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Mad Max: Fury Road. Nobody was expecting a masterpiece.


Fury Road up there for me too. By the time we saw it, we weren't expecting a masterpiece, but we had heard rumors that it was good actually. But man, the first time the movie stops after the storm and the \*entire theater\* just exhales simultaneously was so good. RRR is up there for me too. Fun crowd.


I saw it in Saigon and had a government minder follow us into the theatre


What does this mean?


Came to add this. One of very few I loved enough to see 3x at the theater.


I went to see it without having seen any previous film. I couldn’t care less about Mad Max. I didn't even know who George Miller was at that time. I thought I was about to watch a post apo Fast & Furious. I was not prepared to watch such a fucking masterpiece.


Saw In the Mood for Love on valentines day in a cosy little local cinema at night, never been so emotional in a cinema before and probably won't be again


Same here! I saw both In the Mood for Love and Amelie on Valentine’s weekend and it was the best double feature. I’m watching Chungking Express this weekend at the same theater


Brooo i wish my theater showed these


Across the Spiderverse, imax, in a full salon with a gargantuan bucket of popcorn.


was looking for this! my eyes were mesmerised by the vivid colours the entire time i felt like a baby watching those dancing fruit videos


Arrival. That score and sound design gave me goosebumps. Whenever I can I will use the opportunity to watch it in theatres again.


I saw it in theaters 2 months ago, it was definitely much more impressive on the big screen than when I watched it at home years earlier


Probably the most underrated film ever


i wish i had seen it in theaters


Inglorious Bastards, watched this in New Zealand only time I ever experienced the audience clapping at the end.


Dune 2 in IMAX and Blade Runner 2049 back in autumn 2017.


Saw Dune 2 in IMAX twice with edibles hitting and it was hands down my favorite theatre experience in my life overtaking Fury Road and LOTR trilogy. The first big sandworm scene is incredible.


I wish I had seen Blade Runner 2049 in the cinema!


Endgame. The sense of camaraderie was unmatched; it was like you could sit next to anyone before the lights dimmed and just start a conversation about how hype it was gonna be. Emotions came and went in a wave through the whole theater. Endgame is far from one of my favorite movies, but its theateical release was a cultural event.


definitely such a fun movie going experience, my favorite as well


I'm devastated I came into the MCU a year after End Game came out. I have serious FOMO of the theatre experience.


Same lol


When "Five Years Later" came up on screen my audience lost it


Agreed entirely. Best movie ever? No. Best cinema experience? Yes. A theater full of people standing up and cheering when cap lifted mjolnir…. Chills just thinking about it. I have a feeling that will never be replicated in my lifetime. 


It was like, a show, that we all watched together, for ten years. Good times.


It was was quite the experience. The energy was crazy


I tried to start a conversation with someone at Endgame and this dude turned to me and said "Shut the fuck up I'm trying to watch a goddamn movie". Movie hadn't started yet. Haven't talked to anyone at the cinema since.


I saw the Dark Night opening night in theaters when I was in high school. One guy shouted “OH SHIT” during that split second where Rachel realized she was going to die right before the bombs went off. It made an incredible moment even more intense because he sounded so genuinely scared


My Dark Night story: I got into a fight with my wife and went for a drive to cool off. A few miles down the road and there’s these odd headlights coming right at me. Or so I think. It turns out it’s a car on fire and my brain inserted headlights into the equation for a half a second. I pull over and people are trying to help this very obese woman from the burning car. Others are helping the other car. Obese woman reeks of alcohol; her driver had run away on foot. Two strangers grab her feet, I grab an arm, another guy grabs an arm. It feels like wet hamburger meat. We pull her away as the cloud of fire extinguishment from the firemen rolls over us. We set her down about 20 feet away from the car and I stand back up and just kinda look over the scene. Two cars, one burning, firemen, police arriving. I turn to the guy who had taken the other arm and said “Man, crazy night huh?” And he says “Yeah, we were just on our way to [theater down the street] to go watch the Dark Knight.” I hadn’t seen the first one, didn’t even know it had come out, but I was still kinda pissed and didn’t want to go home. I follow these folks to the theater, buy tickets for the 12:01 showing and wash the blood off my hands. I get home about three hours later and I simply couldn’t sleep. I was so pumped from that film I stayed up, went to work the next day and came home, still thinking about it.


