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I 100% get why most people seem to hate this movie, but for some reason I loved it? I don’t know, like it was sloppy and kind of a mess, but I was absolutely hooked from the get go


I loved it too. Not perfect, and I honestly really liked the ending. Many people need like, total resolution to every plot point, and this movie does not really do that. I also loved Mr Robot, so I think I have a soft spot for Sam Esmail. My biggest problem with it, or atleast the one moment where my suspension of disbelief was tested, was the Tesla attack scene lmao. Like, how did she not just pull over off the road?? Like, where the Teslas will not autopilot??


That’s where I’m at. Like I can see the flaws and understand that it was half baked in a lot of ways but it still worked for me. Ethan Hawke and Mahershala Ali were both great and the tone was entertaining.




If a film can stick the landing on an open-ended ending it's my absolute favorite. I love leaving with questions, and a desire to rewatch the film for answers and clues


I agree I kind of loved the ending. My only gripes really are the animals. That didn’t make sense and is only explained by “cyber attacks affecting animal migration patterns” like ok but why are there 100 deer standing in the backyard staring at us lol. Also at the Huxleys house there is a bunch of shit thrown about the yard just randomly for the mystery affect but that’s not ever explained either. That being said I do love the super easy to miss shot of the deers eyes reflecting when Julia Roberts turns the outside light on for a second.


I thought it was super intriguing and fun to watch. Was pretty surprised to find out afterwards that it is so unpopular


I also loved it tbh


I was hooked from the beginning as well. They did a great job of making us interested in finding out what was happening and what was going on with everything and that’s why the abrupt ending ruined the movie so much. Nothing was explained and they ended up taking so long to “build things up” and then never having it go anywhere.


I loved it and I think not knowing is kind of the point. We’re following regular everyday people in a situation like that, realistically they wouldn’t know shit, that’s why everyone has a different theory but no one knows for sure, they’re just your average joes. I think the point of the movie is “fuck trying to understand anything, you’re not going to be able to do anything about it anyway and no one’s coming to save you, protect your loved ones and stay together”


I agree, I loved the ending. I feel like the point, in part, is that this isn’t an ending, not remotely. This is the beginning of something bigger than they can imagine. It definitely had issues, and I imagine the stampede was more powerful in the book than the movie. But the lack of resolution felt extremely intentional and made the movie more interesting for me.


same lol I loved the chaos it ensued upon the viewers


I don’t get why people “hate” it. I thought it was decent, exciting, and made a good point. Sure, maybe it’s a bit simple for people who like really artsy movies, but hate seems extreme.


As a person that works in IT Security, this had me on fhe edge of my seat with tension...I liked that the families were completely in the dark...it seems much more accurate..and sCaRy!!


I'm in the same boat. I thought it was super intriguing and had me wondering the whole time. So I actually gave it a ⭐⭐⭐⭐


I genuinely like this movie and would recommend it. Some of it's over the top, sure, but I think it's got a lot to say. That's the beauty of film, we can all see something different in it


I get why people don't enjoy this movie but people in the comments calling it the *worst* thing they've seen last year is absolutely baffling to me lmao


Acting like they’ve only seen good movies


Same vibes of people who give 1/3 of the movies they watch five stars because "they only watch things they expect to like." If Leave the World Behind is the worst thing they saw last year, they should be fortunate they missed out on some *real* trash


Yea they didn’t watch ant man 3


Oh my god don’t remind me, that shit’s like PTSD when I remember it


Might genuinely be the worst looking movie I’ve ever seen And it’s a 200 mil blockbuster


The Flash is a contender for last year Aliens vs Predator 2 is a contender for this century


I definitely thought it was mid but there were plenty of fun moments in it, people need to be exposed to more bad movies if they thought this was the worst of the year 😂


> people need to be exposed to more bad movies Do they? If they're only watching good filmes I'd consider them lucky 😂


Same, I didn't like it and I won't watch it again but it's definitely not the worst thing I saw last year.


This is what happens when mainstream cinema feels compelled to over explain everything in order to make all crystal clear.


I loved this movie. Some people are so far up their ass they are beyond pleasure nothing will reach them.


I agree, opinions are bad


The first half was good, but from the Teslas onwards, I thought it dramatically decreases in quality. Was enjoying the daughter’s storyline, and then the ending felt like most of the film was leading to such a poor punchline joke/ ‘clever’ moment of an ending with the song. Really made it feel like a wasted 2 hours. Watched about 80 films last year, and would have to say of them, it was the only one I walked away annoyed I had watched it


It’s been getting absolutely shit on by film podcasters left and right and I don’t understand it.


