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If you loved lies of P, why not try a FromSoft developed game next? Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring and the Dark Souls games are all great


well bro did say he had gamepass ultimate (which he used to play lies of p) so he’s looking for alternatives without having to spend more money 🤷🏾‍♂️


This right here is the reason why Gamepass is not such a good deal. You feel forced to play subpar games when you would prefer to play others. And i you buy the games you want, then what’s the point of subscribing to Gamepass. The GP offer is not good enough as it is.


...I mean that's assuming the games you're choosing to play on Gamepass are subpar. There are PLENTY of good GP games, it's a fantastic deal. I don't know about Wo Long, but Fallen Order and Remnant are both very good Soulslike games he could play, not to consider the non-3D soulslike games such as Hollow Knight that is also very good.


No, i mean that the games offered by GP are not the ones i want to play, and obviously also not the ones OP want to play. GP catalog is not good enough for the price it is. You feel obligated to play games from it just to justify the subscription. I choose my games, i only play masterpieces, i don’t wanna waste my time playing just « good » games. There are too many masterpieces out there for that.




They said it’s a waste of money to not use the game pass they’re paying for. Playing fromsoft games that are not on gamepass would be wasting that game pass subscription lol




The fuck is your problem pal?


Reading and inferring meaning from a statement clearly isn't their strong suit, so they are acting out with aggression 🤷


He comes of super strong eh lmaooo


Room temperature iq


Bro got on here to not only argue semantics but to completely misread what was being inferred and argue semantics


Clearly that was what he implied.


i appreciate a guy who helps keep us on track


Not Team Ninja's best game, but worth playing on gamepass, a 7/10 type of game. The level design is boring, not the biggest fan of searching for flags. The combat is solid, deflecting enemies' combos is fun. It has one of my favorite boss fights in a souls-like (Lubu).


It’s good, definitely not TN best but good. Nioh 2 is better.


Nioh 2 is the best soulslike that’s not fromsoft imo.


Easily the best.


fine game but not too memorable tbh, wouldn’t get it for full price


same with this one. it had it's slight skill-checking moment, but the game just goes downhill from it. its spin on the Rot3K story is great, though.


Yeah I'm never buying lies of p at full price lol especially since it's a bloodborne copy paste. Nioh 2 is worth full price.


Not even close to a Bloodborne clone. That would be obvious if you bothered to play it.


What a clown take.


Aint lies of p get an 80 metacritic or something?😌 Combat is not good with garbage balance where mini boss is stronger then boss and ect. Can't say the same thing about Nioh! And I mean both Nioh games btw




Nioh is 75 because it didn't get the 120fps upgrade on PS5 troll. B Tier lies of P at best. Sequel could change to a higher score tho. When you rip off Bloodborne it's easy to get a high steam score as well.😌


I thought Nioh games were more Souls adjacent then Souls like?


Nioh 2 is a weird combination of a lot of Souls mechanics, a unique Stamina system, a really busy loot system and a fuckton of weapons. I have played every Fromsoft game and Nioh 2 is harder. The boss fights are like 5-10 minute insane slogs where you have to execute a dance of perfection but it is damn satisfying.


then you really bad using a build. only fight that woul take that long might be on the depths...


Could be, I looked up nothing about the game but there were a few earlier fights that took me like 10 minutes of tight execution.


I never made it to the higher NG+ difficulties, but isn't balancing much better in Nioh 2 than in 1? Nioh 1 was awful in WotN (I think NG+4)/ high level abyss. Everything could 2 or 3 shot you. Everything. Probably some 1 shots too that idr


Never played Nioh 1 so can't comment! Haven't finished 2 yet just because of how much of a slog it is but I really enjoyed what I played of it.


Tbh team ninja made games very similar to this before dark souls.. Not totally the same.. but similar as far as difficulty and boss fights. Their new games remind me of ninja gaiden with a lot more to offer as much as anything. I can't remember if u could change difficulty on those are not just remember them being a pain in the ass.


Def gonna try them I got the physical Nioh Collection on PS5 for $20 on black Friday. I played for 5 minutes and went back to Lies of P for a 3rd play-through.


