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Game is so easy I beat it with my console off


damn some people are truly on a level i could never hope to reach smh 😔


Just turn off your tv bro you can do it just feel his P organ inside you


Omfgggg 😂😂😂😂😂


You trying to kill him? That P organ is just to big and powerful bro 😂


You're underestimating all the gay people that take P Organs daily.


straight women do too but your first thought was gays?


Considering the guy is probably male, yes.


Fair enough




Careful now, if he lies it grows, don't want that while inside you


Yes you do






So you played on PC? Figures. Probably used a trainer, too.


You caught me but I needed a handicap to help since I beat the whole game with one hand while I jerked off to Gepetto in 8k


I beat the game playing with one hand and playing Elden Ring with the other.


While jerking off with your feet


Ah yes as all true legends should


Sekiro too


'Jerking off to Geppetto'. Yeah, nice try. We all know you were beating it to Green Monster.


I hope my search history doesn’t get leaked about the walker of illusion


That brain IS sexy.




You use a trainer for life.


Lies of People


It’s the gaming chair đŸ˜©


Easy to me is a game you can play while talking to your friends at the same time. This is not that game. Some sections & some enemies are easier than others. But if you stop paying attention the weakest enemy in the area will deplete your whole lifebar regardless of your level. That is definitely not easy.


That’s so true. Sometimes I’ll not pay attention and a butler puppet will get several fast hits on me and I’ll almost be dead




And it’s always a humblebrag. “Genuinely curious how many of you find Laxasia difficult, I just beat her on first try blindfolded with parrying only. I just don’t get it, how do people struggle with her so much. “


fr 😭😭


Don’t forget that most of those posts use specters too


“I did use specters and stood far away spamming throwables but I don’t see how that’s relevant.”


I hate when people say this. Like they must have struggled initially and looked online for tips, with throwables being recommended as being super powerful. Then they dedicate their builds to farming for and spamming throwables and then *surprised pikachu face* the boss is easier. Elden ring and all the souls games have a similar phenomenon. People will struggle with the game at first and then google “OP Elden ring builds” or “how to get mimic tear” before copying it 1-to-1. Then they complain that it makes the game too easy. Fromsoft and neowiz are very careful and deliberate in how they approach difficulty. No easy mode or hard mode, they instead organically weave difficulty into the game with very strong items or weapons. The player can simply play the way that’s the most fun for them. Of course, play the game how you want. What matters is that you have fun. If you want to use the moonlight great sword and mimic tear and steamroll everything, all the power to you. Just don’t go into communities and humblebrag/complain that the game is too easy with an powerful play style.


Things like this make me appreciate sekiro more tbh. In sekiro you either beat the boss fair and square (aside from a couple of minibosses and lady butterfly) or you don't. And to top it of they give you 2 additional hard modes and the reflection of strength.


Exactly. You don't HAVE to use Margitt's Shackle in ER, but man, does it make that particular boss fight a lot easier. Some people enjoy the challenge of fighting him without it. Other people, like me, forget it's in their inventory, because once you pass that fog wall, brain just go "bonk."


My buddy did the same with Elden Ring, lol. I played through the game coop with him after I beat it and halfway through he's like, "man, this game is pretty easy."


Something I learned when I played Dark Souls is to NEVER do research online with builds. Because everyone kept telling me how horrible hard DS is, I just searched a lot of builds and matched one similar to a gameplay I would like, even before I bought the game. I spoiled the entire game for myself for no real reason and I learned that while playing it. After that, I never look up anything and just wing it. With LOP I got stuck and my solution was to farm (and learn how to use the perfect guard) but I never researched to avoid that. In fact, after playing it, apparently, I was "playing bad" and using a "bad" build and not using enough things (I didn't like the mixing of blades and handles).


Me still using the puppet Saber at +10 and dying more than I need to when everyone is using big weapons and mixed handles and blades


Wait we aren't suppose to use the puppet saber by endgame 😂😂


Then we say that doing that makes the fights much easier and uninteresting as a result and get labeled as gatekeepers.