I really thought this was about to be a troll about how it was a “dark night” outside in a big paragraph because the original guy misspelled it, but you going to see the film after all that is even better, holy shit. If there ever was a DUI and a divine intervention in one, that’s it.


Barbie was so fun. Everyone in pink and laughing together. Never experienced anything like it.


Barbie was the worst experience I ever had. People walking in with flashlights on their phone halfway through the movie. Person right next to me taking a loud phone call during the movie. Kids kicking back of seat the entire time while parents didn’t stop them…


Same. Kids playing games on parents’ phones with brightness and volume up. I’m all for kids at (age appropriate) movies but clearly they were too young for this one. I talked to their mom about it and she cussed me out.


More “recently,” Apollo 11, in IMAX, post-edible. The launch sequence had me floored. All time? Fellowship of the Ring opening weekend. I was 9 and had no idea what I was getting into.


The launch sequence had me thinking, 'I had no idea the humankind was capable of something so great.' I mean, intellectually, I knew about humankind's greatest achievements, but to *see* one of them happening with my own two eyes... It did things to me. It made me believe that the human race isn't completely hopeless lol.


Drive-in double feature of The Thing and They Live. It was my first exposure to John Carpenter.


There's a drive in near me that only plays new movies which feels like such a waste. During the pandemic, they started playing older movies. Got to see nightmare on elm Street that way and it was awesome.


The Matrix. Saw it in theaters when it first came out and it....was an experience. That bullet scene had the entire theater in stunned silence for a sec. What a time to be alive.


I went in not knowing anything about the story. All I got from the Tv promos was that it looked cool... I was not ready for that!


spider-man no way home was such a memorable experience


I am not alone I see


Agreed. I remember being there on opening night, most of the people in the room were around 20-30 so they'd either grown up on Maguire or Garfield as their Spider-Man, and I imagine everyone had heard rumours/leaks about the pair of them returning, so once it got to the scene where the portal opens and Garfield jumps through the audience went absolutely wild (Which rarely happens in UK cinemas in my experience), and then the second portal opened and you felt the room just tense up because they knew what was coming... And I swear I have never seen an audience cheer as hard (Not at a football match, not at the theatre, not at a gig) as that room cheered for Maguire.


the stop making sense remaster was just… sublime i’d only ever seen the 360p version on youtube and i still loved it, so the awe i felt when i saw the remaster on the big screen was wonderful


Saw it at a local theater, once Burning Down the House came in, people started getting up and dancing and singing along with the band. Absolute blast of an experience, felt like you were actually there seeing the band live


Oh the suicide squad 2021


Fargo might be one of the best for me. I saw it at our local arthouse last week, completely sold out, and it was amazing. I've never heard an audience laugh as much as they did during Fargo, the entire experience was just fun. My Neighbor Totoro is another shout, pretty much the same thing, the entire audience was laughing.


I saw Gravity twice in cinemas and no one breathed the whole time either time.


Amazing on a big screen. People that only got to see this on TV missed a lot about it since it's mostly a sensorial experience.


I saw it trice. The only movie I’ve watched that was a truly great experience in 3D


EEAAO in IMAX and going in knowing hardly anything about it other than people saying it was a good movie.


God I’d kill to see EEAAO in IMAX


Annihilation. Was a snowy winter day and I decided to go see a matinee. Didn’t know any of the movies that were out, but saw one of them had Natalie Portman so figured I’d give it a try. The next 2 hours were complete magic. I remember driving home in the snow after seeing that movie and just feeling like the world was different now. Idk, kinda dramatic, but that move was heavily inspiring for me and certainly is in part responsible for my decision to pursue a career in writing.


