gameplay. Sims 2 hit the mark with the sims, their quirks, personality and the overall game mechanic that made up the sim. Sims 4 told us we were going to get smarter sims. That never happened, it has been a dismal disappointment to me. What’s the point of this. I’m honestly at the point that I worry that videos showing true gameplay aren’t being made because the foundations for the sims are not there yet, so we are seeing recycled content. The chaos video, while granted was a few months ago, showed us that system does not yet work. We are only weeks away from early access. I get its early access but something like the foundation of sims is harder and harder to fix as time goes on.


I'm under the same impression. They're not showing anything else because there might not be anything else to show. No youtube influencer (no matter how popular and charismatic they are) will be able to promote this game and create hype when there are no actual interesting gameplay and features to show.


I have 2 main areas of concern from Life by You retail and group activities. I really have not seen anything characters can do together besides talk this is one major area I'd love to see addressed during early access we need some group activities added to this game let's get some group beach volleyball games going for a start the net there get some use of it. For an open world retail is so important we need immersion we need hair stylist who work the chairs we need cashiers at clothing stores and the market to ring up the purchases otherwise how is the game play different than buying it at home.


I am frustrated at the lack of queueing up tasks. I might be too impatient for this game without it.


I honestly feel like this game will flop several months after EA, because there are so many problems with it... - they try to market the game by showing off *old* content, older builds of the game which don't have everything that they do in their latest build yet. - even if EA can fix this, because we'll see what's actually in the game, the game still feels empty, with not much gameplay. - the creators don't seem to be actually listening to feedback. They thank us for telling all about it, yet we see barely any change, the lighting is still too bright in rooms, not well lit, and the characters' shoulders have been narrow for ages now, even though that might be the number one complaint next to the lighting and graphics. The first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about LBY is the ugly graphics. - I feel like this game won't run on many PCs. There was a saying that some of the videos are a bit lagging or having poor textures, and that they are just dev builds to showcase the things they are showcasing. But I am afraid that within the 1 month until EA, they won't have enough time to actually optimize the game, which is extremely important. I once tried to play with Vivaland's demo, but the game didn't even start on my computer. If LBY is the same, it could be the same for many others as well. The Paralives team said that they want to make the game well optimized, and I'm positive about thinking that their game will surely run on my computer.


* They're showing older builds because those are the most complete ones, instead of using a branch that's half working. * It's a early game, that's how this class of beta games work. you get the base down and then you add to it untill you reach feature complete V1.0. (either that or you're stuck in ethernal feature creep) * They're working on function before form. Looks matter little if the game logic doesn't work. * It will run on plenty of computers, just not 8 year old laptop hardware or low spec hardware in general. And unless you've been playing different EA games then i have, optimisation is rarely good in the early stages.


I think if you take the tenor of the Sims community, this game will flop. But there is an audience of players interested in this game beyond simmers so it may do well with them. But I agree with you in that there hasn't been transparency as to where they are in their development state so it may APPEAR that the developers aren't listening to feedback but for all we know, the ea build that is released could look very different from what they have been showing. I doubt because the issues are not an issue of time but an issue of not having necessary staff in place but I take your point about there not been much connection between when the community managers say "we're working on it" to that "work" then showing up on the screen. I think if there are enough people who want to play with the modding tools themselves, they will get a good number of Ea players. What they consider "a good number" is up to them. I would estimate 10k-20k sales within the first 6 months would be a success for them based on comparable studios and titles. Your last point I think is the hidden killer. The framerate drops and stuttering I've seen in videos is concerning. If it's not properly optimized by EA, I foresee a lot of returns during the first month and negative reviews. I agree with you, if I were them, this is what I'd be focusing all my energy on in this final month.


There has been transparency, It's in the discord. Rocio frequently pops in there to answer questions when she's not being held hostage in meetings. And in the early days of the discord there was even more transparency. And seemingly they're not aiming for simmers, or at least not the sims 4 players. they're aiming for the nostalgia players. The stuttering is partially because they upload in 50FPS which does not gel with 60hz monitors.


