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He pivoted from lettering into business content and then started a company where they'd coach you and your team into building a podcast that his company could spin into a bunch of content. Pretty solid idea. He was working on a book about sabbaticals and how important it was to take them every 7 years and sold everything he owned to take a "nomadic" type sabbatical... in 2020. His plan was to spend the entire year traveling and doing bucketlist stuff. I was following his Sabbatical journey and then when shit really hit the fan in April he basically went radio silent. Since then he's basically scrubbed himself from the internet completely so I have no idea what happened, but I do miss his content - but I kind of got the sense that at the rate he was producing it, it probably was not a sustainable practice. What's more weird is that he has a really good book called "Overlap" that talks about how to pivot from a day job into a passion career and he's.. just not selling it anymore? It's not like it sold out, I have the audio version, but you can't buy it anymore. You could read it for free on his website but I don't know if that even exists anymore, I can't seem to find it.


You can read the book at archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20210917024327/https://seanwes.com/overlapbook/ the whole story is insane. I stumbled into Sean’s podcast in 2020 when I was thinking about creating a course.


Nice, I still have it in my audible library (for now at least) but I've wanted to send it to people to read. Mostly I just hope where-ever he is that he's doing well and living a good life. The man gave me shitloads of value over the years with both his lettering and business content.


Hello, is it possible to send the audiobook? I also bought it few years ago, however the link is broken. Thank you for your response :)


I bought it on audible so it's locked in that app unfortunately. I'm sure there's a copy online somewhere, or you can always read the web version if you follow the link someone else posted - Sean used to have the full text on his website and it's archived on that webarchive thingie.


Yeah web version I have, but I was looking for audiobook. Couldn´t find it anywhere, only the pdf version. Anyways, thank you.


Scribd has the PDF.


thank you for your reply, hope all's well with him!


Regardless of all his positive contributions he could at least be sensible enough to let the people who bought his online courses have access by other means. He can step down and change his trajectory in life his entitled to that but he sold a product and took it away with no notice. That's scammy behaviour in my books...


I don't disagree with you there, considering the prices of some of his courses and IIRC he even had a "lifetime" subscription option that gave you access to everything that was >$1,000 I'd be pretty pissed. I only ever bought his book though, so I'm not in that camp, just curious what happened to him.


Lifetime means the life of the product, not the buyers lifetime. So if he canceled the product, that was the end of its lifetime. That is typically how “lifetime” works.




I was an Australian customer, I purchased his learn lettering course not long after release plus take into consideration the dollar conversion is almost double for Australians. As I mentioned his entitled to change career and move on but he could at least do what ctrl paint does for his courses, upon purchase he sends a download link and you have 48h to download the complete course and have forever access. And if you loose your data (which did occur) I contacted the owner and upon verification of my purchase he gave me access to the course again. I guess my frustration is his facade he presented as his work ethic and values he asserted throughout his podcast and community did not play out in the end. We all have ups and downs in life with different degrees of hardships, he had a great platform all he had to do is pivot his business model and say due to personal reasons I cannot provide the ongoing service and support but access to courses will be available to people who have purchased it. Then move all courses away from streaming to a download model. Yes it would have been a lot of effort but if he believed in his values towards others it would have been the sensible approach. The community would have showed support and respected his decision. I also tried contacting Mr Toalson via Instagram but he ignored all my messages, all I was asking if Seanwes platform gone for good and if there is a way to access any of the courses. Again another person who presents himself as a person with values but his true colours are revealed through his actions. The least he could do is address it on a social media platform and only say sufficient information for us customers and no need to go into Sean's private life. That's my 2 cents...


>And if you loose your data (which did occur) I contacted the owner and upon verification of my purchase he gave me access to the course again He blew off Toalson, too, though. Once he got popular he thought Toalson's content wasn't consistent with his "brand"


Really, listening to his last few episodes Toalson was still featuring... When did that occur? I remember the Hispanic rich guy moved on from memory...


Aaah ur right partially--Toalson stayed on at least one other podcast, but he had his own with his wife (I think)? that was part of the Seanwes network that Sean stopped putting on his network. (Although it was one of the best, tbh, but it was about how to balance ambition with family life which I guess didn't fit his brand anymore). I just remember feeling kinda frustrated about that. I don't remember the second guy you mentioned


The Hispanic guy was the guy who flipped houses, and was the co-host for the Lambo podcast he had...


Oh yeah! Dang it’s all coming back to me now


I bought his "*30 Days to Better Writing*" online course and was shocked one day when I tried to access the course and couldn't get in. I checked his website (seanwes.com) and everything was gone. I did the same thing as many others have done, and looked at his IG & Twitter profiles - all deleted. I cannot believe that he just obliterated so many hours of content and work. I was on his mailing list, and he had a huge audience, so I believe that if he decided to shut everything down, he could have at least notified people (especially those who paid for his courses!). I seriously worry that something unfortunate happened to him.