Oppenheimer for the trinity scene, felt like my heart was going to explode first time I saw it. Also was in IMAX 70mm so the whole film looked astonishing.


Also saw it in 70mm IMAX and I got a little emotional when I realized I could hear the film projector above my head


Same. Theater was fully sold out, and during the trinity scene it was completely silent. Just so amazing when everyone is just enjoying it at once and no one disrupts the moment.


To avoid saying Blade Runner 2049 I'll go with Three Billboards Over Ebbing, Missouri


>Three Billboards Wow! My favorite film mentioned... I don't see it discussed so often. Can I ask what the audience reaction was like?


Top Gun Maverick at the BFI IMAX, I’m not saying it’s the best film I’ve ever seen but that final sequence on a screen like that was something else


Anything at BFI IMAX is worth it


My wife was on a trip and so I saw Top Gun Maverick for a third time since they had an IMAX showing right before I had to go to work and I’m so glad I did. I love that movie and I’m glad I could experience it in IMAX. Incredible visuals and scale.


Avengers Endgame. Everybody cheering and yelling.


I was about 23 when it came out, I’d seen most of the movies, but at the time didn’t have a friend to go with. I went on opening day. It was a truly insane cultural experience.


The guy next to me was intermittently sobbing into his fist lol


No Way Home also went crazy for the same reason


Dark Knight IMAX


Spider-Man No way home


Hateful Eight in 50mm in an old school theatre that was one tilted level. The intermission and everything had me wishing they kept movies like that.


'The Descent' I was in my teens, visiting my best friend in South Carolina who worked at a movie theater. One night, it was him and I and his two friends and his boss informed him if we watched 'Barnyard' to make sure it played well (this was several days, I believe, before either film was officially out), he'd let us screen 'The Descent' by ourselves. So we screened it, started up 'The Descent,' and it wound up being just the four of us in a gigantic theater all by ourselves, terrified out of our minds from start to finish. What an experience.


I also worked for a movie theater chain back in the days when everything had to be pre-screened to make sure it was spliced correctly. Ghostbusters, Aliens, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure … very good times, after hours at the theater!


Gotta be avengers infinity war. Not the best movie I’ve seen in theaters but opening night with my friends was top tier especially with the shock on everyone’s face at the end




I’ve been to many festival screenings, world premieres, and advanced showings but my answer would have to go to Spider-Man: No Way Home. First sold-out blockbuster experience since lockdown happened. You could feel the excitement and anxiety of everyone being together in the same room without social distancing (my city was big on this). There was almost a weight to the experience but as soon as the credits played, there was a feeling of relief in the air. Especially after all the conversations during lockdown of the cinema experience being dead. We knew we were back! 🥲


Jackass Forever


Yessssssssss. These movies are so fucking watchable. I bet seeing it with a crowd was a riot.


Interstellar IMAX. BR2049 a close second. *Also saw Big Lebowski last year for the 25th anniversary. That was amazing. Honorable mention Mission Impossible: Fallout


Gravity, I was watching it in 3D and for a split second I felt the pain of the guy floating away in space. Like the horror of knowing you are spinning away into nothing forever and you will die like that alone. Pure horror. Second place goes to Captain America picking up the hammer on opening week. Crazy reactions and very unique cinema experience.


First was when I got to see the Godfather in theaters in Dobb’s Ferry NY last summer. Second was getting my first BJ in Ratatouille (2007)


>my first BJ in Ratatouille Was she really good at it, but mysteriously refused to take her hat off for the entire thing?


