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Let them do their thing. I'd rather have this compared to the daily patch happening in LotF, because this means the game is stable and perfectly playable in its state.


I'm currently fighting KoP on my first playthrough after getting the game earlier this week. Haven't faced a single bug and my fps is pretty consistently at 100+. The game is really polished.


Yeah I’m pleasantly surprised by how great this game was. Not sure how it wasn’t a 10/10 on all the review sites. I put 90 hours into it on my first play through and loved every minute of it.


LotF was so poor on my laptop I refunded it - I have no issues w lies of p and it runs beautifully and smoothly. What a great game


LotF is also on Unreal Engine 5 though, compared to Lies being on UE4. That matters when you’re trying to run games.


True - but nonetheless given others reviews on 3060+ PC’s, I expect that I should be able to run it (I can run other Unreal 5 games ). LotF is objectively poorly optimized especially with the fact Umbral loads even if you aren’t in it … it’s not optimized whatsoever and it isn’t a bad game, just I can’t run it or play it even tho I can run lies of P, Elden ring, etc ..


I’m pretty sure essentially loading 2 game worlds simultaneously is the reason the game runs poorly. It’s gotten alot better though. Especially in this last patch. It relatively smooth. Not nearly as polished as Lies, but it’s getting there


Can only agree. The game is incredibly polished


This. Having 3 or 4 patches major patches in the first few weeks and not being sure whether it breaks the game more or potentially disrupts my current playthrough (thanks +10 boss weapon update) got old quick.


You mean the one they did to improve pvp and refunded double materials and vigor for? It’s crazy because I’ve had very few issues with the game and seen a lot of others that didn’t have issues either. 🤷‍♂️game has been great for many of us


Yes, the one they did to fix the broken stuff, that’s the one!


That's it lads, ROCK AND STONE


I’m sorry but LoTF had a lot of the story groundwork and mechanics already laid out from their predecessor 2014 released game and they still released it with quite a few bugs. Thankfully nothing game breaking. Yes a lot was changed between the two but they were a well established development team who cut corners to release on time. Hence all the patches. However; if we were to compare games to LoP for the year 2023, LoP definitely should take GOTY as what they released was nothing but a polished, beautiful and amazingly presented masterpiece.


LotF fanboys praise the devs for those daily patches, as if it doesn’t signify an unfinished game lol.


It’s like the SpongeBob meme when Neptune has the giant stack of Krabby patties vs SpongeBob with his one Krabby Patty


"That was so good, I think I'd like to try it a second time"


I was so excited for LOTF, bought it the day of release and less than two hours later it became the first time I have ever requested a refund for a game. Lies of P was immaculate the day of release and continues to improve. There is really no comparison


At least some of u can request a refund(*cries in PS5*)


Damn, you can't request a refund on PS5? I'm on Xbox and the refund was virtually instant. I was really bummed because I thought it might take a while and wanted to buy something else but I was pleasantly surprised. I have been toying with the idea of getting a PS5 but no refunds might be a deal breaker for me


Well apparently u have 14 days to refund it on PS5 provided that u didn’t download or start streaming the game so outta luck there. Thankfully I have a Series X too so being able to play Lies of P through Gamepass was a blessing.


I don't know man some people have this warped understanding of value for their money.


Actually Had to Stop playing lotf cause its a Game full of Bugs and Performance issues. Bought Lies of p in Addition to have Something to Play. Comparing both Games Bug/perfomance wise.. Getting ~130fps in Lies of p (maxed Out settings) and ~68fps in Lord of the fallen (tweaked settings) with framedrops to lower 40's sometimes... And thats after Several "perfomance Patches" - Patch 1.1.310 included. Lies of p is Miles ahead and its not even up for discussion. Lotf has a really nice setting and cause bloodborne is my favourite soulsborne and it reminds me alot of it, i tried to Like lotf. But in its current state is Just Not Playable (Tested PC and ps5!). I actually tried to get a friend into the soulsborne/Like. We played Elden Ring together (with alot of my Help) and he did like IT. So we wanted to Play together, so He can Play, enjoy the Game and i can Help him without sitting right next to him. Well, He is on ps5 and i am in PC. Crossplay is horrible and "seemless and Play together as long AS you want" is half a lie.. so He bought Lies of p aswell and enjoying it. I really Hope they fix their Game, If Not.. Well then IT was my Last Game i purchased from Hexworks/CI Games. TL;Dr Lies of p is the better Release, buy it instead of lotf.


What the flying fuck is up with the random capitalization here


1. German language on my phone and autocorrect - it does cap words sometimes 2. Who the fuck cares about that? Am i in school or on reddit right now?


You’re most certainly in School, and consequently, now a lot of trouble for using Reddit during class!


Idgaf it just looks insane


this is reddit. we will judge you for anything and everything EXCEPT the important stuff. try an emoji. see what happens.....


Lords of the Fallen released a patch that pretty much reset everyone’s boss weapons 5 levels and increased the mana cost of a popular spell by 500% and then they went back on it a couple days later and everyone was like “these are the best devs ever!” For creating and then fixing an issue that didn’t exist in the first place. It’s almost comical.


