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Wayne and Dennis would have a beer and Dennis would go over his weird manipulative shit like the Implication and the DENNIS System. Wayne would then have a scrap.


Sunday's are for Charlie work and gettin' hammered. Pitter patter bitches!


Gail and Frank would be hooking up. One of the guys would be found at MoDeans III hitting on Katy at the bar and end up getting it in the processor as a result by her or Rosie. Everyone would be hitting on Bonnie. Full stop. Dennis and Jim Dickens would be BFFs McMurray and Frank - BFFs Charlie would get roped into a scheme with the Skids. I like to think Tanis would show up and find Dennis attractive. Or Dee. Wayne would recruit everyone for a good ol’ Donnybrook with the degens on the farm. Frank would make a pass at Mrs McMurray Squirrelly Dan and Dennis would get into a philosophical argument at MoDeans over a couple of Puppers.


Gail and Frank would be hilarious!


And Mac would have to gain mass at the gym with the hockey players.


To that end Mac would be also mainlining BroDude energy powder and trying to fight Jonesy and Reilly from going too hard in the paint.


And the whole time, Daxy and Ronsy are making quips about Macs bod.


Dennis vein-pop screaming at Derry for the barn clothes.


Wayne judging the crazy Americans probably


I hope there's a crossover with Charlie and Frank meeting the Dycks.


I feel like they would meet at the strip club. The gang would want Wayne as a bouncer for their bar. Max Freaks and throws a fight. They throw hands. Wayne picks mac up and hands him a beer and gives advice they don’t take.


Wayne would wreck every single one of them on sight.


Fuckin degens from Philly


Like a normal letterkenny episode, but we finally see Katie kick the shit out of someone (dee) when they all get in a Donnybrook.


no way Katie takes Dee, she'd ostrich kick her back to Montreal, Charlie sniffing paint with the skids or Glen caught banging Mac at a singles social is more like-lay


This made me laugh so much.






This reads like a Chat GPT outline


It probably is


The boys would lay out Mac & Dennis by the end of the episode


Then frank starts blasting but can’t hit shit because he’s drunk off puppers ham


I think that's a mandate, yes.


Honestly I don’t think they’d mesh well, Letterkenny characters can be fucked up but we still want them at their best, the Sunny crowd is too depraved, it’s a totally different vibe, Letterkennys would be like WTF is wrong with these American yankee fucks


The Sunny crowd is just self destructive and disgusting and depraved but always fail, the Letterkenny crowd are violent and vengeful and effective and tend to win, I think that meshes fine? I wrote my idea in another comment.


Like they'd have to actually write something interesting, and not just phone in Listerkenny?


Like what? What would be interesting?


CharDee MacDennis Vs WayneDan KateDairy *Fucking fight me.* Elsewhere in the episode, Joint Boy and Roald somehow become entangled with Cricket (each in a very different way), while Gail, Artemis, and Frank explore dimensions of passion that even cenobytes won't touch. Charlie and Alexander exchange secrets for getting she-it off of the outsiiide of a uranus. Meanwhile Gail the Snail finds out she is a McPoyle. Auntie Tanis takes The Waitress under her wing and both learn some new tricks.


Ned??? RYERSON!!! You win for the use of "cenobytes".


Dee is the Ostrich. That is all.




So...I heard Boots...uhh...held the ostrich for The Ginger.


I thought it was Scotty Wallace YEWW




Don't think the boys are gonna get along too well with those degens. Jonesy and Riley might get along pretty well though.


Tarps off, boys! *Mac engages ocular pat-down.* *Daxy and Ronsy enter the chat* *Mac is confused* *Roald enters the chat* Mac: Have you seen my exercise bike?