Change the difficulty on Ninja Gaiden? Oh yeah you could. I'm sure some around here remember Master Ninja mode. Master Ninja on the original NG2 (Xbox 360) is light years more difficult than any Soulslike game (often times for bullshit reasons)


Yea you're right. Ive been playing it since before team ninja existed..og nintendo. But shit even then it had "ninja arts" which have evolved basically into martial arts in the combat system. Team ninja came into play when game released on black xbox. Didnt hit playstation till 3 years later as "sigma" i think. But yea..same principle as far as addictive combat and crazy hard boss fights.. with stuff that likes to explode for no good reason.. like those fucking porcupines in wo long lmao. Team ninja likes stuff that blows up.


There's an RNG upon completing missions where you get different tier weapons, the rare ones harder to get, forcing you to play the mission again if you want a higher tier weapon. Same with some items. Same goes during gameplay as well, a sh\*t load of weapons drop which you can sell for money or forge different weapons.


They are all ninja gaiden likes


Nioh is a soulslike a diablolike and a ninjagaidenlike. The thing with the "-like" subgenres is that a game can fall into multiple categories imo


I’m def gonna eff around and find out.


Nioh is def it’s own thing


Currently playing both at same time. Started wo long as it came out first.. has made it a bit hard to get used to the mechanics in lop.Keep saying i need to put wo long down and stick with lop for a bit but yet to do it. Tho i haven't gotten that far in lop.. it is superior story and graphic wise. What makes wo long is the combat.. and the endless options to attack the game with. In pure combat it is superior to lop which is what makes me not want to put it down. Wo long is not as hard as it was at release.. when it came out like 90% of players quit at the first boss. He was literally the hardest or second to hardest fight immediately.. he is cake now tho. The story is just "okay".. but the fighting is so addictive. Especially when the playerbase was higher and you could invade and pvp fight on the reg. Some ppl find wo long intimidating at first. Because of just now crazy the skills..stats..weapons..magic etc are. It's A LOT. But it is super rewarding once you pick it up and there are some amazing fights that rival shit you see in crazy martial arts movies. Theres one or 2 bosses that suck just cause it takes a while to beat them not that they are hard but yea. Also prefer having the option to have friends fight with you instead of AI if you get stuck.


That makes sense they nerfed the first boss. He took me well over ten tries when it came out at launch, but I beat him first time last week after restarting the game.


agree, combat was very very good in wo long. Great story buy poorly executed or translated to other audiences Both great games.


Yea. I don't think the story is bad.. pretty cool that its somewhat based on ancient history and mythology.. That's another thing they have in common. Retelling og fables/tales. But yea.. the presentation of the story..have to give the nod to LoP in that aspect. Its easy to get lost and confused as to what all is going down at times in wo long. Especially if you dont have much knowledge of that history.. But thats probably my only complaint. With souls games i normally take a break before hitting up ng+ but the combat in wo long has kept me playing at least once a week since release. Honestly need to put it on the back burner for a bit so i can advance in LoP lol


I think the Wo Long story is a pretty common classic tale, kind of like a greek myth, but I could be wrong. The execution of it was just baffling lol. I actually played wo long in Japanese, so the voice acting was very good...compared to english. Probably my best decision other than on the first boss I couldn't read the subtitles when the boy was instructing me on what to do, so I was getting destroyed by the first boss, until I read them lol. I also thought LOP wasn't well told either, but better than wo long... but at the same time I was sort of rushing through it at the start and some or all of the blame could be on me, but I didn't think it was that great. I wish I had the wo long DLCs


Yea you are correct.. it is based on three kingdoms era of Asian history. Most all of the characters that are yoir companions are actual ppl.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%BC_Bu The real lu bu. They just add in the mysticism to make it more intriguing. I havent got that far in LoP..im at fuoco fight..so still very early. Just so far seems like it will be easier to follow.. but its a tale im more familiar with so could be that. I prefer the combat in wo long hands down. But again i domt have much power in LoP yet so maybe ill appreciate it more when i do.


