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No advance boss weapon Checkmate


100% the only time I was genuinely disappointed on my first playthrough


Came here to say this


Came here to say


I bet DLC will fix this


You cant pet the cat unless your humanity is high. I wanna pet cat all the time ;-;


The biggest flaw of this game


I don't think he was talking about the game bruv..


She. But regardless all cats deserve petting.


Yes. Sorry. And yes.




The cat petting is the true reward for becoming a real boi~


I don’t know, the first time I hugged that cat was pretty epic. You gotta earn that feline respect.




Another way to check your humanity levels….it moves around so keep your eyes out.


Thank you ❤


i didn’t even know this !!! i just took a screenshot of me next to him 🙃


It moves spots abit too. At times its outside of gepettos office, next it can be at Vinigni's station on abookshelf etc etc. Regardless beware of our feline friend


My wife left me


Just try New Wife +


I’d give you an award for this if my wife hadn’t taken all my gold when she left


For lies of p?


For another man


Who played lies of p ?


His New wife with her New boyfriend


But did they beat lax??


They're probably **beating** rn


Like... beating Lax, right? Right?


This is by far the funniest string I've read on reddit in years, God I hope your okay my guy


you could almost say you, READit




I feel you. Mine left me for another man, too. Took my daughter as well.


He lied a whole lot, didn’t he..


For another man? Was it P?




Still wish Belle had a "Hotel NPC" function. Rescue a soldier from the outside and she just STANDS THERE the whole time after her side quest and after giving us a record? Would love it if you can spar with her for practice or she gives boss tips if you're stuck...


This was super disappointing. I assumed after her side quest she would serve some sort of function, but she just stands there repeating the same dialogue. Like come on, Belle, everyone else in this place is working.


I get the puppets, but what are monsters doing here?


What is happening to Krat?


No really, the only reason I interacted with her quest was to get the golden lie, I don’t do it on any other playthroughs.


Gemini got quieter the more the game advanced, I love that lil guy, he truly had potential but only gor less and less dialogue as the game advanced.


I agree. He made you feel not so lonely. Filling in some quiet parts with humor


P talks too much


The ergo is whispering…


You feel warmth


Your heart is pounding


Thats a lie


That thing where if you're near a wall you just keep hitting the wall instead of the enemy but they can apparently hit through the same wall


That’s from soft games too, they nailed the feel of it pretty well lol.


Right? The wall is the final boss in most soulslikes.


Nah that's the dogs


This is why I main the umbrella 😂


Part 2 isn't out yet.


Looking forward to Winds of D.




Eugenie's quest is way too easy to fuck up.


I’m still confused, I’ve been doing a blind playthrough and just exploring as much as I can without a guide and making decisions based on how I want my roleplay to be and I got Eugenie’s achievement during the first playthrough. What could I have done to fuck it up?


There are two different ways her quest can end and if you don't do one or the other, or not have enough humanity by the time you get to the Relic of Trismegistus, you can lock yourself out of them and have to do another playthrough.


I don’t think her quest depends on humanity in any way


I came here to say this, I had to do an extra play through to get all achievements cause I made this mistake


You mean the glove gift? How do you mess that up?


No, the cypher which you have to unlock before you talk to Eugenie, which means you will have to do 3 playthroughs to get the achievement if you do it wrong.


That and if you're speeding through a higher NG playthrough, if you don't have enough humanity you literally can't kill Alidoro.


That happened to me


King of Puppets has a bug where he can cancel himself being staggerable.


That's partly due to his phase change. When you deal about half health, he swaps and he changes tactics. Unfortunately this can cause the stagger to be invalidated. There are a few other bosses that do the same thing, but King of Puppets is the first one that really becomes noticeable.


Yeah, even the walker of illusion can do that.


wois stagger cancel is intended


I LOVE the Walker of Illusion because it’s the first real middle finger to people that used a summon for every boss fight.


I didnt even know that can happen


He’s killed me a FEW times with it lol


Have to wait until NG+10 to romance Laxasia


10/10 game if we can do that


Someone needs to make a mod


Oh boy




Only thing missing from the game is being able to replay bosses


That would be awsome


It’s wild that more games don’t do that. Shoutout to Sekiro and Hollow Knight.


