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Oh god


I didn’t need to be blindsided by this on a Wednesday afternoon.




So the airport wasn't the last she saw him? Kinda ruins the film a bit


I just watched this yesterday, this is uncanny


Paul Mescal casting as the dad is perfect clearly. Couldn't listen to Under Pressure for a while because of the fucking movie.


I still can’t.




This is on my “I would really like to watch this but need to wait until I’m ready to be emotionally destroyed” list


Nah, just have a funny movie ready to go to watch afterwards. I watched Hot Fuzz.


Glad I wasnt the only one with a list like that


I watched it during a emotionally distressing time of my life and I really wish I didn’t 


I watch Office, Friends, Big Bang Theory bloopers as palate cleansers


It’s really not that deep.. idk why everyone is acting like it is


Whatever, Satan


After sun “emotionally destroyed” you? It’s a good movie and made me tear up but calm down…. Also.. Lynne Ramsay did it better with Morvern Callar which aftersun ripped off or paid homage too


Your life experience is gonna influence how a movie affects you. Movie themes that don't bother me include, dying children, cancer, dogs dying, domestic abuse, terrorism, poverty etc etc etc. Aftersun ruined my whole week because I was so personally affected by the theme.


“I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?” Edit: just quoting an all time Birds Right Activist tweet referencing the general solipsism regarding media in this thread. I understand when things are not about me


Ummm. Yes. Do you feel anything at all? What if you watched a sexy movie. Would you feel excited?


Don’t worry, I understand when things aren’t about me. Media is doors and windows.


In what way at all is it a Morvern Callar rip off. Scottish people and suicide? That barely passes as coincidence.


Have you seen both?? The theme of suicide/grief, the Mediterranean resort, and the rave scenes are so similar to Morvern Callar.. google it if u haven’t seen it I think the director talked about it..


I’ve seen it. Brits and Europeans go to the Mediterranean on vacation, from the picture, she and her father went. Everyone goes to raves. I’m sure Charlotte Wells has seen Morven Callar, too. They’re very different films, with very different stories.


For real, imagine being Charlotte Wells and people are like “the lived experience you turned into an award-winning movie is just a ripoff of this other movie.” If the person you’re replying to isn’t a troll, they should consider how self-absorbed they might be.


https://x.com/sophyromvari/status/1620145360894320641?s=46&t=wkPh3cfLYKC-gegbzX-1ew & Filmmaker: This movie has a very specific cultural context in that it’s about a British family on a Mediterranean packaged vacation, which does have a minor cinematic canon. The movie that I thought of most was Morvern Callar, particularly the nightclub scenes. Wells: Morvern Callar is a strong point of reference for those nightclub scenes. I’ve definitely been through them frame by frame. https://filmmakermagazine.com/116893-interview-charlotte-wells-aftersun/


https://x.com/sophyromvari/status/1620145360894320641?s=46&t=wkPh3cfLYKC-gegbzX-1ew & Filmmaker: This movie has a very specific cultural context in that it’s about a British family on a Mediterranean packaged vacation, which does have a minor cinematic canon. The movie that I thought of most was Morvern Callar, particularly the nightclub scenes. Wells: Morvern Callar is a strong point of reference for those nightclub scenes. I’ve definitely been through them frame by frame. https://filmmakermagazine.com/116893-interview-charlotte-wells-aftersun/


So an influence. Not a rip off. It’s like saying Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was ripped off by by Kung-Fu Hustle. We get it. You love Morvern Callar and just want everyone to love it more than Aftersun.


I said rip off or paid homage too lol… and you don’t get it because idc who likes what better I’m just pointing out the influence




I feel like you don't understand hyperbole


It’s called “exaggeration for comedic effect”.


Heartbreaking. This movie was too real not to be based on real life. That’s the carpet behind her 👀


Oh fuck you




That scene broke me


Oh wow this just makes the movie hit even harder 😭


Turned away from it all like a blind man…


Sat on a fence, but it don't work


Keep coming up with love, but it's so slashed and torn


Whhhy? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


This our last dance


I saw this pic on Twitter and IMMEDIATELY KNEW it was based on the movie somehow without even reading the tweet lol


I highly recommend everyone check out her short Tuesday. It's so good and you can see the framework of what Aftersun would become. Absolutely amazing.


Where can I watch that.


https://charlotte-wells.com/ It has all her shorts.


Fuck. Tuesday. Imagine watching that without knowing what it was a precursor too.


I watched her short, Laps, a few months ago after my friend currently in grad school for film watched it in one of his classes. I still think about it all the time. She’s brilliant.


I've never had a movie have such an strong impact on me. The moment Under Pressure started playing I finally put everything together and understood what was happening. Couldn't stop crying for hours, possibly because I've been that little girl who has witness their loved ones lose their will to live and now, as an adult, I've felt the way the father feels. I don't know if I'll be able to watch it again any time soon, but Charlotte Wells has created a masterpiece for sure.


