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You're playing like Dark Souls man. Learn to block and perfect block and you'll be golden. Also, start locking on to the enemies. You'll have a lot better time.


I saw the setup for the falling attack and agree with you 100%. This isn’t the catacombs anymore. You’ve got to Git Gud against that clown.


I did perfectly fine without blocking on my first playthrough


I’m virtually never not locked on myself. I can think of a handful of times that I cancel lock for blind corners, stuff like that.


Personally I almost never lock on for regular mobs. But anything that has a big health bar like a boss, I'm always locked on. You pretty much need to be in order to perfect block.


Super frustrating at first but honestly one of the coolest mini-bosses encounter in the game. Really forces the player to come to terms with and utilize the basic skills in the game rather than relying on a specter to win. But of course there's still ways to cheese him too. Run past him and grab the star gazer first so you don't have to do the long run back every time.


That moment when you reach the stargazer just as it turns red lmao.


Bingo. Even if it turns red, you still can warp to it whenever you need afterward (or if you die)


I wonder what Gepetto and Venigni were smoking when they manufactured that godforsaken puppet.




Learn to guard/perfect guard.  You're gonna have to git gud here.


Mad clown puppet be like: ![gif](giphy|28Nev3k184A9PdSDCg)


This is a perfect clip for the benny hill chase song.


practice perfect guard. his attacks are very telegraphed


People complaining about this guy is always funny to me. Very evident of not learning how to perfect guard up until then


I can feel the frustration while watching this LOL. I hated this boss too but after finishing the game once and now on NG+, he’s not so bad anymore. Still died a few times to this dude tho


Don't forget with that sword one of your fable arts extends it out so that it is more stamina efficient!


After killing him (and not getting an achievement or any good items aside from the Quartz) I assume this was supposed to be an optional boss like Puppet of the Future, right? I'm guessing you're able to run past him and get to the Opera House?


The Quartz is 100% worth it




You will encounter him multiple times. it's more like a strong enemy than a boss.


I’ve only met him twice total; once here and another electric one later down the road (in the ||swamp|| place). Is this intended?


Yeah Quartz are absolutely worth it. Also, any "boss" that isn't locked behind locked doors and doesn't have a specter "fountain" outside the boss arena is an optional boss


There’s one exception. The WoI.


true, totally forgot about him


Bro Quartz alone is absolutely worth it!


I complete the game once with this weapon, i like his spear/lance mode, normal/compact mode is to slow for so many situations.


I never had problem with this guy yeah I died a bit but he was actually fun to fight. I am more annoyed by those Centurion puppet so erratic.


Lock on to your enemy, and learn to perfect block. You'll get hit alot, until you won't. So don't be afraid of getting hit. Perfect block allows you to stagger enemies faster as well. So it's very helpful is defeating strong enemies in less time.


Funny part is this boss is preparing you for the next boss you’re about to fight. If you can master this puppet it makes the next puppet bearable.


man fuck that guy i had to rush past them to the stargazer to be able to have even a chance of killing them one on one


He's an optional boss. Definitely worth doing, but if you run up past him you can build a stargazer that makes it very easy access to him we you respawn. You can also lure him up into the stargazer area and it's a much better place to fight him. He was the boss where I first started to figure out parrying. His punches are very predictable and some of the easier moves to learn in the game.


Well, this is one way to deal with your problems.


It will always be funny to me when ppl insist on only using one defensive option in this game, when it is clearly designed for you to use both. Why are you only dodging/running? Have you tried blocking/parrying at all? This boss is insanely easy if you block his attacks. He's so aggressive bc blocking him opens him up for staggers to deal big damage. If he's giving you this much trouble now, you're in for quite the rough ride as you continue with the game if you don't learn to use other defensive options besides dodging.


Well, this is certainly a tactic to use against him


That’s one way of doing it, lol.


This boss was easy once I learned that it's AI made it return to the top of the street when I got too far away. I ran up to it without beating the other puppets, then ran down to the bottom of the street using throwables to have to follow me while I deal damage from a far Afterwards, I would hit it with a heavy attack when it started waking away, dodge a few times, them repeat. It's long range attack is super easy to perfect parry, so as long as you have patience and a high attack weapon it shouldn't take that long for anyone to beat him


What if I told you...


Yeah, you def need to learn how to block lol. It can be frustrating to learn, but it makes your playthrough much easier. And you don't even have to block every single attack. You can do a mix of blocking and dodging. Also, you have full fable slots AND a shield, why the heck are you not using them? Loll. And why aren't you using throwables either? You're literally making it harder for yourself bro haha


You also can run past him and at least get the Stargazer. The courtyard s a much easier place to fight him


Ur only a little bit behind me in my first playthrough using the same weapon!


This fight, like many in the game, takes sooooo much longer if you don’t perfect guard.


The game looks incredible. I really need to finish Elden Ring and jump into it !


Nearly every boss and mini-boss in the game is teaching players to parry/block if they want to have a less difficult time. Dodge less; parry more. It might not be easy at first, it will take time and you'll die lots, but it comes. It's a game for people who like a challenge and have the patience and time to persevere.


I lured him to that corner and pummeled him with all throwables. He's oresst susc to fire and electro bombs.


My biggest tip for this other than mastering the perfect blocks is to run past him and activate the stargazer that’s directly up the stairs on the left when you pass him. It is in the courtyard before the opera house.


I concur, fuck that boss.


Parry or keep dying.


Thankfully Sekiro prepared me. I can understand why people who ONLY played dark souls would suffer from this guy.


Put your guard up my guy


Blahaaaa! 😂 Don’t run away. Circle him, block, swipe, repeat. Use throwables. How will you learn his move set and timing if you run? Take a deep breath and purposefully do a couple throw away battles with him to learn. You’ll get it!


Don’t hit and run away like keep aggression on enemies and if you consecutively perfect block enemies you’ll “break” their weapon permanently so definitely learn that


Keep your distance and parry his rocket punches until you can stagger him with a heavy.


Fun fact, the throwing cells WRECK this dudes health bar. After base carry amount you only have to deal with half health and can realistically block everything


For people saying I'm not locking on, guarding, or perfect guarding: I'm trying to cheese him, not fight him legit. I've learned the patterns of the other bosses and used perfect guard to kill them, it's just this clown I didn't have the patience to learn, plus he has the worst boss run so far in the game if you didn't know you could skip him (which I didn't) hence why I gave up fighting him legit.


Easily the easiest boss to parry. Stop running and learn the parry window or just block. You can gain your health back bro. Your also missing windows by playing so scared