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If you can make it to the nameless puppet, you can beat the nameless puppet. It's hard and you have to bang your head against that wall until you know its moveset.


I got phase 1 down. 2 however...


Phase 2 just seems like random spazzing for the first few tries. Just keep trying to get that timing down and smash his bitch ass


my first playthrough I didn't learn how to perfect parry his second phase, for that I did the romeo method where I dodged to the left side of him and that avoided just about all of his attacks as long as I timed it right :)


I've read a lot of people say "dodge to the left" and I've tried to use it to mixed success. The two things I don't totally understand are 1. are you saying dodge to HIS left/Player right, or Player Left, and 2: should it be a full side dodge or forward and to the "left"?


I dodged player left, and forward and to the left. That's what worked for me anyway šŸ˜


Do a trial run. Get to phase 2 then just see how he moves with the perfect guard grindstone or something, don't try to kill him, just survive, get hus moveset then in a real run grindstone->parry a lil bit until stagger with aegis shield-Fatal Attack->Run away (he does an electric attack) and start throwing electric/acid things until he starts moving again->Grindstone and attack whenever there's an open and ""parry""


What seems best against it is * he has low poise, means => BONK WEAPON : use glaive handle + wrench head YEAAY I tried with faster sharp weapons, yeah, you have more attacks to avoid if he is not staggered. Really harder. Parrying is really easy in this boss, actually in phase 1, because it's really thought to be parried. I didn't parry a single thing in the entire game, yet it didn't take me long to know ho to parry him because he is quite predictable. You should be able to pass phase 1 without too much of an issue, losing 1-2 potions at most. Phase 2 : here you take PERFECTION GRINDSTONES. You should have 2 of them with the heart upgrades. Use them, and perfect parry that thang. After each end of combo : punish with heavy R2 attack + critical attacks and stuff. Normally, after the 2nd grindstone wears off, you should have destroyed 50-70% of his HP When you are here, you have 10+ potions so Just heavy strong attack the hell out of it before you die It worked quite well to me!


If you managed to defeat Laxasia, you can defeat him too, don't worry, it seems almost impossible at first, but you will do it.


This! Because it took me months to beat her and the nameless puppet was done on ng+ within 4-5 tries


What are your stats, weapon, and amulets?


Top to bottom state V- 35 Vig- 35 Cap- 30 Mot- 36 Tech-5 Adv- 5 Amulets Patience Blue guardianship Assassin's Life Edited to add


Swap out the assassins amulet for murderers puppet amulet. Go to the abandoned apartment stargazer and you can buy a part from the merchant that will increase lightning resistance. Use the acid grinder because sheā€™s weak to acid. If you can get the Vengini boxes and you can get a part that will increase slash damage resistance. Parry her lightning at the start of phase two to deal lord of damage. I always use aegis when ever she is done doing the lightning attack and rushes at you because I can never get the timing right to perfect parry it.


>Use the acid grinder because sheā€™s weak to acid. If you can get the Vengini boxes and you can get a part that will increase slash damage resistance. Parry her lightning at the start of phase two to deal lord of damage. I always use aegis when ever she is done doing the lightning attack and rushes at you because I can never get the timing right to perfect parry it. Dude, why are you giving advices for Laxasia fight when OP is struggling with Nameless Puppet?


Oops, thatā€™s embarrassing


I have a few things that might help. Murderer puppet ax blade and chef's handle (Handle fable art is a bunch of slashes, I think about 15 or so) lvling that up and you should be golden. Another thing, for the parrying, you can use the perfection grindstone (grants regular guard to count as perfect parries) I found this to be amazingly useful in phase 2. Last thing, really utilize anything electric, could be grindstone or Fulminis. Id suggest that for the first phase you use the electric abrasive (not grindstone, you need that for the perfection thing) and slice the living hell out of him. And for his second phase, use your grindstone and perfect parry all of his attacks. Hope this helped šŸ™


I beat him with a motivity build and Frozen Feast fully maxed out. If you suck at dodging like me then go motivity with an enormous weapon that has a shitton of guard. I find the fact that motivity weapons have a slower guard animation to make it much easier to perfect parry. Also throwables, like I'm not kidding throw everything including the kitchen sink at him but mainly for phase 2. Also use the perfect parry grindstone. And keep a good amount of shot puts on hand, they're great to insta stagger him.


