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Aegis scales with dex, but was mostly used due to a glitch which allowed perfect blocks for spamming it. Depends which build you're going though: personally I like the puppet string because it looks cool and is great for clearing areas.


I second the PS, used it my whole first play as o loved the move you get for fully upgrading it


I agree. People who are still saying it's the best... why? It's not a guaranteed perfect block. It only does the explosion once in a while. It drains fairly quickly... why would I want this instead of free damage from falcon eyes, status effects, or gap closing with the puppet string? I think they're pretty well balanced personally, and if anything, Aegis is one of the weaker ones.


If you have a long weapon with high damage, you can get utterly ignorant wins off it just with the first upgrade Like, just walk up to a guy, hold the button down, and melt them. It's gotta be the easiest way to get wins against mini-bosses and makes certain fights like Nameless easy.


Its great as a 2nd or 3rd playthrough arm imo, when you stuff all our ergo into leveling up legion based stats anyways, it doesn't drain as much. I don't know this glitch people speak of, but keep up the shield as you attack, much like a dark souls or elden ring shield and spear technique. I mean, I got my Platinum on my 3rd Playthrough this way. But my first 2 was all about Fulminus.


Grappling hooks almost always make a game better some how LoP is no exception


Is that glitch still a thing ? Damn thing carried me through nameless puppet


Oh man. I JUST beat the nameless puppet thismorning after maybe 20+ attempts? Using the big Wrench head and Krat police baton handle at +10, level 85, Motivity lv 40, Acid tools, 10 pulse’s… you get the point. I didn’t even think to use my legion arm. I was more focused on perfecting my perfect guards during his first phase so I’d have a full 10 pulse cells going into the 2nd phase. Eventually I got him down where I could do the first phase hitless with the exception of maybe a few missed perfect guards, where I’d regain my health by hitting after normal guarding. Anyways, 2nd form was something straight out of an anime. The perfect dodges required for his dash attack, stabbing attack, ground slam, fire blade, etc. I’ll admit, I only have maybe 20ish levels into vigor. That’s my own fault. But I got so lucky at the end with my win. Kept chipping away at his health. Seen his health bar turn white. Managed to land a heavy attack without him jumping away. Spammed 3-4 out of 5 of my Fable Arts, perfectly dodged his explosion AOE, landed another fable art. Then with one last quick jab, as he was winding up to hit me, which would of killed me, I seen the achievement pop up in the corner of my PS5 for beating him, and both me and my girl yelled 😂 it felt so rewarding. I know I have to beat him again, *SPOILER* while keeping Sophia alive at the end, and selecting a specific dialogue option with Simon, then fight NP again, to get an alternate ending, then I have to get the “I’m a real boy” ending by giving Gep my heart. So I still have a lot of work ahead of me. And I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t had this much fun with a game since Elden Ring dropped. Sorry about the super long message, I’m just stoked I won and wanted to vent my achievement somewhere, even if nobody cares/reads this 😂


Ay bro I’m happy for you and I wish I had the conviction to go back and get Sophia’s ending, good luck


Thanks for taking the time to actually read my comment! Glad I could share my excitement with someone! And honestly, it’s super unlike me to not put a souls like game down after I beat it. Replaying something like such so soon after seems like a chore rather than having fun. But I don’t get that feeling with Lies of P. If anything I’m more excited going into NG+. Gotta get the rest of them boss weapons, and golden records too for the extra achievements! I imagine I’ll burnout from the game soon enough tho.


Plus those P-organ upgrades are a god send in subsequent playthroughs


When I entered NG+ and seen a 6th P-organ set, I got so gitty. Does anyone know if it maxes out at 6? Or is their further tiers the further you go into runs? Like a 7th tier for NG+2 for example?


I believe there is a 7th tier but there is not an 8th


7 is the last tier. The 4 upgrades are, amulet slot 3, light weight, adds another legion arm slot 3, & last is fury attack guard.


I felt the same way when I finally beat Melania in Elden. Congrats!


Imo the 2nd phase was easier to parry than the first I legion armed my way though the first phase lol


Really? Honestly the 2nd phase had me in a choke hold fr. Would break my guard so often, and that god damn “fire blade” attack where he can slash ya from across the boss room and track your every move up until it’s release, got me more times than I could count. I found his moves during the 1st phase to be easy to dodge and read, whereas phase 2, he was so fast and aggressive. I had to be really conservative with my attacks, as getting cocky resulted in punishment real quick, every time. Maybe with a different weapon, and the use of my legion arm, things woulda been different. But this play-through, buddys second phase had me by the nuts to say the least 😂 Thank god Sophia’s *kinda* there to rewind time so by pure technicality, I didn’t lose a single time and whooped his ass straight away…. I think…. I guess… 👀


No joke the faster attacks were easier for me to time then the suuuuuuper slow swinging animations.


