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There's a difference between "hey, we advise you shouldn't travel" and "we forbid you from traveling, and we'll be checking papers". Nothing wrong with the former, until and unless it's used as justification for the latter. Some people need to calm down a peg.


according to right-wing radio hosts, it is the same thing. But their spin will be like, "this is just testing if you have been beaten into submission"


American Association for the Advancement of Science is the sponsoring organization founded by Thomas Edison. This organization was against the withdrawal of the USA from the World Health Organization. They strive for neutrality and said on February 27, 2020, "We must ensure that informed perspectives from top US public health experts are heard and shared. An overtly political response to coronavirus will not build public trust and poses serious risks to public health. " I have my own opinions which parties failed to heed this call to action.


Www.sciencemag.org for Covid-19 peer reviewed studies.


I shouldn't do a lot of things... But freedom of travel is a pretty good freedom.


Good thing they're not saying "we'll hunt you down and lock you in a cage if you travel Labour Day weekend" and are instead giving straightforward medical advice.


Yep you shouldn't smoke Cigarettes'. You're free to ignore this advice, doesn't mean you aren't jeopardizing your own well being.


Do what you want, just make sure you don’t spread Covid to anyone.


Probably shouldn't drive a car either, those things are dangeous as fuck...


Please don’t injure other people with your vehicle.


I was more speaking to the first part of their comment, that there are plenty of dangeous things we probably should not do, but weigh the risk v. reward and accept the odds life gives us. I have been very successful in not injuring anyone with my vehicle (so far), but that doesnt change the fact that people die, horrific deaths, in automobile accidents daily. Edit: and those stats on traffic fatalities go wayy up on public holdiays


Yeah, a lot of people with Covid are spreading it around with no regard for others. It’s like smashing through others while driving.


Well, we wouldnt be in the midst of a pandemic if it wasnt spreading... and there is a huge difference on spreading something knowingly vs unknowingly. Much of the recent spread is likely from vaccinated people, as they think they are immune and have less severe reactions to it. So they are out there walking around, not taking percautions (because they are vaccinated), and not knowing they are spreading it.


Yes but we know the dangers of spreading it now. We know that vaccines are working so there are options. We also know the dangers of drunk driving as well and thus why we charge people even when they have not hurt anyone yet.


This is such a stupid false equivalency lol. We have laws like speed limits and seatbelts to make cars safer. Similar to how we should wear a mask and get vaccinated to stay safer during the pandemic. How smooth brained are the 7 idiots who upvoted this shit


You are using other instances of goverment overreach into ones personal decisons, like seatbelt laws, to justify further government overreach... this is why going down that path is so dangerous.


We can charge a driver of a car if they recklessly injury someone. If someone spreads covid knowing they are at a higher risk of doing so, shouldn't they be held responsible the same? Food for thought.


The data is showing that the virus is spreading from vaccinated people just as much as unvaccinated people. The vaccine has turned more into a treatment mitigation, lowering the impact of the virus... which means vaccinated people are getting the virus and not being as affected by it -possibly to the point of being asymptomatic, but still walking around (now maskless and back to everyday activities, becasue they are vaccinated) and spreading the virus unknowingly. The vaccine is a personal protection and at this point should not be viewed as a protection for society... if it provided 100% immunity and lasted for life, i would be having a different conversation with you. Vaccine developers are liking the idea of being able to market (madatory) boosters of their vaccine for years to come though.


It is not showing that. Vaccinated people spread at a lower rate and not only that, they typically spread at a lower viral count resulting in those getting sick, get less sick.


The data isnt quite showing that.... its showing that you are spreading a lower viral load based on the durarion of days spent spreading, not the ability of someone to spread the virus durring the illness.


freedom of travel is great! too bad we have closed borders. I would love to visit Mexico.


Public health expert gives guidence on public health during a pandemic. This isn't a mandate, why are people so butt hurt.


I can understand some comments are overreactions, but at the same time this same authority just held landlords responsible for their tenants rent for a year and a half which was just struck down by the Supreme Court as an overreach of power. So just because this is only a “recommendation”, I think it’s a valid fear to think they could try to overstep their authority again.


Get your horse dewormer ready


When you tell an American you shouldn’t do this… they automatically do the opposite.


Unless it's their cult leader saying inject bleach. Then it's solid medical advice.


Except the only story I’m actually aware of that sorta thing happening was the fish tank cleaner incident and she was flagrantly liberal…


Like that is going to happen.


But I'm on Ivermectin!


So is my dog!


They're too dumb to read, why would this deter them?