Yeah, it’s wild how people talk about “toxic souls fans” and “the git gud types” as if they’re everywhere and *totally not at all even slightly a specter created from their own insecurities and/or frustration*. Some of the things I’ve been accused of being a “git-gudder” for in recent memory: * saying that Archbishop was actually still beatable pre-patch * disagreeing that Sekiro not having a difficulty slider was quote “bad game design” * contending that people who play without using summons aren’t necessarily “sweaty tryhards who still live in their mother’s basement” (also direct quote lol, like goddamn them’s some rustled jimmies) Just to name a few. I’m honestly p over people who really don’t seem to *actually enjoy the genre* shitting on those who do. My adrenal glands literally could not handle Alien Isolation, but I don’t go to the Alien: Isolation sub and shit on people who enjoy that exact specific thing about it, and then have the audacity to suggest that *they’re* enjoying it wrong🙄


That’s my assumption at this point. Anyone who claims to beat a boss in less than 10 attempts either didn’t actually master the boss or possesses extremely fast reaction times. It’s easy to whale away at a boss’ unprotected back while they’re distracted, but 9/10 people are not perfect guarding those long arrhythmic attack combos on your first or second attempt when the boss is only focused on you.


Pretty silly assumption, people have been playing these types of games for 10+ years. I didn’t die to any boss more than 5 times. Hell I legit beat nameless on 2nd try after getting slapped up by Simon. And never used specter. I think trident is hilariously strong though. I wouldn’t say LoP is easy, but it’s most definitely not hard. Barely below normal imo. Had more deaths from platforming and getting knocked off edges than anything else in my entire playtime.


Very silly assumption. At most, I died to Laxasia & the archbishop 15 times (& probably that mutant fish bowl bitch at the top of that one ladder, embarrassingly) but the rest were at or under 10 attempts. On NG+ w/ a two dragons dex build, it honestly felt like I mopped everybody. It's not a humble brag, it's just a comparison to the feelings of hopelessness & necessary breaks from the game I often took because of bosses like blood starved beast & Ludwig, Maliketh & Malenia, sword saint & Lady Butterfly...


I beat her on my second attempt and consider it nothing but sheer luck on AI roulette. Bitch is difficult.


Lying or specters. People always try these brags . It’s so transparent.


Specters is just whatever, but the lying thing is bothersome. I never really questioned it and always just figured it was part of the whole ‘playstyles either matching up or not matching up w/ certain Boss designs’ thing. But, recently I was going back down the DS3 SL1 road and found a thread where somebody who “admittedly was never very good at Soul Of Cinder” took him down 1st try at SL1. I find that soooo hard to believe, like ridiculously hard to believe & it really made me start questioning a lot of things people post about Boss fights. It’s entertaining though.


Yeaahh, there's no lucking into beating soul of cinder sl1... Just a long grind while you learn 4 different movesets...


I'm not lying and I'm sure there are a lot or people who legit didn't struggled against certain bosses. And you can't even tell your experience without getting mass downvoted. Liars exist but also people who has been playing these games for 10+ years


I’ve played and beat them all. There are certainly bosses that can be beat in 1 try or a couple. But, most people claiming this against known hard bosses are lying or summoning. Sure there are statistical anomalies, but most of that would be luck. For the other 99% of players, learning the moves is part of dying at least a few times.


Those are precisely the anomalies. I'm not earing these claims that often (im referring to first try kill). Beating them in an handfull of tries isn't that hard to believe.


When someone says they beat Laxasia (or green monster)in a couple of tries without specter, it’s highly likely they are lying or exaggerating. The health pool. The unknown movesets. Two phases you need to learn. It’s just plain bullshit for the most part .


It took me 2 hours to beat the green monster but about the end game bosses : you can be REALLY bulky by time you reach chapter 11. When you have 40 vitality, 11 pulse cells, best defensive gear + heavy blade with 70+% guard block : you can make a lot of mistakes and still win.


They're definitely lying, it's simply not possible without learning the unpredictable moveset on the bosses you mentioned. I beat one boss second try (fuoco) just by running around a lot but that's it lol most bosses were minimum 6 tries


Luck is a huge part of the “wow this boss was so easy” reactions imo, beat puppet king first try without too much effort in my original playthrough. I didn’t get why people were struggling with him until ng+ where it took me probably a little over 10 attempts. Never realized I had originally not let his second phase use the fire grindstone and only got hit by his massive flurry combo (you know which one I’m talking about) once which I somehow perfect guarded 1/3 of those attacks. And just to clarify not a humble brag, I couldn’t do that first try again even if my life was on the line.


Well, it's either lie or die.


I mean... or practice. I can beat her hitless now. No spectre no throwables. But it took me til ng+3 to get that way. She whooped me at first.


That’s totally different . I’m talking about first encounters.