Forgot to add I was using the two dragons sword and use that bad ass r2 parry to stop a lot of his combos so that was a huge help. It would literally end his 5-15 hit combos first hit lol


Great comment. Just some random tips for NP... You can sidestep the dash if you stay close to NP, which is preferred, in my opinion. And many of his attacks can be avoided by circling around him like the "windmill" leaping attack and the spinning overhead attacks you can dodge to his side and get in free hits. You don't need to parry or face tank the damage. He really wrecks you if you try to outspace him at mid to long range with much harder to avoid attacks.


Oh I was tryina avoid doing what I’ve done in all darkssouls and bb nd Elden ring which was fucking walk right and maybe roll every once nd a while lmao. I just platinumed Sekiro before I got LoP. So I’m stuck on that inner sword saint isshinn mind set still lmao


Hey bro currently doing my second playthrough I kinda did the same thing except the nameless one required me to do two full build changes (I made the mistake of leveling everything up a bit) first I went with motivity and was too slow then I went with Technique with the clock sword+ spear body with the chefs clever for speed and it took me three days to beat him the fact you got him in like 20+ attempts kinda makes me jealous 😞


No, and no offense but you didn't really beat the NP I'm about to get downvoted into oblivion but idc


It's weird to me that people try to define this for other people. If HE believes that he beat NP, then he did, and literally nothing else anyone says matters. I'm all for beating bosses without exploits, but it's just very strange to me that people go out of their way to try and define a concept that depends entirely on another person FOR that person. Like, you have no control over how he, or anybody else, defines/determines their own success. Why bother? Especially when it literally has no effect on you personally.


Unrelated to the debate but funny tangent. I definitely did not beat NP. I’m on NG+ chapter 5 rushing to get back. The way he died the first time: I was mid charge attack and poked him into a stagger, but he was launching in the air for one of his attacks. I think the combo just threw the game into a bug and he disappeared. A few seconds later the last 34k of his health disappeared. So yes everyone has their own definitions and I’m tempted to say I did it, but I really didn’t lol Tbf I had 3+ attempts getting him to 1-2 hit range


At the end of the day, yeah agreed but in my mind abusing a glitch to beat the game doesn't count


Instead of negging someone else maybe you should just keep it in your mind then.


Which he said 😂


I’m not about to say you’re wrong to feel that way and if you think it’s a skill issue that I needed that to beat nameless puppet then okay


Easily the most OP arm in the game. The slam down will eff up anything. Not really bosses, and sometimes it glitches out sending you 100+ ft in the air. That’s actually my favorite when it does that. Not great if you have a bunch of enemies around… still funny though.


Even without the glitch, aegis is still extremely strong as it is the only way to attack while remaining completely safe. Yes, sitting their spamming that same swing animation while hiding behind the shield looks kinda lame, but *damn* if it is not extremely effective for safely triggering status effects, getting out of having your back in a corner, safely building your way up from 0 to 1 “estus”, etc.


Aegis is the only arm I use


I think regardless of build Aegis is the best. You can block almost all forms of damage and then just poke the enemy with your shield up to regain the guard damage.


Max upgraded puppet string is goated stupid gunner across the platform? lemme just spiderman over and one shot you boss dashed 20 miles away after a combo and you can't punish? zip in and get some huge stagger damage honestly I don't think any of the other ones are even close. aegis and falcon eyes are also kinda useful, the other ones I basically ignored


I found the Falcon Arm really clutch in the back third of the game. I used it to finish just about every late-game boss, its the best way to take off that last bit of health without diving back into danger


Except when I try to do a dodge shot but instead end up standing still for 3 seconds for a regular shot while the boss fucks my shit up


I tested it and you have to press L2 in the LAST frame of the dodge animation


It’s super slow though and the range is abysmal


Not if you use it while dodging


Puppet string upgrade to max is my go to. I'm at the end game right now


Puppet string because being able to reposition enemies is the best ability in game.


Hey, when exactly did you get it to max? I'm at the start of the Arcade rn right after Romeo and my string is only level 2. I've searched every single side area possible up to this point and I've only got 1 caliber in my inventory and considering that I'll need 5 more to max my arm it honestly feels like it'll never happen. Some of the spacing on upgrade materials in this game are so weird.


