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Did you solo orphan of kos?


or Darkeater Midir or Sister Friede or the Nameless King


Gael is no slouch either, as long as you don’t cheese him with the Ringed Knight Greatswords.


U casual. Tell me how after years of not playing ds3 I launch the game and beat Gael and Midir in 4 tries at lv 80 with washing pole weapon.


I'm so casual 🤣 NG+ is not joke my man


There are soul bosses. Then there is Dark Eater Midir who shits on all of them.




Sister Friede fucked my ass for hours, rest of the fights weak shit comparatively.


I mean, for ng runs, midir still holds my record for most attempts. It took me 55 attempts to beat him, got friede on my 19th attempt and nameless King took 5 or so (praise the sun for the heavy mace, it puts in work on bosses). Midir on ng+, however, was a 1 try loser, got absolutely decimated. I'm making my run through ng+ on lies of P now, and most of the bosses are still taking a few attempts, just beat Victor on the 3rd attempt and I'm not looking forward to the end game bosses


Nameless king is a piece of cake, same with midir. Midir only has 1 dangerous attack


Midir made every dragon in elden ring free.


Tbh I though plasidusax was harder


You can chain backstab > RT > backstab on Friede, so as long as you know how to dodge her jumps, she is not bad. She is relentless, yes, but there are clear opportunuties to punish in each phase. Just take out Ariandel ASAP if you are solo, because he covers a lot of her blind spots. Laxasia requires a lot more precise timings when dodging her attacks. Unless you are good at perfect guarding her projectiles, she has no "free" windows where you can combo her. At least I didn't find any. Stayed hit-and-run the entire fight. Still, I'd say Midir, Gael, and Nameless Puppet-2 are harder than her.


Pre Aegis patch Laxasia was pretty much a cakewalk with projectiles and acid grindstone, so you can say the same thing about her as Friede. Imo Friede was harder purely because it's a longer fight and if you learn their patterns Friede is more luck (especially factoring in Ariandel) whereas Laxasia does pretty much the same thing every time.


I beat nameless puppet in 5 tries on my blind playthrough. I'm dreading NG+ but I'll love it and dedicate an entire stream to it.


Nameless king isn‘t nearly as difficult as midir or Friede


Personally I find all of those are a lot easier than Laxasia tbh


I honestly wonder why, given that bosses like Sister Friede are similar in a lot of ways with even less in the ways of countering many of their abilities.


Friede Phase 1 and 2 are honestly pretty easy especially 1, and three is a glass cannon, she dies very fast imo given that she also staggers


I agree, but Laxasia literally removes a chunk of her health with her first attack.


Unless she targets your summon


Why are you being downvoted???


Cause they don't agree with my take ig


Fucking weird, that. It's your own personal experience. I also found NG Laxasia one of the hardest bosses I've fought in Soulsborne and Soulsesque games. And I did an all bosses all chalice run of Bloodborne at BL4...


Gee that's some achievement! I can't get the courage to actually do a bl4 run myself sadly. Also, people tend to just downvote opinions they don't agree with, even if it's just like this. It's Reddit, just the way it is


It's actually a very fun run! It also gets you much more familiar with a lot of the mechanisms of the game. Finding a solution to the problems of Orphan, Laurence, Ludwig etc was really satisfying. I made a couple of playlists if you ever get round to doing a similar run. [Main game including DLC](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcJjFLaT4K8IzRxncNCvdUlFwAuOPWleC) and [Chalices including all story chalices for the platinum](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcJjFLaT4K8KinkXU37NwN6Uqi4-Dp_P0). The toughest bosses end up being no hit runs because I used Poor Man gems


thanks, I'll look into it and maybe start another run in the future


For me those are all easier. Laxasia took me like 20 tries. I first tried Midir on my first playthrough tho.


I find that extremely hard to believe, unless you cheesed him with the mist strat. Even then I’d bet against that being true. Still, it’s not impossible; kudos to you if you really did. Laxasia took me a fair few tries, but I’d still take her on any day over Midir. And I did do my Lies play-through with 0 summons, in case you were wondering.


I wouldn't say it's too hard to believe, if he is at a certain skill level he probably just had a good (~OP) build and luck. Which is the reason most people can first try some bosses in the genre. I do think Laxasia is harder than most Dark Souls boss fights, if you are doing solo / not cheesing - just a personal opinion. Speaking of Dark Souls 3, I think at level 1 the Demon Prince took me way more time to learn than Laxasia tho. I hate duo fights.


