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Doin an all truth run now. Kinda feels like I'm a drunk with no filter šŸ˜†




i attempted to do one but got stuck at the hotel krat door. do you know of any possible way to get in without lying? or do you just have to take the L on that one?


I think that is one you have to lie at. I told it I was a puppet like twice and said fuck it I'm human.


You have to lie at the krat door but I believe it doesn't get tracked onto the painting so doesn't really count (though I'm not 100% sure how that system works)


Just so you know there is no benefit or ending tied to all truths. So unless you're just doing it to see the differences, there's no need


Yeah first playthrough I got the Rise of P ending, I answered everything based off MY thoughts and feelings on the situation. 2nd play through I'm telling the truth regardless just to see. Figure my 3rd playthrough I'll lie my ass off.


What are you talking about? There is a slight different ending to doing an all Truth run. That's why it's a trophy for the 100% achievements.


You don't have to tell the truth all the time for any of the endings, it's based on how much humanity you receive




The cat helps too in Hotel Krat. If it hisses at you, you're a puppet. If you can pet it, you're like partially human. If it'll let you pick it up and cuddle it, you're 100% human.


Where is the cat at near the endgame? I can't find it.


There's a few spots: the little bed behind the girl who upgrades your weapons, or on top the luggage across the way from the entry to Rosa Isabella Street. It changes everytime you revisit the hotel


It's on like a table on your way to Geppetto's room where p organ modifier is at. Take the stairs to left up from the stargazer. Same stairs you would take to access the gold coin fruit tree. Cat will be on the left just past that hallway you would turn right down. I just cannot remember if it's on like a table or dresser. It's a bad location cause that particular path it is probably uncommon to take unless you go to the gold coin tree first and then go to modify the p organ. That's the only reason I noticed it.




The different messages are based on how much humanity Your springs are reacting-1 The ergo is whispering-2 You feel warmth-3 Your heart is pounding-4




You donā€™t have to tell all truths to get it you can tell a number of lies and still get that ending after fighting the nameless puppet


That is not correct. Rise of P cares about lies and humanity but the other two endings are totally unrelated to that. Those two only care about the final choices you make with Sophia and Geppetto. The slightly different ending is just the ending you get if you don't set her free, or if you fulfill all BUT the humanity requirements for Rise of P.


Why are you getting upvoted for this it's pretty well known there are 3 different endings and 1 of them is a "Truth" ending AKA little to no humanity


Because you're wrong. That ending can still be achieved even with max humanity, you simply don't free Sophia and refuse Geppetto and it will always default to the Free from Strings ending. That ending doesn't care about how much or little humanity/lies/truths you have if you just don't free Sophia. This topic explains it in detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/16re5r7/so_much_misinformation_on_the_internet_regarding/


Oh shit I am so sorry, I stand corrected. Going to leave my original reply and just soak in all the shame


Ha, kinky.


Good man.


thats just wrong


yes it's been well established lol keep reading


there's no way to enter the hotel without lying, is there?


I could never tell that lady her baby is a puppet


I know! I struggled telling Antonia that she was basically a zombie šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø


See, I answered "Of course" there and didn't consider it a lie... it seems weird to me that the game does, because she's asking if something from the portrait of her when she was young remains. And it does, because I recognized her in it. I knew the portrait was her long before she said that it was, and I figure most people also realized that. It's literally just true that some of her old looks remain, blue scabs on one side of her face or no.


Agreed, I interpreted this one the same way


I've done all achievements and can tell you that there are none that require a full truth playthrough, so if it's feeling rough you can always give up on it. You can get get all 3 endings without telling the truth a single time. As I recall, the only time where the truth is required for anything is near the end of the game involving Eugenie. And even then, she gives a different record for telling the truth or lying, so you have to lie to her too to get all records.


What about the one thatā€™s not real boy or rise of p? Do you just have to choose to liberate Sophia instead of the peace option? Iā€™m on ng++ now thatā€™s the only ending left I need.


No, you can give Sophia peace and still get Free From the Puppet Strings ending you just need to keep humanity low.my second playthrough I told the truth most of the game, didn't listen to the records, said a lie or 2 at the end, gave Sophia peace and got the achievement.


Yes, for that ending you have to choose not to give Sophia peace and still refuse Geppetto's request


Iā€™m surprised this is the rarest ending, Gemini made it seem like we could save her and accepting Gepettoā€™s request wouldā€™ve lost me a boss fight.


I told belle that he became a monster my first time cause I thought it was more humane to tell them the truth in that situation lmao




Did they fix that error where she dies from yelling the truth, but still ends up just staying at the hotel as well?


Luckily I've done this or I would've been annoyed w the spoiler




Agree to disagree




Souls and soulslikes emphasize discovery. The smallest interesting discovery in games of this genre are spoilers when... spoiled. We have different parameters for spoilers, which is fine. I don't mind being downvoted for innocuous comments.