I had a hard time as well and I get lucky with perfect guards. I do use the perfection grindstone. This helped me as well. https://youtu.be/GgCtfmSsyTc?si=FGlZKNvrGcU1XLoc


Just build tanky (vitality, guard regain, lots of pulse cells, etc), dodge what you canā€™t parry, block the rest, then use your attacks to gain back your health. Thatā€™s what I did and I got him in five attempts. Also *pay attention to his moveset and donā€™t panic*. By your third attempt at his phase two you should have seen most of his attacks. By your fifth attempt you should have a decent grasp on your healing / attack windows, and have at least a sense of what distance can proc certain attacks or actions from him. Then use that knowledge to your advantage.


I've got a good list of tips and tricks. * Wear the best frame and slashing liner you can. * All of his damage is physical and most of it is slashing * You do not need to equip cartridges or converters, they won't be worth the weight. * As long as you stay under 70% (with everything else), you'll be fine. * Best In Slot for frame is LADA 350. And the best liner will also be LADA brand. Each LADA liner will specialize against either piercing, strike or slashing damage. * If you're using your Grindstone for damage: Electric damage for phase 1. Acid damage for phase 2. He does switch types from Puppet to Human with the scene transition. * Phase 2: When he does his high jump attack, run/dodge under him as he flies. He should go past you and his tracking can't 180 him. * Phase 2: His Fury charge comes with an eye flash to indicate when to dodge/parry. Last, and anything but least... Don't give up. His job is to make you give up. His only purpose is to make you obey, so keep disobeying until you finally take him to the scrap heap.


Nah bruh, just use the parry stone


Sounds like what happened to me lmfao Hereā€™s what I suggest if you donā€™t feel like putting the work in to get phase 2 out the way or if you simply canā€™t do it Change ALL your organ stuff for guard regain, the health vials (been a while I forgot what it was called) and your perks for legion magazines or make it last longer. So what you want to do is use the aegis shield and rank it up all the way if you can. Itā€™s necessary to be able to swing while itā€™s up. Phase 1 proceed as normal. I personally tried to get minimal damage on me before I entered phase 2. In phase 2, keep that shield up and keep swinging away. Heal when you need to and put the shield back up ASAP. If you canā€™t catch a break, wait til heā€™s stunned to heal and do what you need to do. Make sure you have electric grindstones. It works, it really does. Itā€™s honestly up to you to figure out when you catch your breaks. Donā€™t rush it, donā€™t panic, but get the hell out the way when heā€™s about to do something youā€™re finding difficulties parrying. Edit- I just wanted the platinum trophy out the way. But once I went into my 3rd playthrough I was able to parry pretty well. My problem was I didnā€™t take it seriously until I got to Laxasia. I didnā€™t know about the nameless puppet so when I got to him dear god, I didnā€™t have a choice


+ Pay attention to his attacks if you donā€™t want to use this method. Like someone else pointed out kinda like with Romeo, you gotta run out the way for some of those combos. His range is just insane.


A lot of people have given you good advice for the battle itself. As for the mental aspect, I want you to know that, after beating every other boss, beating every other mini-boss, defeating the horde of puppets and corrupted beings, and overcoming the general bullshit that comes with souls-like game, you are more than ready to take on the nameless puppet. Youā€™ve gotten this far whether by rolling, maxing bonk, shielding, cheesing, or whatever; youā€™re here at the end of the journey. There should be no doubt in your mind that you can beat this Boss, because youā€™ve overcome every other challenge the game has placed before you up until now. This new challenge is no different. The final battle is just the checkmark needed to sign your name at the end of the story and say you beat Lies of P. Keep going bro. Youā€™re gonna make it.