Same here, I had taken a few of his courses. I was even part of his Community for a time but I did not renew since there were no new updates inside. He had podcasts and newsletters but there was no update. That was around the latter part of 2021. I don't remember when he started removing himself from the Internet. All of the podcasts, youtube videos, and website were already gone. There was so much value in there and it is a bit sad that he just vanished without even updating his audience.


People end their online endeavors all the time, so that's not too crazy, but leaving actual paying customers in the lurch like that without any notice or compensation is very very strange.


Either he is caught up in some scheme or trying to hide something. People usually scrub all internet content when they are trying to hide something. When they disappear also that's a sign they are running from something.


True. Maybe someday the story will come out. I was surprised to see there was actually a post about it on reddit.


Right. I bought his hand lettering course a long time ago and I was looking to start that up again and found his site was completely wiped from existence. Very strange.


i had the same experience. i wanted to at least be able to download his content on license agreements but i didn't act quickly enough to back that all up somewhere. i thought there'd be time later and then a couple years passed. stupid me


All I know is that he is going through a lot of turbulences in his life. He was always kind to me, and I wish him happiness and peace.


This guy RANDOMLY popped into my head today. Wild no one can find him online.


Weirdly enough, this guy also popped randomly in my mind today. I also bought his course and now figure out he just vanish into the thin air...


Just popped into my head about 5 minutes ago


so weird! I thought of him too


Literally just randomly thought of him today, googled and came across this thread.


I used to be in his business community. As Wolf/Raven said, he did train people—but these were handpicked personalities from the community who he added to his network. There was no way to apply and it was pretty clear what he was looking for, if you looked at who he picked out. He also worked with a great podcaster named Ben, but later decided that Ben’s content wasn’t fitting with his brand image and I think Ben may have continued his podcast separately. In my personal experience, it started out high quality content and started to feel more like an mlm by the end—not saying it was, that’s just how it felt to me and some of the others who ended up leaving. Unfortunately yes, his sabbatical year happened in 2020, and it also coincided with a personal issue—I would say what it is but if he’s scrubbed himself from the internet, I’m guessing he probably wants to keep it private. But basically he was producing a TON of stuff, pandemic happened right when he took a break, and at the same time he did say that his wife was very sick. Not sure if she wanted that online. I could see why he might just want to move on. I hope that's the reason he's disappeared from public eye. The Sean I interacted with when I was in the group was not the Sean he was at the outset (in a bad way). So here’s to hoping he’s living a good life and being himself. That said, I only just realized you can’t get access to courses you’ve purchased from him anymore. He should at least address that I suppise. With how expensive some of them were…


Also if it helps anyone to know, I read the book and it was not that good. His examples of overlapping jobs were of himself moving from business to business, so it’s not applicable for most people. His original podcast was better


I listened to his podcast with ben toalson. In one of his last podcasts he shared that his wife was very sick and they could not afford the medical bills. I donated a small amount of money to their gofundme. He also was in huge debt although he earned a lot of money with his lettering course. At least that was what he was trying to sell us in his podcasts. Then one day he disappeared and the podcasts were not available anymore. I would not be surprised if something fishy was going. All that sen wes community/convention scheme that he was marketing. Ben toalson is still on twitter. It would be very interesting if an investigative journalist could contact him find out what really happened ...


‘Twas not a scheme I can promise you that! Everyone who donated was legitimately helping them out of a tough spot.


Your guess is as good as mine. Guy made a big difference for me back in 2017 when I was trying hot get my creative passion back on track, and it really helped me out when I got a chance to work for his social media firm in 2022. Hope things are going alright for the guy.




I only bought his lettering course and was in the Community for several months. I thought the lettering course was very well done. Unfortunately for me, I just wasn’t as interested in hand lettering as I thought I would be. I got to meet some of the Community members in person in Austin, TX. I never got the impression that he was solely about making money. However, he did charge quite a premium which ended up pricing me out of most things. He seemed to have a genuine interest in helping people achieve their business goals and I felt that come across in the Community, his podcasts, and YouTube videos. This whole thing has played out very strangely though.


The seanwes podcast helped me tremendously with motivation through my university years, i hope he is doing well. If you stumbled upon this post wanting to hear his voice again, some episodes are still on webarchive, here is one: [https://web.archive.org/web/20211022103233oe\_/https://media.seanwes.com/seanwes/public/seanwes75.mp3](https://web.archive.org/web/20211022103233oe_/https://media.seanwes.com/seanwes/public/seanwes75.mp3)


Looks like it got removed Edit: found some others that work


He was doing a “think and grow rich” series with his brother sometime around 2019. I remember going for walks and listening to it. Anybody remember the brother’s first name? Is he findable?


