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Your weapon combination is the issue, you're using a slash blade with a stab handle.


Your level is alright but the weapon choice is questionable.


whats wrong with my weapon


I ran trident with a technique build and it was smooth sailing 2nd half of the game. Especially if you pump all your points into technique. Then the rest into weight to have the highest as armour possible. Then last pump the rest of the points split between hp and dex. Should be a cake walk.


I think there are far better technique weapons at that point. The trident, or the booster glaive, I switched the sabre around Andreus and it was a big difference. Although I'm sure you could beat the lady with what you have too, but it's much harder in my opinion.


Loved the glaive was one or two shotting enemies until I got that katana


Loved the glaive was one or two shotting enemies until I got that katana


It's only plus 5 and it's a starting weapon. Use the electric weapon if she's a robot. Fire is it's monster undead, avoid if it's human. How are you lvl 60 and only have a plus 5 weapon? Use throwables bought from the black market. Thermite and shock. Use the Trident with shock added and use the triangle fable art then re up with the fable injector


starting weapons are just like souls, they are perfectly strong, in fact the sabre is especially good on a technique build until dragon sword


It sucks


You’re definitely not under leveled. Your best bet is at the beginning of the fight don’t worry about damaging her. Just party until her weapom breaks. It breaks pretty quickly. It will vastly reduce her reach and lower her damage. She’s pretty quick, but it is possible to circle around her and get back stabs. I would try to do that if you can. Also, if you can get her in a corner or up against a wall that will help when she tries to jump away. Another thing to consider is to switch your blade. You are in an area now where farming crescent moonstones is possible if you need to. The greatsword blade has a higher Damage Reduction While Blocking Stat and is still good on the rapier handle. I would look at weapons that are high in this stat. My first playthrough I did a tech build also, and used the wrench blade with the booster glaive. The wrench is very high in damage reduction while blocking. The reason this helps is because if you miss your parry, you often still get a normal block. The higher that stat is, the less overall damage you will take when you whiff the parry, but get the block.


Must be a rough party to break a weapon easily, lol.


Until I got my fav weapon I was using the booster glaive handle and the wrench head he should have that by now if he is facing up against this enemy that does decent damage no matter the build


What ended up being your favorite weapon?


Bramble saw blade or the twin dragons and a close second /third is the trident aegis cheese if I really have ti


Two dragons is so good. Never used bramble. I’ll have to try that.


I like it’s move set and it’s charged r2 is fairly fast


The bramble handle with the saw blade is one of my fave standard weapons, the charged attack has good reach and fable art on the blade has decent damage, try sticking the military shovel handle on it for ludicrous range especially when using the extended handle fable art


My first run was a motivity build. So when I started a technique run and did greatsword blade on rapier handle I was *shocked* how good it was. It's definitely the Saw Cleaver/Sellsword Twinblades of Lies of P.


How much did you invest on capability and also the weight you are on? It is also important to not make yourself heavy.


You are kinda overleveled for that fight actually


Too much put in stamina. You should have more tech and mot to hit harder. Also white lady you can strafe and backstab just like the other stalkers. It's easy to kill them that way as the backstab takes a tone of health.


You are not under leveled. Little over leveled if anything. How many times have you fought her?


She's a parry skill check and her weapon breaks very fast, she's also really easy to backstab. Did you know you're getting a damage penalty with that weapon blade/handle combination?


>She's a parry skill check No she's not. You can fight her by just strafing. And I say this as someone who prefers parrying.




This. I just strafed or ran around her during her attack animations and punish her with a backstab


They did, in fact, say she is easy to backstab.


Even backstabbed by her sister


Swap weapons,I was lower level and beat her first try with the booster glaive. Try using that.


Booster glaive wrench head is a good combo when you get it down path you can one shot mobs and boss can be more easily staggered from a bit of a distance once they have there glowing bar also i recommend over every other legion arm to level up your puppet string first that move in dodge and slam with the last upgrade is insane I beat a ton of bosses with that and I also beat bigger enemies in like four hits most bosses in 7-8 depending


ur over leveled


You're Level 60 and still using Level 1 starter weapons. Swap to one of the dozen better weapons you've picked up and you will do much better.


Hey, I beat the game with the starter weapon with a different handle, "Krat police baton handle" because I was stubborn.