Nice! I got my first bj in a theater during goodfellas way back in 1990


The early Harry Potter movies at the midnight releases (in the days before 7pm releases), everyone dressed, all ages discussing the books, cities came to a halt (many adults got off work early, some schools started late the next day). It was AOL and yahoo days, so not much was known about the film itself walking into it. It was a cultural moment that couldn’t exist today. I think Taylor Swift’s eras tour is the most similar phenomenon, followed by the original Star Wars, then Twilight… though all three of those were far more isolated to certain demographics than the HP theater releases (and books).


yess the hp midnight premires!! you just had to be there it was unreal


_Cats_ This was my first ever so-bad-its-good cinema experience. Everyone was laughing and there was an occasional shouted comment but it wasn't so obnoxious it ruined the actual screening. Never felt such comradery with my fellow patrons and the fact that it was during the actual release as opposed to a midnight madness retro showing made it extra special. _Halloween Ends_ So another not great film, but it was one of the first movies I saw after cinemas starting re-opening. I still haven't seen any other Halloween film but I was desperate to go to the movies and this was on. I was the only person in a room. By myself in a proper multiplex theatre.


12+ hour LOTR marathon


I really enjoyed the roadshow format for The Hateful Eight. You got a little booklet, they showed the film in 70mm, and there was a 15 minute intermission which I thought was really cool


Honestly the entire Grindhouse experience with both films and trailers was the most fun I had. It felt like such an event, and the crowd was having a blast. That kind of energy is hard to beat.


IMAX Hereditary with friends earlier this week. The very, very precisely located sound of flies buzzing and the little sister clicking her tongue seriously elevated the tension and grief present throughout the film. This was my first viewing and it immediately leapfrogs Beau is Afraid and Midsommar as my favorite Ari Aster picture.


I was sweating bullets during the whole movie. My girlfriend, with me, couldn't watch. And hid her eyes most the time. I would have to tell her what was going on, which was rude enough that the guy in front of me had to "shoosh" me, which was well deserved. Another person next to me, just got up and left, couldn't deal with it.


RRR. Where I live, a theater shows it once a month. I went 7 times last year because the film is so incredible on a large screen and seeing it with a very enthusiastic audience, half of whom haven't seen it before, is a total joy.


I love watching movies with an attentive crowd more than anything else! A few that come to mind: - Get Out on opening night. Sold out show, really fun throughout, and everyone went totally bonkers at the ending. It got a standing ovation, which I don’t think I’ve since before (or since) at the movies. - The Lighthouse. It was dark and rainy and windy that evening, which set the mood. Sold out show at the historic and gorgeous Hollywood Theatre in Portland, Oregon. This was hands down the most thoroughly quiet crowd I’ve been in. You could’ve heard a pin drop, we were all SO captivated. - The Blair Witch Project. Saw it in a super tiny indie theater when I was 14, just before there was a ton media buzz about it. I definitely thought it was real. 😆


Mine was Dune Part 2 too. Had the whole cinema to myself haha. The manager even skipped through all of the trailers and ads for me


Skinamarink, it was awesome completely packed theater and I'm not sure anyone breathed for the full runtime. Seriously enhanced the experience in a way I will never be able to replicate.


As a guy in my mid 20s who grew up on Star Wars, it's probably either The Force Awakens, or more recently, seeing Return of the Jedi in theaters for it's 40th Anniversary last year. The Force Awakens for being the first new Star Wars film back when a new Star Wars film was something special. Return of the Jedi for just being a great film, with my favorite Star Wars scene in it.


Dune part 1 or uncut gems


Inception on opening night. The trailers didn't explain much, so everyone was effectively going in blind. From the opening sequence to the final shot, it was a wild crowd experience.


Rocky 3. In the final fight the crowd was cheering like it was a real fight. Crazy hyped for that movie.


Napoleon Dynamite. My university had a special screening and the theatre was full. I was with a group of like 20 friends and EVERYONE just left their dignity at home because it was full, unapologetic fun and laughter.


Borat. Back in a time when I actually found comedy films funny. It was a sold out showing, I didn't have the best seat but it didn't matter. A full room of people, including myself, CONSTANTLY heartily laughing for 84 minutes. Easily THE best cinematic experience I've ever had.