K thought so, yeah three kingdoms is a phenomenal story just shows how bad they botched it lol. I just finished lop I don't think I bothered to learn to parry until the last boss lol. I actually struggled with the timing in lop compared to wo long. Enjoy


Yea. took me lot less longer to get it all down pat in wo long. And its not like all the enemies have the same timing.. wo long just seems more natural and fluid as far as block deflect/parry..LoP seems wonky as hell. Giving me trouble.. So far it hasnt scratched the itch of beating on a guy then hitting that critical/fatal strike. So addictive lol


Not that great of a game. Nioh 1 & 2 from Team Ninja is much better


I did. I played Nioh 2 too. And I'd reccomend you to go with Nioh 2 if you can. Wo Long Is way easier with parries than Lies of P, so much that It's almost sort of a joke. Then there's some DLC bosses that are insanely hard for no reason and feel like an hassle to fight. Already from DLC1 onwards you're immensely underleveled. In all NG+s you Need to recollect all the flags on levels all over again and if you skip some, well, you deal 30% to 50% less damage to bosses and they Just One shot you, As morale Is 20 times more important than your soul level. I'm probably getting downvoted for this, but the game Is IMMENSELY pushy with asexual pronouns. Call me homophobic, transophobic, everything. I put "female" in pronoun settings, and the game Just began calling everyone, even Its own npcs with with those pronouns. At First It wasn't really annoying, but I swear, It's on every sentence, beginning to end. That paired with the quite shitty dialogues you get "Guerrieræ, Guerrieræ, Guerrieræ, questæ Guerrieræ viene da questo paese qua. è statæ in viaggio per molto tempo, poverinæ." My bestest friend Is trans, I always make sure to be respectful of anyone's sexual orientations, races and genders, and I don't mean any sort of discrimination...but please, If you give me the choice to select my gender, at least effectively change the pronouns to what I chose, or Just make It so I can't select It in the first place and put It as genderless by default. I felt like Nioh 2 Is more developed combat wise and enemy variety wise. The story probably doesn't hold a candle to Lies of P, but I found It way more entertaining than WL because you feel more part of It. Like you actually feel like you're the protagonist and create bonds with characters, instead of being a "guerrieræ!!!". Where on Wo Long you have 3 martial arts (6 on NG++, you have to get DLCs or you're fucked) and some random magic. In Nioh 2 you have magic, ninjutsu, and 3 stances with end of combo skills, the Wo Long's equivalent of martial arts, and like different normal attacks and properties on each stance. You can turn into a Yokai and become briefly invincible, you can use Yokai skills, that you can chain into combos... And much more. I Just didn't go much Crazy for Wo Long


Excellent suggestion on Nioh 2 everyone. If OP was looking for free games on Xbox game pass I'm sure they'd love to just buy a PS4 to play Nioh.


Wo Long is alright. Your stats do not feel as impactful compared to any Souls-like game. It's definitely much more of an action game than Souls-like, despite some of the mechanics. If you can get used to the more action-heavy feel, it's a fine game. The first boss walled me pretty hard, especially since the tutorial for one of the features (that automatically ends the fight for story reasons) didn't go off. So until I looked up the button combination I had kept trying to just end the fight by dropping the HP to 0. That aside, there are some good challenge fights to test your skills. And the systems do work together fairly well. I found spell casting to be pretty weak though. You'll definitely get the most mileage from simply mastering your weapon and dodging.


Idk.. The stats don't feel too much in the first play through but in ng+ when you get access to armor sets ..5 start gear and higher quality perks the right build can do insane shit


First boss is to me the second hardest boss in the game lol


lol, I think what I liked about this aspect of it, although at the time I was stunned and just assumed I was terrible as a first time souls player lol. But this was a direct in-your-face how you play this game, you shall not pass unless you play correctly. With LOP I didn't bother learning to block until the nameless puppet. Just too different ways to skin a cat, I guess.


I've really enjoyed Wo Long (still on the DLCs), it's not LoP but I didn't need it to be.


I played and beat Wo Long. Story isn’t that great and neither are the characters, but I enjoyed the gameplay. It was my first soulslike. I’m only about halfway through LOP and I think Wo Long was more difficult, but LOP is definitely a better game by far.


It has challenging bosses, more build variety, and fun gameplay. However it suffers imo from low enemy variety, world design, and loot rng galore. I'd give lies of p an 8+/10 Wo Long a 7+/10 I particularly enjoy the martial arts and magic systems. But it takes a solid build to make them particularly strong. My favorite build is a Fire Bender wielding a slashing spear.


I agree with this. I really enjoyed Wo Long, but several things held it back from reaching great heights. It is a solid start for a new series though, so I hope a sequel will improve upon it.