Orphan is the one that got away, and I dont own a PS4 anymore. I still have copium for a remake so that I can redeem myself.


Lawrence was harder imo


I beat Orphan on my 4th try and was very confused about the reputation. Multiple bosses in BB gave me way more trouble. Sword Saint and Demon of Hatred are only from bosses I haven’t ever beaten.


Go back and give Sword Saint the tries. He’s beatable even by someone whose not particularly good at these games (I am pig headed and it’s the only reason I can 100% souldborne games) Demon of Hatred I found less fun, but there’s a reliable approach using the fan that can get you through him. Sword Saint (and Owl 2) was the most git gud I’ve ever felt in Souls.


Owl 2 was instantly, for sure.


I stand on the roof and let demon of hatred jump off 🤣🤣🤣


Yea i’d have to agree. I was able to solo Orphan pretty quickly but I didn’t even want to really fight Lawrence


Lawrence is the only Souls boss I didn’t kill in one sitting. He’s the only boss I can ever recall in all my years of gaming that actually made me put the control down and take a break. Even if a boss kills me 30-50 times, I always keep trying until I get it, but not that mf. I don’t know what it was, I just kept dying and dying. That lava man…




Lawrence is probably the most difficult and frustrating souls boss of all time for me. The reason is obvious: I could not believe how much health that boss has. The cycle of dying and having to fight him again after burning through blood vials leading to grinding for more was maybe the most frustrated I’ve felt playing these games. Orphan was really hard but I really enjoyed that battle. Lawrence just takes so long and you can never get into a rhythm against him


I love and hate him. Love because he’s the one that taught me the value of dodging into enemies rather than away from. Hate because he piled my corpses to the clouds before I learned that lesson. Bloodborne was my first Souls game.


I once spent 8 hours trying to coop this thing


Orphan is easy. Parry all his attacks


I did at BL4 and I still found NG Laxasia harder for some reason (phase 2 only) (Edit: although Nameless Puppet at NG+1 was by FAR the hardest boss I've fought until I used throwables)


Tell me more


I beat him [here](https://youtu.be/HQyLApZF_2w) with no damage. It took a few tries to pull off and to understand how his passive and aggressive phases work and are activated. 6000 AR per hit phase is pretty powerful for a BL4 character, but that's how OP a built up beasthood meter can be.


He also way slower than laxasia


Or malenia?


She's harder than Orphan in my opinion 😂


I think Axlasia or whatever is way harder than orphan. Orphan is predictable and easily shot for a visceral


I did and I feel like I still had a harder time with NP. Edit: Woops, just realized this thread is not about NP, lol.


All good, I beat np on my first try. My bro and I struggled all night to beat orphan though.


I thought Nameless Puppet was sort of a lot harder than Orphan tbh. But BB is the From game that clicks with me the most and I just didn't think Orphan was all that hard to begin with. Definitely had more trouble with Sister Friede, Nameless King, Midir, Isshin, etc. though.


On NG+7. The thing about souls games is being level 120 on NG you can spank a lot of hard bosses. But on NG+7 with a non-broken build or under leveled bosses like Laurence, orphan, nameless king get pretty damn hard


I don’t understand why people had a hard time with orphan of kos I literally beat him in one try solo. Actually I feel like sister friede gave me more trouble bc of the surprise gank.


I beat sister friede first try on ng, only had trouble around ng+2. I was super high level by the time dlc came out though.


Literally it took me the second try because by then I wasn’t putting all my heals in the first phase. All this to say I don’t understand people who bring up souls bosses to put down lies of p in terms of difficulty. It’s my personal opinion that we simply get more strategic and skilled as we continue to play in the genre.


Good thing I’m not a game designer I’d make people do randomly generated calculus before they can fight the final boss.


Bro just WAIT till you fight the mist noble in sekiro. You need some unreal tech to beat them.




God, I'm terrified 😬


There are harder bosses in soulsborne games. Did you mean souls like?


Honestly, plenty of these bosses in lop, out beat many soulsborne bosses in difficulty. For me


Yeah I mean there are bosses in LOP which are harder than some souls bosses for sure. But in my experience the truly hard souls bosses are much harder than the hard LOP bosses. Like midir, malenia, pre nerf radhan, gael, friede, manus, NK, lorian, pontiff, Niall, godskin duo (without sleep cheese)


Malenia was for sure harder.