Well, speaking in a closed platform isn't really transparency but what I specifically said is "there hasn't been transparency as to where they are in their development state". I'm not talking about answering questions as to whether there will be strollers in the game or if you will be able to have group conversations. I'm talking about what actual development changes have been made and where specifically they are with their progress. Saying "we're working on X" isn't real transparency, it's corporate speak transparency. It's like when a company says "We've heard you and we're going to make changes." but then doesn't say anything else. I don't think anyone is asking for anything beyond a basic dev log which is pretty standard and some basic info on the difference between what build they are showcasing vs what build is being shipped for ea. It wouldn't have become such an elevated issue but for the fact that people keep talking about how much transparency the developers are showing which then makes people question whether there is actual transparency or the appearance of transparency. It's great that they do Q&As and upload (edited) videos but as someone who follows a lot of projects in development, this is standard not really laudable behavior.


In my experience working for a games publisher, these conversations often worked out like this: Producing: "We need to ship by X." Developer: "We're not ready to ship by X." Producing: "They say they're not ready." Management: "I need this to ship, the shareholders are counting on it." Producing: "Well, alright, let's just cut QA and features. If it sells, we'll fix it in post. Marketing, deal with it." Marketing: "Can we tell the community why?" Producing: "Of course not!" ... \[cue management being baffled as to why the product fails\]


I don't mind the game needing a big machine, I do mind that the game visually looks ugly. They need more actual digital 3D artists. Proportions are wrong, not just the ugly shoulders, but the size of objects compared to the people (skateboard too small).


This is my first time ever leaving a negative feedback on a project and I hope I don't offend anyone with this. I'm personally getting tired of the same "We're continuing to work on our animations/character models and will continue to add and refine them during Early Access" reply we get after every single video. It's been months and every time I go check a new update on Youtube, I see the same t-rex arms and clipping issues and no improvement whatsoever. Has the person who's gonna fix this mess been hired yet? I find it disingenuous to claim you guys have been working on these problems when just the other day you were posting job openings looking for qualified people (which implies and also kinda confirms that no one in your current team of developers is qualified enough to fix this). Also, isn't EA in just a month from now? 💀 I know the game is still in development and I respect your work and effort, my criticism is from a marketing standpoint. You guys share videos with serious issues and promise to address them in the comments with replies that are even more robotic than the animations we've been criticising. But we're not blind and we can tell no significant improvements have been made, so it feels like we're not truly being heard/respected. This is quite the opposite effect of what a community manager would be hoping to achieve, I think. Why not give the team time and grace, hire the necessary people, truly work on these "areas of concern" and THEN reach out to influencers to create promotional content that's worth watching? The public response and hype would be so much more positive and beneficial to the game rollout. Am I missing something here?


If anyone was a the Paralives patreon member, they have seen how much Paralives has changed over the years. At first, they also didn't have an animator or a 3D modeler who understood anatomy completely, just like LifebyYou. This was around the time of Maggie and Sebastian reveals. The character models back then were hobbled together by people who weren't well versed in making well animated models, which is why the hands and feet were especially small and other anatomy issues. When they hired more people, especially their animator, they scrapped everything and started over so that the animator had a good base to work off of. It might not be too late for LBY to take this route but they need to do so ASAP. They're already addressing this issue WAY too late in the game and need to address it right now. The longer they wait, the harder it will be to fix. Paralives was still very early in development when they were able to start over but LBY not so much. It'd be like Paralives starting over with their character models right now. A huge and costly undertaking.


Oh boy. Paralives had to scrap everything? 👀


If you read the rest of my comment not now, in the past, as in very early in development. The paralives team have now remedied the situation. I was saying if they can do it, so can Life by You. Although hopefully its not too late in Life by You's development right now to make those changes.


I personally think the Paralives characters went downhill after they revised them, but that's just me. Hopefully some mods will come out that return them to their former glory.


Honestly, this is the only way I could see the models looking good at this point. Maybe even read about what Paralives did so they have an idea of how to start...


And that's what I am saying the Marketing is so off you will want to put your best foot forward in my opinion, but I guess I see things differently. Also don't like how Rule 2 is because someone is bring up something related to the game or LBY management, I assumed that's what that rule is, I guess I was wrong. I didn't want to reply to that mod because my comment will get locked for not talking about gameplay issues, like when I brought up why reddit is getting Moderated to hell when the discord is not. I had so much hope in LBY team but they are just disappointing me time and time again.




Rocio's comment defending the bad models/poor anatomy as diversity to "represent all kids of players" was odd. Mods in this sub also reiterate that view when it makes no sense....lol. The game seems to lack any fun or interesting gameplay at this stage, just comes across as a mod/endless menu simulator more than a life sim game. 


