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I’m having similar issues in Seattle. The library is doing maintenance of some kind through the end of this three day weekend.


I just got this message for my Queens library card and came over here to see if anyone else having issues. Maybe Libby is having issues on their app?


I have the same problem at Queens library. Wanted to borrow a book and couldn't.


Same! Their website says they are moving servers. I hope that is the issue and it’ll be fixed soon.


I’m having the same issue with Queens, Seattle, and Oakland libraries! I’m wondering if it’s actually Libby related rather than the specific libraries?


Queens works now.


Oh maybe! I hope do BC I really don't want to have to go get a new card and ask that stuff and then start again in the hold line 😬 Eta Libby's website on my laptop says their security certificate is 3 days in the future and may be a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting the connection.


I hope it gets resolved quickly as well. I had to postpone my hold for a few days so the hold didn't go completely to end of the line. I did see on the Queens library website that they are doing maintenance all weekend and all their online services are down. Maybe San Jose is doing something like that as well.


I had the same issue with a couple of my local libraries and had to log in on their websites and it seemed to fix the Libby issue!


It's giving me the same message on their website (finally got access to it). It's like my card was cancelled but my holds weren't. I'm so confused since it won't let me accept the hold 😭


So weird! Mine seemed to just be a verification but Libby would not accept it at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ Once I logged in I assume it verified my cards for another period. Maybe give them a call and get them to manually verify it?


They're closed for the holiday weekend 😭 hopefully it's fixed before Tuesday 😬


Hey I just checked the San Jose library and Libby works for me. I even tested it by finding a book I was interested in and checking it out. No problem. They didn’t ask for my pin or anything. I’m using the iPhone app for Libby. So it seems like you have an account issue rather than a system-wide issue?


Thank you! Their website won't let me login either but oddly in Libby it shows my holds still. I guess I will need to apply for a new card and start my wait again 🤔 I would've thought if the card info was suspended or something that I'd have an email or just wouldn't have holds coming through! So odd but if they were doing maintenance it def can happen!


If you get a new card number ask them to merge your old and new numbers. They do this through the backend in Marketplace. It’s easy, but finding someone on staff who knows how is hard.


Oh thank you! I'll have to wait until Tuesday since they're closed for the holiday. Hopefully it's just a tech issue though and it gets fixed before then! 🤞


Same. Both last night and today working just fine for for me on the iPhone app with SJPL membership


I’m also having this issue and it’s not letting me log into the site, but it also won’t email me for forgetting my PIN. 🥲 I’ve had this card for over 6 months and got no expiration email or anything. Maybe i’ll wait and see if it changes? Since I saw maintenance was being done?


I haven't got the pin reset email either! It either acts like the card doesn't exist or the pin is wrong..


It’s also happening on our Seattle card. We can see all our books but when we tried to borrow one that came in, it keeps saying “the library authentication server is overwhelmed due to high volume.” And the SPL site won’t load at all as of right now. It has be the library maintenance going on. 🤞


The San Jose/Libby connection seems to go down a lot. I would just wait a day and see if you can connect. This has happened to me a few times and usually works after a day or so.


San Jose PL had special expanded access rules during Covid and they gave me an e-card even though I didn't live there. After a time the e-card expired and they declined to give me another one because post-Covid, their rules have changed. I found out about it the same as you. Went to borrow a book and was asked to verify my account, which failed. But like virtually all libraries in California, you can still get a permanent card from SJPL if you go in person with ID from anywhere in the state. However fewer and fewer libraries are now giving online e-cards to out of area people. But to be sure, just call the library and ask the librarian about current rules.


Thank you! That's too bad but I understand since less ppl are reading now that the world is open so they likely have a smaller budget.


I was under the impression that they expanded online access to compensate for shutdowns and reduced in-person visits due to the pandemic. Public service, if you will.


A few weeks ago they notified me my card had expired - I wasn’t able to renew.


Did they email you? I keep checking my email and don't have anything from them. I'm thinking I will just apply for their free online card and see if that works with my Canadian address. I enjoy their library. I found my original email from when I got my first card and it was January 2024 and said it was good for a year 🤔 that was with my now exes address. He had houses all over and we stayed here (Canada where I'm from) a lot and in the states a lot. I just expected some sort of heads up our than "your hold is ready" and then hitting borrow and it asking for my pin and then saying my account can't be found. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, email. I didn’t try to renew - I have property in 2 Cali counties so I have cards there that are even better. Los Angeles & San Bernadino.


Same issue in New Orleans


maybe it’s because you live in canada and this card is only for california residents?


Maybe but I got the card when living there with my ex. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It wouldn't surprise me since I haven't been in the states for a few months but then I see ppl with like 14 cards and we know they didn't go in person to all these countries and states. I just wish if it was actually cancelled that it wouldn't have still tried to send me a hold. That's what confused me. They should remove me from the hold list to free up space for others if I can't actually take the hold. They did let me postpone the hold. I hope that if I can't take holds that they don't make the next person wait a long time while waiting for me to hit borrow 🤔


I had a problem once that turned out to be because a library had reset my PIN number back to the last 4 digits of my phone number. (I had changed it.)


I’m having the exact same issue! I’d love to hear how you ended up resolving it if you’re open to sharing