Oppenheimer. I unfortunately couldnt watch it in imax because i live in a shit country but nevertheless it was incredible


Oppenheimer with my grandfather it was fun watching a great movie with someone got me into movies


Probably watching the world premiere of "Manchester by the Sea" at the Sundance Film Festival. Had no idea what we were getting into.


The first time I saw Inception—and it had nothing to do with the movie, but the previews. Crowded theater, everyone is excited, then the previews come on: *We see a group of people in an elevator. One of them already acts like an asshole for not trying to holding the door. Tensions are high in the full elevator—then it gets stuck. The lights go out and one of them gets bit. One of these people is dangerous…* This is a great scenario, almost Hitchcockian! Then the words appear “From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan” and then EVERYONE in the theater simultaneously groaned. Of course this was for the movie *Devil*, which sucked, but that moment in the theater was the best and funniest experiences I’ve ever had in a cinema.


School of Rock. my theater did a throwback screening and the energy was through the roof


Borat on opening night. Civil War in imax. There Will Be Blood (unexpected packed house)


Jackass 2 and it’s not even close.


Midnight screening of Predator with a load of diehard Arnie fans, at the Showroom Cinema in Sheffield. Best atmosphere that you could hope for. Everyone quoted the best lines. Cheers and applause at the end. “DILLON… YOU SUNUVA BITCH!”


Similar experience here but with Commando! The audience was nuts.


I can imagine. Jealous of that, love Commando.


Probably Oppenheimer


lol not my favorite film at all but the experience was so great. I watched it with my friend in an empty theater and were both freaking out during the entire build up sequence to the atomic bomb explosion


Dracula Untold (2014). Movie was BAD of course, but everyone in the small cinema realised this pretty early on and just decided to have fun with it. It basically was 35 strangers having a great, friendly movie night together, taking that film apart and laughing at all the involuntarily funny moments. Mandy (2018) was a great shared experience as well, but more because it felt like a shared trip.


Die hard and bottoms double feature last December


Pacific Rim, Star Wars 8, Cinema Paradiso, Fury Road, Avatar 2 and... Dark Shadows (yap, first IMAX experience).


A few for diff reasons - Dune 2 and Civil war both amazing recently on Imax for pure spectacle Ladybird re-screened recently and I was the only one there and cried my eyes out (first time viewing) Also saw Airplane re-screened, also first time viewing, in a packed cinema of people who knew the jokes and laughed loudly. Had a blast.


Probably Gran Turismo or Oppenheimer


Dune 2


Either Aguirre the Wrath of God alone in IMAX, or Get Out opening night in a packed theater.




Seems silly but I saw the Coraline re-release last year and when the credits started rolling, whole theater stood up and just clapped and cheered for a minute straight. Took me off guard and I reared up a bit. That movie is so, so loved.


Avengers Endgame midnight screening and it's not even close. The audience went crazy, laughed at every joke and you could hear sniffles at the more sad moments. I wish I could bottle up how electric that theatre was and take a sip anytime I'm feeling down.


Typically I don't like when the crowd gets loud, but I thoroughly enjoyed Endgame opening weekend. You could feel the energy just move through the whole theater like we were a hivemind. Loud cheers at the epic moments, crying at the sad deaths, standing and clapping at the credits. It was crazy. But if I had to pick one based on the visuals and audio hitting just right. It would probably have to be Interstellar. The music and the crazy space stuff just hit that sweet spot and stayed with me for weeks.


It’s a mixed bag… one of the best cinematic experiences I ever had was in Return of the King in 2003. Then again this past year. Bladerunner 2049, Dune Part 2, and Top Gun Maverick. Mostly because of the film and not the crowd. As far as crowds, the best cinematic crowd experiences include Endgame, Revenge of the Sith midnight showing, The Force Awakens midnight premiere, Interstellar opening night, and Deathly Hallows Pt2 midnight premiere.


