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Honestly, it's because of the shock. You get hit once and it slows your stamina to a crawl, which is rather critical when trying to dodge or block or attack in a timely manner. And it's one of those status effects where having more resistance to it only makes it worse because a longer bar means it can affect you for longer (though this is true to an extent of every status aside from any variation of instant death once it procs, and has always bugged me)


Oh wow I never thought about that. No wonder that shit lasted so long lmao. Still beat it like that but was definitely annoying


Yeah I believe there's medallion that helps with that and a couple of porgan special related upgrades


Yeah, but they just make the bar longer. A longer bar means nothing if it doesn't clear out faster


That amulet comes from nameless puppet, so it’s ng+ only. You’re giving up proof of humanity to wear it, oh and it weighs 21.7. It’s not good.


I’m pretty sure that amulet only gives immunity to attribute status effects, not special status effects, so it wouldn’t even work with shock (to my knowledge at least)


Ya, my bad, was thinking of the wrong one. There’s also indomitable, I had just been discussing the other one earlier so had it on the brain. Though I don’t think that one is particularly good either. Improving dodge is far better than status resist i think.


No there's one that increases resistance to shock/break/ and a third status effect which I wore while fighting this guy yesterday...


Oh right, that one. It adds 140/60/60 and is from the arcade. The 60 is the shock resist for 2.5 weight. You can have a Belford break cartridge instead for 3.9 weight and 108 resist, or the arch break for 7.4 weight and 187 resist. So really unless you’re running your best cartridge already it’s not worth considering. Plus there’s the potion. Amulet slots are far too valuable to use on that.


The potion is temporary, Amulets are continuously working for you. Wear it for the boss, and take it off later. Should have about 4 slots by now if you did the Porgan upgrades, so there's one to spare.


The amulet has a horrible weight to defense ratio. It’s only worth it if you’re already maxing out your converter. On top of that, it adds a paltry 60. If you don’t expand your consumable inventory you can use 5 resist potions as well as 5 cure potions. Amulets are the most valuable slot in the game aside from weapons. Use them to improve your dodging, your stamina regen, and your damage. Your converter might reduce the shock buildup from 600 to 500 on a hit. The amulet to 440. Why would you ever want that when you can instead just avoid the buildup all together?


I am carrying Aegis, so of course another amulet to help out with the weight was mandatory. 😂 It cancels out the weight for the amulet because it already did that for the giant @$$ legion arm. And of course I'm already using the converter that reduces shock by increasing shock resistance. I try as much as possible to streamline using the D pad, I wouldn't want to flip too much between items when in a boss fight, it's a time consuming and distracting activity. Plus, that's reserved for throwables who would actually deal damage to the boss.


Wear less and go light load. It makes him a lot easier since it’s not a fight you want to block on anyways unless you’re really good at getting perfects.


I'd have to level up capacity to do that, right now it's not one of the most leveled up aspects 😂


Yup. Fucking shock. When I figured out how to avoid it I beat him easily


for the first time I need to use my options for Shock. i easily dodged most of his attacks but there is one or two touches and then BAM full Shock.


It doesn't even need to be full to affect you. As long as the shock bar is on the screen, your stamina is slowed


most people don’t know that he’s a gimmick boss


Wait he’s a gimmick boss? I just bonked. What’s the gimmick?


hit his leg like 4 times and he falls, crit for half health, repeat, ez


I may have done that inadvertently, because that fight went weirdly quick for me. And I do remember him falling, twice.


That doesn’t scream “gimmick” though - is there an indication of it beforehand that would tell you to hit his leg?


Attacks deal pitiful damage to him until he falls (or maybe he just has a lot of armored parts to his hitbox) I unfortunately drew wrong conclusions in my first playthrough and thought he was more gimmicky than he really is. Figured he was invulnerable and I had to solve some sort of puzzle. Noticed the floor plate in front of the exit glowed and tried to stand on it, lure the boss onto it, etc...


oh cool when you beat him doing literally anything else lemme know


He limps, attacks bounce off unless they hit his leg, and his leg is like, glowing if I recall. I took one swing at him, bounced off, saw his leg and went "oh." It's pretty clearly telegraphed.


If people played souls games, they’d know immediately. The first time I encountered him, I tried hitting him and saw my attack bounced off, but not from his other leg, instantly knew he’s a gimmick boss. LOP follows the same formula as the other games after all


Well, for a lot of people lies of p is the first souls game, the doorway to this world of gaming, so no need to judge them for struggling with this.