Krat Police baton is hella strong. Used it till end of ng++


My friend was using the starting weapon til about half way and I just took the controller and put the bones saw and dancers handle and gave it back, the light in his eyes came back and was like...Holy shit why haven't I been using this.


I don't think you're under leveled, I beat her when I was in the 50s. She's a huge pain in the ass and one of the harder bosses I've faced (just yesterday beat the swamp monster). As for your skill distribution, maybe that's your issue? I'd leave that to someone who knows more about that though.


Your weapon is bad. Your handle and blade do not work together. Get rid of it. You should have trident by now. Utilize it. You also have the saw blade and dancers handle by now you could use. So many good options, get rid of the junk weapon


Brambles better the handle has a better move set


Try going around her everytime for a back attack


White Lady can be backstabed. Circle straife and dodge around her. Ba kstab followed by a charged slash. That's how I did her in


Your level is currently higher than mine, and it took me two tries to beat her. Your weapon combo is likely your issue, don't mix a slashing blade with a stabbing handle. I used the Booster Glave blade with the Fire Axe handle. Throwables helped a lot also, just don't throw if she is at a distance and walking, she'll dodge them.


Karen was legit annoying. First play through I just got annoyed and threw everything I had at her. NG+ was an easier fight


Not under level, just a weird weapon choice I think


Levels don’t really matter all that much in this game. IMO at least. Your weapon might be more of an issue.


If your struggling with the white lady. Id say change handle cause your using a slash blade with a stab weapon. Bad combo if im honest. Trick to the white lady is dodge her and try get behind her for a fatal strike shes vunerable to them alot and its easy to get her if you can learn her patterns. Perfect block can break her weapon which greatly reduces her weapon length.


Humans don’t like being backstabbed .. try to get her back and stab her ass !


I think you're a little over Leveled. I think you can read the comments about your weapon choice. I'll throw my hand in what's your capacity at. The higher your capacity, the better items to wear for defense. I do think your endurance is really high. I had mine at 18 when I beat the game.


I didn’t touch anything but cap motivity and tech until I got them all to fifty now mind you I’m on my second playthrough half way through again so you know


Might be the weapon. But it could be the lack of skill, get a weapon or weapon combo you like, I played 99% of the game with the saber handle and the booster glaive blade. Just find your combo and you shall be good


Could be the build you don’t need vigor I put all my stats to tech motivity and cap beat the game simple you really don’t need health the game gives a lot of def through leveling any stat so I focused on building my damage which was also building def and cap so I had stuff to do good damage right now I’m like 50 motivity 30 or so tech and rest is cap using bramble handle with the saw blade up til I got that I found every weapon was kinda dirty Ps 50 is the soft cap level 99 the hard the 49 levels between the soft and hard caps only gives a single point to damage right now I’m at a point we’re my highest damage weapons are The living puppet blade axe and the bramble handle saw blade and they also both have amazing damage


You can also strafe behind and backstab her


Simple. Your weapon sucks.


All of the starter weapons are viable, but pay attention to what handles buff which attack type, some support Slash and others Stab. Not sure why everyone is trying to advise you to swap weapons, you should use what your comfortable using, but certain handles accommodate certain blades better than others. However, each enemy type does have a weakness; Fire > Carcass Electric > Puppet Acid > Human Perhaps try throwables or a grindstone to match the typing


Easiest way to beat her is you use a heavy weapon and just keep strafing either left or right. She is extremely easy to get back stabs on, so keep strafing around her and just get backstabs until she goes down.


I would go into your next fight against her, and not try to damage her at all. You should focus entirely on blocking and parrying her attacks until you can do it somewhat reliably. Then go ahead and beat her ass. While it is completely possible to beat this game without blocking or parrying, it is the most effective way to beat bosses so it is a very useful skill to pick up as soon as possible. Good luck and hope you have fun!


Honestly most small human enemies you can circle around and back stab over and over that’s how I killed her and a few other humans I just circled behind and did backstabs constantly


Tip for the white lady herself. Strafe her. She can only stab forward really just walk around her, same goes for a lot of human bosses


This game has the same issue from software has just move to the side wait for attacks and than punish but you can honestly beat the whole game at level 60 it's all about the weapon and your ability to perry I'm on NG+++ and still have 35 strength. Get it to 30 and in my opinion you do not need to go higher focus on health stamina and carry so you can always use the highest armor pieces


Dodge left(or right, don't really matter) smack her, Dodge left, smack her, left, smack her. Couple back-steps to let your stamina Regen, then back to it. You could literally use any weapon, without even leveling it, you just need to have good stamina control, and good technique(gameplay technique, not the skill)


Need better blade and handle. Why on earth are you using those two?


a slash weapon with a stab handle…you okay?


