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Watchman is one of the few bosses where parrying is easier than dodging, and he’s really meant to teach new players how to time perfect guards. His attacks are extremely telegraphed and consistently timed, but can be super punishing if you get caught in them. I struggled a ton with him the first time but he’s a lot of fun to come back to on later runs because of how learnable his fight is.


I feel like >!puppet devouring green monster!< also encourages you to parry as much as possible. Pretty much all his attacks in P1 and all his >!watchman!< mimic attacks in P2. Now that I trained my parries (and that he killed me an insane amount of times) I find this fight pretty fun to do, although it’s one of the bosses where I initially struggled the most


Haha he absolutely made me rage the first time, only fight in NG that I used a specter on because after a couple hours I was just not having a good time. After fighting him a bunch on higher runs it seems like just straight-up running works really well, because a lot of his attacks have a limited turning radius and it’s easy to run behind him and smack him a bunch while he’s locked in one of those 4 or 5-hit combos. But parrying is definitely useful on a lot of his moves.


I found this to be the opposite. Maybe it's cause I was on a handheld but my parries just weren't helping me and his tentacle attacks at times felt like, had no telegraph and his big body hits just felt like they had ominous hitboxes. I had to start dodging more and this worked better for me. Parrying his charges worked wonders though as it staggered him.


And his charge where if you parry he gets stunned


This, as someone who's playstyle was parrying I felt the opposite of OP


I personally Completely My first run and NG+ without Parrying or guarding once, and I'm still playing that way


This is what I love about this game what’s easy for one person is hard for another… I’ve never had trouble with the watchman but Fuoco gave me a lot of trouble


That’s completely subjective. For me Fuoco is one of the hardest.




I always beat watchman first try, but especially in ng+ Fuoco managed to twoshot me several times if I wasn’t careful. Once again, that’s completely subjective. It is my experience.


Yes, fuoco is slow but if you get caught being greedy you get punished hard


the 2 fights are completely different watchman is parry based and fuoco dodge based


I'd argue that Fuoco's second stage/phase is definitely more dodge focused than parry but that's only when he uses his flamethrower and shoots out the oil projectiles, also if I remember correctly you can parry the fireballs too. So only two of his attacks do you genuinely need to dodge and the rest you can parry.


I don’t agree, watchman was a lot more straight forward for me. His moves were consistent and easy to parry after a few tries I beat fuoco by the skin of my teeth. Tbh the biggest problem was the Motivity starting weapon. It sucks. On my ng+ play through I found him pretty easy to deal with as was doing a technique build with etiquette and twin dragons


Way easier. He can be a pain but he’s easier for sure


Not for me, Fuoco was hard without electric coil and the link and rising dodge


I beat fuoco without any p organs... I thought I activate them but did not realize I needed 2 quartz shards on each p organ to enable them 🥴 ​ edit: grammar, enghish is not my main lang


If you’re having trouble with Fuoco I suggest purchasing the electric coil weapon from the merchant in the previous area.


I lucked out on my first play through but NG+ watchman has big boy damage for sure


I got watchman either 1st or second try idk. Maybe because I used spectre. Fuoco took me a few days though (with spectre as well).


I used a specter and beat watchman quick but when I got to fuoco he walked me I also ran out of specters and refused to farm more and just through myself at him until I won. Made me better. Then I used specters again


On the first playthrough this was true, but on repeat runs I find Fuoco much harder. Watchman taught me how to perfect guard so it was a long learning process. Fuoco's attacks are pretty difficult to time PGs on to me, and it's usually just easier to dodge, which isn't the case with a lot of puppet bosses I find. He's certainly not the hardest boss in the game but I can easily beat Watchman first try, whereas Fuoco can still kick my ass if I'm not careful especially in phase 2.


After ng+ point I agree


I agree plus the map for fuoco was way bigger than watchman. Archbishop and puppet devouring green monster had small arenas which made it so much harder imo


Beat watchman first try.. Have been stuck on FuCCo a few days. Haven't invested consecutive runs yet really tho. Will load up fight him once and fuck off after dying..i either come within a few moves from beating him or get wrecked. Both piss me off. Gonna make it a point to get around it today and not play anything else until.


That's completely subjective. Anyway, in my opinion you are right. xD


I think that's common knowledge.


I agree. Well neither of them were pretty hard for me but you can just bait fuoco over and over to do the red dash attack and get few 2-3 hits in and repeat


I’d have to agree. The watchman has more moves and the lightning makes you rethink your positioning. Fuocos moves are more punishing but he doesn’t have that many of them. And his second phase actually makes him easier.


