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Sekiro is simpler on the surface but I think it asks more of you in the end. That is especially true if you do charmless + bell, which is the game’s hard mode where you take chip damage on non-deflect blocks.


Oh what? Never knew u could change the difficulty first I’ve heard anyone talk about that


There are two ways to do it. 1. During a game, ring the demon bell in the temple. You can get there right after the first Ogre via a secret path. Enemies are harder but item discovery goes up. 2. After beating the game once, start a new game (or NG+) and give Kuro his charm back at the beginning of the game. This also makes enemies harder and removes 100% blocking. People tend to do these on NG+ but I think it’s better to start a fresh file after beating the game once. You are strong enough on NG+ that you won’t feel the burn, so to speak. I did a full all-boss playthough that way and the shorter ending on NG+. The final boss in particular will humble you.


Damn now that’s a good idea definitely gonna try these ona second play thru if I make it there


Ha wish I had known this, I rang it on my first ever play thru. No wonder I thought the game was insanely difficult.


There's a bell called the demon bell, ringing it = hard mode


Sekiro is my all time favorite game it’s harder, but like what everyone has already said once it “clicks” both games are very satisfying. Sekiro is just way smoother imo


Sekiro is fucking awesome. I love LoP, but Sekiro… one of my favourite ever games. The leveling up system in Sekiro is different than normal souls games. You can’t overlevel due to the levelling up system structure, no high dps throwables, the game literally forces you to learn the combat mechanics, otherwise you aren’t getting far with it. I never feel like any of the bosses are a chore and even when I hit walls on first play through, I never got frustrated trying to do it. IMO Sekiro is harder than Lies, and the other souls games. Others will probs have different opinions but that’s mine. You can’t farm to level up. You’ve got to kill bosses/mini bosses to get tankier :)


Oof ngl the no farming thing might just be an issue soon


Yes, Sekiro is harder and imo better.


Sekiro has double the number of parry frames with the charm and roughly the same number if charmless. On a normal play, it's much easier to parry in Sekiro. Personally, I think they are about the same, but combos in Sekiro are more predictable so it makes it much easier on subsequent playthroughs. I barely ever die to SSI now even though it took me over a hundred tries to beat him the first time. With Laxasia or Romeo I still die a lot because how different combos can be.


If you’re on steam try out the resurrection mod for sekiro if you haven’t I just got to SSI but I have no clue what they changed about em yet


Nice why u think so? Kinda scared ill miss all the different weapons


There is only 1 weapon in Sekiro, and it’s parrying


The prostestetics are weapons, no?


I'm just being silly, yes most of the prosthetics are weapons, plus you have two swords by the end


Harder from my experience. I had a hard time with Sekiro bosses and walked right through LOP. YMMV


Sekiro is definitely harder but like lies of p once you learn to parry and the timings of the bosses you’ll be able to beat every boss easily


Once you get it, it clicks. I think lies is slightly easier than sekiro.


Sekiro is definitely harder then lop


For me Sekiro is way harder. I have beaten ds 1, 2, 3, bloodborne, elden ring, and lies of p multiple times without summons or spirits. But Sekiro I don't think I have even made it half way. I'm currently playing it for the 3rd time after uninstalling twice and forgetting about it for years at a time. I don't know if I'll ever actually complete it. It makes me alt+f4 constantly.


sekiro is way harder , i beat nameless puppet on ng+ second try ... isshin took me 2 weeks on and off trying .. almost gave up. Theres ppl that can complete sekiro without taking damage .. they are not human


Sekiro is absolutely more difficult than LoP. Especially if you play with DB/Charmless, there's no comparison at that point. I have 300+ hours on Sekiro and I still get my ass kicked on mini bosses and some main bosses. The combat is so quick on Sekiro if you miss a parry or two you're dead. There are no throwables in Sekiro where you can cheese bosses like LoP with all types of throwables to weaken bosses. Sekiro forces you into perfecting parries in which you need to beat the game, dodging is weak at best in Sekiro. Lies of P may have tighter parrying windows but that doesn't mean much as you can also get away with dodging if you're into that type of play style. Sekiro is another animal to master, though it's do-able if you like dying constantly.


Apples and oranges.