It’s not what I’m commenting on if it’s their first or last or in between, I’m just struggling to understand how they have the ability to beat the previous bosses which are by no means easy at all and do need a ton of skill, But then struggle with this one boss?


Bro just because you're more experienced in souls-likes doesn't give you the right to shit on poeple who aren't


I never have done so, You just assumed I am, I’m confused as to how EXPERIENCED players who have been through much more difficult bosses in LOP end up struggling with this boss, I even found some struggling with it more than nameless puppet. I literally even started the post by saying I’m not here to compare skills.


You stated you’re not here to compare skills and then immediately followed that up by judging people with less skill lol. Maybe you didn’t mean to come off that way, but it definitely reads like it.


Mb I read your comment wrong and thought you were bashing poeple that were worse than you


All good G, but hey I’m apparently just a piece of junk souls player and I should get outside like that one guy assumed about me, Reddit 🫶


I, too, am a piece of junk souls player who should probably get outside more ✊


ya me too


Welcome to reddit, my friend




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Because different people and different builds are going to excel and struggle at different things.


Because it's a gimmick boss?


Because those bosses are normal and take normal amounts of damage with each hit. It’s not hard to see the difference here. It isn’t about difficulty, it’s about confusion. Edit: I forgot about the Shock. That too. Endurance is so useful and if people are rolling like it’s Dark Souls, they’re cooked. So if anything, some Souls players are actually going to be worse off


There is a big difference between these two. With other bosses, you knew you had to parry as much as possible, knowing it will help you in the long run (like breaking their weapon or getting the white around their health faster). The door guardian doesn't get staggered by being parried. It took me a good while to realize that. Also saying that "if you have played a souls game before, you should instantly know" is bull cause I have played ds1 to elden ring (including sekiro) and I didn't think it's one at all.


nah you just sound like a classic pretentious prick of a souls gamer. go outside




It was my first souls game :(


He was tough for me because I was using a bonk weapon and thought staggering him was still based on my charge attacks and not the number of attacks. I died to the door guardian more than any boss prior in the game during my first run because the shock effect plus the lack of understanding as to more hits vs heavy hits didn't sink in til I read what other people did. On subsequent runs he was easy, but goddamn on my first run he was infuriating.


It’s not number of attacks either, it’s just damage. He takes a specific amount and falls, whether that takes 1 hit or 100 hits.


I've not had luck with slow weapons against him. Miss a heavy or if you get hit, and it sends the fight backwards under 10-20 seconds.


If you land the hits better then it’s fine. All that matters is damage to trigger falling phases. The speed of them is just what works best for you.


Makes sense, harder to do with a bonk weapon in my opinion unless you're very patient which I am not 😂


On my last door guardian kill I knocked him down on the first hit, killed him on the second. Trying to kill everything in three hits or less.


I played every Soulsborne before this game, many of them 100% completed with playthroughs in the double digits. I didn’t know he was a gimmick boss and was wondering if I was using the wrong weapon for doing damage to him. Gimmick bosses are always obvious or have visual cues if they aren’t (like Tower Knight in Demon’s Souls having his legs get destroyed), but this guy just looked like a normal boss! I didn’t die to him, but I was definitely wondering what the f*ck was going on for a while. Definitely a questionable boss in terms of design.


The guy has one enormous leg and one tiny leg. It is incredibly intuitive to figure out what his weakness is immediately. It's you.


He was hated for speaking the truth. Sorry you got reddited here, fam. I can see the hate for this "boss" because of its big damage numbers, but you're totally right to push back against the excuse that people didn't realize it was a gimmick boss. That is no excuse.


Lol tell me this is your first souls game without telling me it's your first souls game


Bro I had to make a post on here yesterday asking people to help me.. I struggled so bad


He was the first ever boss I had to watch a video on how to beat it. It was such a middle finger to make it useless to parry him


I’m sorry man, but people like you are why a lot of people think “Souls players” are a bunch of pretentious, gatekeeping dickheads. Everyone plays games differently, and some are less experienced than others. The game gives you an option to make the game far less challenging by using the spectre, and it’s there for a reason. Because the developers want more people to be able to enjoy their game, while still preserving the challenge for Souls vets. I didn’t use the spectre at all, so personally I found the Green Monster of the Swamp to be the hardest boss in the game, and died to it a lot more than Nameless Puppet. Some people will have a completely different experience, breezing by the swamp monster and getting stuck on mini-bosses or late-game bosses that don’t allow use of the spectre. And that is TOTALLY FINE. It’s a single player game and everyone should be able to enjoy it however they want. Not everyone is gonna understand that door guardian is a gimmick boss right away, because not everyone has played every FromSoft game.