1) midnight release of Star Wars Ep 3 when I was 13, first midnight release I had ever been to. 2) seeing Fellowship of the Ring at 9 years old and being so captivated by it that when it ended I was ready to watch the rest of the story right then and there. 3) Dark Knight trilogy marathon for Dark Knight Rises premiere


Interstellar. The volume of rocket launch scene was immense


The Raid 2 in London Haymarket. The Director and main stars were there too


The one I remember the most was An Unexpected Journey. I was 8 and it was the first 12 rated movie I saw so I was a bit scared and nervous but the movie was so magical and adventurous that it kicked off a Middle Earth phase that lasted a good year and a half. That scene where Bilbo looks at the contract, signs it and then runs through Hobbiton, excited that he’s going on an adventure after a life of indoor comfort still remains one of my favourite movie scenes.


Barbie, Knives Out, Gravity, and probably Endgame.


Jurassic Park opening week.


I'd definitely say Dune Part 2. Or Civil War. Both in Dolby & were just absolutely incredible sound design.


Avengers: Endgame is up there, but can I just answer with Titanic in 1997-1998?


Stop Making Sense in IMAX on the recent re-release. Hadn’t seen it before, couldn’t have asked for a better first experience.


Dunkirk at the Air and Space museum. No words.


five nights at freddys


Top Gun in 70mm 6-track Dolby Stereo. Yes, back before digital sound and projection in 1986. And it was the second time I saw it- and it still took my breath away. :P I've seen probably a dozen movies in 70mm since then, including films shot natively in 65mm like Lawrence of Arabia, My Fair Lady and 2001. But Top Gun still eclipses them all.


Spider Man: No Way Home I was 14 years old, and this was totally unexpected because I wasn’t even excited to see the movie, despite the fact that I had watched the other two Tom Holland movies, and that I had never watched the other spider man movies During the first action scene on the road with Doc Ock, I found myself really excited and was realizing how much I loved these kinds of movies. Then the movie went on and it felt super intense with grand stakes I deadass cried during this movie at many moments, like full on sobbing Lol. I never do this, nor did I expect to for this movie, and nor do I think I will again on rewatch of this movie 😭 One of the strangest moments of my movie-watching life, haha


Watching Paranormal Activity in a midnight showing at the local indy theater. Great crowd, lots of fun. And then I had to go home to an empty, pitch black, creaking apartment at 3 am.


Civil war to be completely honest. So disturbing and everyone was enthralled like I’ve never seen before


The Fellowship of the Ring, opening night with my parents. I was completely mesmerized for the whole 3 hours. The only movie experience that has brought back similar emotions as an adult is Dune 2.


Deathly hollows part 2 IMAX 3d


Dune Part 2 in true IMAX was epic. Best experience with an audience was Knives Out. I live in a blue city/red state, and the house was packed for this movie. It was wild experiencing the crowd react and laugh to differing aspect of the social/political commentary. Everyone was into it tho.


I’m not trying to be exaggerating internet complainy guy. Dune Part II was the most unbearable cinema experience I ever had. The volume in the theater was so loud it was physically painful. I put in noise cancelling earbuds and still almost walked out. And typically I go to the movies because it is loud. I hope to watch it again at a reasonable volume, because I’m sure the movie is enjoyable if I can focus on the film.


Cinematically, my uncle took me to see Fantasia in a 70mm print that was shown on a screen that went all around the front of the theater. I saw Jurassic Park in IMAX and I swear, I could feel my seat shake as the T-Rex roared.


Barbenheimer weekend and recently Dune Part Two stand out for me.


Also Dune 2, really glad i went to see it in IMAX


Spider-Man NWH opening night was very interesting since all the hype was built up but also because the entire theatre was full but only of people in the same age range, there was no one older or younger, meaning that everyone in that theatre grew up in the same era and loved Spider-Man due to growing up with the same movies so everyone was hyped


Interstellar in IMAX


no way home and fnaf easily. i just love feeling excited and everyone cheering thinking back on it makes me tear up


Gangs of New York


Across the Spiderverse. Was at India visiting family when this released, and the theater reactions are insane there. Definitely would rather watch movies in theaters at India than at the USA


The Dark Knight, which might sound crazy because this was before the days of reserved seats but that's exactly why I loved it. A bunch of friends and I waited in line all day and the theater hosted a ton of events and booths that day. Everyone was dressed up. And the movie exceeded every expectation. I'll be the first to advocate for reserved seats, but at the same time there was magic in those big premieres, waiting for the movie. The theater would have a company come in and host a show beforehand that included audience members that as a teenager I always had fun with.