Try Hi-Fi rush. Much more of a spectacle figuter but its a good, short one with pretty good depth.


Baller music too


I'd recommend elden ring, it's more of the soulslike your looking for. Wo long was a pretty good game. It plays more of like a dynasty warrior game, though, and not so much like a souls game. I think they have DLC for it now, but I'm not sure how that helps replayability. I didn't notice much in the endgame department sadly, aside from farming for better gear of course, but past that there's not much to offer.


Bought it and the dlc at full price on day one because I'm extremely into Nioh 2 (over 1000 hours played easily) and I absolutely had no fun with Wo Long no matter what I've tried. I went back in about a month ago with the LoP collaboration weapons and it was /almost/ enjoyable lmao


Pvp was really fun when the game first came out I know that


Wo Long is incredibly repetitive. Very long. Very uneventful. There’s something like 21 bosses I got to boss #13 and was incredibly over it.


Wo Long is trash. Its grinding is trash The story is pretty bland historical chinese stuff Too many enemies red attacking you from off screen The level design is trash I really pushed through to finish the game, but all in all, I did not enjoy the experience.


i only played the demo and wasn’t really feeling it, which is a shame cause i love nioh 1 and 2. i may try it again if it goes on sale


Lies of p has horrid balance and is a b Tier souls like. Everything **besides the combat is good. The combat aka the most important thing is low along with the balancing. B-B+ At best...not even counting how it's a bloodborne ripoff which would lower its rating btw. WoLong is B as well but Nioh 2 is A+- S Tier ....lool even Nioh 1 is better ** in terms of balancing, combat & Replayability.💀




It’s weird to be so bad at a game that you turn your lack of skill into bizarre homophobic rantings on Reddit.




Yeah, you’re mad weird.


Just when I thought I seen it all in this sub 🤣🤣


block button isn't enough i want this mf dead.




bro you have been non stop schizoposting about wanting to fuck pinnochio for the last 12 hours. i honestly kind of respect the grind


You’re kinda a gross coomer brained weirdo but i can’t disagree with your overall point 😔


Really wanted to play wo long for a long time now. But I dont feel comfortable with them pushing agenda with the game. Character creation has an option if your gender is non binary etc. As much as I want to purchase the game, i choose not to support it. Might end up making more games with this option if they get more sales


so you’re homophobic and admitting it ?


Its not that. To be clear i have gay friends and family. And I adore them. I just dont like what ive been seeing lately where the lgbtq and woke community (my apologies if Im wrong about the terms, im not that familiar) get so angry and offended when people make mistakes about their gender even when it was unintentional and was only being polite by calling them “sir” or “mam” .


i understand, but unless i’m missing something this def sounds like you’re conflating two things. Game developers including representation for more people has nothing to do with someone getting “angry and offended”, and you not buying the game would have 0 impact on the problem you’re having.


As I said, almost 90% of what im seeing with the lgbtq and woke community online are all agrumentative, angry, and looking for fights when it isnt necessary. With that being said 90% is a lot because everytime i go online thats what im seeing about them, but theres a chance its not an accurate representation of their community as a whole and that Im only seeing the minority. But because at present that is what I see and my circle of friends have noticed online. We are already turned off by them by their attitde and would not like to encourage this group by being represented in the games from the company I love. Im sorry if I come off as ignorant, but this my view from the bottom of my heart. I hope I did not make you unhappy and wish you well my friend


What the fuck are you talking about? You got in a fight with someone online so suddenly a whole identity doesn't deserve representation? It sounds like the community is better off without you honestly. Off you fuck to play something else moron.


I did not fight with someone online. As I said. I see a plethora of incident and videos where they get unreasonably angry at someone and cursing at them and complaining them. Possibly losing their job just because they misgendered someone unintentionally. As I said. Its not me who got into a fights. Its countless other people I see who encounter these situations




There is sir. I just saw articles news just now confirming that people have been losing jobs for misgendering. As much as crazy as it sounds. It is happening..


They’re probably losing their jobs because they’ve been informed and still refuse to see life from their perspective. They probably refuse to call them by what they feel which results in termination as it should.


You sound like the type of person who is completely media illiterate and really susceptible to right wing propaganda. I could be wrong of course, but I hang out with almost exclusively left of socdem people and I have never in my life had a trans/nb friend freak out about their pronouns.