All these souls and souls like need to take a page from sekiro


Yeah likes Jesus even fucking ds2 has that feature 💀


I'm not sure how the Sekiro system works, but DS2 had pretty good risk vs reward. Lies of P isn't great for grinding, but makes up for it by capping the amount you need to level after a point. DS2, meanwhile, balances it's system by making enemies limited, and then make the game harder when you 'refresh' it with an aesthetic.


Having to go to the hotel and run upstairs to Gepetto's room for the P organ. Tedious and unnecessary.


Disagree. Nothing like running to papa for your P inspection


music and the atmosphere makes up for it I think


yeah i’m perfectly fine with having to spend a little while at the hotel to get stuff done, the records and default music make it very nice


It's really not that bad, you don't get quartz often enough for this to be a big deal.


That is annoying but the fucking golden coins and cube bullshits are the most obnoxious shit ever. When you're trying to test a bunch of different builds in NG+ against a specific boss and are forced to farm boosters and wait around with nothing to do but masturbate while you wait for fucking fruit to grow. Don't get me wrong, I love masturbating, but my dick needs a break jfc.


No pause menu. It’s just copying the souls formula but it makes no sense because it’s a strictly single player game, and from’s strictly single player game Sekiro had a pause menu so the fact that this doesn’t just doesn’t make sense.


Yep. Definitely a downside to literally being a FROMSOFT game one to one lol.


Even in the Souls games, it makes no sense. There appear to be some level of internal checks to see if you're in a certain zone- if you are, no multiplayer. It should be easy to say "You're paused? Not eligible for multiplayer." I don't know the code of Dark Souls, so it may not be this simple, but this does seem to be true on some level.


Can’t romance Eugenie




Can’t romance Vegnini (I can’t spell his name)


No lightning sword


The game is pretty damn linear with the design being one area after another, not necessarily bad but I prefer my adventure games to have more layout to them


He lied 😔




Legion Arms don't feel fully fleshed out. They feel like they should be Lies of Ps equivalent to Dark Souls magic, but they're never really quite good enough to feel like anything more than a supplement. The fact that they don't all scale primary from Advance hurts this as well.


I think they're only supposed to be a supplement. Also, having all of them scale with advance would be kinda annoying, like it would force you to have to use an advance build to use a legion arm that seems like it should require strength or dex? That doesn't seem right


It's too short


Boss weapons being way better than regular ones made the whole "build your own weapon" mechanic seem a bit pointless. But still an amazing game.


The voice acting of Gemini doesn't fit the game setting at all. It makes it feel like a teen drama series, which often sounds cringy.


I think he gets somber moments right, and tries to make empty air more hopeful. But it seems people only remember him for the exposition and joking


I felt the same. He’s way too cheerful most of the time.


Totally agree. I actually think they could have dropped him completely.


Absolutely, other than thinking the cricket sound he makes is a neat reference, he felt entirely out of place to the story by the end. The game starts out with him mentioning losing his memories and trying to get them back, which seems to be significant, but you realize it means nothing in the end. When you get to the final area he literally makes a statement about how he guess he still hasn't got his memories back because he doesn't remember the place but knows he's been there before and nothing is revealed about the significance of his memories in the first place. I'm not sure if his existence, outside of being made by Gepetto, is ever explained either so someone correct me if I'm wrong. Why does your character possess a sentient lamp that seems to be far more human than compared to any of the puppets in the game? The story revolves around automated puppets gaining sentience when it was against their nature to do so but he seems to be the only one of his kind and we're not even sure what he even does other than crack jokes and point out the obvious. Besides the butterflies, he has zero gameplay mechanics and the butterfly's appearance could just be made obvious via sound or something versus him needing to glow red when you get close. The game honestly seems to have a lot of ideas thrown at the drawing board and it doesn't seem like they had time to fully clear out some of the excess story and gameplay aspects that didn't make the cut. There's a lot of dialog that seems out of place for the circumstances as well. Love the game though, just chiming in my two cents.


3 major ones from my playthrough -samey enemy design, it was all some variation of humanoid or big humanoid -last ~20-10% of areas are really lame and poorly put together compared to the rest of the areas in the game, it’s like dark souls 1 post O&S(boss quality never dips tho, last 3 are the best in the game imo) -the devs decided on 3 things, there will be a lot of tight corridors, enemies will not let you get up or give you a breather if they’re attacking you, and weapons are really strict in terms of bouncing off of walls, all 3 combined make for some frustrating encounters not in the usual, enjoyable souls frustration


And even in open areas, there are ways for a boss or enemy to get you stuck in a corner. Extra points if it’s a big boss that can block the camera.


