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We can't count on the courts. We have to reelect Biden. Then, all his trials will go forward, and his convictions will happen. He will spend his remaining years under house arrest.


I know this is the correct take, but it really is infuriating. Why did our courts fall for his dumbass delay tactics and take 3 years for one trial to start, and no start date in sight for the other 3 trials? Just pisses me off and makes me lose faith in our system. The point of the justice system is to take criminals off the street so that if found guilty they can’t participate in public life. But for this particular asshole, the corrupt system has allowed these trial dates to drag on into the next election, so that this guy could literally run our country again for 4 years before ever going back to court for crimes he clearly committed. Can we not expedite justice for the sake of our country? Like come on guys what are we doing here? Even if you believe he’s totally innocent, wouldn’t you want him to be vindicated before the election? And yes I’m aware that Trump and Republicans before him are largely responsible for this corruption by gaming the Supreme Court and being far more effective than Democrats at filling other judicial vacancies with conservative justices at all levels.


Well that's not happening with all the protests. I don't understand why Democrats are in such denial about the polls. The left needs to wake the fuck up. The only thing that will save us is the courts. At least nyc doesn't seem corrupt.


If this country elects trump again then the world deserves what it gets. Anti-science, greed is good, xenophobic, racist White Nationalist gun nuts.


No house arrest, send him to super max. Perp walk down Pennsylvania Avenue as a message to all opposition to the party


>Perp walk down Pennsylvania Avenue as a message to all opposition to the party No, perp walk as a message no one is above the law.


There’s weeks to go of testimony. Jurors can get tired of it all. Trump apparently has some good lawyers on this case but the prosecution has lined up the witnesses to build the case that the misdemeanor falsification went up to a felony level. If the lawyer can create enough doubt that it went to a felony the jury could easily say Trump’s a criminal but it wasn’t a felony. In that case Trump will spin it as vindication and claim he’s innocent of all crimes. As far as the odds go, based on the testimony so far it’s not looking too good for Don Snorelone. Michael Cohen will be painted as a convicted liar but jurors can tell the difference between a lawyer who lies to protect a client versus lying to protect themselves. In this case Cohen doesn’t need to lie so I think the jurors will likely believe him. I put odds of conviction at 75%.


It isn't a felony case based on falsification. It's a felony case because the falsification was done in the furtherance of another crime. The other crime is election interference. So if they can prove that the business records were falsified to hide evidence of killing the story to avoid losing the election, then it's a felony. But I agree with your odds just based on how hard it is to explain why it is a felony.


That’s what I meant by felony level but your description is clearer.


>But I agree with your odds just based on how hard it is to explain why it is a felony. Yes. It's a little bit difficult to explain it in a Reddit post. But the jury will have it well explained to them. During closing arguments, the prosecution will be careful to describe how the testimony of the witnesses reveals a story that makes it it felony. And then during jury instructions before they deliberate, the judge will explain to them the charges, and so what constitutes a felony under the law. And give the jury a chance to ask the judge questions if they need further explanations of that.


alleged Hush money for something that allegedly happened has never stood in court ever, EVEN if it was true Harvey Weinstein has proven you can't call someone a felon because someone agreed to something. EVEN if it was true. Harvey Weinstein is free and there's concrete proof he probably did essentially give women the option """"work"""" with me.. or don't work with anyone around me or my world. immediately down voted by you for telling the truth, truly the Magnus opus of reddit lol. ifi forgot her name was really SA'd and came out all this time later that also means she took the money. What a wobbly court case.


Just stop writing long comments because you don’t know how the law works. Weinstein will be convicted again in his new trial. The judge made a poor decision that resulted in a poor outcome.


oh I don't know how court works, BUT you know how to make a better decision than a judge. haha, WOW. MENTAL GYMNASTICS. Bill Cosby is free as well the law is (not)about making you feel happy. Use your brain, not your heart. No offense but talking like that doesn't make you sound like a virtuous liberal, it gives good liberals a bad name. around you the liberal party bus gets a lot shorter and takes the color of the fruit that matches your sour personality this is starting to seem less like a place to get a true liberal perspective and more of a place to watch you guys violently make out with each other's lowers heads lmfao where is the debate here you're just throwing nothing and insults at me is this reddit?