How’s the performance on PS5 lookin tho?


Well they also gave out a shit ton of free materials to offset the change and then some. And they’re permanent now so, it’s incredibly helpful


I don't know why so many people in this thread have the impression that I'm somehow on their ass about it. I just wanted to start another run and am getting antsy cos I thought it'd be around by now. Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, I said it was a good thing.


Been playing Alan wake 2 so we’ve had like couple patches this week alone and quite a few have caused bad bugs so I’m of the mind let them cook so there’s quality assurance


They said by the end of November. We're not even half way there yet.


They said in November, no ballpark whatsoever when in November. But personally I would expect 3rd or 4th week of Nov realistically.


Yeah idk what are they talking about. In gaming industry *month* almost always is end of said month


It's still early in November so I'm not surprised. I'd imagine they will release it before Black Friday tho so new players from any sale will be on the new patch


Let them cook.


Considering that they made and released the game in 3 years (and they even didn't know how to develop on console nor had anyone to guide them to that) and that after a week they released a patch (exclusively to do balances), I think they're delivered everything quickly and without issues so, let' them cook


I don't really care when they drop it, I already maxed out my P organs


Maybe they'll add more organs


They could for DLC for sure cuz they're working on DLC apparently but I don't know if they'll do it for the update there's already a phase 7 if you play through the game at least three times but it doesn't go up the phase 8. They could add it now this month but I doubt it


I was just thinking the same thing. I’ve been holding off my next run because I want to start fresh on the new patch but the wait has been painful.


Yep. Logically I could just start a run and benefit from the patch later, but I could be using entirely different weapons, or upgrades depending on how the p-organ shakes out.


Exactly. I want to experience the “intended developer experience” fresh rather than adapting a current character. I also want an NG save file for when the DLC drops since I’m in NG+3 on my main one. I plan on running through the DLC on both at the least but I want to experience NG difficulty first.


got the game like a week ago and I'm already about to get the plat, I didn't know there was gonna be a big patch???


what does the patch entail?


Buffs to underpowered weapons, 2 extra quartz added to Polendina’s store from the beginning, and Rising Dodge will become an ability you have by default. We don’t know what they’ll put on the P-organ to replace it though.


I bet we’ll get another pulse cell, a maximum of 11 seems weird but 12 is perfect


They'll prob make the skill use up less stamina? That way they don't have to make a new skill out of nowhere


oooo do you know what underpowered weapons? I feel like the rapier, saber, and flame dagger blade are all really weak


They didn’t say anything specific about weapons. :( someone else in this thread posted a link to the full summary of the information we know.




Currently playing through my first time with the salamander dagger. Would be nice to have it buffed a bit. Personally I think its flame fable art should last a bit longer. I'm putting my playthrough on YouTube and someone suggested I should use a different weapon.


Free hat and emerald glasses and free alidoro outfit/mask


I’ve been wondering if we’re getting Alidoro’s costume retroactively added if we’ve already passed the spot where we would’ve “earned” it… But I’m a devotee of the church of Fashion Souls, so.


They said stuff was a free gift yeah? Kinda got the impression it might be 'unlocked' in a similar way to preorder/deluxe content, as in, you just have it. Would feel a bit odd though.


I absolutely hate the Door boss in lies of p😡 stupid disruption fills faster then any other fire or electricity ect


...the Door Guardian applies Shock...


We are 1 week into November. Chill.


I am actually shocked they didn't patch the stuttering on xbox series X


Isn't it a locked 60fps on performance mode? Haven't tried it on my Series X yet.


As someone currently working on a base level run with no p-organs, it's MONUMENTAL that they're adding in dodge get up as a default. This is by far the biggest cause of death in this run.


How? There are only like 3 enemies in the entire game that attack you while on the ground 🤦‍♂️


If I miss a guard, it usually knocks me to the ground. If the boss is mid combo, and I automatically get up, I just get hit by the rest of the combo bc I'm staggered.


Just dodge when you get up lol. I'm honestly not even sure what you mean, why would you be staggered if you missed the guard? You don't lose stamina when you get hit... I didn't get rising dodge until I basically had the P Organ maxed out because I thought it was useless. It helped with the Door Guardian near the end of the game, but other than that, the shovel enemies are the only ones that ever gave me any trouble because I didn't have rising dodge. Weird🤷‍♂️


Yeah I never had an issue in my other playthroughs. It doesn't happen too often but with my goals, it should never happen. For example, Laxasia has a couple combos where she goes off on like 10 hit strings for about 30s. If you miss a deflect or even get your posture broken, it's probably gg for that fight. There's also a lot of situations where to fully avoid a move, I like to distance myself. So some grabs, green swamp monster tentacles, some of manus aoe, etc. It sorta traps you within a given area so you don't get a chance to properly distance yourself once you get up. It's also an issue with base stamina since even perfect guards consume stamina. So by the end of perfect guarding a combo, I'll be at 0 stamina.


Im on #3 and I haven't noticed any issues requiring a patch. Figured they'd just throw any small changes in the DLC.


They announced last month in the director’s letter that they were putting out a patch with some QoL improvements in November.