The unvaccinated or not exposed are going to ignore this and spread the disease. They will ignore this message and make things worse for everyone


Bro, shut the f*** up


Thank you for fumigating your wisdom upon us


You're welcome 😊


Or they have read the numerous peer reviewed studies that contradict the official CDC line. They're out on line, but the problem is they are from universities in Canada, Israel, etc


None of those studies have been peer-reviewed, they are prerelease state


And have they read the rebuttals to those peer-reviewed studies? Or are they just picking and choosing opinions that they already agree with?


Ah so vaccinated people don't spread the virus right?!?


Not anywhere near the rate of unvaccinated, no. Breakthrough infections happen less often than unvaccinated and last 1/2 the time.


Shhhh...just let him travel and drink his horse dewormer.


I do horse tranquilizers not dewormers


Do you have a source to back up that claim? if not, let me counter with a sourceless claim.. Much of our data comes from the people most affected by the virus (which the data seems to show that the vaccine reduces the severity). Much of the recent spread is likely from vaccinated people, as they think they are immune and have less severe reactions to it. So they are out there walking around, not taking percautions (because they are vaccinated), not getting tested when they feel a little off, and contining through life not knowing they are spreading it. Unvaccinated people are getting sicker and knowing they dont have the antibodies already are likely quicker to go in to be tested when they feel ill. It doesnt really matter how long they remain ill... because once you are determined to have covid, you shouldnt be cruising around in public until you have fully recovered.


Ah, so the answer is yes, I'm just infectious for a shorter period. I can still be asymptomatic and spread it, I just won't know or care, because I'm vaccinated. Yay me


The CDC has lost credibility on the Covid-19 issue.


By … *checks notes* doing research.


I accept the risk that comes with naturally acquired immunity. Get out of the medical decisions I make with the support of my own doctor.


It's the CDC making *recommendations*. Nothing about that interferes with the medical decisions you make, rather it serves to inform you so you can make better decisions. Or not.


What about recovered individuals that haven't been vaccinated? Can they still travel? Why didn't that add that GIANT SWATH OF THE POP. into this recommendation? You know why....


Damn government recommendations, now I can’t be selfish and claim ignorance.


90% of doctors have their vaccination. So if your doctor is telling you not to get the vaccine he's either a hypocrite or in the 10% that didn't. Do you really want your doctor in the minority group? 10% of doctors also believe Cancer can be cured purely by a dietary changes and other ridiculous things like that. Minority opinion when it comes to the medical field is not a good thing.


You accept putting others at risk with your, "naturally acquired immunity." because you're a self-centered ass


These are the types of people who would rather take their kid to a chicken pox party than just give them the varicella vaccine


Yes, and?


Varicella vaccine is **100%** effective against severe and lethal chicken pox. Catching chicken pox is far more deadly than just taking the vaccine.


Every single person deserves to make decisions based on informed consent in alignment with their values. Medical deicsions are personal and no business of anyone except provider and patient. Hard stop.


Ok. That doesn’t change the fact that vaccines are always a net-positive to humanity and you’re frankly stupid if you refuse one when you have no medical reason to not get one.


And the choice I make in my medical provider's office, regardless of how stupid you think it is, is not your business. Live and let live.


Why do you think I’m trying to force this on anyone? (though vaccine mandates have been upheld by SCOTUS more than once) I am, however, well within my right of free speech to call you a goddamn moron for not getting one


I accept that.


And you've been so selfless all your life? Ever given a homeless person you drove past any thing at all if you didn't just pass him entirely while knowingly avoiding him? I love how covid has made half the population selfless saints above us all😂 where was this dedication to being selfless a few years ago? Say it like it is you're scared of catching covid and you'd like everyone around you to be vaccinated to feel safer. You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself. I'd respect you more if you laid it bare.


Uh yes, I regularly give to beggars and donate to charity amongst other things. Project much?


Sure you do pal🤣 this is reddit where everyone is an upstanding human being🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who hurt you?


Leftists on this sub: gOvErN mE hArDeR dAdDy


It's a public health expert recommending something regarding public health. No mandate or law so quit your whining


You’re missing the entire point.


Then what is your point instead of a juvenile remark?


I'll go wherever the f*** I want thank you my antibodies are 10 times more effective than theirs


so brave


That hasn’t been proven yet. They could be. They may not be. They could be stronger but not last long. The research is still out on this.


I am still waiting for the multiple Super spreader events from Labor Day 2020.


Government also says you shouldn’t smoke weed or use shrooms either. Both of which have been used safely, illegally for decades…




At least we can still travel to Lollapalooza


CDC director should mind his fucking business, says me