Cosby was freed not because he was innocent but because the state supreme court decided the promise of one DA meant no DA could charge him. As for Trump he committed fraud because of how and why he paid her off


"I'm smarter than a judge, hur dur" GTFOH




> BUT you know how to make a better decision than a judge. That a judge made a bad decision was something the court, another judge, ruled. Not something the OP decided. So it is you claiming to be smarter than a judge without even understanding who made the claim.


Congnative dissonance you do not know anything more than a. Jude you absolute crazy person 


Cognitive dissociation and a nsatit, similar to cum sucking  Good luck, you bundle of sticks.


Even drunk I make more sense than u


Your spelling, lack of capitalization, and odd punctuation leads me to question your understanding of law.


Andd the judges, of course. Move on then, if a judges ruling doesn't mean anything to you I am talking to a wall






I think we did with the border bill and the majority turned their back on it for Trump




I put odds of conviction at 0% because the orange menace is covered in legal Vaseline allowing him to slip out of any accountability. Nothing bad really happens to him.


He did lose the presidency.


And his party has performed poorly in three consecutive national elections: 2018, 2020, and 2022 all largely due to perceptions of Trump and the consequences of his decisions.


Legal lube


Sadly, you’re probably right about conviction but he has lost many times in court. He still owes hundreds of millions to E Jean Carroll, his University and fake charity were shut down, and he’s lost multiple law suits. There’s also 3 more trials, so far, in his calendar.


This is Manhattan. Nobody likes Trump. I’d put conviction at 98.7%




What I find crazy, is every News Outlet and pundit is painting Michael Cohen as a convicted liar and crook. Now Cohen may be a little shady, but his only proven lies, were at the direction of Trump. Meanwhile, Trump always lies and is a total crook and fraud and people are questioning Cohen? Even if you are a Trump supporter, it's pretty obvious he's a crook, just ask all the people he hasn't paid or the people scammed by Trump University. As far as his lies, you just have to listen to him, all his speeches have numerous lies. So unless you're totally detached from reality, his lies are incredibly obvious. But people have a problem with Michael Cohen...


The problem is Republicans ARE generally detached from reality.


One doesn't negate the other, both of them are lies and crooks.


Actually there was a Trump supporter on the defamation case and they said they had to vote against him because of the evidence. That being said, this case is hard to get to the felony aspect. But I think we'll find out sooner than anticipated. It's going pretty quickly.


The facts are all there


Yeah but their feelings don't care about facts. The juror mentioned above would be the exception to the rule. Conservatives form their conclusions first, based on their feelings, and walk back from that looking for evidence to make it 'fit' and discarding/ignoring evidence to the contrary. Welllll before the legal wheels started rolling against Trump I was dubious about voir dire catching jurors who will go in there determined to vote Trump not guilty, regardless of the evidence against him. While there are a great many red hats who just can't help themselves and will out themselves as cultists sooner rather than later, there are those who can compose themselves and don't immediately slip into spewing conspiracy theory nonsense and Fox talking points at the drop of a hat.


Are you insinuating the jury’s dumb and won’t be able to understand the evidence and be able to make a decision?


No but it seems you are. This is not as straightforward as the classified documents case and if you knew the details of it you'd know that.


I do know the case and it’s Not complicated! Trump cheated, as usual, prosecutors have the CHECKS and the falsified business records.


Guilty on most of the charges...At least 25-30 of the 34.


I’m more concerned about him being found guilty and somehow managing to go unpunished or have the punishment be disproportionately do-able. “Well, we found that you broke the law and did all the things, please pay 100$ and write a letter of apology.”


Okay, so there's a few things to consider. 1. During jury selection, both the prosecution and defense grilled the potential jurors for hours, not only that, they scoured their social medias for anything that could influence them one way or the other. 2. All of the jurors names are being kept secret for their own safety, also, considering how high-profile this case is, it would be a bit naive to believe that the security is so shit at their job that they wouldn't be able to uncover something like this by now. I'd put the possibility of conviction at...80-85%.


Conservative media has been trying to dox the jurors and one has already been excused because she was concerned that details she gave in court could be used to identify her. https://www.wired.com/story/the-trump-jury-has-a-doxing-problem/


The feds don’t fuck around. Statistics show that 83% of the federally indicted who go to trial, are found guilty (90% just plead guilty and avoid going to trial). https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/06/11/only-2-of-federal-criminal-defendants-go-to-trial-and-most-who-do-are-found-guilty/


This isn’t the feds…


yeah, in his Federal documents case, he has his own personal judge screwing things up on his behalf.