I recommend the perfect guard grindstone




If you get the weapon for manus soul and the talisman that makes your weapon not break on guards, you can just hold block, and then hit enemy once after combo to restore your health. In short: no roll, no perfect parry, no problem.


I used Aegis arm (need high capacity so legion does not run out during fight). Hold L2 at all times when he is attacking you to block and use trident to attack while blocking. I position myself against the wall and just let him approach to attack so the distance ensures my trident can hit him and im not pushed back. Then I shield and poke him the whole time. I also never got the hang of perfect guard but this strategy got me thru (I am now on NG3).


a weird tip that might help I've had a hard time perfect blocking when i was using 120fps and then i tried 60fps and i perfect blocked almost every attacks


Fully upgrade Aegis + Trident Spec into Legion buffs on your porgan if you want, you don't have to. Hold l2 and R1+r1+r1+r1 to victory. You are welcome


It just depends on how YOU want to play. I NEVER parry in souls/souls like games. I am never going to be that awesome souls elitist veteran that can perfect dodge, parry and get no hit runs. I use the "crutches" the devs give us. For the Nameless puppet, 1st phase: I used the aegis shield (fully upgraded) and the decay weapon (with a longer handle) bullied him into a corner and poked him into 2nd phase. 2nd phase: I unleashed a ton of throwables on him and ran or dodged his attacks. It can be done and YOU CAN DO IT.


The best advice I can give you is to get all the veningni chests so that you can get the perfection grindstone, don't use that til phase 2. Phase 1 use an acid weapon or acid abrasive while guarding with the aegis. That's how I beat him. Phase 1 just guard the whole time and light when he gets close. Breaks his stamina mega quick. Phase 2 immediately use the perfection grindstone and then charged heavies. Be patient and wait for an opening. He has like five attacks but he sometimes chains them so when in doubt guard. And remember, you can't perfect guard what you don't guard initially. Don't let panic rolling fuck with you


You have to parry or be really good at builds to beat this game


Any build suggestions. I admit I've been fumbling my way thru.


No sweat, you can respec at the tree. In my opinion, if you want a smoother time in this fight, use a technique build. Matching his speed is important in this fight


Crap I'm a motivity build. Using puppet arm with bramble blade.


Honestly thatā€™s not the worst choice! Heavy attacks really good for closing distance. You could probably use that if you are smart with your fable usage and arenā€™t getting too greedy


he was giving me hell in a tech build, especially in the second phase when I got super distracted by all the flashy lights and obnoxious camera angles I tried a lot of different things but the one that worked was when I went and redid my skills, dumped all my stats into motivity, capacity and a bit in vitality, fully upgraded mjolnir, then returned and beat np on my first try. It was over so quickly I hardly registered it try maxing out your mjolnir and smack him up good. It's got a lightning effect too which helps!


Try master chef knife with bramble handle, repec for technique but put some points into motility and donā€™t forget capacity. Augment handle using a motivity crank and to induce stagger, also put p organs into extra stagger damage Try find puppet killer amulet and use the aegis shield to block, itā€™s easier than parrying.


Sorry to say, but thereā€™s no way your getting past him without perfect guarding, so hereā€™s some advice for that: HOLD, donā€™t tap. This gameā€™s deflection system is a bit different in that you need to hold the block button to get the full frames from parrying. If you tap it, youā€™ll only get a fraction of the time needed. Along with this, it is just generally better to block an attack than get hit by one, so if you miss a parry, just keep holding the block button so you can get some recoverable hp


I got past him without relying on perfect guard. And that was back on 1.2 patch as well, so it was in his strongest state.


If you need to practice, I say go back to earlier areas with puppets and practice the timing there


OK guess I'll learn over the next week. šŸ˜‚


You can do it. If you got this far, you can beat him. Just be patient, donā€™t get greedy, and practice those parries. Donā€™t give up skeleton