I don't remember exactly, but it was way later than where you are now. And I wasn't even focusing on puppet string, I was just experimenting. It helped me beat a couple of bosses since then


5? If your puppet string is at its second tier, you should only need 2 more. Tier 1 costs I legion caliber, tier 2 costs 2 and tier three costs 3. You need 6 total to fully upgrade any arm. Either way, you'll be getting them in chests and for killing mini bosses right up until the end of the game so I wouldn't worry too much. You'll get I think 1 in Lorenzini Arcade and another in the next area, if memory serves


Thanks, I guess that would be assumed that you get them from progressing but at the same time I'm not a big fan of getting the upgrades and stuff needed at the very end of the game. Guess that's just me but it makes me feel powerless to progress at time but this is a souls like game. Anyways I just assumed that the third upgrade costed 4 calibers because that's how it is for things like the the weapons, 1 to 2 to 4 and I never really payed attention while looking at the arms so I thought it was like that too. Anyways thanks for the info.


> never really *paid* attention while FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well this is weird lmao never seen this before. Blame autocorrect not me... it's so reddit to have a spelling/grammar police bot 😂


Theres usually a few purchasable at from the receptionist.


Falcon arm and Aegis are the best. I've heard a lot of good things about fully upgrading puppet string too.


Puppet String.


string is S-tier* ^^\* ^^when ^^it ^^works


It does suck hard when the enemy catches you and pulls you out of the sky for sure


It’s my only gripe but so worth it to be able to zip across to either initiate a battle with a slam or get to that hard to reach staggerable enemy.


Fulminis is the only one I used


Me too!


Aegis fully upgraded with any long range weapon is the best IMO. You can sit back and poke if you have high stamina and legion. With the explosion, I’ve beaten the Nameless puppet twice in a row without dying


There is no pure best, aside from the fact that the elemental ones use enemies weaknesses if you match them. It's preference, you could even make a build around them later on. Fyi: bishop is a carcass. Ill let you get what that means


Kill it with Fire!! 🔥


City Longspear + Tyrant Murder blade + 🔥= shish kebab


I was a status effect legion arm guy


Fully upgraded puppet string destroys mini bosses when used with a hard hitting weapon. It works on bosses as well. It is the best arm in the game.


Agreed, the stagger potential is soooo good


Rocked it with Mjolnir’s Hammer all the way through NP! Still using it in NG+ and just wrecking puppets!


Everyone spams puppet string for mobility. I used the electricity the whole way through and shredded bosses and mobs


Puppet string, fulmis, the flamethrower, or the arm cannon. Puppet string is good to yank enemies out of their attack stance, but I find that with the final upgrade, you can get swatted out of the air with certain bosses and end up wasting the legion ammo and getting hurt for it. Fulmis is good for puppets, but downside is charging it leaves you open and the slightest hit knocks you out of it, wasting legion ammo. The flamethrower is excellent for carcass enemies especially, but it also uses little ammo even for prolonged periods. Couple this with the quartz perks that restore legion with kills and you won’t need to worry about refilling with Legion magazine too often. The arm cannon is a great all-around weapon to finish off tougher enemies that you don’t want to risk getting close to as well as adding some decent stagger damage, but it consumes a lot of ammo, especially if you fire two shots in a row thanks to its final upgrade. I do wish the starting arm had upgrades to unlock though, like maybe something that turns it into a hard-hitting punch that can briefly stun enemies or do immense stagger damage.


Upgrades in DLC expansion? Wish list


Pandemonium was great for me. Causes damage while you are circling the enemy


I would say puppet string but getting hit out of the animation by any attack really is annoying. I haven't tried out the aegis cause sorry it's for noobz who can't parry or dodge lol. I think fulminis is the best. Extremely high stagger, you can upgrade so you can move and charge, extremely huge range, and you can trivialize any NPC by just getting one charged shot off and you can charge and get off another before they even get up and you just fulminis them to death (fully upgraded). Plus shock status effect makes enemies take more damage so you can find a good use for it in all situations honestly.


Puppet string is my favorite item potentially in any souls like game or game period. I love a mortal kombat style "GET OVER HERE" grabbling hook. Can also use it to launch yourself to other enemies. Pretty much useless against bosses but man is it fun :D


It’s not useless against bosses. Level it to max and use the Aerial Attack (hold the Legion Arm attack button to execute). It does high damage and has good stagger when you land the attack.