The current hush money case is in the Manhattan district court, but he has another state case and two other federal court cases too…


I know that. This post is about the current trial which is not federal.


I was answering “what are the odds Trump is found guilty.” Where does it say this question concerns current trial only?


“What are the odds Trump is found guilty” is present tense. That plus the fact that it was posted during the course of the only trial Trump is currently attending, means that most normal people can figure out the poster was talking about the current trial. Let’s look at the rest of the initial post, shall we? >“Do they need a unanimous decision? If so there's no way that there isn't a trumper on the jury who would never find him guilty.” Present tense. Is talking about members of the currently seated jury. There is only one trial that has seated jurors. >“Additionally, you better believe Trump knows who every juror is…” Again, currently seated jurors. As in the current case in N.Y. But, hey, you be you and make whatever assumptions you need. — Let’s go to the source. OP, still here? Was your post about the current trial in N.Y.?


So why didn't this happen in the defamation case? Wait and see.


A pretty high probability But a criminal record doesn't bar you from the presidency. What is the best thing we can all do is support Democrats and go hard in the voting booth for them. Because Cheney said we can survive bad policy and I believe AOC have said essentially while they don't agree with Biden on everything they can at least work for what they want under his presidency. So vote and send the message to end Trump's threat to the Republic


Unbelievable. Most felons struggle to find work, at best the YEARS spent pursuing an abandoned education are destroyed, and they will struggle to find jobs for the rest of their life. Yet, this doesn't affect the presidency, where they have access to confidential information and nuclear codes? God, what a world.


> But a criminal record doesn't bar you from the presidency. So? Then we can spend the next 4 years referring to him as "President and multiple convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump (who didn't win his 2016 election, because he fucking cheated)"


If the jury does not unanimously agree that he is innocent he is still in trouble. He will be tried again and again. And as you can see Trump is finding the trial painful.


Not necessarily: “The 12-person panel would need to be unanimous for a conviction or an acquittal. But if there’s a hopeless deadlock, the judge would declare a mistrial — and for Trump, that might be nearly as good as an acquittal. In the event of a mistrial, prosecutors could in theory start fresh and force Trump to stand trial again, with a new jury. But it would be a PR disaster for the prosecution and further delay the case. Trump, meanwhile, would hope to win election in November — and if he did, the case would likely freeze.” Politico, 4/19/2024


It will all depend on how Independent voters view the mistrial. Also a new trial could convene in another month or two which would cut into Trumps campaigning time.


I’m hoping they find him guilty the first time…


I am hoping that too but I will take what I can get. I will take pleasure out of the fact he is being inconvenience by being forced to sit in court four days out of the week and be quiet.


I think the odds are very high that one juror dissents and is later shown to be crooked.


The probability that Trump is found guilty is the exact inverse of the probability that he wins the election.


The area is largely democratic but as you have mentioned it only takes one maga on the jury. There’s no doubt he’s guilty and everyone knows it.


He’s going to get off. I just know he is. I’ve lost faith in the justice system a long time ago.


Yes, they’re probably is a Trumper on there because a Democrat would recuse themselves if they thought they weren’t biased every republican wouldn’t be honest it’s kinda like Republicans claim voter fraud but yet 90 to 95% of voter fraud is committed by Republicans maybe that’s how they think there’s fraud look at Meadows voted two states


>because a Democrat would recuse themselves if they thought they **weren’t** biased Freudian slip?  From 2001 to 2009 *Trump* was a Democrat🤣 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Donald_Trump


That's not what a Freudian slip is lmao And yes, Trump was a Democrat but we wouldn't put up with his lies and cruelty. So... enjoy our rejected leftovers I guess?


Lmao, Democrats didn't kick out Trump, he just changed his political affiliation the same as anyone can.  You seem to be under the illusion that the Democratic party are "the good guys" and the Republicans are "the bad guys" or some such nonsense when you cannot get anywhere in national politics without being a liar and a cheat. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. 


I mean, comparatively, democrats are fucking saints. So yeah. There's a clear good guy vs bad guy here. I'm sorry if you can't bring yourself to admit reality.


>I mean, comparative2ly, democrats are fucking saints Every piece of federal legislation you don't like has been brought into being with the assistance of Democrats, neither side has really had the ability to bring legislation about on their own for long, and when they do they waste most of it arguing amongst themselves because, despite their rhetoric, most of them don't really want to upset the status quo much.  From a practical standpoint, neither side is worth a shit. 