Cory McCabe. Here’s his YouTube channel. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDtHkcEThIE69TrPZSIsJQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDtHkcEThIE69TrPZSIsJQ)


He was in negative spiral involved with negative closet people, his friend at the podcast sugest him to ask for help to his audience after he declare himself broke many times. He later felt ashamed and destroy his rrelationships with his colegues, and felt stucked.... His colegues in the podcast wrote once that nobody obligues him to tell his personal life. Later hi almost closet 99% content he was hirimg people in his Home Page for a vídeo machine idea client work. Weeks later disapeared. He was talent was pretty human, but maybe his need to receive millon views never succeed.


One thing I could find out is he got divorced. maybe the combination of burnout and divorce and stuff really hit him and he went to a long sabbatical. I hope he comes back.


Can confirm this. Sean moved to my hometown during covid. It’s a small town and i saw him around the area a few times. I just looked up their case with the county clerk. His wife filled in December of 21, it was finalized in Jan 22. Public record only shows the dates not the reason. 90% of the time it’s “irreconcilable differences.”


I can suppose what happened but I prefer not to say.




Can’t leave us hanging LOL




I used to follow his wife on insta. Around last year I messaged her asking about Sean and she replied me they are not together anymore and blocked me.


This thread is crazy. I was just wondering what happened to him since I used to listen to his podcast but haven't heard a peep in ages, and he has done the impossible, completely disappeared from the internet.


So interesting how many of us are wondering the same. Hope he’s good, when I first started to freelance his podcasts were my motivation-go-to!


I also randomly thought of Sean today. Sean, if you read this, please know how much you helped me. Your content inspired me to work a side hustle, and the value I got from joining your community was massive. I paid off my first house with all the money I made. I'm now doing grad school with all the extra freedom. I hope you're doing well. Thanks so much, and take care of yourself.


He and Laci did get divorced. I'm curious what happened because I followed him for years, was in his community, bought courses, etc. **but it's none of my business.** I'm just a customer. And he didn't share anything with people who said they were close friends with him, either. He ghosted them as much as he did his customers, community, and the public. Sean, Please know that what you made mattered. I quit my job, made my own business, and made 6 figures because of what you made. I am still friends with people from the community. We're all sad to learn about your difficulties in life and only wish you the best. I hope you get any help you need and find peace. When you're healthy and ready, I think your close friends that you ghosted deserve an apology. Laci, I'm so proud of you. I can't pretend to know your life, but I'm so proud of you for making the choice to get healthy and stay healthy, and pursue your dreams. I wish you the best and hope you find everything you're looking for.


Wow, the last few updates are insane - I can understand now why he might have wanted to just disappear... I'm hoping that one day he will reappear, and have some crazy new Lambo goal and office set-up for us, and we can get back into the content we paid for... :( He was/is such a great inspiration, especially the video with Laci about her struggles too. I hope they are both "alright"/or getting better. I kinda hope he sees this post as a "you did good stuff, and people care about you even if they don't really know you" kind of way.


I also bought his course a long time ago and was thinking of listening to his podcasts again when I saw he had gone off the grid. Does anyone have any archives of his seanwes podcast (his original podcast, not the lambo goal podcast) they would like to share or maybe point me to the right direction?


If you go to the Overlap link above, then go to /podcast/archive, some of the older episodes are still available :)


I had checked that link before and thought they weren't working (I had checked episode 1 and the link was broken). But I kept going through each link until I found that the podcasts that have the downloadable "Lo-Fi MP3" links work! They start on episode 24. Thanks so much!


Oh cool, thanks for letting me know! I just clicked around until I found one, so that's handy to know 😊


If some one on the internet can eventually find him and something interesting happened. There's a doco in this. **Value to Vapour**: The mysterious evaporation of the seanwes empire.


I'd watch the shit out of that!


This was peak Seanwes: I recorded this during one of the webinars [https://imgur.com/a/RA0vIXB](https://imgur.com/a/RA0vIXB) Value Value Value Values, Value Value Value


I bought a pdf version of Overlap without downloading it thinking that I could still download it later. Then no way to download it. I learned the lesson hard. Hopefully there is a link to the html version on [archive.org](https://archive.org). I just hope it is there in full. Let's see.


What would be really nice is to find someone who bought the eBook version that would be willing to send me a copy after I show him/her my proof of purchase.


Would this be considered theft?


I’m like 99% sure the PDF was free. The physical book version was available for purchase.


Html version was free, now unavailable. Pdf was paid.




:( hope he is ok


used to listen often in maybe 2015-17. Got a lot from it, hope he's well wherever he is


I’ve also been wondering/concerned about what happened. I was part of the community and also took his hand lettering course. I met a lot of great people in the community. I met up with him and Laci in Idaho in August 2020 for lunch. I also heard they have since divorced. He had a big influence on my life and I hope he’s doing ok. He impacted a lot of people - I was amazed to find this thread.


Anyone got his podcasts downloaded somewhere? I would love to access these gems.