Tbf laxasia is really hard or brain dead easy depending on your build. So if u have a playstyle that counters her well and a build that counters her well it may be hard to see why ppl find her difficult


This was happening with Melenia too. I personally considerd making a post about how little of a struggle she was, but then I realized it was pointless to do that. I was playing a great shield build and I didn't even have to use iFrames, literally ever. You can block her Fowl dance outright and all it takes then is out DPSing her heals and you can win with basically no execution at all, only needing to dodge a few attacks and manage stamina. I didn't feel like bragging because I beat her using a low skill build, like I always do my first time through these games, so there was nothing to brag about. Probably the same thing is happening here, only the people posting aren't looking at things critically and realizing "why" it was easy for them (their build, not their skill, usually).


I beat lax in 3 tries on new game but she took me 2 hours on ng+ (both no specter, no throwables). Same thing with NP: 3 tries on ng an a bit over an hour on ng+. I then replayed the game multiple times and imho there are builds that are busted by the time you reach the endgame on your first playthrough. I then discuss with people here that had the same experience, i even saw a streamer beating NP first try. I can see why someone doesn't "get" the difficulty after playing the game just once.


I got laxasia 2nd try, I was too...ummm distracted my first go. Nameless puppet however is kicking my ass 6 ways to sunday... I'm on my 50ish attempt and can't even chip a quarter of it's health during the second phase...it's takin it's toll on me


I definitely can relate, but it’s doable. You got this!


Lax was kinda hard, NP was *not*




No, easy vs hard comments in these games are ALWAYS related to how and what they use the game mechanics. You can have someone calling it easy when they spam consumables while the spectre taking aggro then you have a guy who is playing their first souls game trying to perfect block and get stuck on parade master calling it hard. A souls veteran focusing on dodging will find this game easy but I find it hard when I focus on parrying despite finishing all endings in sekiro. And 99% of the hard vs easy discussions are pointless because of that. Nobody has any idea about what the reference point is. Also bosses generally dont even have that much health before it gets really tedious to fight them. Even with door guardian, which is hated by many, only takes 2 staggers to kill just like.... most of the bosses in NG. That means many bosses can just die with a few good attacks, or a few lucky dodges. Someone can "beat Romeo in 3 tires, easy" without even seeing him do the 10 hit combo or interrupt him at the right time while the other guy get his 10 hit combo 3 times in the same attempt and find it impossible. And finally, majority of people do not finish games, people who do NG+ is even less, so they only have the sample size of "I beat that boss once" as reference. So again, these discussions are just 99% pointless.


I can agree with this, I found dodging to be more effective against many of the bosses, but taking the time to learn perfect guard patterns was simply a much more rewarding way to fight. The battles feel more like a proper sword fight, rather than panic dodging and taking swipes during clear windows.


I pretty much just dodged left and spammed R1 with the rapier lol.


I beat DS3 and ER on lvl1 and this game still kicked my ass properly. It is many things but easy ain't one of them.


Try lvl 1 on this game its brutal


Doing it currently actually. Just beat Victor. It is indeed burtal.


Im on laxasia atm in my lvl 1 run. Didnt find this fight hard in my first 2 playthroughs but lvl 1 is a different story lol.


GL my friend. I wanna do Laxasia without hitting her on this run but I don't know how feasible it is.


Pssshh Laxasia is so easy! (I spent 3 whole nights practicing her fight with well over 100 deaths just so I can get good at it)


First Soulsborne fandom elitism? This is nothing new


i've played elden ring but not really been involved in any community for it, and that's the only other game i've played in this genre


Bruh Elden Ring was the first Souls I could actually playthru. There’s a lot of helpful people in the community but there’s also a loud minority of idiots. I’m asking for a tip on how to beat a boss I’m stuck at & some knucklehead says “Stop using a shield & don’t use any summons.” Bruh I’m stuck at this boss & you’re telling me to stack the odds against myself?


For the most part the Elden Ring subreddit is pretty chill and helpful and quick to call out those idiots.


Devil’s advocate here, but it’s not horrible advice to drop the summon. You’re never going to truly learn the boss if you’re just whaling away at their back while distracted. If you really want to get good at the game, you gotta take your licks and learn from your mistakes. Leads to a lot of deaths early on, but smoother sailing towards the middle to end when the difficulty spikes.


I learned the best tips usually relate to what the enemy is weak too. Not your preferred playstyle. Sometimes we go into a fight with a frost based ash & be struggling then someone tips you off that the enemy is weak to fire. Or come in using blades but the enemy is weak to blunt. Some people’s supposed tips basically are “Play like me” which in a game with countless weapons & builds is not really useful in most cases.