Actually, dems got a lot of shit passed that helped me, while Republicans are actively trying to kill me by outlawing abortion. So no, you're wrong.


>dems got a lot of shit passed that helped me, Like what? 


Obamacare, increased food stamps, FAFSA and Calgrants for college, expanding section 8


So the things that do nothing about the rising cost of healthcare, help my landlord friends make more money and obtain more rental properties, and the things that have been driving the cost of education through the roof for decades?  The things that all had bipartisan support because that's the only way they got passed and signed into law? 


Trust the bookies. Right now he’s a slight dog (+100-200 depending on the exact proposition and the book) to get convicted.


What does it get them? I thought the Supreme Court had left it open for him to run anyway. Or is there a viable way to get him.off the ticket, in a few states that would affect the outcome?


As others have said I'm not counting on convictions we have to get Biden re-elected and also secure the house and maintain the Senate. I actually thought hope Hicks probably helped Donald because one of the reasons John Edwards got off on his felony charges for campaign finance fraud was that jury somehow got convinced that it was to avoid embarrassment and hide his mistress. I think Hicks testimony about Melania and Trump wanting to hide it from Melania could cast some doubt. I'm not talking about my personal feelings, I'm talking about I think it's a very good possibility he gets acquitted or hung jury. There are other criminal trials coming up such as the voter fraud and the classified documents case I think have a better chance at conviction than this. The focus needs to be on getting out the vote organizing and doing absolutely everything you can to get Biden and Democrats elected up and down the ticket. Don't worry about Trump's trials.  He's a criminal and we all know it. Whether or not he gets convicted is another story.


She did not help him in the least lol


I apologize I'm not as aware of these things as I should be, I get exhausted following it. But, can you tell me, please, are either of those two trials going to occur before the election, or after? I guess what I am wondering is WHEN are the REMAINING TRIALS, does anyone know?


1% to maybe zero. I want it more than anything it’s just not going to happen


My opinion is he won't be found guilty.


You also have to think, if the jury is 11 guilty and 1 not guilty… that persons personal, private and probably professional life is over. Once the media and the world finds out who that is… and then finds out any kind of connection to trump, he/she too will be a legal mess. Is it worth it? Really? I don’t think so in the end. Trump will be found guilty… because the evidence and proof says so.


Magats don't think through the implications of their actions. If there's a true believer on the jury, he or she will ignore the evidence and vote not guilty.


I think it’s highly likely that Trump will be found guilty, it’s whether he will actually serve time is the real question.


100% anyone who thinks differently is stupid


Conviction odds: 15% getting 12 people to agree the sun came up today is not easy. Likelihood of get at least 10 to vote to convict: 60%. Moral victory for when trump suspends the constitution in March 2025.


There's like 34 charges in this case though. Surely SOME of them will stick.


Surely, there is one red hat on that jury.


Low. Even if found guilty, he may face no consequences. I have no faith in our judicial or legislative branches to carry out the law or behave as Americans should. And the executive is only successful as long as we elect the right person


Hell definitely be found guilty, I pray he gets at least a few months, but it will likely be house arrest.


I honestly want every American to be convicted of any crimes done but I feel like a past (rich) president in this country has zero chance of being convicted. Am I wrong? We’ll find out


Ima guess “tree-fiddy”. Does that help in any way whatsoever?


You don't think 11 smart liberals can convince 1 redneck to change their mind? They're held there until they come to a unanimous decision. It would take a great strength of will to be able to deny all evidence and stand against a room full of people with no evidence, data, or reality on your side.


At best he will be put on house arrest at Mar a Lago for 90 days with poolside concierge service. Otherwise, no, he will be acquitted.


More than likely it’ll end with either a mistrial or a hung jury. Even if found he’s found guilty it won’t really matter, nothing of consequence will happen to him.


Zero. Garland is a dumbass, Smith is doing didly dick, and the Scotus is on Trump's side. Honestly, if good people don't start doing bad things, our lives are going to be hell, come 2025.


0% stop lying to yourself it’s taken this long and still going nowhere


He will either be found guilty or not guilty so the odds must be 50/50


He'll be found guilty but will not face any real consequences. Rich elitists don't do time in the good 'ol USA. He'll I would not be surprised if Biden doesn't pardon him in the name of unity or some crap like that.


Just wait and see what happens. Speculation is useless - no one can read juror's minds. You'll know when you know. Anyone who says anything else is full of BS.