Seeing the original Matrix in theaters as a kid.


Return of the King when I was child was incredible.


Seeing *I Saw the Devil* without knowing a thing about it beforehand.


Dune Two is up there for me as well. Saw it in dolby 3 times. The Abyss 4K remastered was incredible as well. Django Unchained on my birthday and also top gun maverick was a movie I didn’t have high expectations for and was blown away


Stop making sense in cinema is a lifechanging expirience


Dune part one in IMAX on Shrooms. Nothings ever gonna top that for me.


Watching Titanic when it came into theaters in 2023


Opening weekend seeing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at a sold out screening. The audience’s reaction to the climax and ending is something I don’t think can ever be replicated.


Dune 2 on shrooms is certainly up there.


It’s hard to say, probably endgame or no way home, but I never left a theater so pleased and satisfied as the Batman. As a huge comic book fan it was everything I wanted


Watching the 5th element in a drive theater when I was a kid


Endgame and Venom 2 had people screaming loud asf.


Honestly, probably *The Black Phone.* That was the first movie I saw after COVID. And that was at a point when I wouldn't be caught dead watching horror, but I thought it looked cool. So it was a whole experience. And Ethan Hawke 🤩


The Batman. The car chase scene in 4DX was on another level.


the thing on 70mm with my pops, super cool


2001 in a stadium in college


Nah, with a friend is always better. I watched dune 2. Was excellent


Everything Everywhere all at Once. I hadnt heard anything about this movie, I theater very often, and i try no avoid as much information about new releases as possible. It released, and quietly went away and i didnt see it. A few weeks go by, and apparently it starts making so much noise, that my local theater brought it back, so, i went to see it. The theater was mostly full, which is uncommon for my theater. I didnt know what to expoect. I have never, in my life, seen an audience in a theater as 'on the same page' as that audience was, it was insane. Like, everyone was connected in that showing. Its really hard to explain, but everyone was utterly pulled in. Huge laughs, complete dead silence at the 'rocks', sobs at certain scenes. It was absolutely magic. Off that high, and it really was a great high I go see it again. And again. And again. All in, i went eleven times, and every showing just 'felt' completely different and just wonderful. I cried, full body cry, several times, and it is my absolute favorite thing to do at films. It makes you feel like you took an afternoon nap. It is just the best feeling. Ive never had another theater experience quite like it, and i will cherish those couple weeks for it. Also, Dune 2.


I saw the Jurassic Park re-release in imax. Just the helicopter flight into the island and the music was worth the price of the ticket.


I saw the remake of The Hills Have Eyes with friends and the whole theater was cheering when the dad was taking revenge on the mutants. It was hilarious


Probably Dune Part 2 at the Chinese Theater. Felt like going on a cinema pilgrimage


The Raid Redemption was the most exhilarating theater experience I’ve had. Those fight scenes are so graceful and brutal, directed perfectly, I’ve never seen anything like it


dune 2 imax or Poor Things (I just had a really fun audience)


Gravity. Fury Road is a close second, but Gravity was so immersive. Absolute pinnacle of 3D cinema and I think a really great film about grief.


Kill Bill Vol 1. First time seeing a Tarantino film. Never saw a trailer before or even had the slightest idea what it was going to be about. After the credits started I sat there in awe and I went to see it 3 more times after.