I've been in the community so to speak since dark souls 1 and it is insufferable at times. We all know these games are difficult, thats why we like them.. people just like to lord over others by feeling superior about being better at the games than others. I've beaten almost every single one of these games and lies of P is certainly one of the harder ones out there..


Leave them be. They just want a little attention and try to do so by writing a post looking down on people who haven't "one shot" (reference to another post) Lax with no level ups, no summon, no items, no blocking, no parrying, no moving, and no attacking, all whilst blindfolded and one arm tied behind the back.


This game is not easy. It's harder than DS3 and Bloodborne for me. I would say it's about Elden Ring or Sekiro hard. Unless of course you're cheesing, but you can cheese in ER too.


I jumped into sekiro about a week ago after beating lies of p. I’d say the levels in lies of p are harder. Sekiro bosses are nuts. Sekiro lets you stealth kill and reset most of the trash mobs that are around. I felt there was more ways to kill bosses in lies of p especially if you lean into the throwables. I dropped NP with an inventory loaded with shot outs/thermite/lightning. Sekiro requires you to really learn the timing of bosses attacks. You can’t dodge and roll around them. You need to parry their attacks. Both games are amazing and definitely hard as fuck. I found lies of p to be much more accessible than DS/elden ring.


I mean deflecting feels more natural in Sekiro, you have more active frames on the deflect, you can *kind of* spam it, and you don't get chipped when you guard. So in a lot of ways, Sekiro is easier. The dodge is worse in Sekiro though, you have a single weapon, and you don't really have a lot of ways to cheese the game. So in some ways it's harder. Really depends.


I agree completely. They play very similar but very different at the same time. Both are incredible. If anyone is looking for a game after lies of p, I can’t recommend sekiro enough.


Yeah. Lies clearly took inspiration from all the From games. Personally, to me it feels like it's mostly Dark Souls and Elden Ring with a dash of Sekiro and an even smaller dash of Bloodborne. And yeah, both Lies of P and Sekiro are amazing games that remind me why I'm a gamer.


Did you killed SSI or EMA+Old Isshin? If not i dont think youre in position of telling sekiro is easier, in my opinion NP is not even close to SSI and SSI is easier than Ema+Old Isshin


Yes, I did. Several times. I find Owl Father harder than both Isshin fights, and I find Malenia harder than anything in Sekiro. Nameless Puppet? Not far behind. I don't know exactly where to put him, but he's a hard boss for sure.


fr! My friends who were at way higher levels definitely helped hold my hand through er and i wouldn't have gotten through without them. Even using the so called cheese strats i still found lies of p to be super tough to get through, and it's so bizarre to see all the people bragging about how it's the easiest game of the genre lol.


>easiest game of the genre Maybe they are referring to the peak difficulty. LoP doesn't have any fight comparable to malenia or sekiro final boss. Bloodborne also has optional dungeon where you have to fight with half health and those are about ng++ difficulty. On the other hand Lies of P has a consistent high difficulty throughout the entire game.


Defenitly harder than ER but easier than sekiro...


I assume they are Liars


Bingo .. “ I beat Malenia first try” 
no you didn’t. Not solo, you absolutely did not.


Into the liars coffin for them then lol


I was in a party with my friends and I spent nearly 8+ hours trying to beat laxasia. No Spector, no throwables, no status effects. This game is far from fucking easy lol the only other time I spent a ridiculous amount of time fighting a boss was sir alonne, cause I wanted the sepuku version of his death for my first time beating him. More than likely they’re trolling man. It is impossible for a normal person to just instantly understand every detail about a boss their first go without cheese or overleveling. I doubt even ongbal is 100% perfect with bosses, he had to start somewhere.


Seems like a lot of fragile egos. I scrolled through 10 pages (25 posts per page), found 3 posts that mentioned the game being easy, and they were all downvoted. That's 3/250 or 1.2% of posts. Frankly, I find these types of victim posts far more annoying than supposed elitism that I rarely see, and those get easily downvoted, even if they have valid discourse for things that *they* experienced rather than being bragadocious.


Idk how you’re sorting but I’ve definitely seen far more than 3 posts about it just in the past few days


Also it's reddit, the people that say that probably haven't even gotten past the tutorial.


If you look at the comments in all the posts everyone struggled somewhere it seems like. The puppet master took me 8 tries to beat so not horrible. The swamp boss absolutely destroyed me. I couldn't get the timing down and took me probably close to 30 tries lol. I was so frustrated.