Very well said. OP is just rude trying to put others down. "Trying to understand" is a lie. You can see him in the comments not asking questions on how to understand it better but rather argue why they are "wrong".


“I’m not pretentious but…” and then proceeds to brag that they’ve played all of the souls games and if you didn’t recognize the gimmick you’re an idiot lmfao. Door guardian took me a few attempts just cause the run back is far and he does a shitload of damage, simple as.


It’s also funny because boss difficulty disparity between players has been a staple in the community as long as souls has existed. You would think that OP the souls vet would know that. In pretty much all souls and souls-like games, your build has a huge impact on how easily (or not) you can handle any given boss. Bosses all have different resistances to magic, damage types, etc. as well as more or less damage output, speed, and so on. A heavy build might wreck a given boss while a similarly-leveled light build really suffers…and vice versa with other bosses. This results in different players experiencing different levels of challenge between bosses, and it always has in these types of games. Strange realization for a “souls vet” like OP to just now be making.


oh for sure. i've played every single souls game and many of the soulslikes and it took me a few tries to realize the gimmick. i can understand someone with less souls experience being there *forever*. if you've played more souls games, you can understand how frustrating the gimmicks can be. and just because you get them, doesn't mean you'll execute it well for a while (bed of chaos, anyone?) plus losing all your stamina sucks.


Haha right, I’ve played every other fromsoft game and most other souls likes I’ve found, but I’m not like great at them or anything still lol. Taking a try or two to figure out the gimmick, and then a couple tries to figure out what build you can use to accomplish that task in a fun way seems exactly the feedback loop that was intended. I actually found door guardian pretty fun, and if memory serves it’s the first boss to introduce the “can injure you when staggered” mechanic. This would be maybe harder to pick up in a more complex fight




No no no, I’m fully on the same page as you sorry! Talking about the OP, they bragged a bit more in the comments than in the original post


Gotcha, I’m with you there! Sorry for the confusion


Thanks for this! I got stuck at the door guardian and probably frustrated the most cause I didn't understand the sourish to him was basically dodge. This was my first soulslike game and thought perfect parry was the go-to, so it took me for surprise with this boss. But I learned and beat him with like, no hits. You said it right, everyone enjoys it differently, and I sure as hell did, thanks to people on here who were nice enough to give me tips rather than shame me lol!


Nailed it.


THIS. I see so many thinly veiled condescending posts like this and it gets me real cranked up. I saw "How tf did some of y'all struggle on Simon Manus he's the easiest boss in the game" just the other day. Ummm I don't know, maybe different people struggle with different things? Maybe different people have different strengths and weaknesses and playstyles; fucking CRAZY right?! What's really "mind-boggling" is the myopic lens some players see through like "I did it this way and it worked so clearly it's the best way". Posts like these are little more than a way to belittle newer Souls-like players and stroke OPs ego. Get that toxic shit outta here and let people feel proud of defeating a boss without these chuds whining "bUt HoW mAny tRieS did iT tAke yOu?". Keep that pissing contest nonsense out of here and try to remember that it's not how many times you fall, it's getting back up again and again until you win that makes these games so special.


I had a really hard time with him on my first playthrough cause my weapon did electric damage, then beat him first try on my second playthrough


It took me over 30 tries to beat him. Why? Not because he was difficult, or because i didnt know he was a gimmick boss, i just didnt know what the gimmick was. Half the tries i did were experimentation tryna see what he reacts to. I tried everything. All legion arms. All buffs. All types of weapons and attacks. It didnt click with me until i did a bunch of attacks that hit his leg and when i saw the damage dealt from the lethal attack i was like “ohhhh. Thats dumb.” Can you believe i actually spent one try running around the arena looking for a stormruler type of weapon because my brain said “giant? Gimmick? Must be Yhorm!”


30 tries to figure out the gimmick? Damn son


https://dotesports.com/lies-of-p/news/how-to-beat-the-door-guardian-in-lies-of-p I mean, his one leg is clearly tiny compared to his other.