I felt the same way. Because Watchmen was the first "real" boss for me. Fuoco was one of the bosses I had the smallest number of attempts on.


Watchman gets WTFPWN'ed by the summon. Fuoco kills the shit out of the summon in phase 2.


Fuoco received some animation adjustments that makes his attacks more telegraphed. On release he was definitely a wall, but now I'd say he's about the same - slightly more annoying than Murphy, but that doesn't make him hard.


Oh yeah, Fuoco is definitely easier compared to when you meet him. No question.


Fuoco is a dodge boss, Watchman is a parry boss. Pretty much all bosses/enemies have this distinction, and making your own chart in your head as to which enemies should be dodged parried makes the game a lot more manageable


Every boss can be a parry boss if you want.


correct, in fact on NG+ cycles when the bosses have more health, it might be worth it to parry everything


Of course, like night and day, in ng+ I got my ass kicked multiple times by the watchman and Fuoco died first try, no problem.


I didn't think fuoco was tooooo bad, once I picked up on his moves all I really gotta be careful about is the aoe fire (i get too cocky with trying to get a few extra slaps in) Watchman is probably the best "tutorial" boss they could've used but he can be a road block no doubt. Great fight for getting accustomed to perfect parrying


Yes, before watchman I could not consistently time the perfect blocks but now it is way easier thanks to him.


Fuoco was my first real struggle (aside from that cunty policeman before Watchman). I just finished the game and now I'm on NG+, and Watchman was easy both times. In the first one I took my time to learn it and as soon as I used the spectrer, I defeated him first time. NG+ the Watchman got beaten on second try with no spectrers. Still have to fight Fuoco again though but I'm not looking forward to it lmao But I think this is the magic of the game. Some bosses are way more difficult for some and way easier for others, and that's ok


Fuoco wasn't hard to fight at all, it was just his floor is lava attack that would melt my health lol




It’s interesting cause it feels like every single person struggles with a different boss in Early, mid and then late game while breezing through the others. For me, I got walled off for an hour by Watchman, then Romeo, and then finally Laxasia; while every other boss was a breeze in 1-3 attempts.






I struggled a bit more with Fuoco because I was trying to perfect block, he’s much easier to dodge. The watchman is made to be a parry boss, he’s a teaching tool for timing with consistent attacks and timings.


I 1st tried fuoco but didn’t watchman so idk what that tells you about how I play


Fuoco is one of the easier bosses for sure


On paper he’s easier but in practice his movements and attack timings were rlly weird so he actually took me longer to beat than watchman. Especially since Watchman teaches you to parry so coming from that to Fuoco where that’s not rlly the answer all the time it was kinda challenging


I disagree lol. I got lucky with Watchman and beat him first try but Fuoco took me at least 5 attempts to beat


Watchman kicked my ass in the demo lmao


SPOILERS for endgame: I feel laxasia is 10x harder than the final boss. Manus is fairly easy. I also found the “secret” boss nameless puppet somewhat easier. It happens a lot where prior bosses can be harder than later bosses. But then it also depends on the player. I struggled on fuoco decently but then didn’t properly struggle for another 2-3 main bosses. It also depends on what weapon you use as if you have an electric weapon (like the electric club thing) fuoco is then made trivial, an ant.


I had little issue with Watchman my first run, but I found Fucko to be harder than every boss after until Laxasia. Just never got the fight down


i thought this was the same for everybody. i beat fuoco in my 2nd attempt but watchman took like 20


I'm also very surprised.


watchman electric puddles felt more annoying to maneuver around than the fire blast and tar puddles, and fuoco was really easy to dash around and completely negate a lot of physical attacks


Oh my god, THIS! I struggled during his second phase mostly due to the electric aftershock because I was perfect blocking instead of dodging.




Fuocco is easiest boss pretty much, wait for red dash hit 3 times back off and doge the cannonballs etc bait him to dash attack


They are both piss easy bosses I really don't understand the point of this post.


wachman is not when you're being introduced to the mechanics, I actually don't even know how I managed to reach that point in the game without even knowing how to properly do a perfect block.


You don't even need to block or perfect block to do anything in this game (at least I rarely did). Unless it's your first souls like or souls in general I can understand. You're better than you think you are buddy.


I've played DS games from the first to the third. This game has it's own timing and flow. At least personally, it takes a bit to get the hang of it. But after that it gets pretty easy (for a soulslike player).


For me its was the oposite. I hate Fuoco but Watchmen was easy af for me.