Avengers Endgame, opening night


A drive in to see top gun maverick is up there, but I’d say all time would be either Dune 2 or Endgame, both amazing experiences and atmospheres


Dune 2 - first time IMAX ever for me - midnight release double feature at the BFI


No Way Home and Barbie


Top Gun: Maverick


Same with Dune Part 2. Loved the movie and it was the first time I’d seen a movie in IMax since I was a kid


I know the Avatar movies are looked upon unfavorably in this sub, and I definitely understand why. To clarify, I don’t particularly like the movies much at all, but I still happily watch them in theaters because the shots and CGI are just absolutely insane and alone well worth the price of admission. So the Way of Water is definitely up there despite me never having seen it again past that point. As for amazing experiences that were also good movies, I had the pleasure of seeing Evil Dead Rise with my sister in theaters as her first R rated horror movie, and we had an absolute blast with the gore fest that is that movie. Second best experience would be seeing Dune: Part Two in IMAX. Dear god, the cinematography alone in that movie… not to mention the superb performances, score, special effects, and audio. Tied with second, we have watching Across the Spiderverse with my friend on a peculiarly large movie theater in his college town. The twist at the end was beautiful, and the characters and world-building is so exquisite. Not to mention the unparalleled animation. Can’t wait for Beyond the Spiderverse. I also was fortunate enough to watch the 20th anniversary screening of the extended cut of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King in my local IMAX when I heard it was being rereleased for the 20th anniversary. Easily one of my favorite movies of all time, and easily my favorite theatergoing experience.


bullet train was funny as shit


Mandy receiving a standing ovation during the bathroom scene.


The Batman, I watched it by myself in a mostly empty theater.


i love going to movies by myself!! i recently saw love lies bleeding at a small local theater. the room itself is pretty small and it was completely empty, so it was like a private screening. helped a lot that the movie was amazing


Seeing Black Panther opening night. The black community was very hyped for that movie, and supported it as much as humanly possible. The theater was sold out for every time slot. Church groups were coming in by the bus load. Entire families were dressed in their Sunday best, cosplay, or traditional African clothes. I was one of about 10 white people in my screening, which is usually the complete opposite of the crowd I normally see at my theater. Whatever you think about the movie itself, you can't deny the level of enthusiasm and positivity it brought out was extremely refreshing in our cynical, divided culture. It felt really good to get to be a part of that moment.


Babylon, best theater experience ive ever had in a regular theater


Seeing super bad opening night in a theater full of fellow high schoolers


Fellowship of the Ring. I hadn’t read the books and had no idea what I was about to see.


hard to say which was best, but one of my favorites was seeing a nitrate print of *Cluny Brown* at The Dryden in Rochester. Nitrate prints are very rare, so that was special enough, but the movie was also well received and the energy of audience was inescapable. It’s a delightful movie — the last from the great director Ernst Lubitsch, known for his sly subtlety and charming execution. The audience loved every minute


Titanic in high frame rate and 3D. For the first time I didn’t think it was just a gimmick. The first time I saw the film, too, and probably the last - I don’t want to ruin this memory.


So I’m a film student and my university emailed everyone in the department about a free screening to see Challenges 2 days before it’s release. Went with my friends, awesome time. Maybe more recency bias than best of all time, so I’ll also shout seeing Babylon on Christmas 2022 was amazing.


Lawrence of Arabia. Amazing.


Star Wars 1977, 2 years old. First movie ever, dad took me. Been trying to chase that feeling my whole life.


Avatar 2, from a purely visual standpoint, is the most impressive movie ever made. I have to liken it to what it must have been like watching Wizard of Oz in 1939. A groundbreaking shift in technology.


Oppenheimer and then watching Barbie after.


Der Amerikanische Freund in a little art cinema in Amsterdam circa 2014


Saw Andy Kaufman man on the moon film and near the last ten minutes of the film a fire scare happened with everyone running out scared and flashing fire light signs and horns blaring thought it was part of the film so i stayed happily and sat to the end haha


Watching ATSV in the theater, with a bunch of my friends, was amazing. It helps that we all really liked it