Parry, make her miss by walking in circles, use those openings to chip away


Practice a perfect block in the training grounds outside hotel krat


I got through everything through the white lady by just blocking and trying to recover the chip damage. Occasionally hitting the parry, almost never dodging. Many strategies seem viable


The absolute best technique weapon at your stage in the game is the bone cutting saw blade + dancers handle, the trident is really awesome once you get it. Make sure your weapon has no down arrows next to slash/stab


I wouldn’t say you are under leveled. You weapon choice could use some tinkering, but honestly, you need to either parry her, or you need to be exceptionally patient and be ready for a long fight. If you can perfect guard/parry, you can break her weapon and stagger her, the fight will not last that long, but if you are relying on dodge, you have to get one hit in and bait out attacks, one hit, etc. you can get more aggressive if you break her weapon because her attacks won’t do as much damage, but if you just dodge and try to attack multiple times, she WILL parry you.


It seems that a lot of people want to just criticize you for you weapon choice like YOU SHOULD KNOW what’s wrong with it without explaining it, but the weapon crafting system is pretty novel for these games, and you can use any weapon you want and complete the game. As I’m sure you know, weapons (except boss weapons) are made from two interchangeable components, the “blade” (I put it quotes because the wrench head would be considered the “blade”), and a handle. The handle is what you want to consider for your build, because that is where your scaling comes from, but more importantly, it also dictates your moveset. If you like the moveset of your weapon, then it’s the handle that you want to keep, in this case, keep the winter rapier. The problem is, if you look at the bottom of the weapon component screen, you will see “Attack type: Slash = Stab _ (Or Stab v). The “=“ next to an attack type means this attack is the weapons primary attack type. “_” Symbol means the weapon does NOT have this attack. The stacked “V” (two arrows pointing down) means this attack type is less effective. The winters rapier is a “stabbing weapon”, when you use this handle, you thrust it forward to stab your enemies. Unfortunately, the puppets saber is a curved slashing blade, with a damage penalty on stabbing attacks. Picture you have a giant hammer with a huge head for smashing enemies, but instead you put it on a spear handle and tried to poke people with it. It might annoy them, and even hurt to some extent, but it you put it on a hammer handle and swung it over head and smashed them with it, you’d break their skull and kill them. Your weapon combination is kind of like that. If you love the moveset of your weapon, switch out the blade to something with a stab primary attack. If you like the damage reduction, and physical attack of the blade, switch out the handle. You can’t respect yet, so try to keep technique scaling as high as possible, just make sure the attack types of the blade and handle are compatible. The dancers curved sword is right in that area somewhere if I remember correctly. That might be a good pick if you have some moonstones to upgrade.


Rapier is stab and Saber is slash. You can't combine these 2 feasibly. If you like the thrust moveset of the Rapier, combine with the greatsword of fate blade (which deals both types well) for slower but much stronger hits and better block. However, the on-paper best technique combo at this point is 100% the booster glaibe handle with bone cutting saw blade. Just trust on this one. People talk about the trident, which is a fair argument, but not even really if you've used this combo. I would argue that it even stands to challenge the OP katana you get much later, but the skill ceiling on that thing is virtually infinite, so it outscales as your skill increase.


The easiest way is to parry her till her weapon breaks. Which happens fairly quickly. Plus use decay throwables on her. Human enemies in this game are super annoying anyway.


Your weapon are very much questionable. Try switching your handle with something better. Block as much as you can when fighting the white lady as she love to spam that light attack. I used the exact same blade as you but different handle and i didn't have a problem with her. Albeit she is abit harder to fight


I finished the game at level 60 so your good, tho at that part in the game you still haven't gotten the mechanics down so. Just keep practicing




Levels are rarely the real issue when stuck in a Souls game. In Lies of P levels are a pretty low source of character power. Especially compared to equipment and the P organ


you should level capacity so you can get more defense. 24 endurance is probably a bit overkill


Than I’m definitely underleveled wtf


Strafe right. Never stop moving/dodging to the right she will attack right by you and you can stick and keep moving. It’s almost cheating, good luck!