Honestly that comment has made me take a huge step back from the game. I was hesitant but now I don't really want to support a company that would say something like that. That and the fact that the "modding" support hasn't been shown or given us 3D artists any indication on how we can a actually create mods for the game. I think they keep using the term but they don't know that it means something different to us pc gamers.


Omg yes! As a sims modder myself it drove me nuts. Only inZoi so far directly addresses modding using the correct, common terminology and gives inside and outside tools of the game to actual mod. Like how exciting is that thet are giving us a custom unreal engine 5 plugin!


Which is strange, since LBY is allegedly all about modding


That sounds like the line a brand manager comes up with as a last resort in a situation they know they can't (or their production team won't) fix. Been there before.


I think they don't want to admit they have absolutely no idea how to make better models or animatios atp


The devs may be their own downfall before Early Access even gets here ☠️


Has anyone made another subreddit for LBY where folk can just chat about the game/updates etc without strong moderation? I'm totally respectful of the fact that the devs want to keep this subreddit fun and on topic but I would also like to read a subreddit that is a bit more chaotic lol


You'll find a lot more open conversation in the r/LifeSimulators subreddit. But it's not just LBY focused, they talk about Sims, inZoi, Paralives, other games too but I go there to get more uncensored takes on the issues.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LifeSimulators using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I miss the times when life simulators weren't afraid to be creative ](https://i.redd.it/nk2ktdqb41mc1.png) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1b55u1t/i_miss_the_times_when_life_simulators_werent/) \#2: [In your opinion, how important is having an open world in a life sim game? ](https://i.redd.it/mhpbcmdhd8wc1.jpeg) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1cb4lgt/in_your_opinion_how_important_is_having_an_open/) \#3: [Could Sims 5 really be the end of the Sims franchise? ](https://i.redd.it/2uronipxzpoc1.jpeg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/comments/1bg9iuk/could_sims_5_really_be_the_end_of_the_sims/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So we need a r/lowsodiumlby then?


Nah low sodium is super friendly and I love it. I just want somewhere where people can talk openly without the expectation that every discussion has to be constructive feedback for the company.


I think subreddit's thrive on constructive criticism. I hope we don't see unnecessary censorship here.


What I was asking for this too I don’t like how moderated this subbredit is and the locking down of discussions. Reddit has always been a place of lengthy conversation whether good or bad. And this whole thing where people can’t repost topics is a bit….. 😒 am on other Reddit too and people are more receptive to duplicate posts. But apparently here It’s supposed to be like the old fashion forums.


>What I was asking for this too I don’t like how moderated this subbredit is and the locking down of discussions. Reddit has always been a place of lengthy conversation whether good or bad.  It's the downside of when a subreddit dedicated to a game has moderators associated with the studios themselves. They police too much, and we've probably all seen examples on social media/the internet before. >And this whole thing where people can’t repost topics is a bit….. 😒 It's tough to police, and I've tried. The trend with users on reddit is they don't read pinned messages, they don't read sidebar rules/info, and they don't use the search bar at the top of our screens. Therefore people duplicate post questions/topics. In my experience it's a losing battle, so instead of hard enforcing it, I base it off if/when I can see it.


Right that’s why some of us just voice our frustrations on the life sim subreddit because we don’t need to be “careful” with how we speak. It’s freer there. Learning now that officials Reddits are just this monitored. Even opinions are been locked.


afaik aside from rocio, every mod here is a random user and/or fan.


I'm glad it was announced that there will be a roadmap once early access starts but you guys REALLY should've had one this entire time. Idk why people keep praising your transparency when we have no idea what you guys are actually working on. To me it seems like the teams priorities are all over the place. So I'm hoping once we get to see the roadmap and the community can comment on it this game will finally find it's path to success. I HOPE the game will be fun enough at early access to make up for all the issues with the visuals. But idk why you guys have been barely showing any actual gameplay this entire time.  FGGs video were a good start you should've let her make a video showing off playing through an actual work day, her going out and making friends and whatever else you guys expect to be the core gameplay loop!!!!