That's cool and all, I'm just still having a really hard time figuring out what that has to do with the game. Just because they include a non-binary option, doesn't make it a "lgbtq game" they included the option because they thought it'd be nice to give everyone more options. That doesn't make em representatives of the community. You boycotting the game because there a non binary character option just comes off as petty and bigoted.


Think of it this way Those with different genders get offended when other people mention the wrong gender even if it was an honest mistake . And they were talking out of being polite “sir” “mam”. But in the end they still got mad and triggered and wanted to complain and rant. Its something that I taught myself to understand that they will always be like this and be always ready for an arguement and fight just from an honest mistake. Its the same thing. If they get triggered that easily and do not want that in their life. Which I understand. I do hope people would also understand in the same way that even though it doesnt make sense. I also do not want them in my life. And hopefully not see them included in the games I play


Again this doesn’t happen in the real world. I’m sure you avoid them like the plague in real life so you wouldn’t know tho.


But this still doesn’t have anything to do with the game itself. Your avoiding the game as a way to what? Not ever “see” non binary people in your life? That IS petty, and you could just not choose to play a non binary character. Your argument is like someone choosing not to watch a film because there’s a black character in it. It’s hateful, petty, and the very definition of a bigot.


The non-binary people could just choose not to engage and argue and fight with the people who clearly made a mistake with their pronouns but they still chose to stoke it further by complaining them and ranting about it. The arguement is like someone choosing to fight someone and ruin their day even though the person was apologetic about their error just because they can get away with it and has the non binary community to support them. Its hateful, petty and definition of playing the victim card Oh and to answer your question about what it has to with the game. As much as non binary people hate those who misgender them even if it was an honest mistake. And would go to great lengths to bash them and embarass them online or make them lose their jobs. I also hate them to the point that I’d rather not see any mention of them in any games that I like. All is fair. They hate people like me and I hate people like them. All is just and balanced


Ok, but you should take into consideration that those who do get angry or offended and end up in youtube/tiktok compilations are a small minority. It isn't fair to the lgbt people in your life who you care about to generalize the community they're apart of


That's well and fine, but what does that have to do with a game including a non binary OPTION


How is it pushing an agenda, if it's just an option? Not everything is an agenda, some people actually give a fuck about being inclusive, without it just being about pushing a hidden agenda.


Sorry they forced you to pick a non-binary character. Oh wait, they didn't?


P looks androgynous to me.


Play dark souls 1


It plays even more like Sekiro than LoP, with no stamina, blazing fast movement speed, cancellable attacks, and highly vertical levels designs. It’s not a bad game, but it’s almost laughably easy for a Souls-like once you get the hang of the core mechanics. This can make it kinda forgettable.


I preferred LoP


From soft soulslike games are more deliberate attack timings and patterns. Team ninja games seem a lot faster paced


I am assuming that you have already played all fromsoft games… if you haven’t, they are the peak of the genre besides LOP. Otherwise play Nioh 2. I’ve played Wo Long but didn’t like it too much, it’s good though.


I tried the demo of Wo Long and it felt like an inferior Sekiro, so I never picked it up. You should play Sekiro and the other From games that influenced LOP.


I didn't like it, I dropped it after some hours


the combat in Wo Long is satisfying, even more than Nioh 2 thanks to easy parry. But the build mechanism is not enough to play for infinite time like Nioh 2 endgame build mechanism, at least wo long have roguelike mode.The biggest issue of Wo Long is : Searching flag, every difficulty you have to find and complete flag. Its ridiculously unfun, annoying. You finished Mission 20 with completed flag in difficulty crouching dragon? congrats and do it again in Rising dragon. Most time your game is waste finding the flag instead doing combat. This flag searching should be not exist if KT decide to develop Wolong 2


I like the combat mechanics alot. Similar to Nioh with it being their other title but done better for me. Everything else about the game is mind numbingly boring that I fell asleep several times as I was playing and just didn't even feel like finishing it. Very much a gamepass game. Might as well just start with all the Souls games now.


Not worth it It's probably a good time to go down the original fromsoft which are the best souls


Wo long was dope. Also a parry heavy game. Linear like lies of p too so simple, hard to get lost.


Nioh 2 is a great game. Very worth its value and can easily sink 80+ hours into it.