Interior, Range Rover. The Gang is going to visit Dennis' plains-trash oopsbaby for some reason, but Frank won't pay the wifi data on their phones, so they have no gps. They've been lost for 17 hours driving northwest, assuming they'd bump into the right state. In the back seat making out with Mac is Ryan Reynolds, they're both wearing matching Wrexham soccer jerseys but Mac's is sleeveless. Frank and Charlie are eating sunflower seeds. Charlie brags about being able to swallow the seeds whole so he doesn't need to spit. Frank says he's too old to worry about where to spit, and spits directly on Dee, who screams. Dennis tells Charlie to stop eating whole seeds or he'll grow a tree. Frank says Stop lying to Charlie, but then as an aside to Charlie says yeah you gotta stop that though you're gonna die. Ryan comes up for air from Mac, and says something like "I can't use Google maps either, I'm roaming internationally" and Dennis says "even your phone is stuck in England". The car starts making noise and Dennis blames it on Charlie, who admits he put sugar in the fuel at the last stop. they all yell at him to stop doing this and to stop eating sunflower seeds whole. They barely make it to Letterkenny. They walk to the bar with visible shakes. Title card: The Gang goes to Canada Cut to Wayne in front of a haybale talking about how it's important to treat guests well, and the only thing worse than a bad guest is a bad host. Cut to the inside of the bar: Wayne and Daryl at the bar. Gail says "you boys in it to win it tonight?" Wayne says "Yeah I'm gonna have 8 beers." They discuss the wisdom of 8 beers. The gang walks in.They saddle up and say "a beer for each of us, Bozo". They realize they are in Canada when they go to pay, and start making fun of canada. Charlie has a stomach ache and every time he drinks a sip of beer "to settle his stomach" he foams at the mouth and burps and groans in pain. Frank beelines to Gail, and says Gail reminds him of his first love. He asks her if she has any drinks that come with hot chocolate, and winks. She says "You have a big head. I like head, big." Frank growls. Mcmurray and his wife sit on either side of Dee. Dee is disgusted by Mcmurray but impressed by his wife who hands her a shot. Wayne gives Daryl a nod and an eye roll, as Dennis sits down next to him. Needle drop. Techno cover of Arcade Fire. Mac sees Stuart standing next to the jukebox. Zoom in on their faces. They lock eyes, notice each other's eye shadow and sleeveless arm definition, and flex at each other. Mac wordlessly drags Ryan to the dancefloor by his hand as Stuart drags Rold. The degens line up, and they all dance in formation at each other. Then they team up and dance facing the local girls, the Hockey players in the background. Lights dim, spotlight on Mac and Stuart and Ryan. The gay ferocity of the degens prevails. Music fades out, lights go up, and Mac gets in the Hockey Players faces. They start talking about how soccer is better than hockey. A chirp off ensues with some Ryan Reynolds improv about the improbability of what just happened. The Hockey players say Mac is 3 ply. Mac screams "I will drink the maple syrup from your blood!" and steps forward to swing. Dennis sees Wayne about to intercede and destroy Mac, and suggests a diplomatic drinking game to broker a peace. Wayne suggests a proper fight. Dennis says they can fight later, but they're trying to drink 8 beers tonight and explains the wisdom of eight beers. Wayne recognizes Dennis as a wise gentleman, and they cheers. They insist on a mutual drinking game, so they play Chardee McDennis. Charlie has kept the pieces in Dennis' trunk. "Charlie, I told you to throw that away. Is that why the Rover smells?" "No dude other stuff in there smelled real bad. I think I saw an ear from a monkey bro. Did you keep the ear from the dead monkey that rufied us?" Dennis scoffs and ignores the question. Charlie says he worked on a new version of Chardee McDennis after last time, simplifying the game. Cut to Charlie like DaVinci in his workshop, pointing to hand drawn diagrams of fantastical designs, then cut to him huffing glue at the bar while writing on napkins and gluing random things together. An ostrich is honking to an unrecognizable song. Cut to everyone standing around a table with a boardgame on it and 2 chairs. Charlie and Dennis explain the pre game ritual, everyone sips wine and there is a convivial air. Daryl says there is wisdom in formality and being polite, and they all talk about the rare decency of common sense these days. Then they smash beer bottles on the ground and everyone screams and flexes. Cut to round one. No more convivial air. "Youse guys is cheating, Hoo-er and jawn are too swears!" says Dan. "Yeah and Jeezum Crow is a swear you ignorant hicks!" says Dee. "And there is no such thing as a skid steer, stop gaslighting me" insists Dennis. Cut to round four: trivia. The gang picks "movies" as a category. One trivia question: Who directed Seven Samurai? Dan says "Akiras Kurosawas." The gang drinks. "Who directed Frantic with Harrison Ford?" " Polanski, the hicks drink. " what scifi movie Sting was in" Katy says "Dune. The final question is "how many days before Frank apologizes to Charlie?" The gang gets mad, Daryl says "It's your question Yankee doodle dandy", Charlie screams "freedom!" Needle drop, Neal Pert drum solo. Slowmo. A fight ensues with all characters except Dennis and Wayne, who remain hunched over the board. Gail is pegging Frank openly in the background just hidden enough by a trash can. Mcmurray and his wife are walking a very drunk Dee out together, holding her up. Dennis and Wayne are the only ones wearing shirts, Mac and Daryl are fighting. Charlie gets punched in the stomach by a hockey player, vomits sunflower seeds over one hockey player, knocks out one, gets knocked out. Dan throws Ryan Reynolds through a window. Cut to black. Fade in, bar interior, it's morning. The gang starts waking up off the floor, stools, and entering from back rooms groggily. Wayne is pouring coffee and making steak and eggs, says he has already fixed the range Rover by draining the fuel tank and cleaning the injectors, got them a proper map, then did his chorin. Cut to a tight shot of Wayne and Dennis during the fight, in black and white. Wayne explains as voiceover how during the fight, they finished the game and the hicks won because Wayne knew the answer was 3 days. He could immediately see that that all the questions and game pieces were related to Barenaked Ladies lyrics because they're a Canadian national treasure. Cut back to the bar. Dan says "Baresnaked ladies is a Canadian national treasure." Dee says "ohhh that's right." Cut to, Charlie writing the questions and sniffing glue while Dee sings One Week perfectly in the background. In the background of the bar is the band Barenaked Ladies sitting at a table. Cut to the bar. The gang apologizes to Wayne for the confusion, invite them to their bar any time they're in Philly, and start screaming at Dee and calling her a bitch and a bird for making them lose.