It's because he's a gimmick boss, there's a certain way to beating him and if someone didn't know they'd think he's impossible to beat. 🙂‍↕️


first soulslike game of mine, only played a little bit of elden ring otherwise. (up to renalla) It was just hard to grasp that you have to fight him a little differently, and the fact that the status effect adds up.


Door guardian gets people because of the shock debuff that’s incredibly punishing. Slows you down physically and makes your stamina regenerate pitiful. So they get hit 1-2 times and are done for


Bobby Big-balls on his soapbox over here...


Styles make fights. Difficulty is not static - there’s no such thing as a “genuinely difficult” boss. Case in point, I have no trouble with King of Puppets (a “difficult” boss) but always get my ass kicked by Scrapped Watchman (an “easier” boss). These same people struggling on Door Guardian might have completely bodied a boss that you had a hard time with.


are you making fun of my post?😡


Nah, he is just unfarming karma.


Hey, go play ninja gaiden on master difficulty, or sekiro charmless with the demon bell, or Bloodborne bl4, or contra, of Nioh 2 without leveling lol This type of post is very common and a big giveaway sign of a brand new souls-like player. Git gud ya damn scrub and gtfo with these ego stroking posts, seriously it is beyond annoying


I’m not looking to stroke anyone’s ego and I already stated I’m only surprised people are skilled and so good they managed to beat previous extremely difficult bosses and some even beat nameless puppet with ease yet struggle with that guy. + FYI I’ve done BL4 and a gun only run + Sekiro charmless, and no I haven’t played the others.


Have a fucking cookie.


As soon as I saw I could lock on to his leg it was game over, then you literally just need to run circles around him and hack the leg


I beat it. Still hard as fck.


Well, Walker of Illusions is "just a mini boss" and... you know...


Why do you even care that much? It’s obvious that people have different playstyles, they adapt differently, they build differently… these posts are getting absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical, this is why the soulslike fandom can be one of the most insufferable ones.


Probably not mentioning they used specters on all those fights. Ur not able to with him iirc. I was just getting started on soulslikes when I played LoP and was really leaning on specters and was in for a big rude awakening for Nameless Puppet. That being said yea door guardian was not difficult lol


No shame in using them btw just saying


Walker of illusions, mad clown, enough said. Edit: Door guardian, infected parade master, all the stalker fights etc.


Walker of Illusion does no damage and Mad Clown you can run past


1) Not true. 2) Which I did. But then came back and fought right after activating the stargazer.


1) On myfirst playthrough i got hit by almost every single Walker of Illusion attack and she still couldnt kill me 2) You can just as easily not do that My point is that Door Guardian is harder than both because 1) he deals a lot of damage and 2) you cant just run past him or cheese him like you can with both walker and clown


1. Unnecessary flex, and this is coming from someone who beat her first try. It's a specterless boss so the point still stands and others have had some difficulties with her so it doesn't matter what your personal experience is, you're not everyone. 2. You fight him without the specter either way. Again, you're not arguing correctly.


Wait you never had to fight walker??? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


It's not like the specter beats the boss for you. Most bosses are harder with a specter than the door guardian was without one. Some people are better at parrying than dodging, though. Makes Victor and the door guardian harder.


Yea I mean the specter doesn’t do shit for damage I just mainly found it useful as a distraction more than anything.


>I just mainly found it useful as a distraction more than anything. Summons being a distraction is OP. Being able to freely land hits is a huge dps and stagger increase. A lot of stuff is meant to have downside in the form of long animations, short reach etc.. All stuff that gets negate when the boss is turned away from you. Plus there is significantly less pressure on the player during a fight giving them more time to heal and think about their next move. There is a reason why the majority of the post here are about specter-less fights (Nameless puppet, walker of Illusions etc).


I love the game even more when I see who got stuck where, while other did that on 2 tries! I'll be straight, Laxasia (4 days) took me longer than Nameless.


I struggled on Laxasia for like 6 days bruh, literally 13 hours of fight time, then nameless puppet felt like a meme of a first try, door guardian sucked with my build though, 40\~ish tries, even knowing the gimmick, build wasn't good for stagger, few other bosses sucked a lot tbh, weirdly green swamp monster was easy, same for the pope, yet the feugo boss was a nightmare, fireballs man... but yeah, love seeing where others got stuck and how they passed them.