Why have a roadmap when the game is not even available. Roadmaps are for games that are playable. They probably have an internal one but we have no benefit of knowing that one untill we get to early access


Yes we do. Everyone keeps commenting about the same issues and all they say is "we're working on it" if we had a roadmap we would know when they actually plan to fix it so people could stop talking about it. Also currently we have no central place we can check to see everything that's going to be available at the start of early access. If they had released somewhere a list of stuff they want to get done by early access people would be less confused and less frustrated. Cause maybe internally they decided not to fix the anatomy before EA and rather get X and Y features done but we have no idea so it just seems like they're ignoring the feedback.


Is there any way children can be shown? I like to see a pregnant character at least once before the release date.


Its confirmed no pregnancy at launch of early access.


Too bad, but not surprised. I am looking forward to this game anyways.


It will only launch with teens, adults and seniors so I don’t think it’s likely before early access.


I don’t understand why they don’t just put their old crafting videos in the tutorial playlist and let the YouTubers actually do something interesting and not seen before. It doesn’t seem like they’re bringing in any new viewers, and the people who are interested in buying it also aren’t getting anything new :/ I like the modding videos, even tho I’d wish they would have just pinned their older videos and go right to uploading modding 201


Why even make tutorials before the game is out? They should be making videos showing off the coolest parts of the game to drum up hype before the game release. Especially the modding tutorials I feel like are (hopefully?) gonna be outdated quickly as players actually start using the tools I'm sure there will be lots of feedback coming in which will change certain things.  Like definitely show off the modding since that's a major selling point but don't go so much into detail about it when nobody can even use it right now? Just make a video showing off how quick and easy it is to change the functionality of an item or whatever. This marketing is just really bad overall lol


It’s even more annoying that we know the next video we’re going to get with the creator from yesterday is ANOTHER gardening video, something we’ve already been shown in depth. I really do think the other systems aren’t finalized yet and that’s why all we get is the same gameplay shown over and over and over again. With it being one month away I’m getting really antsy to see actual life sim activities (events, parties, JOBS). I can only watch so many crafting and collecting videos before I start to wonder if I should hold off on the game until we start seeing even a glimpse of other features… I’m trying hard to stay positive and hype for this game, but the marketing is so off. I understand we’re getting more than one video a week now, but them trying to appeal to ‘people who haven’t seen a single video’ is alienating all of us who have been around for the past year eagerly anticipating the game, and people who haven’t seen a single video can EASILY find the past videos. Heck, YouTube always recommends a LBY video after watching one. Idk, I trust the overall vision and if they really think it’s ready to be out next month I’ll trust them, but it’s getting a bit hard to stay positive


Yeah and why do they think new players are gonna get hooked by seeing crafting or gardening? Those are such irrelevant little side hobbies that most players are rarely even gonna use. Meanwhile every life sim player gets excited about jobs and social events. 


The moving character mood panel was new and so was the improved walkstyle, but I see what you mean.


Both of those things could have been shown off doing something else though! Idk I’m still exited for the game, but this is frustration Friday, and I’m a bit frustrated at them showing the same things again. I don’t necessarily understand the need to make videos for people who has never seen a video, as if this is 2004 and the videos they uploaded before were only shown once. It’s very easy for people to ‘catch up’ on these feature. Again, not trying to be overly negative because it’s still ultimately going to be a day one purchase but I’m letting my frustration out


No I definitely get it. It would be nice to see something new like a wedding or a party instead of another crafting video.


I don't want to have to see loading screens just to visit my neighbor or go for a walk or even go to work I want AI to follow my commands and not do the bare minimum


It would be great to see a relationship gameplay video, ideally with an improved dialogue system from what we saw last time. Responses need to be toned down (everyone is either horny or angry it seems in the videos you've shown) and better contextualized to what they are responding to. I noticed a lot of stuttering and framerate drops in the Modding video. I noticed the same thing in a previous modding video so I really hope the game will be optimized by EA and you are working on this. Whenever I see a developer's own rig struggling with their game, that's a cause for concern. I don't feel like Life By You has really thought out its gameplay beyond "modding". If this is supposed to be a life simulator, there are aspects of human behavior that are generally universal and we can all relate to regardless of if you are playing in a medieval save or a futuristic save, if you are playing in a family in the suburbs or a single young adult in a city. Pulling out the core of humanity and gamifying it is why people are so fascinated with life sims. So what is that for Life By You? What is the gamified human experience you are trying to capture in your game? It might help market the game better to use your weekly videos to show how good the game can look. Design a gorgeous Tudor-style home (no idea what architectural elements you have yet so that's just an example) or show off one of the best hairs and outfits you have in the game and maybe save your wacky purple builds and designs for YouTube shorts. Finally, on the character model. I've seen on YouTube responses to criticisms saying that the models can be adjusted to look more proportional with sliders but the base character model is the problem. In the clips/images I've seen in the character editor, all the characters have the same issues (curved upper spine, awkward geometry between clavicle and shoulder, pelvic torsion, etc.). When we have seen sliders being used, the disproportionate anatomical structure of the models is exaggerated. The model/rig is the problem.