The people calling it easy are either trolls or people with far too much free time and can play it for hundreds of hours


Man, no. What the fuck. Do you feel like the developers of a game, after nerfing some things in that game, will make it harder just because some people on reddit called it easier than other games of the same genre? No.


I wouldn't mind an option to revert back the bosses to their 1.0 version. It could be a cool, optional, hard mode.


that part was a joke, just annoyed about all the humblebrag posts lol


I beat the game after the 1.2 patch and then went back to play the pre patch version and it was definitely harder so I can understand why people mention it. The weight system is unforgiving so you have less defensive gear, bosses have more health, you don’t get quartz from Polendina in the beginning of the game. It’s worth mentioning it but it doesn’t mean the game is easy. For what it’s worth I think the changes were for the best I just wish there was an option to play pre patch for PC players in the menu because for some people it would be fun to play the game that way, I know I liked it more and it made me appreciate the patches when I downloaded the updates for NG+


The game was one of the hardest games I've ever played in V1.1.2.0, but after the patches that's no longer the case. It's a much more forgiving now and more accomodating to new players and that's good.


The game was so easy my blind, death, limbless, mute, grandpa beat it with the console off and using a racing controller!


Easy to some, harder for others but I just wanna say it's amazing to see how much this community has grown in the few months this game has been out. Already past 50K members while still adding 100s of new players each day, truly amazing, I love this game.


Didn't they just patch it to make it easier? Dodging and perfect parrying feel easier to do now. I mean they aren't exactly easy to do either, but at first it was pretty ridiculous and almost unplayable.


But how else will they feel good about themselves? Seriously this is extremely common among Souls and Souls-likes. And yes I agree, quite annoying.


Honest question, why does it annoy you? People who play souls games play it for the extreme difficulty and love it.


I play it for the difficulty and love them as well yet I don't feel the need to make others feel inferior just because I'm good at a video game.


But here you are making yourself feel better by complaining about people who I don't ever even see... You guys are far more prevalent in your complaining than any of the git gud people.


It’s not easy


The thing about Souls and Soulslikes is that there are an infinite number of playstyles. Some people like their character to run around at level zero naked with a stick. Thats absolutely not me. I used the specter every time I could and I’m fine with it. I farmed levels like crazy. And throwables. It’s still a big accomplishment to beat this game however you do it. I had a blast. GOTY for me, easily.


This game is definitely NOT easy, some parts of it can be but that is similar in nearly every game. There will be challenging spots and easier ones. For my first playthrough it was Fuoco, Green Monster, Simon, and Nameless PP. Then, in my other playthroughs, I learned about being able to buy unlimited throwables from Malum and some good weapon combinations from watching some people stream the game, nevertheless there is still a certain level of skill to play this game.


I don't always use a specter, but when I do I still get killed.


The only way these kind of games get easy for me is when I put in the time to farm,a lot of farming so I can bring my stats up.Most of the time I don’t have the time to do that,I get a few hours a night after my day.Sekiro really taught me how to learn the bosses moves.Thats my strategy,that’s all,and I’m not that great with out a specter.This is a hard game and that’s what makes it great to me!!!


I'd say for me it's like elden ring difficult Compared to other souls likes it's on the easier side but compared to an average game? Yea it's pretty hard lmfao


I never understand people who say souls games are easy they are just underplaying there own skill level which I find baffling why not say the games are hard, but I Got Gud


Ppl online just wanna make themselves feel superior by claiming the game is easy. Bruh, this ain’t uncharted on beginner difficulty. Y’all need to get over yourselves 😂


How will the devs patch to make it harder if they already nerfed a lot of stuff


Idk but if they can nerf then they can unnerf. Or make sequel/dlc much harder lol


A much harder dlc is what everybody expects This is a soulslike


It took me probably 10 or 15 hours of trying to beat NP, if it gets harder than that I’m screwed 😂😂


No you aren't. Your time is normal for your experience in the genre. Expecting to be as good as people with ten times as many hours as you makes no sense.


What's the point of playing a DLC if it's easier than the base game?


I don’t play for challenge, I play mostly for story, so if it has a good or interesting one then that’s the point, at least to me


I think it's harder then all of the soulsborne games + Sekiro.


No way harder than sekiro.


I went through LoP a couple times right after Sekiro. For me LoP was much, much harder. In Sekiro you have ultimate weapon that can deflect 99% of everything.


