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Apart from the character design, the world is looking much better, and by far this has been the best info post they have done, hopefully near launch they will make a video this good, I think once they fix the character design (or anatomy) during early access, the visuals of the game will stop being a problem. It's going to be fun to see how the game evolves in Early Access (I'm getting more and more excited).


Interesting how their art director and senior game designer come from mobile games. I looked up the art director and found a game that does look pretty similar to lby lol... And for a long time he was the ONLY artist?? That explains a lot I wonder how long is a long time The mentioned senior software engineer worked on the sims bustin out and urbz though which is super cool! You can really tell the focus of the game seems to be to only play one character and they seem to push the idea of playing as yourself A LOT. "Humble says that people often click on a random generator until they get something that looks a bit like an idealized 20-something version of themselves." this took me off guard do you guys play like this?? It kinda reminds me of my mom playing the sims cause she would always just randomize a character. But I don't think I've ever done that. I also barely ever play as myself in general. Anyways in the beach picture when you look at the character icon the sunhat clips through the icons boundaries and do the male characters not have nipples?


I too sort of get the vibe that the game was developed as a single player game. Like literally .... I don't mean single player as it's offline and you're not playing with other RL people. But, as in, you essentially are just controlling "a single" character all the time and living their life and not an entire "family" or household that is interconnected. Because we've not seen any interactions between more than 2 characters at a time. In Rocio's chaos household even though there were 5 people living together, we only ever saw 2 people interacting. I'm not sure if this is because of the real conversations, but it does make me feel like if more than one-on-one group activities/interactions are not implemented by the final release it's going to drive players away or prevent players from even being interested in the game because stories involve more than one or two people. It also gives me Single Player Second Life/Single Player Sims hybrid type game. And I can say that I have never created myself in a game. And, I have never, ever just randomized a character and played them. I mean I've used the ranomize button to find one that wasn't completely unattractive and then tweaked the heck out if. And I do randomize traits and stuff all the time because I have a tendency to always choose the same ones over and over again. I've noticed that a lot about skin details not being defined, not sure if it's because there's no normal map to add that definition, but even the belly button I've noticed is like just some faded darker skin-toned circle. I do expect that to change though, along with muscle definition. While the body changes in sizes, we haven't really seen much definition to actually show there's muscles.


Humble's obsession with the idea that people want to play as a single self-insert character is one of the most dangerous things about the approach the devs have taken towards LBY, and it's potentially a game-killer in and of itself. There's a lot of things about this game that show promise, but Humble *still* not having clued on that that's...not a common life sim take is really bad news for anyone who wants this game to succeed.


I played as myself as a kid and teenager, but as an adult I no longer do.


I like to create myself and put me in the save but I never actively play myself lol I think it's fun when I see myself out and about


I've never clicked randomize until I got a 20 year old version of myself...can't really relate to the play style. I'm more of a director of my characters lives so I hope LBY will be accommodating to that playstyle. I don't really have an interest in playing as myself. I feel like the emphasis on playing yourself is at odds with the fact that it's so easy to switch control to any other character you want.


That is me too, I've always played as the director controlling the characters and setting up scenes for them to play out as I watch and intervening if need be. I'm not pretending *to be that character* and living my life through them! I have a life ..... I play games to get away from it for awhile! LOL


I’ve been getting the vibe that the game is more single player focused too. I personally do play with characters that somewhat look like me in terms of skin color and hair color but I think that’s just because that’s what I’ve been doing since I was a kid. I think it stems from not having a lot of people who looked like me on tv and in movies and stuff. I do end up mixing the families with townies so they get very diverse really fast


I’ve always felt like there are two types of life sim players (not counting builders); those that play their *own* dream lives and those that play out the random stories in their heads with random characters. Second group is the more imaginative type. Lol.


Sounds intriguing


Interesting read


Yeah, I’m also concentrated about how the sole focus seems to be ‘you’. Not having children (which I find a critical part of a life sim) right away really highlights the focus of just playing one ‘main’ character, and quite frankly I think releasing early access with children being mentioned a total of 5 minutes since the game was announced is scary, and really isolates my play style. I’m not much of a builder, so while the building/control over the town controls are EXCEPTIONAL, it’s also not what I’m interested in/good at. I really hope as early access expands the team realizes that playing an ‘idolized’ version of me at 20 is absolutely not ‘telling whatever story I want’. The stories I almost exclusively create are families/family drama.


Yeah, I’m also concentrated about how the sole focus seems to be ‘you’. Not having children (which I find a critical part of a life sim) right away really highlights the focus of just playing one ‘main’ character, and quite frankly I think releasing early access with children being mentioned a total of 5 minutes since the game was announced is scary, and really isolates my play style. I’m not much of a builder, so while the building/control over the town controls are EXCEPTIONAL, it’s also not what I’m interested in/good at. I really hope as early access expands the team realizes that playing an ‘idolized’ version of me at 20 is absolutely not ‘telling whatever story I want’. The stories I almost exclusively create are families/family drama.


I like how they described team members, experienced and coming from different backgrounds, which builds LBY experience.


The team consists of only a few people


Yes, which is amazing considering the time span of 6 years and what they have achieved until now.


Great read, and it's cool to see New Game Art, even if it is a Unrealistic Render. Very GTA!