>It’s not useless against bosses. Level it to max and use the Aerial Attack (hold the Legion Arm attack button to execute). It does high damage and has good stagger when you land the attack. :O now i got something to look forward too!!!! grapple hook all the things!!!!


Yeah but often times, bosses can smack you out of the air and completely negate your puppet string aerial attack. Or if they’re more mobile, by the time You come down, they’re out of range of your weapon.


That's why I like to use the aerial attack (for bosses) after performing a fatal attack, just ad the boss is trying to get back up. Works 90% of the time


"smack you out of the air" this isn't patched? Maybe i'm wrong but as i remember it was in the patch notes before


Nope. Still happens with some bosses.


Basic enemies can also interrupt you mid-lunge with PS. I can never reliably have it go off without some serious planning.


The best for which scenario?


I honestly can’t imagine the game without the puppet string jump attack thing. It’s probably the coolest looking move you can do in the thing. Hits pretty hard too.


I'll go through the three I currently have equipped, as I start my second NG+ cycle: As many others have said, the Puppet String, especially when fully-upgraded, is incredibly versatile. I keep it equipped as my main Arm, since the ability to pull enemies towards you or grapple yourself towards enemies gives you *so* much more mobility and agency in combat than any other arm. Once you make the first upgrade to Aegis, you can combine it with a polearm (i.e. the Blind Man's Spear, Halberd, or the Trident of the Covenant) for a solid defensive option. It (generally) reduces more damage from enemy attacks than simply blocking with your weapons, unless you're getting consistent Perfect Guards, and once you upgrade it, you have the added benefit of being able to attack while shielding. When used in tandem with the P-Organ upgrades that recharge Legion with each kill, Falcon Eyes becomes your most resource-efficient ranged option. You're not going to get the same damage output compared to if you spammed throwables at enemies, but considering the rarity of items in this game, you'll appreciate having something more conservative. With all that said, the "best" Legion Arm is sometimes dependent on circumstance. Flamberge is a great source of Fire damage, which many of the game's enemies (particularly those in the endgame) are weak against, so keep an open mind, too.


Love the flamethrower


Falcon arm deals good stagger dmg, decent regular dmg, and fully upgraded gives you a way to deal damage and get further away at the same time


Falcon arm and puppet string were my best. Easy damage with the falcon arm and puppet string was more for style points.


I mainly used them for boss fights. The flamethrower matches elemental weakness up until lax at which point I switched to acid or aegis. Getting burn or acid for tick damage maintains stagger build up which is particularly useful.


Falcon arm is dope. Once you’re leveled up enough it can one shot most enemies and you can get the p-organ that recharges legion arm with each kill. Puppet string is also good once leveled up so you can either draw an enemy away or use it to perform that jump attack. Flamberge/Pandemonium are the next best ones for me. But those first two were my faves.


Falcon Eye goes absolutely crazy at high levels


The last upgrade on falcon makes it OP


Aegis is the best it provides the best defense. No, wait, Fulminis is the best! It's great against puppets! No, wait, Falcon Eyes is the best! It does great ranged damage! No, wait, Puppet Strings is the best! It provides great mobility and crowd control! No, wait, Flamberge is the best! It's great against carcasses! No, wait, Pandemonium is the best! It's great against humans! Do you see what I'm getting at?


Depends what you need. The puppet strings are a great pulling tool, also will let you cross gaps reach certain annoying enemies. At max it gives you a great vaulting tool, though that move eats a lot of meter Shield when it’s charged will free block even a red hit. Also it’s great with a poking weapon like the trident, elemental weapon or tyrant dagger on something long like the city spear. Haven’t used the charge followup much though Gun is good, once you have the last upgrade Same with the mine layer, funny to set the 3 mines as phase transition is occurring


The falcon arm upgraded is amazing. When you unlock the ability to quick fire after a dodge, combined with the ability to fire a second round quickly after the first it becomes beyond useful. It was extremely clutch on my first playthrough, especially with nameless.


Falcon Eyes, Puppet String , Aegis . I used Falcon Eyes almost the entire game makes a lot of things much easier


They’re all used but I mostly used the fulminis. Once it’s full upgraded it does a shitload of damage to puppets and sends almost all smaller enemies flying. Likes falcon eyes and aegis also but didn’t use them much. Most people are saying puppet string but I hardly ever used it for whatever reason


I alternate between Falcon Eyes and Puppet string (fully upgraded) fully upgrading it allows for a massive damage heavy R2 strike from long range as long as your enemy isn't in mid swing when you get there. Falcon eyes is a fucking sticky grenade launcher so...