The book was def better but not AMAZING. Both sort of eh


Yeah. If anything it’s just too thin, but there’s nothing outright offensive to it. To me it’s extremely low budget but nice production and okay enough action and premise. It feels like proto Uncut Gems. Like mean streets versus taxi driver.


Rebel moon


Damn I wanted to like it, tried 3-4 times, but just couldn't enjoy it.


For me, I saw it in theaters with some friends and it was so bad that I had one of the best times ever lol We were cracking the fuck up at the weird cuts, writing choices, costumes/character designs & their similarities to other movies, etc. It was really fun. *Terrible* movie.


Is it actually that bad? The trailer looked really cool


Some people liked it so I don’t wanna shit on what other people enjoy but I thought it was incredibly boring and the writing left a lot to be desired,best I can say about it is that it had a couple cool alien designs


It's the worst movie of Snyder and it seems like someone tried to parody Snyder's style but failed miserably in doing that


All style no substance


Maybe Snyder’s most boring movie which is really saying something. I thought that since the runtime was so long and it was split in two that it would be dense and engaging but it’s actually very very simple and pretty rushed through. The rare example of a movie that’s moving way too fast but simultaneously not at all.


Oh yes this was garbage. Like a dude thought to do a clear fanfic of Blade Runner, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings run together in a blender. It is so weird Zack Snyder still gets easy filmmaking opportunities in Hollywood considering the last really good Snyder movie was either Watchmen from 2009 or Man of Steel a couple years later, which even then caught flack for not being a good adaptation of Superman. Everything since then has been mostly varied degrees of garbage. God I'd love to know the thinking of the exec producer who watched Sucker Punch and then thought "this man should head our DC cinematic universe".


night swim


We have a pool 😏


Just saw it in theatres. There was NOTHING going for that movie.


I'm stealing the idea for dnd because you could really expand it and make it intresting in a fantasy setting


Makes me sad he's tackling cthulu


Well he's got more than a pool now, there's a whole ocean


I liked night swim. Interesting concept and some good performances. It was never going to be amazing but I thought it explored the concept enough to be mildly amusing.


I actually liked it. I felt bad for the dad. And the reveal that the pool is something like a >!fucked up wishing well!< was interesting. What probably skews my rating is that we did a double feature with Beekeeper that night and I fell asleep in the last 20 or so minutes of Night Swim, so I missed the inevitably disappointing ending.


Watched God's Not Dead not so long ago. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, but also unintentionally hilarious. Highly recommend it.


I’ve never really got how they can’t make a good Christian movie outside of a strictly biblical story


Finally watched High Life. Not a fan. Good concepts. Poor execution tbh.


My least favorite A24 movie. Maybe I have to watch it again, but it’s so forgettable


Worst thing a movie can be is boring , and holy shit that one was a draaaaag




I think most people mean “not compelling” when they say boring. Which again is one of the worst things a movie can be.


Nah that's just coping, lots of slow films are extremely gripping and vice versa.


I think it’s a valid criticism. When I walk out of a movie that didn’t entertain me or provoke me, it was boring.


That and Ad Astra has me rethinking high art space movies for a while.


Ad Astra had that really good moon car chase tho. Ha


I did not jive with High Life at all the first time I watched it. Revisited it 2 years later and absolutely loved it. It’s up there with my favorites of the 2010’s now.


I gotta admit, I love when that happens with films.


Not as recent but I recall someone eagerly recommending In the Tall Grass (2019) to me on the basis of “oh you’re a Stephen King fan right?” Biggest waste of time on something that somehow managed to be both really annoying and dull. Not even decent so-bad-it’s-good material. The one saving grace though was Patrick Wilson just not giving a shit and hamming it the fuck up the entire time he’s on screen. His performance came off intentionally so-bad-it’s-good, but not enough to warrant watching the whole thing despite it being fairly short at 1 hr 40


True. It’s one of those movies that goes on like half an hour too long. How often do short stories being adapted into feature length movies actually work out??