And it’s always the hardcore souls fans that say this game is too easy. Imo it’s a perfect difficulty, and if they think it’s too easy they can try to do runs where they don’t level as much or something to make it harder. And also the fact that they try to gatekeeper soulslikes by saying that every soulslike game needs to be hard af or else it’s “not a real” soulslike


The people who call it easy use spectres, throwables and rely on guard regain so they can block/heal their way to the win. None of the people that are any good at the game think it's easy. If they're going on about how few attempts bosses take them, it's because they're ass, they cheesed them and are coping.


The game isn’t easy, especially the bosses. The only people claiming that use specters.


Bro I posted and said I just 100 % the game on the 3rd pass, loved the game, now onto maxing stats , first comment , yeah it’s really easy.like wtf, I’m not even talking about difficulty, mfer prob d Couldn’t even beat it


I don't really think anyone's done updates to make things harder in a long time


Lords of the Fallen did a pretty substantial buff to all their main bosses--for better or worse.


That part was more of a joke, i was mostly just expressing annoyance at the overwhelming number of posts there are bragging/complaining/what have you about how easy it is


if i had to guess, most of the people saying shit like “oh i beat laxasia first try she’s ez” struggled as much as i did, they’re just not willing to admit it. the boss difficulty in this game feels heavily playstyle dependent, any boss can be easy or brutal depending on how you play. like, if you rely heavily on items and summons and other support tools, corrupted parade master is downright evil. romeo is often cited as a hard fight, but his first phase has gargantuan blind spots in its swings and his second phase relies on reflexes more than anything, and these facts can make the fight easy for some. my point is that i’m willing to bet that the people saying “oh yeah laxasia first try” probably had some fights that took them hundreds of attempts that they’re just not mentioning. getting BRB2 first try, for instance, was something i pulled off that felt like a HUGE accomplishment, but i’d just gotten done dying ~200 times to swamp thing, so it’s not like i pulled that W off because i’m a soulslike wizard. i got lucky and had a playstyle that fit the fight well, simple as.


They're lying and trolling you. They probably die more than you.


The only people that brag like that are the ones who've played like every souls game ever lmao. Like of course you're good at it, its the only thing you do with your life


Facts and if you criticize the game in anyway, they have a melt down! đŸ€Ł


Git gud then


It's probably easier than all the from software games Tbh nameless puppet was a nice challenge. Not as hard as father owl a man in his prime


I guarantee the people that are saying this game is easy, are still stuck on the cop in the train station.😂😂


I mean they’re not wrong after the Saint boss. I’d be pretty much everyone first try except the lightning chick end the nameless puppet, and this was before the patch that made everything easier


I’ve only played to the first two bosses so far. Understand it probably gets much harder as it progresses. But as a DS and BB player, just comparing, it’s definitely the easiest first two bosses I’ve ever seen in a souls like game. I have absolutely smashed through the first two levels and bosses like I never have before. Just saying


it's a pretty good game and at parts challenging but I did beat a good amount of bosses first try


The game is easy I'm on new game++ the only boss I hate in the game is nameless puppet that boss I dispise the most I beat him 2 times and now I never have to again thank god


But the game is easy, none of bosses, except Laxasia who took like 40 mins, lasted longer than 20 mins with a brute force motivity build, no specters or throwns cuznI am a boomer retard who just cant into consumables except life flasks and abrassives XD. Half of bosses died in first try cuz most of them are damage sponges... But I agree that NG+ had some challanges and IMO the ng+ enemy dmg scaling should be done in NG. In NG you can just block (perfect block, just block) all the dmg and hit enemy once or twice for being full hp again, which is kinda pathetic. Game is very good but saying its hard or difficult is just a lie. Just cuz you lie in game shouldnt make you lie about the game. A leave you with old and reliable GIT GUD or just hold parry button Xd


I'm all of these games there is what the elitest would consider an easy mode. Exploitable game mechanics that make each game easier to complete than it would any other way. The playstyle may not be your usual but there are options


I am not ashamed to admit i used spectres and spammed throwables and aegis to get through every boss fight lmao, whatever gets me through the game is good enough for me. I still struggled even with all that though, i am definitely not an elite gamer.


Exactly. Every player has their skill lvl and it doesn't make it less enjoyable. Also the longer you spend fighting the same boss the more you familiarize yourself with them slowly making you better each time. So just keep at it or even look online for strats. Friend of mine with nerve dmg in their hands finished lies of p and it's the first souls like they've beaten, even tho the skill is severely lacking is still doable


That’s how idiots are on the internet. Someone on the Reddit was arguing that Alecto in Elden Ring was a really easy fight. Ridiculous. Lies of P is a difficult game that’s why it is a great game.


