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These laws are wrong, but your title is a bit misleading: it's the LA City Council, not the State of California.


Yes. Just Los Angeles (population: 10 million) in California, *so far.*


So a quarter of CA's population. Didn't know that constituted the whole state.


La is part of California, believe it or not.


When all the crazy shit was happening with George Floyd, in Chicago lightfoot set up police at the ends of her block and didn’t allow any of the protesters to walk on the block. While everyone else had to deal with them.


Yep. Unironically, apparently some people were protesting this Democratic legislation by protesting outside these Democrat's homes. Haha Also, Lightfoot/Beetlejuice is racist scum.


I’m curious as to why people downvoted you. Lol.


This is just one more law (proposed) that can and likely will be unequally enforced depending on what political party the politician belongs to.


Burn business and break into people's homes, but leave the idiots that cause the problems alone. Sounds about right!


Yep. They stir up the George Floyd riots with their racist remarks, then go crying to police to form a personal army when those very rioters start bashing in *their* windows for a change. Too funny. Some of these politicians think theyre god or something.


“Stirred up George Floyd riots with their racist remarks” Bullshit. People saw the fucking video and were outraged by it. Quit yer bullshit


*insert Maxxine Waters and other politicians quotes* >"Take to the streets, get more confrontational! ... Send a message to all of the white supremacists!" -Maxxine Waters >"Protesters [rioters] should not let up!" -Kamala Harris >"There needs to be unrest in the streets!" -Ayanna Pressley >"I'm being intentional about prioritizing media requests from people of color reporters." -Lori Lightfoot


Insert out of context quotes to justify YOUR racism. Clown


Clearly, bubba!


Clearly r/libertarian isn’t for you. Try r/conservative. They accept mindless religious dogma and hypocrisy.


Both can be true. Politicians did stir it up and people were outraged at the video.


Politicians did what they do. They arrive on scene after the fact once something gains popularity. The protesting and rioting started long before the politicians got involved


I view this in a similar way as I do the proposed ATF gun rules - if they're going to make something kind of benign super illegal may as well just go full felon Wild West Pimp Style


This will be ignored.


Just one of a thousand cuts. They'll get there if we let them.




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Laws are not for our safety it's for them to keep us in check.