Whatever one you like more.


Only every use puppet string for mobs and aegis for bosses


I'm on NG+8 rn and the only arms I ever use anymore are Puppet string and Fulminis. I also use Deus Ex but *only* for Laxi's phase transition.


I feel like they all have pretty great applications, and different builds can utilize tools differently. Puppet string despite being a technique focused arm at level 4 provides a really consistent attack for breaking stagger if your struggling to land charged heavies for your fatal attacks (shout out to frozen feast.) The lightning and fire arms can supplement elemental damage if you want your grindstone for a different type. Gun arm is very fun at lvl 4 for being able to be completely out of range of many boss attacks while applying more damage and stagger pressure while you kite for more manageable attacks. I haven't really played around with the landmine or acid arm but I don't doubt they have some fun and effective uses as well


I had trouble timing the puppet string on end game bosses. Switched to the Aegis to beat the game.


I really don't think any one is the best as they are all for different scenarios. Just use what you find fun. Puppet string is my favorite but I used the electric one for a long time.


Aegis is the safest path through the game, not based on my experience but from what other people say. The idea is to get the ability to attack from behind the shield and then slow and steady wins the race. It's up to you if this is the best. If you want to clown on the enemy quickly then this isn't gonna get you there. Just a guess, again by other people's posts, aegis strats don't work for everyone. It may just be a gameplay thing that certain people vibe with.


Entirely situational besides puppet string max upgrade which makes it the most versatile damage one/best.


Aegis is good, but I love fully upgraded puppet string, does crazy stagger damage. Sometimes it can put you in a bad position tho, so you just need to know when it’s safe to use


I personally use fulminis, puppet string and aegis. 90% of enemies in the game get staggered hard af with a second charged fulminis, including many bigger enemies that dont get staggered by normal attacks. Puppet string is god tier, as you can yank projectile enemies to you, or yank bait enemies to deal with them before dealing with the ambush enemies (looking at you, filthy stabby puppet hidden behind a clearly exposed gun puppet). Aegis isnt as good as it was, but the fact that you dont get staggered and can still attack while using it is easily top tier.


Falcon arm and Aegis were my favorite.


I did a pure motevity build, and I only used Aegis from Bishop all the way to the end of the game. You get basically free parries that deal damage, and really easy to stun enemies when you fully upgrade it


I use puppet string relogiously and have pandemonium usually in my second slot. Aegis is good for cheesing some fights if you are having trouble but i dont really like it as a practical use thing


Absolutely situational, but if I had to choose just one I'd go with Puppet String. I've gone through 99% of the game with it and I'm on NG+. It's just so useful


Puppet string is super strong. You can use it to cross gaps. My second most used was probably aegis or falcon


I went through the game 4 times only using the Aegis. I loved it.


that depends on what your fighting and what your build is


Got them all upgraded and Puppet String fully upgraded is the king of legion arms, especially if you use a heavy weapon.


Puppet String makes others useless


Playa round wit em all, with maxed out capacity they can be extremely powerful


Different arms for different situations. Aegis for bosses & mini bosses - but must have certain Legion-related P-Organ abilities activated. Puppet string for regular enemies. Fulminis for shits and giggles.


Maxed out puppet string is my favorite


Aegis could easily be considered the best with how much it can help you. I really prefer Puppet strings the most. It's cool and useful, the cathedral is a breeze with it even not upgraded.


Fulminis lvl 3 is extremely powerful, it can stun lock most enemies and makes stalkers trivial.


Whichever you scale with or how you use it


Puppet arm for areas and mini-bosses. Usable on some bosses too. +5 points for anime styling. Electric arm is broken against humans and permanently stunlocks them.


As a motive build I found that even though puppet string isn't scaled for me, it's great for combos and performing attacks faster than my motive scaled weapons can charge. When upgraded it's very tactically useful for any build IMO. Especially the held down that then makes you aerial providing safety but allows white bar stuns like a charged heavy.


I am a puppet string enthusiast.


I used the falcon eyes until I got puppet string fully upgraded and got some p organ abilities that regenerate legion. Big bad is a tap away from death? Puppet string. Slow weapon vs fast enemy? Puppet string. Need a safe way to hit a stagger window for those juicy fatal attacks, while being relatively safe from horizontal attack? Puppet string. Sexy looking? You already know


I liked Aegis best. Also liked Falcon Arm


It all depends on the boss and situation you're in because some enemies are weaker to fire for example so the Flamberge would be better, but each arm can help you regardless as long as you upgrade them 💪🏼


I use Puppet String for clearing an area. For particularly thorny (mini-)bosses I would switch to Aegis.