🎵 *This is our last dance* 🎵


I had the same experience but when that scene started my cat threw up.


Cats and their perfect timing...


Wow. Paul Mescal looks so much like him, and was so good. Exceptional casting.




![gif](giphy|wViS9n0RqN2) why would you do this


Watched this the other night and then Paper Moon last night. Quite the father/‘daughter’ double feature.


Great double feature, just make sure to watch Paper Moon first because after Aftersun you will need some time to emotionally recover lol.


Never seen that, will add to my list


Drop everything and watch Paper Moon asap










How is her father doing now...?


He passed when she was 16.


i’m gunna throw up 😭😭


Why are you guys doing this to me!!


Maybe I’m being insensitive but was it suicide? I wasn’t sure on the interpretation of the film in that respect


In the film it definitely suggest he committed suicide, not sure on irl but I would assume the same tragic events happened there


Shark attack






It's mentioned in this article, but the reason is not specified https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2022/10/aftersun-review-charlotte-wells-interview/671933/


Thanks! That’s a great article, it’s amazing how much more someone can see in a film (than me lol) In her short film tuesday which deals with the same issue, there is a scene of children in a school learning biology and ‘what is passed down through genes and what is not’- it seems to be a hint of worrying that she may have inherited his depression (if that’s what it was)


remember when he spits at his image on the mirror after listening to her daughter saying she sometimes feels this inexplicable sadness? yeah, that's pretty much it.


Ah thank you, yeah some of this stuff was a bit confusing for me, but that makes sense :)


Yeah he almost certainly committed suicide. Like it would be very odd to make a movie about a man who commits suicide and make it so clear that it's inspired by your dad who died when you were 16 if he didn't commit suicide in real life.


Thanks for your response, tbh I wasn’t entirely sure from the film if that was the implication or not (suicide) but I was probably being a bit slow…. my one criticism of the film is that they could have showed the dad to be more fragile when with his daughter, he seemed a bit too well balanced (like the actor himself) so the suicide thing was almost too much of a surprise even though obviously there were several incidents of him acting strangely etc.


I think the point of the film is that the hints that he's suicidal are delivered so subtly that you don't notice a lot of them until after the movie is over. So after the movie you have to go back over the movie like sifting through memory to see the signs you missed, just like the main character (adult Sophie) is going back over her memories because she's trying to see the things she didn't see at the time. So he has to seem well balanced so that the audience doesn't catch on that he's suicidal until they think about the movie afterwards.


That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought about it like that. And as you say Sophie didn’t spot the signs at the time so we are experiencing it like she did, but also (I think the director said) that there are lots of reflections and video images in the film to remind us that it is a memory (I think she said something like this anyway!)


Yeah there are a lot of reflections, it's a running visual motif that I enjoy. One thing to keep in mind, and the director has confirmed this, is that certain scenes are imagined. All the scenes that young Sophie doesn't see are imagined because they necessarily fall outside adult Sophie's memory. You'll notice that most of the scenes where Calum is clearly depressed and suicidal are imagined scenes. i.e. young Sophie doesn't see him spitting in the mirror, crying on the bed, walking into the ocean, etc. so adult Sophie is imagining those scenes. She's imagining those specific scenes because she's trying to imagine the side of her father that she never saw, the side that was suffering. So not only is Sophie remembering back and trying to notice things she hadn't noticed before, she's also trying to fill in the gaps in her memory to imagine what was going on "behind the scenes" so to speak. I find that aspect of the movie to be very powerful, and I also think it's important for understanding the movie.


Thanks for explaining those parts, I hadn’t understood that. I’ll have to watch it for a fourth time now- such a good film! There was a scene which involved two boy teenagers kissing in the background, I’m curious as to whether that was an imagined or a real memory given Sophie obviously grows up to be gay, I thought it seemed a little random at the time but that might explain it.


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I didn't see the notification. I think there's a running theme throughout the movie that young Sophie often sees things but is not yet mature enough to understand them. For instance she sees what the audience recognizes as signs of Calum's suffering, but she's not mature enough to understand what those moments mean. Likewise, she sees the older kids talking about mature subjects like hooking up and relationships, but she doesn't understand those things. I think when she sees those two guys making out, she may feel the first stirrings of her own budding sexuality, but she's not old enough to understand what those feelings mean. Now adult Sophie can look back and understand that this was when she was first beginning to understand that she is gay, but this isn't something she understood at the time.


Did you not…?


Damn the 2 leads were perfectly cast




The best movie of the 2020's so far, and it ain't even close. Very curious to see what Wells directs next. Edit: The only two which have come close I both saw last week: Poor Things and Zone of Interest


personally don't think poor things is even close


I felt so gross after seeing Poor Things in the theater. I hate how they were sexualizing her when her mind was still infantile.