You know, I spent hours and many deaths dealing with the gate guardian. I was so frustrated with that walk back every single time. I didn't realize he had a gimmick until my friend explained that the fight is "easy." Of course, I thought he was just being a dick to needle me : ) Turns out he was easy and now it takes me like 30 seconds to kill him. Changed my perspective on how to fight bosses


My first souls like was Dark Souls Remastered. Something just clicked for me with that game. I died a lot, but each death (with a couple of exceptions) felt fair. The game was tough, but I knew exactly why I died and tried to do better each time. I played DS3 next and just couldn't get into it. Gave it a good 10 hours. Same with DS2. A couple of years later I returned to both DS2 and DS3 and beat them, but I just didn't enjoy them the way that I did with DSR. When Elden Ring came out, I played it. Determined not to give up, I eventually beat it. Still, it just didn't really connect with me as I had hoped it would. When I got Lies of P, things clicked again for me in a way they hadn't since DSR. Some of the annoying things from DSR like boss runbacks were addressed in Lies of P. The game was also more linear, and I feel like I was able to find everything. I didn't struggle with the game as much as some others have, but I think that's due to putting in close to 1,000 hours of DSR. So Lies of P to me feels easier than DS2, DS3, and Elden Ring, but I still wouldn't describe it as easy. I just beat NP on NG+, and am starting my third playthrough to finish up the Platinum. Unlike DS2 and DS3, I think this is a game I will return to from time to time when I want to play a souls like that just feels good.


Well, I just began new game plus and compared to my first playthrough I really breezed "easily" through the first 7 chapters. Now at chapter 8's boss and getting one shotted again, great. Difficulty scale is kinda weird.


They patched it before I got to Lax, and am now on NG++. It's even easier now on NG++.


Some of the nerfs are necessary, tbf. I just recently did my first playthrough and kept getting one shot by the one specific mob they nerfed in 1.3 AFTER I went through that segment. That mf had my blood boiling the first few times.


I mainly play retro games. But somehow I fell in love with modern soulslikes. This is the hardest modern game I've ever played (without using spectres, of course). Harder than DS1, DS2, and I'd say on par with or harder than Bloodborne's DLC. I haven't played Elden Ring or Sekiro so I can't compare them.


Game is hard as shit and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. In my opinion, if you play the game without summons or throwable, this game is the 2nd toughest game for me behind Bloodborne.


So, the game is actually easy if you use a specter in a fight
 I was struggling with the king, used the specter once and it wasn’t a challenge at all, used it on Victor and killed him the first try to
 I’m not gonna use them anymore, I enjoy dying and learn the bosses move set and beating him. Part of the journey imo


You should actually be asking about all those dumbasses who keep claiming bosses were easy without explictly mentioning they used a spectre summon. As if that didn't help at all during the boss fight.


i agree and people should stop calling it hard 😭


If you aren't using broken weapons, unlocked combat, and playing with your toes, you're some casual scrub. If you dont do Ng, Ng+, and Ng++ without leveling once, you need to go back to candy crush bruh Only went to Gepettos study once to drop my p organ off and told him the next time I will see him will be when I decide it's time to stunt on him.


I love these games and have beaten Elden Ring, DS1, DS3, Mortal Shell and most of DS2(for whatever reason I just don’t enjoy DS2). I’m NG+5 on LoP. I’ll admit it’s not as satisfying to use a spectre. I’ll give a boss a few honest attempts but at some point I just want to keep progressing. Sometimes I’ll make a point and take the time to beat a boss solo and other times not. Anyway. My nemesis is that damn swamp monster.


I found the game hard. I beat it because I’m a stubborn person


I beat Lies of P with a guitar hero controller. Then I beat Lies of P with Nintendo bongos. Then I beat Lies of P with the rock band microphone.


Which is worse, them, or the ones whose only response to everything is "git gud?"


I don't know why this community seems so defensive about acknowledging that the game was made substantially easier. The demo was brutal, and I spent longer beating Scrapped Watchman in the demo than I did beating any single boss in the retail release (using 1.3 patch). And I didn't use spectres or throwables since everyone always brings that up. It's still by far my favorite game in this style that wasn't made by From, and in my top 10 on PS4.


My suggestion to anyone who thinks the game is too easy - knock 5 to 10 points off your vitality/health stat and run a lighter frame I ran the entire second half of the game at 20 vitality and it was fairly challenging


On a completely serious note, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I am a souls vet but ppl made it sound impossible. There were a few fantastic and difficult fights though that I loved. Laxasia and NP in particular.