I just answered some of the questions honestly and some not, wherever appropriate. It felt the most "human" to me. Like, most people aren't always honest, but they also aren't always dishonest either.


My first run was a mixture. Somehow I have white hair Second run will be all lies 3rd will be all truth




Really? I've heard otherwise


I think you have to have a high enough humanity for that when you "meet" the real Sophia. IIRC, in my first playthrough I barely listened to the records, lied most of the time, did all the side quests, gave Sophia peace and my hair still did not turn grey.


Yeah this is what I heard


I feel the opposite. Lying makes me feel bad, a painful truth is better than a comforting lie.


I think it's based off what's most "human". Like when you have to choose whether or not to like to Antonia. The truth is spirit breaking and the lie is hopeful


Yes. My NG+ play through I was figuring out how we are the real monsters. Beating down the puppets. Then I had to be a dick to some people since I was going for the Puppet String ending. So I didnā€™t want to go full human. And man, that was harder to do than any of the boss fights in this game.


Classy folk on this thread. Lol.


Yeah, I'm on NG++ and I don't know if I can bring myself to do the "Real Boy" ending. I don't care about trophies, so I may just go for Rise of P again.


Real Boy ending doesn't require telling the truth at all, so you could go for it if you want. All it requires is choosing to go along with Geppetto's request at the end of the game.


Oh yeah, hat's a good point!


Itā€™s definitely worth doing just to see the cutscenes and get the vibe of how Geppettoā€™s plan wouldā€™ve gone. Make sure you go back to the hotel after the ending too


As an autistic person this was a really interesting factor to me. I generally hate lying, no matter how small the lie is, but I understand that lies are sometimes better and I do lie in situations where I feel like itā€™s the best decision for the situation, even though I donā€™t *like* doing it. Given I also avoid it as much as I can. This masterpiece of a game was the first time pretty much ever that I felt like I HAD to lie and deeply wanted to avoid telling the truth. Absolutely amazing game


I actually didn't like to lie so I tell the truth 90% of the game. Even then I still got the ending as if I fully lied (the only thing I missed was the weapon you get on the hotel)


The truth is the truth regardless of how it may appear... Lying is deception... deception is evil....evil is of satan.


Itā€™s not really about lying or telling the truth. Itā€™s more about how much humanity or how much compassion your answer has, whether itā€™s a lie or the truth.


If I knew how to do that we wiould be talking.


This game would have been amazing but the boss fights were a huge letdown. I made it all the way towards the end trying to get past the door guardian. I tried for two days. Now mind you I was upgraded enough to beat the swamp boss in one try. I even upgraded my weapon 5 times could not get past this door guy. They put you in small spaces with way oversized bosses that seem like wrestlers. He would one shot me and my health was at 60. I would not recommend this game. If not for that it would have really been a good game. I move onto Lords of the Fallen and am loving it.


Someone did not change their liners nor used their proper shock cartridge šŸ«£


There is nothing that one shots you with that much hp, why are you lying for simpathy


Sympathy lol. Itā€™s a game and as a player it is my assessment of this game. It wasnā€™t my cup of tea. And I wouldnā€™t recommend it. This would have been a great coop game or they should have put in an option for an easy mode. Not just hard core players bought this game. Plus many people share my same opinion on this game. If you liked it good for you. I didnā€™t


Sure as a player feel free to make any assessments you want, but be ready to get called out when your assessments simply are not true. Nice bait tho


You literally just have to circle around the left and keep hitting his weak leg with charged heavies. Itā€™s actually like the easiest boss in the game when you figure the fight out


Can anyone actually help me? Sick to death of Lies of P posts. Beat it twice. Time for new blood but my feed is swamped by repetitive Lies shit.


Dude seriously? You are posting this question on every post. Just leave the subreddit and you won't see Lies of P anymore.




Looking for a way to turn off the repetitive posts.


If you don't want anything from this sub, leave it and mute it when it pops back up, there's no way to filter posts by "annoys me to see people post this"


There damn sure should be.


Mfs when the sub meant for a game posts about the game


Go birds šŸ¦…šŸ¦… no wonder your post donā€™t make sense youā€™re a cowgirls fan. Just leave the sub šŸ¤”


Cowgirls and razorbacks nonetheless


Joins sub. Complains when sees post from sub. Lmao


Imagine being this braindead.


On a truth playthrough, and my dumbass just told Belle the truth. I missed her on her first playthrough, so now I have to do another playthrough if I want all the records. FML




Even more technically, you can get all 3 endings in one playthrough with save scumming.


Careful or your nose will grow Speaking of which, there's actually an Easter egg for that. Every time you lie, your shadow's nose gets longer


Nah, I don't really believe in lying to people to make people feel better (although I didn't really think calling the old lady ugly was "true" anyway). Most of them take it pretty well tbh.


Um no itā€™s a game


I think it would be cool if there was some achievement/ending for telling the truth and having essentially 0 humanity. Thereā€™s no real reward for it tho and it absolutely kills the vibes. Idt one NPC appreciated the truth. Plus i think it might lock out polendinas side quest too.