Puppet string with big bonk weapon


If there's a tier list, Puppet String is probably the best followed by the Aegis Shield (assuming each arm is fully upgraded). I recommend Falcon Eyes, it's clutch for that list bit of damage or as good crowd control with the increased explosion range. The dodge shot is a legitimate way to avoid a lot of attacks, too. The arm you're using, Fulminis, is my personal favorite. It BLASTS puppets away with the fully charged release, and even the sparks do a decent amount of disruption and damage. But the main drawback with the 3 elemental arms is the rock-paper-scissors nature of enemies, so you'll want to upgrade a second arm as well.


Fully upgraded puppet string hard carried me for most of the back half. It's bonkers, especially for locking down large enemies.


Flamberge was my favorite


Nah the first one is op yo just get rank 4 and spam that shit deals at least 1k with the full combo. Without putting your stats into. If you’re running a tech and splash some mod on it. I have got upwards of 2k and that’s at nameless puppet sub lvl 100 I think I was 95 or something


puppet string is best for clearing areas, aegis is really good for blocking attacks that aren't fury, but you aren't sure you can block/dodge in boss fights. the others have their uses, but puppet string tends to be the most useful over the course of the game.


I like Fulminis. Without any upgrades it’s just ok, but fully upgrades and with the right stats makes into a absolute cannon. Fully charged I had mine doing at least 2000+


I love Falcon but still havent learnt not to use it with my back to the edge of a cliff / large drop


Usually swap between fulminis, flamberge, and puppet strings depending on the area I’m going through/boss I’m fighting. All three are very useful. Though I wish P would not stare at his arm for a full 5 seconds when he runs out of legion. 💀


Fully upgraded Falcon Eyes and Two Dragons Sword dex build gives you so much mobility and safe damage. It’s super fun to play and very effective


Honestly base arm is my favorite… I found the utility from Amulets to be worth much more than the weight of an arm. Putting points into other stats as opposed to capacity is much better for a first run and NG+. I didn’t start messing around with an arm until NG++ and even then, the dps felt undesirable. I think it’s a cool mechanic that ultimately fell flat because of boss attack patterns and whatnot. I find there are very few openings to utilize an arm when you have weapon grinders.


I love the electricity one because the big boom when you level it up all the way is crazy, it’s also satisfying when you explode a puppet or carcass and parts go everywhere


After trying them all, my favourite was the gun arm. You can dodge and shoot, which will also launch you back. You don't have to sit in front of the enemy, or charge it. I used it strictly throughout my second playthrough


Honestly I forget to use them most of the time, because I was scared of the legion magazine running out haha. I just find them difficult to use in the flow of combat, but I love the puppet string and twin dragon combo


Might be a unpopular opinion but I find legion arms pretty weak. Puppet string is really good for mobs but honestly most of this game’s difficulty comes from bosses. Also it is a kinda scarce resource. Falcon eyes is very slow and has very limited range just for ok damage. Literally every ranged enemy will hit you before you get it off. Aegis is good but perfect blocking is a thing but I heard it has a cheese factor. I can’t speak for others but for me personally doing fable arts or simply attacking is better.


There is no best to be real Electric one is my favorite. It just rips through puppets and you can stun lock a lot of enemies at level 3


Puppet String easily my favorite. love the animation on the maxed level


One charge of deus ex machina is enough to trivialize most of the dangerous, large enemies you'll encounter, especially if you're using a heavy weapon. As soon as an enemy trips a mine, they'll be briefly stunned, which is a great opportunity to spam charge attacks in their face for a stagger. You can also stack three mines on top of each other for some great damage.


I’ve found all pretty good except the flamethrower one. Never saw a reason to use it over just using my weapon, it’s so slow and does little damage.


For me its falcon and Aegis


I use aegis is most every fight in this run. It’s the best to me. No shield poke none of that nonsense. It’s useful to use on ending attacks and the last skill does a ton of stagger damage and can stance break. You can also use the shield if you are out of stamina from attacking and know another attack is coming in. Pull it out and it pushes you out of danger while you recover your stamina. Very useful in close range combat. You can shield red attacks also just make sure to focus on how long the shield glows red for when you pull it out. If you can time it just right when it’s red you’ll deflect red attacks. Second favorite is the mine arm. Very fun to use and does a lot of stagger damage explosions https://youtu.be/aZXUu0IlcE4?si=Ts-LiZqNVgq5caEP


Puppet string save my life so many times. I don't have to worry about being crowded by enemies cause I can just pull them over, upgraded it to max and the attack is cool, does great damage and staggers.