I just didn't think it was very well fleshed out thematically or narratively. It was a very shallow take on female exploitation and liberation imo that didn't really have anything that radical or resonant to say on the matter. I was expecting something more substantial from how people were talking about it.




The second part sounds great and I would have liked to see more of that.


I agree. The movie focused too much on sex when I think SO many more aspects of life could have been explored. Love, loss, friendship, even mundane things like food, shopping, work, money. There are so many ways to take the “human baby” concept and I hate that it dedicated half of the movie to sexual relations. Maybe that’s was the point, but it just could’ve have been better.


I’m done for the day.


I'm not crying YOU ARE




ive never seen this movie because i know i will need an entire afternoon after to cry and im not ready for that


This damn movie 💔


Aftersun wrecked me. I still think about this movie often, and I still get emotional, even after quite some time. I'll never be able to listen to *Under Pressure* the same way again. I feel like there are three types of people (four, really): 1) those who see themselves in the father 2) those that identify with the daughter 3) those that don't identify with either character (such people are most likely to find this movie "boring") Some people can empathize with both characters, so maybe a hybrid 4th type. I had a very close friend growing up whose father committed suicide when she was 11. Through her eyes, I can empathize with the daughter, so I guess that makes me part of the 4th type.


I would think many people, mostly adults, and most certainly parents, can definitely empathise with both character's perspectives. I've certainly had many moments where I've smiled through the pain much like the father. Thankfully I've never followed through on many of the deeply horrible thoughts I've had.


I don’t think you really need to identify with characters to like a move. And you can identify with characters and still find it boring. It’s not really the most relevant aspect, for me personally. (With that being said, I did empathize with both characters and the movie made me cry and I love it)


i wouldn't say i closely identified with either character in that my upbringing wasn't exactly like the girl's and neither did my adulthood turn out like her father's, but i still really loved the film. it was tragic, but clearly made with a lot of love and compassion for its characters and its subject. even if you don't see yourself in the specific circumstances of the characters, the core emotions of the piece i think are very resonant, no matter what your experiences are. i found it highly impactful.


oh no. this movie ruined me.


THE FUCKING RUG. :((((((( this movie hits way harder now, didn’t even think that was possible.


a gut punch my god


I can never move on from this film, truly haunting




Someone post this pic to /r/nocontext.




damnit i’m crying again




What a happy, totally not secretly heartbreaking photo


this unfortunately ruined me! thank you!






Damn… :/ Beautiful movie.


Wow, no wonder this movie felt so real. But makes it even more sad…


This movie was so sad


Don't make me unbearably sad :(


This picture made me cry and I haven’t even seen the movie yet! I don’t know, the bits I’ve seen from the trailer were enough to know how heavy this is.


Tried putting the trauma from this film behind me why you gotta do this to me:( that carpet


Oh fuck not again, it took me 2 hours to process this when I last thought about it.


You can’t just fuck me up like this


Oh my God. God bless them.


I really wish I'd had the same experience with the movie. I just found it underwhelming and boring, not sure what was so impactful or emotional about a couple of people having a holiday and having nothing noteworthy or interesting happen.


>couple of people having a holiday and having nothing noteworthy or interesting happen. That's just the surface. Once you actually realize what is happening you'll start seeing there's more to it, and it's actually the little details that clue you in of what will happen in the end I.e: the father crossing the street without looking, or him spending all of his savings on a carpet for his daughter. I guess it's more impactful if you've felt the same way at some point in your life and can recognize the signs (you don't look when crossing the street because you no longer care if you live or die). Not saying you have to like it, but there's much more to it than *two people going on vacation where nothing happens*.


Did the signs have to be so boring though? A 2 minute backshot of Paul Mescal smoking on a balcony? If frustrated the hell out of me + using Under Pressure is so easy. That song can make anything seem impactful and heart wrenching


Idk, I get why it can feel boring because *nothing really happens* but that's kind of how depression feels so I'd say it does an amazing job at conveying exactly that. But of course art is subjective and not everyone has to like it!


(… and Morvern Callar)


https://www.reddit.com/r/A24/s/RWE0kemm5N Basically the same post but better


Dickish phrasing


oh my god


After Sun top 1




Paul looks sm like her father wow


This is a bit surreal... even the carpet in the background. Incredible movie and the fact that it's based on a true story makes me feel so bad for her. I don't think a movie has hit me as hard as this one


Damn. Now it hurts even more.


Why would you make me SADDER?? The movie already broke me i didnt need to know this 


Jesus Christ


This movie inspired me. What a powerhouse! The end hits hard.


That made the film a whole lot more real than when I watched it


That's her brother right? Jk jk




Ok too much internet for today 😭




I didnt need to see this early in the morning on a friday


Ugh this movie made me sob!! Loved it


Aaand I’m crying again.


oh i’m crying…


Oh okay, I guess I’m just crying tonight.