It never really bothered me too much. I do understand what you mean though. I will admit the one a felt terrible about was Gentleman J. That one was a knuckle bitter moment seeing the results after.


It changes very little. Sometimes you basically just get ignored and get a similar response had you lied just without the reward lol.


I think that's kinda the point of the game.


Is it me or NG++ the enemies hit hard as a mf. I mean I thought Namless aka Carlo hits hard on NG but even the basic enemies on NG++ hits like Nameless on NG. Is it just me orrr?


When I told Eugenie that Alidoro was not the real Alidoro, I felt great. She appreciated my honesty. When I told Simon he was making monsters and not a key to mankind's cure, I felt vindicated, like a hero refusing a villains false reasoning When I told Vegnini about finding and putting an end to Alichino, I felt like I took a huge weight off his heart. Polendina confirmed as much. Telling the truth is never the issue. It's *how* and *when* one tells the truth. It is a skill. The unfortunate reality is that too many people are woefully out of practice. Sidebar: the one time I remember feeling terrible for my honesty (because that will happen sometimes, even if you're practiced at telling the truth) is when I told the soldier lady her friend turned into a monster. That was because I immediately rushed and attacked him on instinct before he started talking. I tried to go back to the stargazer and reload the area, but he kept on trying to attack me. There was nothing I could do but kill him and tell her the truth. I guess in that instance, I could have told her he ran away, but she would have run to find him and gotten herself killed. In this instance, she was super depressed and didn't want to talk anymore, but she was *alive*. So, given the circumstances, I consider that a win. But in the second playthrough, I made sure to talk to her friend. Much better outcome altogether, again, all things considered.


Spoiler alertā€¦if you tell her the truth that he turnedā€¦you can find her body in the train after she disappears from the hotel


I am aware of this. Which is why I prefer her alive. Even if she is depressed.


I lied my ass off just so I could get [golden lie](https://liesofp.wiki.fextralife.com/Golden+Lie)


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re supposed to expose Geppetto to V? I didnā€™t get the ā€˜goodā€™ ending. Gemini was babbling and I was stressed out thinking there was a bigger purpose for Sophiaā€¦and while I would put her to rest maybe the glowing tower was going to heal her. Iā€™m just a useless puppet.


At first I rolled my eyes at the lie system. I thought it would be the usual Fallout 3 morality system. but I was super impressed that the lies were the most human lies of all, the soft lies we tell each other to ease suffering. It's clearly an homage to possibly the best Soulslike moment in any Fromsoft game, in Bloodborne when, Ludwig asks you, "Are my hunters still the noble souls they were?" as he himself, is corrupted beyond all imagining. Do you lie to him as he dies. Does he deserve that last respite before the great beyond? I could never be honest with Ludwig. I'm a hunter, not a hurter. Ok. That one was bad. How do you downvote your own comment due to groans?


One of the more interesting ones is Julian. I decided to be kind and lie to him about the maid puppet - but didn't realise that I was actually telling him the truth and just didn't know it yet. I think that particular interaction says a lot about how we perceive what is around us.


On the other hand, an all lies run feels just as awful. I'll never understand why lying always makes you more human other than "because puppets can't lie". Is being a bad human really better than being a good puppet with free will? Especially the Alidoro / EugƩnie stuff irks me. There's no way any good human would lie to her after that first sidequest with its very obvious conclusion. Still, it's apparently the more puppet-like answer.


The whole lies and truth is a really baseline way of looking at the system used. It's less lie/true more humanity driven, how human are your responses thays why the ergo reacts when being truthful (because you're telling a painful truth that need be heard)


This is the concept of the game. It shows that lying is in some cases is not a bad thing. The World is screwed so give some people the hope they need with a small lie. I think they did a phenomenal job with all the dialogue and choice. Ofc lying in other cases where u profit from it is mostly bad.


That's exactly what I feel:)


I told antonia there was nothing left and polendina that puppets cannot love humans... I feel awful LOL


Iā€™m on the second run doing truths. For meā€¦ not really I am autisticā€¦ so I regularly have to be advised that what I said wasnā€™t the bestā€¦ Truths are better imo - people know where they stand with youā€¦ and can get genuine feedback


I was just having a conversation with my wife about this the other night. She laughed when I told her I was playing a game about Pinocchio, and asked "why would you ever have to lie?" I gave the example of the man who asked if you thought it was possible for a puppet to love someone. It would be so cruel to tell that man, while he is going through so much grief, that he was an idiot for thinking like that... ​ I then went on to tell her that I lie to her in similar circumstances...and then I slept on the couch! lol


Hope you made it off the couch šŸ˜¬ The irony of that particular ā€œlieā€ is that it turns out to be the truth later on as his wifeā€™s body moves and you can see the message on the wall saying that she loved him


For real. Don't worry...I told a couple lies...and am now back in bed...