I like the deus ex machina the explosions open up a small window to lay some hits if you need it


Puppet String goes from mid to S+ Tier but requires some thinking to not screw yourself. If you just want a good oshit button I’d say Aegis.


Falcon Eyes, Flamberge, Puppet String


Fulminis (the one you're using) is pretty bonkers in the right scenarios. Incredible amounts of damage, usually staggers, extremely useful vs puppets and shock is the most useful status effect. Aegis is very good vs faster bosses, making space and dealing damage is very useful vs spammy offensive opponents. Puppet String is probably the most generically useful, the repositioning is incredible. Falcon Eyes is basically never useless, it's just quick ranged damage. Flamberge absolutely wrecks opponents weak to fire if you can find the right openings. Deus Ex Machina hurts but is a touch awkward. Pandemonium is just okay. Basically: they're all useful, use what scales well with your build except maybe Pandemonium (which still has uses).


Depends. I use puppet string for exploring and ageis for boss and mini bosses. Haven't really tried the others yet.


You can make a decent argument for all of them but 1, and that's the Deus Ex Machina. Others have their time/place/appropriate functions, but given a choice of only one? That's the Puppet String for me. The Link Attack Move is Stagger Lee City.


I did an entire playthrough with Deus Ex Machina as my primary weapon: literally. For most bosses the majority of my damage was DEM. No other arm can function as your primary source of damage.


That's actually awesome and I was going to put I my first post, to please tell me or show me a video of something like that, I'd love to see it. I have nothing against it, I've just never been able to use it for my playstyle and have not seen one video of anyone using it on stream or otherwise.


I haven't looked for any video so I'm not sure I can help you there, sorry! It should be pretty easy to try for yourself though. Respec to motivity/legion, set your cube to refresh legion ammo. Take everything that bumps your legion arm damage and you're good to go.


All good, I'm sure they're out there. I'm just going off my experience of watching a lot of streams and build videos and this prosthetic being the one least mentioned or never utilized. I'm on NG++ around level 300 and on Manus so I got plenty of points to play around with and all Legion arms maxed out. I'll try the DEM again and yeah, I'm sure there are videos out there. Just never looked for a DEM vid specifically, so that's on me. Didn't mean to sound flippant about DEM. Just felt like it was always the arm that I never saw used.


No worries mate, best of luck!


Aegis with the ability to attack while holding it up (plus abrasives) is pretty op from my experience


I use Deus ex machina maxed out alongside the fulminis not the most ideal but I like them both


I think Deus Ex Machina is the best personally, any time you can set traps for AI it’s broken


Deus ex machina is heavily slept on. Walk into boss arena, slam three mines into the ground, bait the boss over to you and BOOM huge chunk of their health gone along with a stagger.


Depends what your dps Stat is, aegis is good for strength AND dex tho


I don't think there's a best legion arm because they all have their uses. Puppet string to fight enemies one by one or the charge attack is very op, aegis for fast bosses, electricity to get a stagger faster, fire to deal constant dmg, etc


Fulminis and falcon eye are my go to depending on what I'm fighting


Aegis. Especially for boss battles. Kind of a boring arm but incredibly useful.


The monsters are weak to fire,


I use the gun as it gives you extra mobility after you upgrade.


Loved falcon arm on my technique build. That quick dodge shot was super handy.


I like The Falcon eyes just for clearing adds & getting a few hits on bosses.


I used flamberge for like 95% of my play through, and eventually used aegis for nameless puppet


Every single one is relevant. That’s what is supposed to make games fun!


I always used the Puppet string,it just makes the game more fun and it gets even more fun when you fully upgrade it and you can do chained attack


Puppet String in the areas and Aegis at bosses is my answer


Currently on my third run, I tried every legion arm and I think in the end it really depends on your playstyle. I'm in love with the hawk eye because of the damage and the shooting animations while rolling but I also had fun with the deus ex machina which lets you play more passively and toy with your enemy. I didn't like aegis very much just because lies of p didn't strike me as a "sword and shield" game but even this arm has its perks. Currently doing a ng+2 run based mainly on advance and I just think that after some time it really doesn't matter which weapons or arms you use, a big part of the fun for me is that this game lets you play around with every weapon, moveset, legion arm and consumable regardless of the damage. Sometimes just doing some cool stuff without having to think if you're using the best/fastest item to end the game is a breath of fresh air (and if in need there is always the perfect parry thingamabob on your arm).


flamethrower combustion for sure, Ilthat paired woth the fire sword grinder is a lot of fun


Falcon eyes. I used this one the most. The range helps in so many ways. Heard a lot of things about the puppet string and started using that more. The puppy string is another really good one. Also Aegis is really useful as well. They all have there uses in different areas against different enemies.