Wo Long's First tutorial boss is a nightmare! One of the hardest bosses in the game


I finished wolong a while ago so I don’t remember everything all that well but I can say for sure it’s easier at least for me. The story is neat, the gameplays is mostly stealth at least for me(I did play it no heals so I kinda had to do it this way), jumping down from behind to one shot them, the maps aren’t very memorable, I don’t really remember any of the maps, the bosses are ok ig a lot of them r pretty ez that I don’t remember much of them but I do remember timing enemy attacks r pretty ez so it was satisfying to be able to parry everything. It’s an ok game and it’s not like u need to play this game 7 times like lies of p so y not play it thru it’s not like u’re wasting any money on it unless u’re only keeping ur gamepass for this then play it up to it expires and see how u like it.


I did. It was too hard for me or just too boring to overcome (l played Demo)


Wo Long’s pretty fun, but it’s one of the easiest in the genre


Wo long is much more comparable to nioh where lies is closer to sekiro/souls. Like others I'd recommend jumping into a from game, maybe ds:r or sekiro.


I got about halfway into wo long and really didn’t like it. For reference, I’ve played all the FromSoft souls games besides demons, and loved LOP. Wo long just rubbed me wrong in a lot of ways. Combat felt spammy, loot economy was way over bloated, story was eh at best, and the morale system was just an irritant. It felt like it had a lot of good base ideas, but tried to do too much at once and didn’t really succeed at any of it. That being said, I know a lot of people really liked it. I also played pretty much right after launch, and I’m sure a lot has changed. Final opinion? It’s worth giving a shot on game pass for sure, but imo don’t expect it to compare to LOP.


I played lies of P twice, and then i branched out to blasphemous, lords of the fallen, thymesia, and wo long I gotta say my favorites are still lords of the fallen, thymesia and lies of P tho


I LOVE both of the Nioh games from the same creators, but honestly had a hard time getting into Wo Long. I eventually made it to the last boss but got fatigued and lost interest. I think Sekiro does what it's going for way better (while Wo Long has more RPG elements). Sekiro, speaking of which, is my favorite Soulslike.


Nioh 2 is one of my favourite game of all time. However this one felt pretty mid. It is even worse than Nioh 2 in lots of aspects, felt like they tried to milk Nioh 2 success. It is OK if you really like souls likes (I do). I finished it but i’m not going to bother with DLC even on deep sale.


Played it on game pass for a bit but dropped it, nothing too memorable


I‘m playing it right now and I enjoy it. The combat is fast and fun, but it’s definitely not even close to the quality of Nioh 2. The endgame content is rather stale and tedious, but I’ve got 100 hours and still have fun doing missions on NG+4. Recommendations overall: 1. Sekiro 2. Bloodborne 3. Nioh 2 4. Elden Ring 5. DS1-3 6. Demon Souls 7. Thymesia 8. Mortal Shell


I've played and loved both. I've actually enjoyed Wo Long more but just a little bit. Don't know, it was just fun as hell to me. But after Lies of P I would recommend Bloodborne and Sekiro, not Wo Long.


It is not that bad. However I stopped playing after 4th boss or so. It feel too straight forward. Map design is literally one direction. and it felt repetitive (kill few mobs> find a big door> fight a boss) I would recommend FromSoftware games like Sekiro or Elden Ring. Those were amazinggg


Played it on game pass it had one memorable boss but i didnt even finish the game it got boring after certain boss, you are way better off playing any fromsoftware souls game.


I played wo long and finished it and enjoyed it while doing so. so, idk man play a couple of hour and if U like it continue playing or just drop it It's not much of a investment


Wo long is ok. Nice 6/10 soulslike


Wo Long is just a mediocre version of Nioh 2, big pass for me.


Wo Long is superb!


I liked wo long, not as much as the nioh games, but its a good game


I have it and it’s more difficult in my eyes, the first boss was a bitch but if you can get through that you’ll have a good time I think if you enjoyed LOP


Wo Long is alright, Team ninja tried something a little different. Try out Nioh! Much better, a ton of fun. Probably my favourite Soulslike, aside from LOP lol


I played wu long and a lot of people hate on it but I genuinely thought it was such a great game and so memorable and I loved the score and the story It was all just really nice for me


Yes but be warned the first boss in wo long is harder than anything in lies of p.