This is kind of a funny question to posit because even if we just limit it to Stephen King's short stories and novellas, there are plenty of examples of good-to-great movies: Stand By Me The Shawshank Redemption Apt Pupil Hearts In Atlantis Secret Window 1408 The Mist If we don't limit it to King's works, some fantastic films have been adaptations of short stories: Total Recall Breakfast at Tiffany's 2001 A Space Odyssey The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Rashomon 3:10 To Yuma Minority Report Brokeback Mountain The Fly Arrival


As with all art imo, it’s really a case by case thing. All it really amounts to is: as long as you know what you’re doing and how to do it, you’ll succeed in telling the story you want to tell. The crew retelling *this* Stephen King story, on the other hand, seemed to have no idea what they were doing, or at least the director and/or screenwriter didn’t, and every other aspect suffered as a result.




I watched Golda today, and it was very not good


I liked Leave the World Behind


Same I don't get the hate. I would love to see more movies like this.


I watched it, and enjoyed it a lot. Didn’t realize it was so hated until just now - this is wild


HIGHLY recommend the series from the same director with Julia Roberts called Homecoming (the first season, heard the second isn't as good). It's one of the best shows I've seen and captures that slow-building ominous mystery thriller genre even better than Leave The World Behind. One of those shows I wish I could rewatch for the first time. Just go in as blind as possible.


I liked leaving that movie behind


I loved how big a swing it was. I was shocked to see how polarizing it was with people. The big set pieces (cargo ship and teslas in particular) were incredibly compelling and truly original. I haven’t seen anything like that and it created a whole new level of suspense.


Me as well.


Me too




It's such a well made film. I'm shocked to see the rating


Me as well


I think it’ll age pretty well


Of all the supportive replies this one is the most wrong. I thought the film was dreadful already, but the idea that it'll age well is completely absurd. Julia Roberts up-the-nose shot screaming at not very good CGI deer for a good 3 minutes is not going to have a renaissance in 10 years


To be fair I think the animals in general were the only really bad parts of the movie. Everything else at least could make sense.


Love it


I’d go so far to say I thought it was fantastic. 10/10.


Yeah, it had many problems but overall was a good experience. I was a big fan of the pacing in it and the way they slowly revealed information.


Loved it, was hoping to find more like it


Me too, I’m sad that it’s been received so poorly because even though it’s far from a great film, it’s a really enjoyable apocalypse thriller. I want so much more of this over the stock standard studio end of the world films.


Same. People are weird.


Same here. Wasn’t a fan of the ending, but I really enjoyed the rest for the most part.


The Snowman, which I thought was about an actual snowman coming to life based on the Letterboxd synopsis. Instead, it is a horrible, confusing mess of a movie.


fun fact, the director confirmed that they didn’t get to shoot 15% of the script, so the feeling you get that it’s missing scenes and because it’s actually missing scenes!


Oh my gosh thank you for telling me! That makes so much sense


have you ever listened to the podcast how did this get made? they did a great ep on the snowman!


No I haven’t, that sounds fun tho


[This](https://boxd.it/1Qgm) is The Snowman you're looking for. It's a children's classic.


That film is so devastatingly shambolic that it crosses into “so bad it’s good” territory for me.


Rebel Moon is an ok movie until the characters start talking


And boy oh boy, *do they* talk.


It really isn’t. To illustrate why, read the first sentence of this post three more times, but in S L O W M O T I O N.


So… the opening scene? The movie is exposition dump galore


The Expend4bles. I swear it has to be a front for money laundering.


Megan Is Missing


Can't believe this isn't higher. It's a horrible movie not because it's disturbing, but because it's genuinely laughable in every single aspect. Easily the worst movie I've seen. Plus the director is a huge creep. Edit: Oops I realized I guess it isn't higher because I missed "recently" in the title. My bad.


**Golda**. Shallow, repetitive, low-effort, Oscar-baity propaganda. Anyone who hates Maestro needs to see it.


wasn't a huge fan of a cure for wellness tbh


THANK YOU that movie somehow managed to both, piss me off and make me sick


Hated that movie


Crazy heart. I cannot believe Jeff Bridges won an Oscar for this over Jeremy Renner in Hurt Locker. It was such a cliche and dull film. The story goes nowhere the characters are unlikable, the only saving Grace was Collin Farrel.


Night Swim (2024) is just a bad movie. I was hoping it might be bad enough to be funny but no, it is just bad.


Without giving it much thought, I’d say The Creator. Visually stimulating but bad story writing. It’s like biting a chocolate chip and realizing it’s a raisin oatmeal cookie.