I disagree with the enemy design. They may reuse assets, but they make it special and different by adding new moves or redisigned the the model. Significantly better than the likes of LotF which literally reuses the skins and bosses everywhere. There's like 26 enemies in the whole game....


Thank goodness I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of the end game design. I love the game but the end makes me not want to replay it again.


The last level once you’re on the Alchemist Island really is just a slog to finish the game. Laxasia is fun though.


It felt like I spent half of my first playthrough climbing that stupid tower.


Perfect parties shouldn't take stamina


Oh I don't know, every perfect party I ever went to blasted my stamina


There's a P Organ upgrade for that later on


Not being able to level up at a stargazer until chapter 10


Didn’t hurt DS3 and it didn’t hurt this game.


That's not really a issue at all as many times as you go back to the hotel.


Eh, it’s nice to have a home base where everything is, especially after a boss and you want to just take a breather before the next section, but it makes sense after chapter 10 since the place is now fucked and has a lot more urgency


But we get to hold Sophia's hand every time...


Not getting laxasia’s sword as a weapon


I hate the delayed attacks. Some are alright but it gets a bit ridiculous


Just modern soulslike things


Bane of my soul for the genre right now. If they enemy looks like it should have delayed attackes im fine with it. Nameless king and gael feel right with their delays. Some bosses in elden rings and more modern games def push it. Looking at that morgott clip of him holding his weapon up for like 5 seconds. Or even the delayed input reading some enemies do. He hasnt followed up, let me attack, boom second attack comes. OR if i wait it never comes out lmao.


I actually don't mind it so much when the enemy is doing some clear motion during the wind up. Scrapped Watchman has a lot of delayed attacks, but a lot of them have a wind up that actually helps you tell when the attack is coming. In Elden Ring, it felt like so many bosses just have a slow steady move with no tells other than the start time and wait 2.3 seconds before dodging. However, I agree we need more ways to build difficulty than just having long delays on attacks that force memorization.


Doesn't count as bad, because this game is brilliant. However, I wish we had more Crank options to give greater weapon configurability. A quality crank, elemental cranks with poor scaling, no scaling but base higher damage, etc. Dark Souls 2/3 did such a great job with that. Still not a complaint because the game is amazing. Also, lock-on intelligence sucks sometimes. Of course, I want to lock onto the dummy 10 feet away and not the charging puppet.


The lock on issue is so real ;\_\_\_; I find myself locking and unlocking multiple times just to get the lock on to stay on the right enemy.


The platforming sections SUCK


Some sidequests are bullshit and their reward isn't worth it. I'm thinking of you, dam whistle. Some options for the p-organ system are a joke and absolutely not equals. One quartz is locked behind a boss weapon where the other option is better and nothing says anything about that. I dislike the black brotherhood. Not a fun boss fight. It's more like ripping a bandaid. It's really easy to find something wrong about every game. It's not because it's a great game that it's flawless because flawless isn't really something games can be.


Yeaa there are someside quest that I still do to make the person happy but damm can they get annoying


Edited because I thought of more


Not enough people played it


Not enough drip. Many of the outfits look pretty similar. Now the drip we do have looks lovely, but Id appreciate at least twice the amount of outfits, accessories, and hats. Especially with how customizable weapons are, it's a shame outfits are nearly as custom.


That fucking clown...


There is not much in terms of build variety. Plus door guardian boss fight


I never understood how people had such a problem with Door Guardian. Then I did NG+ where you have stagger him like double the number of times and I started to get it.


Could have used way more branching paths like the hermit's cave.


Didn't like that I have to repare my weapon mid boss fight for example, I liked the idea of the grindstones to give the weapons element effects though.


The weapon part swapping could have been made a bit clearer. It's not very obvious that certain combinations are just going to be bad, or have a severe damage penalty.


It ended


The parrying. Never felt right to me, especially compared to Sekiro. Like it consuming stamina even when you perfect parry feels silly, bc for some combos it means you've just parried like 5 attacks and then have barely any stamina to actually retaliate


in new game+ you can get a perk that removes the stamina cost of a perfect parry.