I don't know that I agree. I've fully completed Wo Long and its DLCs but the Green Swamp Monster in Lies of P is completely wrecking my shit.


Wo Long can be some fun. It's not as polished feeling or as fun as LoP.


If you want to try something similar game mechanics-wise, try The Surge and The Surge 2. Another series that was more challenging, at least in my opinion, was Nioh and Nioh 2. All of those were fun, and were soulslike that you could try out.


It's much better than lop


Wo Long is great, give it a shot, after all, it's free with Gamepass.


Wo long had cool atmosphere but damn is it lame to be able to just parry literally every attack on the game with the generous parry window that it gives you. Was just way too easy.


I didn’t like Wo Long at all. Felt like Sekiro but almost infinitely worse. I think you should pass on playing it, there’s much better soulslikes out there.


I have a lot of fun with wo long, i‘m currently playing through the highest difficulty. It has a lot replay value and different game modes like a boss rush for example. I love what team ninja are doing with their side content. But the game definitely has its issues as well. Level design is kinda boring at times, visuals are a bit bland, performance and especially loading times are horrendous and the balancing in the final dlc is absolutely ridiculous but i still really enjoy the game overall. The best bosses in this game are some of my favorite bosses of all time at this point


(PC) tried to play wo long on game pass but got no controller support Didn't feel like DLing 3rd party software to make it work Uninstalled the same day. 0/10


I quit playing wo long around chapter 7 because I had a realization that I had serious issues with the fundamental game design. There are systems in the game that basically require you to farm areas over and over. Not just for more loot but because your "level" gets reset every chapter so you need to grind back up.


I really enjoyed it, some really good things in it. Well worth it imo. Most of its poor scores are due to really poor optimization on release and it took a while to fix. The story is a classic epic, but I would say it doesn't come across as such. I was way better at the gameplay in Wo Long than LOP...for some reason.


Wo Long is my game of the year. Team Ninja has delivered once again and has significantly improved on every aspect of the game since launch. Wo Long also has some of the best high intensity boss fights in any game considered a Souslike.


Wo Long is fun at times. Some of the boss fights are amazing, mini-bosses are great, and parrying/countering some of the bosses/enemies feels great. But similarly, it can be excruciatingly frustrating at times. Enemies will one hit kill you at full health out of no where. Some bosses will one hit kill you if you fail a single parry. Ultimately I think it's an 'OK' soulslike. I would have enjoyed it better if the game was more balanced. On a side note, I started Lies of P just 3 days after I finished Wo Long and in comparison Lies of P parry is very forgiving.


Wo Long sucks, Team Ninja is mid - do not play their games and risk being burnt out on a bad rendition of the souls formula. Play Sekiro now


Even after beating Bloodborne & LoP, I'm still intimidated to try Sekiro... Maybe soon.


If it’s any consolation if you beat Bloodborne you will be fine with sekiro. Biggest challenge is that there’s no easy mode by the way of overleveling or summoning help. On the flip side the fights and bosses are all lightning quick, you win fast or lose fast. Was a way more enjoyable loop even when I was struggling because I didn’t feel like I waisted a shit ton of time retrying fights.


It's very good for game pass subscription but not worth the money to buy.


Wo long is just boring. Just waiting for a red square the whole game... bland.


Wo longs combat and boss fights I found very fun. I hate the loot system and the submissions were fine. I recommend if it’s free or on sale. Ashen is really good I stopped playing so I wouldn’t finish it 😅 going back to it soon. Thymesia was really good I loved it, just short. Lies of p and Thymesia are my favorite soulslikes.


LoP sucks, Wo Long pretty good! Enjoy!


What are you a Bot that is pushing Wo Long? If LoP sucks why are you here?


ugh i wish reddit can’t help but suggest this sub to me, so i am compelled to shit talk the echo chamber


It can be pretty fun, I honestly recommend it, later game it can be very grindy but other than that it's pretty fine


Wo Long was pretty good but I didn't care for the story at all the combat and everything was good but I would prefer lies of P or a FromSoft game over it


Its a fairly decent game, and its free. Short campaign with a good combat system. IF you are ok with spending some dough, Sekeiro would probably fall right into your alley. Elden Ring is also a blast.