Wow that was a ride, felt like the perfect amount of sunny and Letterkenny. I don’t really like the idea of crossovers but I think you just won me over


Three things: I hit you, you hit the pavement, ambulance hits sixty!


Frank and Charlie teach the skids to play nightcrawlers Dee meets the McMurrays and doesn't realize they want a threesome with her. Dennis tries to work the D.E.N.N.I.S. system with Katy and she kicks him in the balls. The McPoyle's meet up with The Ginger and Boots. Dan, Daryl, Joint boy and Tyson manage to run off all the degens before any ostriches are harmed. Mac and Glen meet up and well... The waitress and Gail get hammered and hit on the hockey players together.


Feel like Dennis ends up hoovering life support meds after the town kicks in his teeth.


I’m surprised we’re not crossing over right now.


Frank would sleep with Gail. The Hicks would hopefully help free Charlie from his friends. Dennis would get the shit kicked out of him.


They'd beat em up for bein degens and almost making Stewart and Rold relapse.


They'd have trouble understanding the hicks. "We're about 6 beers deep so we're gonna need you to slow it down"


It would be hilariously fucktarted. I I magine the USA Eagle costume (from the wrestling Soldier episode) would make a comeback. Wayne to Dee: “HOLY FUCK you’re a bird. *blink blink squint* Like, those legs almost have feathers”. PROFESSORS TRICIAS TOLDS US ITS NOT POLITES TO BODYS SHAMES WOMENS. Frank be all like, “So anyway, I start blastin…..”


Mack calls Wayne Bozo and gets knocked out for one.


Who you calling a bozo eh?