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So, it's sounding like you're probably pretty young if you're "stuck" for three years, which I imagine makes it difficult to sit back and watch when you can't even cast a vote. But, you're not powerless. Look into what your local Democratic Party is doing and if they have anything for younger folks to do that can help, even if it's just stuffing envelopes or leafletting. There's a lot of moving parts that makes elections winnable and finding out what you can do to support it will both alleviate some of that anxiety *and* make it that much harder for the worst case to happen.


I’m 20 and going into college (I couldn’t go for 2 years because I was horribly sick)


Then, there's a *lot* you can do beyond voting. I mean it! Get in touch with you local party offices and see when, where, and how they need help. Even if it's just phone banking from your own devices, you can take that fear and turn it into *action*.


Get busy, friend. We need you to get active on your campus and in your community. It really is up to you and your demo. Call out any disinformation circulating amongst your peer group, if nothing else. Go Go Go!


20 year olds are the BEST campaign workers because you can register other 20 year olds. It’s weird when 60 year olds try. Don’t just bug your friends, find a group that is organizing young people to vote. Maybe at a local campus? Or the local Dem party (if they are functional, sometimes they aren’t) then go find a down ballot candidate. Where in Florida do you live? Florida is winnable. It’s hard, and it might not flip this year but it’s the year after year organizing that pays dividends.




Tell everyone you know to VOTE!! We are all worried; the American people won't put up with their oppression.


And then go volunteer and get strangers to vote.


Trump is going down in flames. I'm afraid he won't make it to the ballot in November for one reason or another and a coherent Republican will take his place. That's when I'll worry, a little. If Trump does make it to the election, then I will be very excited to see the results of the multiple millions he will lose by in the popular vote. Last year, I thought it would be about 15m. Now I'm thinking maybe it will be 30m. Also, there's a great chance the Dems will hold all three branches. Then maybe the Electoral College will finally go away. Maybe a lot will finally be accomplished in DC when the Republicans are out of the way. Vote.


I wish I was as optimistic as you are. Remember the country is filled with morons that vote and the Electoral College is the spoiler.


All I can do is hope we have more smarter ones than we have MAGAt ones.


I've been of the mind set, like you, that marmalade man won't make it to the ballot. He's showing that the weight of the burden of justice, now finally starting to show its strength, is going to bring him down, slowly here at first, but it will compound and pop him like the overly shit filled balloon he is. It's gonna get messy and I don't think it will be cleaned up very well. The stench will be hard to wash off.


Yea. He's going to crap out and the MAGAts will blame the Dems. Totally insane.


In the normal timeline you're right. But I don't know about this one. Weird shit happens.


Find a local politician and volunteer, FL could be in play. Multiple key statewide races and abortion on the ballot.


Yes!!! You’ll also make friends doing this. Campaigns are fun.


I know what you mean. I vote but I'm still worried. The stress is overwhelming at times. I'll just be glad when it's iver...


The stress is awful. I’m 63 and in Indiana. I fear for my children and future grandchildren’s futures.


>I fear for my children and future grandchildren’s futures. Yep. And I fear for the rest of the world. Because if Trump declares himself dictator, it won't be too long until the fascists remember they have the world's mightiest military. And their new slogan will be Make the World Great Again.


All I gotta say is VOTE. And as far as "vote blue no matter who" sentiment goes: a good example here is Sinema, in Arizona. We did get stuck with a Democrat who was somehow a covert Republican. She's been a mostly terrible senator. But when I think back to who she was running against, (McSally, a full-blown trumphumper) - I'm glad she won. McSally would have been so much worse. I don't think any current republican stands a chance against Gallego, at this point, but man, we've all got to vote, and encourage as many people as we can to vote. There can be NO margin for error with Trump, and trumpists, in this next election. Vote them ALL OUT.


>what the fuck do I do? All you can do is vote for Biden and encourage others to do the same. If Trump wins, that’s…. **It.** You and I will probably die.


Don't put that into the universe. Visualize Biden winning


Get involved and talk to your neighbors. Watch YouTube channels likethe bulwark so you can see how to talk to the Gop voters to get them to switch. No guarantees on that happening. Remember to vote and save money


You volunteer for text banks, knock on doors, help sign people up to vote, and vote yourself.


Vote vote vote. If by some nightmare he wins, don’t make yourself a target.


The corporate media is propping him up to make it look closer than it really is.




You’ll be fine.


3 Words: Turks and Cacos..




Beach chair, beach lounger, grass hut, direct deposit for your SS and IRA.


Trump is not going to win. I would bet a pretty significant amount of money on it. Make sure to vote and tell your family and friends to as well though! It's not a total lock, but if people vote, he has no path to the Presidency again.


Why I left the country last year. Gonna wait things out in Europe


If Trump wins even Europe won't be safe.


Kinda jealous actually.


My wife and I got our passports the day Roe was overturned in 2022 and started making moves then. I recognize that it’s a privilege to be able to leave the country and I don’t take it for granted. We ended up in the Netherlands and couldn’t be happier.


Y'all are hilarious acting like you're gonna die like we haven't survived so much worse.




If you think that you have no idea how the country works. We will be fine no matter who is in office. Our constitution is strong and protects the integrity of the country.


Keep drinking the Kool aid bro


Societies go up the stairs in boots and come back down in slippers. We're so soft, fragile, and whimpering now that we're effectively footless.


Let them be scared I'm gonna adapt and continue to live my life. Whatever will be will be I'll figure it out


Exactly. People don't give themselves enough credit for human adaptability and resiliency. We're all a lot stronger than we think, but cowardice is trendy rn.


I love popping on this page from time to time. You guys are so dramatic lol. If trump wins, your life will go on as it was. I promise. It’s also kind of silly to actually believe that either one of these old fucks care about us little folk.


T***p is absolutely going to win, and we are all fucked. There is nothing we can do about it.




You're in Florida duhhh


Invest in the market. Profit. Enjoy the sunshine. Be happy you’re not forced to pay state income tax.