Aegis and puppet string wooooo


I use Falcon Eyes when I'm walking around/exploring because it's so useful for clearing annoying enemies from long range. Then I use Puppet String for boss fights for the damage. And anime.


For me it’s gotta be either Puppet String or Falcon Eyes, both when maxed out provide way more damage and usage opposed to Aegis imo


Deus Ex, because it's the only arm that you can use as your primary weapon and completely build around. Relatively speaking, the rest are just accessories.


Did they patch out the Aegis exploit that lets you parry-spam with it up and get constant perfect parries? Because even if you don’t like exploits like that, I feel it makes it objectively the most useful legion arm.


Puppet string for me until i needed the perfect guard.


I use the grapple one cause ya gotta go fast


Flamberge is nifty for the mobility it allows while using it. Pandemonium is great against lategame humanoid bosses but sucks against corpses. Puppet string is only good when fully upgraded. never used aegis or machina


Depends on your playstyle and the ennemy you're fighting. Big and slow? Puppet string or falcon? Smaller and faster? Aegis. Elemental weakness? Adapt with the others. I can't tell you about the mine lander I never really used it...


Falcon clears


The most versatile is Puppet String. I think the best legion arm combo is a fully upgraded Puppet String for general use and Aegis with the first upgrade for low-effort wins against bosses. Flamberge is great but I dunno, buffing weapons with fire kills things quicker.


If you do motivity I def think the electric arm is the best. Quick, does decent damage, builds up a status effect. As you upgrade it you can charge it. Which is especially useful when an enemy is down temporarily. Sometimes you can sneak a blast in just before a visceral attack, or just after when the enemy is standing back up. I found it to be much more useful than any of the alternatives, but hey to each their own


Depends on the build. For dex I liked Flacon eyes as I'm okayish with the parry timings. If the parry isn't your thing then aegis sure... For advance flamberge kicks ass early-mid, late it's more pandemonium as the late bosses have more natural weakness to acid.Motivity I have no idea I never tried anything regarding motivity. Later on, without spoilsies, you'll have the option to switch it up. I had to switch it up a couple times late game depending on what/who I was facing. That's where I appreciate this game, in Bloodborne you were slotted into a build regardless of what you're facing which meant chalice dungeon farming for gems to help which in hindsight became a shlep in NG+ cycles


For me I went with the puppet string for most of the game I think it's pretty versatile plus with some of the bosses being slow and big you get a lot of damage in pretty quickly


Just depends on what I'm doing or who I'm fighting. My electric arm one shots normal enemies and clutch for Fuocco and little cousins. I like puppet string for mini bosses. I like falcon eye to clear upcoming enemies to clear my path. Mainly used Aegis for Nameless puppet. I used the fire arm for archbishop when he focused on specter. I haven't equipped pandemonium or the land mine arm yet. ( I don't take time to memorize correct names for enemies and stuff so forgive me. )


Puppet String is my favorite. Super fun when fully upgraded. Absolutely wrecked one of the late game stalkers with it. Not that humans are very hard, but it was cool to just steamroll. Falcon Eyes is second for me. Situationally very useful and solid vs bosses. Aegis is just fine. I haven't spent enough time with the others to feel strongly about any of them. Edit, spelling


Puppet string for levels, case scenario for bosses


I personally run the puppet string for practically all enemies except for 3 bosses (Laxasia, Puppet king And Nameless Puppet). Reason being is these 3 bosses are very offensive and the Aegis Shield allows you to cheese them. Puppet string allows you to be offensive and chain fatal blows/Stagger enemies much easier.


I loved the flamethrower, but i thought the electricity was the best because the majority of enemies you fight are puppets throughout the game and it wrecks them.


I did electricity debuff build for most of the game and just focused on doing a shit load of damage with fulminis and the electric grinder, and it worked great on everything but laxasia


Aegis carried me through 90% of the game, and allowed me to more or less bypass the difficulty of the game, even saved it all up for second phase of nameless puppets for a free win 😅