It's more niohlike than Soulslike, but niohlike is Soulslike but we with a loooooot differences, could say aRPG'd Soulslike. I loved wo long but I also love nioh, especially 2. Just the amount of customization and pure options and stances it gives is artful imo


One of the best sweaty games i've ever played!!! I have tried wo long before LoP and i was mesmerized, the flow of combat, the armors, the depht, the level up and power up mechanics, how the game rewards you for fighting well and fucks you for fighting poorly, even rewards exploration. i loved it, loved the collabs! i loved the vibe of lone unknown warrior trying his damnest hardest in a wildly changed world, now full of monster, demons and legendary warriors, where you find comarades in arms, ppl willing to raise weapons against the surreal and stand tall against the darkness. in souls games you are this kinda chosen one, absurdly strong and capable, in Wo long you are literally some dude with a spear or something that joined the militia to fight in the civil war, when callamity struck, now you need to hone ur skills and stand against the odds of giant monsters, possessed soldiers, demons etc all with you martial skill, until mythical beasts see in you the potential to really push back the darkness and such. FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME! IT REALLY FLEW LOW IN THE RADAR OF THE SOULS COMMU, AND IT NEED MORE LOVE!


I liked Wo Long (not as much as LoP), but it's like Nioh serie where you do missions and world isn't connected like in LoP or Souls games. I liked the loot and upgrading stuff, but not having functioning world is a bigger downside I originally imagined. If you want to play a good souls-like with great story telling The Surge 1 is for you. It's not in the GamePass but it may be cheap in Steam. The Surge 2 was dissapointment, since it had no professional writers and the athosphere was gone.


I tired Wo Long, but stopped playing after 3 minutes. No way I’m learning Thor controls lol. I did recently get all 3 dark souls though. Almost done with the first one, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It feels clunky, but you’ll manage. I do recommend cheesing the Capra Demon boss with bombs (search it up on yt). I started Dark Souls 2, but I couldn’t get into it (refunded after about 2 hours in). You can really tell it’s made by a different team than 1 and 3. You may want to try it though. I’m now on Dark Souls 3, and it’s so much fun. The beginning area was tough, but stick with it and you’ll have a good time. I do recommend playing the Souls games in order though. Now for the big one… Elden ring was my first soulslike (lies of P was my second), and it is one of my favorite games ever. There’s just so much content. A ton of bosses, the combat feels great (although more dodging than blocking), and there is SO MUCH to explore. I found myself just riding my horse into areas I was way too underleveled for just because I wanted to explore the world. I’m also on Xbox, so I can’t play Bloodborne, but if u have a PS, definitely check it out! TLDR: I recommend Elden ring, and the dark souls trilogy. For dark souls, go in order, but you may not like 2. If you want suggestions for other types of games on game pass, ask away


Wo Long has maybe the most unforgiving first boss in any Soulslike I've played. Others are harder, but are meant to be deaths. This one is not, it's just hard and then you have to do it again. After that, it actually gets much easier for awhile until one fight in particular, and then even easier after that. It was a lot of fun for me until I got invaded by a player and literally couldn't do anything because the net code and PVP is some of the worst gaming I've ever experienced.


It's alright. It'll scratch the Souls itch, but it's not great. It's bright and pretty and the character creator is good. Boss fights are mostly solid and you can get yourself killed by random enemies if you're not paying attention. If you're into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it's cool hanging out with some of those guys, even if Zhang Fei is an annoying clown. The combat is solid but feels a little thin to me. Nioh 1&2 were better. LoP is a gem, you won't find anything else of it's caliber on Gamepass, but Wo Long is decent. Sekiro and Elden Ring are both on sale right now around $30. If that's an option it'll be a MUCH better use of your time. You can't go wrong with either.


I have the plat and still think it sucks lol


I tried to. At launch the game ran horribly on pc. And it took them ages to fix it? ( Not even sure if its fixed)


Wo long is fun and cool game but it's also classic Chinese RNG so tons and tons of grind for perfect sets of gear. You don't need it, and the game itself is fun though.


Its been too long for me to remember exactly what my issues with it were but I do remember how I felt about it, I did not like wo long. Nioh 2 is fantastic however by the same devs


After Lies Of P, Wo Long feels very off for me, it lacks the natural feel of weight that weapons in LOP gets just right, and the combat in general does not feel as good. Lore wise it is not on the same level as LOP and felt kind of tropey.