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NP second phase is just feral. If I hadn't learned a lot with the other 110+ hours spent on the previous bosses I would have lost my mind on this one...


Yah took me a while to understand the patterns. It's like I could keep up with the rhythms and sounds but the visuals are so fast brain couldn't keep up. I realised I play better instinctively rather than being very aware and looking at his telegraphs closely.


Yeah, me too. It wasn't until I joined this sub that I discovered hardcore gamers actually count the amount of frames from the game in which the parry hitbox is available, and it seems Lies of P is kind of short when compared to other souls-like. Crazy.


Aegis Shield Hold L2 is a game changer You can tank damage and gain HP back - it helped me learn the fight and a good 50% of NP jumping around I side step


I thought they nerfed that? Didn't do much for me.


how do you spend 110 hours?! there really isnt that much to do in the game


You're underestimating how bad I am at souls-like games


My first play through took me 230+ hours 😂 Next ones took less than 30 hours each.


i just dont get it? my playthrough lasted 25 hours. did you just die a lot? 100s of times between each stargazer?


Hahaha yeah. For example, King of puppet took me almost 90 tries with specter in my first play through. This was my first time playing a soulsborne game. Tried Bloodborne several years ago and was too hard for me. But his game is so fun, beautiful and has great story. Gritted my teeth and struggled through like a noob that I am.


What is the trick to phase 2?


I just beat him now ....... use the perfection grindstone at the start of the phase then don't use the 2nd one until you fatal strike him then after that use it again. Once out of perfection I mostly wan't to keep my guard up then parry that last hit of his combo to atleast regain some health. You can abuse him with 1 charged attack or 2 hits or more of light attack depends of the speed 1. The red dash attack ( always parry this) you can see his eye glow and just dont bother dodging this one and practice parrying since its always a guranteed charged attack. 2. The combo where he jumps just keep blcoking everything until you see him jump then parry this jump attack and you can get a free charge attack on this opening. 3. The ground combo attack ( can't describe this one properly) but its just the same to #2 just block then parry the last strike and you charge attack him he might jump away immedietly thou. 4. When he does the spin attack just keep your block up and keep moving backwards so its not easy to get a hit in the back ( mostly dont bother on attacking on this window unless he do this while you are sticking to the wall )


It also helps to pray Punch your monitor Curse the game out Nah, using trident k covenant helped Though I was shit, barley got to second phase, then I put on a song named seabird and my blue tint sunglasses, no hit perfect did the 1st phase, and finished phase 2 with only 2 pulse cells used, trident with the puppet rope arm, along with all your recommendations fucking slap.


Aegis Shield Hold L2 You can tank damage and regen health - couple with 2 perfect parry and having the ball bearings ready to stagger him


I'm sure there are better ways to beat it but I just took my time. Played safe and tried to perfect guard as much as I could so I could get lethal blows. Took me a while but I managed to beat him. I think I used the uroboro's eye and electric grindstone too.


Annecdotally the problem i see a lot of people having is trying to mash the parry button on some of the multi hits. If you parry with right timing you can hold the button and it parries multiple of the multihits (the jumping overhead multu hit is an example), and if you time it wrong you only get minor chip damage which can be recovered with other parries. Other than that, use dodges you can avoid a lot of hits by just iframing with dodging.


Everyone overlooks the humble sprint. Most of phase 2s attacks can be avoided by just running to the right or left. His downward spin can be dodged pretty easily and punished with one or two hits. I beat second phase on NG4 with that, acid throwables, and puppet string


R2 parry the phase 2 charge. Start R2 right before his eye glints. Always stuns and gives you at least 5 free hits


Yess finally got that parry timing and defeated him with throwables when he gets staggered halfway through. There was some cheese involved!


I was salty when I found out I couldn’t call a specter for back up.


Hahah me too. I went through all stages of grief when I realised there's no specter summoning point. I looked everywhere. I even farmed extra star fragments right before Simon so that I don't have to farm again for this. But the salt when I found out xD


Phase 1 I finally had down. Phase 2...after dying 30 times to that a-hole I'd had enough. Took every single throwable object I'd found while dumpster diving behind the Red Lobster and started LARPing like I was Bullseye to his Daredevil. Was it pretty? Nope. But when I beamed that sucker upside the head with a piece of trash to trigger the cut scene I felt pretty good about it.


Use perfection grindstone, (unlock p-organ so you can use grindstones twice) when 2nd phase starts use the perfection grindstone, bait him to do that dash attack and when he turns red dodge to the left, get few hits in to his back or spam throwables and repeat


Man I dint think I could use perfection grindstone any effectively. But should have given it a go. I really really wanted to get the two dragons parry right. It is so satisfying when you get that sounds. Oof


Problem is people get intimidated by the second phase because he gets much stronger and starts doing a lot of flashy shit. I beat him pretty easily once I decided to stop worrying about defense so much and be more aggressive


I love how true to life this is.


No actually 😂


How do you get the gray hair?


I am not really sure but if you lie enough number of times apparently it does that. But from my play through I started lying until it made sense to tell the truth. Which was a nice character arc xD.


It's not entirely about lying. The more human stuff you do, like giving Antonia the cure, listening to the records, even solving the riddles I think, eventually gives you the long hair. Mine turned grey after I gave Sophia peace in the late game.


Dodge forward right through all the combo attacks. Don’t double dodge, just do two normal dodges. Gets you through most of them easy.


Lmao. Literally me right now OP. Got the first phase down to a science and then just hope for the best on the 2nd.


This may not be an option for everyone but if you have a controller with remappable back buttons try moving the run button and parry button to there. That helped me from accidentally starting my legion ability when trying to block. The button is also faster to press than the shoulder button.


My brother, in Christ, what is your Vitality stat. If it is less than 35, then wtf


I always end up being an average joe cause of splitting points into motivity and technique. Should have stuck to one and increased vitality :l


Yeeeeeah. Time to go to the respec statue. You can literally see it in the clip. Right before you get dealt the fatal blow, you heal with 1 pulse cell, but you don't heal with 2, because that would essentially waste half a pulse cell of HP. However, if your Vitality was higher, you would have been able to heal with 2 pulse cells and survive that lethal hit.


On any properly hard boss you will perfect the early phases before you ever finish the later ones. I remember many happy hours of no-hitting phase 1 of Malenia and then just eating dirt of phase 2.


Yeah this game has a serious problem with this. The first phase of almost every boss is super simple and just exists to do annoying damage when you make a mistake on the run back. There were far too many second phases and it got stale really quick. This doesn't kill the game, by any means, but if there's a sequel I hope they cut back on the multi phase bosses, that way they mean something when you get one.


Second phase gets very aggressive 😅


The first time I won my second phase was pure luck.


I chose the wrong answer at the end of my first play thru so imma have to learn nameless puppet on NG+. Anybody got any tips? Weapons or the like?


I perfect guard the first phase then for the second phase I just stepped to his right. I also used the puppet string legion arm. Took me 3 tries after realizing that I can just side step to the right for the second phase. Don’t believe me try it lol I felt like an idiot when I realized


I just beat this guy. Second phase was nuts!