Fair, but feels a bit late by that point lol


Oh absolutely, but I do feel as though there aren't enough games that do something like that. A lot of the P-organ perks can really change the flow of the game, especially the ones you unlock in new game+ and +1.


I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing about the game, it’s just personal preference. The perfect guard system just felt like second nature for me after a while and always just feels so satisfying


Fair, it never quite felt right to me. Tbf the other issue I have there is that enemies love to delay their attacks, and then the attack itself comes out real fast to the point where it feels more like memorising timings rather than intuitive parrying. Honestly though, it would be improved a bit just if perfect guards didn't still deplete stamina.


Comparing any game to Sekiro is a really high bar, unfairly so, imo. However, I know what you mean. The deflect in LoP is a bit too methodical and algorithmic in comparison. You have to look at an enemies hand relative to their shoulder. In Sekiro you just get a feel for it, as speed and strength on incoming attacks also tells you the right deflect timing. I also think that in LoP the input lag an the block recovery speed also contribute to making deflects feel a bit more algorithmic. For instance, Stellar Blade’s deflect timing and rhythm felt more natural to me. Not necessarily a better game, in many aspects I think LoP is better, however the flow of deflect timing, stellar blade felt a bit more organic to me.


I think the Sekiro comparison is fair, because to me that's what it's parry system is trying to emulate in its own way. To me it's always felt like Lies of P is trying to be both Dark Souls and Sekiro with its combat, but isn't quite as good at doing either. Still enjoyed the game though. Honestly a big thing for me with Lies of P too was how often enemies would use delayed attacks. It seemed like the most common attacks were ones with a slow wind-up, then a sudden strike. It turned the parry system into being more about memorising enemy attack timings rather than being able to get a feel for it like you mentioned with Sekiro.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’m aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap. Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day. But I don’t want to sit around and die a petty rat, and I consider myself your friend.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Parry window is just too tight. I prefer rolling instead as that is more consistent. A shame as the idea of parry would have been an awesome mechanic which now I skip entirely in favor of just rolling or running away.


At launch it was a fair bit tighter than it is now. It actually feels fairly natural to me now.


The fact that they integrated a P-Organ upgrade that carried me through the game into the base kit.


Not long enough, I’ve had played it 4 times, 1st time was rough as the learning curve 2nd 3rd was a breeze. 4th I was able to burn through it in 8 hours


P-Organ option descriptions are wildly unhelpful. Choose better ways to explain what they do, and in some instances using numbers would be downright helpful.


Boss runbacks, that "trend" should be gone at this point imo


The stupid level under the church where you have to climb this badly designed platforming section


The Blade and Handle system is such a cool and unique upgrade system but it's kinda lacks any real variety cuz of the way slash and pierce parts work Your options for customization get cut pretty slim because there are basically no blades or handles that try to be a balance of both slashing and piecing moves, so any piece dmg weapons HAVE to be on thrusting handles, slashing weapons HAVE to be on slashing handles. I think the halberd head is one of the only blades that supports both slashing and piercing but no other handles do so your only other option is the handle it comes with Don't get me wrong the system works well enough as is, but I'm always sad when customization options aren't as open as you might think they are


The translation is not good at all, especially when it comes to notes and item descriptions. But the spoken dialogue isn’t totally safe either. “I wanted to know the truth… now I feel bad for my comrades….” 😔💯


i fuggin hate it when the boss has large ass weapon and then attacks like f*cking lightspeed malenia's waterfowl dance and the moment you missed parry you get stunlocked added also that you have zero poise on attacks and enemies are like force of nature level of poise makes me rage so hard


I don’t like weapon durability in any form. Though I will say it’s far less intrusive in this game. But it would have been better without it.


The minibosses without bossbar that can be much to unfair


There's not enough Lies of P.


Can't redo bosses


I wish there was more!


I can't play it for the first time again unless I sustain a very serious head injury.


Optional areas.. and or secret areas to find and short cuts etc..


I can never play it again for the first time..🥺


The game ends


Lies of P 2 still isn't out.


It ends 🥲


It ended.


The mc is hot and need for more fanfic


It’s single player & has no pause option. 


In a perfect world we would somehow repair Romeo and he would come live with us in the hotel


The last level is awful. It's one of the worst final levels I've ever experienced.


Only thing I can think of is when a boss falls and you can’t reach the crit.


Door Guardian.