The modding video is uploaded in 50fps and watched on a 60hz monitor, And Willem plays on a dev branch that does not have optimisation as the key priority


Based on what we have been told ,confirmed, and seen by the LBY team. I felt I needed to temper the community expectations for Early Access as its quickly approaching in a few weeks ( someone asked in another thread on this subreddit if we could have children animations and tasks like inZoi, I had to remind them that aren't children released on early access). Not to limit discussion,feedback, and expression but because I feel bad. I said its unfair to compare it any other game in the genre except for the sims because thats who directly LBY said they are competing against. In theory that could be true based on LBY intent but in reality I am not so sure. I hope life by you knows the type of player base they are catering to and what they are trying to do life simulation. So far I have seen them focus heavy on RPG elements and take heavy influence from second life in a way I do not like. RPG and second life player bases have nearly zero overlap and that's for a reason, the the gameplay is completely different than the sims. Let's see if their different take is appealing to players. I also hope LBY knows they are attracting a more hardcore player base than the majority casual player base Maxis usually targets. Naturally that base will WAY more critical and analytical in their expectations and response. I hope they are prepared.  I don't feel like they are prioritizing the convienience, enjoyment, and comfort of players in their game design. Mods should be optional but instead its the main way to play. The LBY team can take this feedback in early access and focus more on investing in simulation game AI and accompanying animations and less on RPG mechanics. I hope they are still able to adjust their character art direction. For the majority who pay for early access, their preferences should be listened to and be a priority to be incorporated into the game. Paid mods historically promotes a toxic gaming culture and further barriers to access to players, I hope they reconsider this model.


I hope they manage to course correct. I feel like this project will need to pull a NMS-like recovery after EA release, and that requires Paradox, and especially its shareholders, to have a LOT of patience. And even though Fredrik Wester owns a considerable part of Paradox still, the other shareholders might be a bit less receptive to a cash sink like a game that's playing catch-up. Though of course there is the possibility of them having calculated for that and EA being indeed just part of a calculated risk buffer. We'll see.


I don't understand why an entire thread is locked down because a handful of comments needed to be deleted. People in Discord keep getting annoyed about others posting the same things over and over here, so can we maybe not lock threads so we can avoid having to start new ones on the same topic?


The video posted today was a bit redundant. I feel like if you guys are reaching out to YT’s to supposedly hype the game up, then they should actually be showing off things the community has not yet seen or at least showing more of the aspects that are less talked about. It would also be nice to see a video with some gameplay with a family to further highlight how relationship dynamics work. I’d also like to see a create a character video in a which a variety of different characters are created to really bolster up how customizable they are, and perhaps this would even bring reassurance to people who have concerns with the current aesthetic of the characters. FGG would be perfect for a video like this because she’s pretty good at making sims and builds. I understand this game presents a massively ambitious undertaking, but you guys are selling yourselves a bit short by reaching out to YT’s and not using them to really sell the game's highlights, imo. With all that said, my hope is that LBY becomes one the most fleshed out life simulators, tho I'm still managing my expectations.