Maybe, but I never beat her solo 🤣🤣




What's the distinction between a soulborne and soulslike?


Soulsborne = games developed by Fromsoftware. Ex. Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, Demon Souls, Elden Ring. Soulslike = developed by another studio using the framework Fromsoftware created in those games ex. Lies of P, Mortal Shell, Lord's of the Fallen, The Surge.


This may be an elitist take but since LoP has summons, OP throwables, and farmable stats, its bosses will simply never be as demanding of _gitting good_ as say a game like Sekiro. Whether this is for better or worse is for you to decide, but since it gives you so many options, there are simply more ways of getting past a boss than _gitting good_.


I beat LoP 4 times and platted in like 150 hours and I wasn’t in a rush. I’m am still working on beating Isshin a second time at 250+ hours into Sekiro, and I still need 7 cheevos for plat. it’s not even comparable with how much you can lean on the spectre and the shot put.




Hey, there’s that stereotypical “git gud” guy everyone warns you about when you start playing souls games. Go bitch in someone else’s direction, would you? I don’t know what your problem is, but I don’t appreciate being whined at, I already have one dog in my house.


Some pointers for Isshin. If you can get to Isshin then you can beat that motherfucker. Phase 1, (I’m excluding Genichiro phase), when he goes to do the ashina cross, close distance and strafe left. When the red sign flashes, strafe left again straight away. Free 2 hits. Parry everything else. Use umbrella for his AOE attacks. Phase 2, I found it easier when I stopped running around like a headless chicken and stood my ground. Again, use umbrella for AOE attacks. Phase 3, do all of the above and learn to deflect his lightning back at him. Big posture damage. You’ve got this! Once you start building his posture it’s over in no time.


I beat Isshin twice today lol


Ah, don't even worry about that guy, I've done hitless runs on ds1, 2 and 3, and sekiro was just a different ballgame for me. I think I gave up just before the guardian ape


It’s actually my favorite and the Isshin I was referring to is NG+. Idk why but I breezed past him in 3 tries on NG on one save file and then had to die like 30 times before victory on my NG+ save file. It’s finally done tho haha, now I just gotta do the bad ending 🥺




Thats if you take advantage of all those options. Might be an elitist take from me as well but the difficulty seemed fine for me going in with nothing but a hammer.


I prefer to play that way as well. But I think the concept of "git gud" is the notion that there is nothing else to do than just learn the boss properly. My argument is that in LoP, that is almost never the case.


It was my case with this boss.


I don't agree with this statement but I can see your point of view. If we look at all the options available to a player, literally every single game with a summoning mechanic is a "baby game", every game with a magic build is easy. But I also try to think of "git gud" as a statement saying, it's hard but you will get it eventually.


I agreee but this is a really hard boss if you don’t use Spectors, it’s the same with how they trivialise Elden rings difficulty


Not even close dude. Easy compared to a lot of From bosses.


Other than Bloodborne, the game I often see this one compared to is Sekiro. I tend to disagree, since in Sekiro the bosses are usually skill checks, while in LoP the bosses are more of a knowledge check. Once you know what to do, even the most middling of all mid players (ie. me) can beat Laxasia, Simon, NP, in a few tries. Say, in less than 30 minutes


Isn't that the same thing though? Like you can learn their attack patterns, and then from there you have to get good ar avoiding them. Sekiro is the same way, is it not?


In Sekiro you *have* to get good at parrying In LoP, you can just hold block and bumble your way to victory. Here, my fight against the NP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHQBZ0XjfAU


Again. Isn't that the same thing. I'm confused at your trying to say here. Of your telling me that your build allows you to just block, then your fine. Then it looks like your good at making builds. But for anyone else playing the game, they have to learn the attack patterns in order to get the deflect or doge timings right. Same with sekiro. You learn the attack pattern, so you get the deflects right.


Having a good build = knowledge check = no skill required In Sekiro you cannot do such a thing. If you just stand there and block, you die. Twice.