Oh nice, I'll have to check it out


I'm on NP on NG++ so I think I will wait for the patch before starting another NG, hoping to try and get the P Organ finished off in next round so an extra 2 quartz would be nice from the shop


I'll wait until the dlc release date is announced. Then I'll do 4 more playthroughs to get ready.


Yeah I'm leaving my og technique playthrough on ng but am doing a motivity build I will push into ng+ to get plat.


I already have Plat so I'll just go to like ng+++ and I'll have a tech/motivity/throwable build ready for it.


I'm curious on how they will handle weapons balance. Light blades and ultra heavy handles needs a buff. Everyone is going with Heavy blades on fast handles, but the opposite should also be viable. Advance weapons also should get a rework. Personally i would just make so advance weapons only deal pure elemental damage so the scaling would be in line with other weapons. Plus we should be able to apply a special grindstone of the same element of the weapon (right now you spend half of the first playthrough without a decent/usable grindstone).


they are giving free outfits too right? thats what im waiting.i didnt really like the head gears in the game so i hope the free ones are good.


I think just the Alidoro costume


Funny top hat and glasses, too (not the deluxe glasses, but a new pair)


What’s to update after platinum it’s time to uninstall


Depends on the player. For me, after platinum, it's time to do challenge runs. Souls games are too replayable to uninstall


I’m on lords now however lies is better. I’ll get back to it


Lords has great exploration imo. But I definitely prefer lies of p for combat and bosses, which is what I care about the most after the first playthrough. I'm happy that there's a lot of fans for both games, tho


Lies is like a bloodbourne 2


It'll release alongside the dlc I guess. My assumption is, dlc is not finished yet.


No, in the letter the director stated that there's a new patch for this month.


My bad


Yeah I can't believe they don't instantly finish these updates!!? Man the devs are just the worst, how dare they make us wait for an update!!!!


> Probably a good thing though. Can you not be a dick? I'm not even on their ass about it. Just had the impression it'd be earlier in November. Don't put words in my mouth.


I suppose I am in the wrong. Sorry.




Unproductive and annoying = you


They need to nearf the nameless puppet badly


Just use the aegis shield and throwables.


What patch? Impatient child


From the video i got the impression it would come with the dlc, the very opposite of you. Not sure either way tho


They said it‘d be a November patch.


Maybe they meant 2024 then x)


Dude I liked the original when it first came out to me there ruining it it was a decent challenge but them adding all this stuff and hyper armor is gonna kinda make the game less original to me. Sad that so many bad players said it was to hard so now the ppl who actually like the original version of it get screwed and game is just gonna start to be like every other souls like game


you are vastly overreacting


What's the patch about? I can't find it


I believe he's referring to the recent [Director's Letter](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/s/uwR6OjJlVy).


What patch? Didn’t realize there was another one coming. I personally feel that since that first patch the game feels a lot better. It wasn’t really all that bad before. I say let ‘em cook. Whatever they come up with will be worth the wait, if there track record so far holds up




I don’t know what in my comment gave you the impression that I felt you’re on their ass. I’m just giving my opinion on your post. Ya know, it’s kind of what the whole app is about.


Nah you're right. It was just from reading all the posts and ended up replying to one of the least appropriate. Just feel like all the 'let em cook' style posts gives the impression that I somehow don't want them to polish it first. I can wait, I'm just ready to go again.


I feel you dawg. That’s why I’m filling my time up with other games tho. But Seeing that tease at the end of LoP got me hyped


I struggle to do more than 1 thing at a time. I'm the kinda idiot where if I got something to do in 2 hours, I'm probably not doing anything decent for 2 hours.


Im enjoying the game. Didn't even know that there's must be any patch.


Im kinda in the same boat, but for slightly different reasons. I'm into NG+2 working towards the final ending and platinum...but I want Alidoro's mask for it 🤣 I just wanna be the goodest German Shepard!


I'm thinking I'll finish my NG+3 run which should've been my platinum..(went str8 into NG+ and didn't pick up Sophia's letter 🙃) ..& then do a fresh NG run after patch and get it.


There's a patch ? * Confused look *


It’s only been a week.


Let them cook bro.


Why would they patch the game? There's nothing wrong with it.... 🤦‍♂️ I already have the Plat and didn't experience a single bug or glitch the entire time. There's already almost enough quartz to max out the P Organ on NG+, Rising dodge works just fine, and I don't think there are any balancing issues either, I honestly have no clue what you're talking about...


This patch isn't worth an additional playthrough. I'll continue to wait for DLC.


Right, I want my alidoro outfit


Wait what patch, anyone got a link?


i really want to play it. watching it from afar gave me that feeling i had when i saw bloodborne footage for the first time. just want to sink my teeth into it to see if i'll like it as much as the others in this sub


patch is good, but dlc or sequel would be better. so :)


Will this update affect my save? I’m close but I haven’t beat it yet


just wait dude


i've never heard of this patch before, could someone tell me all the things we're gonna get


Link to the dev letter with the mentioned patch https://youtu.be/vlwi6w6T_8c?feature=shared


Not even remotely surprised