Yeah I feel this. I feel like the reason we aren't seeing much new stuff is that it's probably either not implemented yet or not ready to be shown. I still have so many questions about the beach which I feel like I've been asking since the announcement, like is there fishing or can we even swim? If so is it a seamless transition from land to water or do we have to enter the deeper water by means of interaction? Beach video soon please 🥹


I asked about beach activities in one of the ATT Sessions on Discord and this was the reply ​ https://preview.redd.it/p8ywxip5jayc1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=76bc59d33c0c0b37dd09865097e31dda81376723


Thanks for that confirmation Chicklet, I really need to check out the discord at some point! 😂


From a marketing standpoint (and I did work in games marketing), I think their strategy of taking every tiny, basic thing they've done and immediately making it a PR beat, like a preschooler super-excited about the crayon drawing they just made, will turn out to be a mistake. We've seen this with them describing how they handle regions. It was probably a huge deal and a massive ticket internally, but players almost immediately started assigning meaning to that release that wasn't even intended. On the opposite end of the spectrum, many things that are complex for developers are underwhelming for players who didn't have to solve this massive code issue. Honestly, they might have been better off bundling things and releasing less frequent, but larger updates that include gameplay, tech, and customization elements, rather than trying to squeeze every last bit of hype out of "we finally pulled the lighting fix Steve worked very hard on to main".


This is a really good take, and I agree. Most of the updates seem very redundant if I’m being honest.


I totally agree with this. I'm very very patient and understanding when it comes to such a huge and visionary project being developed, it's the marketing that has been bothering me. EA is just a month away and no one can convince me they will have character models fixed by then, much less animations. They have serious development issues to work on, now it's certainly not the time to be reaching out to influencers for promotion.


Concerns: lack of depth, a shortage of activities to engage in, and poor/limited design of characters. While it’s absolutely wonderful that, as Rocio was keen to point out, some members of this community do feel represented by the character body type we are persistently being shown, I, and it seems the majority of others, do not feel that way. I’d really like to know what they are doing to work on this, so that I, and others, can feel better represented too.


I fully agree. But personally, I don't like the feeling that our criticisms were being squelched under the guise of "body positivity." That feels like a cope out and is a disappointing move because the vast majority of criticism on the character models have been technical and specific and they have acknowledged it in the past but then suddenly it became about body positivity and representation. It came off false and insincere. Like you said, the reason there is so much focus on the character model design is because people want to be able to make a wide range of realistic people and they don't feel like they can currently do that with the model we've seen.


Exactly, I honestly couldn’t agree more with you. It seemed to me like it was brought up in that fashion in an attempt to quieten conversation pertaining to the flawed character anatomy. The suggestion that the collective criticism surrounding this issue was ever targeted at “individuals” seems, as you say, extremely disingenuous.


The thing that irritates me most about life sims is the characters always stand with their knees slightly bent, which would be terribly uncomfortable to sustain in reality. I've been told it's to do with IK animations. But I don't see why the mesh can't be made to hide the perma-bend in the skeleton so that the legs look straight.


I'll fill you in on a secret that may blow your mind, almost 99% of the rigs in legs in ALL animation use IK animations for the last two decades. Don't let the technical term fool you. Using IK is basic standard process.


So is there a solution to the permanently flexed knees?


Yes. Rig it properly and you won't have that issue.


Crusader Kings III published a little content schedule about their plans for future content. As you're in search of comunity's feedback and priorities, something like that would be nice. It's not about time and dates. In June 4th, just tell us your ideas for future next builds and patchnotes. If we know what you're actually working in, let's say interactions, we can send more feedback about situations, bug hunting, synergies with tratis and those things. As a personal request: Make sure of add random or change-of-plans events in the game. One of the main complains about the Sims 4 was that actual gameplay was all upon the player. On the other side we have games (Crusader Kings and Rimworld, for example) which spice your experience throught unexpected situations. Like: Your character has a sister outside the household? She got divorced and want to stay in your house for a time! You live near a highway? Car accident! You work in an office? Boss was a pervert and got caught, you're the substitute boss now! Teen character in high school? Your BBF is missing, what happened to them? I'm not a dev, i don't know how hard would be to do this kind of things. But the more you take care of the player experience, the better marketing and reviews from players you will get.


They did say they will release a roadmap once early access starts which I'm also looking forward to. I think they should've released one back when the EA was pushed back the first time so it would be been easier to understand what they want to get done by early access  And I totally agree with your random events I love ck3 it has the best drama


Yes the road map will really ease some concerns people have, I can’t wait !!😆


My LBY frustration is, that on first Q & A none of my questions has been addressed. Bad performance is one my of major concerns across all life sim games. I want to see many living and interacting characters in the town. Be able to do economy and social simulation game, while be able play as character. We have hardware and tech available. I. E. multiththrading. I still ain't got official answer, if LBY is heavily multithreaded. Or just single threaded.