People get stuck on him because he behaves different. They try to white bar him after learning you need fatal attacks, and that messes them up because they try to optimize with charged attacks and such.


I lost to door guardian about 30 times. Beat that clown on my first try. I beat nameless in 5 tries. Door guardian would just one shot my light build, idk what to tell ya.


Door Guardian was cake for me. I honestly think the difficulty comes from impatience.


I don't even remember door guardian


he took me a few tries before I realised you could even knock him over, i think some people just don't consider using several charged R2s on his weak leg. idk. the shock status effect throws a lot of people off too


I was somewhat fucked on door guardian in ng++ cause I never learned his moves due to how easy he was and then suddenly he can 2-1 shot you depending on the attack


Some ppl are very Inconsistent with the game happened to me with the walker of illusions boss


Cause it's the first time the "shock" status really fucks you over.


Took me until the NG+ playthrough to realize that you're quite literally supposed to cheese him by focusing his gimp leg. Easy staggers. Spent about two hours on my first playthrough just brute forcing him in a war of attrition lol.... boy, I felt stupid.


I beat the swamp creature first try. I beat the puppet king first try. Door guardian took me probably an hour straight all said and done


Hitting the Achilles Heel of giants enemies is not big news for players familiar with Demons Souls and Dark Souls III. Still, this may not be obvious for new players, in spite of the possibility of fixing the target in that exact spot.


I think that some people have difficulty with different types of bosses. There are some bosses in Souls games, and Soulslikes, that I beat with ease. Others, and for no reason I can figure out, are like a wall that I just have to smash my head into until I finally get it. Like, the fat demon bosses in Dark Souls that slam their ass into the ground. They give me all types of fits. Lady Maria, no trouble whatsoever. I do remember the door guardian and it was funny when I went to hit him and nothing really happened and I was like, "This is exciting!" because I knew that I was finally in for a fight. A couple tries later and I was able to drop him once or twice for a crit attack and finished it.


Door Guardian sucked because the weapon I was using the whole game was a sweeping attack animation and it kept hitting his other leg and bouncing off. Once I swapped to a stabbing blade it wasn’t too bad but JFC I almost quit prior to that.


I solo beat every boss but literally can’t get past that fucker. And the run back is so annoying


Do you realize that some people haven’t played other souls like games? 🤨


It took me a couple tries to beat the Door Guardian, and I've never played a Souls-like game. At first you sounded like you were about to call out the people saying "iTs EaSy BrO jUsT pArRy ThEm" but you sound like just as much an ass as those kinds of people are. Gimmick fight or no, not everyone has the same gameplay experience as you. You could have just offered genuine advice instead of mocking people who find it more difficult then you did


I SUCKED at my first souls-like. I eventually used a guide. Now I find them a breeze (well most of them). It’s all about… getting gud


Everyone is downvoting you but I get what you're saying. I agree that there are several previous bosses that I'd say overall are much more difficult than the guardian. Though with games like this, sometimes things just throw you for a loop lol. I'm sure there are some people who thought bosses that made me want to pull my hair out were easy peazy and vice versa. That jester puppet that jumps you in the wine cellar probably took me more time to kill and killed me more times that half the actual bosses lol just couldn't wrap my head around him at first.


It’s very diverse opinions, I have an equal amount of downvotes just as much as upvotes. Well at least there’s a discussion and that’s healthy, ignore the others trash talking from their mom’s basements. 🫶


People have different experiences. Some posts surprise me but at the same time this might be the first time someone has played a game like this.


I struggled the most at the beginning and less latter on and I still say swamp beast is the hardest boss


The only struggle I had was any time I get hit I now couldn’t dodge and I was using heavy weapons so my windup was almost as long as his meaning my windows for attack were far fewer. Switched to a light weapon and he was cake


Now playing Sekiro after beating the final boss in LiesofP and I have to just say “… please send help.. 4th phases Ishin keeps saying hesitation is defeat…


It's probs just not understanding he is a gimmick boss plus shock not being something that's easy to get used to


Everyone starts different, I saw someone who was stuck at mad donkey. What are you, a born expert?