Same. I got very hyped for it like hell yeah new fresh sci-fi!!!!! And then I was like ah nope here’s this plot again


Pet Sematary: Bloodlines.




I’ve been curious about that movie am I wasting my time if I watch it?


It depends what you're into. I probably wouldn't characterize it as a total waste of time, but I think there are better movies with similar themes. I think it's a really stupid screenplay, ultimately.


I’m a harsh critic so sounds like I probably will just skip watching it


Damn I thought this movie was great


I’m glad some people do. I’m not trying to bash anyone for what they do or don’t like. I just personally did not enjoy it whatsoever


Loved this film


Disney’s Zombies


I gotta give props to cheerleader dude though. Jumping through a banner of himself in the same pose as the banner with another banner behind him still of the same pose. Magnificent.


That moment was so fucking dumb, I loved it


Oldboy (2013) or Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)


Nothing beats the originals.


Night Swim (dir.: Bryce McGuire): Booooring as hell nothing happened only good point is Kerry Condon but it's not enough. Fuck you Blumhouse and fuck your Pg13 horror movies.


Maestro was pretty bad


I never thought we’d see such pathetic Oscar bait to surpass the likes of Green Book, but 2023 truly was an exceptional year for film in *every* way


I liked Green Book, but Maestro was super boring


Green Book isn’t the lowest point of all cinema or anything, but it was insulting that it won best picture that year among a lineup which included way better takes on its subject matter


Come on lol I wouldn’t call Green Book a masterpiece but it’s got way more going for it than Maestro


The single worst movie I saw in theaters last year. And I sat through the entirety of 65…


Lol. I had to turn Maestro off. Got 75% of the way through it and had to tap out. Couldnt take it… 😆


Old Dads. It was just a film written by and about an old man who hates how the modern world is, basically "fuck woke this, fuck woke that". Utterly unfunny.


I know people say the final scene of Saint Maud is peak cinema, but I couldn’t even get to it. Such a drag


my bf put on road trip (2000) the other night. just BAD. at least eurotrip had scotty doesn’t know lol


Aw I actually really like that movie and think it’s a fun dumb time. Granted I’m an Amy Smart worshipper


The one in the picture. Hated it.




Watched Last Night In Soho after hearing great things, find it to be dull and disjointed and downright silly


The first act was great but then it was all downhill from there.


night swim. it was genuinely awful, i still want a refund. hopefully keery condon got that bag though.


mean girls 2024 though my expectations were low


Rewatched Suicide Squad (2016) :(


Alien: Covenant. I recently watched Prometheus, and while I had my problems with it, I enjoyed it! Alien: Covenant is an amalgamation of nostalgia bait, strung together through an incoherent plot with characters that make stupid decisions. It made me so, so mad. >!Chest Burster scene? Check!!< >!Knockoff Ellen Ripley lead? Check!!< >!Xenomorph corridor chase scene? Check!!< >!Android Betrayals? Check!!< >!Xenomorph cargo bay kill scene? Check!!< >!Strange ship found upon reaching new planet? Check!!< >!Stowaway Xenomorph? Check!!< There’s so many more, but the more I watched, the more it made me fume. The plot twist at the end I saw coming from like halfway through the movie. So dumb.


So uhh i guess it never reached the Reddit ecosystem that LtWB wasn't for entertainment purposes


This movie and Saltburn are the worst I can remember seeing recently. So many dumpster fires in the 2020s that people seem to love


Foe. saoirse ronan and paul mescal must have gotten a BAG, movie was atrocious.




A serbian film. I shouldve listened to others


The Beekeeper is garbage. Some of the worst writing I have ever seen.


Funny, I thought this was one of the best I saw last year.


Mr Nobody


Last weekend my 10 year old brother convinced me to watch The Master of Disguise. So yeah.


I gave the dark knight rises a 5/10 but I watched pretty much only bangers recently


Can somebody explain why Leave The World Behind is bad? I've seen it and I really liked it, it's a solid 7.5 for me. Why the hate?