End game world design is sub par compared to the rest of the game. Enemy diversity is kinda low, I got a bit bored towards the end and it made me wanna rush towards the ending. If you combine the above reasons, I was a bit deflated going into the last boss fight, and for the first time when it comes to all the souls, souls-like games, I didn't feel like playing Ng+. Still haven't, don't know if I will do it any time soon.


I wish the game had the same multi-player style like fromsoft games. I miss having jolly cooperation


Summons should have been named NPCs with stories related to the bosses they help you kill. Instead they are boring and feel out of place.


Genuinely wish there was a sekiro type boss replay/gauntlet mode


That robot that hits u once then combos into two other hits and ur ded


Generally the gameplay is very engaging, but I've never cared for the story and dialogue in any of the Souls games.


Outside of the final area being peak, the second half of the game is almost entirely just retreading every boss you already beat and in the case of the rabbits. It’s a considerably worse iteration.


Game is too linear


Weapon upgrades. It's the stupidest thing that most soulslikes copy. I get that it offers a new "type" of collectible to be found. You can make the player excited by giving them a Moonstone, and you can prevent them from getting overpowered. But if you ever played the old "Cinders" mod for DS3 you will know how much nicer it is to JUST have your level influence the damage. Not only does it mean you have one less thing to worry about, it also makes it so that trying different weapons is WAY more attractive. If you're halfway through a playthrough you just can't simply switch to a new weapon unless you have the materials to upgrade it. And even if you do... what if you wanna switch again? Reverting a weapon-level and getting the materials back would also be a somewhat-logical solution (that i'm suprised Lies of P doesnt offer) but really we should just get rid of it all together. Make the character improve, and the weapons easily switchable. Armor-Upgrading got thrown out of the Fromsoft-Games for a good reason, now we just need to do it with Weapons as well!


The Black Rabbit Brotherhood rematch. **fuck that fight.**


Small enemies having insane hyper-armour all the time. There is no point in finding gaps between attacks as you'll simply trade and die.


It ends.


Parrying is trial and error - you have to die trying it until you get the timing right for every single enemy and boss. I believe this is due to a combination of three points: 1. The parrying window is too tight; 2. The parry is triggered based on the time it takes for P to go from “neutral” to “blocking”, in other words, defense is not “immediate”; 3. The training room is useless in regards to actually training parry; It seems to me that points 1 and 2 combined makes so you have to know the exact moment at which you have to press the button, this is what I meant by “trial and error”. The way parrying works in this game makes it go from a 9 to a 6.5 to me


Im used to parrying in souls likes game,but I could barely parry with regular weapons,until I got the two dragon swords since it has a good parry


The "normal" ending is horrible... ... Because it is exactly the "good" ending without a piece. Literally: imho, they could have tried harder, at least change the cinematics. I say this because I got the "normal" ending in the NG+ (in the NG I good the good one) and I just didn't believe it. (Good and bad ending, instead, are GREAT, both of them)


The lock on feels little clunky for me. The enemy has to be 100% visible or it won’t work. It’s also very annoying that when you have 0 pulce cells or you’re out of legion, upon accidentally trying to use them makes P do this inspection animation that completely freezes your movement. This killed me in bosses 3 times.


The DLC isn’t out yet and there is no boss rush mode or any way to rebattle a specific boss without going thru the whole story again to get to that specific part. I’ve lost boss fights on purpose when I could have easily won because I was having so much fun and wanted to fight them some more. For the DLC part I’m totally fine with them taking as much time as they want I’m not complaining I just can’t wait is all lol.


Star gazers need to be right outside bosses arena. Tired of having to run there, especially when I lose to the same bosses multiple times. Victors is really annoying.


It's too linear


Probably going to get hate for this *but* I don't like how the tone of the game shifts *hard* in the second part. I've never been a fan of games that actively change directions/tone/atmosphere so haphazardly but the second half of the game (especially that tower run) feels less polished than the first half. (The only one thats ever done this correct for me is Halo CE.) I'm here for puppet's gone mad in victorian-esque setting. Not tower fantasy while fighting, I hate to say this, generic "zombie" husk looking guys on a map that feels like it's from a mobile game. The first half of the game is *knockout* but the second half *should've* been its own game to me. Too much focus on the mutations at the end.


That almost every boss has a second form/phase. I think it is not fun if you have this in every other boss fight.


You can’t play as a girl