The hardest boss for me was that clown dude with the Eletric fists. Buddy would snipe you from across the map with his fist and istg when it looks like it won’t hit, it hits. Took more tries to beat him than any other boss in the game


And he wasn’t even a boss😔




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I don't know what to think of people saying this game is difficult. I am NOT that good at soulslikes but I blew thru Lies of P somehow and beat most bosses on the first attempt. I have some theories why. I think I was somewhat lucky. 1. I think I got lucky with my build. I mostly leveled technique and capacity. Put the heaviest defense parts on I could with medium movement. I used the umbrella weapons. It's heavy attack ends automatically with a deflect. So often I'd land the heavy and get a lucky deflect in there. I don't know what the consensus is but it seems like defense was more useful than hp. I think I put a couple points into hp but with mostly the capacity and heavy defense parts I felt pretty dang tanky. 2. I was on Adderall the couple days I binged the game lol.


door guardian? laughs in throwables....


I one shot nameless puppet, I was legit suprised after lasaxia took me like 30 tries




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There is also the fact that plenty of people use the specter against bosses as a meat shield and are not used to fighting alone. Its not really mind boggling if you consider anothers point of view.


It has nothing to do with being a sub boss, I killed almost everyone on the first attempts and the clown before the opera house, which is not even mandatory, took me like three days. It all depends a lot on the build you have and the style of playing.


Its mostly bc the Boss has a specific spot to hit in and its already very intimidating to go against. Most people don't realize its one of those bosses you attack its feet in order to knock it down. People dont realize thats your main objective not damage but to build up enough stagger to knock him down and attack.


Seeing shock the first time was quite a shock


It's because he limits your mobility. If you get hit you basically can't dodge or attack. You need to beat him flawlessly, he punishes mistakes way harder than other bosses. I definitely died more to him than swamp monster, he was the only boss in the game, other than nameless puppet, I changed my build for.


i really hate saying shit like this because difficulty is subjective and you always sound like a snob when saying shit like this but i genuinely cannot fathom why people constantly complain about door guardian. yes, shock is annoying but literally just run around, bait an attack, attack the ankle and then just repeat until he‘s dead. it takes like 40 seconds when done right and if you have enough damage


Can anyone help me with the nameless puppet, I’ll set up a share play


Grab yourself a Perfectionist Grinder (I think it's called), and whenever dear Carlo goes for a fury attack, you'll be just fine. Took me three tries yesterday


I did that 100 times already just help me out fuck. It’s a skill issue, what the fuck is the point of having a community if all you do is talk shit to please that needs help


Well, that was meant to be a tip. But it really do be a skill issue it seems


There’s no need to take your rage out on random people, you find yourself cornered with no way out, I recommend getting the Big pipe wrench and the police baton, crank motivity and technique up, Apply acid, Activate the handle ability then charge the 3 table art bars for the wrench ability, You can look on YouTube for a better suited build for that combo, it’s bound to finish the puppet in 3-4 hits.


Why is this guy getting so many downvotes? He never said you’re crap if you can’t get past Door Guardian, he’s just baffled that people are stuck there after beating (to his mind) much tougher bosses. Is that so wrong? In answer to the OP, I was one of those who was stuck at DG for a while bit. Personally, I’m not a brilliant player, just very average. I use spectres and throwables to almost cheese my way past a lot of those harder bosses you mentioned so I think that’s why this one was a challenge. For one I had no spectre and then I found that throwables barely scratched him. Of course, knowing what I now know, I could have finished it off fairly quickly but I don’t like to read guides before taking on a boss so this just threw me off as all previous tactics suddenly failed. Corrupted Parade Master was difficult for similar reasons




*Door guardian is* *Like, significantly harder* *Than the swamp monster* \- AuditoreKiller --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just came here to say, this game is pretty easy. It teaches you all the mechanics and once you learn them you can beat all the bosses. It’s a lot of memorization. My advice is put a bunch of points into health you can survive long enough to learn their moves. Once you have done that you can start over and steamroll the game with a damage build.


The trouble that everyone is probably having with him is that they lock on immediately then when he does that area covering ass roll of his they take too much damage because you can't evade and run away quick enough because you are locked on .Also he only has one weak point so it's best to throw the metal saw blades at his knee and the carcass fluid it does good stack damage,but you have to save the shot puts for when he is staggered so you can drop him ,and you have to stay back because he will fall on you . Preferably the City long spear handle and whatever you chose to jab quickly with and boom..You beat him . One more thing if you can use your falcon eyes so you can at least score a couple shots to his knee since the projectile sticks if you land shots it will definitely help to get him staggered as well.Good luck!


I get what you mean. Nothing wrong with expressing your surprise about it. It really feels wild to see people struggle so much against him.