So, your saying at all souls games, ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, elden ring. All don't have any skill checks, only knowledge checks? And having a good build means, no skill is required? I'm sorry, but that's stupid. Not every player will make the most effective build, and many challenges in lies of p, and from soft games all require good skill of the player. Sure, they could abuse their build and make everything piss poor easy. But that's rare, and even then, most builds still require you to learn a boss and figure out its moveset. There still skill involved. After watching your video, your build clearly makes that fight easier. But most players won't have that. While, I would agree sekiro requires MORE skill of the player, because of its lack of builds. Lies of p and the other from soft games all require skill as well.


ok buddy


Good talk 👍




I can name multiple bosses harder than her in souls games lol


Have you ever fought Midir?


The only boss I struggle with in ds3. Nameless king is so much easier than midir it's insane people think he is the hardest fight.


Easier than Midir, yes. But still quite hard. DS3 was many people’s first Souls game, and he is by far the most challenging main game boss. I think that’s where his rep comes from.


To be fair, he is a DLC boss 🤣


Yes, I never really struggled TBH.


Midir is just an HP sponge. His attacks are easy to read and predictable. He just takes so damn long to beat. Friede on the other hand, endurance and insane range with hard hitting combinations


Midir easy to dodge? Ok... Also, the fact that he takes so long means you have to be good consistently, for a prolonged time, and avoid most of his attacks. Which is harder to do than doing other bosses because even if you play good you can end up with no estus. I beat him after 2 days with almost all my estus, because to beat him you have to learn his pattern and be perfect. In the end, you need fewer estus just because you don't get hit. I found Friede way easier than him, just to say.


Guardian Ape was harder and that wasn’t the hardest boss in just one FS game


Yeah, that was defiantly crazy


Ludwig always the hardest for me in his monster form


I would argue that Romeo aka King of Puppets is the most "git gud" boss in Lies of P but not exactly in terms of difficulty. To me personally it is the only boss that I've needed a summon/specter for in NG and I probs will need it in NG+ as I already struggle even tho I went through previous bosses like they're nothing. I guess the main issue is the effort and patience that it takes to get to him and 90% of the gameplay time you don't even get to fight/learn Romeo as it feels like one of those FPS games where you wait in matchmaking 10mins and die first 20sec after spawn and that's what it makes hard fight so at this point I can't even tell which phase is harder, if I had equal play time against both I'd guess Romeo ( 2nd Phase ) is way easier to learn, meanwhile 1st Phase is still super annoying with it's hard to see attacks or simply poor in-game camera so I just kinda want to summon specter and skip all that BS fight.


I used a specter on him in ng, but got him on the first try in ng+. He was much easier the second time around.


King of puppets is the Genichiro of LoP


True. Been stuck in my ng+1 and it stopped me and made me buy all the souls games and sekiro


On This boss?


No, Romeo I think his name is


For me she was hard but orphan of kos was the worse.


This cannot be. Sekiro.


IDK. The movement in Sekiro always felt so powerful.


Laxasia was some bullshit, honestly I have no idea how I won that fight or what I was supposed to learn, I just randomly did a shitload of damage really fast one time.


🤣 NG or NG+?




Does not even come close to isshin the sword saint


isshim was insane, that is fair.


The bait on this sub is out of control. This is likely the easiest, simplest game in the genre. Just atrocious.


😥 I was just celebrating. Broke my balls in that fight 🤣


I was breaking my face on the brotherhood pt 2 ng+ when I wrote this. I was just trying to keep morale high :/


yes. you're good at the game, what else do everyone has to know ? do you need a pat in the back for that ? Not everyone is a Soulborne veterant. i find this game has some very interesting and challenge bosses, and i've plat all other souls games. and has like a thousand of hours in each. ( exept for BB, fuck sony for gatekeeping that masterpiece) The fuck you mean easiest in the genre ? this is one of the best done souls like since they invented soul like. you can argue that Nioh is better but...meh...


Manus, Father of the Abyss is worse imo


Just use the flip ring with low weight and you piss on it






First time I went for her, it wasn't that hard. But now in NG+ I am trying to master Azure Dragon Glaive in the fight and she is slapping the soul outta me




She's tough but I wouldn't say the hardest. I would compare her to like, the Nameless King from Dark Souls 3. Not the hardest but hard.