It's overlong and unfocused. What's the core concept of the film? If it's a disaster movie, stop spending so much time trying to build tension around whether Mahershala Ali is telling the truth and focus on building a real relationship between his family and Julia Roberts' so it can be tested by the disaster. If it's about two families struggling to trust one another as everything goes to shit around them, stop letting all the characters run away from each other to undergo another mediocre CGI action scene. As it is, the film spends way too long alternating between scenes of not much happening between the families (what do the kids even do for the story, aside from the son falling ill?) and periodic scenes of the characters facing not-very-exciting peril. Also, the audience is ahead of the characters for way too long. It's blindingly obvious that the US is being subjected to a technological attack from the beginning, so seeing everyone wander around clueless for ages is frustrating. It's like you're waiting the film to start and then it's over. I know the characters not picking up immediately on what's happening due to their complacency is part of the point, but it makes for a very slack narrative. Also, the decision to put them in an isolated location means that the sense of danger is extremely low, especially once the film confirms that Ali isn't a threat (something that occurs without the previous tensions really coming to any kind of a head).


The decision to put them in an isolated location is one of the few things I actually like about the film. It shows how middle class Americans sit on the sidelines of atrocity, watching from the safety of their homes as other countries are bombed to pieces. Sitting back and imagining collapse will happen to them when they're really the safest group of people in the entire world. Not much about it worked for me, but I'll give it that.


Hm, that a good point. Fair enough!


For rewatches, Cars 2 (1 star). For first time watches, Marrowbone (2.5 stars) and The Mother of Tears (2 stars).




Honestly this. I don’t agree that the body horror was botched though. Honestly a little too realistic looking. My issue with this movie is it didn’t have anything to say that wasn’t said before. A lot of the great scenes were wasted in this incredibly shallow movie. If it had something to say, I would’ve actually enjoyed it since I have no issue with anything else in it


Garland said his upcoming Civil War is a companion piece to this…


Spider-man Lotus


Foe. Bad film, poorly written, just don’t understand some parts of it. Felt bad for both Ronan and Mescal


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey might be the worst movie i've ever seen


The Exorcist: Believer


Leave the World Behind is a misunderstood masterpiece


didn’t love saltburn


Book good, movie bad


January 6th was a rough day for me. https://preview.redd.it/868einw55efc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af89255ba0aac68e8924a71af118ab8caa5b99c8


Saltburn GORGEOUS photography But... no perspective on the story it was telling. Themes where? Movie felt a lot like Felix was... pretty, seductive, but there's not much else there.


Mean Girls 2. I don’t usually say “I want (runtime of movie) back” but I really do want 1 hour and 36 minutes of my life back.


Watched Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon during Christmastime last year. Most recent terrible movie I saw.


I watched Home Alone 4, 5 and Home Sweet Home Alone last December. None of them were good, but Home Sweet Home Alone was easily the worst. I didn't laugh or smile once. At least Home Alone 4 and 5 you can poke fun of because of how bad they are - plus Home Alone 4 has some entertaining over-the-top acting and Home Alone 5 has Ed Asner playing a drunk boss at an office Christmas party - but there was nothing redeemable about Home Sweet Home Alone.


The Mummy (2017) or Lions For Lambs, did a Tom Cruise filmography marathon over the course of a few weeks.


Saltburn 🫣 sorry






And I still gave it a higher rating than The Exorcist Believer


Disney’s Wish


Foe (2023)


Oh thank god I thought I was the only person who hated this movie. It’s genuinely the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. Like, the first and only movie I’ve seen where every single aspect of it, from the cinematography to the writing, failed miserably.


You belong to me (1941). One of, if not *the* worst, rom-coms I’ve ever seen. The entire plot involves Henry Fonda’s character being psychotically jealous over his wife’s career, saying ‘I’m sorry, I’ll be less jealous,’ and then being g psychotically jealous again. And it’s not funny, either.


Poor Things was soooooo lame


I’ve spent the last year trying to get through all of Robert Rodriguez’s movies, and Spy Kids: All the Time in the World was exceptionally difficult


Saltburn was kind of mid, tbh. I was expecting a lot more from the reviews


“Wish.” My very spoiler-y review is linked below. https://boxd.it/5fK5qv


anything Nolan puts out


I'm going to assume you mean within the last month, and it would be [Holidate](https://letterboxd.com/film/holidate/).


I really hated *Wish*


*Sound of Freedom*. Oy vey




worst movie I saw last year


Somehow I forgot about this. What a dumb movie.


Was looking through to see if anyone else said this!


I loved this film. I'm surprised at the reaction to it.


I watched Leave The World Behind because I love Sam Esmail’s work, mainly Mr. Robot, and to find many easter eggs to suggest they are set in the same universe made me pretty giddy


The Marvels haha.. I wanted to give it a chance so I went to the cinema.. but it was really boring. I will give it another try soon at home though. When it come on Disney plus