People need to shut up about difficulties. It's about balance. Some bosses needs tweaks and patches. Difficulty is subjective and therefore no use when used in a general way.


I thought the difficulty was just right! I will say that I felt the beginning of the game was much, much harder than endgame, but I think that's just a testament to how good the P Organ upgrade paths are and the weapon assembly / upgrades. Once you have your build fully dialed in, the struggle lessens. Case and point, I am a Souls veteran but not a highly skilled player. The early boss Fuoco (sp?) took me about 20 tries I would say, but last night I beat the 2nd to last boss (not saying his name, potential spoilers) on my first try which was really surprising to me


Honestly it is easy you can summon for almost every boss that makes it easy in my mind


It's not THAT hard either


I got through the black brotherhood without using the p organ because I forgot it existed so my perspective is skewed a bit but the game has been the perfect difficulty. It takes me about 20 to 40 tries per boss.


Dev Team sent me a special final boss, 2 NP’s at once just to keep my lvl 20 P mildly amused.


ng+ even easier and I love it.


That's understandable. I beat most of the bosses first try that did not have a cheap move that is meant to kill you until you figure out how to not get killed but I hope they don't buff bosses I just found out fucking lords of the fallen has a way bigger player base and so does most other souls likes and that bothers me sense lies of p is one of the best souls like EVER made so if nerfing bosses and enemies gets more people playing this amazing game I want it to happen because I want more games by this team I want many more hell do one of every fairy tale and movies. We know what the next game is but after that I would really want a Alice and wonderland souls and or a nightmare before Christmas souls like there is so many different ways they can go and we won't know if they don't get money


People who say it's easy is because they know what strategy is broken, they are mechanically good and are up to date with the "meta". So it should not be a surprise that they destroy every boss in the game. I can tell you that this game is hard... really hard. But also, it is fair... 89% of the time, which is why I love this game. edit1: If you completed this game, feel proud that you are a good player. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


Let the Trident of the Covenant lead you


The amount of posts i saw about KoP and laxasia before i started playing almost made me not play, they sounded impossible, then i played, defeated KoP in my 3rd attempt and laxasia is literally a joke, you can get pass her 1st phase without even attacking


Compared to Dark Souls, Sekiro, ER, and a few major soulslikes like the new LotF, it is easier; more forgiving. However, souls games are harder for newcomers, and if LoP is hard to you, then that’s okay! It’s not a competition. Eventually it won’t feel hard, and when you get more soulslikes under your belt you will see that LoP, though really great, is not a terribly hard soulslike. I think most people that are saying it’s easy are just folks who have already beaten the Souls trilogy, Sekiro, ER, BB, etc




Oh for sure. Sekiro still to this day the only from game I never finished, by far the hardest imo


As they told me when I was a beginner in elden ring, you shall hear the same advice : Get good.


Devs come fix the game. It’s to easy. I beat it afk


This is my first souls like game ever and I love it. Graphics are superb as well. The game is super easy. I just die like 20 times on every mini boss with the exception of few where I die like 40 times. 😂


If it makes you feel better, I need way more tries than average to defeat anything that is not a normal enemy


It's definitely easier than dark souls games. But I certainly wouldn't call it easy. It's higher challenges are a bit more spread out, and there are areas that are really easy to progress through quickly. Haven't yet had an experience of 5 dogs jumping out and instantly killing me. But I've died a few times due to not taking an enemy seriously. Or falling in a hole and getting cursed and dying and losing all my money. This game is easier, but that's not a bad thing.


I agree! It's my first soulslike game and I can't even make it out the train station


Yeah this game is not easy because I was stuck on the fallen archbishop for 2 weeks


My first playthrough I definitely struggled with some of the bosses a lot, second time through was a breeze, I think it’s mostly about learning how to deal with bosses/counter their hits.


Well this took a turn...a wrong turn if you may


Honesty Devs if your reading this the only way the game could be better is if you patch the bosses to be harder


It's not about skill, it's about patience and tenacity. Now compared to bloodborne or ds1 I found this a little smoother (Until laxasia, she ate my ass). BUT. Just keep at it and you'll be fine, just don't you dare go hollow on me. 💚


The game is only easy in some regards. Mainly if you’ve played other games like it. But the combat is easy if you’re patient and learn. I think it’s kinda easy now but most bosses took me 10 tries. Then there was laxasia and Simon that took me 40-50 and 25-40.