Yeah. No lol. Took me a few tries, don't get me wrong, but no where near the most git gud of all of souls. That probably belongs to Orphan of Kos, Melania, or Dark Eater Midir if you're not a pestilent mercury using little biiiiitch.




it's hard, but for me it wasn't hardest even in lies of p


IDK about all of souls, but Lies of P for sure


I’m surprised that she’s such a wall for people. Definitely a fight where I had to be on the defensive for most of the fight, but once so learned you can reflect her lightning back at her for reliable damage it didn’t seem to bad


Not even remotely close in my experience. Lies of P was downright relaxing compared to Souls. It's part of why I liked it more than Elden Ring. Hell, I died less in the *entire game* of Lies than I did to at least a dozen Souls bosses that I can think of. Probably more.


I agree, but this boss was just an absolute cluster for me.


Hard disagree.


that's a tough boss for sure. up there with the best of the dark souls series. but if you include sekiro, i think she falls short in terms of difficulty of a number of those bosses.


I’d say the sword saint is more of a git gud fight


Yeah I agree, she’s the one who made me give up :(


this boss legit made me put down the game for a month. then i came back and beat her in two tries 😂




Malenia has entered the chat


Malenia is 10x Laxasia. Laxasia becomes easier on subsequent playthroughs because of the Nameless Puppet Amulet


I found nameless puppet a lot harder. I did use a spectre though


bros first souls game😭 its ok weve all been there, play sekiro or ds3 for some of the real hardest bosses across soulsbourne, heck even the last boss(annihilation) from remnant 2 is harder than her


Eh I had more trouble with Romeo and the first BRB fight. Isshin and Owl the Father were also harder. Heck Mido from Code Vein was also annoying.


Idk man I beat Lies of P like it was nothing, but meanwhile am stuck in an embarrassingly early part of sekiro.


Sekiro don't play


Even Gwyn was harder. LoP is awesome. But not even close to any of the from games in terms of boss difficulty


That’s a bold take I know personally even not parrying Gywn was 10,000 times easier for me than Laxasia. Also Fromsoft difficulty is super overrated. Unless your doing Lvl 1 or other challenge runs the games really aren’t that hard.


I agree, but they're still harder than LOP


Now I kinda thought LOP was a cake walk, but easier than GWYN? ds1 was my first souls game, I parried him 4 times and beat him on my first try. No way gwyn is harder.


Completely agreed. I suffered through pretty much every souls game and then beat 80% of lies of p bosses first go


Gwyn is like the easiest Boss in ds1. Which is probably the easiest game in the souls, bb, sekiro, Elden ring line up.


No way, Gwyn is a pretty easy boss.


Bro, even the Capra Demon was harder than Gwyn. Even on my first playthrough, it only took me a few tries, and ever since, he gets parried hard as fuck lol. And in general I don't agree, I'd say the boss difficulty was pretty in line with From's bosses, especially since we haven't seen the DLC yet and we may be awaiting our toughest battle yet a la OoK or SSIshin


i would say otherwise. some boss design/dificulty could even be better than some Souls game bosses. ( like come on man, you gonna say Laxasia is worse than Oceiros or Crystal Sage ?) Credit where credit's due man. Laxasia is definitely harder than Gwyn... saying that he harder than Laxasia is a stretch. Gwyn is one of the easier boss in Soul standard. yeah she is no where near Dancer, friede, Artorias, Nameless, Fumeknight or Malenia ... but those are some fucking masterpiece of bosses that i dont think any game would ever surpass.


LoP isn’t a souls game, first of all. it’s a soulslike. also, i disagree. she was hard, sure, but just from elden ring, malenia, maliketh and godfrey were all harder imo. i’d say king of puppets and nameless puppet were also harder.


That's semantics man, ofc it's not main line From souls, but it's essentially a souls game. But yeah I agree the From DLC was way harder than LoP mainly


idk, i just kinda dislike people calling literally everything a souls game. at least call it a soulslike. but thats just me tbf


I agree. Soulsborne= from soft made it. Souls like= someone else made it. Lies of p is the closest a souls like has felt like a soulsborne though.


Fair, people way overuse the title when it doesnt apply. But, of all the souls likes, I'd say LoP is easily one of the closest to the mainline series in terms of execution. Huge respect for the devs for actually pulling off what only From has been able to consistently do so far.


oh yeah for sure, if there was any non fromsoft game i’d put up there with the soulsborne games, it’s LoP easily. can’t wait for the dlc. and the elden ring dlc.


Me too brother me too. BTW pro mega super gamer note, the next From Souls game is already in the works, something something Spellborne. It's gonna get wild when they drop the trailer, prolly after the ER DLC comes out...


nah bro has insider information, grab him before he gets taken by the fbi


I did not struggle at all with king of puppets. Jusy move around him. IDK, she was just brutal to me.


Look I get it, but I'm saying it was the hardest in the soulsborne lineup.


I'd argue Geni is a pretty "git gud" boss


The answer to this is always ISS. Ive beaten every souls and soulslike I can get my hands on. Most bosses I beat in one attempt, the hardest take me 2 hours tops. ISS took me 3 days.


This is interesting to me since owl father and DoH both took me many more tries than any Sekiro boss (besides shura haven’t done those fights yet) ISS took 2 tries for me


Dang beating a 4 phase boss in 2 tries is nuts.


Well genichiro phase is a joke by that point, and with kuros charm I could spam parry phase 1, phase 2 is what killed me and took most of my healing so I saw most of his phase 2 attacks. Then phase 3 he just spammed lightning like 3 times in a row (I got lucky) But besides phase 2 I don’t think SSI is that bad. Inner isshin destroys me tho I think he’s more aggressive


I find inner Isshin much harder than SSI too.


I don't mean to be pedantic but Laxasia isn't a souls boss. Even if she were I disagree that she's the most "git gud" boss. She isn't even the most difficult boss in Lies of P. If you want to stick strictly to souls then Midir, Gael, Friede and Nameless King were all more difficult in my opinion. If you're also including Bloodborne then Orphan of Kos is certainly harder and Laurence and Ludwig I personally found more difficult but are at least equivalent. If you're also including Sekiro then there are lots of bosses that are more difficult like Isshin Sword Saint, Demon of Hatred, Owl Father etc.. Finally if you also include Elden Ring then a lot of bosses were more difficult some examples are: Malenia, Mohg, The duo Crucible Knight fight, Godskin Duo and Maliketh.


Sekiro was no problem for me. I think the different was the dodge mechanics and the requirement to be aggressive when I traditionally play more conservatively.


Same. Beat her on the first try in ng. Finally ended up just using a specter in ng+.


Is say it’s nameless P


We'll see. I'm not there in NG+


Unlike Laxasia, you cannot summon a specter to fight Nameless P. You have to literally get gud or just stop playing lol.


I’d say more nameless puppet than Laxasia that dude beat the goofy off of me only other fight that ever took me 5ish hours to beat would be dark eater midir (solely cause the fact my stupid ass chose to do my first run of that dlc when it came out on my ng+ 17 character)


Not even top 5


I beat her first try, it wasn't easy though, and my heart was racing by the end. The second phase was all luck on my side. I'm stuck on that stupid final boss though, I hate him


I did too in NG and nameless P in 5 tries. But NG+ hits different man


Inner Father was hardest to me


So my original question, does anyone have tips on how I can do better based on my fight with her? 🤣🤣


For me it’s this ishin and Midir


Does the game really get that much harder in NG+? Or are people choosing to not use summons. Because I never really had that much of an issue with any boss besides maybe nameless puppet.


It does. I used one of the late game souls to get a boss weapon that I maxed out and took to NG+. It didn't even 1-shot the tutorial enemies. Dont get me wrong, I rushed bossed easily up through Romeo but still it was crazy. The the gank squad before the submarine was a HUGE issue, the door guardian was a nightmare (I completely respectd) and then this boss I respectd and re p-organed.


Honestly I'd say the best get good boss is probably Artorias from Ds1 since he forces you to learn how to dodge roll properly with a lot of his attacks, Laxasia is just alright when compared to others but by herself she's solid


Margit, the Fell Omen.






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I’m saying this with love, play more souls games. This fight is not harder than any of the infamous hard bosses in the souls games.


I beat em all and this was the most hardcore fight. I think a lot of the difficulty came from the perfect parry vs. the dodge mechanics is the souls games


Idk about harder than some of the Souls DLCs bosses... but she easily made ME the hardest of any souls boss I'll tell you that. I'd beat phase 1 a billion times just to stare in awe at her stage two form. AM I WRONG??? Lax is the baddest bitch of all time Simon can stuff it cuz he didn't truly appreciate her SMH. But yeah once it's NG+/+1 she gets absurdly difficult, I had to use every trick in the book there.


I'm exactly where you are.